Mr n II. i1 "--^ AUGUST 28 1902 rntt ifttsuKiifOii advance •vmi i^teMhsii •tmmmiiittimmmmt 4 !***#** I F, T. HILL & CO. I **«* 1 Bargains 'for = Jiugu st | A« a fitting finifh to tho very best season's buoiness ever done by U9 we shall for the next four weeks offer fiome of the most remaika>)le values ever given by us. So;t!o of our iiiJport invoices are already in â€" tho goods re â- pifseiitinj; them aro alrojicly Hlii|)i)ed us â€" and we must havu room tri place thorn in stock ns soon as they arrive. Wliile iimny linen not appearing in print will ho HHoriticed, those will have greatest proininonoe : â€" MUSLINS, ZEVHYRS, FANCY PIQUES, etc., only 15o. 18 pieces fancy niUHliiis, zej)liyrs, picjuos, etc., (about :i80 yardw) repre8entiii!« sotno of this season's prettiest goods. Thia presents an unusual t'jjportunity of securing up-io-datc goods, thai until now have not been sold for less than 25 & 20o This specijil clearinK prico takes oBect on Thursday morninK, per yd. 15 FANCY FRENCH FOULARDS WORTH 14c. for 10c. 27H yards deautiful cnloieJ French Foulards, These are jjarticularly nice summer goods, soft, silky efiects and make very hiiiulsomu dressesor shirt waipts. Full S-l inches wide, regular 14c. for only 10 JIEK'SAND liOYS' BOWTIES 4 FOR 25c. 10 dozen beautiful silk ami satin lion- ties that have never been offer- ed here or elsewhere for less than 25 cents each. Our only cxcusb for offerinj.' them now ut this ridiculously low price is that our stock is much larger than wo desire it. Four ties for the value of one 25 Remcnihor our big Buy your harvest mitts and all other hardware and harvest require- ments here. This department is booiniug and there is no reason why it should not. 10 and 12Jo. PRINTS FOU O^c. Nearly l.OOO yards of beautiful fast colored prints from 30 to .S6 inches wide. Those ;ire in light and dark grounds, Btripes, floral desigus, figures, etc., anJ present an un- usual opportunity of securing good goods cheap. No limit as to (juantity. Actual 10 and 12J cent Print for per yard only 0^ Fancy Muslin Sliirt Wftisl.s 3.^c. 23 only shirt waists, assorted colors, perfectly fast felf collar and perfectly fitting, reg. 50e for 3D ART MUSLINS -CHEAP We've iust placed in sto-^k nearly luOOyda.of the most a Art Muslins tlml have ever r cent. beautiful i^tterns Art Muslins tlml have ever come our way, 'Vou can buy ihoiii now fuUy 25 p Ijclow tlieir roguUr valuos PIQUE AND DUCK SKIRTS, 81.00 15 ready to wear skirts, piques are nicely trimmed with insertion while others liave deep frillâ€" ducks are inado of splendid heavy materials in dark ground and all are perfect in every detail. Regular prices all sea- son have been 1.35 to 1 75â€" the balance we'll clear now at this price each.your choice l.OO SHIRTS AND SWEATERS- SPECIAL Men's Fancy Shirts worth up nj (!5c for only 32 Men's B'ancy Shirts worth up to di .10 for only C8 Men's lieavy all-wool sweaters, wiirih !)5c tor oidy G8 Ladies Sailors and Trimmed hate at half price. Kxtra special prices on Men's and Boy.s straw hats. Extra Special prices on our large stucii of Parsols. RAIN COATS. Roniar-kable and unapproached values in all of Rain Coats. Values and stylos cannot be im- l>roved on. I^^^^il^^i^ . F. T.HILL & CO *^fje^^^*^* The reeve of Eupbrasia was recent- ' ly upproftchod with a request that Eu- j phrasia council do soiuotbiug towivrd , improving the north end of the valley load, now that Arlemeslaiscxpcucling BO much ou their portiou. This in- dividual, however, said it would not bo done because they did not want the people of Euphrasia to go to Flesher- toii; they wanted Iheiii to go to Mark- dale to ilo business. If this is conectly reported 13 us wo would like to ask ' the people of Eupbragia what they thomselvcs think of such a narrow, contracted policy? Are they to bo forced to buy and aell where thiahltle Juggoniaii'l sajs they inuat, or are they to have their markets fixteiidcd as much as pobsibic'? We fancy the farmers of Euphrasia are a little more far seeing than certain peanut; politicians would give thorn credit for, and they should do a little towards .asserting their rights in gaining access to computing markets. Fleshorton i.s coming to the fore in this respect aud farmers to the north should reap the advantage. Possibly a petition would do what individual request would not. Itobwt Brown of Garafiaxa prodded Lis horse with a pitchfork. The hoiHc kicked and drove tho fork handle into Brown's side, leltiug his wind out. It was thought that ho would die, but 18 now recovering. That horse ought to have an extra doso of oats. Any luaij who would slick a fork into a lijiso to make Imngo desorres to Imve a few air holes in his anatomy to let his cruelly and folly out. This country has great reason to be thankful for tho bountiful crop which is now being reaped. Kroin tno Hocky nioiiiiluiii.'i to the Atlantic nooau tlioic ja but Olio Btoiy â€" the grandest crop we have liad for years. In Ihia flec- tion peas only have been a compaia- livo fuilnre. l'\oin appearances this week the grain will all be housed iu good condit on. Ktraw is a heavy crop but the grain 1ms also tilled ont veil and roots are growing " out of sight. " With the crop that is now baing taken o(T properly housed the faniiiug coiii'nunity will coi tiiinly Lave reahon to frol a little gay. The farinem down nround Orvt>innru are .tlill liuyim.' bronctiot, R. II, Uaiiniill of Uadjetos recoiilly (kiUl lu R Creiniore huyrr * bunch of fat {little wlpch netted l)iui 91180. Stone Settlement "i I'rum Our Own Coirespondeht i Borry pickiiii! season is nearly at a close! for this yuar. There has been a very; bounlifiil crop. ' The weather is proving very favorable i this week for tlio eommenconient of the harvest. Messrs. Frank Cairns, sr., and Fred; Wrijiht left last Thursday for tho North'; West. We hope they will enjoy the tripi «ud hiive a l'ooJ time, j Mr. Ranks and his men shingled the] iiBiv Sabbath school house last Thursday j and did splendid work. I Mr. iind IVlrs. John Chard visibad at I Mr. II. Stone's lawt .Monday, . . Many cougralulationii, Richie, for suc-J cess at tho recent ex;uuinations. j Mr. and Mrs. Miichell relumed toi their honjc in linffalo latt Thursday after 11 short vi.sit aniony friends and acquain- ] tances here. That was a very intijresting story Mr. Editor, which was in last week's issue, and we are wailiii.i fi>r tho continued part in iio.\t issue. Wo hope to enjoy it as much as the last part. Nervou5,Sleepless, bxhausted Not sick enough to lay up, but you are' out of sorLs, Idood is weak, nerves un- strung, kidneys durauged, vitality is low. You .should take Ferrozono at onco ; it will enrich, strengthen and nurify the blood, invigorate and pacify , the nerves, and increase your energy, vitality, and powor. Ferrozone will renew your ap- petite and digestion, nuiko you sleep soundly â€" in tact wdl nmko you well. Try Ferrozone. Price 60o. per 1>')X, or biixes for S2.50 ; at drug'^isls or N. C. Poison & Co., Kiiig.ston, Out. W. HOCKLEY Proton - I*roton Great Reductions IN READY-mADR CLOTMINQ Men's all-wool Iweed suits, 'J9.00, reduc- ed to , 6 75 Men's Fancy tweed'sUits, 87.50, reduced to 5 00 Boys' 3 piece sults,^3.75, reduced to 2 i)5 Boys' 2 piosesuits.f 3 00, reduced to .2 26 Dress Goods. 200 yds.' fancy dress goods,regular soiling prico SOc. t'l -KK-., redi'i-ed »n 1!) Boys' blouses, reguhir prices fiOc reduced to 46 Great snaps in flannele' to shirts. f>0 Men's flannelotle shirts, regular 60 Cent, clearing out at. 35 Tailor-made Suits A snap for young men, regular 816 and §17 suits for .' 13 and 14 Every suit guwrauteed to fit, or no s.alo. STUAW HATS. Men's tine straw hats 25 to 30c for. . . .20 Lfidios sailor hats, regular 50 and GOo for 40 24 iMon's Sweaters, clearing out at. . . .08 12 lioys .sweaters, clearing out at ... .45 A large assortniont of Ladies kid gloves, re<.'ular $1.25 and 81-16 goods for ... .00 A Large Assortment (ilassware of Fancy FALL FAIRS. Flksukktun Sept. 30â€" Oct. 1 Durham Sept. 2»-2-t 'run.nt. Sept 1-18 Cbesley Sept. 15â€" 10 Owen Sound Sept. 1«â€" 18 ridnierstoM Sept. 18â€"19 tlnlli.i Sept 18-20 (\illin((wood Sept.23-2() Meaforil Sept. 25 -20 Walters Falls Sept. ;i0--()ef. 1 Hanover Sept. 30- Oct. J Koviirsliuni Oct. 2 â€" 3 I'rirevilio Oct. 9â€" 10 Msrkdale Oct. 9-10 5peedy Cure fur Cramps and Colic Mr. Henjrtiniii Dillon, of I.eedM. Out., Was cured of Muscular KhenniaCisni by I'oInhii'n Ncrvilinu, snd says : "1 feel my dutv is to pintdaiui I'olson's Nervdim- at an infidlilile for rliountatisin ; it cured me after ItO ye:ir:t i*nlfering, .-uul noihinij 1 knowjof can i't|Uiil its pmietiatini; power. Ncrv ilinu siihi'ly has no eipial in ipnckly reliuviiii.' and lining rhoMinulisiii, iitura!- yia, Kciiilic.i, imJ lunilia^o. A triitl will ounviuce anyone, rrito 'ib-i. IJev. L. \V. Rutlrdgi., of W.H.datook, Hilddeidy loft liia pulpit List Sunday liioniiiic; licforo |li<t Heiiiion. He rea))- iiuaic'd Oi H few iniuwics. "1 ho))e, " xaid iiu, wliun lie ainso to );ivu miiI the next liyinn, "thai none o| you were alaiuuid by my Knd.ten depniture from tho puluil. A collar I'Utlon is n very lilile inRtter,liut i'j iiKHUirii-s meat importance when n. hap- iions to I r-nk wliun ojiu m in tliu pulpit." The coa!<re|{ation tittered nudib^, l^igbest price paid for Butter and Eggs Salt for Sale W. HOCKLEY. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tnko T^Axativo Itrowo Quiuluo Tablota. All (IruitRiHtH roftitid tho eufHioy if it (aits to cure \V K.Oi'ovo'b BiBnutuvo is on oanti bn.T B/ic Eye Strain Belies Character. Defective sight produces unnatural expres- sion. Perp/etual frowns caused by an effort to see better often belli ^"*^ character. We are experts in fitting glasses that make fad.^1 liistortions unnecessary. W.A. Armstrong, JEWELEH AND OPTICIA â- '. Fl^TSHEPTON. Boydtl^icklitig ^ €o. Just completed oursemi-annual stock takingfâ€"as a result we offer at clearing prices^^wit hout regard to first cost-^a score of seasonable and desirable lines Come and see theiti==-thev're prominently displayed! Clearing Sale of e • Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothins:. During August we shall materi- ally reduce the prices of Ready Made Clothing â€" we have placed some large orders for fall ;iik1 M-ant all odd sizesâ€" odd patterns â€" incomplete lines- odd garments and so on, clearetl out. All Hue are up- to-date, perfect in every reKpect,good patterns, reliable cloths, well tiiinmetl and tailored and made up in first clas^ style. The prices we mention speak for themselves, the reductions are gen- uine and you can save money on *i^| every Clothing purchase during August. THESE UlNES DESERVE SPECIAL HENTJON. For Hen. $5.00 Tweed Suits selling for $3.25. $5.25 " " $3.35. $(5.00 " " $3.75. $0.25 " " $3.95. $6.50 " " $4.00. For Boys. 30 Boys' Two-piece Suits-somo pleated back â€" some with belt â€" some plain â€" all made from good all wool tweedâ€" light mediiun and dark colorsâ€" neat patterns. Sizes 25 to 30. liegular prioe $3.00 and $3.50 â€" we'll sell them during August to clear at $2«39* Aug:ust Reductions in Lndies' Whitewear Ladies' Underwear Cambric Eml)ix)it!ories Vtdenciennes Laces Summer Hosiery. Specials for Preserving Time! I ! I 25 Pounds Sandard XXX Granulated Suyar for , • $1.00 (loni Jar.-* â€" all .siztv-^. Granite Preserving Kettles â€" all sizes. ovd,liicliHng&c:o« ^^ .^i^mxm â-²