Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1902, p. 3

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11 -A 1 Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse hands, ragged i clothes, shrunken flannels. Ceylon Tea is the finest Tea the world produceSf and is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. '^.iia tea. driaken try "Silada" Green t(% Wife (who has a severe cold, to busband, about to start for his place of business) â€" â- â€¢piese stob iit tho be-cit burlcet. C^liurles, and order sub beat for didder." Husband (who also has a. cold) â€" 'What kide of beat do you wad. Bary?" Wife â€" "Ady kide of buttod wiU do." Traveler â€" "You ucedift make any extra [)reparat ions for uiy wife. Tho plainer the things ari; the better she likes llieui." Hotolkeopcr â€" "Your ivife seeuis passionately fond of you. Sir!" I .lorkins â€" ' Tliere's Perkins â€" you I know Perkins? â€" entered into an agreement with his wife soon after t their marriage. twenty years ago, : that whenever eitlier lost temper, or stormed, tlio otiier was to ke<!p si- lence." Bob â€" "And the scheme worked?" .lorkins â€" "Admirably. Perkins has kept silent for twenty years." John â€" "I's an matter for B, Ulan to get married. All he has to do is to lind a bigger fool thaji he is." Kate;; â€" "Yes. but it is rath- |r diflicult for sonic uion to do that. 1 imagine." r-* AN ADMIRABLE FOOD PPS'S FOa MAINTAINING ROBUST HEALTH COCOA BRITONS WED BOER WOMEN. Britons making South Africa their home ai'e mairying Boer wo- men. Two of these unions liave just taken place at Port l?lizabeth. Tlie bridegrooms were stalwai-t membeis of tho South African Constabulary and the brides genuine Boer maid- ens, who. with tlieir imperfect knowl- edge of the EnglisJi language. had some difficulty in getting througli the marriage service. But tliis littie hitch Was overcome, and the girls looked happy as they drove away in their wedding carts. The vehicles wera decorated with yellow ribbon, the cx-Freo State color, while the horsca were adorned with red, white and blue. ENGLISH SPAVJN LINiMENT removes all lianl, soft or calloii.sed Lnnirjs nnd Blemishes from horses. Blooil Spnvin Cnrlw, .•splints, Kins; Bone. Sweeny. Stifles' cprain.s, Sorp and Swollen Thrcit.'Cou-hB! etc. Sive tSO liy use of one bottle. War- ranted the moot woiulerfu! BI<'ini«h Cure ever known. Sold by ;ill drugijists. Before 1841 93 [>or cent, of Eng- lish marriages were celebrated in churches. Tho, percentage has now fallen below 70 per cent. Minaro's Lioiment Cuies Oiplitlisria, Only 5.1 per cent, of the globe's land surface is fit for cultivation. €41/1 uj- M^ij^^^A: fiUraJy ^ uyio^ ^€^ IN COLD CLIMATES. THE STOET OF A PEISQNEE. p:. S. BARNES, OF EAT PORT- AGE, TELtS OF THE TRIALS OF THE EARLY SETTLER Suffered Terribly From Kidney Complaint, but Was Speedily Relieved and Qured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Rat Portage, Ont., Dec. 1.â€" (Spe- tial)â€" Everybody in Rat Portage knows H. .S. Barnes, father of a former mayor, and one of the oldest Inhabitants of the metropolis of New Ontario. Though se\enty-nine years of age, Hr. Barnes looks younger [han many men of many fewer years, and is possessed of wonderful vital- ity and activity. A pioneer of this district, Mr. Barnes tells many tales of early life In the wilds of New Ontario, but aono more interesting than the fol- lowing : "I was terribly troubled with Kidney Complaint. I suffered severe- ly Willi pains across m.v back, and with a scalding, burning sensation when urinating that was very paiii- ful. "Though I had little faith in pro- prietary medicines, 1 had a box of Dodil's Kidney Pills in the house that 1 had procured for my wife, and commenced taking thcui with good -effect. "It was not long tiii my acquaint- ances started to greet me on the street with 'Hello. Mr. Barnes, how young you are looking.' They were not astray. I felt smart too. and feel younger and in iJOtter health than I have been for years. My Kidney Com'daint was completely cmed bv Dodd's Kidney Pills." "This bell."- said a well-meaning se.xton. when showing tho belfry _ of an interesting viliage church to a party of vi.sitors, "is only rung in case of a fire, a tlood. a visit from the lord bishop of the or any .such calamities." Minard's Linidieot Cures Dislemper. Some plaut.s- are affected by chlo- roform lust as animals are. The .Konsitivc plant loses its irritability in air charged with chloroform va- por. The in Enjjiaiul. if placwl in a straight line, would form a street with hou.sc9 touching one another on both sides, nearly 14.U00 miles long. now ADVERTISING OUOWS. N. W. Ayer & Son. the "Keeping Everlastingly At It" Advertising Agents, of Philadelphia, have found it necessary to move into new and larger ((Uartcrs at 300-:{08 Chestnut street in that city. This announce- ment will interest uwny publishers, because Ayer & Sou are so widely known as promoters of newspaper publicity. They began business thirty-three years ago, with two people and an annual business of $1 0,000. They now have one hun- dred and ninety eniplo.vee.s., |ind have for years done the largest advertis- ing business in the world. The dif- ference botivecn then and now is. they say, simply the result of mak- ing newspaper and magazine adver- tising pay their customers. Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. tienllemen. â€" My three children were dangerou.sly low with diphtheria. On the advice of our 2,riest my wifo be- gan the use of MINAUDS LINI- MLONT. In two hours they were greatly relieved. and in five' days they were completely well, and I firmly believe your valuable Lini- ment saved the lives of my chil- dren. Gr.itefuUy yours. ADELBEKT LEFEBVRE. Mair's Mills. June 10th, 1899. IMiss Thin â€" ' l>.in'l you tliiuk luy wiw dre.SM is .iust exijuisite? The.v all say so." Fannie â€" "Oh, lovely! 1 think that dressmaker of yours could niiUie a clothes-prop look graceful." SOUTH VIA WASHINGTON, riiiladelphia, Atlantic City, Balti- more, Washington. Old Point Com- fort, and the .South via Lehigh Val- (e,y Uailroad and its connections. Four fast express trains dail.y for Washington, Asheville, Southern Pines, Charlerton, Savanah. .lack- sonville. St. Augustine, Palm Ueach. Tampa. Miami. Nassau. Cuba and nil Florida and winter resorts south. iC.xcursion ticket.=i now on sale. For full particular^, illustrated literature, maps, etc . ca.i on or address Uotat. S. Lewis. Canadian Passenger .\gent, 3J! Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. Deafness can.noc Da curea liy local appllcallun?. as tbe^ cnnnot rovch tlio Jiseas«d portion of Iho cap. Thoro iaonly ono r. ay t^ cure ilBafnofis. and that is by c(3n>«ticu- lioaai rrmediep. D«t*faesA iu oausfd by an Uflamcd condition of i lie mucouH lining of ttie Koatactiiaa Tube. When this tuba 1b in-, flamed you hav* a rumbling sound ur inpar fact hearioff. and wboa it is enC roly oloaad [l;.'af na«a is t bo result, .ind unldiiit :bo inflam. r^uvtion can be talc^Q cut and ibia :uba T'eaturad Lo ita normal condition, tieartn; will be de* Btroyed foperor ; nine i ases out of t«u arc ciusedby O'turrh. which ia nothini; but an In- flamed cocditSou of the mucous aur'aca'-. We will give One Hundred DoUarafer anjr ciue of Ileafness (caii>ied by cat-rrb) ibatcan D)C be cured by IlaU'a Ciitarrb Cure. doi.d lorclrcalapj, free. K J. CHENEY Sc CO.. Toledo. 0. Sold bv DrnggifL', TJr. Hall'a Fami y PiU~ are the bast. Out of S,:5iH niiliion acre.< of land available for tillage it is estimated that but 721 millions are actually under cultivation. The best way to cure indigestion fe to remove its cause. This is best done by the prompt use of Dr. Koenig's Hamburg Drops, which re- gulate 'the stomach in an effectual mamier. 73 per cent, of the human bod,v consists of water. Even thi; bones have 130 parts in 1,000 of water. Monkey llrand Soap makes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and wiiidows like crystal. Sixteen pi;r 1.000 of the British army are lloliammedaus. Hindus, or Jews. leorfl's lioinieoi cures carQei in cows. London usi?d, during last year, 20S million gallons of water a day. Manchostot's chimneys emit 30 tons of soot daily, of which analysis" show that two tons is oily matter. I'ur 0»ir sj\ty Yoar<u iv An Old and Wkll Tiiibd Rrscbdt. â€" Mr* Winslow.'* .-^oothinffSyruphas been uied for o»er sixty years liy oiMiit>iia of oioihera for th«ir children whi'o icethinir, with perfpcc tucoo??. It joothe* the child, ^DftdiiA tho euDi.", nliay^ -kW pain, c:ur#4 wind colic, and i.'* ihe Uitit rtiinedy for Diarrhi^a. Ia plcii'iint to the iftsie. e'oUl by d^u?J(i't^ in erery part oif the wor'd/ Twenfy-ttvt; cents :i bot'le. It-a value is iccalciilable. Be nil re and ask for Mri. Wiuslow b Sootbioi Syrup, and take ao oLbor kind. THB MOST POPULAR DENTIPRIOB. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. the tselh. Sweetens the braatli. Strengthens the guma j- ALL WHO HAVE SONS OR DAUGHTERS ! Preparing for a University Course > should make eaquiries about. > In Ital.v a well may not ho sunk within ibo yards of a cemetery. In \u.stria and France double this dis- tance is the law. TRINITY UNIVERSITY QUITE PUOFK-S.SIONAL. ) A good story is told of an eminent : K. C. Uy the wa.v. veiy many Lfood stories are told aliout him. liiit thi.i | i.s- a new one. j One morning wlien ho entered his office his clerk rose and sai<l: "Sir a gentleman has left here . who wants you to undertake a for him." "Ah! and did you collect the i"cgu- lar retaining fee?"' â- 1 onl,v colleclwt twenty-five' guin- eas, sir." The regular fee was fifty guineas, and the great advoCat<e said: "But that was unprofer-sional; yes, very unprofc-s.-iional." "Hut. sir." said th« clerk, apolo- golicall.v. nnd an.xious to exonerate himself froni the charge. "I got all he had " "Ah! 5N>id the other, with a differ- ent expression. "that was profes- flonai: .ves. quite professional." r V?orms bring to the surface sis nxuch as ten tons of soil per acre yearly Mlnarii's Linioient Cures Coliis, etc, 20 MILLION BOHLES SOLD EVERY YEAR. Harpinesi is tho absencs ct p«In. andmll- Hona nave bee.n made happv throuth b«ht cured by S-^ .;a.-o«s 0:l of RHEL'MATIS.M. NEURALGIA. TOOTHACHE. HEAD- ACHE. LAMENESS. SCALDS. BUR.NS. SPRAINS. BRUISES and all pains tor which anextsmal remHy can be applied. It T\tixv.r fails to cure. Thousands who havo been de- clared Incurable at baths and in hospitals have thrown away their crutches, being cured after usinf St. Jacobs Oil. Directions In eleven laneuages accofTi;7any every bottle. COMWERS PAIN »v 'eee â- â- â€¢â-  •â-  THE LEiVDING i Residential University ; OF CANADA. , Trinit.v oiTuia the lons-do-ired ccapo ' from t:io dangers incidentid lo send- ' ing young lad-i or girls slrnight • from the High Schools and from â-  home life to the lont'Iy OODditioa.s of boaidiug* hou-io life in a 3;rAiige cisf. In orihr lo make its J: RESIDENTIAL COLLEGES: a* c'oiiifloio ii-i po..isibie. and to dIuco tho K'.hiLMlion afforded by Trinit.v Univer-lty in the very front mnk of the UniversllieH of Cunadii. .-iome of tbe basinoM men of Oniarlo are ox- "*i panilinu the mm of a quarter of a 4* uiUIion doll.-ird for thc%u pariM>ae9. II will interest you to know how this ' moneii i.i beinu ej-pendtd in the tntcrenln > of your son» onrf dau^jhters, and to havp i lufonnation abou' tho valuable Burearic \ and bcholarship<i. IncludinK the, "MacivenBie l{ur$arie!i"for Prcsbyrcrian Studenta, and miny other:) which iiro ' open tcittldeatsaf allcreedsand of botb ' ^exea. A post card, addre.^Fad aa below, will ' bring .Tou by return mail ao I'ltuslr.ited ' Book ifrie) showing tho fniveraity nr<d i ColleKO Bnildinics and Urounds. asd â-  siTisg muob va uable itiforni.itlai> nbout , 'he coap«os of siudy. Tho Univeriltv, Calendar may Va obtnlEcd by .id dre.tiing, Jr. C. STREET WAIJKUIII. M.A. U.D.. 0.0. i TORONTO. OUR BRANDS. King Edward |_Headl|ght" Sobs ' Eagle " " Victoria " " Lrttle Gomaf • MISIC Teachers WANTED To send for our Com- plete Sheet Music Xataioprues and Special Rates. ' We are equipped to \ supply tivery Music Teacher in Canada. | WHALEY, ROYCE S CO., Limited ,' 336 Main Street, 1S8 Yonge Street I WINNIPEG, .MA.-J. TORONTO, ONT. j D. e. Bastedo & Co. 77 KING 8T. EAST. TOHeWTO. 30 Years in tho Fur Trade in Toronto. <*-'<^<:^^*. <*.-<*, Manufacturers of Fura of every kind. FOR LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR. Send for Catalt k. Merchants will lind it pay to sorli up w th us. •e pay hinho^r pruen for R.VW i FURS ami QEN SING. Prunipt i retorcH. Ship by express. Send fcr Pr;ce List. Experiment with other and inferior brands, USE EDDY'S 3 (nfti'(>!-tbiiiviiii: Th»Mslho!id»rffift«ar»tbea»efulpift». JS*mm \ioav tboaiiX bjire « c^od Di^uasArj. Tou ;«•# wvif aijl ^WK aoa« ocB % WEBSTER'S. Internationa] Dictionary tf ENGLISH, Biography, CejjrjfSij, f;ctio^ ifli Tho One Gre»t Standard AuthpritT- Tha NtTT Edition has SS.OQOnew werd^. iZil p«4%k. Lot Us Scad You irio IT T^ "ATostinPrsnu(\cia!la,i" *â-  *>â- !-'••-» Mm ^IV«l)ftt«r's C'oUe3l«&Q UlvtluoH lLLttST»*T*I> VxiittlLSTS ALSO y>i5»| G. St C. MiRRIAM CO., ?^bi., 3?rinfff!ald, M»;a. Turkeys Geese Ducks Chickens t ^Ve want ^ Turkeys, 2.000 ^ Geese, 2,000 1 * Ducks, & 10,000 I * Chickens to fill 'y our Orders. If * you have any it : 35 will pay you to \ }^ ship us. i W I * We also want | JK any quantity ot ^ new laid eggs. TK* Dawson Commission Co., umit^ TORONTO. AGENTS WAHTED Tr'nTrcVIS'^- Ion un-l South A-fican r-Hii*. Write for teniii*. !>•• lOD. 15'.' .i.telu.lB .St " . . ig auet . U.sDERWOOD 4UNDEU- Tt.r.iiito, Oiic U/ATrUCC Send U3 »1.50 by posUl not* imiUSIuo or nioner ordtr. .ind we will mail j-ouj nice nickel-plated witcb. diaraa- teei ff.rone j-oir. Both r oh iind pocr uu it .nd are plea»od with I-. llcSocz.e & Ce M Bt. Peter at, Quebec, Canada. Dominion Line Steamshljli Monueftl to LlTtr^ol. Botwn to Iir«r- jK>c]l. Porti&Bd to Liverpo«L ViaQue«B»> town. Large a;:d P:ut Steamaliipa. Superior accomnodfttlos for ait clwnee of pQ'>»«aKers. Saloons and '^'**tr~ii>< are antldf^hlpt. Special atteutlon has b«en x(v«a :• tilt &cron>i Saloon nnd Tkir(i-C>aM aceomniouatioa. |i^ ratt^ofpasAacn aud all particulars, -ippty to 4a# »c«c)f of tho Cotapauf, or Richards, Mills M. Co, O. Torrance i Co.. 7T State St Bcntca Montreal aai fsrUz^4 Mm 711 l'.0Tii»Dd J" 'if full ua e.ea.iJ po.i»ttr« idciroii u>i a )»oit o«rd. an i rei-ei«o \if r«tvr» m.i I someihint ;liM wiil intureat yon, tos^a- ih.c^ J u ailKftai. Thta ".s n>i fate, tu: !ome< rhing you will b» *.•• ligbtedto knowandhafe. Write to- a»r. Aidrais, Dept. O, VIM SUPPLY CO.. Ha.nii(toni Orttt Wood a Photo. Ewcrav wg. J. LJO^ES tNG.C? i^ • 105 BAY sTReer- Tom^io FEATHER DYEING i C'eaniug and Curliuc and Kid Giorei cltanad. Thai* can be laut by pof C la imr ox. lb« beat ;>lao« ia B^^ITiSH AMERICAN DYEiNC CO. I Alo^tieal, Ottawa, Toruutu, (Quebec, Xmas, Fiirniture FREIGHT PAID AND PACKED FREE to any htation in Onlario, proporiioiiato allo\vaiice to all outside pofata. BY BUYING DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTUREH You save the mitldloman's pio.'its. get your goods at city piices. and lutve 110 packing or freight (.hargcs to pav. $15.00 TURKISH COUCHES All rrsight Ch.irgc3 Paid. Upholstoicd In the boiit Fiench Velours biin tufted, with the best patent clamp buttons which never come oif. I^est tempered steel springs all over. head, scat and edges, soft n,s a cushion. best (ituUity fringe ull round, beautiful roll head-piece. making an exceptionally handsoma as well as one of tho most durable and useful pieces of furniture. RE- MF::MUKK we pay all freight chargts and guarantee to deliver same Xmaa Kve if desired. $8.00U;:holstered Easy Chairs FB«ICHT PAID, Upholstered in best EngHsh Tapes- try, sprmg .seats, bun tufted backs and arms ; extra strong and com- fort able. I'elivered Xmas Eve if de- sired. Freieht Paid. S4.39 COBBLES riOGKERS, FRLIUMT PAia, Sold OaV and Mahoxao.y finisfcod framea. best leather cobbler seats, neatly carved, well braced, making a most suitable chair for any room ia tho home. Deliver?*! Xmas Kve if desired. Freight Paid. S3 29 W P t: 1 151 THE OUFFETT FURNITURE CO., LIMITED, 341 TONCE STRUT and 7. 4, 8, 8. t« and 12 CaULB STREET, TSR9NT0. NOTE.â€" Send for our Catalogue of Xmas rumiturtk

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