Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1902, p. 4

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ifOIDIODiaifiUBI ADVANTAGE OF DAIRY MILK RECORDS. HtHD Dominion Live Stock Commis- sioner Gives Some Valuable Hint*. \- M ..... .ins of ciimci l ir :; I lie r.i\v of tl"' farm into inoru \\illi iilv u IS Wll)lOlll U |i,., I '|||f ,!.. ll I nninial \\ill |MV \cry lilllc in. i. tllllll III, II kl I |r||..'< (.11 fllllll f(>ll flOlll tMilli to sli.inilile -. Ill '.li. i-ji. her ilciM'o anil her lambs K' 1 '"- " very lnoilc-,t (irolit on fonil cm oil The |>IK anil tin' lien. i( wr.el.v fi-l. ilo miicli better than either of tho abo\e. but it i \cr.v M'liloin thnt. the let urns fiom eillii-r of them K" bcMiml me ilollai uiul iti\ cents for one ''s uoi'h of fooil consi.niecl. The <l, iiiy row. however, frequently us hiKh an two dollars worth of |>io<luii for one ilollar's worth of fooil. anil ninny a cow h.i I ..... n known to i;ne two tloll.irs and litu If your Grocer cannot supply write to LEVER BROTHERS LlWltED. To- ronto, sending the name and address of your grocer, and a trial sample of Sunlight Soap will be tent you free. A*k lor the o i_j u , B r , BAD COMPLEXIONS. Skin Way How Cleanliness of the Be Attained. worth of product for one <loi- ,,i,.| v TllCle is le.llly III) excuse for the who noes urounil with h,.j skin Hulking open eonfcK.sion that she is a rebel n^aiiixt the law* of health There nre 111. my forum of skin dis- ease. oi course, Unit arc boyoml tho ol of those sum-ring from them s " ....... f lln-M- iin i-xce<-iliiii;l\ oh Hcnre UH to their OIIKIII ami obstin- Jar's worth of foo.l eon .nn-il. Most henls fiill fnr short of snch hi){li return. Tin- roiiMin.s may l,e suin- nmnleil UN l;n-k of lin-eilini;, iin- or iiisi.Hieiei.l fei-iliiiK. :uni In, k of ju, lenient ami niiin:, (jenient il IIM-..II;!- over lifty dolhus' u ' h of (ii'inluits |,i-r cow per \e;ir. If your herd is not K UIII K von ' u n von in-,- not iloinn it j u . s . !' -Mlily. every iniliv iiliiiil n, iienl is not n. niuiilier DM ihnrv Iml ilo \ou know which uro rciilly doiiiK KOO, I work and the ro- llltl- nil-Ills of the (lnii.elit eoWH ? In order to know your cows you kwp a daily i.-cord of Iho milk oxtornal anil internal. resistant to treatment, nml all _ uch ,. asi , . sll(>ul() ,,.. ,,..,. ,,. _ Of competent ilermatolonist> \\'e base only reference in this article to tliose iiiudily. pimply, uncared-foi skins loo-ofleii shown by (firls win sboulil be in the very bloom o youth ami Ireslmess. 'lint who IhrniiKli ignorance, anil far too of ton throiifrh iincleaiiliness or laziness or KTI , -ibness. stiirt ami m.iintaln : miieiiiiiiti through years, u condi lion of akin that would disunite ai Eskimo. There |s one greiit prescription ami in, e only, for a clear. bright complexion, and that is first . last ami always bodily rloanlin M, |,,,u I'll. NIIK TAKl; Till; ||, ^ dl - ,.ii;niMiie<i caralrji i,..,,i,. r WM """' " ' ilinnei ,,.i; u to which ho bad 1,-en invited ii.s tl, . >r ,iest o f honor Beside him Wus n, loi|ini,-imi!* widow. win, IIMI, ,,f ,-. |,| ,,,. k who rudely mieri i,|,,,.,| , |,,. ,.,,,, I ion by askii. , ri ,,, W | lv |t u ' '' ll t Ix-iinl was ItUI l.l.ok while hi* hiiir was l,iriiiii K f \\lth K"-:it liolltei,'-' - . ho die. ll.ined t,,H.,,-,|.s ),,., 'I f".ir I Cill.l:,,!. ^, v uusw.-r." laid 'he. "unless. I'l.v, hi) reiison m that | my lir.iin u liiti,. ,,,. ,,,., , ia\o my j.iu ' PLASTERS 4 FifLEP, LINIMENTS, OILS AND MANY OTHER MEDICINES DID NO "OOD. A New Brunswick Postmaster Tells of His Etlorts to Cure Hib Kidney Trouble. He Suffered for Years and Tried Many Medicines But Only Recently Found tbe Bight One. mucft yielded I ,y e.M-li ,,,w to M-I: you do this to help ,\ou do it l>urinu the p.,st ytMl ii ii.iiulier of dairy f.nmei,. at Our -iiM^estion. iiiii.le, an ellort alon^ I 'M,u n-siilt* u-fi<- most auti.sfa, Loiy. In our possession are many fanner's let lei. s , inph.isizln K the iinpoit.:i,,e ,ind value of such rV'.Tils. I, olh as a Rliille ii, seleetin;- CO"-- .ind ,,s an .iieilne means of iinproMii K the actual herd. \\* \\onld like 1 Now. cleanliness of the skin Is bj V\e an- willing no HUMUS attained hv lucre surface ruliliiti^; ami srriililiitiK. iilthoiiKh a cfi-tain HIM, Mint of this is nei ess.n v ,IM, I in. HIV ll proud. iilious and otherwise dainty young woman need., tu IK- told to Wash her fmv propei lv Hut she neens lo lie told more than this The ,,i- Ki ,tis of this wonderful hiiily of our:; are furiously loyal to i-.ii h other. li the orpun is iinublo ^ ..i..... . lo pertot in all the work which is put 'xtr.i outlay iei|.iireil is very j upon it. for instance the others W wouhl supply you with | fu i thfiilly turn in and lal.oi to d,, ji s for a tune at least share as ,-!! as their own This is keeping ,,f >,,,-|, i,,,,id> ( ,,k,. K u bem-Hcent provision for the tidniff ' '-ll HUnilte per cow pel ov.-l of t.-nip..|-.,ry d, flicil 1 1 ies hut it lly for a Lilian, e was never intended m the schemo of from lif.y omta t,. in,. thi,, K s to I..-, on,,- ,.,.| inaiieiit r- raiiKi-liii-nl \\ 1.,-n it IIMS lasted long ''' BOW of milk ,!,. ,,, .......ufli. the on;,,,, or oixans doin,' si,,!, a record where ten ex'i., woik l,, x in to show s,e;,,s ,,f cows .,,,1,,.,,, would pay for the distress. Nature i, just, as well as b.,l.,,,,e o ,|,e wt ,. k . K,v,, illB n,ilk-!ki,,,l. and alwass t.iU-s toll to .n,l,.r..s spirit of (- 1 W |,,. n , lie skiii is put to it to per- " '""I'.-litioi, , mi)k . f,, rll , ^r. oi th.. work that should IK- '" "- ".MHl of the milker, done l,v Ihe liver, the kidneys or oth- " lllk A' '"' -.n must soon throw out its signal of , listr.-ss in the form ol Killowness. r, Highness nml pii.i| A yoiin(j \\.ini,,n usliamed of her complexion sliould try the i-fTect ,,i diinkiiiir more water and eatim- caiiily. nivim; her , litest i\e orRans u hath nml a rest (..,.( h,. r then treat tho f.'tce to nn occasional thorough MR i" HOft Water. usiiiK one of the Rood, mild soups of which there ami eaieful Bilker li.ipid. ,1,-a,,. Hulking will r.ii-e ihe tuin from a row l,y from two to ten "dniji to the row ' ' tr the COW the K re.ile| the in- 11 ^"' IAI i: si i.i. emus "' "''^'".v to eive an MMtnt* milk """ l will. generally speak, i, K . L ' " '"W.- value, and facilil.ite ""' : ' thlsj lltM If '"' ' ' I '"'.,1 K.u-ther. know- " ll! " ' return n,,n, ,-.,,1, c.,w , '"''I. von are in a position t o ''I for l,r,-eil,n K . I " " I'-'i'd U1 louml |, v> ard- >W that |,.,y a verv low i '"' " ll food, |,,,,e ,:,,' ,,,_ Ij kepi ,,, I'lleV .holllll lie ,|..-,., ,,.,( ,. ,, .,'le- i. sine . 1N i,, diM-m,.,. ||.,.,,, Ic-r of pure |, ri .,| M u. 1 of the milking ln-'.-d- ,1, Ayrshire, Cnnad Shorthorn strains, the ll.iilv hould i,,- ,|,,,,,. M JM ;. ' Hi' 1 luee,li,,e I'ei ol d We mp'i,.,, that in u vwy !,, .1 p.ui.m; ,"' " B. a d.,i,v Ul ' '"' i-i.iki, H ., | p,., ,.,|, v of i. - 1 ' 1 " ' "' "I'M-,',- llciiuty Color, .'...I ri'iifornuitioi, .,,',- ""l"l-,Mt. anil when. f|,,. brooder makes his ,.-, (,, ! " ! '""' "'-"i f.inniiiK, he may he '"/"I' " " - for i heir looks We \tho are f.irminjf for m,,- "'"M l'>k to Ihe p 1( ,/,t vide of \\i.|, ,| .; , .... , mi .:'!. STIMS \ir\ ' !l ' -' moveme,,, ,,, ,, ,. , j | t 'Hll their (,,|va ,,.,, ..,.,,,,.. 1 ' I r .'ikl', K nlonu sonil,,, I s |, , noo.l thii.K f,,, I W" are sure it, tanl step' n>Provemen( ii,.,t you e er made ''" ' "" dee i,, Introduce n "'' i - ri,s, ":;;;;"";; ::;;;""; y 'i .' fonns where- to he kept 1 ' Ihe mil ..lid l.d.T.e , ,,|| ] ' t , I . ,- I'. W Mull.' 1 ' ' ,"ck Com, ,,,.. loner Lower Windsor, N.U A|>nl 7 - Special, Mr. T. II. Helyea, potrt- miister of thiH place, has mad.- .1 very ii.ierest ing _tat.n,e,,i ,,f his experiencu ill Ins efforts to be cured of Kidney Trouble which has l, ed him for many years. At times he. would have very had apells, and when these cuue on he wus almost laid up. lie tried several doctors and iitiod many medicines, Imt nothing iecm- -d to help him In the least I'lusters. oils, liniimtntu on the outside and doses of all kinds and description!! taken internally seem lo have hut one rwult. He was no better I inally through reading an adver- tisement he wns tod to the use of DoeM'l Kidney Pil| M . He says "Dodd's Kidney Pilla wero so highly recommended for Kidney Trouble that, after i ..-., ling some testimoniuls. I concluded to try them in , ..rding to directions "I had tried KO innny things that wu \cry skeptie.,1 "and had hut little faith Unit Ho.kl's Kidney I'ill's could or would help m- Iliiwever. did not use) them long liefore I found that they Were all and more Hum wan claimed for t!,-m "1 have received more h.-uetii from Ihem than from any other medicine I have over used, for they srcat to lave made a complete ,-me of my ase. "I feel n* well an ever I did and mv* not tho Blight.. st i rare of the Krdncy Trouble that bothered ire over so long. "I want to SUV that I l,e|i.M P that Dodd's KJdney I'ills are the right ii,Hlicinr> for Kidney TrouM,. " Mr is very wr!l Known n vervl.,iily in this HPighhrirhoort Mini here are hut few who liavo not I.een iw.ire of his serious fllri, Kvervone is delighted at Ids im- irnvp.l health and hi-; pulilished t.ii.-in.-nt has done much to ir odd's Kidney Pills even more Mipiilnr in this iviglilHirhood U hey llavi; lieeii are now s,, many olTered I .el her I, real he plenty nf Iresh an. aud then watch the speedy improvement I bat vv ill conn- On the other hand, errors of diet, ted Imwel.s. innuMlcient |, a tliiiiK aiKl an utp.entilated bedroom Would dim the compb-\;..n of : , ( |,-ya,| in a wee!, Youth's Companion. The lar^eM serpent ever us. .rod wns u Mexican anaconda, found to lie :(7 feel ill lellijlh. It was measur- ed by Dr Carilner Frost 10 Wire and 6 Stay Fence' is tbfl strongest and heaviest wire fence made good openings for good a^cnt:; ; write va at oucc for terms. Ask for catalog. THE FROST WIRE FENCE co., - - \VLLAND, ONT. t ^^^ ^^ ~ ^-*y Bjj ft S C QVDIUFD ^ C are ' lanL "'"o lar^-e quantities* * I LKs O I li U I We can handle yours to advantage. The Dawson Oommiaaion Co., Limited, Toronto. | HERE'S ;A PAINT C. C, liU'Il.MtltS & fO. CeuthMiicn. I have used MIN- AllP'S 1.IMMKNT on my vessel an-1 in my family for ve.trs. and for every day ills and m i i,l,-nts of life 1 eoiisule: it has no e.pinl. I vv,. :ld n,.t start on a voyage without it, if it cost n dollur a bottle. (APT T. K. HKS.JAItMN Schr Si, , rle." St. Andre. Ka- uiourut;ku. Torifi.iy and Cork aj e tho vv.,' pine,-, in the I loied Uimriloin. Their lelnl itUI e is .">_' ill , I'l-ii/aiice and Veiitror come next. l hj l ! thu I, -til* For Over Silly Years - .>.- i.ii.ihrr, f..r iln-r Oiil'lmi Ii4 '' .--I J:M. I ., nh ,' T.".I|T fli t,l! * t ... I ,ln. -.1. 1. Hi; nl ..-41 Ih,' unrlil. llr .ur-J ..jj uk far 1 ' MM. Wisn \.IS,M'F. - \\.'li-r is the on'.v >.ul, I uee vvhii'l- expands with l.olli he:il and cold. It is the he , v i," l at ., i"ii i- ature 7 ile^ie, M aliove fi int. Minaid's Liniment Cuies ri I'iM.i: \\ no KAT ci.ovi:it "I- or tbe Indians in Me|..i,,,. n o All the strongest animals an iirians. the el, pliant |,eii,n the IIIO--L iiiwerfnl. and the i-hiinx-i i us next 'In- swiftest, the horse and m ro vegetal-inns ures also live much louter than meal-eaters. Minard's Liniment Cures Buros, etc, The sun -p, injr at I im- u ,,i .;.,II,,IM. miles f, on, n., surface. Deafness Cannot bo Cured (r 1 v,l n|' ]c'. :on<. at they ,-nnnot reach the |ti>i-a-r<l ixirrtonnf thcet,. 'Ihcre lennlj ,,iv xajr t 'Ciirn ilMfnoiii. and that l hy rnnntltu ii-'i-il r.m*'.!if. |ii- fn--< i* r.-,ii-,-,l br aa i 'Tamed ,-onHl ioa of , he inucoiifl lining of l lie Kastaabla* Tute. \Vhn -h: tul> i< In lUnu-,1 reniaav* arumMng BOMird (,r Im-.Ti feet lirarlog. nml whon it i- i-nt rjl) o;n,l leafnetslaMM result and unle 'he liiflam mail** ran S talon, ut ami lbl(l*b*reatsred 10 Hi normal oomhtl n. t ejrlni vv.ll be de tr, yo.l f, ri-Tr: nino i a44 out. of ton HIV ,. iivd hj c 'lurrh. whi, li . , ntlung hut an In famed condition of t v .o iiiu'-oii- mir'tce . WewlH live One Ilnndit-d l>o)litiifor any HD<t of l)eaf** lciis t -,| lijr rut irrln that caii n l be c-ird hy fUll'n t\ilarrh Cure. 8enl orclrculur*. fr-r. F. J. CHKNKY & (X>.. Toledo. O Sold by UrucRiKt'. lUDlFaesl y I'ili- urn the bent. I'.- make you glad when you sea it on your house, and how it wears as paint never did wear before. RAMSAY'S PAINTS Are made from mnterials that do wear. th;it outlast all others. that stand up clean and "bright for years, easy to wortt, econo- mical, handy cans. and at the right price for the best paint. Drop us a card and auk for BOOKLKT "K" KREK. howiug how some homes are pumttd. A. RAMSAY & SON, * lrt -" 41 MONTREAL ^Jlt Mak8f8 The average man is :,t his weakest \\idows in (Jreat Britain outnum- froin a mils, ill.,, point of view, when j ber widowers hy almost exactly two ho rises in the morning His to one. strenirtli is gie.iti-r after thp midday W P C. ll'itt TO < rttF. * <!. I . < \ . D if. Take I.'Xiii*,- nronio Q-nnino TableU Al riruincUtA rrfund the money U It fail* lo cure. K. W. Urore > ugnalure ' on *aol> box. Me. The iLVei..>;.' S, -i >i dumm weighs 165 poumlM ; the \Velshin.iii. I .". - the I'.nglisliinaP, I :,.. pom., Is . and I he Irishman, I .". 1 p. ., uls Card's Lioimenl is I'sedb'jPhy.icia.L Thirty-sin | ,-,- , , ,,f n, it revenin. is from the i.i\ on diiuk . and J'.' per cent, of i hat of the United St . In washing \vr>' >1 h-ns ami Hai.tie's. Lever's Pry Soap 1.1 p.ivv '!," found ver% ory. THI MOAT POPULAR DHTIFICe. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Proem** the t'h. twetni th* krith. ItrsnilllMiit th* yum* TO PRINTERS A man of 7" ),.- , .ten i>. his lifc- ! tons of F03 SALf . TWJ 2-rri/olution Campball Presses, bert 40'*U Inches. Splenrllf order. Price $1,000 each. Tcrmioasy. 8. FRANK WILSON 73 West 'delate St., Tcrcnts s Liniment for sale BOYS BRIGADE lanil about .'1 ent lo ilraii.iiifj u piece of its a> ,au.',- -. thus ln-inn c,;,ii\ul- triuis|.,irtiiiK it I.M> mil' s i i.. HI rnah ml mirk* otT I 1 -,- < . III. Lam Ire liroinn-4ju tnnn 1b!ct< <-ur" n eold laonodny. No . ure. No 1'aT- Vrloe Ucrn:>. i d of ' ' lie <n thi I-. .1,1 of . 1,;, if ,.,, half ilo in.i I ,. c is Ih t'liiinty. i'i,Miiii .1.1 use cluve- . I* oi foti.l 'I h y e,,t il as ani- mal -terns. Mow," 1 all 'Ptiev cun I,- ; the ,1, i-l '.Is eat ing tho for ' ' ' I .n. dfuls Th ,(,,. ' !' 'f niiiii.v |.l.'.i.l. . -.111 h us v ' it. no l'U:li; I. li, hl-l. 11:1 eoMI!, I'-, I'"' ' 111' till 1 ' Ol . i'liiph".',ng I' -Hi-Wed situe it for their HhreB. olhers for I l.nlr mi-ill- 'n. ,1 pi 1. 1 .nd others for Ihe null III , ic nf th, i ivrn i-:\,:i\ f'- v - > of ,1am, 1 * t's innniiiiictiire. with s'Ui and planet wheel rompleie. vvjs taken down at n London lu-evvery. It had been coiitiiiuoiislv working for 1UJ H, and was not at all de, -,vhen (Hsmounted 1. now firms an archaeological exhibit in Hi" museum "f s ' ' Hut the ol,!- .,,'iue now at vv ,,> I, i, s.mi ... l,e n engine in n i oil -ry at ttllthorjrlen, near (Ilas^ovr. It \v.,s uiul has v.o, ke.l to the present time nml one or two N.' iitliei p'Miple eai ; ,o much but- > the llrilisb Thiiteen pieiniN is tin 1 yearly portion of every man. woman and child of the country An;.- KusMaii gels two pounds in till- same pel MM! SONSOMPTON Prevented and Cured. our marvelous free remedies for aij sufferers reading this paper. New cure for Tuberculosis, Consump. tlon. Weak Lungs, Catarrh, and a rundown system. Initrumtnu. Bugln. Fll. Orunii, Capi. etc. EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL Can hare a Fife ind D.o* or Bugl* Ban. WMUEY, ROYCt fi CO.. Llmltnl snlpej. M. Teronta. C.ntde Ttit* nu3Di.t;n ; dlMaia Is / . . . Inx Inflames mv- jrane. cure* all IhFLAM. MATiON. Ma IrrltJt j-,. na pain, toothM lm-n4iutly. OUTM wu'nary eaaee in on* weK. 23o, Dru.gitts, or Olle\'',n Co.. Tcrento. Monty rfund If lot salts- notary. FREE .EE'STil^J?. DYE|N Q ^^ ^^^^ s^*Hs D p^u _j Mn[ ^_ IKI i' M *^ee l\ i.n Do you cough ? Do your liMijjt i>*in you ? IM your throat s.ire and iailainc J ? l>o yon spit up pMrgta f IVes your bea J aclu- / Ii your appolit?- bad? \n- your lungs t:.-lu-.ita? Are you losing flch ? Are you p.iK; and thin ? Do > ..i l.u-k stamina ? These symptom* aro proof that yon have in your body the seeds oi the moM I in^crous id> li;is ever devas- tated Ihe e:th- -consumption. V." I..- 1 Ihii ij-slcm will ilo for ; 'u. -f )oii :ir.* i^k, by n nlinjf fof '"REE TRIAL TREATMENT i a,ul I t 'M W forwarded you r Comum^ ioue oneaaej and KM- ait I.unff ^ ; arrh, Asibmi, Bronchiili aad ^ ; ^ Sloojm Chemical \ cirrv., .jJrrJ. .^nd lh Ircg * enntly vi-t ...,.,.: BRITISH AMERICAN OY!N3 CO. MONTRKAL. Dominion Llna Steamships i .I. ' ,. r r . I * : . .,., iiculwj, ;-i>ly to ui >al KMM ^^ 2* . Torrwc, i ,-, Montrval ui Poril*a4 WANTED 'ru.noiihy r . n _,,.| f './. <:: ,1" . I-,.-.. . ,,< I aeeei eu * - , . tbMo* or lir. $05.00 per flonth and kKDICWE CO.. LOICON ONT ^VOODS PHOTO, tvcpuivt, BAY ST nee T - ice riM j^ CONFUSION I OF CASTE. $ Or ***> Gentility rS*o!? IH F PRECEDING ; Markham. but one alter another she 1 rfcRS. Mr. Trelawney. a : poured ti,, m ou t after this She wan scholarly recluse, marries Letty. the I one of those feeble women whose ir- niec* of Mrs Markham. his house- 1 resistible instinct it Is to throw keeper. aiselves and their burdens on some lireast stronger than their own CHAPTER XI. "I wonder If he will love me more) 1 after our baby is born !" Letty be- gan timidly to think to herself when "About the baby " "Hut, my dear, you couldn't help it." he said. She afted up her arms snd put them round his neck. "1 won't keep you," she began at once to whisper "I only want you to say just once, that you're not very much disappointed. Dear, is It true ? Are you really not so { vexed '.'" And she gazed in his face j with an earnealnea* that filled him with distress) ' Certainly not. Certainly not, my darling." he answered tenderly. Hi. then. I won't mind it ?o either " And she gave There la a nam* I should like," he said timidly, "if you didn't think it was too old-fashioned a one. I wonder if you would ? and you would mind her being called if after aunt ?" What Dorcas ?" he asked. He was silent for a few moments I am afraid in bis heart he did not like the name much Perhaps he thought it was p.ebean, aod savoreu too much of charitable societies . but. Letty's wistful eyes were looking at him, and be felt at this time very tenderly to her, and had not the iiaart to deny anything that .he ask- ed. So he was only silent for a mo- In her the summer came. and the temptation before her. f Mrs Murkhum's was too great for to resi w t So she cried a littln silently, and There arose a new dream of hope th * n ihe ''R"" to tell her aunt how for her in those bright summer lbe had atniggled and suffered All months when she learned that she lh * P or ">al miseries, half ad. was going to have a child : the "*" '"dicrou*. that those unman- prospect. though half terrifying for K* l '' handmaidens rjf hers bad a few brief first moments, rapidly l ought upon much either " And she gave a sigh < "o ne was only silent for . of rulief I'll try not to mind It at et or two, and then 1 all presently. Have you" suddenly "Well, let it b* Dorcas. If l.u_ u. _.;.! came to fill her though* H and heart "have you seen her yet, dear ?" ' Yes. 1 aaw her for a moment." ' And did you" very timidly, but j eagerly "did you think her nice?" 'Wsyes, very nice. " Mr Trelawney scarcely knew after- : wards how this falsehood could have ; passed his lips. "Oh. I'm so glad ' They say" tn a tone of tender complarcnry ' Nurse says she's so like you." An ejaculation rose to Mr like." he said "1 wouldn't have it if you rather not. dear you would A TALK WITH GIRLS, HOW TO OBTAIN BHIGHT EYES AND ROSY CHEEKS. Pale, Anaemic and Easily Tired G'rls Often Fail a Prey to Consumption. In young girls we look for abun- dant health and strength, rosj cheeks, bright eyes, lirin. plumf flesh and constant cheerfulness Ho* often, who however, we meet young seem prematurely old. feeble pale, listless, thin and irritable. These abnormal and dangerous con- ditions are due to a general wuax Tre- her she told thes* not sparing herse!} or her with a joy that. nen in the ainali 1 c *Paeity ; all the weary *orrow of lawney s lips, but he bravely gulped degree in which It was revealed to . h " r .'art in her sad discovery, day him. her husband could but diroly bjr ol now her husband's it down "I suppose I may have been like ndersttind happiness depended on her how lit- her once." be replied evasively, after To him. indeed, the expected ad-! l ' e Be ne "ded her how much he had , a moment's silence vent of a child into his hitherto j lo>t >n marrying her The whole of peaceful house. I fear, waa only a very doubtful matter of congratula- thla, with passionate, desolate weep- ing. she poured into the el'ier wo- tion "Ood bless me !" he ejaculat- man s *"* ed precipitately when Mr Gibson "' ' 9 * sTd to me ; but it is rst communicated the tidings to only goodness it isn't love . it jlm. and he half started from his I w "'dn't matter to him if I went. Chair, and then gat down again, and away it wouldn't matter to him if Paased bin hand nervously through * (llet ' to-morrow," -,he sobbed, again his hair, with a look upon his face. * nrl again in her bitter sorrow far lens like rapture than consterna-l It was not easy for Mr* Markham ' <- I to comfort her. while her own heart But happily when this took place; was aching But ahe took Lettv only Mr tilbson waa present in the '"to her arms, and. did the best ** room, and the doctor felt no he*ita- could to sooth* her tion la openly laughing at htm Po- "Presently, Lctty. it'll all seem sibly in th course of a long expe- easter to you. On!y don't you fret rl*nce he had seen other expectant' about it You'vs go' through the fathers affected in something of a^ont by now. 1m thinking .fust similar way from the same cause, you wait till your hands are a bit Be laughed for a moment or two. fuller, and you've more '.hinge to do and then he composed his face, and than always to be thinking whether aid : , llr Trclawney's fond of y i. and "You mustn't put on a look like then why. we'll be having yoi as that before Mr* Trelawney, you happy as the day's long You'll b* know Why. it's a very good thing too busy to be) worriting vo'irself for you. isn't it ? You don't want then. Letty." to grow old, and not have chick or ohlld belonging to you T" "I don't know. I think I stand being without them with tol- erable philosophy," Mr Trelawnry presently, when I am not so answered rather lugubriously I always think that Won't he rare "Well, you are not going to be more for me then ?' she began to called upon to stand it. you *ee " I ask. with wistful earnestness, plead- "So it seem*." ! ln * for an answer for which 'he And Mr. Trelawrey looked round .other woman had not the heart to hi* quiet study with an Involuntary ! let her plead in vain gh Perhaps he was asking in his These were good days to Letty Shall I ha this haven of I after Mrs Markham cam* to her. "And she's such a fine child, they say " "Ye so I hear That that Is a very great comfort. Lctty " "Oh. yes a great comfort And i I'll try to be happy now I can't ' help being sorry atill but If you . don't mind so much that was what I bad been afraid of most " And then, with a flittering, wistful smile, she looseneil her arms and. looking sadly at her for a moment. Mr Trelawney turned away. "I suppose she is wry weak .'" h* ness of th* blood, and should t I have no objection at a!!., cured juat as promptly a* pnssibli t is a very good name Of course. 'or the whole life of the patient wiL you say, it is old fashioned. hut , be ruined. If. indeed, decline and , on It is that perhaps none the worse tor ' I should like to give her the name of a good woman lumption do not speedily follow Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pals Psepli are the cure natural, logical and sun . for weak girls. Thase pilli ell. your aunt I* that. Letty " make rich, red blood with everj ' Ye* is she not '!' and the grata- dose They strengthen the ful tears came to Letty ' eyes "Oh. she's 10 good ! She has been the rve an act upon the whole system bring health, strength and happlnesi some ta a mother to me I should j to those who use them like to call baby aftar her. that she' Mrs Hiram Kinkier, South Pelhaa might know how we both felt township ... Wetland County Ont. So they toiil Mrs Markham that says "It u with pleasure that 1 s baby was to b* christened Dor- give this tribute to the health-re* ea* . and I'orcaa she was accordingly storing virtues of Dr Williams' Pins n due time pm, vVhen my daughter Lena b gan the line of your medicine she wa< m a most wretched condition It fact we were seriously alarmed lad she might not recover. Th ymp* toms were a feeling of languor an* 'To Bo Continued.) TEETHING TIME. Is the Critical Age in the Life oi weakness, gradually growing worse. All Litti. Ones She became" pale. Tost" fleshT"had" lit- During llie teething period g: eat ''* or no appetite and was apparent* care should b* taken ot baby health '>' a* 01 "* > nt a decline. Finally tbi The iittla on* suffers greatly: the t'oubU became complicated with aid gra-ely to Mts Markham ou.!.- gums are iutrrt and inflamed and any persistent ore throat whicli gavi . side the door. ; disorder of tbe atumach or bowels *" fjreat difficulty tu wallow ng "Why. yaw. sir she's weak. of .r,cri-ases the of the t, Sh * waa place** under the eare of * ' course but I don't * anything elm and often fatal result* follow 11 . ' >ctor who - 1 "' r blood Was pool that'* wrong with her." Mr* Mark- , taer's greatest aid at this period is *"* watery and her wuol* syatan ham answered, a little on the ,le- Baby's Own Tablet* the surest of ail b * dl > ru down The aatLor's ' fenslve "Well, but she talks so strangely the minor ail- a ' nt not help her am And she stroked Le'ty'* hair and oaxe>i and comforted her till the rou!d| faint smile came back again I think he will cans more for me heart there when, with all the petty rest invaded presently ? Will b* no peace for m* presently. even ; troubles other life remated. knowing here 7" and was Inwardly shudder ing at the thought remedies in curing .... ments of children. Among the many (n * n rtln f "" the advice of a neigh She suys b* hadn't eipe 'ed to "have ' mothers who testify to th* value of bor h *ffan to give hor Dr WiJ. a child" these Tablets is Mr H B Hickford, lliin "' r "' k P"' Tin- conftdenc, "Not eBpnrred one . Sutton. (iue . woo says. My *'"* which this medi, ine waa urge* "Ye* She told me l<*foi* ,o ; cam*, lit'.'.e hasty suffered much from teein- upo " '** Wiul uot mnplaced. as : -in that sbe was q-.i'e *a.e ' -,'ir- ' ing and i:niiK**tlon I procured a " oon nol ' c ed a distin.-' ianprnvemem prise." box of Itaby'i Own Tablets and it ' : rav daughter's condition. The us< "Lord, sir she couldn't have said ' worked wonders in baby's condition ' tnt ' P ' I;9 for n* weeka complete, that ' I m fuct I uellev* it saved my little ly r st "rpd her. ,inrt from that timt "I assure you sbe di<l She began | one's life I sincerely believe that '"" Bas Dr " 1 * ''heerful light-hoartei fcrit i' MS soon as 1 went to her whi-re now many a home is sartilened * lr . : ''" v * rv P"' T ure of health " about being unhappy and not ha%- through death of a little our joy ' rk ese pills never fail to renton ing (riper'- 'would b* supreme if these tablets had n ' jl " 1 "" 1 """ITth li, ,** like thi With a look of ,v Mrs Mark-! been u*ed. I consider them u*by al)0% * Tur",.gh their action on trt. ham w!t past Mr Trelawny with- 1 best doctor aud wo j.d not b* with- blood * nrt nerves th-y also cure sucl out uttering another wnrd. and re- ' out tiiem " ^ >'"* as rheunatisio. seiarica entered _h* i;ck-ro.)ai I Baby's Own Tab.ets when given in Vllu8 ' Hance. indigestion. kidne' my hear* was in my mouth." she ] accordance with t. -ions pre- ' ro " bl *. Partial paraivs, etr Then told Letty afterwards "Yo-i might vent restlessness aud nervousne>^ are "v so-called tonic pilin. (j'n have strew that othr hands had taken the burden 'roni her neck. h* co-:ld sit But when he saw Letty. happily he and rest In still content had tendernesH and manlineas en- At the beginning of the win'cr, on ougb not to betray to her that Mr a Hovnmber day. I.etty's child was Gibson's news had given a shock to ""rn Somehow hefore It ranie <h* him He went to her when Mr had fallen Into the habit of think Gibson was gone, and was very good ir * w 'th certainty that It would be and kind to her If she was happy j a boy a boy who would *row up to In the prospect that was before her. * ' "! things like his father, not h* was happy too. he said It would) "ke her . he wanted ao r*p- make a great change in the house, of of herself . but a boy who co .M rours* "but we must not take learn all the deep things his father alarm." be told her braveiy, gulping knew and go to school and college down something, perhaps, as be spoke "We shall do *ery well. I have no doubt " And then he kis^d knocked aie down with a cure s.. . d:arrhoea. consti- th<?y are ^a But the next min-;te xhe pu'iou. , ol.,- and all stomach trou- * re " was sitting laughing by the bedside, ble <: ;!"-d to contain no op- ""' " fcnuine with the for L*ttv. < soon as she came i;ear ute or other hai'mful drug By dis- ^ Dr * : -l'ams' Pink Pill to her with a happy fur* i-. Ing a tablet in water i' ran be the turned I and fivxn with absolute safety to I e h*n tailing him I'm so veie'l ry youngest h.. : by and lie says h* doesn't mind." she <tr iggists, or ,iire,'. \,v ma.l post gladly whiST'-red Isn't be good ? paid, at 25 ,-ents a bo. by address- Peopl uf thn Be sur that yoi full namn Us for Pal on .-vry box If your deal I was to afraid h* m-i.-t hHv* set his heart upon a boy I he sa>* h* doesn't mind one bit . and he aays she looks so nice." he murmured, with a quivering, joyful smi!a upon her lips ing the Dr Williams' Brock vi I ! Medicin.- '> . .-i doe. not keep them they will t sent postpaid at 50 c>-nts a box o lx boxes for |^ 50 by addressini the Dr Williams' Medicine Bro^k^i|:,. o n t write books perhaps, be a goort. wi-e. clever, learned man This had b-en her desire and which she had dreamed aad lo ! when the child came. It WAS no boy. b it a girl ' her. very warmly and tenderly, and hop*, over left her with the bappieat heart that for months she had had fur months Presently when her new happiness and the answer *o Letty'* first eager should come to make her strong .She question 'In he alive 'is he referred everything tu that time stror.g ? knocked all the rickety now "It will all b* so different <*aatle ahe had been building to the then," she was always saying to her- Kround. self. "Yes. Letty." waa Mrs Markham'* "For it will make a wonderful dif- repo- r-rfectly well and strong feience will it not. aunt ?" she e- only it's not a h* ," and then poor claimed eagerly to Mr* Markham. Lett-. > -..- grew wide with a sud- when she camo to her at lust For > n blank surprise, and the poor weeks he had been lookinfj forward "t 11 * "P broke into a feeble di-up- ; to Mr* Markham'M visit, and when pointed cry "Oh. I didn't want j. girl ' Ob. What name were they to give ohlld '' Mr Trelawnry's name (itlhrrt. and I.ett.v had thought herself that her boy should he other (iilbert. so that from the first she might try In all thing?* HKI.I'S IS P. NOT L pusii Advertising helps the business man bu *' : to reach out for others to swell th* pects his b'.'iiiess ti, ] roper. just be is i;ec*ssary fo Th>- man wbo ex the. was volume oi to an- ery to make him like his father ; but now she had no boy. > the nomenclature of the baby had to be decided afresh. I think von had better call it per way can be Sl'irly how after yourself." Mr Trelawney sug- 1 largest number can be bepefl'ed gested . but Letty pleaded pathetically that this might "I'd sooner ho anything than that.' she said My mother's name Was Alicia.' Mr. Trelawney presently remarked hit transactions cause it. Is his dr-:nn will probabli nd to h-!p to make the establish- find ' <'r"iun de\ --loping into I inent lively and trade interest ing; "'tfhtinnro of complications fron ill bo ti:nl- , ilo so if 'o them it- li'e proper Wnv The nis best thing is to *t\idy how the pro- t<>rl Iluli th.-in anything else the I-ck in ' about as elu in any othci feature lively ,in'l trade interesting are those who do not now whi- h he will bo n-:.i;\i-rt hv the ne- at a certain place who miftlv T! "" "' tn< -' couit-< li" he escapes tin 'he matter wire pi-esien'eii <lisn<1\ an'.an'-s of a serious coding o in the proper WHV The h' 8 'omraorci.U hopr-s it is more of- sive as at length her aunt arrived she re- ceived her with almost hysteric gladness aud sobbed and clung to a girl her with an excitement that seemed unaccountable in her husband'* Night "Oh. aunt dear. I'm so glad you have come '" she cried. "You will manage everything now won't you ? I have tried so hard to keep am so sorry I What is the good of began to wail "Oh if it only was a boy l"j Letty wa still crying to her'wif. and she looked In her husband's fare when he) came to her almost as if shs expected to read a sentence of condemnation in his eyes . for had ' he not wanted a boy as much as she M.A.W.CIAS.r8Qi: CATAItll CURE... .CUC. I* MM dbeoi to tfa. i >T >* teipcoT^ almost what you have to offer The having Luck will be .1 hlcsMng when it not be i of things which would bo desired by comfe. bj* will l,e a disa^po.i,. mi-n' the aTerage person, and the selling of ' those wl.o depend on it I.urfc them at a price which will be appr- *^ ve s brighlncf^ Bt the tini- ajteil by the average buyer. will least expe, tod. but will give to the inerehant standing In th* because i ,.,niiot be depended community Hut to depend un peo- P 1 - 18 " 'or biisiness and win but don t pie finding out un-rely by the re.-om- of friends that this chant 19 giving better value than other* in a slow way of advancin*; The mont desirable way is to tell a MUM ' ' s- number In a stra-ght.'o^ward ** i way of the lare oflrrlng* which may Th r ' won't be eT;e.?.-,l to interest the avsrag-n about it It 4. W CUM 1>O P' fo '" good results and d P' nd on > happening to insure W] se planning will reeult 11 ' ich 'turns Active h istle will coin- n) en>1 respei-t TnteJliirmt publicity wi " P'o^e the best investment 1,. any luck or chaa-- m a tangible cert things straight, but but 1 haven't did ? and ihe had brought him no- 8ii able " the poor thing said thing but a girl faintlv. with her voice beginning shake' to IVrhaps ihe had hardly meant be- It is a name that ha* been several times In the family I don't know but buyer and thue offerings will n p- wn ' rh is reliable as an asset and on peal to thnt person who run b- in- """'" th * returns will always justifj 'Dear. I am so sorry '" she whis- pered to him. timidly, as ho- hand ho stole into his. forehand to disclose the va^u* sor- Sorry about what. L*tty ? rows of her married life to Mrs answered. Innocently. that I admire it much myself, still- if we should b* able lo of nothing better " It seemed, however that Letty had ;,,.,, u j, the ten-sled Tell a story of goods and ,);nl e, urinniy Keep at the in- dividual. the average man. until you thought of something that, at rate, seemed better to her think j gee returns coming, then if you keep things coining your hf in a WHV any will keep them coming want way hu thu expense -f- Sufferers From Itching Piles Who Found Quick ftollof and Lasting Curo In tho u of Dr Ohase'a Ointment II you could read a few of tae letters which eon* to these office* from persons who have, been freed from ffce miseries of Itching, bleeding or protruding piles), you would soon realize the marvellous power of this won- eWful preparation Here are two sample letters which show the heartfelt gratitude of cured oaas Mr John Tuttle. eipressmaa. 107 Stewart street, Kingston. Out , state* 'Like most men who do much tfrtvtng. fitting a great deal, and often exposed to dampness. I hare been a great euAerer from plies As a ptatter of fact. I had piles for a aumbsr of yearf. aad tried nearly rerythlng I could hear of In a vain effort lo get cured, b-t oaly iucxeeded whn I used Dr. Chase's Ointment Too first application of this grand pre- paration broughA aae rel'f' from the dreadful Itching, burning sensations, aad less than two boxes made a perfect and permanent cure I aa (rateful for this) freedom from tuflerlng. and desire others to baneflt by my xperlemce with Or Chase a Oltieat " Mr R. Kelly. Cobourg, Oat , etateei "1 hare u*el Dr. Chase's Ointment for itchiac piles, and can truth- l-Uly s*y that It hj eattroty cured me Only persoas who haw endured the torture ol Itching piles can ha aay Idea ol what I suffered Dr Chase's Ointment brought ute prompt relief from the misery-. aa4 has made a thorough cure I am thankful for tals remedy, because It ha* made life worth lirlng I eaaaot say en- j**j In reeommeadaUen ol Dr Chase's OiataMnt D i'h*v*o'e Olntaseat has ao worthy rival as a sure for piles aa lUklag ekla disease* It 1* poe> ninl of certain powers over these alhauet* watch tmitatore aro arable to reproduce You can b* abeoiuUiy sure of Dr ChaM's Ointment brlngias; relief aad cure It U backed by the testimony of U* heart paapto ha all part* f Caaaaa. fO cent* a be*. At all daalav*. or sMaaaasoi. Bat** and Co . Toronto, >n<A\cr. ATAsrni.niK The surgeon of an English ship of war was noted for the monotony of h. prescription*. H* apparently lered salt water taken eTter- or internally a/ a cure fur all the ills that flesh is heir to. for he' ordered his patient* to take it. no matter what might be the malady presented to hi* notice- One day he went sailing with a party of fri.'nds. and In the course ! of a squall the boat was upset and the surgeon cnme near being drown- ed "Well." said the captain .f the ship when he was toW of the narrow escape. "I'm glad you were amved. but it hardly s*emi possible In any event that you could have really drowned in your own mwllcin-. heit". now doe* It. doctor ?" Uhod* Island in the smallest utate in th Ajnerican Union. It haa ao area of only 1.08S square m1le Texan, the largest state, has 262.- 200 square miles, and is nor* than twice as big a* the United Ki* dom N VM1NC TfU. Now, necessarily, when the n- >at-y arrived. there wn muck iii*r i -s.nn among tbe nu>iuhr* of th, fami'y as to what her name shoule We will call her aiil the fond mother. Why not call her 'Kameralda ?' " aake<l the first grandmother "I saw that name in a story one*, and al- ways wanted to try it on a baby ' "Oh." murmured the second ifran<1- mother that would never do Let us call her 'Kanchoi "Out don't you think 'Kltemia' n a pretty name, and so odd. too ?' put in ono of the aunt* K*. ine me. ladies." vent-ired thi poor father, who aat near by. bu; you am to forget that we an trying to find a namp for a hutnai being, and not for a Ava-cvat cigar ' An eminent barrister. noted a. much for a habit he had of auckini lozngB as for hi* eloquence. wai once defending a murder ca*e. Hi wa* standing with a bullet In on, hand and the usual loaongr In th, other, when suddenly, in the tidw of a Ane burst of eloqu*na*. his fac< fell, and In a tone of agony L, cried "Centlemen. t v* *waJi*wc the bullet I"

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