Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1902, p. 1

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fc ^ 'V-/ shrrt^n TRUTH BEFORE FAVOE." â€" " PEINCIPLEb >)0T MEN.' VOL. XXn, NC' 1098 Flesiierton, Ont., Thursciay, iSepteiriber 3 1 1903 W. H THURSTON, EDITOR & PKOl'ItlETOB s:y t iildi l![P!lifii I TliP uii'chanism of a ' wivtcli is :\ii infricate a:iJ iK-licnte 'liii!!;. Many , jtxiil walclies liivve been I ruineil by bungling re- • pairs, tdu expel t repair- J iiig lunl I mil willing lo strtiidou my recordassuch I knuw how ro handle » cheap w:itoh and I know how to handle expensive timepiece-yet either gets the sauio honest atteutiou by iiie» If you bav(3 watch ru- palrs to he done t rvaut your work. 1 proiuiaa lo ilo it right at a rcasouablu price. u Vt.A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON A Request. Oh Time give back those oceiies so dear | From childhood's ha»py hours, j Bring back those jnys I loved so woU Within life's sacreJ bowers; Smooth fiMiu my brow each trace of care , That ivould their furrows bring, ^ And let mo hear juat as of old : Those soiii^s we u.^e.! to sius- | Send back those diya wlioii side by side i SVe rofiuied the woodland fair, I And It^t '.lie see ayain each form j Who wandered with nie there. ] Oil, fancy bear me back ouce more i To that far distant day, j And picture to my lon,'in<i si^ht I Those loved one's passed away. That once i knew ero Time's swift Sight Her bliyhi.eniug wand hud cast i O'er cherisliod hoposof earlier years, i That now ate with the past. j Oh, let me bear those voices sweet i That made my heart so ;jlad ] And gr.isp once more thnse hands iu uiitio I Whose parting made nio saJ. , 'Tis tain, they never can return | TlioBO days bo bright and detiv ! Whose visions eft my faiicies fill 'Midst cbangiui( scenes while here. But still I love their soiithiiiL; spell Like some briuht dream that's o'er That iu my .^.-iddest, sweetest hours 1 ask frini memorieii' slo^e. ,-^-- • .,». , â€" _^ Artemesia Ccuncil McCcnnell of this place brought into the village the twenty third bear captured by him in (his vicinity. Ho had trap sot ou lot 3'), coiicessiriii 6 in the township of rroton, the property of Mr. Richard Paxman. Mr. Paxuiaii was at the trap Friday evening and •va.'i astonished to see besides the one in the trap with his paw ill chancery, three or four other bear .sympathisers waiting ajound to assist if possible their comrade iu distress. *)ri this report being circulated ou Saturday moniini?, Mr. McCounell was not long in enlisting a .s<|uad of sports to accompany him to the spot which is .six or seveu miles out. Ou arrival, Mr. Barry of De Alva iVledicino Co., who was one of the lirst at the scene, gave a little song and dance which scared the wits out of those bears that were at liberty to leave, and they left-immediately for E-ist Luther. Th« oue in the trap, to ksep up the jollity, gave the bear dance, stood on his head, climbed trees as far as his chain would permit and cut up dog genorally. Captain McConiiell came provided with ri'pes and ladder and gave his orders in a commanding voice which were obeyed to tlio letter and soon Mr Bruin found Iiiin- self lied securely by all fours to the ladder and raised into the ivasjon for the jou.-ney home. No doubt he felt reheved at being freed from the steel jaws of the trap but iuiiijjiue his agoiip iu baviiig lo listen to the squad rt-peating over and over again how "We did it." Mr. Mc- Cotincll has handled so many bears in his day that he knows just how to do it. Hi.i latest capture is about a year and a half old and jet black. He takes to his new home on Mr. IVIcConueirs lawn tiuito resignedly and receives many odls from villagers and others His right paw is a little sore and he don't shake hands with uiai'y. His market value is from J25 to $35, and would improve towards the cold weather. ran to see what was the matter with the : birds. One lar^je bird was laboring hard , ' to aet away from something, and running ^ ; qnickly and quietly up to it, pitclifork in j j hand, Mr. Godfrey saw the body of a j large fox, the head of which was buried i ; in the turkey's tall feathers. A strong i '• thruat sent the tines of the fork through : reyuards back and he was quickly des- [ ; patched. I < Inflamed Nose and Throaft | And such diseases of the respiratory ; organs as bronchitis, weak lungs, cold in ; the head and nasal catarrh, are treated â-  with imirvellous success on strictly scien- ; tific principles by Catarrhozone. The : ; medicated vapor of Catarrhozone quickly ; traverses every air passaae possible to be ; reached by any in-earmeut. All soreness, ! pain, congestion and inflaniination are at i once diipelled, and by means of ihe heal- • ing powers of Catarrhozone the vitiated . tissues are ([uickly restored. Where ; Catarrhozone is used colds last only ten j minutes, coughs half an hour, and cat- ; arih, consumption, asthma and bronchitis | fleeasfrfUi (ire. A trial will convince ', anyone of the startling merit of Catarrh ' ' oz(me. Costs §1.00, small size 25c. At I druggisiSjor Poison & Co. ,Kingsbon,Oiit. 't ;S& Kockviile. Afteinesia township council mot in the town ball 1111 Monday, Sept. I, the reeve in the chair. All the members were [ireseut. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The business before the OJUbcil was small, and lu follows: Thompson â€" Gibson â€" That the council lie a committee lo examine th.i valley road and inspect the work now bcinn done by oontructor and arrange for putting cul- verts iu prupor places. â€" Cariiod. Muirâ€" Boydâ€" that bylaws (iLS and 015 be read a third time, sij^not.!, scaled ai d oniervd in thrt bylaw hook.â€" Carried. Gibson â€" Muir--That the followin;< ac- counts for gravel, as ceititiod to by over- SfOis, be paid : John Cunniimli.un $'2 75, James Foster ^.00, JauieH Nelson J2. 10. â€" Carried. Gibson â€" Thompsonâ€" That il.S.Sproule be allowed 50c. por rod fur couipletiiig twenty rods of ditch oppowite lot 105, 1st coll. X. E., Kaid an:ount to bo paid when w»rk is completed â€"Carried. Muirâ€" Bovd â€" That Malcolm Mc- ))ouKall b« refunded the towiislilp late on Ihe aiscsxincnt of lots 10 S. D. R. and 11 N. l>. H. on ncuouut of having his dwulliHg l.ou.-*!! burnt. â€" Cairied. iMuir â€" Gibson- -That the r<-uvoaud Mr. Thompson be paid §2 each fur comiuitlcc work ou towu!ice Artemisia aiij Uopruy. â€" Cnrried. Council adjourned to meet on the Satutdiky in October. From Our Own Con-cspoiidait. 1 Mr. David English of Minuoiota is 1 paying a visit to his parent3,Mr.aud Mrs. 1 J"hn Kuglish of ilockvale. i Mr. J as. iVlcColm,in ha.s removed his' family to 0.ven Souud. i Miss Louie Thompson visited at Owen Sound last .veek. Her two cousins, | Wilfred and IVfiniiie Wright. accompanied her home fur a few days' visit. [ Our school outtit -teacher, pupils and other parapherualiaâ€" will take possession of tho now schoolhouse on Monday next. The finish in}» touches are bein-i put ou tho new buildi«ig this week. I'rivevillc e'lom Our (Itcii Cot respnthlcnt The following young people of this place left last week to attend High school in Owen Sound . Misses N. lirier, G. Nichol and M. McDonald, and Messrs. Jno. i!ilc.\rthur, D. McLeod and Henry ^^'at3on. We wish ihem all success in their studies. .V number from t'lis place are taking in tho sights at the Toronto fair. Those who attended last week ire, Mis. Matheson, Mrs. Meliityre, .Mis. J. Mc.Aithur, Mrs. M. Cameron, Mrs. D. (.5. McLean, Miss Eniina Robeitson and Miiis .\. James Miss G. McLeod spent Saturday and Sunday with frieiidn in Markdale. Mr. Eastm.iu .'â- pent tabor Day at his home in MeafoiU. Mr. L. McDougal has gone to Indian He:ul for the liarves';. MrH. W. J. McMiis'cr of Bruce Mines i.s H[ienuiii:/ a few days with hur uncle, D. McDonald, O.D.H, .Miiis Ruby Robertson is holidaying at hei home bore. The annual S S. Convention nf Arte- mesia township will be held in St.Ctduuiba church here on tli« I7th of this month. B'anlB'arsI Tb« Dandalk Herald tetU the fullowinsi ^r »U>tf: "On SatunUy laat Mr.CI>aa. Mr John Goilft«y,of tho 3rd conoeiiaion of Sullivan is the poas-.'ssor of a tin* flock of about 75 tiirkey.s as well as a splendid 200 acre farm. Oo Tuesday Mr. Godfi-ry «taa hauliu!( grain and no' iced a sudden commotion auiong his turkeys, and m the tui)(evs f\xo worth about 91 QO s^ie<^ h* 1 That Lathins: Job. To the Editor of The Adumce Dear Sir,â€" In last week's issue I noticed a pretty hard calling down which ! we got because wj did a piece of good Work, Now,Mr.Mechanic, you must have been only jollying us a little. You ought to get some of yonr fast men to show us an example when they coma to this town to «ork. I think wo could have lots of time to sleep aiiJ then compete wiih hiui. We don't pretend to be tho fastest and best tueu iu this place, but we can gen- erally keep our eyes open long enouah to do our work pretty near pluinb,whiuh30ine folks appear unable to do. .A.boufc house Mechanic mentions with the 400 yards. You had better get your contract.irs to measure it again. I think they have made a slight mistake, at least if I had let the larliing there would have been m ^re than -too yiu-ds. Mechanic talks about us taking a lather fiom Fleshertou. Only there was a mail or two with him who could lull he m gilt have beeu ar the job yet. Wo would like t.o hear of some bi'.£, fast work that .Mechanic can do. Maybe he would come over some day next week lo the Boyd Brns. buildings and sling the hod for a day or two, and I'll bet a hun- dred to oue if ho does he will keep liia eyes openâ€" or I don't know, probably they would soon close, â€" Patton Bkiis. Completely Fagged Out. The world is full of sickly, desp nident, tired, enervated people, .all hoping to be well .some day The surest road to health is alon>» the way of taking Feiro/one after meals. is a g-eal appetizer and enables oiie-to eat plenty of wholesome food without fear of indigestion or dys- pop.<ia. This results in tlie rapid fonii- ation of an abuiidanc of red, vitalizing bl'iod, which will iv^'ore the nerves, in- crease flesh and vissor, nnd r.ourish and feed every orgin cf the body. Fcrmzono is an rciitor.'ktivo and invigoraiit. It is a tonic of unequaMed merit and any one can use with bi;iietit. Price oOo per box. I'r six boxes for S2..50, at druggii-ts, or N. C. Poison & Co , Kingston, Ont. A new C>iitario girl advertised fof- a husband and landed him successfully, i The total expense for advei' ouilit, etc., amou tod to §11. Within a year's time h( r haslwnd died, leaving hur a §20,000 life insurance policy Yot some peopla c'niin that it does not pay to advertise. Tho liquor dealers of this province are ' arrangiu'.! to light the referi'iidnm. Au I official aiinounc-ment sent to tho members l of the Oi.tjiriii License Hidilers' Protect- I ive.Vssoeifvfcion.states that Edwin Dioki y, ' tho Provincial Secrotaj-y, » xpects to !i>ld ' two or three meetinj;^ a week throughout the province. The announoomeiit e< n- taliis this exhortation : "In Unwe dis j triots i.i which KUth luoetiig^ arc called, > i'. is hoped he will lecoivo active support j of every license holder, so that the meet- ings may be Utgely attended and arrange- 1 incnts iiecessitry to b« adoptetl in connec- tion with r^feroRdum jictfncted." \ McFarland, Stafford & Co. % ^ HARKOALE, ONT. ^ ? 6rcy ec»unty*sBisgcst .and Kbeauest Store ^ I BargainsThat are Genuine. ^ â- , lis' jasy enough lo compile price lists and tiaunt them f.rth as bar- ai^ â-  gain offerinu'S, but unless they are gmiuine. the reading of cliem is a mere ^^ / waste of time. This stoce its space to print reliable news of genuine ^^ ^ bargahis ; it stands back of every item with the guarantee that monoy ^^ » will be refunded if goods and prices are not esacily as described. W'o ja J leave you lo judL'e. TJ; 00 MEK'S SUITS FOR 84 90. Men's Suits all wool navy blue sei'go,mado in single-breasted sacquo style, hiied with line Iralian cloth, well tailored aiid tiimmed perfect fitting, usually sold at ^7, Thui-sday muruitig they go on bargain counter at _ 4 90 3ti 50 MENS SUITS FOR 33.90. ' -'â-  These are an .issorted lot, not many of one oidor or pattern but when put together number about 20 suits. It would puzzle you to tiiid a suit in tho lot that is not worth -^0 50. Â¥bursday morning you can taka yourchoice for 3 90 So 00 YOUTHS SUITS ITOR 33.15. Youths' all-wool Canadian Tweed Suits, in a grey check fancy inediuin-weight cloth, c >iit double-breasted shape with long pants. If :34 nr 35 is your size come early Thursdayaud get one-on.-ale at 3.15 S1.25 MEN'S PANTS FOR 98c. Men's good strong Canadian Tweed working pants in medium stripp- ed pattern, made with to|i and hip pockets, strongly sewn and wall finished, sizes 33 Ui 42, Thursday moruing price ISc MEN'S SOCKS FOR 12Ac. Men's Grey Wool Half Hose, ribbed tops, good value at ISo price S3 75 L VDIES' WALKING SKIRTS FOR $'.2.75. Ladies sliirts of fancy mixed cheviotj, coloi's blue juid green, throughout, This line is a aood honest cloth and suitable for season. Just think a ready-to-wear skirt as described to be on Tbui.^day for - ''75 25c CASH. MERE HOSE FOR 19c. .^^ . be'-. Ltidios' all-wool black cashmere ribbwl hoae, fiilj fashioned and would .lell in regulir way at 25o per pair, while Choy last oiu' price this week j!) 4O0GREY FLANNEL FOR 32o. We procured direct fi-om a mill several uieoes of ao extra good make of all wool homespun iliHinel that usually sells at 10c per yaid. We ,-l'ot it at a cut price which enables us to'clear the lot at " 02 These are but a lew of the good bargains ibis store h.'W for tliia week Wo want to loniind you that our Mid,-;uiiinier Sale is on yet and will c.m- tinue 80 until ;dl summer goods are disposed of, if cuttiim prices in two will do it. Auain we must nuike room for our big shipment of import giods th.ic wojiavo boon nd\ i.sed is to land in a day or two, bought of Messrs. Ryland, Sons it Co.. Limited. Manchester. This large as?ort- ment of choice solect^â- d dry goods will ho placed in stock within a few 08 our lined any .sale liays. We wcmld ailvise you to have a look through this lot of now goods for Fall and Winter before buying elsewhere. Wo would think it a pUa- suro to sho'v you these now goodsâ€" whether you wish to buy or not. Cbnie early before some of the best thing are gone. j\16Fki'lkiid, Stkffoi*d & do. Harvest Is Past The Money is in the country, and WE HAVE THE GOODS To sell at right prices. Let us specially mention this week our stock of i/ieacif/macie : Clothing Which we faithfully believe cannot be excelled, no matter where you tro. and at ^11 j^ricQSs \Vq can fit you, we can please you. Let us sell you your fall suit. Our dress goods, grocery and hard- ware departments are complete with fresh, clean goods ]L<et Us Yovir TjcsiAg, F. Q. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON

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