Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1902, p. 3

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.A. 1^ Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produceSf and is sold only in lead packets. Black, IVIixed and Green. lapa^ tea. drinkers try *^ii»,da." Green (f% m TRADE WITH JAMAICA JEQXJIEEMENTS OF THE MAE- "^ KET IN THAT ISLAND. Splendid Chance for Canadian Farmers to Build Up a Trade. The present agitation in Jamaica or ei tiler the federation or the lommercial union of that colony witli tlie Dominion of Canada is Forthy of serious consideration in â- Jiis country. The Jamaica plant- ers desire to find a free market in -anada for their sugar, lemons, cr- inges, bananas, codec, ginger, 5)ices, logwood, etc., in return for Thich they would purchase from us lats, split peas, soda and fancy bis- aiits, tin and enamelled ware, boots aid shoes, organs, furniture, agri- ultural implements, ropes and cord- ige, paints, lumber and other build- ng material, metallic roofing, can- led goods, live stock, butter, hecse, tallow, bacon, hams, flour jid other food stulls and manufac- .ures. According to the report of lie Committee of the Royai Ja- uaica Society of Agriculture and iJommerce and Merchants' Exchange: 'The natural conditions of the re- ipective colonies are all in favor of nutual trade. Each country is the latural complement of the other in latural products, and it is high lime that the feeling which has so ong existed in favor of improved irade relations should bear good re- iults." The principal drawback to the interchange of commodities is ihe lack of a rapid, up-to-date, fre- juent and direct steamboat service. The direct trade between the two jountrics has largely incica.sed since the advent of the Canada-Jamaica line from St. John, N. B., but this new service, although a decided im- provement, is but a monthly, one, :arried on In far from up-to-date steamers, occupying from eight to ten days between St. John and Kingston, Jamaica. THE EXTENSION OF TRADE. In live stock and live stock pro- ducts is of particular interest to axe, and -In tliis connection I beg to submit a letter received from Mr. SV. Simpson MacCoi'mack, of King- itou, Jamaica, dealing with the re- }Uirements of their markets in these lines. Kingston, Jamaica, Sept. 4, 1902. Dour Sir, â€" Your esteemed favor of Vtarch 4th last was duly received, md I beg to thank you for inform- ition contained tliereiu. At this iime butchers' sheep were too high, ind the season too bad to import, i am now. however, in commuuica- ,ion with Messrs. Gordon and Iron- tides, of Monti-eal, and hope to get lown a carload, connected to Ilali- ax, October boai. I note your remarks regarding the ligh qualit.v of Canadian bacon, mtter, and cheese and the desire )f your department to es-tablish a uarket in these islands for these )roducts. You also cxpro.s.sed the lope* of hearing from me "from time .o time, telling what the outlook is or the building up of the trade be- ;wcen Canada and Jamaica." 1 would state that consiuerable at- '.enlion is now being directed to the luperiority of Canadian products 3.V importers licrc, but I regret to lay that Canadian producers ap- >ear di.<-inclincd to bring themselves uto line of our markets, conditions IS to size, packing and promptitude n filling orders and general exist- ng conditions. Butter.â€" What is required is (1) ;hoice creamer.v put up in one half, >ne and live pound tins, also in kegs >f about 34 lbs., costing about 19 •.o 23 cents per lb. f .o b. Halifax; ilso good dair.v butter, put up in imall ten lb. tubs, and 24 lb. kegs, josting from 15 to 18c per lb. f.o.b. Halifax. Cheese.â€" Large sizes are not salo- ible. but a lively demand exists for ;he best ciualitios, in strong boxes jf four, weighing about ten lbs. ;ach; also singles put up separately in strong boxes weighing about 18 lo 25 lbs. each. Bacon. â€" Slips from 8 to 14 lbs., also sides- from 40 to 48 lbs., and middles (cut from side) of from 18 to 24 of superior mild cured, extra lean selections (pea fed), will always find ready sale, and there is also a fair demand for mild cured, rolled spiced breakfast bacon and slips from 2 J to 8 lbs., boneless (firm). Hams. â€" Mild cured extra lean (pco. fed), also sniokod and pale dried, from 8 to 12 lbs. A nmrket would also be found for picnics (shoulder haans) from 5 to K' Ihs . and what ore known as Bath Chops 3 to 4 lbs., also have a demand. l{efcrring to the last vwo mention- ed articles there should not be the least difflcully in building up a di- rect trade, for 1 know as a fact that quantities of VM ».i-ticles arrive hero from . Bristol anii other English ports re-baggcd an<l represented as of English manufacture, but which I have good reason for knowing owe Eve Tempted Adam. And Adam has been tempting Eva ever since. Imagine a man sellins a woman rancid butter while keeps- Ing her attention fixed on a " prize " given with the rancid butter ! A â- wo- man may be tempted by " prizes " to buy common soaps, that she may not know will soon ruin her clothes and hands. But she soon finds out the ditferenco between common Boaps and Sunlight Soap. She finds Sunlig'ht Soapâ€" Octagon Barâ€" a prize in itself. Her clothes last longer, and her bands are saved from eczema. 220 their origin to the Canadian farm- ers. Probably the principal and most important shippers of these goods give their attention to the British market (being of course vastly more important), but if you cotilil induce, perhaps, s(mie of the smaller men to direct their attention to the details of the re(|uirements of this market for the articles as referred to above, I am satisfied that the consump- tion, demand, and the importance WOULD BE A REVELATION. 1 woujd mention that the Fickford and Black steamer sails from Halifax on the 15th of each month, is accommodated with refrigerated cold storage, enabling printed but- ter and roU?= to be shipped. I can- not too strongly Impress upon you the importance of this market to your dairymen, and I am prepared to give every assistance to • appi-e- ciably place their products, provid- ed, as previously mentioned, they are prepared to mei-t the market on local conditions. Horses. â€" You refitrred to these in your letter. There is, however, no demand for heavy stock. What is required is lightly built cai'riage horses of not less tnan 15.2. I shall be glad to hear from you on this subject, and also on the gen- eral sub.iects of this letter. Pro- ducts and manufactures must always be riuoted f.o.b. I think there should be hardl.v an.y difficulty in your finding some responsible pro- ducers to take up the matter. Again thanking you for your pre- vious communications, and hoping that tlii."* may lead to some practical results, I am. Yours trul,v, (Sgd.) AV. Simpson MacCormack. A few planters interested in the improvement of live stock on the islands of Jamaica, St. Kitts and Trinidad, have imported pure-bred horses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultr.v in limited numbers from Nova .Scotia, but as these animals require to be acclimatized after their arrival in the Indies, many of them aie lost. On this account buyers do not care to pay very high prices, but they find that the imported an- imals which survive acclimatization effect a great improvement in their herds and (locks, nnd Ihoy declare that they will persevere until the standard of l(]uality is greatly ele- vated. Since 1897 some four or five horses, (Clydesdales), twenty-five cattle (Shortliorna, Horefords and Ayrshii-es), one hundred sheep (Shropshires and Southdowns), and about one-half dozen pigs, (Berk- shires and Tamworths), have been sent to the West Indies hv tlie Nova Scotia Government. These were all pure-bred stock, but a considerable amount of ordinary stock has been shipped. For the first 11 months of lOOl, according to the reports of the .steamboat agents, there were 05 horses, 30 cattle, 1.200 sheep, nine swine. and 12.5 coops of poultry shipped from Halii'ax to the West Indies. There is now fairl.v good steamboat accommodation from Hal- ifax, boats running twice a month regularly, and although this trade is .vet only in 'its infanc.v. it would seem to be capable of considerable development. According to the newspapers, a fast line of steamers i between Canada and Jamaica is 1 likely to bo subsidized in tlio near future, which would no doubt great- i ly inci-case trade between the two colonies. F. W. HOnSON, Live Stock Commissioner. 1- '- EUiolberla â€" "I want a pair of slippers fur pa. Nuniter ten, please, ! and â€" squeak.v." tteiiiul .Shoemaker â€" â- â- .Sciueaky, mi^s ? I'm afraid we haven't any of that kind/' l^thel- I berta â€" "I am so sorry. Couldn't | .vou make him a squeaky pair? The. e ' is a certain .voung gentleman who visits me tiequentl.v. amiâ€" and it would be v«ry convenient for him to know just when pa is coming." UNCLES USTDOING. "Uncle," said little Johnny, "tell me how you cliarged with your war- horse up the Potemallgeiter's Drift, at the head of yow troops." 'Well," said the battle scarred veteran, "1 mounted the liery ani- mal, drew my sword from its sculy bard, rose in my stirrups, cried 'Forward I' and sank the spurs (le:'p into the quivei-lng flanks of my gallant steed." "Yes !" exclaimed the Ixi.v breath- lessly. "Go on, uncle ! Tell me the rest of it !" ••There isn't any more to tell, Johnny," said his uncle, with a pensi\e sigh. "The horse jibbed I" SEYEI^ YEARS IN BEB. THIS WONDERFUL CASE EOE- DEES ON THE MIHACULOUS. Nothing' Like It Has Ever Been Heard of â€" In Newfoundland Where the Story Comes From It Has Created a Profound Sensa- tion. Cottci's Cove, New Bay. Newfound- land, Oct. 27.â€" (Special.)â€" This pjirt of the i.sland has been thorouglily aroused by the most miraculous cure of a man named Joseph Boon. For eight years this man had been ailing and for seven years of this time he was unable to work. He had Back Ache and Kidne.v Complaint, in fact he was all pains and aches. He had been treated from time to time by several doctors and although he always carefully attended to their several prescriptions exactly as or- dered by them, he got no relief, but was slowly growing Finally he went to the hospital where -he remained for seven months, unl.v to he sent home as an incura- ble He has tried every remedy he could hear of, electric belts, liniments, oils and otlier medicines but all of no avail. No one e^"er thought be could ever be well again. However, one day he picked up a newspaper containing an account of how Mr. Richard Quirk, of Fortune Harbor, had been curod of Lumbago by Dodd's Kidney Pills. After read- ing this Mr. Boon made up his mind to try this remedy and at once be- gan a ti'eatment. He used altogether twenty-one boxes before he was able to go to work again, but now he is able to attend to his daily duties as strong and vigorous as any man along the coast. Mr. Boon is a fislierman and is at present engaged at lobster fishing with no tliought whatever of his old time Back Ache and other pains. The people here regard this cure as little short of miraculous. ITo other possssaee the exquisite flavor of the gen-utee CEYLON BLACK TEA. APPLES and POUZiTRY We oan handle any quantity of properly packed Apple Also any quantity of Poultry (dead or alive.) Write us. THE DAWSON COMMflSSION €0 . Limited, lOKONTO, A band of tourists was being per- sonally conducted through a chateau on the borders of the Loire. "This ladies and gentlemen, is the room in which the Due de Guise was assas- sinated." "But when I was here this time last year you showed me that room in another wirsg." •'Very likaly, sir; but at that time this wing Was being repaired." •*4 Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co. Gentlemen, â€" My daughter 13 years old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured her elbow so badly it re- mained stiff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT completely cured her and she has not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, J. B. LEVESQDE. St. Joseph, P.Q., Aug. 18, 1900. Crops are teing harvested some- wliere in the world during every month in the year. South Africa and Peru harvest in November, and Bengal. Burmah. and New South Wales in December. Utile Boy (who has been chased out of the farmyard by a turkey) â€" "All right ! Just wait till Christ- mas and I'll knock the stuffing out of you I" „ For Oiir M.\l/ Team. As Olp i.iD WEiiTniiD Remedt. â€" Un Winalow^ Poothios.SyruphHs lieuii ii*ed for orer alxty rears hj loillions of niolhers for their children wlil'tt toethin£, with perfect Lucce!^. It toothed the child, softens ijia gump, iLiiarii all puio, cures wind L'olie, and is the best remedy for Disrrhais. Is plea<ant to tba lasie. ^"old by drufei.ts in etery part of the wor d. Twe.nty-tiTe cents a bottle. lf« value Is iuoaiculabls. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wioslow't Sooihiof Syrup, and take DO other klniL "I don't like the man." '•Why not ?" 'I hadn't teen talking to him five minutes before he said I was an idiot." "Why the delay ?" Lifebuoy Soai>â€" ilisinfectant â€" ia strongl.v recommended by the medi- cal profession as a safcguar^l against infectious diseases. 0\cr a millirn lives have been lost by larilKjuake in the past cen- tury. ONLY Al'TEK A GOOB MEAL. A number of ladies began to dis- cu-ss the virtues of their respective husbands, when every other topic was Worn threadbara •'Wy husband," said one. "never di-inks and nciver swearsrâ€" indeed, he has no bud habits." '•Does he ever smoke ?" someone asked. •Yes, he likes a cigar just after he has eaten a good meal. But I sup-' pote on au average he doesn't smoke more than once a week." Some of her friends laughed, but she didn't seem to understand. WABASH RAIXKOAD During the montlis of September and October, will .sell one way sec- ond class tourist tickets at greatjy reduced rates to California, Wash- ington, Oregon, Utah, Montana, British Columbia and other Paci/ic Coast points. Tickets will be sold via all direct routes. The Wab<>.sh is the shortest, best and luicUest route from Canada to the above points. Finest equipped j assenger trains in America. Kates, time-tables and oil parti- culars from any ticket a^ent. or J. A. Richardson. Dist. Passenger Agent, N. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts.. Toronto, and St. Thomas, t)nt. '•.lohn," said the wife teiKierly, "promise n:e that if 1 should be taken awa.y .vou will never !uarr.y Nancy Tarbox." "Certainl.v. Maria" replied the husband rca.s«uriiigl,y. â- 'I can promise you that. She refused me three times when I was a much hantisomtr man than I am now." Nurses' Experience. Medical men sa.y that a good nurse in a diflicult case is better than me- dicine, but when we can get a good nurse and good medicine, the pa- tient stands a niucn better chance of recovery. A few words df advice givtu below by nurse Eliza King, are well wortli the attention of all readers ': ••1 have constaiitly used St. Ja- cobs Oil in the various situations 1 have occupied as nurse, and have in- \aria.bly found it excellent in all cases requiring outward application, such as sprains, bruises, rheuuiatic alTettioiis, neuralgia, etc. In case.; of pleuris.v it is an excoUent remedy â€" well rubbed in. I can strongly re- conMnend it after several .vears' use and experience. It should Lc in ev- ery household." .Sister Carolina. St. Andrew's Hospital, writes : "I have found St. Jacobs Oil a most clHcacious rem- edy in gout ; also in sprains and bruises. Indeed, we cannot sa.v too much ill its praise, and our doctor is ordering it constantly." Fi-ed â€" "Yes, I like him well en- ough, Minnie : but how did you ever happen to ncirry a. man a head shorter tlian you are '.' " Minnie â€" ••I had to chocse, Fred, between a little man with a big salary and a big man with a little salary." Beware of Ointments for CatarrlJ !â-  that contain Mercury tta mercury will â-ºurnly do«troT the ieme of smell »nd compietei7d>iranie the whole ayiteiu when entering It ihrough the murous surfaces. Snch articles fhouia tjever bo used except on ' pro=cripiioo< from reputable physicians, m Ihe 1 d'tmage they wiUdn i«t«a fild toth'i tiood you cnnpoBsibly derive from them. Hi r.s Catarrh I Care, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & ro-^."' i Icdo, O.. contains no maroii! y. nnd is taken In- ternBlly. acting directly upoit Iho blood and mucous snrfnces of the i,yste:n. In buying Hall's Cat'irrh Cure be aure you get the gronu Ine. Itis y.andinaaein Foloio ! Oliio, by F. J. Cheney «c Co. Te«UmanialJ Sold by Drn(rgi»t«. price "5o per bottle. Hallos Family PiUn are taa best. Minard's Lioimefit Coies DandfulF, The first temperance society in England was formed at Brtidlord in February, ISJJO. Miosrd's LinimeDt fcf sale Eveffwtiere The Professor â€" •Yes, a caterpillar is the most voracious living thing. In a month it will eat about six hundred times its own weight." Deaf Old Lady â€" ••Whose boy cHd you say he was !" THK MOST POPULAR DENTimiOB. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. PrsMnrm the teeth. Sweetone the breath, ttrengrthena the gums Dominion Una Steamships Montreal to Llvarpool. tlofikin to Uver. pool. Portland to Lirerpool. Via Queens- town. Large nnd Kaal ?t'?aDuhipa. Superior accommodatloB for all cUss«9 uf pa-feiiRera 6..1oun6 and .SlAleruomi are amidships. Special attenll'.^n has bo«n given to the Second Snloon und Third-ClftM accoromoilatlon. F«{ I rateaofpaaEageand all particulars, appir to any a^enl I of the Ccinpaoy. or â-  Uicl-.ardii, Stills i Co, D. Torrance *Co . 77 State St. Bo: ton. Montreal and rorttand4 Berlin's death rate is four per 1,- 000 leis than that of London. Rome, Venice, and Madrid are the least healthy of large Europctn towns. O-OOIO; X.XO-IBE'X' UY USINO Standard American Wicks AND Sarnia Lamp Oil. nkoles.ile Only. \e^9"^BAMtT\. ROBERSPRtS. TORONTO., MUSIC inafd's LiniiTiEOi Cures Burns efc, fgQijIigj^^ Frofessci-â€" "What has become of Tom Applelon ? Wasn't he studying with this class lafi year ?" "Ah. yes; AppU-tcr.â€" poor fellow ! A line student, but absent-minded In the use of chemic;il!<â€" very. That dis- colortvtion on the ceilingâ€" notice it ?" "Yes." 'That^s Applelou." To send for our Com* plete Sheet Music Catalogues .ind Special Rates. We .ire equipped to supply every Musia Teacher in Canada* Forty .vears ago one sailor was retiuirod to every 110 tons carried by a ahip. Motlern- machincrv has reducetl the proportion to one sailor to 500 tons. WANTED. RELIAULF, PAKT1F.S TO KNIT for us at their homes, whole or spare time. We furnish machine and all m.tteriul necessary to do the work, and pay you good prices in cash as .vou complete it. Send stamp for full pnrtlc-ulars at once to The Dominion Knitting Co., Drug- gists' Corporation Bldg., Toronto, CaQad.a. A turtle was killed a few years a'.?o on the Atlantic coa.''t. of Sou.tJi America which was 7 feet long. The shell weighed nearly l,i)00 pounds, and was ir> feet in circumference. It was of the kind known as Kl>liurg-is. Minard's Liniment relieves Neuralgia' Maud (who has answered the door bell herself) â€" "George, you must not com<J into this house to-night. If you love me, darling, fly at once, and do not let my father dhscover your presence." George (tragically) â€""Oh, Maud, m.v darling • What serpent has entered our ICden to wreck our happiness ? Speak, girl, speak !" Maud (tearfully) â€" "Father has just oome home with the gas bill." "HAUNTS OF FISH AND GA.UE. " Is the title of a new publication issued b.v the Grand Trunk Pa.ssen- ger Department for the information of the hunter and angler who desires to vi.sit that "Sportsmans' Dara-," the "Highlands of Ontario." and other points along the line of the Grand Trunk. It is profusely il- luslriileil, and is a very iiandsouic folder. Copies sent on application to principal agents, or J . D. Mc- Donald, District Possenger Agent. Toronto. The Scilly Islands prodtico yearly 700 tons of Qowers for perfume making. AN ADMIKAKI FOW EPPS'S FOB MAIHTMNINO ReiUST HEALTH COCOA IN tOM OLIMATM. lAf INTCn WHALEY, ROYCE n AH I Cif 8 CO.. Limited 356 Main Street, 158 Yonge Street, WI.NNIPEQ, MA,N. TORONTO, ONT. VooD « Photo. EwcRAvwG^ J. I.JONES ENG.CSi^ I6d BAY-6TffEeT,â€" TOROMIO 'correspond with us if it is not convenient for you to call for information CAlf||||P'G ACCOUNTS concerning our Deposits may be made and withdrawn by mail. Interest .it I O / per ennnm l» remitted twlo« / a Ter.r or oonip unded If not O deUred to be withdrawn. The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation, Toronto St. , Toronto. W p C II5« t

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