Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1902, p. 8

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NOVEMBEB 6. 1902 THE FLESHERTON Al)VANCE mn xn^ giumiji^ (S^avdjf M'OULLiOUOH * VOUNO '^ HaukorH, Marktlale Oj • Rsneral banking liuainusa. Mouey loaDsd *c a ruitsoaablo ratti Call on us. Ag VANUUSKN, .1 !• Olerk Stli Div Court, Co Grey BHuer of Mai'rlagti lijceiisbs, Couvoyancer Notary Public Atictluiieor. Muuuy to loau •t<lporcout. Cbargos luodoratu. FI>E8HEKT0N P O RJ SPROOIiB Fojiiuastor, Klesberton tOiiiTiiissioaor in H.O.J., Auctioneer Con vayancer, ApitiAiHtir antl Money Lender Koal KHtitB au'l Inmiraooo Agent. Ueoda Mort<!a'^os, loaDuit an-l wills carefully drawn up an 1 valuations madi' on sliortest notice. noney to lo*u at lowest rates of Interest. Col ojtions ttttaudol to witli iiroinptneBB birgoa low. Agent for Ocean Dotuluiou tasiuahip Ooutpany. A call solioited. J>anetif$ A O U M luaots 0!. the last Monday a 10 oa.;u mouth, in their louse room, I 'B block. 8 p.m. John aril, W. M. ; .J A K.tls â-  ait , Hocorder; W. liol.amy,Fiuauoi6r. Visiting brctbreo Invited PUINCB ARTHTU LOUUIC, No. :B3, A. C A M, meets in the Masonic nail. Strain b blojk. Floslwrton, every Friday on or before «hj full lUJcn. F H W Hickllns W M. Chan. Munsbaw, SfK-cotniy. C)UKr FDICSHERTON, I. O. F. meets lu Christoe's UloclJ the last Frlda> eveninR eaeli month. VisitinK Foresters heartily *eloomo. C. U., U. Waller ; K,8.,W. A. Arm- etronR. ptrticat ,v^ DH CAUTKU M C P & S Out. Physician, Surgeon, etc 0;l!ca and rojidencoâ€" Peter St., t'losherton T*K. y. X. Blbby,â€" Pliyalolan, Surgeon mJ etc. Plosherlon, Out O.Bce and Itcsiilanoo.CoUiuKwood street, one blosk otst Presbyteriiu cluirch. May bo found there day and uiKbt. Coroner for County of Oroy. fiCOTT. AKD SOFTLY Members College Physic. & Burgeout. Ontario Gniduato in Me.licine of Toronto University, Fi'llowsliip Diploma ,1'OBt GraUu- a'.j uiicil Suhoolaiid Hospital, Chicago.]> of eye, ear, nose and throat specially '" TsOFTLY. JOHN A. SCOTT, Fevarsham . axwoU. JP C I'TEWELL Voteriuary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, reside'ice â€" sjcoiid door south west on Mary street. This street riiUi south Presbyteriau Church. Adulteration in Canada. Vetorifiaiy ri irgsou ond Dentist, Max- Koll, grnduat.! of Ontario Veterinary College, cttllia-toci with ToiMiitJ University, visits Luaou ia Wcduosday tioinll an), to 3 p. "!•. »n Foversham Thursday from a to 5 p. m. ^ m^ .T. W. FUO.ST, I. L. 1). lUrrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, etc oTl-e-N'ext to postoUloo, Si)roulo'B block F ihjrtou. every Thursdu ond court days n'u-Owou Sound oUlcc, Frost" blocii t'julctt street east. r UCA8. WBIGHT & McAKDLE , L llaVrialers Solicitoru Conveyancers, ot onooH-Owon Sound. Out and Minkdalo Out. W H Wftiour, .M.;A!iui.F. 1 » i-t'c.vs N H-|.'le6hurtoM ollke, Mitchrll's Hank every S'lturday. rUORKIl A PATTKUSON I. KarriNters, Solicitors, etc Molson's liFiiik, Owen Bound hAUTlY O TUCKUU GEO W PATTEKSON MAC'-<AV& SAMPSON .Havristers, solicltoiB. tlKFICilS :-l)won Sound, Merchant h llailt Hlo-^k, N. •)f l'.itt.MSou House. Hundalk. aln Street, every Sbturday. Mouov to loan at li per cent. A. 0. U.iCKAY.M A, II B SAMPSON, L.L.I) Alwavs in altendiitico at Floshorton and Dundalk Division Courts. !jlniti$ti'ii DR E C. MURRAY, L, I), S, dental surgeon honor gradiritu of Toronto University and I'.oval Collogoof lii'iiial S.irguonB of Ontario. Olll -oâ€" Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery Store. Will visit Maxwell tho last Wednesday If each montl;, anil Hiindalk I and 3 Thursday in each month. Photo5 ' â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photoj^raph Gallery aro done in firal-clasH style niid Ht I.)weit ratu'). Special aitention ({ivAii tn cnpylna. Baliiei' photos, a upecially. Pichures framed. MRS BULriER \ Fa.x»m foK* Sale Cheap. Lot 10, ooneesilon IT, tiwnship of <j«proy. clear of Iiicnnihranei': U"i acren, W clcarml bal- ance hardwood bush; Ing'iod stale ot enltlTn- tion, clear of noxious wtiods; good frame barn BUil Btliblc.s under, llJxOO; a good house :inx':n, ii Mtm-ey, under storm- stone, ui'per frame, well lhii.*hed, a H'lod friTkl proof crilai; woodshed 'Jfi xji. a I.VIiai rul cisturn and uover-faillbg w*ll ami pump in good order. (M under roof; idanty of water forsloi^k In paxlure. TorniB of sal«, K'i<«) cash, balance to huit thu purcliasor, t par ociit. on laUnee. M> rensoii fur selling Is ill- i>»«H. and llie placf niusi Im< aold. Tliera Is an orchard of about 1) aores ai.d lietwaen A aud r> i>«r.i« of tall wheat. School } mile, churohrs w^tliJu 1 nri miles; about two miles from Kav. •Tiaiii. Apply to ill* owner by Ictlat or an tU* AmuUob. JOHS HPHKK8, Our Clubitiny XM Boiiie objuctioiiH mny be nindo to legieiatioit in CimniU to rei|iiii'ti all imita- lioiig of wodllcii goods to be marked so as to show the conatilueiit iibroH aud other iiiitltriulH and the rvlativu (iroportioiis of i;»cli, As nil epitome of the Grosvenor Hill, iiili'oduced into tho United .States UouHo of Uepreseiitutives, the followina extract may be ijuiited : â€" "All iiiimufact- urers of goods or fabrics of any kind whatever made in intimation 'of u-oolleii goods or fabrics, or t'ocds which when so made are calculated or inteiidud to bu sold as woollens or wooll-jii jjoods, nut nmdo wholly of new or unused slioeps' wool, shall so mark, label or tag such goodo, as .hat they may he readily di.'iliii'|uishcd from genuine wools, or woollens, as de- fined ill the (irit section of this Act. That »U(Si mark, label or tag shall be so atlauliud, as I hut it cannot be detached except by design, and such libol shall accurately state in plain printed lettera and figures tho constitutetit fibres or other materials or substances of which it is composed, or thu relatiye proportion per cent, of each." Why should not legislation along the above lines be enacted in Oanada ! There is suraly precedent for such action. Take for instanoe the various law» already on tho stjituitt book In reference to dairy products. Let me quote : (a) No oleo- margarino, butterine, or other substitute i',x butter shall be manufactured in Canada or pold therein, and every person who cuntiavenoa the provisions of this -Act in any manner whatsoever, shall in- cur a penally ijot exceeding four hundred dollars, and not loss that two hundred, and in default of payment shall lie liable to imprisonment for a term not cxcueding twelve months and not less three months, (b) No person shall sell, supply or send tu an}' chee.«e, bultor or ..omlensed milk factory, or to the owner or manager thereof, or to tho maker of butler, cheese or condtnsed milk factory, or to the owmr or manager thereof, or to the maker of butter, cheese or cmiden.sed milk, to bo manufactured, milk diluted with water, or in any way adulterated, or inilk fr«m which any cream has been taken, or milk commonly knovvn us skim milk, (c) No person shall manufacture, or shall knowingly buy, sell, oiler or ex- pose for sale, or have in Ins possession for sale any cheese manufactureud from or by the use of .skiiii milk.lo which there has been added any fat which isf'U'eii'n to suclumilk, (d) No per.son shall tiell, offer, expose or have in bis p(is.^esiiuu for sale any cheese manufactured Irmii or by the use of milk ciminonly known iisFliiinmed milk, or milk from which croain has been removed, or nnlk to which ski'n milk has been added, unless the words "skim milk cheese," are branded, imirked or stam|ied m a legible manner upon the sideof every cheese, or packngo which contains the same in letters not less than three quart- ers of an inch high and three ipiurterH of an inch wide. (e) No persiin shall Kcll, olfer, e.vposeor liavo in his pi.sse.sfiion for sale any butler or cheese made in Canada and destined for exjiort therefrom, unless the woi-d, '•Caiiadiiin," "Camulieii," or "Canada" is priiite.l, stamped or miirked ill a legiiile and indelible letters not less than (luce cigliLs of an inch high, and one (juarter of .an inch wide upin (J) the box or package a^ontainiiig tho biilter ur cheese ; (li) and moreover in the case of cheese, upon tile cheese itself, before it is taken from tli : factory where it, made, (f) No person shall knowingly sell, oiler, expose or have in bis posssesion for sale, any elietwe or bulller upon which .such butter or cheese was made ; ai.d no person shall kiioningly, and with intent to iniirepreseiit, sell, oHer, or have ill his possession for 8ale,any cheese or butter reineseiiiod in any manner as having been made in any mouth oilier than tile month in which it was actually made." • In the United Stall s where the business of manufacturinu (•leo:n«rj;urinc,l)titterino and other inilialions of butter hiis ,giown to imineuse proportions, lei-islalive action has recently been taken to prevent such imitations sold as|butter. It required a long and dolernuned tight o.i the part of the Ameiican fnrmera to secure the pass- n'.;u through Congress of the so-called "Orut Bill," as every inlhiencu was brought to boar by tho powerful incorpor- ations interested in the manufacture of adulterated dairy products. The chief provisi'ins of this Act is "That up >n oleo- margarine which shall be manufactured or sold or removed foi consumption or use, ihere shall bo assessed or collected a tax of tell cents per pound, to bo paid by the manufacturer thereof, and any fractional part of a pound in a |>acka|xa Rhall be tax ed as n pound, provided, when (deoniar- gariiio is free frain nitihcial culuratinii that causoH it to look liku butter of any shade of yellow, said tax uliall be ono- fourtli of onoceiit por pound." Manufuclurerg of, and dealers in reno- vated buttot and adulternted butter aio required to pay special yearly luxes, and each pound of tho former is subject to the tax of one fourth of one cent and each pound of the latter to tho lax of ten Cents pur pound. Stringent rugululions are in force for the purpo»e of compelling dei.lai'R and manufacturors to sell these adulturnted goods for just what (hoy are Why sliouhl not HilulierHtcd woo!leii goods bo sold on|thoir merits just as im- itation or adul'oratod dairy products areV Soma iieoplu may coiisidi>r such legislation harasHtiig, but as John Diigbt onco rnid, tlitti'o aro puopio in tho world who think the Ion comniandineiits the most lismRs- ing Iet;is1uliiin that was over eimctfd, because thuy seem lo run counter to their own iiocularities so ofton. F. W. Honsox, LiTV-8'ack UoiniuiMionxr. Pupoi-o maiked with a ♦ give balance of this year free. TuK Advance and â€" ♦Weekly Mail and Empire with pre- mium $ 1 75 ♦Weekly Globe 1 80 Family Heraid and Weekly Star and premium .180 Daily NeW8 2 30 Toronto Daily Star 2 JiO Toronto World . . 3 00 Guardian 19 Dying by Slow Degrees Although not always awaro of it yet thousands die by slo-v degrees of catarrh. It first a'tacks the nose or throat, then tho lungs, and finally spreads all through thu system. Catarrhozono ia the only remedy that will immediately prevent tho spread of tbis awful disease. Every breath from the inhaler kills thousands of germs, clears the throat and no!o, aids expectoration and relieves the pain across the eyes. Catarrhozono erradicates every vestige of catarrh from the system, and is highly recommended also for bronchitis, asthma, deafne.ssand lung trouble. Price 81.00; trial size 25 cts., all drugL.ists. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. «-*.^ Ezekiol Roberts, an old and esteemed resident of Eoiemont, dropped dead on his farm, 12th con., while walking from his house to the barn in the morning. Samuel Sheurdown, of Prolon.haB been spending some days with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Sheardown is a native of King township but has been living in Proton many years, whore he has accum- ulated much of tho world's goods. â€" Bol- ton Enterprise. Jamtjs Ingles, of tho south liiie,Osproy, mot with a very bad accident on Wednes- day of lust week while assisting in the the threshing of his grain. He was standing on a beam in the barn when he lost his balance and fell backwards lo the floor twenty feet below, breaking the bonus of his right forearm and right thigh and receiving other injuries about the head and face. Mr. Ingles is doing as well as can be expected. W, C, Patterson, of Walkoi ton, who was out on bail on a trial of bigamy, was found on the roadside m Durham VVed- iieeday morning, by Wni. JohiLston, niatuiger of McKechnie'a mills. Nofhing is known as to the cause of his death. His clothing was not as if ho had fallen into the water, but there was no sign of liquor, and, as he had S9o in his posses- sion his exposure was not from necessity. Tho body is lying at tho town hall, Dur- hnui, awaiting the arrival of Coroner Giiiin, who is out of town. Since Peter- son was placed on trial he is thought to have becimie somewhat deiiionted. Some weeks ago Provincial Constable C. C. Pearce was driving, his well known horse, Mongolian, along a road in Proton township, a municipality not noted for its good roads. Ho had, however, been driv- ing along a fairly good stretch when he Ci\mo to a swamp. Tho bed of the road through this consisted of polesâ€" a sort of corduroy arrnngeir.ent by which tho travellers are tided over to better driving some distance beyond. Heavy rains had fallen and tho poles floated, and it was into this that Mr. Pearco's horse stopped. Tho polos 1 ripped the animal and it fell on a stake which entered its side. The horse was sent home by rail and Mr. Pearce ask^d for a settlement. The town- ship refused, and Mr. Pearce threatened an action. As a result the council for- warded him a cheque for 5fty dollars last wvek. and tho proposed lawsuit is declared off. â€" Owen Sound Tinios. Thursday evening last Mrs.H. Gilbert, -.rife of the postmaster snd general mer- chant at Mansfield, was lilting at an organ pUyiuK in her own in tho roar of the store when two children, in a little scufflu over the possession ot a s'alo, ac- cidentally upact the lamp on the table. The oil ran over the flour and igiiited.and Mrs. Gilbert eni!^eavored to oxiinguish the flames, with the result that her own clothing took tire under her skirts and she ran into tho store, meeting her hus- band in the doorway. He, not knowing the dire distress his wife was in, ran off where the flames were inak inc; rapid hesd way ill tho house, and with the assistance of n customer who was in the (tore at the time, managed to extinguish the fire. The poor WQDiaii had by Ibis time fallen on tlio flour of the shop, and whon lior gar- ments were icmovod she was found lo be horribly burned. Dr. Alway, of Everett, and Dr. McCullou;(h, of Alliston, wore called, but the unforruiista woman died about ond o'chick Monday Hfternoon, after suflfering intonse pain. She loaves throe children, thu youngest of whom ia Bb<int seven years of age. â€" Shel- burno Econoatikt, CONSUMPTION Prevented and Cured. Four marvelous free remedle« for all tfufferers reading: this paper. New cure forTuberculo8i8,Consunip> tlon. Weak Lungs, Catarrh, and a rundown system. FREE. Do you cough ? , Do your lungs pain you ? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Do you spit up phlegm? Does your head ache ? Is your appetite bad ? Are your lungs delicate? Are you losing flesh? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack stamina ? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devas- tated the earth â€" consumption. You are invited to test what' this system will do for you, if you are sick, by writinff fora FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and the Four Free Preparations will he forwarded you at once, with complete directions for use. The Slocum System is a positive cure for Consump- tion, that most insidious disease, and for all Lune Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss oi Flesh, Couerhs, Catarrh. Asthma, Bronchitis and Heart Troubles. Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Company, Limited, 179 King- Street Went, Toronto,, giving post ofKce and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. persons in Canada seeingr Slocum's free offer in American papers will picaso tend for ramples to Toroato. Mention tbta paper* Siii Cd^o ^arm ^or Sale, only $2000 (if sold at once) 100 acres. 65 nt for any machinery, balance well timbHred. except 10 acros most of timber off; frame <iwolling aud frame barn with stable under; well wacerel, runninR stream and well at house; well fenced and in fh-at clabs state of cultivation; 15 miles from Maxwell villiii»e. aai ;i uiilns from Kovur" Bham. SJOOcash, balance oaHv tervm. Ttiisia a cheap farm at .^2"yJ0. Apply quick. If not 8olil in three weekw. will be rented to sood ^ou- aut, none other need apply. R-J-SPROUIjE. 8-15 1 m Ueal Estate A.^ent, Fleshortou. \ Tlesberf on Furniture > lUarerooms^ We aro carrying the newest styles of seasoniihle goods in {ill lines of Furniture,'.coiisisiiii<; of : Purlor and bedroom 8uit.<, lounges, siileiioards, extenstnn and centre tallies, chairs, window shades and curtain [loles, picture?, easels, etc., Which we offer at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing and General Re li.iiriiig. Uudertakint! in .ill its biiincliBs. Satisfaction guarantecfl \V* rt. Bunt, - - Prop. Cbe Flesberton . ♦ l^artuss EmjDoHum ? ? ? IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS All kHids and prices Whips and lashes f ruiiks and Vulice-s, cmnlis and brushes, Sweat))iuls and collar pads, Axle Grease, Hnuf Ointment and Oall Cure, Bitta and Snaps, Buggy Dusters and all styles and pncoH. Rublier Ruus. Woollen Rugs llarnins Poliwh and Metal Polish and Everj'thing in our line. m. moore ^ Flesberton TO CURB A COLD INONB DAY Take Laxative Bromo . Quinino Talilotn Al drufjgists refund ili.i inouey if it fAil8 to cuie W to. tirovd'B signature in ou eacli box 25o When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician ^^-;K_y5^^i Nervousness â€" headaches â€" sleeplessness and dizziness, ofteo puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing can effect a permanent cure that does not remove the cause. That is what our Bcientificaliy fitted glasses do« W. A. Armstrong, iCWCLCR AND OPTICIAN FLCSHERTON. Eugfenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doov^i Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Bali listers, Cor- ner Blocks, Hand Ix^iiling, the best of Spruce Ltith^ No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of. stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our line.s guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR ^. N.KINNEARdSOHS IWAXWELb Wirh to I hank their mmy customers for their liberal patronage during the past year aiid Knlicit a continuiuice t.f the same. If fair dealiiiL' counts for anything wo will have your support. In our line of Grocerica you will find everything of first quiility for we will buy nothing else. .. We Have Raw and Boiled Oils. Turpentine, C»stor Oil, Olive and Sweet Oil in bottle or bulk. Machine Oil in any quantity. Wo have received another shipment of the Famous Ahrcn Buois and Shoes which once to try is always to buy. Come and see them. We take all kinds of Farm Produce in exchange for goods. Our Terms are Cash or Trade. We do not sell below cost but sell as cheap as those who say they do. Glenhuron Flour always on hand at mill price. We will have in a day or two Peaches «nd Grapes right from tho fruit arower, si secure a banket while they last. Picklinsr .Season is at hand, XXX viiiegar,we have it. Als'i spice of all kinds, so you can be supplied at home, which is far better than a jour- ney on a cold or'hot day. Highest market price paid for Al butter and fresh egijS. I?. N. KIISTNEAI? & SONS A. Fe^sr' Klonttis « S? ENT A THE * Owen Sound, Ont. Will tit a young man or wonitn lav business. Tho best course m Canada and reason- able fees and expenses. College circular frco to any addrcs.i. C, A.FLEMINQ, PRIN. Owen Sound, Ont Gcunve -fistTcuy Came to tho premixcs of tbe nndersIgneA, lot 10, coa. 10, Oeprey, about tho 15th day of Supt. last, ouo ewoaiul twolauibs. Owner is roquu^t- ed to prove property. v)a»y espoiiROB and tatie them anay. It. J. COI/JUETT, Fevershnni. wmw \m FOI wm. The iindBrsiBiied has a flno thorouqhbrort Yorkshire boar for service on lot 34, flfth eou* cessiiou, Artomeaia. Terms Jt. W.B.DYSON. Thoroug^hbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 2^06$* Tho undergigaed has a flqe aged Uorham Hull tor service ou lot 141, T. AS. K. Termsâ€" •! (or Rrade cows, (.I (or thoroUKh- breds redigreeon applicatiuo. JACOB LEVER Fleshertou P.O. The Markets. i;urenillY Corrcr ed Each Week Oats 28 -o 28 Peas 67 o 07 Wh-at 66 to «5 Barhty 45 tu 45 Duller 15 u 15 KkiK" freili !« '" 10 Pork 7 00 to 7 00 Chickena {wr pair.... 86 to 60 Ducka per pair 40 to 60 Tuckeyg \vex \\> 9 to 10 Oeeae per lb 6 to 7 Hay 6 00 to 6 00 Put«tv>^( b»H ,, . , ...... 76 lo 76 / ,-V Hk

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