October 2, 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^BK i^ ♦4-r4^$ieM^*4- I F, T. HILL & CO | ***^K^I^*| OUK FALL MILLINERY OPENING | Ta kes place on Wedn esday and Thursday of this we ek, October ist a nd and. We're oiakiiig extenuivo |iri'|mratiou8 townnlH « hat wo trust will bo our most siifiocsafiil opening, ami cordially invite the presence of youiself and fiiendii on above and following days KURS ! FURS I FURS ! With the bo»t, the largest and most carefully selected stock of eh'gnnt furs we\'o ever lind in slock, selling even thus early has been excei>tionalIy brisk. IJolow »e give just a few of the prices showing the trend of Values, and please remember this-rin every case and on every article we guarantee absolute satisfaction. 35 Ladies' Fur Jackets, all sizes and lengths, made of exceedingly beautiful and durable skins, i.i black Astr.ichan and Seal. We never before had such a Worthy collection. Prices rungo from $22.00 to 45.00 45 Ladies' Ruffs, all sizes and qualities. Just think of a m'ce black luft, four tails for only 90c ; ethers in larger sizes at 1 40 and 1.75, wbil<' one line in a very large size with head is 2.25. The best you can buy for 3.95 2'J Cuporines, nprtseiiting almost every worthy lino in tico market. I'eautiful, rich and handsonitily finish- ed caperines at 92.50 to 13 50 Ladies' Jaokets. From a very complete collection we make mention of one lino. â€" Ladies dark gray Frieze Jacket, size 3'*, up, 40 inches long, fancy mer- cerised lining, new cuffs, pockets, etc. This is a decidedly up-to-date narment and easily worth more money. Our piicooidy 8.75 10 pieces of beautiful, rich Velvets, the choicest articles for a dressy Kail and Winter Blouse. These fjualitics are retailed in mosl stores at 50 cts., and are considered good value. Our price 37A and 40 16 pieces of extra heavy plaid Wrapperotto in colors t/bat we guarantee absolutely fast. Those goods are of sijKndid width beini^ double fold and may be utilized in the home for very many purposes. R(g- ular 17c. goods on sale row per yard only 9 1000 YABDS BLEACHED COTTON (slightly snilod.) the regular 8 cent quality. Full 30 inches wide. Kx'ra s|jocial. Per yard only 4i SAXONY AND ZEPHYR YARN, 5 skeins fnr lOe. We've about 100 pounds of Saximy and Zephyr Yarns, (in colored only.) This wo bought at a fraction of its real worth and mark it to sell accordingly. So Icmg as it lasts the prico will bo 5 skeins f(ir 10 OVER 100 CASES SHOES AND ROBBERS In our enlari>ecl new Shoe Department will bo fonnd a [lerfect stock, repiesenting the best Shoe Manufac- turers of Canada We pride ourselves on the excell- ence of our shoe stock â€" a stock that for ((uality and ([Uanlity is not even ajiproicheil hereabouts. For wet Fall wear you should try our hand-m.ido, waterproof shoos, guaranteed as such and obtatnablc onl|' here. 5 cases Men's extia fine Dongola Lacod Shoes, now extension S(.les, self tip and solid leather throughout. This lino is tjno of the most fashionable in the market for present wear, and is easily worth 25 per cent more than we have marked it. Our special price is only 2.00 4 cases Ladies' Dongola Laced Shoes, self tip, medium sole, newest lasr, and solid leather throughout. Wo have thi'se in all sizes. Their actual worth is 92.50. Our special ."oUing price is only 1.95 NE vV RUBBERS.-GOOD RUBBERS Nearly one hundred cases new rub'aers,mai.le by "The Boston Rubber Company," are now in stock. Any person who has ever worn theso celebrated goods could not easily be persuaded to buy any other. Wo liavo them for men, women, girls and boys. Prices not any higher than poorer qualities sell for else- where. Men's Cltcster Overcoats, 35 to 42, made of beautiful smooth, heavy cloth, silk velvet collar, new pockets, culls, e'c. We'd like to show you tho o.icellence of out Overcoat stock â€" this lino particularly, price 8.75 PURE WOOL BLANKETS. 2 oases Super i-uro Wool Blankets pli cjd in stock this week. We have all sizes and weights in beautiful lofiy lini.h gooHs, lovely colored hoarders and thor- ougldy dei>endablo wearers, full large size blanket, pure all-w( ol, per pair only 2.85 STONE CHINA CUPS AND PLATES 50 dozen White Stone China Plates, wheat piilttrn at 15c below regular [irioe. Per dozen C5, 75 85c. 25 dozen extra heavy stono China cups, per d(jzen 55 Our stock of STOVES is now the most complete you'll find. You cannot make a few dollars nnae i|nickly or mure easily than by buying jour next clove from u.s. New C'lok Stoves, New Ranges, New Heatert,. Mora particulars next week. ?r Remember our Millinery Opening takes [ lace Wednesday and Thursday of this week •^•M^?!-?*^* F. T. HILL & CO Eiitsciiiu From Our Own Currespomlcut. Farmers are weiring a lia!)py smilo over the splendid yield of grain this season. ?,â- â- ' .?Jr â- Mr. Deagle hits now put in the electric plant and the wire is ready to put on the poles. We hope the pooplo will be ready to colobiatc lighting-lip night with a re- ception to Mr. Deagle in honour of the the event. Mr. T. W. Wilson has gone •)n a trip to tho Muskoka lakes. We hope to see him return greatly inprovod in health. Mr. and Mrs Largo of SlK^lburne wore gUMts of Mr. Mark Stubbs for a few days recently. Mr-). Munahaw, who has boon visiting friends in the city for the last few weeks, has returned somewhat im[)fovod in liea'th. Miss Fida 15oweiman has gona to the city for an extended vtdt. She will be areatly missed in tho Sunday school in which she was a devoted worker. Miss Clara IJiboock has rotiirnod to tho city after a lenjithy visit with her friei d. Mm. Johi^st< n. Mra. Grforge (Jm-don liis returned from a visit with friends in isholhurno greatly improved in health. Mr. Carr, who has been getting h's hous.i bricked and oiilaiged, has now as handsomo a rosidonco as tliero is in Kug»iiLa. Tho ladioa of tho Kuguni* Presbyterim church will Indd their annual harvest lioiue and fowl supper on tho evening of Oct(d)er tho eighth. Admission 25 and 15 cents. For fuither paitioulars see bills. Mrs. Roy and little daughter have gone on » visit to fi'ionds in Orami Valley. Mrs. Oeirge Lawler is critically ill Dr. Bibby is in attendinco and hopes are entertained th;it shu inriy recover. Mr. F. T. Cair of Eugenia supplied r.t W(»rBham for Rev. T. Roott on Snuday ai'tornoon. »i t «â- !« ^ â€" â€" Port Lnw us ta muster for the fray. Well, like time and tide, the threshing machine is something that waits tor no man, and so at the risk of forcit'g the Advance to su.spend wo chose the fork rather than tho pen. On Monday, Sept. 22nd, a little boy arrived to gladden tho hearts and brighten the home of Mr. and Mr.s. Robeit McMaster. Mr. John Winters' little t.vo-year-old girl h.is befii siillering a severe attack of illtii ss Ihepa.s' few days. Mr. Win. McLennan, jr , narrowly escaped what mijiht easily have resulted fatally. He was building a load <if peas in tbu fiold and near the side of tho h ad when they suddenly came upon an uneven piece of j^ronnd, and he, losing his baUiifO fell head lirst to the ground, lie WHS around again shortly and now si'i-nia little the worse fiu' his Hcrobalic per.''orin- anco. Mias Mn^'gio Johnston is on the sick list rcctivhig nieilicul attondan'^e. Edward .lamieson and Albeit BlacU- buro, who have been for some lime last uear Brampton, arrived homo on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Heron ..f Chicago visited last Friday with Mr. iind Mrs. McKenzie. Mrs. Heron, who is as.-iisiant supoiintendiint of the Chiistian Alliince, and actively eng.iged in missimi work in connuotioii with the Moody church there, I iok chargo tho samo night of tiio union prayer seivicu, and delivered a most able nie.ssagj, replete with gospel truth. Fiiim Our Oint CuirrsiMniileiit. Deal Advano«,w« liope to bo pardoned for r>ur Rceniing negligence of duty durine the pa»t few weeks, but harvest lime yru know nutans hustle and before cropi were sraicely girnered in I'ld wiihnut a'lowing n bioathing spell along cime Mr, routli with his Hteaiii thresher, clostdy f flowed by the dauntless Nipiur, whose rlirill whi«tlu!', whilo *e>:miiigly screech it\% out dofiunco at oich ulhor, demanded *' Looking back»I see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases tliat others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, 4CWELER AND OPTIClA'1 FI-PSHERTON. W. HOCKLEY I>rotoML - Ppo-ton Great Reductions IN READY-MADE CLOTHING Men's allwocd tweed suits, ?!).00, reduc5 e<l to (i 7,1 Men's Fanoy tweed suits, $7.50, reduce , to 5 O" Boys' 3 piece suits,S3. 75, reduced to 2 V^ Boys' 2 piece suits,? 3 <)0, deduced to 2 2-"> Dress Goods. 200 yds. fancy dress goods, regular selliiig price oUc. to 40o., reduced to .,...,111 Boys' bhiuses, regular pri;es (iOc reduced to .• 4."> Groat snaps in liunnolcfte shirts. 50 Men's llanieletto shirts, regular 60 ceiit, .jleaiing out at o."i Tailor-made Suits A sna[> for young men, regular SIO and 817 suits for 13 and 14 Every suit guaranteed to lit, or no sale. STRAW HATS. .Men's linii straw lials 25 to 30e for 20 Ladies saihir hats, regular 60 and (iOc for 40 24 .Mini's .Svveaieis, clearing out at . . . .08 12 ]5oys sweaters, clearing out at ... .45 A large ah.sortmont of Ladies kid gloves, rovu!ar §1.25 and SI 15 giKals fur ... .5)0 A Large Assortment of Fancy (i lass ware I>idbc$t price paid for Butkr and €ga$ $a!tfor Sale W. HOCKLEY. Ta CURa A COLD INONE DAV Tatj.i I.nxattvn Ilronin Quilllno Tfttilols All rirnpi^iHt,* rotuiiil tlio inoiiov if It fails to euro W lo.Orovo'asiRimturo Is ou eacli box aso For Sale or Rent. For i"al« or to roiit (or a tortii of yoarsâ€" two totf« on tho rornor nf Potflr anil Kii7.al>t)th strot^l, K1i<*.h(n'ioti (ui wtiicli ar^ <trcctoil a Kood brick rlwollioR lionnft.frpiuB barn aiift Rtal>Ice,to(;ottier with ollirr out bilDilinRt. ; aln.) ^^^o^l oruharil of Aiint'R, p{>avrt,rti«i-rioB nnjHttiall fnilli ; ooointi- cnfor tho Inat flvu ycdr.i M a I'losbytmliin inniifp. .\pvlv t.i .Mm. Sykkk, KlufhertonP. O. I'l.i»l>(,rt()ii,.Iiily at, wn. FARMFORSALE OR RHNT FOR TERH OF YliARS. I.rt m-in nnl r«MRB N. i;. T. A S. H., lArte- riP«lft,conl(;inili;j lOil acri'«. lltirlt linil«c, ffoofi Irnme barn, liooii orolmvii. woll watered. Two iniloK from l-'leKlinrtori . Half aniilfi from (jrlst- 11)111. Will bit HoM on anv tornin st:ltab!e t.i I'tirclia^cir. If not nolcl will bo rented t .>r term ' of years. Kov full pMrttcnlAffl apidy to â€" "lei" â- 8ep.lB-l tDO liAAc HiMcbAin, Plenherton P. n, Fall nillinery Opening Tuesday and Wednesday September 30 and October i, 1902. We have plea.sure in announcing our Fall Mill- inery Opening for the above nanieil dates, antl cortli- ally' invite the attendance of the Latlics of the vicinity. IVliss Osborn will again take charge of the Show Room and we have made preparation for the mo.st elaborate and conipreiiensive display of the latest creation.s in .Fall Millinei-y. I<adies re({uiring "Rush" orders will have prompt attention. New F-^^i:^k§iLll]J>l^_^„-. Our selections of New Fall Suitings cannot fail to meet every individual taste â€" we have sccurcfl the nio.Kt popular colorings and weaves and can fully guarantee quality in every instance. We lay special stress on oiir " Harris " Home spuns for high finish, wearing qualities and stylish appearance. Harris Homespuns All pure wool, in black, light and dark grey, reseda, myrtle, blue, navy, fiiwn and brown in medium, light and heavy weights suitable for skirts and suitings. 52 to 56 in. wide. Three prices, 85c. $1.00 and 12S ^ Zibelline Cloths Very stylish goods, in black, grey, myrtle, navy, brown, fawn and red. Width 46 to 54 inches. 55c. and $1*00 BroadLclotlis Pure wool, superb finish, in black, blue, navy, grey, brown, fawn and biscuit shades. Widths from 40 to 54 inches. Prices from 7oc. to $|«50 Cheviots, Poplins, Venetians, Ama;^on.-;,Repps, Satin Cloths,Henriett4is,Serges,Meltons, etc.â€" new selections in all tlui leatling popular shades. Prices from 25c. to $1*00 Bloi;tse Fa.1>x*ics We're making a specialty of "individual" waist lengths â€" no two alike â€" in a wide rauj^c of colorings and effects in the most fashionable and correct cloths, including Delaines, Printed and Embroidered Cash- meres, French Flannels, Fancy Betlford Conls, etc. Prices fi'om 5()c. to 0Oc» pcr yard* Blouse F'la,i:ixi.elet>ties Our range excites general admiration â€" the cloths are wide, soft, beautifully finishetl- the designs are exclusive â€" the colorings new and choice. Prices from IOc. to 25C, P^V yard. tt^ ^%/^/%^^ ^/^a^ia^sfc'^^ ^^-^^i-Xk^ ^â- 'fe-'^^w* â- ^^'^ v^ ? On. F'air J^sty^s we shall show t S the largest and best selection of Furs, Over- ^ coats. Clothing and Mantles ever exhibited ^ here. J Come and see them I . £@Ste. s«-vs|^^!&:: "-^.• ' s-'*i*''4': When you think of buying a new Stove or Range get our quot^i- iions â€" They're right and we have lots to choose from. Plow Points â€" We have all kindsâ€" 25 cents each. Boyd^l^icklltid&eo. Wi ^ i