Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Oct 1902, p. 5

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Til£ FLESHERTON ADVANCE October 23 1902 •i^ t»AS'I'OH-Eo'v..». Ivfson Wilson eet-YioesSunciay 1 1 a. irt & "2 p. nn S;ib3eet3 'ornejrt Slbbnth â€" Morn'nc:â€" The Paa*or. Eveningâ€" The Pai.tor.-Su!>jecV: -Modern I';i. Vicinity Chips f:'.;:IerJstic;i of the- Past •<vu Csrt'iHlly Culled far the Fresh lime always on hauii. J. H. Duckett, Eugoaia. Money to. loan at lowest rates. A. S. VanDusen, F!eah<>aton. t3at.=, bran ' an'l shorts tor side at Sprnule, Crossley & Co., Flesherloa'. Men vfantpd to cut 500 cords cordwooj- Good payr W.A.-ArBistroog,FleshertoD. The Arte-nesii fall fair con cert; at Price- v81elas.i Wednesday evenin? nttted thd society between $80 and S8q^ S acre bash farm for sale at a snap, situated on the 14th con., _ Arteiceaia. ^. A Armsirong, Flesherlon. . One goiid conking stove alid-4 heatmg stoves foraile cheap at JR.. J. Sproule's, f leshcrtpu. See and heal- the celebrated Holy City Co. in '-The Pilgrim's Dream, " Town Hall, Flesheitois Tuesday ev'|.', Oct. 28. FiKE AT EcGSXiAâ€" Fire: Fire! At Eu- aeniH. Thi result is lota of good, fresh iime, afcthe kilu •â- ( J. H-. Ducke". The buru of the past week is ti.e best of the s -ason. John Stejle, h-jtelkeeper of Bertteley. died o:i Sunday ' evening. Wliisky was the direct cause of death. Deceased was •only 28 years »t a4e and leaves a wife iind odii child. Money TO LoA:j-^-.-\t 4i lo 4J per een- Expeuses Imv. Also a number of im- proved and. luiiiiit^roved firms fiir s.ile ebeap. Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- buroe, or Diu«laiii iii&ca Siituvday after- noon^ Scrap inin, fa^s and rubbers wanted in any quantity. If you have anything iu this line couimunicate with A. Hushes, Flesherton, by card or otherwise, when our teauistoi'S ivil! caU on ynu. Here. for two weeks. - • It is only rarely that arti-its of suuh splendid vocal and artistic attainmutts as the members of the Holy City Co. visit Fleshert'in and our citizens may expect a rare treat on Tuesday evening next. Another nasty accident occurred in the woollen factory on Saturday when Mrs. Stocks, an employee, g"t her left haid caught in a tinisUiuu lumii. The back was badly lacerated, requiring seven stitches to £lose the wound. Sproule, Crowley & Co., Flesherton, iiave received by ihe carlojul their winter stock of Amerioiin Water White and Sarnia Prime White c<.'a1 oil, bought be- fore the advance in price of same, and are selling at carload prices. It will pay you to give them a call. Mr. Walker Sloan's sawmill at Eusjenia was burui'd to the ground en Thursday evening. Mr. Sloan, who had the mill leased to Stuhbs l>ro.s., was, with his family, away from lioiiie at the time. Fortunately the mill w;is insured, but not to an tmouut that would nearly cover the loss. See the subliina «l!e_?orical drnnia, 'â-  The Pilgrim's Dream," giren with special scenery and historical costumes »nd novel light and color effects, by The Holy City Co., Town Hall, Flesherton, • Tuesday evening, Oct. 28. Tbanksgiviiig day passed ofiT very quietly. There was a uni'm thanksv-iving service Ui the Methcxlistchundi, addressed by Kev. Ivisun WiU;in. Most of the young men and many nf the older ones hied themselves to the bu»h where gui\s resounded in every direction. Game was not as plentiful as the fusilade would lead one to expect. The teachers' convention held here last Friday and Saturday can go on reord »s anothersucciS''fulgatheruig. Friday wss a beautiful fall d.iy but the rejular tsachera' down(>our of rain mads things iliaa^'^eabte on Saturday. We have a }{ootl i-eport of the convention but cannot find room for it until next week. The e'ection of officer* rexul'ed in placing J . A. Coleridge in the prw»ldpni*a chair,and Tbos. AlUn was r«-elect««i to the sec- retary treasuremhip. Next plac« of meet- jog to beat Durham, early iu September. Died â€" In Arteme'sia, on Tuesday, Oc, 21, James I.saac Snel), ayed 25 years. The funeral cakes place to Fleshert â-  cemetery to day, Tliursclay. We don't ask you to' come just because the Epworth League is a deserving insti- tution, but because the cntir'ainiAent is a tirst class one. The Holy City Co., Town Hall, Flesbertwn, Tuesday even- tiig, Oct. 28. â-  Hon. iMrael Tarte has been dismis.'ip'l from thu cabinet. Mc. Tarte evidently knew this was conniiig when he scattered so lavi-hly this past suniincr hw promises of expenditure. Piople wondered why he did it. Now they have partial ei- planau'ou. Magistrate VanDuren hensd a cora- plainc nil Monday against a young man on the 8th line who was charged by another young man with having used naughty language towards hira. The linguist was assessed §1 and costs. The pngressiveress of modem news- paper makin:i finds an excellent il'utration in the Toronto News which occupies a hi§h place aiiiong the dailies of C-fumda. T'ae latest stroke ef The News is to Becure for publication the story of "Dracnla, the Vampire" by Bran Stoker. Mr. Stoker is an Irish ^jcrrister who has inaiia a name for himself in En -lish liter- ature. On Satiir-lay, October 11th, The News Magazine comineuced a series of stories of Old Testament characters by Mr. W. T. AUi-son, M. A., B. D. These stories have received the highest com- mendation from those who have seen ad- vanced proofs. The harvest home festival service in connection with the Anglician MissLun held o.i Tuesday evening, Oct. 14, at Ceylon, was of a beautiful ai.d impressive nature. The service was conducted by the incumbent. Atv. C. L. Mills, and an inrpressive sermon was preached by Rev. J. R Newell of M.trkdde from Psivhn 6o 11.. The prcie!:ec accor-iinsj to his accus- tomed Style and power dw<-U larg-ly on the d-peiid-ince of man ani lis gratitude to Ci>(l and of our tlaukfulnes.? tor peace, liberty and abundant harvest. The otfer- tory was good anil sia^.'iug excellent. TJje hall ( where tlje service is held) was IxiautifuUy decorated for the occasion with grain, fruit and dowers arti.^ically -irrang- ed emblematic of thi harvest home sec- vice and reflects great credit on tlie ladies' and friends of Che mission. Coudiiious wvr^ particularly favorable for a view of the lunar eclipse on Thurs- day evening last, ar»i ' many Of oaf citizcHs.t-'ok occasion to reajain up and witness, the eveitt. A very clear sky made the phenomenon an especially pleading sighr, and it is very rarely thai atmus- pheric couilitions are so perfect. The shadow touched the eiistern rim of the moon at 11.17 and fnmi about 12.30 to 1.30 inadaiuu lui.a looked like a dim ball of copper swinging iu the sky with brilliant stars surrounding her diminished splendor. Then a .silver crescent pee^ied from the veil and gradually grew larger and larger until the full round moon once more looked dowTi and bathed a^ain the landscape in a fl;iod of ligit. Those who saw this sight witnes.sed as perfect a^lunar eclipse a« the firiuiiment is able to produce. 1»^ ->,|F^p, Ilabbit Wo. 1.â€" "I am done for. My aie is broken." • , Babbit No. 2.â€"" Why don't yon buy a-Dandas aze i' They stanrl Hamlock Knota I bot^gllt it-at Bcvd, Hickling & Co,, Flesheiton. That's tlie place for Reliabh Hardware." a diiferetit taste, and it is also sure to be I ^-S^^:^:.S'..S:^:^:^-.^'..S'..JS£:£&'£,'.^'.^:^''S''S''<S^''w popular. The tw^o pictures are immense | value with the great family weekly at ol3 ; dolUir per year, and when they begin to i scatter around the countrj and be seen : there is sure to be a greater rush than I ever for that paper. i.^- T. J. SHEPPARD FLESHESXO>.- EUGK^^IA The famous Holy City Co. won golden [ ^ opinions during their tour of Canada last season. This season they are said to be j better than ever. loivn hall,Fksherton, | Tuesd.ay evening, October 28. Auspices i Epworth Leaj^ue. 'ff' ' "^:^ \7^V '""^ The ."elf styled "Rev. Dr. Foataino ' i has again been heard from. At; last ac Counts he was at. Port Arhur, where he leoLured, it being expbined that the "Dr." was not lectHri;i'.4 merely for money, but that having l.i»t his wife by death recently, he had to do souielliiiii; to .issuage his grief. He has also under- 1 A taken the jobof frescoing one of the Port j jn Arthur churches. We do not know what ; fT? has become of the wiinan who posed as i ^Iji the "Dr 's ' wife, but we have since nad i -iv an interesting account of his attempt to t J^ secure a younsi and [iretiy dairy maid at , ^\ Billings, Mont., for a wife. The gtrl ; M^ refused t j have bim after he had obta.ined ! "..•. the, -so it is rep. rted, and his | W grief ac that lime was teriil-le to witness. We would suggest (if it were not wicked ! to do so) that insttad of frescoing the j church the " Rev. Dr."^go out and paint ' the town red. Thai would probably as- snai;e his grief and paint him m his true character.â€" Shelburne Economist. £adU$ and 6enticnieti We invite all the Ladies and Gentleiijen of Flesli- ei-ton and surn:)unding country to call and inspect our .stock of Fall Good.s. We are prepared to give you e.\tra good value in all lines, but will mention a few .•specials we liave: Men's an<l Ladies' L^nderwear. Boys' and Girls' Underwear Men'.-^ and Latlies' Fur Coats . -j. Ladies' Fur C'aperines • ^ Men'i5,lveiidy-to-wear Suits Boys' Ready -to wear Suits Liidies' Cloth Coa,ts .. :' Flannels Sheetings Wool Bknkets Cotton Blankets Boots and Slioes Millinery Groceries PERSONAL MiisEllaM. Crlpp? of Th.irobary, i visiting with her aui;t, Mrs. J. Genoe, on the gravel road. Mi,s^ Toss.1 MiCatluin of Gait while in town Last week was the guest of the Misses Minnie and Mabel Munshaw. Miss Mary and Eilward Thompson leave Wednesday raornina for Stanton to attend the wedding of Miss NoUe of that place. Mr. aiwl Mrs. C. W. Chadwick of Tor. onto visited friends in town last Friday, M i.'ss Sarah Morehouse of Toronto is visiring young friends here. Mrs. Frank Biuce of Toronto is the guest of fiieods iu this vicinity. .\mong those from a distance who called on the .\dvaiioe during school con- vention days were Princijial Blakestnn of tho Dundalk school, Mr. Comwell of Meaford high school. Inspector C:.mnbell and Bro. Irwin of the Darhain Chronicle. "Purity and Alcne " The above are the titles of two most delightful pictures which are being snnt to subscribers of tho Faniily Hersld and Weekly Star, of Montreal, this season. It is difficult 10 say which will prove most popular. "Purity" is a beantiful piece of ccdour work. It is a copy of a painting that baa attracted a great deal of attention ^n Europe. '* Alone" appeals perhaps to *' Looking back-I see 1 never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfieii customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. . Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W,A. Apmstpong, JEWELER AND OPT3CI* ; 1» m Xlillirif^rj' So far, we have been having success. We invite evf^ry kdy to c<ill and inspect our large .assortment. Boots and Shoes Our Boot and Shoe department i.s extra well sut)plied with a full a.ssortuient of Meu".s, Ladies', Boys' and Girls' boots of all descriptions. We get our boots tlirect the manufacturer and we can recommend them to our customers as -wearers. Our lall line of heavy and light rubbers are in stock and we have a gooil ;xs.sortmenl to pick from. Gtx)ceries It is admitted by all who have drunk thera that our Ja}.ian antl Black Tea, at 25c. a lb., is the best they ever drunk for the money. If you have never tried it we wmdd ask you to give it a trial. We sell you 25 lbs. Kedpath's Granulatetl Sugar for it^l.OO. - 'X ..'I', .;':-^. • :â- â-  ' : ClotLiingr - . " Our stock of Shirtings, Cottonades and Flannel- ettes are of the very best and at closest prices. We got a special line of boys' worsted stockings at 3Gc. It wouki pay to get a pair for the boys. Wlien you want a good suit, either tailor made c>r ready-to-wear, give us a call as our stock of both are extra full of choice lines. lailM BfiOS. â€" FOR â€" Lumber, Lath, Shingles, • Flooring We have just placed in position a new planer and matcher and are prepared to furnish building material in all the above lines. Get our quotations when you want anything. Hickling Bros. I5i^jhiest. 5>rice for* C. 3* Sb^ppard ]produLce. (♦»^ •^• \^ /IN. I: \^ il> a» i^ Hi IEACHER5 WANTLD- j A Few Montlis fir For S. S. No. .1. Euiihra.aia, i>rincii'al and assistant. Apply stating salary aod quallfica-- tion to the uu.icrsigue I. Diilies «o comraeDce j JanuarySih, 1808. AppHcaXou twin on ot te- ten ooiober 35, 1*K. JA3. B. KAV^-CKTT, 8«c Tteas. S S. Nt . 3. Kimberley Sl»a NT A THE Came ^ stray Came to kb« premises of kha uQJer5iene<). lot 10, COQ.IO, Osprey. about tho I5th Jay of Sept, last. oDe bweand two Iambs. Owner i3 reqiie.->t- nd talce ed to prove them away. property R. J pay 0\t>en»«afl an( COLQCETT. FeTersbam. \\\\m\ \m FOB SEBVKE 8ih Con. 10 July, •(« Artemeoiaâ€" Maxwell P. O. The anderslgaed has s fine thorooRhbr^d Torkibire twar for MtTico OD lot Ji, flfth co»- ewaton, Arteotetia. Varm* i\. W. B. VtaOBi. Owen Sound, Ont. Will lit a young man or woman for basiness. The best course in Cunada and reamn- able fees and expenses. College circular free to any addrc*<. C A.FLEMINO, PRIN. Ow«a Soviid, Oat. , V

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