^13^31 1902 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE â- M ^l^ *4-4!«^$iei^ F. T. HILL & CO. I Buy your preserving kettles and all lines of'Graniteware at v. T. Hill & Go's new Hardware dopartiDcut. Buy your Machine oil, Axle Grease, &c.,atF. T. Hill & Co.'s new hardware de- partment and you'll be money in pocket. August will be u bargain month in every department. We've many lines of goods that MUST BE SOLD, and prices will be made sufficiently interesting to ac- complish this. Here are some of the lines that will have prominence on our bargain - counters during the nexL iI.q weeks. Hundreds of Renniants. Fine Shoes. Mushns and Wash Goods, Dre.ss Goods. Fancy Print.s. Ercss Ti'innnings. All Summer Millinery.. Men's and hoys' Hats. Men's and boy.s' Clothing. Eain Coats, etc., etc. Best Values at all times in SUGARS and Other GROCERIES Harvest Tools of all kinds at Money Saving Prices in our new HAIIDWARE Department. There's no safer place in Grey County in which to make your purchases, neither is there a business in a position to give you better values. 4^(r^^^mmi^mm P- t.hill & CO The King's coronation is set for j The latest bulletin issued by his phy- August 8. May ho bo so far recover- . »icia"s snys that the kiiifr is niakini,' .sntis ed that he will tliorougbly enjoy the ceremouy from the sole of his feet to the crowu of his liead. flictorj proKrosH. In London, however, it is persistently nnnouncod that the cor- onation will be ai^ain postponed. The Cliesley Enterprise says : He was H stalwart young German, as ho walked into tho barn hu salutoJ its owner with, Will Will Itain hae somewhat interfered with the usual crop of July drownings, sea j "Hey, mistor, will you job ine ?" serpents and big fish stories, but tlicy ! 1 what 1" returned tho farnier. are now coming to the fore and August : you job me ? Make me work yet ?" ''Oh gives evideuco of pioducing a full , 1 see. you want a job," rotmned the Fupply, ; fiirmer. "Well, licw much do you want ' : a rnontl' ?" "I lull yuu. If you eat me It is pietty nearly lime that the j "" '!«'â- f""" ^ <'"""' f"" li^" dollar's, but '3esign on our postage stamps was changed ? If Canada dou't hnrry up it may never have the npportuuity of lionoriug our King in his way during liis liffitiaie. A bountiful harvest now seems to beaBSured. Tlio weather, which nil season liaa been abnormally \vet aud cool, waa very favorable for growlh, und acted ad aduterroijl upon the in- sect enemies oi the farmer atul gard- onei', This week the weather appeals to have entered upon a settled aud warm period which will permit of liny being saved iu prime coiidition. There is anenorinousyieldof this oumiuouity. Field grains also promise an unusually luiv'fl yield, and with good weather fur the liiirvcBt our counliy should enjoy .1 yeaialmost of miprecrdentedpiosper- ity Api>le3,small fruits and potatoes are phMiliful, tho in.scct pests having been ki pUl'jwii by eleinontaiy conditions, this iiiiviiig taken the place of spray- ing. Our farmers hero a^ a rule iiave not tiikeii up general and syBtemutic spiuyiug.and this is one of ihcscisoua whoie t': is neglect will uot work any costly consequences, as nature liaa done ihc work. The apple scab or rusi may work aorao injnry, however. Wliun Kitchener look coiinnaiid in i^ouih Afi'icH,hc was askud for an ('pinion MS ton hen the war would be ended. *'\Vlicii'\v« have wliipiied tlw Boer.s," ».%« Ills ansiver. tjunie months later tliis *vus his st.iswir to the sauio iiueslion ; "\Mioii (ho liuei'9 k'lirn that thiy have l.'j;!! whijipcil " Tow.iiJs the close of il.o )<ini;ilri4in>lo ho put It in tlils way: '"Wlitn wu have fiiinil a fo:i3;bli) way to r-coiicilo the Boi'ii to being wliippeil." O'llistiiblu I{niiidi;.'e, of Shu!burn»-, lihs icasnn to lioliovo tlnit tliire are » few b'<ni8t moil hi cxiKtenoe. Twenty aeviii yealu Hgc) at the WoiidbiidijU fall fair he liiHUiid iv man $5. Ho hciiid .i:)thhi),' inoi'oaliont it uinil Mmiday l»at .vlu'.n \.% rocuiveJ ;i leter from the piu'fy containins; f <i-Frcq PriSK, , for twenty li to dollars I cat myself by j Schmidt's." j Young inen,you can't d j it. You can't make your way througn tlie world with- ( ' out -.vuik. MiMi li^vu tried it buforeyou. I Tlmy havi! hiufud around stroot cornms, ! told windy siorios and all that, Lut they ; have nuvor siu'ccodt-.l. You ire no ] ninaiti-r than ollnr boys. Your wits will not brii'^' yiiii sncci'Ns ill life. You had â- butter leaiii a good Iraile than bnoomo a' clironio loafer, prodncini; nothing for| ' ydursulf.notMiii; to liolp tlie world along. ; 'I'lio wiirld has liitlo iii-o for boys wlioarB ' nut u illing ti> pull oil' thoir coats and win lluir way to faino and fortune. Tho good, things o! life aro not haiulod out to idlers i on silvi'r platters. Thore is pUnty of buRiiiess th.at will jn?t ha[i|iili m no to a cuitaiii More with out any itl'nri. on tho part of the man ruuniii',' t.hat^s:orll locncouiai^o tho people to onjiie there. There is a great deal of otliL-r liusin.'ss that could be ii.duoid to go to tliaL-^tiiiu if tho man only hustled to i»i't tlio peopl:! iutoro.sted. The liado that juil drifts to a placo is a very defirable part <>i llio business and it is astouivhiu-! in the e.xliiiiiu how nnich inoro trade will drift to tlio man who is known lo bo a lui.stlur for it. Tho man who is always aitivu iii'Vfr lostis a cli.inoo U) toll poople how much ho wants it. Tho advantaizH a man ha'i in doing bu.siness i.s that in addi- tion to the driftinsi part if bi.i bufciiiess he has n chance to work up o her business by goiiiL' «fter it. Tho drifting biiHiiieH.s coaie-i « itiiout elforl, liut is nn'ro bku'y to cooie to the uiun whonuikusaii Llh>r'. Tho other business, whi';h must be Wcak- ud for, helps tho diiflini; pirt lo swill the wlmlo biis;nesa into exoellont j)ro poitions. The business whioh comes ea^ily is tho feature which should be made tini foHiidaiiiui for a largo b'.idnoss,wh!ch rei|uiio:i more elfoit. "wT HOCKLEY^ Pr>oton - Pr*otoxi Great Reductions IN READY-MADE CLOTHING Men's all-wool twood suits, $9.00, reduc- ed to 6 75 Men's Fancy tweed suits, $7.50, reduced to 5 00 Boys' 3 piece suils,f3.75, reduced to 2 95 Boy.s' 2 piece suits,|3 00, reduced to 2 25 Dress Goods. 200 yds. fancy dress goods,regular selling price 30c. to 40o., reduced to 19 Boys' blouses, regular prices 60o reduced to 46 Great snaps in tl.'.nuele' to shirLs. 50 Men's llannelBtto shirts, itgular 50 cunt, clearing out at 35 Tailor-made Suits A snap for young men, regular $16 and $17 suits for 13 and 14 Every suit guaranteed to lit, or no sale. STU.WV HATS. Men's line straw l)ata 25 to 30c for. . . .20 Ladies sailor hais, regular 60 and (iOc for 40 24 Men's Sweaters, clearing out at. . . .iiS 12 Boys sweaters, clearing out at . . . .45 A largo assortment of Ladies kid gloves, regular il.io and $1.15 goods f(jr ... .90 A Large Assortment of Fancy (J lass ware l^igb^st price paid for Butter and £93$ Salt for Sale W. HOCKLEY. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tftko r.axafcivu Bronio Quiniuo Tablets. AU clni^'^i&bs rfl'uiid t-be iiiuuuy if it fd.iU to emu VV L.Aiiovu's t.iguHtuio in ou each bo\ 230 School CMldreD's Eyes. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCS '"^W^^^ Trade M.%H)'.3 AnT»cin«iwi '.l-iK -t «\.-!ih :u»'lv*'K."l'<:l'~n m-^y <^nU:'*17 iuii.k-t...n « t.r .^,»iilni: :ci.o VI I I'.v'- nn tV-iiii :{t.i-i«:liy 'Mil. I'l.nhivl. li4P<U>«'.;Jc on P.-.tOJil# iiii fn'T. o;.!.-it >-â- • •" ' '> ' 'J" ^r;ij4 jintcim. l'il.':iH liki-.. iLrnuh >^i...ii .\ C. ttiV'jltf Many lives have been mined through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of everv child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. $Ckn:i!IC JjfiS^rkMX ; W. a. Armatrong. ^i..i!i.i.j 11/ II-, V >cUi"ilUr Journal. 1 ne'*j'!oft)cr». iiNN « Co.»'Br.»dw.v. fjew York JEWELER AND OPTICIA ' •Pl.TSHERTON. Bovd,lilcklttig|r£:o* Clearing 5ale of . . Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing. Duvir.g August we shall materi- * /lI %m "â- ^'â- ^ '^^''^"^"^ ^^^^ prices of Eeady -'w'*S^ ]Sliide Clothingâ€" ive hav^ placed some large orders for fall and want all odd sizesâ€" odd patterns â€" incomplete lines- odd <j,.imients and so on, cleared out. All line are up- to-date, perfect in every respect,good patterns, reliable cloths, well trimmed and tailored and made up • in first class style. The prices we mention speak for themselves, the reductions are gen- uine and you can save money on every Clothing purchase during August. THESE LINE5 DESERVE Sl'ECL^L HENTiON. For rien. $5.00 Tweed Suits seUing for $8. 25. $5.25 " " $3.35. $«.0O " " $8.7.5. $6.25 " " $3.95. $6.50 " " $4.00. S For Boys. 30 Boys' Two-piece Suitsâ€" some S pleated back â€" some with beltâ€" some plainâ€" all made honi good all wool tweed â€" light medium and dark colors- neat patterns. Sizes 25 to 30. lieguUir price $3.00 and $3.50â€" we'll sell them during August to clear at $2*39* August Reductions in Ladies' Whitewear Ladies' Underwear Cambric Embroideries Valenciennes Laces Summer Ho.siery. Specials for Preserving Timel 1 1 25 Pounds Standard XXX Granulated Suyar fer , • $1*00 Gem Jars â€" all sizes. Granite Preserving Kettles â€" all sizes. Harvest Requisites . C11ADLE8 MACHINE OIL GRINDSTONES BINDER WHIPS HAVEST MITTS. i^lymoiatH I'iixK^ei? T-wrineâ€" We .sell it and recommend it -it i.s undoubtedly the lea on the market â€" cheapest and most satis- factoryâ€"once used always used. Leave your order 1>o-d.o.y. The largest and most comprehensive stock of China, Glassware and Lamp Goods ever shewn here. Specialties in Fancy (Hass and Chinaware. Prepared Paint â€" Ih-y C-olors â€" Oils â€" Turpentine Boy41>icl<1ind&IZo* - >«4w«rJ«««»«^-*i'»