yksb^rtiJtt ^hiiana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PKINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' â- ^: VOL. xxn, RC Fleslierton, Ont., Thursday, July 31 iO02 W. H THURSTON, ^"V^rw-* PROI'iaETOU w TtiR, we hiiVo iOim-tliing now asul if you've novel- seen it, it '.vill lie wortli your wliiie juot t(i spuail ;â- . few uii.iuk'S anil have a look at uur lh»^ -..â- •' '':â- ©w g;a$e i WV huvii.aii estni line i j lOf'iot. wall c;is<) in ijutrter cut oak 1 ] aiid it iim't nn eiispty one eilher for we | liHVe it full of I'j.otHebt silvcfwiire j ♦ rvt t » ♦ I LADIBS' &QENTS' WATCHES i 1 Our stock of Ladies' and Gents' .â- i \Aat(;he3 is full and tlifly are the very; I best (jualil-y. We don't keep a poor | : qiiuliiy but our lines are iip-to-d^te ; ! and the ptiees riglit. j. W . A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON Vaiid4;l<>iir fnim Out Otoi. Cur respondent. Haying has been kept in check by the ws"- weather. Miss Howard (.â- £ Toronio is spondins^ a shdrt time with her cousin, Mrs. Oeotsio Hutchinaim, jr. Mr. and Mrs. TlioinpsiQ nf Port Law, called iin friends in this ricinity la.°t week. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodise churcli held a very successful garden party at ftlr. Richard Douglass', ou Tiies- dny evening list. Procoeila $15. Mrs. Carson of Priceville, acconipauied by her dnuglitei) I.iulaw, Mrs. A. C«ihoh, paid a short visit to Mr. S. Gilb«srt last- week. Mr. Clark was on the sick list for a few £l;i3's lust week. Miss Lizzie Ha.vkins of Harkaway, ^^'lU Sunday at Mr^,.T, M.Davis. Misa~T?Tay "Vviirliug is home from Flesh- ercoii for a cOupIo of wi'uks. â€" . ^^>* â€" From Our Uwu Corresptiudeiit. Mrs. Uilrs and Mvi). Russell of Eiin are visiting at Mr. Walker's at present. During the Severe thunder storm en Weuiu'sday evening last, lij;iuiiing suiick the I'iniiof .Mr. Purvis, splintering soji.e iif the rafteis, but no te:-iuusdaiua;jo was doiio. Do'.i't iui-sjet the iiarden party oa Au:,'- ust the sixth at the Eusjenia pic!:ic g'ouniU. The weather for tlie pa^fc week has li^eii lavher wet .'or i^ood having, as the eri'p 13 very ht-avy. Mr. and Mrj. .1. Thcinipsnii have been down to Muhuer, attending tiio funer.il of Mrs. Thonip.sinrs father. The.l.idiis' «h" vi-.ite<.l ii!" Mr. WuoJ- burn'shave ivturned to their h.i'.no iu Bloonitield, N. Y. Thoy were delighted H ibh Ku^'cnia and its lino scenery and hope soon to return to it. They are s;eiid- i'g sio.110 tinu! in Tmonro and will visit all p'aces 'f intei'ist, also Niagara and the Thousand Ishmds. Tiiey declare their trip the must delightful ever taken, is CHniwU nau a surprise !u them. The ti>!li»tting guests >ire at the Eugenia Hoii.sB : Mr. and Mis. Motiowaii of (.>rttnor..\illo ; Mr. King, wife and child, of the llanW of Uamiltnu, Dundalk ; Mr. R. J. Davidson of Rice, Lewis & Co., roronfii. Messrs* Pred Woiglnirc, of the Pahner Hnu.se, Toronto, aud Mr. Frank lleei»of Tirohto, f-pent a few dsjs na guests uf 'his houHe l.iot >veek. l»rlo«Yni« t'rom Our Otcii Correspondent On Tuesday ihe 22inl, an-ther of our lesideii's |«i--st-d away fioui this life iu the person of Mr. Robfc. J. Conkey.at t'.e a2C uf 03 years. Decea.'ied hnd been ail- ing since last winter with the h'>rrible dist-aso cancer, i>f tlio nock, and although everytliitig p<)aKbIe Has tried f) have it cured, il was of no avail. The funeral totifc pUce on Thursday to the village c^'tnotery, the Rev. Matlieson cnnducting U>9 6«rTic«-. Deceased leaves behind liiiq to mourn his 1o."b, a widow, five sons and twodauahters. All were present except Thomas who is near Caljjary and con- sul[uen^Iy could not get here. The family have the ty-oipiithy of the ccinmuuiry in titcir time of trouble. On Satui-day the 2fit1i inat., Mr.Donald McDouyrd, SI' , South Lino,. Glouelg, pissed iiway. Ho was among the early kcttlers of Gleneljj township. The finieriil takts place to-day (Monday) to the PriceviUii cemetery. The bereaved have our sympathy â- Thus one Jby one a great many people of this section of country hive gone to the gio.at beyond lliis ye;ir. The l?ov. J. A.MiithohOu will have preached liis eiyhteeuth funeral ser- mon fur tliia yoiir, when h-^ preaches Mr. McDougal's to-day. One of the worst chuuder storms which has been known in a good many yea^^5 aruund here passed over this place last 'A^ednestlay night. The steeple of the Presbyterian church was struck by light- ning, tearing nearly one side out of it, sciitteriiig tho slate shing'es fur fifty feet' around, hut no damage ivas dune to tht» inside of the editiee. Pi-rtuiiately tho building did iiOt taku fire for it would have been impossible to save it without any lire protoctioii. The same evening Mr. .John Conkcy and Miss Myrtle Cm- key were drivin:,' ti FleshertoD Station and when ju:'t at the .six corners, a tele- phnne pole opposite to them was struck. The shock daz-id both occupaucj of the buggy and tho horse also. They say they don't wish for any closer cull. Mi.ss Nalhalia Griur is visiting friends at Dromore. Misses Emma McLean aud Sara Mc- MoMillau are visiting friends :it Noble-- ton. Mrs. Dow, sr., of O. D. U., lias gona with her dau^jhter, Mrs. J. Price, to visit her at home iiearDuluth. Mr. Thos. Bell of Laurel is renewing acc|Uaintaii>,es in the villaiio this week. Mr.Re^ie Grier ai-rived home last week from Now York, where he has been at- tending School of AdvBrlisiu<j. Mr. aud Mrs. McMiister aud Master Jamie Simms of Sarnia, are visiting at the parsonage. Mr. Jos. Oliver, O. D. R., raised a batik barn 45 x 55 on Friday hist. Dr. J. R. Atkin.son and Dr. I. Dixon were cap- tains, the latter winniui! the race. iMr. W. Coi'key of Guelph and Thus. Conkey and family i-f Dundalk, attended the fuuotal of 11. J. Conkey, Jack Browiilee, of Damascus, sturted ill' fur Fergus dieo'her day to s«c the cirous iu Guolph and was tjivun a ride by a couple of fi ituds wiiouiet him on the road. Arriving at Ftir«u.? he coanneucod to imbibe and wa.i soon umiblo to goany- A'hert3^ but to sleep. Awakin^r he went to the sta'olo took, Iheh-ase and hrtgyy and started oil'. Wlieu ihti oivnei .sai rived ftonj. Gnelpli and f .uiid t'leir cutiii !<one they h:idawanant is.sued against Jack for stealing. He was arrested, .sunt up f'T tria', and the Jud^e at Guelt-h let hiai out on bail. .._ . - -. .4i»^ --. Dt> You Belch Gas ? If you have uneasy sensationi in the stomach, a Dad ia<te in the nioinh, head- ache â€" leiiiember that ten drops of Pol- son's Nerviline in sweeipiied water is a ((uck and certain euro. >l<-rvihne aidsdi- go<tion, dispels the gas, malsi-s y< u com- fi-rtable and free from distress at once. Notviline is just cplendlil for cramps, cijiic, dy.-.eniery, stomach nud bowel troubled, and costs only 25c. Better try it. Canada U to be inspect >d by a party of English .school masters and school niar'ms, i 8.iy8 the Toroiiio Star, who are to take a tri^i hi'hiu- btforo the end of pseudo sum- nior. The iiiformali'in was conveyed t> Hon. Richarti llarcourt, .Minister (•£ Ed- ucation and Acting Premier, in a letter he received Tuesday nioining from Hon. Geo. W. Riisa. Mr. Ko*. 7n» unalde to stiito how m.iny teaclieis would join the (NU'v, hut he was asaiired that the num- ber would bu liirge, ai d the tourists wou'd be cnlbuHiHstic seekers of informa- tion in iheir travels through iliu land of tHe"ue\<; niktiua witbiu the Etrpire." Dr. Horsey, M P , Killed Beyond question the moat distressing accident that has occurred in Owen Sound transpired at the new works of rhe Sun Portland Cement Company, Limited, on Wcdnesd.ay evening, which resulted iu the death of Dr. E. H. Horsey. M. P., the principal stockholder and the pro- moter of this exfceDHive enterprise, short- ly after midnight. About 5 o'clock, Mr. William P.Telford of Telford & Oa., bankers, and one of the directors of thoCemenl Compiiny, visited lliu mill, aud Dr. Horsey conducted him tlirough the various departments. At t* o'clock, when closing time came, the gtiuilemen were iu the engine room, in svliicb, in addition to the powerful prin- ci))al engine of ()50 hoisc po.ver, there is ini accessory engine, which is run when llie big enaine is closed down, and also to oper.ite various lighter-running s-ctiuis of the mill. Dr. Horsey had just ^ivon instructions with i'e};ai-d to closini^ down the smaller engine and starting up the laigur,and had turned to speak to Mr. Telford, when the Ifywheel burst into a hundred pieces, al most wrecking the !)uilding,and throwing a large section through the roof nearly one hundred yards distant. The chief engineer and his assistant were in the room, and, with Dr. Horsey and IMr. Telfoid were the sAe occupants. When the effects of tho bursting iad been realized, it was found that Dr. Horsey was stretched on the Hoor, with nis skull shattered back to his ear so ba.lly that the V)rain was oi'ziag out. Drs. Lang .vai Hcishey wera called and had tho injured man removed to tha Gen- eral and Marine Hospital. Dr. Horsey was elected to the House (if Coniinons for Noitli Grey, as a Libera! iu li)O0, defeating Charles Gordon by a nmjpriby of 17. He was thirty-five years of age and a medical pi-actitiouor. with the good-'.vill of a largo soclioii of the comiiiunity, both Liberal .and Conserva- tive. Some years ago ho lepreseiitod the Sun Lite Insurance Company m China, Jiipiin and the Phiiiippiucs, and when Li Hung Chaii'j visited this country, he was chosen by the goveni.nent to escort him across tho continent. He married a d'lughtcr of Dr. McDon- ald, of Winjihani, Deputy Speaker of tho House of Commons. Two sma!l chilJi-i-n are tho result of the, uinnn. The deceased gcntloinan was 35 years and -t nniiiths of ai;o. The fumr.-U, which took piaoo on Friday last, waitlie largest ever seen in Cven Sound. One Common Cause ol Headacl>e § tPcih.Hps the most general ca-aso of hoadaclie and pain across the eyes is nasa 1 catarrh. Tiio limpic-it cure is to inhale the iiiedcatcd vapi r of Catarrhoz-ine whicli tiaversts evory air cell and ftii p,ubai;e of tlie throat, luiigi and ; nose, ft; kills inyraids uf germs at every breath, â- cka's away luuo us diachuge.->, [injsoives and hesls the inoii.br.ine. Catirrhozoiie is just a sple.iriid reni-.dy for hcivdache, and its auliou is eel tain and unfiiiiing in diseasus of the tlnoat and lungs,doafiies8, bronchiiis, asthma .lud catairh. A trial will convince the most soeptiod that Cat- larrliozone is all right. Large £iz..',Â¥l.i10 ; triid si-,;e 25o. Drugg'sts, or Poison & Co., 'Kingston, Out. Some weeks ag i Luke Beilty, Rusk-' view, was kn.jckcd down by the baru door blowing against him Fie fell b.ick- wnicls on the barn floor and injured his head to such an extent that he now lies in a semi t:o.nato.su coiniitioti with but slight hopes of his recivery. â€" Creemore Stjir. Mr. John .lohnson of Osprey who had a iiiaic sixlen fium his pasture lioKI about three weeks ago.went to Toronto to prove hi.icluiin to a mare which was captured al Port Hope for which Co. Constable liuriis was looking for an owner. Tho descrip- tion a."* sjiven in a conver».it,i<Mi over the tulilJione inllicd ex.aetly with Mr. John- son's mare, so he ship|)ed a cart anil haiiit-aa to tlio city ti Jii\o the mare back but when he got there was c«)nvioc- ed ou piu.:uring a moid detailed dcscrip- tiott that the luare was not b's. â€" Dun- dalk Uerald. McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARKDALE, ONT. fiirevC&unty's Biggest and Cll^eapest store Oj;u:ij%j>injxrt ririj>iniVVWMu;uvi nj7-ru;truTjrtnr^^ The midsnmtner saleof Men's and Ladies Waterproof coats for Thursday morning surpasses anything this store has evcroftered in water- proofs. Wc have never experienced so busy a period in July as we are favored with just now ; particularly in the Rain Coats. Rain or shine don't iniss the oll'erint!. It represents a special purchase made direct from one of tho leading waterproof manufactures â€" they making us a speei'il olFer by lakint; a large i.|uantity. The lot has just come in and will be placed on tho Bargain Counter for Thursday morning. Sy r,0 MEN'S R\IN COATS FOR 92 48. PI Irion's grey rain coats, seams all sewn and velvet colli'.r, box back stylo, sizes 36 to 44, at 2 48 87 r,0 MEN'S WATERPROOFS FOR 8-5 50. 14 Moil's Watwproof coats, made of Oxford Grey Covert Cloth, seams all sewn and the latest style Raulaii, including cuff on sleeves, every coat giHi-anted to give best satisfaction for 5 50 S8 00 MEN'S WATERPROOFS FOR §6 .50. 16 Men's \V;iterproof coats, made in grey, Raglan style, extra heavy and interlined with valcanized rubber, collars are \elvet and every cnat guaranteed water proof. Our prices this week C.,50 S7 50 MEN'S W ATERPROOF COATS FOR g4 00. 17 Men's black waterpro-if capa coats in paramatt.-i cloth, .seams are all sewn, and can he worn with or without cape. This coat in regular way would sell $7 50, but you can have one this week for 4 90 S4 50 LADIES' WATERPROOFS FOR 83 45. 13 Ladies' Cravenette rain Clo.iks, colors black, navy, grey and fawn, yoke ill back and velvet collars â€" this week only 3 45 ^^The above Rain Coats subject to 5 per cent, discount for cash A Low Price on China Tea Setts, also Dinner and Tea Setts combined. S7 50 CHINA TE.A SETS FOR S3 TSii- Tea Sot in Dresden China â€" heautifuli decoratum tilled in colors â€"when complete number 44 pieces, but the teapot aud mie.pate is broken S3 75 .37 OO TEA SET FOR m BC.j^ , . Tea Set of a neat i-reen fliral design and heavy gold tracing. When complete number -t^ pieces. Tea pot is broken, ouly S3 50 S7 OO TEA SET FOR 83 25. Tea set of '44 pieces oompletp, in a dainty flnrnl decoration, blue lines on od'ii'S only *53 05 SS^jO DINNER AND TEA COMBINED $5 90 2 Diuiicr and Tea Sets cnnbined of 95 pieces. These two aie new in pat- tern and color comb. nation, only §5 !)0 40c CHEESE DISHES FOR '>3,: 2'.) only chscse dishes, sold in reuul.ir way at 40c, our price this wcefk i.'3c lOu FLANNELETTE FOR 7ic. 1-278 yards Flnniuletlo, full 32 inolios wide, in neat stripes, usually .sold at 10c, our price this week only 7.t^;. SPECIAL IM MILLIXERY. All trimmed millinery on sale at just one-haU the former price. No or.o who values the principlas of eaononiy lets Bargain Day pass with- out a visit to this store, 'i'here is always s iinothin:; that ap[ioals especi- ally to yourself, your personal wants or the wants of your home. jVicfk.fikiid, stkffoi^d & do, AVull, yes, but Ictus tell you, if you do not know it al ready, that the weatlior i.s Tint the only thing that is cutchv. OiiP jjriccs couie in ahea<l uf the weather ou that score, wlicii quality is considered, and we can prove it to your entire sati.s- faction. Following iire some of our sca.sonablc lines. Ordered Olothinnr A Spcoialty A full assortment of JMen's Suit longtiis in wii-sted, tweod i.nd Vc:ic'i..n tais; iiiad> up '.vith the ' est iriiiiniiinjs uml fir guaranteed. Men's Di>nK.. Conj. ai.u F5a"s tine stock, all sizes, worth §2 00, lor Sl.fitf M.m's Heavy Oroine Kip BaK doubio half solo, slu-jged .sole, and guaran- teed to uiie siitisfaoiion S-2.2i> Men's Split Bluchers, heavy sole.. SI 50 Men's Gr.iin Bhichers.hi.avy sole., gsl 7o Men's Hand made En^-lish Kips, heavy Sole, 2 rows nails, and gu«raiit»-od watirproof S2.75 Also a full lino of Wra;, porottes, Seeve Flannel, Shirtings Cntt. nade TowelUng Print?, Apron Gingh»m C.VKPt-T.S. i»IL CLOTHS and LINOLEl'MS. Mon'a Sliiits 2.")c up. Men's Fast. Bhi.k Il.ilf hose, 2 pr. for 25c Men's Shirts and Drawers, per suit. . 5l)c SIcn's Ovetalls . . . 50ii to SI. 00 per pdr Men's .AII-wodI Tweod Suit worth ?7 00 f.r 84 50 Men's All wi>ol Worstels, worth 310.50 f.-r 8ii50 I Hardware Department I .Six ilitterent kinds to choti.se from. Binder Cxlcves aud JMilts from 250. to 7itc. Threshers niittv, hog andciilfskin. Hayforks, Hopes, Tracks, pulleys, every- thing cuuiplett.', at lowest prices. OILS and VARNISHESâ€" Hpavy Machine Oil, R-ut Oil, B<.ilcd. Tur|H?iiHne nn.l % arnish. Also Dry ii.ior*. All aiKs ..f ulnsa in st-ckâ€" star nnd double diamond. Pniln Orecii tor I'otnt<.>PR. F. G. KARSTEDT, FLE5HERTON