->*********>**********<><>***+**** ! CONFUSION lOF CASTE Or Gentility Vs. Nobility of Soul. that lie might romo hack to trie MOAs^ew ovMtit^iy lie would Mild. And after that, with some few kind wordtr :i sentence. pThnps, to say that he missed her. or thut he thought of her, or. it might lx\ to I hid her (n needles* bidding ' ) think I of him he would reach the end of s piiprr, nml subxcrilxi himself her iff.-et ionate (i Tielartncy things neither him nor her than if Uii-y eix- K""'K tn live in hoaven," nhe would exclaim. almost impa- tiently, to herself ; "and yet they'll all havn to IH- settled somehow, and what to think of thein and what to udvi>e, I ihnijt know There's Letty troubling herself no more about any- to come than If she wns a I.. I- in arms-, and Mr. Treluwne.v .--VNOl'SlS 01 1'llKl I. HIM. OIAI'ITUS. Kvil imbues have be- gun to <l.ick ulioui the ii-iatitiiiH be- n ..... I will hii- hands i|iiilc full so full," he said. with a smile. lliat I Iwet-n air. Trclawm-y, 11 srholurly re- "ill hardly miss n,. you rluse mid liis housekeeper's 1 Mt- }le a*ks lui in marry him. VII. "Oh. sir. you don't tliink that !" shu said I iinidU , half unilei her lireal h "Well no. 1 don't MI|.|.OM; I really "My di-ar 1/rlty," the letters ill- he s-ems to think he's just got to wavi began ; he never used an;. term of nieaii r r-nd.-arincnt than th.!i, nor e-.-i ..ni. . ted In her that .hire.- sell him alvvav. as she did. simply as "Hear Mr. Treltiwne.v' walk to church with her one morn- ing, and then let every' hing go on again ;-.s it's been going for these tw.it>. v.-ai-M And the Lord knows, instead of thut. there'll be change BLOOD TROUBLES, MANIFEST THEMSELVES MANY DISAGREEABLE WAYS. IM WHY WOOLENS WEAR THIN. A SCRNE IN A GROCER'S STORE. III epi't ><f lii-- "ul. I. -i. i hani;.- lli.il hie eni;ii'-'. mi-lit had made- in all things Mi Treliivinoy still thought gladder it test lo l..'il to liis intention of going to Mrighton on the following u.. . t.u a few weeks , but hi* fur- ther M-hcuir of wintering in Wn o' course vixen up. At u month s rnd he, would return to Khcpton, and tin- sooner we arc liiaiiied lii.-n. I think, tin- better," gone, and ho fuitt to Mrs. Miirkham with them Before lie w.'tit away lie tulki-d )*. over nil Ins arrangements with Mrs Ifarklifim in a verv I, i in- s like. . i"il vv.i.v "Oh, sir. I m sorry for what v....'ve ilonr- '" she r\elaini.-d. wt the lirat uioment when he told her what had happened, and I .- ^at down and .rieii. with j;.-- . ,rs uf vexation iiml >"r.'-et It s not that l..-tty im't u good girl tli.--nk (Jod she's think il." In- replied, wit h sum. thing almost lik.- a sigh "1 know .-..m will bo glad when I rome hack than I deserve thut you should l-e Hut I shall ! glad too," bo added, quickly. "If 1 coulil stay with JIHI tiow it would pletise me far Paris better thiin to go nwn> It was not much for . girl's lover and signed herself only "Your grate- enough and worry enough to make. fill l.cltv " Possibly it si-.lislird him U->t that sin- should mile s<i He was going to stoop to marry her. but as yet. !,- neither himself for- got, nor pei Laps wished her to for- get, that he n."- stooping So she wrote to him. and treasured '.p the poor letters that he vvio'e I ,-. in return, and. besides thru, did lit- tle elite hut think of him. I am wistfi.l senti-mcs that the other afraid that, though slit- tried 10 go ! could hardly understand For Such as Scrofula, Eczema, Boils, and Pimples The Blood Should Be Purified During the Spring Months. The Spi ing season is the time Tor hlood cleansing and blood renewing Hlood troubles are many and dan- was as ill hers s.,il and sore, if not him." "Oh. Letty. child 1 hope it'll all go well uith you '" she. would sa\ . \i-iirningly. sometimes to her niece She us)-d to l*> loath, from lender- ness, to talk to l.ett.v. of the diffi- culties iM-fore her that she herself saw or feared. but sometimes her anxiety vvould break out in sudden gerous ami manifest themselves ir re of painful and offensive v such as scrofula, eczema, boils am pimples The impurities lliut Kel into the blood pursue their poison ous way all over the body and ar i--spi>nsild-- for a large proportion o all diseas.-s. various in their naturi \ but dangerous in the extreme T. Sir. I have just come rouiiK myself tion to tell you that you have absolutely poiled a pair of blankets on me. I havn! N --S, sir. you have! Surely you are mistaken, madam! I am not mistaken I sent round my little girl a few days ago for a zood atrong soap to wuah out some beaxy things. In all innocence 1 used what you sent me. and the ro- lult is that my blankets are just the ikeleton of what they were. They ghost of the original re ruined, sir, and it's your fault! m which it was taken, what I usually to separating the two, because they were thoroughly woven throughout, and it wan only by de- taching thu line ill. res from each oth- er that you identified the cotton fibre I fell on the device of using soda I took a bit of blanket anil put it in ,i vessel with soda, and boned it. there, and very quickly tho! wool got eaten away by the soda, | and there was left behind th cotton; as a kind of skeleton a sort of | blanket out I mention hu\c pure 1.1. .oil von m-ed a Ionic and blood build- r nnd for tliiK purpose there IK noth- ing can i-ijual lir Williams' Vink how on with her Icsaons duriiiK the^e could it fail to lie well with her. weeks, because uhe thought thut it I.etiv thought, nhrn Cud n...s ti-ii.t to suy to her. Inn she ti.-avnred ,, would please him. the progress she h.-r th.- sweetest lot in all the world'.' fl ' llN fl "' 1 '" 1 '' ''"'Pi*- thOM! ...Idly kind nurd* uh.-n ho was 1 """' '" '"'' *" pitinW.v smuil Tho only feur she ever had VVMS -h.,t < rr ' d,s-uM- due to impurities n ithe Irlooil hv promptly oleansirc Bn<! tislieil und happy s '" ! w -' s s " ''Ulirelv <.n-> of those wo- she was nut tfood enough lo si,.- WHS too humble to ! """' whose forte lies in loving not in to many him She thought of that; ** "' Mooel from all poison exacUng, or to think, that, she could claim iilmost s yet nny- learning She lovod by nature .she she used to say, sometimes. hud alway.s learnt from books slowly with teiiis-. that soim-lioily so e\eii " s an<l "T'' 1 '"'*' 1 ' matter. If your ._ blood is rhin or insufficient . it > .. from him Mis li^htcul kind- '""' *'"'i I '"in -uiili-ns the honks v\i-ru pnt from her ouf(ht t<> ! his wjf,. ; .-u-Ter from exhaustion at the least ness wax still to her like u gr.icious ! st01 "'* al "' loxe lne theme of th.-ni hut, for h.-iself. Mow when shi; was >-\' i rtioii. if \ou arepalc. e;iil\ K f <- iinde-i-i ved hoon his few i ir.-j,e8 Tn<> ". inilec-d. she would master il.em married lo him could shi- be anv-- out ' un-alh. .ind levi consum l.v happier than nil other 'languid nnd fugRed out Dr Williajim liko a king'n gift 'Oh. mint I niu I With little ellort. throwing herself tiiinjf lint ! into tho lal.-s with such vi\id intei- wmm - ] est that the men and women whose | "I shall want nothing else in all lo fc-ood !- hut I never wunleil > on think of her in that way. sir; I had a Wish of the mt f,,, her iny- tlf She . ,, ^,.,,,1 K j,|, and she's u pretty KII| . there's n.iin.v a lady not half so pretty. lmt f or all that not .. I... I' sn ..ml vour wife o:i^lil '" I I hot's whnt 1 feel It's not. 1'iu -;.jre, thiit I'ni uiigrutr-ful to you emit M thins: is more ih.m l.ett\ nfruid of what may lonn uf n sn and that'8 the. truth.' it almost seemed. Thu thing that had happened to her was, to her mind, like Hom<*lhing out of a fniry her now d-.m-i; i I..-M- bright en- | soinetliinjj in u book ? cnmiti-it days. It was this, her own love story. that she UieHint uni iringly uf anil pundered during the weeks vs.i.s ; ickle and I 1 tried .several had JH-.-II ritught up into heaven i. i.v was so KI-CI thut in Mr Tre- lawiii-v'i nrt o\er _ .while Mr. Trelawney wns nway : later com to every one ; but they '' carr.viMK 'ho thought of it with her .passed across 1^-lty's ears, and through ev.iy hour of evcr.v day hardly touched her YCH. trouhli- and hy th* wife uix'^'l I'mk Tills to nnei to lie Hlnno , h ;'" """* ... , .. almost seemed Ion I k,,ow nh.v you ahould be for a little, to understund the sweet afn Id. In, said I!.- WHS sitting thing that hud come to her am B n his desk .. he talked to sh wa.s not lonely hen he bad with a culm ^e fa that | Kone . Wu> . ,,,.,. illlH| hfr ,,,,,,. hej - Ln-. 1, K " v' r r "'I""--' her life, ..,,, Dllrd ..il, him dont know why you should he . What |...si,,.,lo dreams she di.amt would forget it utterly for hours to- young ? and to I.elty. I i who 'f -...rse. dirterenre of P OM- j j,, thow HWe.-t . s,l,-nt . siimmrr days! maki-s a certain objection tion our Barr.MtiK, hut we know one an- other well l.etty know* what kind of man I ain he knows thoroughly lo what pictures sl.e p.nuled of tin- IM-I- fi-ct years that wen- to come years that iiho wns to -.peml in serving him. the life she will coujo into I do not I forth would feel for inv pui t . that the nsk it great Ai i Ix^ide". what else ..u, .- do ? We do not want to live apart I shouhl nuvs li.-r now where- e, r 1 we-il and hit* would rot be hnpp.v nwa.v Irotu me Whut can we do but murry ?" "Jf trouble w.-ri- to .mnr <if it it would be better to separate ' ^ . "- but nhy -hinilil lioiiblei of it " Ih. i.- will Iw u talk in pla'v of rn.irKi* : \tf\ hep* people won't .HI.- tn visit .IN lmt what of thnt ? we can live mtiiout vin,,.. Her work in thH world I, -Mi- be to do that. >-h- thought work the tuoi-t Mossed (as nied In tier) under I he sun AX INTEKESTIKO KI St II"S n the him. .ind hours ..'.el und ropyiM lov.i and o shr wrote. spendii.g ti,,. two women c..nceiiied it Mt-med t Unit hud lovt- and almost for iliu M.;:mua. w-iu-n >ou nmw^r 11 Ml.- loiter, also natural, the elder accrpting hi.s moment u touch of pride in them where doe* it go to' 1 " and recopjrlng it with n coinmuiin-at ions by reason of her , ^hc was so .VOUIIK and fresh and' "It goes into thu air, I n'lpi-.-se her lifu till IM!. -.1. .n fur .IM I .n con- cerm-d. I ran Inn Ur-tier withoui >> r '' : ^ f she might say a Word ud fOOeJ. In her simpli. ity she wa* Uieui than wiili thrm If we makv '" '""''' lloll l < l Siitiwfled to be only to him what he one another ronienr I Um.k ihe "'PPrOVe ..i.d MI. in her anxiety t., ,-| H)M , ,,, , llakl . ,., ,,, ,.,. (>W1) . liini.ii .-f the outsi.le w.nlii i.eed give '.- M-ry little |... " and have we not lol.-rnhl II-HMIM to believu' that Vfe .-.in m.il-f ..i.e ..lint her con- tent ' N'o doubt I nm much wish to -he had no rights but what wn'i> only what he mi_ he.,, the <iniid .-pisil. .4 were cor- | 1( . ,.ho.o I o re< ogni/p and rewrilt.-n. nnd par.-d ] Nha |, ,. K , at , wlleh hc ,.... OOMtllMB, lll.d.-l these tl . (1 . k |,.,, v ,, ||,e,e's so many ||ri v.,,,., - ,,,,,,-e-e- th.-y reached al- )hill( , s , ,,. ltl e.- Mrs M.ikhuln tho last point of nttcnuntion RHI1 , s ., y , ten whon the mon(n of Mr Tr.-lawney's absence wan druw- i drt-n will escape nil the minor Should Always be Prepared to Promptly Treat the Minor Ail- ments of Their Little Ones men IN thut afflict little ones, und she : thni. l^tt-, hut if she does, not feel I hut to IH- nil object ioll vou i.in hnrdl.v .-\pe.t me to do s.. " Alul V 1 ' 1 there was si. met hint; in ing to n close ; tor. not living in "Oh. sir. I .ho. 'I donht I .-It >'s < n ' '' UT > Weakness that ninde I bom fool's paradise- as Lx?tty was doing, j should N) pre|iared to trcut these ',(.,,. t.e now sneezes U> line for y.m," Mi M.irkham BZ- '"u'hing ; lhe en.u t und the purity ' nor, like Mr. Trelawney. despisiiic or ills instantly when the euiernency ; \Vil|j,. I wish ilaliiie.i SI,,- he-ii. I .1 moiueiit,' " x ' s i (| lo tin. d so pathetic lie ' iK-ing ignorant of half the common J arises At the same time mothers I ;,,( .u, d tl.n.- i hat's il nly thing " '''' '" "''''' Vl- "U'l road them ul- ! UiitiKH thut went on in daily life, the cannot be too careful what they Kive that - mosl rend loiters told hei to ilnl and ho from a child TTo had let him know what I,-- she S|MMII her tune .mil m. 4..--. me gl.i.l m spite of my- i -<]( i hi- thoiiulil ih. it if she wnnn't with -, . :..- d |in.e av\.iy " 'Then n.. v i.m von doulit il In-im; I.- I that she should IK- xvith me V" fc " Wl "' i"'l'li<it oU-diet.ee sin- s.-nt he ii-plied And to that the hud no- ! hrl '"'I'le rhronicle to him, and he '.liing left to sttv. Would jrlajMM over the lines that she Me w.-i t next ,, .!,(, o | had t oi led t .> write wit h ii hiilf su, i le Ixstty ... -lie w.,, ,,, the n.uden. anil. "' 1 W1 "' f-melilin- a half High Walking up ami down with her, he told IK-I of 'he plans thai I.. had U....I.- 1 .nn sony to KO away from vou lo-d.iv." he said 'but u is |,.--i to m.ikn in i .li.inne in this. and you wf-i, i be unha|ipy when you know 1 i. m loimiis- hack soon \ ...i must write to in.-. too, l.elly, and that will gun you -imiei l.n K tu do for me I Khali lie honie .IK:-H'. you man would ren-ivi.- and thought of the impending future wa." M.A.W. OHAK'S CATAMNCURE. Ho us*d to answer tin-so iniioienl I'-llers. nnd instinctively he- answered thc-in as if she had I.eeii ill it-alitv almost a child. She watt \ ei v good to tell him nil thut she was lining, be would say to her Me v\.is ii-iv t-l.id to hear that she was 14 mi so steadily with her le- . sons it Would lie well lo keep thrill up till ho returned , after that he Ike earn tit leiprerW KUvx ilvali tst sktct, fiaari ike sir ike sir It ik. t. All d. . r, , or br A. W. Ci M.xl>t Co.. Tereiio an4 ~ ' h.ivy duriiiR these weeks on Mrs Markhunfs mind, and ditlicul- tie.s that she could not solve VM-I, risiiiK fast before her. Mow ws anything to be as it had l>cen before, Hhe had U-un to ask know, hv must IIP her schoolmastei Sh must | hei Helf, when l.etty should be made ..I Srpii-m go on being Inisy. luid making ready brr, mid then I should M. us io he for his couiinR lick I'm himself, ho married an soon us possible after Hi it Do vou Hunk you mi, l-e leady sn soon ' Von must tulk it over with your aunt anil she will hei was gelling u grf-ut. deal of good out of llri^hton And then be would tell her u little of how he upciit. days how be von HI get whuiever things you mid did till h Mr Trelawney's \vife ' How could Mnrtha wait upon her who had hitherto worked with her how could even she herself remain as In. head servant in the house m which bathed and walked, j her niece was mistress ? could Ui et strong i 1'hev think no more of all these Rich Blood, Strong Nerves Are Necessary to Good HUalth Both Result From the Use of Dr. Chase's Nervs Food. their little ones in tho wy of medi- cine Poctor have long proieti-.l against the u t of the M..all.-il soothing" prep. nations and they are still used and with alarming fre- quency hy mothers. These prepara- tions invariably contain opiatea which drug and stupfy the little one into temporary quiet or For nil the minor ills of little ones there is no medicine arts so speedily as H.ihv s Own Tablets, and they are sold under a guarantee to con- tain no opiate or other harmful drui; Thousands of mothers now use no other nn-dicinc- for their little ones, and all who have tested it .peak of its prompt and safe action in the warmest terms Mi , i,,-,, H Kilffore \\elUvi.oil. Out . says : "1 have used tUiby's Own Tablets in toy house for some time and I can sincerely say that they are the I-. si medicine I have ever ust'd for io\. little oi - They act pluitiptly and lhe results are alvvavH beneficial I think motluTH should keep these Talileti constantly in the house." llah.v 's own Tablets nr p. .situ,. ! cure for mich troubles as rolic. sour I K "About one-fifth of nil thr hlood used In the human body i sent direct to the brain, and out of this le rrenlr-d the nerve force, which controls nnd regulates the net ion of the various orgniiM When the hlood nets thin and watery, as it usually does at this time of year, the nerves arc lirnt to suf- fer, ihev are starved nnd exhausted Headache, di/.zy spells, indigestion, weak action of the heart, languid, lUprrsHinR feeling*, weakness and functional derangements of the bodily organs are the result You <nii feal l>r Chase's NI-I ve Kood doing you good duy by day. ae it strike* at the root of trouble and uca.te* new, rich blood Vou inn provs that it builds up new tissues and adds flesh if you weigh yourself each week while uftiifR it Mr .1 McT'aul. carpenter. :(ir> Manning avenue. Toronto, states "I have lined l>r Chase's Nervej I-'ood (m ncut* Indigestion, nm-voux ness and inability to sleep, and now. aftrr a thorough tt-M. I am pleann.t to any that my nervous system linn been built up. and I rent and sleep well I can speak very highly of this preparation, knowing It to possess curative properties which I have failed to find in other remediM." Urn M. Colwell. .'..Is Oasington avenue. Toronto states --"I think Dr. Chane's Nerve I-'ood a splen.114 lueJUiiic i w \ very murh run dow 11 in health, had diuy spells, was quite nervous, ar.d was troubled a great deal from n, digest i.,n The of l)r t'hsse's Nerve Food has greatly improved my health generally. Uy nerves are steadier, my digestion Is good, and I have, not been troubled with diziinrss of late." Dr Phase's Nnrve V'ood is for the blood, ua well ae the nervns. It cures each and evci y ailuiue/t re suiting from tlilrv. weak, watery blood Us cures nre ,<rinai-ent. because II irstoree ami reviteJIzri the waeV ed and depleted iwlli r>0 cts a box, boxes for JJ 80. st all dealere, or F.diuunson. Itatee & Co . 1 MI onto indigestion, constipation, simple fevers, diarrhoea and Worms 1 h- v lueak upholds, present croup, and allay tho irritation accompany- ing the cutting of teeth Sold |', v i'i nirgists at 25 cents a lm\. or -ent poet paid on receipt of price by ad- dressing the Dr Williamsj Medicine ''o . Hroek\illc. Ont. .I01INVV LKO OKK Mamma was serving the itun pml cling "Johnny, will you take a lit- tle pudding?" Johnny 'Tel; wiu you give me the ends. please' 1 ' Mamma Hut why do you wish to have the enclH. Johnny?" Johnny V\hy. when I was in the kitchen I heard Mary say to cook: '1'ut u good lot of jam in the ends cook lie c.-iusc you know. Ihe ends are .il left for us." The new cottage*, being erected l-v tbe London County Council at Toi ii-nham will supply accommod.ii ion for 40,000 people Pink 1'ills will cure you by your \eiim with new. rich, reii i.iooii Mr. Itobt J.ee. New Weslminstor. H. si. happv ! ' she hnil .said to Maikhmn the nii{l:i hefore, with lu-i lips tiembliiiK. and her eyes bright ! nist '' ~~ ' '"'> '"''' ' K ' r w '' 1 '*' f " r ''"' lht> wo ''l'l not on.- other thinn." with leais I almost think I am I tim * """" real to her than the sho would say. "Just think of it ' r ":>> --"Heforc I l^gsn usuiu lir too l...pp.v 10 li\e" world in which she lived almost as to ht-xiven all one wants in a s.njtle. ', Williams' 1'iiik. Pills my blood was And s. ... i i,, i. ' IC111 :<> - ll " " w " li(c hil<l b*<' " t" moment ! Oh, aunt, is it not like i" very impure state, nnd as H te- '- i,,,. ,,,,,i ,i ,,..,. itu.u l,, io-i.i ,.,,- 1 soo.ei I.m., JM ,. I.....L o And when she -suit, pimples, which wore very it. hv . spc ke so, what could the older no- brok- out all over my body Sly man say ? She ::sed to preach lit- petit.- tie sermons to Letty about the 'tired. was easily medicii.es. troubles of the world that sooner or hut they did not help me Then my me to try Dr. Williams' I Rot a half do/ei. li,,v-- time 1 had used Ih.'in I livii.K n. i! .is vhe iniuht havn lived perhaps must come some duy ; she was completely n~<tt>red to healih. presence It . , . . * ,i\u.p; in it *IM sn,- migut na\? iiveo i".ii.fi|,B mu^i cun '.in sonif straiiKe. U-autiful. new-dis- asM-nled to that ; but surei.v. whon and my skin wus smooth and clear " coviM-.-.l iiiuntrv, so that. thoiiRh the <Jol was so (food to her. it would I shall ulvvavs sp. a k .. irood word f.ir 5 workiiiK world was round her she "' come yet ? not while she was these pills when opportunity nil. rs It is bemuse these pills nmke rich. KCther. or would see it only through i-iuhteen did not ae seem alrm-st .11. red I.K.oii that they cure such trou- H false Kl'iinonr <-f bii^ht suii-.hine. i.-rnity away ? hi. s as upaemia. shortness of br. -at h. as she lived h.-r -epara'-- vlmitied "I will |K back with you to-mor- , henilache. palpitation of the h.-art life, ami called up pictures and row. Mr Trelawney wrote at last rheumatism, erysipelas. St Vilus 1 visions of the thuiRs that would one day in the beginning of S< piem- da no- and the functional ailment! never lie bvr : so l.etty niade hcrwlf rej.lv. that n.iik.' the lives oi to many wo- Oic or twin- during his ^ihsenre. and her timid, joyful face was Ihe men a source of constant misery Mr. Tix-lawney wrote to Mrs Mark- . liiM. thing he saw when he runic up The if.-i.uine pills always boar th ham al.out matters connected with to his own house. full name. ' 1'r \\iltii.ms' Pink I'illi his nrriingemenis for the future s he was standing at the op.-n door fr Pale IVople," on the wrapper on never on such snivel* . -onsullinf with the color in her cheeks and every box Sold hy all dealers, or l.-iiv To l.etty he merely wrote her eyes more than her lips itiv ing t sent by mail at 50 cents a box. m nli.it miKlii ninii-H and please her , their welcome to him I'l-rha) s the ix boxes for $U ,'>P. hy addressing whatever hc had t.> say that touch- s "ghf of her touched him with a mo- h' rr Williams Medicine To , Feebly ami timidly in IIPI let tern to e d cm business he addressed in- lueiilary .-motion. My kind I.elty ' Urorkv.lle, t)nt. '-.-.I to tr.v now .ind th.-n snnctivi-iv to Mrs Markl.am The m.v <l-nr Letty '" he said to her o to express how happy he h.,,i made division, to his ovn mind, seemed a quickly He took her hand, anil bor II.- Iiml told her to write to perfectly natural one. to make ; to kept it ; he looked at her with eves- whin something -KMI.-S it that ki.ew no wenri- neniority. the young'-t I .-inn too pure. like a spring flower \\.is ,t dear." She had written few letters in childlike and hnuible to resent then not something to come home and! "And 'a t 1 now. und s O these were Ix-ing addressed to another I.e-id, !" welcomed by such a fare as this '.' away und you don't sneeze It vvh.-r t.. nntc f.ir she loveil |,eiplf In her eyes Mr Prelaw ne.v l>.v such eyes as these shining in h-r huniilitv she cou ld il.i i.otlninj that was not just, through their joyful tear* ? (To He Continued.) CAREFUL MOTHZBK. 1'ou'l bo- does it go?" "1 don't know, child. ther mo.'' "Hoes it go back to where it caiui from. y.uii i ma?" "Uh.^ suppose so. Hun out an play. "Then you've got to snee/e it HOIIH time, haven't you?" "I suppose so." .No ...other can l,o|>c that her chil- | .. you Wng tf> , nww th , H- ., lw ,es you had inside you. wouU Yes. but I sent, lend In such cases. \Vhat you usually send! No i.-r Mrs Moore, my neighbor. .is of her clothes wearing out; I ind you usually send her the same loap But, madam, I always give my rnsiorners what they ask for. Had fou named a particular brand of loap you would have had it. V.uiK-d a particular brand! How nrns T to know anything of brands'.' but I know better now, and I know ivh.it ruined my blankets and my hands are in a nice plight, too! 1 can assure you. madam, that it Is not my desire to sell anything i hat will be injurious to either the hands or clothing of my customers, ind I tthall be glad tn know how' you prove that what 1 sold you in- j IJured your blankets and your hands. ! Well. I was telling Mrs Veill my | trouble, and she lent tie- a '.iltlc rut- ting, and hero it Is: you . -in t -ad it: "Dr Stevenson Macadam. L. -tur- pr on Chemistry. Surg.-on's . .'1, Kdinl>urgh. describes the destr' property of soda upon wool very rraphically. "\fter mentioning how strong al- to I i such aa potash and soda, disas- ruiisly affect cotton, linen, and wool ie says "On one occasion I employed this oropvrty of soda in a useful way. There was a large qiiimtity of new ilankets aent to one of our hospitals K-hich. when given out. were said by he patients to be not so warm as he old blankets were, and that, led !o an Investigation as to whether he blankets were genuine or not They looked well and weighed pro- oerly. and I got a blanket sent to UK- for .-x.iluin.il ion nnd analysis R'e found oon that there w.n cotton aiix<"1 with the wool, and the ques- this merely to indicate to you the I'- i n. emus effects of using caustic ma- won- terials. which, when employed strong coin-, by themselves, affect woolen arti- cles in this way, and which, even when not very strong, will more slowly. but with equal certainty, tend to destroy the woolen fibre." Now. I want to tell you that wo neighbors have had a talk over the matter, and we are not going to have our clothes and hands mine I in this way. Several of our neighbors who know have proved to us that Washing Sodas. Potash, Chloride of Lime, and "soap substitutes" are most injurious to clothes and hands "Free alkali" In soaps is practically th'- caustic soda that burns the clothes. Why. you dare not keep f 'austic Soda in a tin canister; it must be in an earthen jar, or it will .'veil corrode the tin' Now. it's for CO SO I (ATI [.ATIONS. OJera "Hnlf the time he *sys he doesn't know whether i love him or not, about one-quarter he hope.; that I do. ami the rest he thinks 1 may, and in addition he is nearly always utterly mi.svrable " Maud "Well I'm glad you're mak- ing such a success of the afliiir." I A vulgar fop called to a boot- black to polish hist .shoes and showered vitu|M>rutlvo epithets upon him for his slowness. I ill at last thu little fellow stopped hiti Work and, looking up. exclaimed : "See here. mister, 'tain't no use to work on your shoes till somebody polishes your tongue." Messrs C. C Richards eV Co. (<>*nllemen. After suffering for se- en years with inflammatory rheum- atism, so had thut I w-.i.-* eleven months confined to my room and for two years could not dress myself without, help Your agent gave me a bottle of MINARD'S LIMMKNT in May. '!>7. and asked me to try il. which I did. ami was so well pleased with the result* I procured more I-'ive bottles completely cured me and I have Imd no return of the puin for eighteen months The above facts ari> well-known to everybody In this village and neigh borhood Yours gratefully, A DAIUT St. Timothe... <i'ie . May 16th. AdrtM 'o T OU1S Husband- Don't start nat by jiving vour wile advice, but rrirt|f her houip "w fraclte" o ; you to provide us with pure soap without fre alkali. or we. must 26O yours ago lanfl on Manhattan find it elsewhere Kl.ind. where New York stands, wn i.im. you enlighten me 1 So . I<1 at two cen t for 1- acres To- many soaps oro advertised as pure. I 'Kv it in worth $1.25O,OtX) per that I really took little heed to MsHMM, difference between them I have one. however, that has med- ical certificates of Its freedom from free alkali. It is guaranteed pure: and the makers offer $.">.<XM> reward to any one who can prove it is not pure, and further. I am authorized to return the purchase money lo any nrn' finding cause for complaint. Let me- see it! Why. Sunlight snap! It's a beautiful, clean, fresh- looking soap, and this Octagon di.t[>e Is very handy Oive me five nor* DeafnM Cannot be Cured 7 local tppllokllone. u thf 7 manot rooh the tiwMuil vorUan at ub au. There Ieoal7 one N.;U br UK Oner THu wtwU 'i'uHnnlihl HO*D now I harr no I hftv no ro* ID my Mora n. w for but It to not i h iriH-r I fault if lh> inblic * "tue I wilh .-mn.-n t. If >b p.iltl r uk for Hualifht Hp OGUaoa lw w gi it tli>-in ifii-r ;ood Ktioi-. TJu> MAK1NC \ MKV.MJKIilK ()!' IT. A bright boy hud attended some lectures on asi ninouiy. and threci or four visits was <|iies- l about it l>\ Ins mother, a and very do. nil, but \cry nii uimi.in youngster, proud <>f his ^u|ie- iiu- knowledge, probahly exaggerat- d what he had heard At any rate. ie told her about tin- UIIMI Iti^r. li.- Swan, the I. ion. the Hull. K.ini. -iciii-juiiii. I'ishcs, and other con- -ii'llai ions. Tho mothur listened with ill-cmi i-ealpI dismay, and when ilu- hoy (topped she tiicni-il tu hi i- husband, and said : \\illi.ini. I'm \ery inucli afraid that that boy is IH-HH; ro.-itaniiiiali-d by Wicke<l atheists, becausi- l'i-'s ui.iking fh.t bl.-s,s<Ml ..i in. I'M. -],t it. 1 1, a Uienager kfaees. and Uit it by uoniUlo- i lonal rt iudii. Dfnti,ji 14 onu-ft br as , .nflmr.l eaoHIMan of the inurn-is llmnu of th* Kmi.-nIB Tube. When ibis tube Is in- aused jou oe nimbllnf uunJ or Imptr I Tent heertn*. d when It i> ent rely clo*ed : JrafacM Is the reealt. n.l ualese the inflam ' mMion .-.-> l>e bkkra ..uLand Uiis tube reniared I to M normal onndlllcn, hearing will he de- irnj* . fi rorer : olne < nut of IMS are | omsedbj ounrrta. whick u aothlae; but aa lo tlaaird ooodltion of the mucou* turfare-. WewillKlve One Hundred l>o.lmfer ear iuui of Pnafseee leaiued bjr ,-aiin hi that can n L be eared bf U&ll Caimrrli Care. dod orelrculin. free r. J. CHENEY IL CO.. Toledo. O. Hold hr I )ril|rult-. TV. ifirVami j Pill* are the bent. V(M| M ,,. v/t . a ,, y more Qr W( ,, i|(j you would In \\hat kfi'ps the sneezw from com- ing out when It starts?" "How do I know?" "Why is it. mamma, that som< people say k-choo' when they sm-e.-i and some suy k-chec'?" "Willie, if you don't - " "Johnny Dickon saVs if 1 give him n p.-nny he'll sneeze through hi; . us Can he do it, mamma'*" "No. of cours* not, dear." "Mow do you know he can't?" ' Hecause - Willie, if you don't Mop bothering me I shall certain!) M.I 111111,1. n hat is a sneeze 1 *" Whack! Whack! JOT HIM OUT. Owing ti> the illness of his regular boy. Hr .Joseph Marcus engaged " new lad, named Tommy .limes Tommy was a jewel .mr when Joe. the lirst incumbent was <|Uitc well tigain. the doctor WHS loth to lit Tommy go. But Joe wanted to i-otno back to his pleasant berth. and pleadi'd with his former employ- er. A way out 01 the dilemma MI in ed to pre.v.-nt itself for the hoctor said: "Joe, if you can put the other bo> out, you i an get your job back I'" M"I u.. .in that I must lick i-. That's about the si/.e of it " "All right." Whi-n hi Marcus rvturned to \f .urnerv that ni^'ht he met a sight he iii'M-r biirgitined for Th- (,'htss u I lie door was smashed into smither '<-ns A marble clock on the ni.n t.-! w.:s iiiinus dial, glass, am li.inds. while u handsome ch.Mr re- ' posed on three legs; but Joe was it victorious po s.-ssion. nursing i swollen cheok "Tommy's roii"." In- said, with i <rln, I'rii-nd- "How doe* it happen tha vou havo so many Japwiicsr thing u voiir room?" Young Wile "Ju? I I was married the contents c i l.ipunese shop wea'C sold at aui ion. All these things are wddin 's." M >p- IH. mill d wrk< rr ihr Bromo-Qiilnlnx I ih'.- No rure. No F* rnre a eoM TXMi I HII'MIS in Kain his 1 ends In Life's tierce I us.-le. Man'a two best friends Are HO|M- .ind Hustle. Per Over 5lxty Vcur* MK< Wim.ow'eSoo-miKa I'viti r h>< IMMH nt*l bi IIUaMel maUMrt for U>ir -jl.il.lr-i, hil> mUiin; II wothM the okild. wMeiU Ik* jpiDM. tlik>|.in. -HIM iijj uollc. nyilMM tlx Mom>ch :>inl l-owIt. uid la t h (MM rauiedi for IMurh.w. Twmjr 5 ceaui > bottle. SoM IfilnmnU ihrou|h.nil in,. u r!il. Bo tun UM| Mk for " MR>. Wl^lSLunr ftSooiHiM. hi KCf * Most deaths during the 2-1 hours '.iki- place betwee i "i and 6 a m li-.isi IM-IIVI-I-II '.i and 1 I in the In t.he United Kingdom only 1 IMISOII 10 2OO is a landowner In Kriinco '.) in 10<t own landed pro- t-rty. \V KX( I HSliiX ; TO C'ALl- I-'UKM \ UM ir. -' >>: ": "- ' inler of Foresters at Los \n-'l.--, \ .ill l".tli ij-.-.ip round trip rat.-. will N 1 m flVci via the rhicago. I t. ion Pacific and North-West icn Line itnte from Toronto 8<12 IK.>. and pro | >nnt.-ly low rates from oth.-i j ; mills in Canada Throe through trains daily from Chicago, with Pull i Tourist S'lfpcrs and !-"re lie- ! i lining Chair ('.us Sel.i the boat route, affording finest si-enerv ami iiin-kesi t me Choice i.t routes re ''lining c'till infoimation ami spe r-al folder oi I liis excursion can b: iihl.nneil from It If Brnm-tt iJen.-r .-' Agent I 1 Fast King Street T.I I.M. to. Out A train travelling at IJu miles would hit. any object it came in con- tact with iiini! times as hard as one travelling at forty miles an hour. ^pp Minard's Llnirnt in the Housr The- iM-st homc-inarlc fire-oxtin- giiis.her is 4 ounces of pearlash dis- solved in hot water, and added t,. a pail of cold water. Flying lisli have IMV.MI n.s.' L'II f, x . t alio-.e the sea. known >! to tin- tsk fcr Minafo'sjnd_falfe nn other A pound of cork Is nifln-ient to tloat. a man weighing I ."i I po>inds. w p c. TM MOBT POPULAR OBNTIPHICB. O ^a tfie teeth. Iweetene the I tirengthene the |un The Mutual Life of Canada. Head Office. - Waterloo, Ontario. (Formerly The Ontario Mutual Life.) 32ND ANNUAL MEETING. The Company Solid and Progressive. Another Yea* of Substantial Gains. The Thirtr second Annual Meeting of this popular and prosper mi life company took place U it* Head Ofll.-. Waterloo, Out., on Taurmlay. March 6:h. 1002. at I p.nx The Company spacious Board room wan well filled with pollcjhoiders who erluced deep mtereii In the proceeding* winch were Uirougbom ixitu Imrmooious and in- structive). Tlie President having taken the chair, on motion. Mr W If Rlddell, Secre- tary of the Company, acted as Secretary of tha meeting, and at the request of tbe President, read the DIRECTORS' REPORT. Your Directors sunmit for your consideration and approval their report, with financial statement for the yar ended Dec .'list, 1001. NOW Business They ara pleased to Inform von that tha baninene of the rear In all respects has been of Uie most natisfuctory character, eualiluiK them to make the same liberal distribution of surplus to policy- holders an in ili pact. Tha vol'ime and character of now buiuieu were all thai could be desired : ihe death cate was much below the rxpcctiuloq, and the lapses nod surrenders. In proportion i j business in force, very modirHte Amount of applies* tlons for new awuraeca received wax 4 40:tH01 ; accepted and pollcten mtiea $4.071.609. all of which Hth tho exception of Wo.300 was secured in Canada. C&n&dA First ''"'"' "'.aril -<f Director* barn not seen any reason why they should depart from the rale hitherto followed of contluinii tlitir operaiiou-. to our own country aud Newfaundland. Insurance in Force ^ hft number of policies ID force was -Jl.TtU. aimnua Kii.718.afl, the raanrre on which, based on our owi staoi.'ard. Actuaries 4 |wr ceut . on all business previous to 1800. and Hm. H per ceiis. on all 'juiiineM ntken since Uii-n. is|C,:il.Ui0.4l. AMOtS elftd InOOmV The ''"' ''*-' are IS,t8fl.5U 'I'., aod lhe total anseti Vi.757.MK. 17. The surplus on lioveninienr sinniUrd, over all liabilities. Is M03.470.00 : on the Company's tandard S370.V7.1-W. The net premium lu.-nnia tr.-n }i.u i,::i r, . interest and rent ISV3.8t7.lU . annuity pi-emluina tL'.'l.-i'iO . total income U.i77,'V-4i.u8. Paid tO POltOVholdert The amount paid to pollc.rlioldors wns |40:t,j3J 45, of which sum 005,021.03 was paid to llring policy nolder*. TMe Death Claims p.-iul were $181. MO 50 ; Matured Kmlowments IGi +80 , Purchase* Policies ea521. 37 : Surplus tfi! 215.51 : Annuities HI 7M 07 'nvBStmentS During the rear the demand fur money has been active. and the funas of the Company hare been fullr employed. The rate of interest has heen good, mid pay moots on both Instalment* and int*ril hare been promptly met, the interact overdue being much lest than In IIIIT former year The manager, officers and -tnff continue to discharge thrir duf.rs to the rnlire satisfaction of the Bonid, aud .u iliikli.-st intereatii of tbecoinuany The Kxecutive (",jmmitt< h.ivc cnrefulljr examined all the Henritiea, .in. I nm- pared them with tbe entrlrt in the ledger, aud round them to .-.orr^npon-1 i herewith. You will be eallnd upon to nlent four Directors in place of Hi. Hon. Sir Wiling Kaurler, Alfred Honk-u, k. C., II 1' I'li-im-ir, and Hon .1 T (iarrovr, whose fcrtn hait i-xpired, all of vvlio-n are eligible for re-elcclluti. Waterloo, MarchO. !. ROB'-'.HT MKIAIV. 1'rr.i.ltnU ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS FOR tool. ufcon P-.-inimns. V.-t... . ... _ 9 <l-iS i; I'l ilfl In er, -si, Kent an. I Annuities _ ... UTD.iMJT OJ Dyeing I Cleaning I rorUM'M? kertiMrf ravers to UM MITIM AHimeAN oriwo eo .- Leoh for Mai ! r*** low*. r Mad alre^ Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. TolnJ D1SBUUMEMENTS I'.-'h riainis. Kndowinents. I'miita, etc All other Payments _. ...Jl.277.KH,! ...... f 4'j:i..Vl:J 1.1 4 ~IIL n.l il t) UK tin*, priniml. lii. WKTS n vMi'-. l,.nM n. OnU Fend lo is llc.vi : RMS TO PRINTERS Total ASSKTS .....ins on First M >rtn.ies and llonds .. Municiptil lielx-tit m .- 1 .in-l Itomls -. on I'ompany's I'lilicu-s Kenl Ivstatc. including I 'ompaiiy's Ollic-- CiiMh in h.ui.l und in Hanks Other Assets... J.'UJ. I I'.i I;I:I.:IHI 1 l.:il-J .'II. 'I. UL". n:! ;: J. r > :il $. r .7.Y7.SJi! 17 FOR SALE. -Two 2-rtvolutlon Campbell Presses, bed AOnfO inches. Splendid order. Price $1,000 each. Terms easy. 8. FRANK WILSON, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto I t and .1^ per All other Liabilities.. Total 1 I Mill IT! KS cent .................................... $.'. Hill ICHI It ............................ _ ...... 7(1,7.". I l!:i Total SI KIM I S f)n tin- Cov.-i -niiient Si.uidard. I and ^ per cent On the (io-.erniiient Standard. IJ and :1J pi r cent... .. 8.-...T77. $ c.i .-.:i on Tk. TO 4VRE a 4-L IX Brooio Quinioo KIT. Tho biKg''Si K'lns- in iav.y uro of liii-inch :an only be lired on- .- lies They weigh MO icw 112-inch gun weighs only .".u .mis. but can In- lin-d thrjfc time- in the Hriiixh calilue. and in Ihree iniii tons The dniKKi't* r'funil t.he money if It fail* to cure. C. vv. Urare lnt lire le o* eiv-h box. Me Haly. Kouinania, Servia. and i : i n-ce are the only Kuropean coun- ' lies when- men outnumber women lireeci; has 113 men to MMI women. Salmon ri.n-ly live more limn tell \i-ars ; but pike and carp somelim.-s livij to be l.'.n \eais olil OYS Bfllv.AOt: Bu^le Band Imlrumenti. Buijlei . Fltss. Drams. Cops. tc. EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL Cn har> a File ui4 Dram or Bugle Band. Lnwsil pricni erer quoted. Plunlraled mailrd frw. Writ., is I,., \ \\ I lil.NO it or MUSICAL I.VS1 Kl'MKNTS. MUSIC CO.. United Toronto. Canada THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. WHALEY, ROYCE Winnipeg, Mm. IF VOU WANT GOOD PRICKS FOR YOUR Butter, Eggs. Poultry, Apples <>., Produce CONSIGN THKM TO THF, DAW8ON COMMISSION CO., Limited Uorrespondmiro Solicited. TORONTO EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. IS VOOR Ufc.Q liETTfcR? A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link and a Wire Fence is no Stronger than its Uprights. No one should expert a fence to hold up ol lutclt between tbe pohls. The Frost upright wires are targ and strung. The Proet Lock holds them in place and each support its own share of the weight. Light tie wires give no support. Bending to tie weakens them and they are apt to break when the strain is severe. Frost Fence never breaks. Wrltu for Catalogue. WIRI FENCE CO.. LlMITtO. . WILLANO, ONT. TM FR09T suffer from U lours and Run- i n So ee. Clleadlne will otiro tho voretODss.' Mrs. 1., L'ndray, says: "I lave doctored since laat August, founu Ho relief, nover had a good night's reit till last night one applioatlon hart maiwelouo effect, gave me unbroMo Ight'srost. 260, druggists, or Clleadinu o., Toronto. Money refundedif not .Titl>!otcr*. Dominion Line Steamships Munir**, LO Liverpool. Bo* Inn <<> l,i; pool. I'ortlftnil U> IJT^rpuol. \i*Vu*-rn- town. L\r*%iid KMtHtoAfn.thip* Huprrinr arroinn ndfttion lor All rlnAM., t>f pt,.MMi, ,. 8t.Immi ml Ruirf>*tot KMM trr mnlitrJllpt. 8rj>-onil Bftloon prtiiul Of lhe Com|Hhujr, or It-. I. >r.U. MilU i I'o. 77-SUtoHl llo-Um. Miincial l i-nli-m h IKHII il'cn lo lh anit Thlrd'OIsM ....... modftUoa. For U. Tnrrno 4 O Monirmln.! TorlUo*. I* \VOOD PHOTO. ENCR.U INO , L.JONCS CNC.C? In muvinif the adoption uf the Directors' ami ntlixr rnports suumitteil to tha meeting, tin- President nhly r>*<rl8Wf>rl the Imrilnewi of the C'oiiipnnr ilnrliiK thrflscnl jrtsr enJtmt December ,'llst. 11l. showiiiK llint staly prnnre-.< luul Iwi-n m.-uln in all that denote-* stroiiKih "ml sinhilu v. \vhilu lhe ratio Of .-xpcn-e to inronin was thn lowest In the Insiorv of the ('.nnnniiy. Ix-inc Ittl.'i.'il less t linn ih previnua year. U was gratifying in Hml llnil the mu-rr-. -in.i n:ul fn.in m ve-.tmem -. ,-T- r^.lnl , nn amount nniil for death lo-ues in l-.i 1 hv |I)7.JIK, nutl that tho larue Hum uf JH'.'-.o-.'l nriu paid to livinu nolicylioldcrn rliinnu the same vent- for emlnvvinents, .inniiii ie, iliri- nends, etc. On the whole the huiine*s of th Company for 111 'I WHS in all iv,|i,-<:n moHt satisfactory, .-mil if everyone. Intoresleil In Its welfitrn will <io his iluiy tlm var upon which we Imve entered will he still more sncei'ssful thiin tha our tust u:u-.ri|. Mr. A. II", KIII, K . ('.. Kirxt Viee 1'rnsnleu:. having .iiipportvil : n-- met : some length, the reports vrro wlnptml iiii.-iiiimousljr. The scrutineers reported the unanimous re-eleetum of the liiyhi Mu:i Sir Wilfrid l.:uirier lion. .1 T. (farrow. A. Ifoskin, K. (' . and K P <". men! as DH-.-P. tors for the ensuiiin term '.f t lire" v.irs I'tie full Hoard is IIOIT eo ii|>os.-.l nl the follow ing momhers :- Robert Melvin. President, liiiftlph . Alfred llok n. K.C.. Ut Vie,- I'resiiletit. Toronto : t h lion. Mr Justiee Mrilton, -Jml Van- President. Klii|{- ton ; Kinlit lion. Sir Wilfrid L;iirier PC. <, r.M (t , Promiurof Canada. (Vt.-wa; KranciHC. llrui-e. M. P.. Hamilton ; J. Kerr l-'isk.-u. U A . l'..ronio : I-:. I'. Clement, Herlin; W. J. Kidd, H. A. Ottjvvn; (,en. A Somerville. Lumhiii . Hon. K. \V. Horden, M .P.. Minister nf Militia and Defence. OM.-iwa . lion. .1. T narrow. K C., Omlerie.h, and Win. Snider, Waterloo : and t.he olflwr-i of the c . n;i my an- -i;,. ( i. U c-i: -iiast, M.-ni.'iKer : W. H. Riddell, Secretary : T U. Ku-l. Supi. .if Ajjemries ; J. H. U'ehh, M. D . Medical DireoUir; anil Millar & Sims. S.iln:it,i>rH -L. 4 t&cifefcffi&iesBmNKsefe Pon't. use r.ienp paint on your P house, or the llrst blunt of storm g und ruin or hut summer sun in.i ' it. look shnhliy Ch.-ap pa-til -,v no i --pulai ion is dear paint RAMSAY'S PAINT IS the purest paint, the ..lilest. an-l ' t>i-st known in Cnmula Ma. I.- from pun- mat.-ii.iN ma, I. to preserve vour hi. use lo make it look ft . sh and ht li-M.lv for MS.- a :-.l -,i|. I In- all dealers ,it the rii;hi IM i. the best that KIM-S m paml making I'nip us .1 raid and ask for I" UM i- i K ; i;i-;i-; showing cuts of beaut ind honi- s A. RAMSAY & SON, i "' B MONTREAL Paint Makers j - Gtood tit ma, I. to In a : iv ' r