THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cat'le, etc ia Trade Centres. Toronto, I-'ebruary 1 1 .Flour- Trade is quiet. Ontario D'l per icnt pacentx, in buyer;;' bags, $2 !() mid die Ireighls. Sinn;- hi rolleis n wood, ?:: :;.-| to 58.4O. M. 1.1 ol>a /lour stean . llrtig.irmn. * I '(' to M.:U> and ktrong Uiker*' $o.8l>. To- ronto He | Ouluieal Markrl unchanged. t a lota on trnc-k, $.' -> in I n'.-s. . nd liroken lots, 3.>c tr>.4O in wood. bhl extra. Hi an- Market $l!i :,u out. nil- is firm at Sl'.i to Shorts Minima' nt L'^ outside. Manitoba bran. - '. and si,... i.s. $J'J Toronto freights, m- cliiilniK >... \<heat No 1 Manitoba hard. 8(ks bid North May or Siirnia; it o er. d at Tlr in -Hue KOI I William, and at 7.">c F W'., Muy delivery. No. H Nor- thern ofiered at 8lc North lluv. with 8Jc bid. No '2 Noril.ein t>lle ed at Hojc Sarnia, wilhi t bids. Ontario red. .in Ihs. K'Tered ivt ": ouisido; 50 Id.s. ollered at 71 }c Mount Aiurt and <o ll>s red oDercd at 77c outsido. without bids. No. 1 NprinR o end at 7 le ea-t No - t-onse o end nt Me freight, wilh lifijc bid, an* 1 7.IMMI biisli ufTered at 0'.>c low freights with <>Hc bid. No. 1 fied wheat ottered at C>5c outsido. Barley Xo. '2 o.Tcred lit 50c fliint on cither road, without hid* No. '! ex- tra ie. initial at .~>u to file mi. d e fr. -I, (. Peas No. 2 ofiered nt R2c. ocnt, with HOC bid, nnd at 80c hi .1 freights, wilh 79c bid. No. '2 blue . e\. olTen.-d at 9i!c outside, without bid*. Oats No. 3 white oTerel at -lie high freight, while -iOe was bid. March shipment. A car of N'o. 3 white sold at 4O}c high freight. I- u n cars otlerod at -O$c high, nod i\t 41 Jc middle freight, while 4(>kc was bid low fn-ights Corn Ikxnand good; three cars of No -J yellow sold at . r >7c low freight to New York, and ono car of No. 2 mixed sold at r.c.ji outside. I lye No. 2 offered at G5r afoat Montreaf. May. and at !>Rc low freight to New York. A car sold at fi.'.r middle freight Kuckwheat No 2 ofiered at Me low frnighUi, with .'i:'.|i bid. and at rVilc on the C P U without bids. It ne.s \.-nnted at r.llj, middle frcii-.hi DAlltV MAUKirrs Uu tier The market continues quiet with prices lu.i-hai.L'erl We iniote Fres'i. choice I M. prints. 18 to 12c; choice large rolls, tuba and tins, Itt to 17. poor to mediums. 11 to l.'ic; i i . aniery prints. 21 to 22c; do solid* 20 to 21c. ^{gs- The market Is firm New laid quoted at 20 to 27c in case lots and limed 1! 1 to '-"-' Chocso The market la quiet. Prime qualities, 10) to lie. IIOC..H ANI> PHOVISIONS Pressed hogs dull, with few o ,-' ing. llejivy. In car lots, quoted nt 7.r.O, and linht ut 7 70 to $7 7.Y Hog products steady. We quotet Ha. on. long clears, sells at 104 to |O[.. in ton ami * . < Inls. Mess pink. $2O ftO to $J1. do short cut, $i!l 50 to ?.-J .Smoked Meats Hams. 13 to 18|c; breakfast bacon, lie; rolls, II I.i lite; backs, lie, mid shoulders loj I., lie. Lard The market Is unchatigeil. We quote; Tierces lie; tubs. ll|c; palls, lite to llji- .Standard com- pound, Jc; 20-lb |>uils. IOe, l-ear- uian'* compound, f.uli, tui,. '.i ( - TJNITKI) STATI'.S MAUKKI.S llufTulo, l-'eli. 1 I l-'Ioiir IJui.M nnd only steady When! Sprmi; dull. No. 1 Nortlieiti. Hl'c, winter no of- fering! Corn Mull; No. 1! yellow, li.ljc; No. :< do, I'..'..-, No. 'J corn. tiljr; No. :> do. i;:ij.- n i - 'Dull: No. 2 white, '\<<i<-; No :! do, -tSJc; No J iniM-d. lilj. ; No .'! ilo. Hie llarlry Spot. (17 to 71c. live No ,.g Tol.'dt. . I-'.-ti I I -ttneal Inill iow- r; cash. KTi . Muy. Hlijc. .Inly. Hfl|c. I ..i n hull, I., Her l-'elu miry, I'.lic. M.i\. UUJc. July. <i:i|o. Out's- IM. ruary. 4(,c; May. -I'lr, .Inly :i".. ('I .Mir.seed- IVhrimry. $5.77^0; nl.nrli :. HII. MlllV.llli .-. I 'el. II I.OW- nr. cliis, ,|. No I Niirthorn, 7, r i| to 70c; No i! Northorn, 7,">1 M.iv, 77Jr. llyi^ Lower. iin)c Hurley -Stendy; No In (He: samplH, 55 to 02Jc. Muy. (i: ill- Hull. i n. IVIi . 11 .Close Wheat , No 1 hard., 7(iJ., No. 1 Nor- II. rn, 77Jc; May. 75Jc to 7flc; ,lul\. 7(1}c. Ouis to, Porn 01 Jc. CATTI.K MAKKL-T. Toronto, l-'uh. II .- 'I lie receipis at Wiislern entile > arils to-day 8 liiail.i of live stock, comprising 740 ritllc, 1MM *ficep uiid lambs, 1OO Jmus lo cahen. and a few milker*. There was, an all round uctivn de- mand, and everything was sold out curly I'rictM ,\oro strong, but prac- tically urn luo. ii, though owing to tho light run rlioice lots had a ten- dency Ui a.U.ui'-.v wh eh gave an ap- pearunie m h^li.'i price*. Them was HII active demand for . \ l>,.it cattle nt from 5 to . r >tc per Tb for clinic*; and a fraction more |>nul In a few inslaines I to wortii from 4} to 4)o prr U> Prices of all butcher cattle were strong, and for prime stillT a shade ovi r the price of last Tuesday, but all round llgures were utnhaiifc r '-(l but stronger. Feedors and stocl ers were steady mill in good tlemr il Sheep r c firm and wanted at from rt to HJc per Ib. I H'!.l>s are wrtited, nnd we"c utron to-day with a lei. din y to idva-ire. a few clioice lambs did sell at So. p<-r Hi Cood milch cows aro wanted up to lll'olll - ' 'I I. ere is a steady denvind for good to el . . v( ul dilves ul anything up to tin each. I on nre unchanged. Choice hogs to-day Fold at PR I er c-wt: bog.s ai.d fat hogs at $.' ~r> per cwt. llo(.s to fe'ch tlv top pri c ra'if.t le of prime quality, and scale not bo low H'.fl nor ul OV '-Mid II*. Following is the ran^c of quota- tions: Cnttlo. Shi|i|ieis. per cwt ...... 54.50 $.*>.! T.O ho., lit'ht ............. 4.2.-> 4 .-.O Putchcr. chi ice ......... 4.0O -1.. r ,() Hulcher. ord lo good .'1 '2~> '.\.~~i Mutcher. inferior ......... 27.") . J.'25 Slockcrs. IMT cu-t ...... a. 00 K.-'.O Shwp ami Lambs. Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 .DO -T -lO . |T cwt ........... Ilucls, rx'"" PWI .......... 2.0O 2 SO Vilkers at il fj.hrii. Cows, nich ............... HO.lK) 4.'. K) Calves, each ............ 2.00 10. OO Hogs. Choice hogs, per cwt... OO rt.Of Light hog. |wr cwl... ."> 7.1 fi.75 ll.-avj bogs, por CV. t... Ti 7. r > 5." "> S' us. per cwt ......... U 50 4 H Stags, per cwt ......... O.OO 2 oi BRif\iiirjusriFiED. Count Aldebert Sternbert; H \s Had His Eyes Opened. The London Times prints n !ett.-i from Count AlileU-i t fSternlicrg. wl.o took purl in lhe l.oer i am|..imn. mill who dwlarfs *h; treuliuenl lie ba.s received from tho press and mid non-oMiciul Kngllshnien le..,i - him no C.IUM> to be an An;i. to Vile; No. 1, 2. fl.'H Cqrn Sturnl erg say*, whllu Kii>,land hated, tho Knglishinan Is iespccte.1 ami loved Hatred always- arises from a wnse of moral nnd menial in- iury, and to this i-xlent tho Con- t has a right to bate Kngland. her policy in at all limes di- I to promoting Continental complications. The ( 'iilineiit dce not I the lloer war. anil attacks Knglttnd'* political mor.ilitv because It mi ^n,,lerslan(ls the politi- cal principle which Kfiflund repie- **nts. the principle in which is I 1 . U land's greatnens. He says thai the KhKllsh iit-t>Kni/e only two factors in t hi) world, n.iii:ely. Uod and land. Tho economic, advantage to l>e. de- rived from Ihn gold fields, says Steinberg, was merely a 01 y cause of tho South African war Thi! real cause making action MM j.ei.iii.e vv.i, tlui l-'.i.KliKh principle, the essence of uhnh i * frr>e trade and Btraight forward coni|>utition On lhe Continent this fooling is mil utider- -,1.10.1. l>ecaiiso tin- Continent. dies not enjoy tho bleSHinps of civih/n- ti'in and tloveri, iie-iii ba.sod on the vvoi.l "straighl." Sternlierg says ho always thought Kngland WON tin eiiKiny of the Cont inent unlil he vi- H.'tl the United St ..... s and studied ecnnoiiilc conditions I here Ilo now believes thai Continental hatred of Kngland Is ungrateful, and the Con- I ..... nt ought to awake nnd rccogm/c its true enemy is arising in the Ui'.'. like a great Kim of gold, who-e havn already lipen proieele.l across the Atlantic. America 'H only principle, he says, j.s worship ol mammon (iermaiiy and all Kurope should join with Kngland. FAMILY WIPED OUT. Gas Explosion in Chicago Wrecks Building. A Cliii-.if.n despatch Nay: liv an explosion of illtmiiiml ing gax 'n tho lui-ienieiit of n two-storey frame building nt o7P Twenty second 'I .! on \\eiliie.sda.v e\i-iilllK. II lillloliei ,. |M,.]'l>i lhe ..ii, I to be i-le,en. lost their lives, unit t lie building was hl.ivv 11 ml o; hood. The llaii'i's from the gns main reached lhe TroHllo hnliher shop rim building was a three-siorev frnmo struct lire. nnd il had been weakened anil neatly vvr.irki-d l>y the shock It is snppo.seil I hat, the on pm 1 , of the l.inlilim; vvern knocked micoiiscioiiH or were too nariic-strick- cn to rush from l he plnco Tho hiol, linn collaps.d anil Ihe occupants with ono except ion. vvero carried wilh it to the l.asemenl Mniiv | er son -i in tho liiiil.lniL. - near tlm explo- sions \veie knocke.l down There wero six ch Idren in tbe. Tr.,n- tle family, and there is little, dn-l.l that all the cighl meinbers of tho family wero killed New Brunswick to Establish Sta- tions. An Ottawa despatch My*. I- 1 . (' Hue, poultry oxpe. I of tin. l'.|,ut menl of Agriculturu, hits lelmneil from his tour in the Mainline. 1'ro- \iiucH, whero ho aililic se.l liftien mis-tings in threo v.,-ek) A-. .MI o,.t coino of his \i n ,' '.'. l\ that the New Itrnnswirk Oo\criinu.>nl will ur- range to rstn bli-li . l.'t tetm^; lion in ev, rv c. unity of the pi m A hiu io he estab- l I1IK (i LECISLITURE WHAT OUB MEMBERS ARE DO- ING AT TORONTO. NKW 1'KKHKNTF.D. In tin Legislature the lirst order of lhe day was tho introduction of Mr. K .1. I'. 1'ense, the new i.i<>mlx!r for Kiir-slon. who was present i-<l to Mr. l.v lion ('.. W. i;.. s and lion. I'irhard llan-oni t. Mr. 1'i-n o look tlie se^it in the first row h'lh- rlo occnpiid by Mr. Caldwell (North l.nnark), who moved to the .cut \ a- ,-utwl by Mr. Harty, Kingston'n for- ner member. I'ltiN.'iNi; r.uiiKAU ruorosKD The most radical measure of tho n was one which Mr. Kri s (Sou ih \Vitterloo) introduced. Tie >III ('No. i:iil) provides for n t.,.\- rnment ing turenu, in whiih the public statutes, school I o .ks, copy books, and text-books ronulied n the T'ulilir Si hooTS, High Nrh-ol* und i. -s of the Province -.hull bo printed. MI'SirirAL. ACT. Ur. Crown (North Perth) Introduc- rd two ainendnieiiUt to the Municipal Act. The first (bill No. li>) pro- vides that gnsolinu be added to the lint of explosives, of which, i ncler the existing Act. the municipality has a ritfiit to control the sale and tnnnu- Thc second (bill No. i:r.) iMi-nds the law <'iiu.l-'inur rnunlclpali- I . to tnki! over hif;li-n.\8. t<i i er- mit n iiiunlcipnl'tv to specify wh'ch hrid;;t to which a bylaw ta Ing over a road shall not apply. \\P1J.AM) NATURAL GAS. l>r I'yne (l-^ist Toronto) enquired ns follows:^ lias the Covcrnmenl an\i .-nt.rol in ,!.s|H>Hing of natural gas proum-uJ in the County of \Vollun.l? Is the gas lK>ing now exported from \\elland to the United Stales? The Altorney-Ueneral replied I he Covcrtiinutit has no rontn.l ,,-.,-r tVe of natural gus tirodured In Iho County of WeMand I i | exportation of the same ia a ihntter of Uominion .inrisdiclion Ors n now tM-ii i; exported from WHIaml 10 the L'nited State*, and llcon- ocriipulion Imvp liit'n prentinl l.y Ih- IVoMm-e under which pi[x>s muy be laid ncrosx the NiuKaru Ki\,-r " ASSICNMKNTS. Mr. .lovnl (C.renvillc) moved (he second reading of a bill to amend the Act relating to assignments which in misl to reduce the expense* of li- quidating Htnall estates Thu Altor- poy-f-eneral and the Provincial >-. held thut there waa no de for n change in the presi-nt Art. Mr. .lovnt stuti-U that in snmll estates tlio Wholu pot Went to the ;;i.-.s tin; Inw.vors. nd in|-cc- tors. Tho order was liinill.\ chnrgod. VOTKIJS' LIST At'T Mr. McDIarmid (West Klgi) mov- ett i In- sivotnl rending of hi* bill to am. -nd the Voters' List Act by prlut- ing on lhe voters' lints the d;-le .. the last day for np|>.-iils <>n the suggestion of tl> Atlorney-ilonerul 11 wits sent to tin' Legal Committee. Till-'. HAIWI-.UKY Sllltllll. Mr Liltlo Bguin raised Me matter of the barberry shri.l>. ing that its injurioiiMiess to wheat was now well re-ogni/.i-d. With lhe cons, nt of Hon. Mr. Hr\ileri it nil! l>e put in a loriii to come It-lore the Si .u.iliti". Commit too on Agriculture. NOKTII \\ATKItH )i> Mr. Whitney uvked ii Mr. Alexand- er Mernor, reliiinini; .'i.,cer for \oiih Waterloo election on MCI .'Sold. I HO" was appointed >>y ortlci -m-< onncll; if not. by l,os- iliiecti..n anil anilu.r ity Was his name li.-o. i.-d in the writ of i-lei i ion? Tl'e Attorn -\ Ci-neral replied that Ihe slatutc tl'il not ret|Uiie reinrnill; ofllcers to IH- a|'|.oin ' cd liy orilci-in- council He \v..s uppo.nted by the l.ii-ut i nanMioM-i nor upon the rrcoiii- inen lation of hl.s adiisers. Ii the sherill or ri'gi I i .11 uas dead or hail i.'siifinsl or IKVII ii-moveil. and Ilo successor hud been apl itr. cd. the \\iit of eliH-tion .-lioiild Ix: udilruHsed lo such other pt-rson as II u I ieut.>n ant-Oovernor miglii H; | oint to be the returning oflU-er. 'I la.-re was n i sherill or registrar m North Wle lo > nt the dale and Mr. Mi-xamler Mer in-r. who was act my; registrur nt I he tii'i... .is appointod retuinii<(; oltlccr MH I.S TO ItAILV.AYS. Tin; return oiilcieil on the motion of Mr .lo.Mit (CroiniPe) of the \otc.s to railways, and the umouir s paiil Ihiireoii in Iho years fn in 18U8 to I '.Mil, inclusi\i>, was laid on the tahle Tho pnymcnts were as fol- lows ; 18'.)H Monlreal and Ottawa Itailwuy, J10.OOO. Ottawa, Arnpi lor and Tuny Sound Itaihvuy, $,'.i'.>" ; tYnlral Countie.-t. $1-17. 38. ISU'.i Central Counties ItiiiUviiy, $lO.tiini. I i sonl.nrn. I akc Krie and Pacific, $r>.Y-M. I'emhroUe. Southern Kivilway, $55.ri'i' 1900 OoatraJ Cnunli -. l:.-.'way. l!(l,L r itl; Central "nturio liui-^ay, :U),0"0. om.iiio anil llniny KUer Itailwuy, SK'.tl.Od" I'.tHl- -cttawa and New York fln- d i iinlioi,:il llii.'i',^. g::.. l'". Cen- tral Ontario Unilwry, *..".:;. t'"ti. In- lei pros i'u i it lii;li'" lit Ottawa. $."1(1.000; Mnl > i ,1 Ilulny I'.her ... wav, $n / l(l.(M)O Th 1'io.iicial S'l-relnry lirought. down thn return ori'ct fit on motion of Mr IC'rr. us to iii.lii-pnt nml In- . . ...-i| in tli- of Hie provimc It sln.weil Unit tho lolMl wrs I 1 I fiji i-'i i ION i-r I'.MtKH. L'llns,'. II (I i' '-- 'I i" 1 rod,' ' ,1 a bill fNi* l.''.i t.. Parks Act, the object of which was to restrict the acquisition of park lands by the Parks Hoard without the consent of the Municipal Coun- cil, and to provide that on receiving a petition signed by five hundred electors in the case of a city. M." hundred in tne case of a town or township, and seventy-five iin the case of a \illngc, the Council may decide the Parks Art as no longer in force. The by-law is to receive the assent of the electors before it is 'imlly passed nnd if it is assented to. tho contro' of the pnrks is to sfc from the Loan! of Parks' man- agement to the Council. MH. PIIKSTON'S BILL. Mi-. Preston (South Brant) moved the second reading of the bill to amend the Act respecting Councils of Conciliation and \rbitration He ai.l his hill had tho approval of the Kxccut i\e of tho Dominion TraiVs nnd Labor Council. Whatever feasibility of compulsory arbitration in New /en land and there was some dispute as to the measure of Its suc- cess there there was no likelihood thut that method of settling indus- trial troubles would become gen- eral. The o' 'uct of his bill waa to provide a speedy means of reaching conciliation ; that tho registrar or the secretary of the Hureau of Labor of the province should be empowered at the request of the Mayor or Reeve of any municipality In which a >triko or lock-out has occured. or at the request of any five of the employees, or of the employer inter- ested, to proceed at once to the scene of the difficulty and offer his MTMC -. He thought this would make the Act more workable. There was an additional clause, which em- powered the registrar to seek to pri-mo'e tho formation of Boards of Conciliation nnd Arbitration be- tween employers and emplo>.-<! throughout the province. That me- thod of settling disputes had long prevailed in Croat llrituiu with, sat- isfactory results The bill was given a second read- ing and went to committee. SF.COND RKAPINC.S. readings were given Mr. Marter's I ill to amend the Voters' List Act, by allowing names on the i-t. even though the final revision of tho roll wa- nut < ompleled ; Pr ilarr's bill to amend the Tnustce Act, by allowing circuit judges to pass guardianship accounts, Mr. Richardson's bill, providing for the separation of farm lands fn-ni towns and villages; and Mr. Smith's bill to enable municipalities to fix a rate of assessment for a term not exceeding '' \ on farm lands ! towns and Milages. DE WET ESCAPbD. 300 of His Men Killed, Wounded and Prisoner*. A London despaUh says: Krorn Wolvo Iliwk 1-ord Kitchener on Sun- day telegraphed a long description of a coiutiiiiid inoveuicul 01 nunn-roas llritish columns with lhe object of securing Ccneral I '< Wet. l/ord Kitchener says lit* advance l,ii;iiu the nigbl of I eh. S, the h "le torce moving from various direction-, and I'orming a continuous line ,,i moiintiil men on tho west bank of the I.iobenh.*rg's \l.-i from Frankfort ,s south as Fanny's Home, an I thence to Kultir kop The ine Ihitn ad', iinced to the we.-.!, nnd I ho fol- ovv -\i\x ninht the Iliiush entrenched with tln-ir outjvrsts M> yards apart. They held the line fro-u llollai.d on the I leilhron- Frankfort blockl line to I' kloof, on the Kroon- stadt-l.indley Mockhousrt line, while tin- columns were also Working in ad- vance of the hlnckhoiiHo lines to pre- vent I'e \\,l's crossing. Tho ad- vance was continued Feh f.. nnd l>e U.I was within the cmlosuio but. re.ili/.ing his position, he ordered his men to disjierse and seek safety dur- ing the mi;lil IV Wet liim.sflf. with some men and a nunilx-r of cattle, made for the Krooiiitadt-l.indle.v blockhouse line, and al one o'clock in the morning, when it very- dark, by rushing his cattle at the fence t.roke his way through the line mix-d up wilh tho cattle, ai:d losing tl'fee men kllllll Many atlempts were mude to break through the line on the night of February 7. reports Lord Kil-h ener. the line of tho outpost* I in at 'ncked at various places through- out the nighl. Hut Very few escaped, and ten .ha I r....--s were pic.I.ed up in tho mm nim; llelll.l on. "I did not get exact details of the lasualtics." continues Lord Kitchener, "but as i'ar a" I hive as- they consist of liH.'t in Ml- leit. wounded nnd |-i iscners, MS well out 7<> linii and a nmn lx-r of c-itt'e "Our casuallies wero only ten." f- RHVENUE FOR JANUARY. Shows Increase of $739,000 Ex- lenditvuo 1^240,000. An Ottawa despatch -..:Vs The r,-- for .January shows an incroose ol IMMI, in. 'I the expcnditur- of MMn.- ni'il. The capitnl e\|'. nil'i .' e in il b.v $-*. 1.11011 F..r i lie seven months the nveime nmouiils to :,]:,. Kit; \v,t!i nn r pcivliiure o 1 ' I Vt Tin . ni'ilal e\p,-i|,| I Hi'.- -">!>.- ,n,lin s ' ) Ual yvar. DISASTROUS FIRE. Pateison, N.J., Suffers to Extent of f 10,000,000. A Patcrson. N.J., despatch sa A great firo swept through 1'u.ter- si n on Sunday, and destroy.-.! [>n>- porty valued at $10,OOO,>OO. It burned its wuy through tho business ri of the city, and demolished a majority of the liner struct mv de- \,.t,'.i to rommcrciul. civic, educa- tional and religious UM, as well an scorw* of other houses. There waJl but small tribute of life anil injury to the coiitlagration, but hundred^ were left homeless, ai <i llion.-;inil.s without employment. A relief move- ment for the care of those uiislv-lter- ed and unprovided for has ulr.-udy been organized. Tho nn-at manu- facturing plants of the placw are mite, and the community has al- ready commenced the work of : ganization and restoration. The lire camu at midnight, and waa only checked aftrr a desperato light that lusted until lute Sunday alt.-r- noon. Every city and town within reach of Paterson .sent fln-m.-n .ind apparatus to the relief of the threat- ened city. A northerly gale gave the. conflagration an additional impetus. DUIL.U1NCS IU..STKOYI 1> A partial list of the properties il.-^irovcd in a follows : Public buildings City Hall, I'uhlio I.ibniry. old City Hall, Police sta- tion. No. 1 engine-house, patrol stnble.f , High school, and school No. 1. Churches First Haptist, Second Presbyterian, Park Avenue Baptist. St. Mark's Episcopal, and St. Jos- eph's Roman Catholic. Hanks First National. Second Na- tional (partially), i Nation- al. Silk (ity Trust. Hamilton Trust, and Putorson Trust. Club-houses Y MCA.. Knights of Columbus. Progress Club. St. Jos- eph's Hall, and Hamilton Club. Office buildings Itonmine Hnil'ling. Katz llinlding. Marshall and Hulls. Cohn Hiiildinu. iild Town old Kimn Uuilding, and Stevenson lluilding. Thrutre Tho (lanleti Newspu|>er!* The Keening New* u : ul Sunday t'ln tinifle Twenty-live stores were destroyed. and an estimate made from a gen- eral inspection of the fuuonltlei ing ruins pi, ire ihe number of dwelling* nml apartment houses destr.n <! at r.iHi. and the families left without shelter at l.OOO. BURGHERS FIGHT HARD. But the Scottish Charged Right Home. A I'retoria despatch says: On Sun- day, under cover of darkniws ami in. ring a heavy ran -turui. tliw Hoeri attacked a blockhouse on ihe Frank- fort Koad. but Mere i.-pulsrU Their object seems to have been the cu|>- lure of ten supply wagons which eating at Blackvlei. The f liners have made attempts to cross the line of blockhouses every night lately. 'Mioy avoid causing an itl. trin b.v pulling up the posts anil flattening the fence instiMtd ol cut- ting the wire*. An*tfier considerable Hriiinh sue- cecs isVeported on Wcdnewlay night. Major Leader, of the Fifth Uragonn CuarilN. went out with mountoil troops from tho columns of Cols' K.-k.-wich and Hickie with the olij--. t. of attacking (;.-n Ivlnr.-.v's force, which was said to bo near Klerks- dorp. On the way a Boer picket was surprised, uinl Major Leader, on learning from I lie prisoner L>e- iarey had moved his force, but that Sure] Mlieri>' roiiiinai.ilo was at Victory, chunked hi plans and went. to the I.i Her place. Alberts' luagar was taken completely by IM^ fore dawn, llmler the lire of a pom- pom the Boers* horses stampinled. The burghers put up a smart fight. but failed to withstand the < -harife of the mounted men. particularly the Scottish IK.rsr. who i-harxrti al- lantly right home. Tho result was seven Boers killed, and l.'ll. includ- ing Coining Miliint AlbertM, made pri.t- ' oeis. The British loss was only u few wounded. ' It has been divided to ileport Hen Ben Vil.iix-n. tho Boer <.m,mander who was i-aptured about, tu days ago. JUSTICE LISTER DEAD. Long-Standing Trouble Brings OB Heart Collapre. A Toronto di-spatch says: lion Mr. Justice Lister, of tho Court of Apjx-al ilieil \rr> sntlilmiv at his res- idence. II Wai i I!. mil. h .itl.v uf- ter 3 o'clock on Sunday mornii.g. His I nrd.ship was at his rhiun'iers ii. (Kkjuode hall, until alter ."> o. 1 -.. k on Saturday ev. mix anil was In such nod spirits that ulti-r lea\ini{ the hall he went for a long walk with iv friend. After dune, he suf- fered from milieu-lion. )>ut HOOD IT lined relief, anil \v tl , apparently m his iiMial health when lie rrlirrtl for the night About 3 o'clock in tho irorning his l.onlslnp was attacked with vomiting and e\pire<l shortly^ al'lerwards KIT SOUL- t ini.- i I '.nl had been in a feehle cinidil i.ui. ami his death was duo to collul'v .1 that organ. In i\p|H-ar.ince Mr Justice I.i, UK Was a rugged, lu-.irly man. tint tin ^s energy which char, icteri .-tl him throughout his h ill.v un.lrl nnnril Ins slri'tigHt and i' ( inn him when he received his itpi'oinl in,. nt to (lie '. >in-l of Appeal (,i .Intie ISUinl. 1 s;H. v. ilh i... oaily termed u standing wouk I,. 1 One ounce ofSunlight Soap-is wortli morelhan Two ounces of impure soap. REDUCES EXPENSE Ak for ths Octagon 3r. If row grocer cannot npply, UTX^ BaOTiOLM, X.I1IITED, Toronto, tendiag bi.^ _auJ a tri.-i laapto of iuniight Soap will be aeat writ* t* , nico and addnea. J yon tno at <rS J AN ARTFUL HUHDAND. TRADE OP THE YUKOJT. n Oor an Opportunity. 'miiiut.ii I hooked " out a fifteen-foot Tlicr.; is now no doubt whatever ihat tho Klondike Mines K.ulway is .o be built, and that construction will I eg in in the near future. *t will Work wonderb in the whole Yukon region, us it will render peMibl* Uie working of many comparatively low- propositions, wlii.:h are now handicapped by the enormous fiviKhling r.i Mr. J. A. Christie, of Vancouver, B.C.. and also ( the f an;idiun-\ u- ion Saw Mill Coinpuny of Dawson. is authority for tht? .ih.M.* st.iirnuiuLS. ' There are any number of pro- perties in the immediate neighbor- hood of lioimn/.a and Kldor.iiio ^s and along the l riliutaric-B of Indian Kiver which in any other 'country would he considered ix- tremely valuable, but which eunnot be worked sutisiacionly I refuse of the cost of supplies These must bo packed up now, and tin? rules run us high as $150 to Jlii.i ., ...i,. whereas, with the railroad built, toe rate will be n.-.u-.-r to $15 a ton. ' i If the Q reipiirnd has already I'.-cn si.l s.-rilied Chicago, and about $-li "i ' i in ha, while the balance will be scribed in I'uwson." Taking up another line of thought. Mr. I'hrisiie \eniin-eil the n|iii, that Canadian merchants generally, i'HT tllo.-e ,,f t:ou\i-r. v..-1-e not vet fully ali the import. nice of the Yukon trade "It is true," he -.nd. ihit , lio.a ,75 per .-I'M of l)<e (I,, tO w . ami that is a \usl im- i inent on the oltl run. lit ions. Inn. 1 see no reason why c.imiii.i should not get it all. The n,.i. -hinei -\ are purtirularU 'I here :iro Am. -in in |.,,il..|s. engines, pumps, hoist-*, and other miniiitr machinery Y iikon roiinli \ . '\hen ' iiin.s run --"|.plv .irljrl.-s every bit, .1-. ...! n,, v i,.,.. ,. u,,. 'tariff in their fa- . . ,,| if ,<>me of ih.-n: onK had the energ\ . they 'coultl .. . . dlv rapt nre t he There nre other i ie.| a nee-, too, lint tlllH :, ..II.- |,.||-| ieul.irly ,,,,| ,,.,.. ' , RO away , rom ,,,,, " >ilt slor - v l "I should like lo giv my wife u little surprint; on her bit th'duy ; but 1 don' i wont it t.i cost much." '"I hun you should do as 1 do Kvery year 1 BocreU: a piece, of jewel- lery or some other valuable object belonging lo my wife. 'Ihe article it. mis- eil, M-arch is mude e\er.\ wuuie, and its disappearance Uieply I.nii'-nt- ed. But how great is I er joy and tirprih-e when the lirooch or tin br.irelet turns up again in a new edition (for I always have it pol ished up at the ;e-.\eller's). And how kind, how thoughtful of me ' In pattern and quality the pi rour.t.orpurt of the lost article ' Yon this littl dodge never misses it> this store yet." wood log," .1 tin- tall man. "and 1 wti.s going to unk how much do you think 1 can got for it." \ BELATKD HISCdVKIlY. Mrs Norton came horn* from a call one day in such a disturbed con- dition that it was e< idem ihiit tears were not far in the background. She lost no time in beginning her ex- shy lightn- ellect, and it doesn't cost me much but by the time her birthday comes round again the incident is total! forgotten." "John," she snid to her husband, "I am go mortilied I don't know what to do '" "What is the matter, Joanna ?" asked Mr Norton. "I have just been calling on Mrs. rill. You know her husband, Major Pevcrill ?" "Yes." ' Well, I just learned to-day thut i Major' Isn't his title ut all. 'Major- is his first name." "Why. certainly. I've always known that. What, is there so mor- tifying about it ?" "Nothing," s.ijd Mrs. Norton, with n groan, "only that I've been calling i him 'Major' every time I've U iet, him for the last ten years !" >u have mice in your house. Parker ?" a-ked Wi,-i>s Yes. lot* of 'em," said I'arker "What on e.irth do you do for them ? I'm bothered to h by them ut my house." 'What do I ilo f..,- -,., said Parker "Why. I d., ..rvthing for them provide 'eni with u home, plenty to eat. and so forth. What 1'iore .-an I !,ev , \i,.-ct, ?" I .cher "Tommy Trcvant, don't know it's the rule in this school Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces* and Is sold only In lead packets. Slack, Mixed and Green. 'loan tea drinkers try "Salad*" Green tea. Uranges, Lemons, Fresh Fish of All Kinds THE l>t\,8N lilpmnt al uUr, -);. Poultry, <-0.. Limited. TOIUKNTO. B->n, Appl*. Pot &..olld. Thero ure almost 1SO.OOO Krec- ma.sons reniM,-i.-d the (.lent Lodc of Euciuiid. They Ix'loiiK to 2,:iUO lodges. Fr Over .Mt y Vtmrm MB*. \VIKKI nwa *IOTHIMI > i , or hu > md hi ot nuiilirr. t,,r il-. , >,,, .|,,.. u , ,,, mUwotaUi, ofUn IU it m. l -).|.,,i. oui. Madon,lo,ran.umlMMuni en n l i ..... * The l.niti-d Kingdom has 4()n I)iink8, of which Iho lar^t-st, t he Hank of KnulaiKl, a 01 1 I j million.* sterling. C. C. nirhnrd* A Co. : Every Stick - A Match r Every afeitch A" Lighter' Tim eiiiiiiinin hoiiM>-l1y usually |iro- duces the note K in Hj mg. r,. do o It niUKt vil.rale its wings .'Ct. r > times a .-econd. The hom-y-bee mini,. which in- arts that its wing vibra- tion* ui -1-1O to Ihu .second. Hii era's imeniiteiK si A woman can only throw a cru-kct 111111 ' as i.,r as a man. Ill .111 a MM .l;e, bill C.HI JUIlIp (i^ |,| TELEGRAPH TELEPHONE IVRLGR ATONES Sra$$ Band .u rumenta, Oruma, Unlftorm* etc CVEKV TOWN CAM HAVE A BAND l .owwt rwl< vnr utioiwl. Fl. e ' Ulof ur. <Wlli|otr* I .nmmil .1 fre. Wr te u *] [' RK in H.-i>i..r i al lu.iraui.-iii . WH/LBr BJYCB A CO., Limited, T.I. u u.i.'in., ,,i,,| IViim p cent, of Ihu jump .ii^t.Hne .1 jmin can p. c. m.? for children to ha\e (heir shoes < ; til lenien. I.asi winter T rrve)vid COULDN'T WALK FOR YEAR?, AN AENPRIOR MAN IS THANK- FUL THAT NOW HE IS ABLE TO WORK S Often Found Himself Unable to Lie Down Without the Greatest Pain. Cured by Dodd's Kidmv PiU*. Arnprioi , lint I . -i. :; --i Special) A very re'ii.n ka I !. cur.' of Hack.iehe ami Kitlney TrouMe has just been brought to noii.. at llasin near hore. Mr J. II Mai I ir : (, OM.. r eighteen years with^ 1 1. ok so that he actually couldn't v\.ilk or lie do-Mi without enduring the :noM ili.-.ulful pain He i. ,l manv cin.-H without icetliiiR reiiiif, an.lvv.i, very much dis<-oiir,nr,.|| I'.'. Li's Kidney 1'llN- were l-ecom- m.-niletl to him, nml he coinmeneeil M tie..tinent . anil improved \.-ry fasl from the lust \s the triMin t. rout iimed the improvemeiii until he was able to go alioiil his - as well as ever The theory so often ,nl\ a i, that the Ki.h,. most import. nil orgiins of tin; Ixi.Jy and that a largo perceiil.iKe of the'-s nn.l pain which h';' ,|,^. i,, ;,. perl'ect Knliiey aciion seems to Lo Hiuply proven in this purl icula for .is soon as l>oihl's Kidney I'ills and rest .,,-, .,| n,,. ,,., action of the Kidneys all Mr M tin's troubles left him at once I Many remarkable cures l>v liodd's I'lIN have licf-n but . .-i - tainly none a. wonderful as that of Mr Martin II" has wrilien a l.-iler giving the I of his ease, nml his announce- ment that he was able to Work eom- f'li-t.ilily once more after such a pro- longed period of suit, ring, Ims -tail- ed people W Ifring if tl.ere js n ny aso of I. .!.., r.M-k. or older Kidney Trouble that l>odd' Kidney Tills v\ i 1 1 not ,-nre ' ed ? Why :ii.. \onr si Tommy "I ,iid Vle.m 'em but I climlied up u tree .ut. i tnis nice apple foi s nearly four pounds' \v-mht of graps to m.ike n In.ill,. ( ,f n.| no . "TBE FOUR TRACK M us 'I Ins is a Monthly Muga.-m,. Inn-el ,.! |.-,|,,, a , published by the Pa*.,-; 'epuruncnt cf tho New Y,,,-k -entral. tho great four l ru rk it contniiiH a fund of in- ^n.stmg ,! mst.-uctive r( .. l(| _ ing matter, and. liko all oth- features of this popular 'inc. is thoroughly up-to- dato l--,v.. ,-,..., p,.,- ,.,, |)V or Ifty cents a year from . IJaniels, GcnT Pass. Ag't New York. A (:.,.. r m. -nt inspector entering a. rural post-olllce, on seeing a woman at the delivery counter, said : "I was under the iiiipii;-.sion that a man in rh.irgi; ,f this olllce." "And so ho Wi.s," replied tho woman, sharply ; "but 1 married him." Y-/, (wine head) has an advantuga over other soup powders inasmuch us '* "- Is " .1 disinied.ii. The,',,,- ,, ( a ,,, s in (jvo ne8(ji has r.-.enily Ix^,,, ,.,,, ..,, , h , v ii ltd from 8,01'4. down to ia,- ' l ttt'J. -inard's Linimiot Cures LaGrlppe -Hi per million of tlm Knglisli nrmy coimnit snieitle. :,:,d j n the <:ei-n .in, ..nd i.ln'.l in the Austrian Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism "n an u\erugo there are !"><) ac- cnii 'ills in Ilril ish mines .-mil <|iinr- i ies in u year, causing a loss of 1,000 great benefit from tho use of MIN- \i:i,-s I I MMKNT In H. ncvere at- n-k of LaOrippe, and I have fro- l.i.iitlv proved it to bo very -ilectivo in of Inflammation. Yoers. W. A. HDTCUINSON. "t congrululalo you, my dear sir. Oil the m. u I iaye .if llall^liler I see you are gra.Iually getting .ill the <irl oil your li.inils," "(Iff m\ inls, \es Uul the worst. (J f it IN 1 h.i\e to koep their husbands on their feet." "I shall use the money you gave mi) to spcntl .m my birtlidny. .lohn." said Ihu wife, tenderly, "in the pur- uf something that will con- stantly rerun ' mi; of your I shall have the portraits of my first, three htiHlmiids bea'itif'illy framed and hung in our sitting- room." TM* '3T POPULAR ocmrirnice. It th IM t. RENCH CLEANING. Utat .4. i> H 4>. slu im l 'It. h. Vrlrrl. SUk r fun MM! i ...!.!- !iou. H.n lu ,v . uUliM <<., il ( .lo,,. by ik* _ IWIISM AMIIIOAN OrilMQ M.. MtnlrMi Dominion Line Steamships MLIIUMIW Lw**ol. UMW. 10 L..H aj 10 L..H Vto Otmac -I |- M tk* i ElM.wtta.Milu* Ok, . m-', .vi.u 1303.. Can. ,i. S\f,K KOIl TIKM. f.rm, cirr . il town ropjrljr In all p n. > , . oda. (nd .1 - r ptlon n I carli prioo d . rn. nnnrtt,. II. milt a. Can HYPNOTISM ?PPI?~ Would yon achieve burlneaa and ' ^^*oclalsticcoi*i; improvejrour talents; ^^^^Rratlfy *o r aniDltiniu; euro JU- eaam and bad h')its; and wield wonderful Towrr and InMncnio over other*? If so, w ito lor our book iiv thirty eminent ftpwlallita. It ouchly explain* all (lie blddra iccretaof iTIHiud.u., frrwuial MacutitUra, MacnoUn I it-aline, KUs. It U (lie mon remarkable work I Uie centnry. 1'oaitlvely nothing like It ever l*for pabUaMd. l( has bi-ou<lit succeaa (o thonan.lB. Wo Kaarante aucceM to you or , furlHt tl.OOO.UO in K <i:.l. Hi^ liouk la rraaj. A ptul car-JHrom you to-day bring* tb book to- morrow. Addreaa, American Collage of Cclonco*. txi.f. N S. II. 4'2'> U!i lu t.iu.t>i.iuu.i'ak . " ----------- II HIM GOLD SORES moved or healed by on* or two appll- i Ion* of Clleanlne. It tho *k!n aft and ol*nr. L TK* Boxia I5o. OniRfKt* or 'emulnj Co., Toionto. THF MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST SUVPER. i \i:i ^su\AIll i: > were >ii iin K in the corner fcrocrry xrlliillKillK tho COI1- of the li.shiiiK seaxin, ;u ,1 .is the conversation progress,., I i h, ; BtorieM steadily increased in -.,/,. At last, the t ;;t ( l., nk n,, i on tho cracker barrel pulled himself together and buffa'i : "I went clown io the MVCI this BiorniiiK, and all honRh t h.. VVMI.-I was hiffh aiinost. t.. .1 llo,>,l 1 took a ten-foot pike " "Stop there." exi l.iiinetl the fat man with the ei;rn-col> pipe. "Toll tin you took an eight-pound I rout, and I'll > ' Idlj l.v Mill a I.-, pike. ne\ei ' 'I took a ton-fool. pike-polo," continued the UIII,I|MI.>I| man on tho Uor-hitrrc'l, "nnd in less than live np the rough nil ni.rl., (T Ilir '. I.I. Laia i Hromo-gu'nino 'lablot* i-nrn n nold faionedaj. No ure. So I *y. l'nc iSconti. The eleph.ini I.eel le of Veiiezuola is lhe l.-ii-i{.isi i, ,., i_ Known One has been found to weigh seven our I M III l < It! I. | ,|M . Tuke I.HHIITI. Itromo gumino Tnhleta A I 'Iriniul"!'! refund 11,0 ninuey If It tnili to our*. E. w. Qrore'v nlgn mire iaon *.i.-h box. Uo. If Spain's surface only 117 per cent is cull >il. 20 per cent. Ijc- i8 pasture anil forest, nml the rest wild and hurren mountain land. Thi-ro aro altogether :io mili; of i lilies on the Sil.eii.iii railway. The ollc;esl i,s that OM'I- tin- \. . I ej, ut Krasnoyarsk, just half a iniltt. Deafnrjss Cannot be Cured >y local ap: lioittiona, n- ilirj- e>mnnt.rmoh the di^oa^d ti,ni..n of ihoor. 1 b. ri- ,ml, OBH way t cnrit^fnc-!i. anil tht In liy conii:ii. i.inul r rnadlen. lie fn M i- oaun rt hy an . fluniwl oii.ll Inn uf'hn mDeoim Mi. Ingot tbu H-.t.-iiiHu Tire. U hon h. tube i* In- Ma ... -.1 v.Minivo annnbilng -.. n.l rlrniwr feel li.-aruiK. iul whun It M ,-nt r-iljr oiomt dt arnen I* l ho rasn t. anil unlua. he nml ion c..n be t n ntnniltbU uto <**' r^ii to 'innr...l oondiU n, i eunn< w II b ,lc Ir.yol f r-ter: nlno m 0,11 of ten are n-rdbi n 'nrrh. wMch m nothing bill a,, la- fluin.-d condition of tho mueou^ -u p ure . Wo will iclve On linndied Ilo. Kr- for t.nj rn of hnufno-,-. ir.iu i ; .| >i> cm rrhlthatcua l 1m O'ird hy 11*11'-. Catarrh Cure. .- d 101 ein iilHM. fr.e. K. J. CHKNKY * CO.. Toieda. O. Sold tar Dragiutx, 7ta. Hull* V.,1,,1 y Pill are ti:o beat. '.inlilT exportH 1 LJ.fiOti.fiOn ions of coal a year, NcwriKitlo about 4.. (MM) .Sev\ |iori. .mil Siiiiilurlanil cnch ship nliro.ul .ihont JJ million tons a year. Winard's Liniment is fhe B st l.'eimati.v has ^.l.Odt) friemlly BO> - .in.) olnhs, tho Unitcil KiiiR- iloin L'i;,ii(Ml . 1.1-11111:.; only S.dOO I5O Kinds for 20c. <* . .1 nil,. llanMlh Tl<-n.u . i -tmcruMr MH] flower <l wo i . ui.a In man kadoamunluiiK linn MIT Mhrr In Immn*. TUn>Mi,m.n f.rlhlt. \V run tUldoprrkWurrl Kw. mlur in tl follow lni uaprau- .,!(: Cento Ht>sfjKiM*/ In all lu klnilii IIIIT.IT rnmi lwli*l* >,f clanuinc BOWCTI (oifllur l(h 0V (fmt <-alalrlMV Ulliiuinll Kbual Trowiilo Mid I ra ^ OataM IttnntisaiKl SIH-IU. ontuaj .1. ru- , nil for JOHN . SALZtR SltD CO.. U Craue. W1 For a Lame Back! A lame back means that dull, aching pain over the small of the back, or the -catch" which takes you as you arise from stooping. That an. I all the symptoms of general debility and lost vitality wh;ch usually go with It I cure with my n^w appliance. Lumbago, Sci- atica, Rheumatism I conquer them all in a few days. Dr. Mclaughlin- Sir : In rojfird toreur Belt for lame baot. I oan aj thii 1 have found it jiuti as you reprceenMd It to ho, vid a HtUn Iwttor. Itn -voiglit. in gold vonld buy It if I iwi.i I nutKi aiioiJi.ii- llk it. I liiivn nu troutilea with my back ulnco 1 wai 17 yean of ite, and am now . Youni vary ruli . U. H. MAKACLK, RliMtnoaTllle. Oat Any man or woman who will secure) m oan my appliance And pay when curd I ask no pay In advance. Dr.'s Electric Belt hoconUnuoMcoll. . ^T^., _." "V* IV - - " .'.i-i-uuiai Wlr. renoaiiimadrof "P>n" wire, which n twice u* utroua naordmi" . w -irticnlarly low lht(f^a.on. .',000 tulles of Pn foncas now io il W^Z gncesairj Pomtry NottiDii. Ino r... W.rn F<nc Ci., I'm Page Woven Wire Fence Owi " to * Tariattona of tho Canadian rllmate uiaUowaaxiamnas bamadaiin all .-..ntraciion and expansion, which n, 01 Jmarywirafpn. I.HIIKI i rirnlilo,aii whon itaximl. ^SSSf^fSf " V ' htl.Tali,. No:, Ihn Pane :. H'r- if. O - me twenty yam to learn lu to oniploy oieatrinUy right, and I giro yon the raeulti e. It xivoe a glowing hat DO burning no You hare heard of my Bait ; ynur nalchnora are butng ournl by It Ik hu taken twenty yam to learn lu to oniploy oieatrinUy riht, and I iro o of mi oipnr.eiu^ In my modrrn appli hock. Ourw while you uli-op. FREE TEST. ,- REE BOCK. DR. MD , fVlc'.AUQH -IN, 130 Yon ff oSt. ( Toronto. OFKICR HOUrtH to It.U p.m. I want eery iifterr from tamo Rack and Ita allleil trouble U) oll an4 tet my Belt free. Or wnd for ray free boolu. Inuioiotitlaaa.