Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1902, p. 1

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APRIL 94 ItOf THE AbVAKCl ifusiucs* Sard* YOUNG Haukers, atarkdale Dae eaerei baukloii boaloees. Hooey loaned at roasonable rate- Call oa at. a:,:. 1 .... j f Mb In v Court, Co Orejr of Marriage Licenses. Coavefaucer y Public Auctloueer. Money to loan percent Cbarge. -od^ BTOH P &J BPKOUL.B Postmaster, rieibertoo vjouirnlsslouer In H. C. J.. Auctioneer Con^ 7QO.. Appraiser and Money Lendnr lu-urenoe Agent. Uee.1. S. r Hi"l'"valua < tlons*ma.U. ou shortest uotlct. K'^;ir o r l 7-!^i Hr^'roo-nr, 1 Mr,.,tir 1 ;^ a O U W insets ot. the last Monday A ta a**0 month, lo their Joage room. Cbntoe' block. Klesberton. at s |i n . T. Blakly? W. M . AM Olbson, eeorder;W. Bel.Lu> . FluancUr. Vlsltli fMllSl-K AHTHTK l'Ot )UE ' 1 N 0.? S ?.*: * A U uieoti in the MaaoolobalJ. i block KTieuirton. .very Friday oo or betor. the full inocn. J Boyd w w J COUIir VLBSHBBTON. I. O. V. meets In riirinio.' Hlo.-k tlie last Krlda> eenlti|| 4o sac,, month. Vl'lt*"* 'oresUir. lTfl eleoma. C H.. U. Waller ; K. 8., W. A. Arm strong. FLESH BRTON lONSORIAL PARLOR Ninety-eight iwrsons who wanted lo BeroW money died In our cellar. Hook pedlars and Insurance agents will be killed without ootloe. Per- sons askliiK for oredlt will b* pois- oned. Head heads will b* ately asphyxiated. Loafers when siwent pleaut Irrlnif written excuse, boeal politicians anil reform agita- tors will be shot al ilRht. This card Is food for Haircut, 5have or Shampoo Or anything in our Hue when accom- panied with proper cbango. A. Wilson, Flesht on llrlog your laundry before Tueeday noon, eech wtxik OJloe *, I'hyslcian. Borseon.etc roidanoe-rtr St., Plesberloo ktv K. T. HlUUy, -Physician, Burgeon ' ttc. Fleshurtou, Out Offlco au.1 Kwiideuce.ToroDlo ulreet, fNMMJ tbs ceiuulery. may bo found there day and iiiibt Coroni-r for Couuly of Prey. BCOTT. AND SOFTLY Muiubers Colle Physic. * Hurgsouo Ontario Ora.luaU lo Medicine ol Torouto University. Kellowshlp Diploma , Post (iredu- aU Medical Hcbonl aud Hospital. Chicago. disease* of eye, ear, uo.u aud throat specially JOHN A BCOTT, Maxwell. Jr orTKWuiA, Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Outarlo Veterinary Collets, resideuco njcou.l door sooth west on Mary stre<-t. This street runs south Freebrtorieu Cliuroii. 0\^'. M A 3 C K VeMriutiy riurg^ou aad Deotiat, Max- wei:. graduaw uf Ontario Veterluary Gollem, lla'led with Toront > Ualverslty. Vltlu kanen la Wmluaidiy fr II a 111. to S p. in-. aa Koverrtliam Thurwlu froui V to ft p.m. J. W PltObT. L L. B. Barriiiter. Kjlnii r t nyanoer. eta iifAie -V-xl to postofllce, Hproale's hloek K-ibuit-i.i. iv.-rj Tlmr-ila aud court days S H_, j....:, S.HIN-I uinco, Fruet* blook Puulett street sail. LUOAH, WHIOIIT tt McAUDLK lt*rrinlorii MtaMMM CoiiTuyaneers, st Oifjn' .'wun SHIM i. "nt ud tlark. Iain (Int W H \VIIK.III. Mi \i.i.i.a I 11 Lucas N II . I. ^it-lion STery Hilur.lay. oOloe, Mitchell's Hauk TUUKKlt A I'ATTIJtsON r.uri t i , s.,11. itors. etc Molnou's llnnk, Owen Hound HAHKI >. i U:M:K <;i:o w PATTEIWOM l AKAYfcSAMI'SON Hariliter.ollclt ( >riAo ill .iniii,-,: ,iw,n Hcimd, alerehaufs Kak Blook, N it Catumnn House. Lnndalk, Vain t rn.jt. evory Sktnrrtay. SJ..M... i, I, ,i.n at 41 |.r cent i. a. UACKAY.U A , HI; SAMTHON, i,.i, Always In sttundanoe at KlrtheitoD and Uuudalk Din I. >ii Courts. Hettti*trg f\R. n C. MUHRAV, L. D. H. dental snr K <>n ** honor gr*.|nt...if Toronto University and Moral Colliign n( Dnutal s OKO..IH of Outatlo. Ofloer Opposite Aiinnt.roini'1 .lewellvry Htoru. Will visit M.IXWHI1 the last at each in >utl , ,. I IMmUlk I and X Tburwlay D each i:. 1. 1, 1), YORKSHIRE BOAR For serii.'e.m l,,t 1:01.411, llrd ranee IV T. A B. H., Artiu.wis, a tli jr.Hikl>r,J Y.i-kihk, Wliite l^.*i ; T :us si. K. CAIH.N i P7>1> Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesberton Photograph Gallery re done in first-class style and at lowest rates. Special attention givoii t<> copying. Bahio' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS BULHER House d Lot For Sale. Hlock P.. No. 1. in, FleshertoD, good trains bouse and larg stable, eoo<1 i,r.l-n and fruit trees Koud wHll.also Park lot, block 8. lot 4 lontalolim acre*. Apply to Andruw Wlckoiis or to w - H "LO*H Uth July tf Klmbwley -itthrt Hill" Stick Fin. Our breeding cows ooiii_nrlse : Mlssiet.Ijtistrea, lUrrU. Crlmtxiip Hllttrcill, Canadian Heauty and Imr t I Hsauty, with Lord l.v auder at bead of herd Young'.R of both aes for sale ; also one bull < years old, sired by Aber.lalu and from an In. (Ian Chief cow. ABTHUB JOHNSTON, Vaodt.lsur, Ont Eugenia Planing Mills . Get your Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, I tul lusters, Cor- the best of Spruco Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, rtc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S. Walkei Sloan RO PR IE-TOR Xarnworth for Service. Alvin i No. 728 i Tim umlorHixniMl hits a thoroutjtion-d T.-iinwortli Hour for m-rvuv on |..l 140. T. t 8. U., Artotnrsiii. Ternm $1 00. Tllcm. I.KVKK, Prop Tho oughbred Durham Bull for S-- vice Cord tntnto, The undorslKiivl hsi a Ano ai;d Uurhain ull for serTico on lot 141, T. A H. R. Trms-ai for Rr*rtii cows. S for thoronKb r.dlurtfe on a|i|illcati .a JACOK I.I.M.U Kleshorton P.O. Tliorougt\bre\j BULL FOR NO. .I5i i 2 - General Gordon Th un.U rslgiied hsu s Brut olasn thornuuh- l.n-,1 Mi i.inoi n bull /..i mtrvlce on lot !.i ,, T.N. II., A 1 1. in. -in This In one of tlip hmt animals lu th cour.try. I'odiurtM) on appliratlon. . Terms -f I . Thorouihbreds $j UNI. UAVIH THOROUOHBItnO llllHHAn BULL (or Service 27610 The undersign u<l lias a tine Durham Jlul for service (colnr rod) on lot 147. T.S.R. TKSMS f 1.00 for the mafloii. IV.Ii^iv.- on Application. AUIKRT STEWART Mi) 81 *r. KluHhorton. Boar for Service The n M -In -11(1111.1 lias a fine young thorough- bred Yorkshire boar for sarvlot on lot 174.T.& H. R., Arteinesla. llreil from .luse|ih Keathnr. Htoim R i r.ii.into Township, Struettfvlllul stock Terms ai. Usn.08 M i,..,.u FOU Service. Tlii.rniiKlil.rii.l Berkshire Doar for nsrvloe on lot H, eon. 4, Otprev. Ask for iiei'liirue. TbRMS l WM. CLINTON, Prop. Maiwsll, May K 01-1 yr. FARM FOR 5ALE Only 11800. 1600, balancu ussy terms int-rst 6%, 100 acres, 7fi cleared and uqdrr cultivation, baluncn half c.itlar swani|i and half n.n, .1 linrilwootl. r,, MI forlaliltt fiiuiiu ilwitllui)>, fi-iini' |H Ht burn I, ill ruilx fiom ^ooil all.,,, I mill 3 mil,-* from villaire of Kugmiia. A|i|>ly to R. J. S|noulc, Fluahcrtun. Supwrlority of Canadian I lour Canadian fluur of the beat sort contains by actual analysis about one tenth nior* uf albuminoids lhan tha best ipiulity of Hun- flour, and the albuminoids ur being mure tooacinua yield a dough which riswt bel'wr and holds ita powlion in thu baked loaf. Let the preaa pro claim thia, and the news will be followed by a demand for Canadian flour in the old country, where people know a good thing when (hey aec it and will hare the bent that, can be procured. Kor some time past Canadian flour has ii.-fii steadily gaining ground in tbe European markets, and il is bolter known aa flour from which bakers can make not only tbe beat quality of brnad but also i lit- largest quantity per barrel. The Kngliih bakers make up their spnngu from evun or eight brand** of flour, bManne his rnablt-N t lirin to hare a continuity of juality in the event of any single brand ailing m the market. Three teaU madti >y lirstclaMs English bakers in London rith Canadian flour gare the following esulta. Each having 100 pounds of flour, hey obtained in the first instance 140 Bounds of bread, 162 pounds of bread in he second, and 161 pound* of bread in ha third caae. Each Ul wan made with a'nmg Canadisn flour. It is noteworthy hat adulteration of Canadian flour by ndiati corn flour, or other cbvnper 4nd nl. -nor sulwftsiicoi, ia entirely Unknown for sweet nuns, whitonVsa Knd sireiigth '.iimilmii flour is unsurpassed. To meet the m.-i. !-,.. I .Inn ml in Eng and for hsnl wheaUi tn mix with the home itrown ami goltvr whca't, Mr E. T.Shuti, VI. A., of tl.u < Yn i..l experimental farm at Ottatr*. made u comparative eiamina- tiou between t 'mi u. tKt patents and :he best gnxlu* of Humtaiian Hour*. The Foreign sample* liad been procured by the Hon. the Minister of Agriculture. The result of then*) experiments proved the superiority of the Canadian floor for bread making purposes. The purcentag.-s of aUiuniiuoi ]* or protein, the mst im jx.rtapt part Irom a nu'ritive stand point, were: Canadian, best patentM, 12. Dtf per cent ; Hungnrian, beet grade, 11.27 per cent. The determination of uluten, both wet and dry, was also in favor of Canad ian flour, namely : Canadian, beat pat vnta. wet gluten, 34.23, dry gluu>n,12.< Hungarian, beat grade, wot gluten, 3t>. 17; dry gluten, 9.7V. Clover seed can bo sown in all thi eastern provinces of Canada and in thi coast climate of British Columbia to art vantage with all ooreal crops, withou (easeiiing the grain ciop for the curren y<*ar, for after the grain ia cut the clovr grows luxuriantly, acting ai a catch crop during the latter part of the aeaaon. Green clover turned under in specially vi'mble to 'In- land, brcauae while vrow in, u .1 * V lartte quantities < f nitro,'. n from the air, ami which is htored up in its tinsues. A heavy mat of growth ia pro.lii.-1-.l by the nutumn, which, when p|..ui;lo il under, adds considerably to the available iiitr..|;eii in tlie soil, a well an to the store of humus. The proportion of nitrogen thus added to the land is<H]ital to that obtained from n dreasing uf tu* tons of barnyard manure to (he acre. Considerable supplies of potash, plios- plioric acid, and lime are also taken up by iK clover plant iltiriim its giowth, a (art of -vhich is gathered from depths in Ihv -o,| not reached by some other farm crops. Teats year after year with wheat, oatx Imrley mid potatoes con Prm th value of this method of adding to the fertility uf I"- noil. In preparing the Innd for crops in the eaitcrn provinces the advantages srisini; from full plowing have Itreii pnvml. Tb ei|Mmure of the soil to the influence of front, sunlight and air is beneficial. Spring work is materially advanced and crops .-MI be got in earlier by this prac- tiiT. Summur fnllowinj a |irt of thu land each year ha* beon foiiud of ftrea* ndvantagu on thu north-west plains Iliis conserves tnointure, destroys weedn, it-ill brinits ilirfarini-i- much larger rrop*. I'll., yield of hat on land that has been suininer fallowe<l will avenge fully one- third more lhan land that has been pre pared by only fall or spring plowing. The teslH ran if.l on at the Kxpi l uni'i.t al Km m for ten years have fully demon Html ed t.hat increased crops result from early sowing Sowinu at tha narliesl p<isible time, mid then sowing a second series n week larr, then four lota at in tervals of a further wuxk each, ha.s shown that tho bent crops have been had from the second sowing* inadu JUKI one week after it WKH pouilil.! lo sow ....!. Beyond this delay in sowing haa resulted in loss which has bi'tii more serioux ns thu delay has beiMi itreater. Tho avenigo of the ten yean' experiencx ahows that with wheat a delay of one wuuk bnyond the period mentioned has ontailed a loss of over 30 pur cant., two weeks 40 per cent., throe weeks nearly 50 per cent ,and four woeks 56 |T cent, of thn crop. Harmers should avail themnelvea of the ..[.|ioitiiiniy of srndini; any doubtful ninples of Krain ai.d oilier seeds to the K(perimental Farm to Iw tested for their vitality. I'.y this means any injury to the vitality of grain from unfavorable weather during harvest may be | lomptly detected and lin- extent of the injury ascertained. Samples weighinn about one ounce may be Hout to the Central experimental farm at Ottawa free through the mail. These samples are tesUtd and reported nn freo of charge, and their percentage of vi'alit y can usually be determined within a fort- night after they are recuived. Department of Agricultural. Ottawa, April 11, 1008. Flesfttrton Furniture (Uarerooms. We are carrying the newest style* of seasonable goods i all line* of Kuril 1 1 n rr, col i slating ot : Parlor and bedrOoto mi its, Idnngrs, sideboards, extension and centre talilex, cbaira, window shades and curtain |>lr, piuturos, easels, etc. , Which we offer at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing and General K- pairing. I'rnlertaking in all ita branches. Satisfaction guaranteed. W, H. Hunt, rop YODNQ MAN ! STOP ! TfflNK ! Can vou enter mercantile pursuits and > su>.ceaaful without a practical business education 1 Can you enoo-wfully enter any pro'esaioo withoui a aou .<! kn < ledge if businea* principles. Tiii-n hy lii-nt.ite 'o take a c..uie in fhortliaiid .T Business Subjects, ai tha Second Band Farm Implements on hand Noxon and Masse* Harris second-hand binders, hone rakea, seed drills and tollers KIT Ue at a bargain. I an also agent for McCormack, (,'. milliard and .Volt, and Cockshutt Company of Brantford ; Aspinwall baud sprayer and |tntato digger Binder mower sections 5o Drive links each j D. Hadill, Ceylon. S:s-f=3 Owen Mound, Out. Where you can get just what you wai in the most practical methoda. Full pa: ticulars free. Addiras. C A. FLEMING. Principal HARNESS 999 RMPOKIUM. ? f .V/ Hear trie n Ami the Ian (X tliu liello. The greatest variety of bells evt-r ahown ill Flonherion open urinj, chime, collar, etc. Chooae yir bells early while stock is large. New voods in S-uikatchewsn Hulf.i- lo rolM-a, rubber and ool ro^. blankets of all siztw and deic.ip tions. Cuiry coinim, bruihrs, i-ol- lar and sweat pads, leather mi -. bits, sn|, whips and la*biH, trunk*. >hses, circiuglue, and everything found in an up-to-date hnrneaB bop. W. tyoorf - Pro ; lopsilit- Coiuh and work* o i In rld Laxative Ilrono-Qnlnlne Tablets iin* noueilay. No : i.o, ^1 i L'u, fc\a ii os VABICOCELE & STRICTURE i so prevslent amoitff mo aa V'aricocele. As It interferes with irujuics eoitsiuBS. loee of semen tarovifb tae oese.dM- aatioe. L . U Nn other Jt the nntritioa .,( Ihe seaoal i ariae, tlecair uf the org aiis. p.nas ia ths lolna, acl poailcacj, DasbfalatM, pAl^ttatioa of th lieart, cottMipatioa. and acosat.i these reautis incomplete l.oa: of MamUocxl. Thoysauds ol yoaoir aa^ ad osen are trosblcd vith Stricture. If 7011 have naaoa to belie os. are I sB.cteJ with it. Joo'i n^le. I it. It will reia JOB. Don't let doctors zp.ri Jsat oa TOO b)r cuttlnf, trc cu n or teariaf It. Our Now Mcltiud Treatment I aiaavlTee tbe utrictare tiBfl.^p h-oce it disappears jnj caa never rstura W tsre I Varicocele aed Stncture w.'.buut i>$jeratloa ur loos . f time. Tbe treattnen ma- be | | talcaa it boms priTat*!*. Send lur oar Free Illosiraird Book urn B.rleiure auil ul.ct. \V aumruulu tu tfura or No Kidneys & Bladder .Jar-No N'acues Used XTlthout Written O. W. Itow*. of JackiRD. X'.cli.. say:-I had Tsricocele in the secoudary stairs and two strictures ut 8 years siaa^inr. I was operated t.-i i wlcc. uadcrg'oinv great seffrring 1 , but nnly gt>i tcnipcrarT relief. I was finally advised to ii/ in* Nw Method Treatment of Dra. K. * K The tnlartrrj reins di>apiarrd la six wceki. thp tr u tare liKKue was rrmoTed la eiif ht wcf kn and my sexual encrrv and vltalitr returned AO I wa a man in (.very reprct. I RCouimend you doctors with my whole be-rt." CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. Before After Tratn St. We treat and car* Nsrvonn Drbltltv. Laet Manhood. Tarleoeete. Strlctare, Srph [ Ills, Clrat, Wrjk Harts. Oniorrbtra and TnnatBral Diacharfea. Consultation Fna. Books free. Write lor Questiua List for llotue Treatsisnl. 140 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT. MICH. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, ^^i^^vVTv^ sv\ *v^.?vV ?v\yv\^r\ ^v\^r\^r^ ^rN^F^^r^ ^\^PN./e'% >vv^^?e^^^^^^^ ; JCetfts On JfamJ PLESHBKTON For Mitmi > Matrix, N. ion, Fleury n ^il'^inson farm inii>lemenU, Fleury anil Verity >n bund all it., tiinr. iilMoslI kitl'lt of i,-|Mirt for thi> same. \V i. m uiuf.-utiirr \Vagon-. li iL,vifs, Cutters, Sleighx, tc. iloracshoeing pr >nip|ly atttMidvd t. O Sp, i*l -i'ti-nti.>ii to ti iiil.T ctiutractttl feet. LOJJKMIJ; and Pluw Chaii irk con t .,, ly , in hand. .7. i ^^^<^^G^G^^ $ YOU WANT A CARRIAGE Buddy, Democrat, Wagon? I. i! HF.AKD& SON have them in variety, at right t" prices and easy terms, i! I mying any vehicle call on us and inspect our j .... lines We are agents for the best cream separator f- 011 i L market and are willing to sell on trial. * 3* B* ffcard $ $on. atim TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XXI, NO 1080 Fleshertcm, Ont., Thursday, May 1 19O2 W. H THCRSTON, EDITOR A 1'IlOPKIETOli Rings I Rings ! Diamond Rings \\ .!mt U..L. . . Any oue iiiy ;...- lime a good ring old sse ouiv at $8 to 535. (Jem Rings tit. in r i.-i. solid at IP , m. . McNichnlla has been seriously ill. We i hope lu- will * on recover. .\l. >. II r of liatliurtun ia engaged at i.f bnaUiof tl.t- .-toncwork for Mr , .;!>.. t -i lie* brick h.. use which ia .. i hi-. Hiiiuin T. ili n ..f lioliDii has baen the ' .i.rii..: v'rs, Mcrrnt NicholU, and oth'-r Mrs. S'eph>-iii>, r., has returned home from M.iilihain, wher-.-, 'we understand, sin; ! -.ctorecl for cancer. We id the trt.'..- been auroeas Mis. H.*.n has fully recovered N|;s. \V. Til 1 '., t relumed home to i ton afier visiting friends in Dun- I dullc atitl 1 1 Ij4i.d, sel'me $1.SO lo O.UD. Plain Uold Rings 10k, 14k, ami l*'i plain gold at !,,.(, -i figure. W. A. Armstrong - Fleaherton <>uv <hcn Mm. .>. Sfowart attended tbe funeral f her I. n>th<T iu-law, Mr. McConuell, at (Iw, n S., 1,1.1! l.-vst week. Mr. S. Marshall and family returned on Monday to his duties here. We wel- come them back again. Rev. Mr. Mills left our village ou Mon- day will reside in Fb-sherton. Mr<. J. Cairna is vujiuu^ her daughter iu Markdalo this week. Mint Ca. t-n if Grand Valley ia viai ting at Mr. ijproai's. MSM McConnelt of (iueiph was a guest t Mr. S. Stewart'* I*t week. Mr. Alex. McKae loi one of his work- ing botii-a wi'h in flam mation last week. Mr. Jas L)jce and bia men are busy at the stone work of Mr. A. Gtlchnst's new house. Mr. Sitigeot is buildiu-; a reaideuce ou his farm. We understand that Mr. O. Collinaon will build K new house, also a DOW stable, this summer. A number of fru-nda from Markdale visited at Mr. J. B. Elan's on Sun. lay We will have no Methodist service here . n Sunday, it being quarterly mealing in Ktoshuitoii. but Kugltsb service in the evening at 7. Mr. U Tucker finished his seeding last week and now Mr. T. walks around with bus cane. Mr. W. Meads, one of our moat enter prising fanner* on the Durham road, do- liv t rt-U to U. took lecfiitly one pair of yearling steers which weighed 1A30 Ibs., price $4 M i er 100 Who think* it does not (*y to raie gocd cattle, Nervous and Tl.eie is jusr one cure a-ul that U plenty of food for tliu blo^d and nerves, which ia beat supplied in Ferrozoiiu, than wlncii IH> blood builder, nerve t-mic or .tren^th producer ii better. Kurroeone l>roinotfj. healthy digestion, which i- 1.1 improved nutrition. The Mood grows ricti .aid rud, fu-Tiial.o stability to th" entire system, and the store of nerve force and energy increases daily A re- building of the constitution, new spirits, health and strength, all couiu from thu use of Kerro*oiie. This msi velous rsno- vatiir la dd >y dru.'unts lor 50c. a )>ox, or six boxes for 1250. By urul from Polaoii A Co., Kingston. Ont. Sold by A K. Kichardiou. Fevcrsham /'rum Our Oicii Mr. Huichcann ha.s now taken Mr. J ulian's place as store keeper. Mr. Ciiaa. Neil U traveller for Mr Hutcheaon. Mr. A Inkstcr has erected a new stablu on his ;.|. .ni-, -.1. Mr. V. J. Conmu shot an eagle lat>t week in :ti:s vicinity. Our veteriin *iwyer, Mr. Ira P*MXO, U mill cutting up thu logs and" the Ooaver turns the wbeel. Mr. Priddle has moved hU house to the other side cf tho lot, where be can slucp better and is putting a stone foundation under r. Korltvuie. Frvm Ovr OICH Crref(>v>tdent Operations have ktarted on our new dchool. Mr. Win. Mitchell of Proton has the drawing of the brick, and the base mem us being excavated. Mr. Diivul W Lite is very ill with in- tianiDiation of the lungs but is expected tu pull through. Dr. Joseph Stafford, prcfesa r of Zoology in McGUI university, &loncreal, is "vacating" at the pare u Lai home ou the Fourth. It ia |> Vas.iiit to see the buds bursting and wild flowers blooming unot> uioru Your svnbe L< noticed that our accom- plishing >oung scbooliuistrms appreciates the chanyod conditions. Bo u:ii2tui( is aid to bu a fascinating pursuit. lulstloge Ffom Our itutt Farmers are improving thu spring weather by h.-i.i.eiiing the seed into the ground . Mr, Jackson of Bancroft visited at Mr. Gallagher's recently ; he was suddenly called to Miiulu Grove by the death of his mother. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs, M. A Trip to England T JOHJI COOT.IHARD. Letter No. 4. When I left Dili. ,11. 1 not on a new car, third claaa.and 'i iit aa good as first cla** here, but built in * different style. It had a paaaage on one aide the whole length with compartments the same as the old kind. They were the width of the passage ilioi ter, therefore tho car would not hold so many people. They wei.t much faster than they did when I left Liverpool and did not stop at every station. They have stall in houses on both sides >( the tracks and have aubways under the trick or ovur head. People are not allowed to cross the track any other way. You get on thu train from one uie to go eaxt and ou the other to go wrt, ..r which aver way you are going You have lochariKecuaiing back Mont of the stations are verv nicely r.ed up with dower buds and everxrmm shrubs, aud trees of different, kmds.and well kept. They collect the tickets at the station where you get off A.s a general thing there is jut one way out from the sta tion. Such places as) Liverpool, they col- lect the tickets at the last station they slop at. They can only '-oiled or luspect IIMI punch tickets when the tram is stopped. I stayed a week in Liverpool. I visited tbe museum, which is worth go- ing to see, and the art galery is something urand. I could lo-k a werk at that. 1 was also in the Grand Library and read- ing riK-iu attached, where are kept all the newspapers (some hundreds of them, i There are some very fine paiks. I went across to Birkunbead and to I'ort Sunlliih', where the tint Sunlight Soap factory was started on a small scale fourteen > ears ago. There was nothing to attract thu notice of the i asserUy but the cattle grazing in the tiuid.s. To Jay these fields, to the uxten' of '-11) acres. comprise the !' rt Sunlight estate and are covered with well planned factories, docks, rilwjs and workers' dwellings,an well aa a number of building for thu re- bxtwiB, educational and social well being of its inbahiunts. The work* poasees the doublu advantage of lying in close proximity to thu Birkctihead and Cheater Line of railway. I am told during the suuiuiur season thousands of visit-. i from e^ry corner of the g'obe comu to inspect the utiiquu works and village, all bent (on enjoying the privilege, freely granted, of s|i.!iidiii>e a couple ol hours in the world-famous woiks and village of Lever Bros. Limited. As we weru pass iuj4 dlxing Greendale read, one of ihe many handsome roadways the village pos seeseH, we at once catch a gliinse of huge chimney stacks belonging to the works. We iiote the trim kepi road, nee border- ed, like so many avenues. \\ e Bee the charming old fasLioiied cottages. We see the sloping, shrub ery dottod lawns. At length, after walking three-q > uter of a unle, we tinJ ourselves in front i" the handsome entrance to the gunersl office. Ou passing through we eutur an impos ing vestibule where a courteoua uetitle- man places us in charge of aguide^bo iaHl conduct us through the works. Before commencing our tour of inspection we aru told V at thu works pmtide employ- ment for 3000 ork people on the spot, in addition to several hundreds in the branch offices and on tliu amenta statfs throughout the Uuited Kiu^doui. It is utateit that upwards of 10.UW people, iu elusive of iuiployeea' wives and children, are dependent ou Lever Bros, Linuu'd. After iuHcribiDg our na,uie ou the visit- or's b-.ok wu paw through thu iut of the uuiieiHi . 'rti.-r, wli.Tu !! nuui- l.c-r nl clerks aru engaged in the bumueas of thu day. We are informed that up- wards of one hundred typuwriting machine* tfe being employed. Leaving thu olticeii we pawi aloiij a coirul. r .kini am ushered into thu uriulintt room. Thu whirling sound of the rapidly revolving machinery clearly indicate)* what U being done IB thii VHHI workshop Lett*rpr*i) printing plant may be seen, from the hand press t the litest, and most iia- -i machine, thu motive po ver bemit eluc-tncity. 1'bey publish a monthly magazine culled " Proxresa, " for circuln- tioii ciiooiig the memliers of tbe ntiff. Wu next find i/urs?lvu in the buukiiind:iiu department, which m situated, in g ! dlen<- aroun<{ (.he punting room. Thu book aewinti machines are capable' of suwintt 4.' M cl suctions per iky, e^ual lu . (ftO copies of a book of 128 pagen in thick- ness. We tfo through the oardbox r> :n. Here too card boxen, received in sheets fr, in thu printmv dejuirtiaent, aru punched out and wire strchcd at an en- ormoiis^ra'e. An wu paritiulong 'in; picturu an.i showcard framinu and mounting de- partment un our left, box factory. The uiachines here ar of a supntiug nature. The wood, m nnjmiti-d fiom Norway in the re<|Uired sizes. T" see the boxes made ut a never-to-be for- goi'-m sight. The rapidity with wluuli they turn them out may be imauinud when it m known that witli thu s:d of these woi.derful uiaclniies liO.'M) boZuH are turued uui uach day. Retracing our steps to No. I aoapery, wu see tier upon tier of boxes of Sunlight, Lifebuoy and other suapa. The tower suruountiug No. 1 aoapvry is our next point. We tutcund everil flights or s'epif and cotnc out on a velvcdere, where a moat plenaiug view of the *liole village of P ,ri Sunhghl in obtained. Coming dowu again we enter the part where the soap boiliiu is carried on. lu this room there an 54 huge pana and 30 in N>. 2 soapery. Each nan ia fourteen feet deep and capable of holding sixty tons of liquid soap. It is a great sight to nee the bubbling and foaming elements m each unity. Space forbids ua explaining any more of th insulu works. The village of Port Sunlight con- siaia entirely of wurk peoples' dwellings, together with the most cmuplets system of religious, educational ami social inan- ' tutions, and is the finest community it. tha world, for health and comfort of ita inhabitants is provided and everything that ia doue is done well. There are up- wards of (MX) houses, built mostly in blocks, from two to seven houses iu a block, and no two blocks in- alike in style, and every cottage ha.s a bathroom. Tha cottage* comprise living room, scull- ery, threo bedroom* nd bat b room. The school buildings are beautifully situated in the very heart of thu village with a f 628 pupila, Tbe schools are free. On the 6th of March we left Liverpool ami all want nicely until :i/ter wn It ft Derry, In hind, and *w all got rather un- ruly. KOI four day* I was iiiom or leas M* sick, and there were a great many like me. We saw a beautiful rainbow from one hor.zon to tha , thur. The w. iitber then iK-gan to be more favorable and on '!) ninth <Uy we sighted Halifax. A in -t, luiely d;iy. Wo got into hmb"r about 4 p. ui.. and put ott a g" it leal of fl-uiglit an.l half tin; pasaeiuufH hero. We i_;tin about IU | .ui., for St John. , Next morning was l-eautiful sailing loin; thu c>"st nf Ni>t:t S.-oti:i and cn.<uliis{ the buy to .St. John, wlicre we arrived at tt 30 p.m. \Vcli.ultost.iyouboard till next inoriiiiiif. We tlu-ti weiit to thu new mi miurnnt shrd, hero we were placed in a nice lurgu room to await our train. There was ticket office in the building where . -I, a<l to chunite our tickets Due man exatumud our ticket and inquired hat country were from and he found that a , many of us were n i.ois on our way . boinu and marked us as that in his book, ! With 450 to the end of it. 1 1 srnns t-very iinmuirant ahoul 1 have some inouey with him. We pssed from him to the i lioket gent, who xvo us our neci ticket' to tnivel to our destination. We ! left at (i. p. m ou tli tia:n f>-r Montreal, but only went 25 miles until wu hud to atop and did not move all night. A freht washed out h roaylbed so we could trot paae. In the morning were taken la<.k itnd ri-ma a> d in St. Johr. u. - til li p.m. whn <- made another start S -t'piiams ft''i that. Wo aiied in .Moirrwul 3 p. iu. uexl dsy nd left a^ain at 10 p. m. Anived i'i Toronto st 7.80 p in. and two days after airtvod, at home. Toothache Cured la One Minute Saturate some Im'ting with Poison's NeruliiiH and place m the cuvity if the ti-otli Ru'i the painful ii't uf thu face with Ni ruiitie, bind in hot tlsunel, nd th toolhnche ill di.^uppiwr immediately. M, i viline is a, Kplfinlid hou,, hold r. nieiiy for Cramps, Indigestion, Suminer Com pluiiit, Rheumatism, Ncurilgta and TiK>th McFarland, Stafford & Co. riARKDALE, ONT. Progressive Store News Week after week wu uue the culuinuH "t thin papr f'<r givingyi.u Htoru news ; telling yuu *ln.ut new J<Hid, latent nt\ II-H, |x-<:ml ralu It payn UN to li-i-p yu |"'nr.-l. (".imily itie pricwt Diluted lire aa low as any y>u nei? ;..n.-n li: ' . ,IM|M ni larye i|Uiiti'.- thu vry lowest ThxUruc IIUMMI-SS we linedc-linfuoon pun ui in a pi-eitioii whciX' we o.ui sell uur itnud.s at .t irluiwr mrj{Mi nf prorit rtmn .1 we Jiil a wall buine. STOP A M I \l TK !.,. k rhe thin^ -puire in the face ; rnin>:.n itcniie will lull you tlmt what we nay is nnly trjl.t. It i.tu'i p.i-Nit !> ;<ir any ^u>re tu own ^ <*ln in the n-uular y fur \vt-n ib.m ure, and what wu k>mw, we know; nu st ire cnu dell gnoda in thu rvt(ulir way at a cWr margin ..r pr.tit than wu do. The prices quoted below re only a few of many >.ood value* we have on Side til in week : 50c. valut ', '! -n'-i .lurk gruy knit p shirts, full sizes, collar attached, ill thu regular way at 50c e.tuh. i Mi -nie tin* w.:,-k >t 25 \MHKIC SHIRTS FOR :><lc. I- Men s cunibric shirM, some soft bosoms, otner* Uuirlned with ;itt:i -li.-U, fancy stripe patterns, blues, oxbtiMMJ etc. Reitular 75c. kind. On sale at to.UU T\\ KKD >l ITS ft iR $3.90 _'i) Meiistweo'l suits, Mimt; brown :ihndes, somn dark grey in plain and iiiicy herring bone stripes, well made, well trimmed and purfect fitter*, good value at fo.OO each. < >n Hale this week it 3,'JO 84.00 < >VS SI ITS Ki >K #_' 4<) 10 only Boys' 3-piuce Twe<t suits, well mode, short pants lined, coat and veat wall inuiinml, .sizes 28 to 32, mode from small Scotch iwtlern, in dark Canadian Tweed and good value in regular w ty at $4 e^ch. On sale thin week at 240 T.-H:. FELT HATS F< Hi >Kc 'M Men's black Fedora felt hats, late style, good ijuality, wool felt, silk bound, tweat oaud, utc. Bought to sell at 75v. each. Put on aale thin Week at 08 $1 25 MEM'S BOOTS FOR 96c. 30 pair Men's buff laced boota, whole foxed, medium toe, fancy cap, "olid leather soles. Kgu!ar 91.25 IHMIC. On sala thia wek at. . . . W 7c KLASNELETTK FOR 3c. One caae, about 2000 yards flannelette remnants, running in length fr m S to 20 yard*, aMortcd strip* patterns, JO inch wide and sold all over at 7c. a yard. \Ve can say thm woe't 5 lOc. WHITE EMBROIDERY FOR 5c. 1440 yards White Emhioi |.-ry and inaention inuorted patterns and widths 2. 3 and 4 inch wide, regular values lOc. and 12c. a yani, on sale this week t 5 -.'5c. AMERICAN FOL LARD F<^R 15c 10 pieces American Foulard, bandsome [wtterns, full 32 inch wide, lovely fJnu solt cloth, regular value 2l>c. ,-anl On sale at 15 Hc. OXFORD SM1KTIN<; KuR 1248 yards Oxford shirting -in. I KII^!IH|I i.'l,.nii'.ri\s. L'S inch wiile.aHsort- i-ti .stripes ami plain sha.l. *. in urcys, blues, rtd, pinkn, browns, ulc. ( valui) iu regular w:iy .it l<kv v.-tnl. On sale this week at (H 11.2:1 WHITK < X I|'II.T- - 60 whit;; .pulls, h'.ti.'y .-..mi) putt.T'is, l.-u^.- ,.!,'\..u .juartsr sire. These qtlilta an Rood vjilue at 91.25 each but wu imported them direct fiom makers can say '.'H Just plueril nn sjik- a nice lot of dfiits Furnishing. (.'olhrs. C'utl's, Tit-s, Hats, Caps, t-tc. Ready -IVIade stock of Ueadymades,calculated to fitanylxxly, ;in<l t'.ir (|irility ot'irootls and cxtrllfiu 1 !.' of man uf'iU-tuir fiinnot tc excelled in C;muda. Neilucr can our prices. We lead in all these things. A. Full StocR of Groceries on hand. Boots and Si* oes An immense sttx-k from the best manufacturers in Canada. Our hoots and shoos please. So do our prices. Just *~ - : -" We want your luitter anl e^s, for which highest market price will he paid. We also want your tradt* and an? hound to p't it it" SIJUMH' dealing and small profits count for anythini;. , Q. KAR5TEDT, FLESH ERTON,

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