3flejslj£rf0n Jliirana. TEL'TH BEFORE, FAVOR."â€" "PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ^OL. XXn, NC lOQI FlestLerton, Ont., Thursday, July lO 10O2 W. H TnUKoluW, propkietob July Wedding Silverware Wc have just put in stock some extra | fine silverware which we cm recoin- • â- mend as being reluihle. Our pricts i ! are ri jht, a c:»ll will convince you. i These new lines comprlsa :â€" i Berrv Spoons, Oravy Ladles, • i Cold'ileat Forks. Child's Setts j Bread Trays. In addition to these new goods we have the regular lines of Sogar Bowls Spoons, Forks, Berry Dishes, etc. Very suitable (or VV cddiiig Presents. | \ V^.A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON ffritteii fur The Admnce. Bill's Experience. S&jJoe, yoa cau't come down to-night. There s nowheres here to stay; My Dsd and mo can scarce pull througii For Ma. sheacnibs all day. It's rub auJ scrub, acd scrub and rnb. And uot a bit o' decent grab, 2d&'s housecleauia'. Sbe started 'bont u mouth a;;o. 1 don't kuow wheu bhc'U quit. She makes me help must all the time. Taint uice,-a littio bit. It's pumpin', baulin,, shakiu'ru^s. I thouflit I'd strike; she bossd my lugs. Ua*3 houseclcauiu'. Upataits canjc first, and O dear mel She sent medovw>>to.&Il Some tit'ks with ctoau.frssh straw. Sba eaid, •'How hurry back here, Itill. The tank's to ai!, and kottles, too; tTi'} !.heu I'vo n;ore (or you to lo." Ma's hou&eclcauiu'. Well, if tbeiVs ono thing that I hate It's briivgiu' watei in. To make a follow lio yo uiucU Such work, I thiuk's a sin; So 1 just stayed as lout's 1 darod. And KUed those ticks till you'd be soared' Ua's houseclcauiu'. Now Dad be snores when he's asleep. And Ma she shakes him well To ii;ako hiui stop, b'lt Oh,! that uight The Hhako eout Dad vell-mell Down off tho bed. onto the floor. And tbon, at mo and Ma he swore. Aod housecleanin'. 1 wottldu't minded that so much. But theu [ {ell out, too. And struck my chin upon a chair That I'd cUuibod iu by. \Vho» 1 I almost swore as bad as Dad, But tlion I'd tot it i( I had. Ua's bousocleauin'. I helped Dad take dowu pipes. He said, "Here, that won't fuit! Twill fall " I tell vou what it *8 0oted' then. And Dad, he cot it alt; His ire got hot, his face got black. It 'sooted' just ri^bt down his back. That's housccleauin'. Eay Joo, I think I'll skip and como Toyop. Iftin'thadoQo Small bite of i>io lor uiove'u a week, Andpuddiu^timu- scum done. Whal! Joel Your mother's at it too! Great SoottI What can atellow do Iu housecleauin".' â€"ISA Bkattie. was autlitirizrd to get lei<al advice as to Mr. Brown said it was a mistake to the liability of the county to remedy thp leave the selection of a site and other washout and deviation from its course of business with reference co a house of re- iVliiuheH's creek on the towuline between fu<;e over until November session, the townships of Collingwood and Eupha- Arrangements should be made new lo sia, and report to council at this session, that materials could be got in readiness after which adjourn uient was made until for comsnencim; the work early in the 8 o'cliick. appipg. BricK could not be got eiif ly in rsinA'i' EVESTLNt}. the .season. ^ute iliocussiou tuok place. After roll call, all tho members being 3Ir. Agnew, cliaxrmanof the poor house present, Iravo was granted Mr. Watson to cmuraittee, stating that he believed they intro<iuce by law G21 tolevy STOte tomeet should wait fuither offers of aite.s and the current- .^xpeiises and liabilities of thg perhaps deal with the matter at a special county for the year 1903. The by-law nieoting of the council. After several was tinally passed. members had expressed thenistlvee, it Oil m»lioji of Mes.<r3. M:Arthur and was decided to leave the matter with the VVatso.i Messrs. McKinnon and Brown committee at piesent, and the Warden were empowered to build a bridge on the will call a special meeting, if necessary, townline of Euphra-sia and Arteruesia.and when tho committee are prepared to re- the Harden and Mr. McArthur to baild a port delinicely as to a site. The opiniim bridge on the townline of Artemesia aud was expresssed by members that thert wivs Gleiielg. no fe.ar of brie'* l)€ing scarce. The report of Mr. A. Grier, School In- ; On motion of Messrs Preston and Mc- spector for East Grey, was ordered to be' Donald, Master Tincenc Gordon, messen- printed. ger of council, was voted 6 1 per day for On motion of Messrs Agnew and Doyle, his services dorin:; the session, a special committee was appoiuted con-! Mr. .Agnew stated that he had referred siatinff of Messrs. Gordon, ilarness,Pres- the difficulty regarding Jlitc'-ieil's creek ton, McLean, Allen, Shute, McArthur, on the townliiic between Euphnwia and the Warden and tho mover, to select a Collingwooil to the county aoliciror, Mr. site for the House of Refuge, have plans A. G. Mackay. Ha read rho solicitor's and specifications prepared in accordance opinion ou the nijitter which sttited r-h vr with the adopted report of the special ' the county had the power and rij;ht to comoxitlee, and report to the council at take any action to prevent the â- washing November session. away »i bridge approaches, bul that the On motion of Messrs. McDonald and solicitor could not from lack of informa- Shute, it Wits decided to draw the atten- tion advise definitely in the premises, liun of the county Auditurs 'o the Oa'mocioa of Mr. McDonidd Messrs. Mc- necessity of f urnisliing their reports to , Colmau and Agnew^ was appointed to look the i-ouucil in ;; neatly band-writien c-r after the matter and ta'se actim to re- type- written manner, ready to go to the ' st;)rc the creek to its original channel, printer without revision as to spelling,.' Council adjourned to m-^et again on punctuation or general makeup. : ^Vedueidaythe 10th Sovembcr.aC 7 p.m. Council adjourned until Saturday at 9 a. m. i SATfBP.A.Y JlORSriNO The concluding 3es.sion of the council met at 9.20 o'clock Saturday morning. Very httle business WHS transacted and; adjourniuetit was reached at 11. Some | discussion t-<ok place on a motion V>y | The members before dispersing sang the ' u.atioDal anthem. â€" Advertiser. I Price ville County Council. rRIDAY AFTERSOON ! Report of Special committee re House , of Rtfuj^e was presented by Mr. Agnew. | It recomuiendod that a House of Refugo be built, coat not toexcec*lS16,(>'X). This; amount to imUide cost of 50 acres of land , and tho Government grint of ^,000. The coinuiittoe reported having receivc<l a number' of ofl'ers for si!o convenient to Markdalo, Meafonl and Owen Sound. Council went in'o committee on tho report wi'h Mr. Prin^lo in the chair, and a Knjthy discussion ensued.occupy ing uio.st of the»ftcrm"'n sittitiy. Messrs McLean, Preston and tho Waivlen were found to l>e in lavur it (he ropv>rt, and .Mr. Mc- Donald opposed it. .\fter coinniittee rose Messrs. Agnew and McLean moved tho adoption of the report. It was moved iu amendment by Messrs. Allrn and Schonck, that tho ropi'rt bo laid over till November session for more detinite infoinmtion. Thi^s amendmeiii wn» lost, and tho motion for adoption of tho report was carried for the following division : Yens- A "lo w, Rrowu ,1>< ly le.Goi - d m, Uari>ess,McColm\n, Preston and tho Harden â€" 9. N*y»â€" .VUen, McArthur, McDinald, Priiigle, Schenk, Shute and Watson â€" 7. Mr. James McLauchlan, President of the Owon Sound Geixeral and Marine II<i.>ipital lt.<anl, and Mr. I^iig,Rddre.<Mfil the council, uruin^ that a liberal grant b«> made to that iustiiutior, and pointing out theexeeMunl Work ll-at wa.s (>cii>g donu. Dr. Lantf stated that no hospital in Canada had a greater percen'age of euros than this ono. On motion «{ Messrs. McDonald and I'rvstoa the Koad aud Bridge committoe from Ot*r Oifn CorrespoiultiU Rev. J. A. Mathesnu is takina his holi- Messrs. McDonald and Watson to gninf I days dt present. Mr. H. McLennui (f JoOO tolhe General and Miuiuc Hospital.^ Alton took his plaito ('•i Sunday. It w!is moveil in amendmont by Messrs. i Miss N. Grier spent a few days with Doyle and Gordon that the uraut hj ^ Mrs. J. Boyd of Fleshertou last week. §1,000, and each county coamiissioner Mrs, Jenuins?s and three chddrcn of have the privilege of sending one patient ; Toronto ;ue victors at the M:in.-!e from his division to the hospital fur 21 1" Mrs. Hains of Duluth visited »t Arch, days tree. Mr. Gordon said this would ; McFhail's last week, place the county on tho same footing to- 1 Mr. L. Grier and M'ss F. Whitley of wards the h-'spital as the anmicipalitiesi Dandalk spent she first at Mrs. Griers. which contributed toward its support. I Mr. and Mrs. Alcilurry of Cleveland Mr. Prestou s;iid that he would be in are visiting tho latter's paraut;U home at favor of tho county issuing debentures for Mr. L1ui;ald AlcLcan's. $10,000 for tho yurpose of as.sisiiug the; iVlrs.E. J. Grier is spending a'few days iu hospital Mr. ; IcDonald was opposed to Diuidalk. increasing the giant lo SI, OOO.as it would! Misses Jenuio and Fanny .lamosand not go fisr towar s proiidins; the additions i Miss Al ce Uoss are spending (heir vaca- which were sa .. to be uecessxry, aud tton at their lioiaes hero, there would be nothing to show for the j The circuit garden party ou tho pjirson- expendilure. In view of whal Dr. Lang ;;igd grouiius F.-iday evening was quite a had said as to tho succoss in treating j 8ucces.s. The abundance of good things cases an increased grant was not necessary | prepared by the ladies appoAsed the cr iv in order to make the hospital successful. ; iugs of the inner man. Ice cream,l<»mun- A grant of SoOO anriually ho considered i ade, etc., was servetl in the booth. About was a good ciUowance Mr. Gordon said ^ 9 p. m. ail repaired to tho church for the he fancied that surgicid insUunients were programme. Mr. M. K. Richard.son.M P., badly needed and could bo obtained if the i ably filled the chair- Kev. .J.S.I VVilson grant were increased. Mr. \Vats4>n said j of FIeshert^lU aud Rev. T. R. White of he had been informed by n medie.-il ptacii- ; Eugenia gJtve pleasing addresses. Misses tioiier in Toi'oiito hospital that • it was , .-Viina James and Emma McLean rcndeied better for the doerors to own tho surgical j beautiful soKw :uul the Dromore choir iiistiuments. In Toi-uuto hospital this j aci^uitted themsoivcs i'l their usual plcii.s was fouud to bo the case. Mr. Brown j ing st)le Tho procoeds of the eveidn.g said ho understood the ln-spital b«iaid had , were §-tS, other funds and with $1,000 from tliej W. J. C!akes;on spent a few days county would be al>ie to build a wiui and around town and took in tho garden opcatini; room, lie highly aiiprovcd t-f [virty. the work which the hospital wiis doing j Miss Flora McMillan has given, up her and belioved the c<--uuty could not do too : schixd. No. 7, .\rfemesia, and on the 'jist much in tho way of giving assistance. | day of school was tho recepienf of the fol- Mcssrs. Allen & McColnian were also j lowins addres.s and presentation : â€" opposed. Mr. Gordon withdrew hi* â- Miss t. Aicililum: amendment and Mr. McL'>on)ild's motion j De.a.R Tb.u-herâ€" It is with deep regret granting $500 was passed. ! that we, the pupils of S. S. No. No. 7, The following accounts for services in j learn you are about to sever your coiiooc- coiinection with the House of Refuge were , tion with us a.< our teacher. You have passevl :-Uhas'. Gordon, S;l ; Tbos. liar- alw.-tys l>eeii kind-tiv u-< and faithfully en- ness, $4.50 ; D. K. Preston, $l:i. 70 ; R. | dcavored t^l help us along in our studios Agnew, S15. 15 Mr. Piestor. sdd he! everyway in your power. -Vo no-.v, on did not wish to chai go for looking after j the eve of your departure, t.ako this op- sites, but auoMior member advise lii.u pinunity of showing in a sm-ill deiireo our lo charge for hii tini-.>, a.s they got no | appreciation of yviur v,dua»le s-Tviees to thanks fur woiking for the county f-.r us, and tiustius.' that y.^u may have;* bmg nothing. â- 1 and pnusper-ms life before you and th-it RfjHJit of County Property was pies- 1 we may all nuet at la'«t in Heavon where enle«.l by the cha-rinan, Mr. Gordon. It ' there is no parting. Wo s»k you to ple.vie statovl that 'hecoimnltteo h.ul visited and .accept this wiitmi; de.sk, not that it will inspocteil the gaol and found eveiythiog in any v.jiy repay yun but as a token of in a satisfactory cimdi'ion under Mr. remembrance. Signed on lehalf of the Miller's )iurtidiaiishi[i, There weie nine school. Xei.ue Mk.ii\Ei)!TH Dinc.v.ali., inmates, an d it was a t-iuse for satisfao- ' Emma Ubm'KRso.n, J.iNNEt \\ uvtb, tion that there weto none of thesacoufined ! Mr.N. McKinnon of Owen Sound s^n-nt for serious crimes.althmigh the county in- Sunday rtith his wife and fiunl'y. clud«»d so ninny sUiipins; jwints within its During the thundtr storm of Sfiturday liii'its. They recouunoiidtHl that tho walls evening Air. M. McDu^aUi'a boa>io w.ts and ceilings <>t the halls bo paitited, to .sTuck by lightnin; and burned to the finish the work i>arily done ; that plat- ground. Uuly part u{ tho oiiteuts woro form for jurors be removed so that per- saved. sous going to and from the barristrr's Tho A. O. U. W. intend bidding their room would not p-^s.i between the judv;o pxnic iu Sullivan's i;ro»e ou Wednesilay and the jury ; also that81O.00be e.vpnid- of this week. This promises to be the etl on ihe purcha.»e of dnwors for the best picnic of the season and all should court hoii.ie grounds. The rejwrt was ti.v and take it in. adopted, Mr.Allou remarking sarcastioal- Miss M. McDoiwld, O. D. R., spent a ly that iierhaps they should erect new few days la>t week with the Misses Mun- couiity buildings, shaw ui Fleshcrton. ^., , / va/'va/\a".a^s«/vArM^^jg; !Ar A:^A^ McFarland, Stafford & Co. i rURKDALE, ONT. ^ 6r«y County's Bids^st and Cheapest store M ruinj"iriiTri ji jvTruiiTriJTJiriru"ifvvirtnj"iJTrirLririru"t riivUTnj'^^ ^^ It is easy eaouKh to buy soods and get hold of low prices, bat how ^^ about the qualities ? Are you always sure th.at your purch.-vse is what it JR ought to be -thorouahly reliable ? You never run any rUk ;it this store. ^ We make sure that our goods are worthy and depend.able before we otter ^h them to you. Then to every purchase you make we mid another safe- fl? gu.-irdâ€" our guarantee which says : Money refunded if goods are not al^ satisfactory. " (^ S4.00 ALL-WOOL BL.VNKETS FOR §2.98. ^ Ali-wo'd blankets, thoroughly cleaned and scouretl, soft and lofty in ^^ finish, 7 lbs. size CO x SO, worth §4. iM, while they last 2.98 ^ S1.2o COLORED DIMITY SHIRT WAISTS 89c. ^ 4S Dainty Dimity Shirt Waists in a variety of color combination^ ^ most of them are blue and white, pink and white. This particub»r ^ hue IS correct in style aud just the thing for hot weather.only 89 * 20c. MERCERISED FINIS BED SATEEN 12c. ' jf^ 33 inch Mercerised finish dress sateens and foulard-;, in fast colors- ^ new goods and new patterns, worth 18 and 20c. yard, to clear 12 yK. 50C.BELTS FOR 10c. ^ Another lot of Ladies' Sample Belts received in a variety of styles "^ and qualities, pricea rantiing from 25c to oOc. each in ro"i>!ar way, 7^ your choice for ° j^q ^^ 20c PER PAIR TOWELS FOR 12^ ' ^1 Three-quarter bleached towels, all linen, fringed ends and colored ^ borders, size .32x1 6, for per pair i2k ?ff 60c MEN'S StIIRTS FOR 3Sc. ' ?R t> dozen Jlcn 's Black and Colore.l Shirts, suitible for everyday wear ^^ which means they must "be f;ist colors ard durable. We' mji^ say ^R: here you could not procure the material for tha price we are offering iM tbem for gg ^1^ 10c. PURE SILK RIBBONS FOR 5c. J) Colored Ribbons in staple colors of soft quality No. S>, worth lOo. v^ per yard, this week a ^p §1 75 CUPS .A.ND SAUCERS or PLATES 95c. doz. ^ Another lot similar to last in quality but much nicer pattern, being a J^- blueprinted fl.ral deconxtinn yrith considei-able gold lines on edges ?R Y'ou in.ay have any you wish while they I.I.-;-, plates So., cups and i|^ saucers 8c. or 95c dozen. ^^ Many lines will be reduced for this month (July.) Come and s-atisfv ^ yourself th.at values ar- ((uite out of the ordiu.ii-y. The .-ibove are but a !?? few of the many baraains that will .await yu for this month. Bv comir^" ^ e.irly the assortment will be better, therefore vou reap the" bene tit~ ^Jb When in town have a look through whether you buv or not. No trouble ^ to show g>K)ds. " "1^ jMdF^flkHcl, ,Stkfford c>t Co. Approaches fast, in more senses of the word than one. The pubHc is fa.st hecouiing aware of the fact th.-ic harvest time is always with them when they (U'ul with u.s. Onr stock is hran new, onr prices the hiwest and our desire to please is certainly irenniae. Let ns quote a few of the seasonable thiiiirs now in stock : * Stei.'s Suits, g-,) 1(1 work in.anship and leaterial, $7 suit for § 5 00 Men's Suits, tlO Value, for .... ... .. ' ji'jj Moil's suits. $12 value, for 10 OO These are sold at cost for a short time to run theiu off Ui'avy Cottoaa;le3. 20o. veg... Shaker Fiannell.per yard 5e. Scotch plaids per yard l-2c.reg....lOc. â€" Wrauparetto goods, 10 to 12^=. leg. 12 aud 15. Straw bats, a biy stock, ranging f»otii 8c to 75c. eaeli. Call a.aA got your harvest liat or something boUcr for Suaday. Rxlmoral Shoe "I splendid harvest .'<hoe I 90c. Call or made goods a S pecialty. Men's and Ladies suramei- uadarwcar â€" a sp'onJid lino of the boat go.o-ls. Hardware Department I Our b.ardw.tre dejvirfment is coniploto in every line. V."i- !i:»vo h.-iyO^rk n-res and slings, biiivlor twine, hinting ;|ov«m>, rake*, folks, scylhcti, snaitlis, etc. Everythinj; for haymakin'.' and harxesr. Paris g»ooii f.<r yt,ur potatoes. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKKN IN ANY' QUANTITY F. Q. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON