^ â- > m t^ ii'i " â- II i t t •^ i ' ^«; MAY 16 1902 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE I? It xm^^iMiM F, T. HILL & CO. I I Hardware I ## Gel our qnotations on HARD- WARE before you make your next purchase. Many liave ol- rcady done so and have saved •a money. WHITE MUSLIN SHIRT W AISTS Handsomely 6iii8hed fine Mualin goods, trimmed with laco or insertion, buttoned backs or fronts, new cuf&. This is one of the moit complete collections you'll tind in those very up-to date goods, prices ranijino! from 1.25, 1.35, 1. 60 up to 2.40 LADIES' COTTON HOSE (faat dye) K «rly one hundred dozen of the best value cotton Ho98 we've over handled.splendid weight, full-fashion- ed, fast dye hose, at 10, 12^, 16, 18, 20 and 25o. Our 10-cent 8r;4)cking is as good as you usually get for 15 cts. LADIES* SUMMER VESTS. 60 dozen very fine, right priced summer vests, long slofves, half sleeves and sleeveless. These are very nice, beautifully trimmed ^oods and are unsurpassed in value, each 6,10,15,17,12^,20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 White Swiss and Fancy Muslina. Hundreds of yards of beautiful goods, in spots, figures, stripes and checks, also fancies â€" a moat supurb collection at 10, 12|, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18,20 and 26 White and Black Organdies. Beautiful, fine, full width goods, at 18, 23, 26, 80, 36, 37i and 40 Full assortment of Linens, Piques. Crashes, Ducks, elo. 200 pair MEN'S |READY-TO-WEAR PANTS We'Te had these made from our own goods and there're right in qnality, workmanship and fit. We can give you any kind of trouser you wish, be it worsted, serge or tweed, at the lowest price you've bought equal quality. Just think of an all-wool tweed pant at 98c. (ah sizes,) better ones at 1.00, 1,10, 1.25, 1.36, 1.40, 1.60, 1,75, 1.85, 2.00,2.25,2.50, 2.75, 3.00, and 3.40 MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR. Large and small sizes, fine strong thread.none better or more satisfactory. We have them at 25c., 35c 40c. 60c. Also same price for heavier goods if you wish them. Two Lines Linen Towis, Special. 35o per pair pure Linen Towis each 12i 22 and 19c. per pair pure Linen Towels, each 7^ Extra values in Art Muslins, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, Curtains, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. 50,000 pounds of Wool wanted during^ the next- six weeks For which we are prepared to pay highest cash or trade prices. We have just placed in stock an unusually large .supply of Blankets, Flannels and Yarns, bought at specially close prices and which will be sold accordingly tlirough the wool Keiison. You will find UM thoroughly prepared for the bigLtest kind of bu.siueR.s, bargains e^reeting you at every turn throughout our large store. 'â- ^^mmmmmm F.T. HILL&CO, mmBmmmm iTHE CAMPAIGN IN EAST GEEY. The East Gi-ey political campaign gees merrily along with Mr. Lucas holding rousing meetings throughout .thn riding. John M. Davis, the so- called independent candidate, attends eaclj"of these meetings. Heliires no halls himself and pays for no lighting or {speakers. He is ruDning it ou the heap John scale. As one man re- marked, it looks like a poodle running after a mastiff and nipping at liis heels. The Advance is not, alone in its poor opinion of Davis.as witness the following written by a Kimbeiley /conespondent to the I'hornbury Herald after the Kimberley meeting : The correspondent gays, speaking of Davie : "Wonder did anybody ever tell him what an exhibition he is mak- ing; cf himself ? He will certainly be a p'ckly looking sight about tlie 30tl) of .May. A before and after picture of liun would makeuii 'icrlleut premium for some paper." And again the editor of tlif; Hen;ld H) reporting the Heiith- cotc meeting, ventures thtjopinion that Davis could tell all he knows on |)rov- juciiil questions in twenty miniitts, uiid also adds the following solemn warning. '-There is a possibility of a man I&fiing his good municipal repu- tiilioii C t'. is has no reference to Mr. Pavis ) by making himself ridiculous and the langhing stock of the people by lii.s ignonincc on iuiporlant ques- tions, but which liiivo no connection with municipal affairs. " Tiicse lliinga any platform if he only may be elect- matter and report to this council at it.s ed. Pity the couLtry if all our par- , "«if,' »'"'«'""• 5*^'7'^''â„¢ , -, , ^, . •' â- ' \ Thompsonâ€" Boydâ€" That John Weber s ; ofl'er to complete the Valley road from rLouck's Mill to townhne of Euphrasia by I grading and graveling the same for the I sum of 31000 be accepted, said work to I be completed within two years fri>ni this The Arteniesia council met in the town P^^^- »"<' '^at the reeve have an Bgroe- â- ,, T,, . . ». J »« â- - ^nrxn Blent exeouted with Mr. Weber iiivinsi hall, Flesherton, on Monday Maylo, 1902. ^g^^^^ j„ ^^.^ .^solution at once. Carried. The members were all present, the reeve Boyd- Thompsonâ€"That the first sitt ill the chair. The minutes of last meet- ing of the Court of Revision on assess- ing read and confirmed. A petition from 1 «"en' ""oU -.f 1902, be held on Monday, liamentarians were of this stamp. Township Council. June 2, 1002, and that the clerk ad\ertise the same as required by law. Carried. Council adjourned. In a private letter frorr. Mr. Richaid- son, M. P., at Ottawa, he t?lls us that ho made enquiry of the Minister of Agricul lure regarding the comparativo cost in South Orey of the census of 1891 and 1901. In the former year under 3on servativa rule the total costs wns 81647.85 and ill 1901 it whs S2697.26 nn increase of $9.50.69. Mr. Richardson also informs us that the increase in South Grey is inucli less than in most counties as the average cost is almost doubled, tlio num- ber cif oiiumerHtois trebled, alinoHt quad- rupled. Moreover lie informs us that no reasi>u cmld bo assigned fortheenorni'^us incrua.so under an "economical Liberal Govi'riimont."â€" Durham Chronicle. David Harrow and other electors of poll- ing subdivsion No. 4 asking that a poll- ing place bu made at the old aclioolhouse, S. S. No. 6, was presented and read. Accounts as follows were presented : W. H. Thurston for assessment rolls and as- sessment stationery, 914.12; and from Mrs. Thompson for bread for Mrs. Mor- row, S2.00. By laws Nos. 608, to raise $1&00 by de- bentures in school section no 17, and C09, tu regulate the performance of statute la hor, were introduced and read a first time. Thompson- -Boyd â€" That by laws 608 and 609 bu now road a second time. Car- ried. Biiyd â€" Thompson â€" Thaq council gi> in- to committee 011 by laws 008 and 609. Carried Cuuncil wont into committee, Mr. A Story of Morning Tiredness Boyd in thn cliair. ' Council rcsu1'ilud,tho rersve in the chair. Is f"''' ''y inipuro blood, poor dincsticn, Mr. Boyd presented by laws 608 and sluyi-Hh liver and tired nerves It is a (>09 as fiU.d up in coniiiiittee. wmniiiR of voiy serious trouble ahead, i.nd tJil>sonâ€".\luirâ€" That by laws 608 and should prompt sensible people to take a 609 as piussod in cmniiltfc bo now road a bnicmg tonio like Forruxono.an energetic third tun.-, signed and sealed with the in>i«"rai,' and lol.utUler. Ferrozone will seal of I Ilia corporation and entered in .g'^'- yo" " «hari> appotilo, promote good tho by law Look. Cariied. , digest ion and sound sleep ; it will foe<l (Jil)son -Muirâ€" ThutRobt. GiiUmui bel«nd energize tho enfeebled organs, paid lli« KU.ii of fourteen dollars being f,.,- Islrenv-'bon tliM nerve and vital forces mid aUoWHiicis for fencing roadway Oil lot 23, J '"-"'"t" 'I'e hcii.t. Forriizoi.e changes con. 12, l.eingthe land nivun by him f„i- that tired fooling into vi>{..r, Btron.;th and Valley road, upon exeeuiioii by liiiii of a dood to this coporatioii fur ssiid rnadivay. Carried. Muir -Gilison â€" That the account of Mr. 'riiui'Hton for assussment rolls and as- , â- , ,,. ,, < easmuiit !'lationery,S14.12,he paid. Car- ure eoittiinly as telling blows as ai.y ifi^,! The Advance has ever given. We | Thompaonâ€" Muir â€" That as it has b^en undeislaiid thit Mr Davis complains I »'1"'«'"<> il''« council that Mrs. 8. Mor- ' row IS III Very needy circumsnnces.shti 1)0 of llie Wiiy tins paper has treated him. j»!l„tte.l fonr dollars per month, and thai Well, an illlividuil wh'l courts oleotion :"''e hill of *2 f..r bread furnished her by . 1 1 n: . , . I 1 . i MrM. .1. Tbouip<oii \m paid, but in futniel to a public office mnst b. prepared to :,.,. „„,,, „,„,„;„,„ „.,„ {„, ^.^ognized ex-| learn It f>!W things about himself which j cept im reeve'.s ordor. ainl)itii)n, and doo.s it quickly Ueniem her the niiiiie, and insi.st on having only Feriozdoe ; it's the liest tonic made. Price 50c. per ')OJ,or six boxes for $2.60, at drugni.ita or N.C.Pi Ison & Co , KinR- ston, Out. Sold by W E. Richardson. Beauty and Glasses. ho probably did not know before, and uliii f of tliCKO is tho qiu'Stinii of liis litnoKs or unfitness for tho position, and the presM and public are tho only foiiicoi llirongh which ho can learn till.-, beciiiiso overweening pri;lo pro- vent': tho formation of a correct in- dividin! judgement. The best men h ivi to bewiiglit for, and that is the k'lid wit' wiint. Tlio man who pnlls wi.c t.i !{ei a nominatiiin, fuila egri-g- lousiy, but still remairs dotermined to ''run," as Mr. Davis has, is a man which the public should keep strictly at lioimi He is a self seeker of the if!-iii><. dfseriptionâ€" a man who is will- JM^' t(i KHcrifice (iurloil. Mnir Hoyd-^Tliat the reeve, the] niovei' nod .Mr. (iibsi'll ben conimit'ee lo meet n c'.inniittuo of Glonelg council on townhne .'\. anil (i.. nn<l ihat the cKiik notify ihe reeve of Uleiielg to met t at I'rieovlllo on the 14th iuot. at 1 p. in. (/ikrried Itoydâ€" .Miiir â€" Thwt the reeve and ^^r. ThoinpHoii lie a committee to exumino the blind lino conouHsion 9 and 10 from lots HO to 3.'), iiKlusive, «itli a view of havinj; ! said r..Hd closed if in their judgniuiit is j considered propor. Ciiip.ecl. Women strair. their ,/-• ^ eyes waste nerve energy and produce prematura wrhikles, because they think glasses detract from tticlr personal charms. Properly fitted glasses positively ImproTt 1 Boyd-Tlioinpsimâ€" That Mr. Muir is ^. , , ... ,.^ ^ , ., I lieroliy »uthoriz.«l to see the pantos own- *'>« ^^^^^^^^ ">»" with defective eye*. linK bind odjoinine 30 aidoroad, cm. l| Ve put beauty In glasses as JN.D.U, Alul rt'ipiiro them to buihl as agreed ;wi,l lumovu all fei.cB from road al- lowance. CAirifd. TbonqMimâ€" Gibson â€" That tho petition of D. Harrow and others, aakinx for a polliiU booth at tho ohl ichoolhouso S. 8. 4 EW E LC R No. 6, h«i Kid on the table and that anything and adopt Mesars. Muir i^nd Boyd cii<^u;re into the well as bcbind them. W. A. Armstrong, AND OPTICIA ^ FLESHCRTON. Wool! Just a word about Woolâ€" when you're ready to sell your wool, remember we are open to buy any (|uan- tityand will give you the highest market price in Cash or trade. You're sure of satisfaction eith er way, as our immense assortment of desireable goods is at your service or the money is yours if you prefer. Men's Working boots for 95c. 50 pair Men's Lace Working bootsâ€" some' split â€" some whole stock â€" all bellows tongue â€" high cut â€" some blucher pattern. Sizes 6 to 10. Begular price $1.10 to $1.50 95 cts Novelties in Boy's Clothing Jvasti O^penied Ouii. Boy's 8 piece duck suits â€" sailor collar as shown in cut- durable â€" fast colors â€" washable. Sizes 21-26 $1,00 Boy's 3 pi ece Brownie suits â€" double breasted â€" fancy vests â€" good durable tweed â€" nicely made, trimmed and finished. Sizes 21-28 $ 2.50 Men's Suits Youth's Clothing Men's Coats Boys Knickers Men's Pants Sweaters Men's Overalls Boys Overalls Smocks. ^ Floor Paint to be walked on Many so-called floor paints wont stand the walking. THE SHERWIN-WlLLhiaS Inside Floor Paint is made for floors and nothing else. It is made for durability. It is made to walk. on. Color cards for the asking. . SCT.O T!'.- . 5heep Shears Pig Rings Spades Rakes Axle Grease Wash Tubs Wash boards Washing Machines Wringers Boy(l,liickliiid&(Zo*