Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1902, p. 6

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SALRDA Ceylon Tea is the finest Tea the world produces^ and is sold only in lead packets. Blacic, Mixed and Green. Itoan tea dtinkcn try *Sa!«d»" Gfe«n te». PERSONAL POINTERS. Notes of Interest About Some Famous People. Tliirty-fivo secretaries are con- ftaiitly engaged in coping with the enormous volumes of letters which Ijiil.v pour into the Vatican. Pope >'0 rcccive.s morc^ letters aiKl iiews- liipers thnn any other ruler in the vorld, ihe avcrag-e nuuiber being omelhing like 20,000 to 22,000 laily. The Archbishoi' of York was an •flicer in the Indian Army before ho iitered Holy Orders. He joined flicn he wa.s in his 'ear. and after studying the native anpungfcg secured the post of inter- i851i he retired on a pen-sion. It is crtahily imifjue to find an English krchbishop with a talary of §.50,000 1 year drawing a pension for mili- i'.yy services. The Czar ha.s a larger number of ihysicians in attendance than any ither Sovereign in the world. Tliore tre no fewer than tweiitty-foiir, and. lecdies-s to add, thev are .selected roni the most celebrated doctors of flussia. There is first a physician- n-cliie(; then come ton honorary phy- 'iciaiis and foui' lionorury surgeons, iwo oculists, u thiiopodist, and an lonorary chiropodist. two Coiwt (hysicians, and three .specialists for the Czarina. News comes fronri Llangollen of ;)ie death of George Tonikins, at )ne time locally known as the "millionaire." Arriving from Dri- Ush Columbia some ten years ago with the reputation of iuniiense R'ealtli, he maintained an expensive ss-tablishment. Eccentric in habit, lie wheeled about his children in a l)erambiilator, tlieir tiny lingers cov- ered with costly lings. Gradually his wealth vanished, and shortly be- fore his death he was selling or- imges and matches in the streets. Sir Henry Canipbell-Dannerman has been credited with being able to sleep a.s eiisily in a standing position as he can lying down. Kaid the Duke of lievonsliire to him on one occasion: "Yoti arc like a polico- man. I3unneriu,an; you can always sleep standing up." An ecpially curious habit is that of Lord Uotli- schild. who confesses that he can Bleep better in a theatre during the performance than he can at any oth- er time or iilace. A remarkable story is being told about M. Captier, the famous I'aris sculptor, whose tragic death took place recently. He wanted a model whose feet were perfect foi- his sta- tue of "Venus, "and experienced great difficulty in getting one. When he did succeed in this he found that the lady could not sit for him, as I she was engaged at other studios, j She, hovi'cver, olYered to havi; her feet cut off if M. Cai)tier wH)uld buy iin annuity for her aged mothei-. Needless to say, the scul|itor had to refuse this offer, much to the ap- parent regret of the plucky model. On <mc occitsion the Bishop of Norwich had a somewhat ludicrous experience of tJie cool imperturbabil- ity of some young ladies. I'assing n cottage the liishoj) was stopped by a voice from the garden asking him to open the gate. He did so, md to his surprise, insleiwl of the tiny mite he exjieclcd to see, there ttepiied forth a girl luiitc big en- ough to have opened thi^ gate her- self. The girl's reply to Iir. .Shi'ep- ihank's <(uery as to wli.v she hail )ot opened tlia gale herself was: 'Please, sir, because the paint's vet!" On glancing at. his hand the Sishop saw only too plainly the .ruth of her statement. . Major-tjoneral Kir Fredi'rick tJoJd- atiid, now an oUI man of eighty- our, when superintending the con- truciiin of a telegraph line many lears ago. successfully solved a dis- lUle which thrcntened to assume in- eriiational iiniiurl aiice. IJetween he frontiers of Turkey and Persia here wa.s a tract of land seventeen niles wide wliich each country claim- d. The enginceiing stores of the wo countries dilTered. Turkey hav- ng wooden poles and Persia iron nes, and ccuiseciucntly each disptit- iig country would not consent to ho other's poles being erected on he territory in (|Ucstion. 'J'his deli- ato nuvtter niight have caused a orious delay to an important lino, put Sir Frederick got out of the dif- Iculty by erecting over the disputed erritory iron and wooden poles al- .ernately all the way acro.'-s. Kir Wilfiid l^iwson tells a good tory, an<l often he is himself the lero of it. At a recent Veto P.ill , iemoiiKtralion in\, .Sir Wil- lid, acknowledging a vote of thanks, remnrked that somebody had laid ho was "venerable." and some- oody else that lie was "gallant. " riie one term hail something clerical about it and the other something military, but neither the on'" nor the other was anything in his line. "I will lell yoti." continued Hir Wil- ifrid, "what I r*i. Thttro was a {school in the â- ^.â- "'tii of England, and To Recognize Purity. Adulteration has grown to such a fine art, that It is almost Impossi- ble for a woman now-a-daye to de- tect the false from the true; but a chemical analysis will always detect adulteration. Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis. Official Analyst to the Domin- ion Government, after- a number of analyses, reports that " Sunlight Soap Is a pure and well-made soap." Try Sunlight Soapâ€" Octagon Bar- next wash day, and you will see that Prof. Ellis Is right. No one should know better than he. 2U) the master gave the children a long disquisition upon the steam engine, and when he thought they all un- derstood it he asked: 'What is it that does the work of forty horses and drinks nothing but water?' and they called out, "Sir Wilfrid Law- son'!'.' Mr. C. H'hympor, the artist, once told an amusing story of a lady whom ho took down to dinner at the house of a mutual friend. She was rather given to dropping her "h's," and during the course of conversation remnrked: "I think I get prettier every day. don't you?" Mr. Wymper was considerably as- toni.shed, but nninaged to siay: "I beg your pardon; what did you say?" Ilis companion repeated her assertion, so the nxtist replied: "Yes, indeed; you get prettier, and no wonder in .such fresh air, and â€" " Fortunately, the rising of the host- ess just at this moment nece.ssitated the young lady leaving too; but as she went out of the room the glance of withering scorn which she turned upon the amazed artist made him suddenl.v realize that something bad gone amiss. H was not until some time afterwards, however, it dawn- ed upon him that the lad.y meant to say: "I think Highgate prettier every day." VEGETATION FLOUIlISHEvS. In Cuba cabbages frequently weigh as much as 20 pounds. All vege- tables do well. Hadishes may be eaten from fourteen to eighteen days after sowing, while corn produces three crops per year. Sweet pota- toes are iwrpetual. The natives dig up the tubersj cut them olT, and plant tlie old vines, which produce a new crop in three months. All sort-s of fruit, horticultural and green- house plants, anil bulbous stock are also grown. ENGLISH PETROLEUM LAKE. For some time past it has been believed that a large subterranean petroleum lake e.xi.sts at Heathlield, near Tunbridge Wells, and it is now announced tliat an American syndi- cate has been formed for the purpose of working it. Eight shafts are to he siiiik, and of these three are al- ready made, while a fourth is in l>rogras.s, and a depth of S.'jO feet has been reached with encouraging rcsiult.s, though the shafts will pro- Ijably have to be si'.ink another 200 feet. GENTLY SARCASTIC. The following church notice was recently exhibited : "The service on .Sunday morning is at 1.1 a.m. The supposition that it is ten minutes later is a mistake. Young men are not e.xcliwled from the week-night .service. The seals in the front por- liun of the chtirch h.ave been care- fully examined. They are (|uito sound, and may be trusted not to give wa.v. Jt is quite le.gitimate to join in the singing. TTie object of the ciioir is to cncoiuage, not dis- courage, the congregation." THE ELDER'S SYMPATHY. A young probationer was preach- ing his trial .sormon in the church in one of th(! inland villages of Scot- land. After (inishing the "discourse" he leant over the pulpit and engag- ed in silent prayer â€" an act which snniiri.-:ed the congrogaticni, who Wire unaccustojned to sticli proce- dure. Suddenly the young preacher felt soine<uie slapping him on the shoulder and on turning roujwl, ho beheld a gra\o and sympathetic elder, who remarke<l : "Hoot, man, dinna tak' it sue miickle to hert ; ye'll maybe dae better next time." PLUCKJNO CHICKENS. Chickens aro now filucked in a wholesale nmnncr by the use of pneumatic nuichinery. There is a receptacle in which the fowl is plac- ed after being killed, and into Ibis are turned several cross currents of air from electrical fans revolving at the rate of ri.OOO turns per niinute. In the twinkling o) an eye the bird is Rtrifvped of its feathers;, even to the i)articles of down, and the machine is ready for another. WHAT'S A DOCK LABORER ? Scene â€" Dublin Police Court. Magistrate (to prisoner) â€" "What are you ?" Prisoner â€" "Dhock laborer." ('onatable â€" "Whoi, he's .scarcely over out of prison, your hahner." Piisoner â€" "Hould .vcr tongue ! Oi'ni always sintenced tor hard la- bor in this dhock ! So, hegorra, if Oi ain't a dhock laborer, what am Oi, shore ?" The eggs of silkworms can with- ptand, without injury, a temperature of .'IH lielyw ztTo. Mr. (iladstone's Rudget speech In 185!! wa.t ,511.000 wonis in length. It took HI hours to deliver. CONDITIONS OF LONGEVITY. Dr. Roger S. Tracy lia» an article on "Ltrngovity in Our Times" in the Century, in which lie says the . pliy- siological limit of life under proper conditions would certainly be 100 years, and possibly V20. He names tho conditions, which, summed up in one word, are â€" temperance. All who would live out a century imiHt start physically sound, bo light eaters and drinkers, slow to wratji, able to control tlieir pa.ssions and emotions, and load placid, uneventr ful lives. This, of course, is the very opposite of what most men arc to-day â€" and the mortality list is the con-scquencc. LONG AND SHORT MILi:s. Knglish-spcaking countries have four dilTeront miles : the ordinary mile of 5,280 feet and the geo- graphical mile of 6,085 feet, making a dilTerence of about one-seventh be- tween the two; then there are the Scotch nnilc of 5,!)28 feet, and the Irisih mile of 6,720 feet â€" four va- rious miles, every one of which is still in use. Then almost every country has its own standard ruile. The Romans had their mil pa.ssuum, 1,000 paces, wliich must have been about 3,000 feet In lengUi. The German mile to-<lay is 24.318 feet in length, more than four and a half times as long as ours. The Dutch, Danes, auid Priissian.s' mile is 18,- 449 feet, three and a half times as long as ours; and the Swiss get more exercise in walking one of their miles than we get in walking five miles, for their mile is 9,158 yards long. LEMONS Extra Fina Stock $3.50 300 or 360 size, PER BOX. The PAWSON COMMISSION CO.. Limited. TORONTO. AN OVERGROWN LOBSTER. There is on view at the Geological Museum of New York a specimen of an overgrown lobster. It was caught alive by some fishermen of tho New Jersey coast, and they had some difficulty in keeping it in the net till they could got it safely in a tank of water. It moaaires exactly a yard in length and weighs 34Tbs. This crustacean was e.xhibited alive in an aciuarium for a few days, but died and was pre.siervcd for the museum. Naturalists assert that it is not a member of acme out-of-the- way species, but simply an over- grown member of the ordinary lobs-tcr family. FROM DEAT.H'S DOOR. AN OTTAWA MAN'S WONDGER PULLY NAaEOW ESCAPE. He Was in Convulsions and the Doctors Told His Wue He Could Not Live Till Morning, But He Recovered. Ottawa, Ont., July 28. â€" (Special) â€"At ilOi) Cilmore St., this city, there lesidcs a man who has been nearer the hour and article of death thnn anyone who has been privileg- ed to live to tell the slory. lie \?t Mr. tJcorge H. Kent, a printer in the employ of the Rank Note Company of Wellington St. Some seven or eight years ago Mr. Kent was .seized with liright's Dis- ease which gradually grew worse till he had to (piit work and was .«iiliiicd to his led where he remain- ed for siomc months. Physicians were in constant attend. anc»> upion him, but instead of im- proving ho gradually grew worse and worse. At he became so low that his body became terribly bloated fiid his .skin like tanned leather. Me haii convulsions, which intica.seU in fre- quency and tic intorval.s l,etw"een these spasms found him so weak that he w.ts barely coiiaiii>u«. One night after a psirtictilarly bad sp_ell the phys'icians told his wife that he could not live till nioiniiig. A messenger was dof^patched for u b(».x of Podd's Kidney Pills which were imniMliate'y brought to tlij dying man. Mr. Kent did not dio. On the con- trary in about two niontihs he was at work again in the shop and has not since been off work for a siiigK day . Mr. and Mrs. Kent are naturally very grateful and as a mark of their gratitude have callwl a sweet little girl born to them some two years after Mr. Kent's remarkable recovery by the name of "Edna' Kent. Mr. Kent has made a sworn sttvte- nient reciting the details of his cast and his cure. TOUACCO SMOKE. Added now to the joys of tobacco is tho knowledge that smoking may prevent some -diseaSJO-s. Dr. Duiiion has Ktudieti the action of tobacco smoke upon the vorious organiams found in the cavity of tho mouth, aiMl has found that, while it has no effe<:t upon typhoid fever germs or tetanus (lockjaw), it greatly re- tai-fds the growth of the bacilli of inlluenaa, of diphtheria, and of c<ui- suinpUon. .Stout Man (whos-e appetite has been the envy of his fellow-bonrtlers) â€""I declare I have throe buttons oil my vest." Mistress ol the (who has been uchhif? to give him a hint) â€" "You will probably find them in the dining-room, sir.'' leorii's iininiioi cores cofoei m cows. Tint hubsâ€" "How ninny servants have .voii at yotu' place ?" Hubbubs â€""Well, there were thnn when 1 left h.oii.c this oiorniiig." % Hon< X Sulphurous. Odorless. Ewflry Stickâ€" A Matcli Every Matchâ€" A Lighter ti-M-i"*-M4'*i-W-«-M^ Every Ijody ask. tOf E.B. Eddy's "Head tight" Parlour Matches Theflneet matohuln th* world, made from •o« oorky pina, and aopeolally oultatala fer domMtlo uae- putup In nutalldlnff bo>as,aB8ort6d oalors â- ael< box containing about 630 matohuâ€" three boxet In a paoh ase. For Sale by All First Class Dealers. ^4.t»f»t«f4..y4Mf>t..|..f4Mf.4,.f.f4,4>|»y.4Uf4,4..|.^ THE CRUEL, \V11''E. A ma.n who wa.9 given to grumbl- ing at everything and on every oc- casion was attacked with inflejnma- tory rheumatism, and was carefully nursed by his wife, who was very dovotc<l to him in spite of his fault finding disiposition. IlLs siufTering ca,usod her to hurst into tearsi some- times a.s she sat at his bedside. One day a friend of the invalid came in, and asked him how he was getting on. "Uadly, badly !" he e.xclaimcd ; "and it's all my wife's fault." "Is it possible ?" asked tho friend in surprise. "Yes. The doctor told me that dajnp places were bad for me; and there thilt woman sits and cries just to make the air moist in the room." "Are you thinking only of the present 'V asikod the serious man. 'Or are you doing your d^ity and trying to leave something for those who come after you ?" "Tho.^e who come after me ?" repeated the man of genius pensively. "Do you refer to posterity or my creditors ?" Fifteen American cities contain each 20,000 or more negroes. Wash- ington conies first with 86,000. I bought a horse with a saipposed- Jy incurable ringbone for S.'iO.OO, oiircd him with $1.00 worth of M:1NARD'.S liniment, and sold him in tour months for $85.00. Pro- fit on Liniment, $r>'1.00. MObSE PKROSCE, Iliotel Keeper. St. rhillips. Quo., Nov. 1st, 1901. "So you've lost your new servant already," remarked a lady sj.iii- poU.etically to a neighbor. "Yes." â- "What time did she go ?" "I really can't tell," was the I'cply; "she took my watch with her." For Ov«r sixir Yearn. A'< OUD AND Well Tbihd Uruicdt. â€" Wrs (Vinsbw'B boolhlntf Ayriii. >i&« tioBn used (or ur?.r sUly yo..%ri by million, of molhurn for their otiildren whil. toeth'nj, iritti perfect luoco-w. It footh.f the ohtlO. KofteriBttie gniup, all lyi all pain, euro, wind colio, tud la fctie Lieat ri!UU'dy for l)iarrh(«:. t.4 p's^vant to th» !»».«. Sold li> d'Ugsi'H In nery part of Uie wor d Tweuty-llvs.i;enu %bot.'le. Its tkIuo ta |.-.oftlo>ilahle. '.^ Hire kiiU iuIi (..r Mri. >7ias:ii»'> S<>oth.ui; ay.up, i-«i Li&o ajMlilaj'.liiiid. _ ... Mother â€" "So your Aunt Jane won't be able to come to-da.v after all. Tommy." Tommyâ€" "Boo hoo !" Mother â€" "Why, Tommy, I didn't know you were so fond of Aunt Jane." Tommyâ€""! ain't, but here I've Konc and washed my face, and bru.slie<l my bootH â€" .all for nothing. Moo-hoo !" Minafd's llniiTiEnt Cures DIplifliEfla. rrosv.«ctive Temantâ€" "Hut this floor slopes fearfully towards that side. A iierson could fairly .slide from on wall to the other." Agent â€" "Yes, sir, think what an amuso- menl it will furni-s-h to the children; yoti could make this the njursery, you know." Ktep« Ihr CoqXk anil warll< oV til* TaM, l^tatlTS Hromo-Quinino Tablets cnre a cold inoMda;. No . uie. No Faj. Prloo ifi cent.. His Worship (to prisoner who has liccn up every month for years)â€" "l-llienozer Noakes, aren't you to be st'on here sw often ?" •'lllcfs yer woi'sliip, this place is rcsiK'ctiible ter some places where I'm sen." Monkey llrniid ,Soap makes copper like gold, tin li':o .silviT. ciookeiy like uaarble. aud windows like crywta . . j Cannibal King â€" "Ila, we're in luck. We bagged you j,usit in time for our big banquet." Ghapple Chattertonâ€" "You â€" you aren't really g-oing to ni-ake a m-eal of m-me '?" Canni- bal Kingâ€" "Meal ? Oh, dear, no. But as an entree you'll be deli- cious." TO I'DKR A COLD \\ 0>IC BAT. Tiilie Idisailre Bremo Qulnico TaUeta XA orainiets refund the mane]' t( II: fails to our^h B. w. QroTo'i alssatore â- â€¢ OB aach box, U*. Teacher â€" "What do we see above us when we go out on a clear day?" Tommy â€" "We see the blue sfey." "Correct. And wnat do we see above us on a rainy day ?" "An umbrella." Minard's Llnifrieot Cures Coiiis etc> A small quantity of washing soda, dissolved in hard wtvter, softens it by paecipitiiting the chalk. How's This ! We oKer One Hundred Dollars toward tot any case of Catnirli that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHlONIiV & CO.. Toled.5, 0. We. tho undersigned, have known l'. J. Cheney for the last 15 j*ars, and beller* him perfectly honorable !n all bnsinesa truusnctlon' and linanclally able to ftiiry out :ui.r oolisatloDS ninde by rlioir firm, \Vi;ST & TK UAX. Wholesale Dcngslsts. Triedo. O. WAbDINO, KINNAN 5.M.4I» vi.N". Wholesale Drugflsts. 'roledo, O. Hulls Catarrh Ciire ii Inkcn lutcrualljr, acting directly upon the blood and mucous BUTfaces of the system. Testiuiaaials sent free. Price 75e per bottle. S )'rl t;y ell druiT- Bista. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The rack wa« one of the instru- ments of torture In the olden time. The music rack is usually used for tho same purpose to-day. Mlii3fil's Linlmsot Cures Distemper. W P C. 11SJ> THE MOST POPULAR DKNTIFRIOE. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Prasarves the toe)h. Swestons the breath. Strongthens the gums /^^ Instruments, Drums, Unifbrms Etc EVERY TOWH CAN HAVE A BAND bowet t ptii'os ever quotoil. Fire oatnlogan,. SOflillustnirhns, ni.iii.'d frie. Write us for any. thing In y\n%\r, ur 1)ii»lral liislruuirnt'. WHfLEY ROYCE & 00., Limitefl, Toronto, Ont and VVinnipoK, Man CHENILLE CURTAINS cod all ktiula of boust: HniiKings, kIao LACE CURTAINS â- *"=^,k*e %'-/A''"°" Write to US about. yourH. UmiH AMCRIOAN DYEIHO CO., Box 1M, Monlr->ah Dominion Line Steamship* Uontreal to l^lT^rpool. BoRWn to Llvw* pool. Portlftiitl 10 Liverpool VtaQue<.us- towTn. Lurge and Knnt Stoumnhipt. Superior ncconm odattoa art' ftmidshipft. Spociiil ftti«iiti>n hiw been Aivcn ti) ihe tccon-l a.iluon ami Third-C!»n« at-coumiodaLiou. For ,'* rAU-tnrpMjtt-.a|t; And kU particular!!, rLi)piy to any ogauk^ of tho C'oiiipany, or Richards. Mills it Uo, D. Torr«uo^ &Co.. 77dUteSt. Itorloa. Monlr^'al aa i I'orllaud. MO HUMBU6 STKlMEKlHlnl iIii'ij»iieSwii;4!V. Stock >Urk«t an.lCt^f ' BaU.itiier. StoimaiMno <.t Hi aR-tttoni r"'.tHig.MBVe«tlldilT«i«iitp&r tniirk<i,«U iiir'.witli tK!ii«)i>Kd«. litrKr-lR lUrat. IpthinnDialBfrff. l'rlc«|l.:^0<> ' |l fnrtna! ;ifittTOTVo.»CDdb,t<lt»<-r< Tftt d V.S.M4>».'0J(orlTyr»;Cnnma»l>ec.l7, -»"- " y^ >*â-  *01, 19 jn. FARHKBBRItillTOX, F«lrVIi|,lB««, C. S. V # Wood a Photo. EvcRiviwG ^ J. IJO^ES tNG C9 ^ \ ^105 DAY bTREerâ€" lORO;>i5tf

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