Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1901, p. 1

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- * * * DECBMBER 5, 1901 Cards M'OUIA,OUUH A YOUNG Bankers, MrJl o a gaacral baoklug buiinuu. Money losned at a reasonable rate. Call on us. AH VANDUHKN. J P Clerk Stb Dlv Court. Oo Orey Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Cooveyancei N'olary Public Auctioneer. Money to loan at 1* i,i>r cent. Charts nodsrafj-..^,, p Q DGHTi COLLBCTEL. The If prepared to ua.lertaka tbeoollectlon ot all kinds of debts, notes bought, accounts collected etc. K S HENDEBBON, Klesherton R . oi Tsvai mn UP Mon | 8 -ti 8PBO0LE Poitinaster, Flesbertoa is^ouur In H.C.J.. Auctioneer Con --r, A|>prlr ami Money Lender llstato and Insurance Agent. Deedl . lease* u willn carefully drswn n 1 valuation! made on uliortt notice. y t i lo*n t lowest ratoi of luterc-- M atta.ll to with proru|>tne. ; ,.-. low. Ajent for Ocean Dominion mhip Company. A tall solicited. Societies AO U W meets ou tho last Mooday m oaon month, in their lodge room. t:tri-toe' block. Flnrt.m. at S P ui. T. iv W. SI. ; AM "'. K6Cor>Jr.\\ H |.ai.i> : .Fiuaocir. Violin* brrthren Invited DUINCK AKTUTB IX>DUE. No. 9 A r AM meet* ID the Masonic hall. Strain i Block. Kle.h k rton. every Kri.iayo,, or bs*tS thj full uioon. J * Hy<l w M w J lljiUiny, Secretary. COL'ur FliESHKBTON. I. O. 7. meets In ' , hn.Joi-s Block the last Frl-laj eveulog 1. ech month. VinltiiiK F"''"* ^A. elc.>.ae. C. K.. B. Waller ; B, 8 , W. A. Ann rvu P C MURRAY, L., D, 8. rtentai Burgeon: D", oT f ra4aaUo/Torol fol;j * Roya, Oolle,( of l)utal Haruoon. o <'"'" Opuoit. ArintranK' JBW. . .,,,{ Maiwell tlin lt Wadneeday of., t, i.'ona. aud Oundalk 1 anJ 3 Tburlay U lui-h luoulli J. W. KKOBT. L I.. . Barrister, Boltcilor Oonveyantar. i om , -Next to pontofflce. Hproulu's Wock- ?*." -, w. Tevery Tburd. au.l court d.,. N l-0w Souud otlice. Fro.t block foul.'tt Ktrent east. LH'V-; WHIOHT * McABDLK Karrl.ters Holicitors CoDV>ancrs, et ()m , ;e< _oweu Hound, ont aodataradaUOwt W It WHIUUT. MC-AIU.UK N It -Klesherton offlc*. Mitchell's Hank vory rUturday. TUCKKK ft PATTF.USON llarrlatora, Holiolton, elo Uolnon'a Bank, Owen Konnd HAHUY O TUCKEH OEO W PATTKK.HON MAKAV * SAMPSON, *c OKFIRKH :-<>wn Bound. M...,-lint h nk Hloek. N. ot rltJron House. Luiulalk, Mai n Stroet, every Saturday. M .( K VY.M A , H.K.HAMl'SON. L.L.D , Crown Attorney (or Orey. DH CAHTKIl M C V * B Dot. Physician, Burgeon, etc rinshertou olflae-Stralo's block. Uoaidenoe Hljn.liaw's Hotel Dl- K. T. l!llil>y, I'liy.lclan, Burgeon, ete. Fl*hrton, Out n;ii.;i. and Benl.lenc.i. Toronto ulreet, op|Kwlt inuUiry, may b-i (omul tlmro .lay, an.l i * orum.r for Couuty of Grey. Sful I', AND HOKTI.Y Mi'inbera Colleae Physic. A KurKoiin Ontario Oratluate In HsdMlns of Toronto University, rsilowablp Diploma, Post tlradu- ate Mi'ln-al Bohool and Hospital, rlm-aico n. . . .. .if eye, ear, noes aud throat spuclaily Irsate4. II. HOKTI.Y, JOHN A. B(^OTT, 1'ev.rsbam. Uaiw.ll Vatorinary Harpoon ji.i,il of Ontario VeUrlnary Oolloge i . - ecnnd door south wuit on Mary street. ThU stroot ruus south nan Clinroh. 6\V. M A D C K \ . inrluaiy rturgjon ami Dentist, Man- w.r.l. r.ra iuit.< o Ontario Veterinary Oollefe i Mlh > UnvefSiay. Visits i in Wwlussdiy rromtl a in to S p. m an I I ...ii. ham Thurn.lny from 9 to S p. m. DUUrun BULL Per Sevrlce Coun> Lustre 27610 Tli un li'1'iiifiiod has a lino l!ul (or tfi'rvicu (color rod) on lot 147. T.S.R. TKSVIS 81 00 for tliH,i,.,.n . i n[>|ili<:tlii'ii. AI.IIHUT M i.v 1 yr. FlouhorUui. TitmHortli Dour for i i , >. irth Boar far afrrw i, N. 0. ft., Artsmssia, Tor me si. W. MBAtlS. Proprietor. House d Lot For Sale, F.. No W. 10, Kl.'Slicrlon, good frain au<1 laro. slabls, u I r.l..u and finl I wnl'.alio Park lot, l.lock H. lot 4 riiiiHininK 4 scree. Aj.ply la. \Ni.k.n ill. W. H.SU>AN tah l.ilv tf Klinuerlev THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE BOAti FOR SERVICE. Tlie anilsrslCBMl has a thoroughbred) Yoi sMirlioar (or service no lot lir., I m. I). H.. Ar luus la. I'lhllfrs* sn aiif'Hsatlos Ternii ^ i,n>. The Markets. ran full* Corrcr ed Each Week Oata ................ Barley Uutter K fresh Pork Hy Wheat, white Wheat, rtd Potatoes bag Hide* \\'f -I Turkeys per Ib . ai! per Ib iclteiiH per pair Ducks per 43 'o 76 .o 45 to 17 to in -. 6 60 to 7 00 to 03 to C3 to 40 so 6 00 to 13 to 8 to 6 to 26 to 40 to 43 76 48 17 16 6 76 7 2 068 Ofi3 46 6 00 13 9 6 40 60 Eugenia Planing Mills . . . Get your Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, liallustcrs, Cor- ner Blorks.IIaixi Hailing, the best of Spruce Laili. No 1 and Xo. "2 Shin^lt-s, Veranda and Fittm^.Sid- inj'.s, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. Nr\\ run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR. I Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery ar il.iiir in lir.n .]*. style and at l.iwust rates. Special attention nivou to copyinc. Hahies' pliutoa. a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULHER | X uTJvru uuuu LOTLTU uuuu injxnJtrCruu X I-LESHERTON lONSORIAL PARLOR iwranni who wantod to lioruw in nun ilti-l In our cellar lt<w>k |.H<llri an I InsiirancQ aicente will lie killii-l without notice. Per- SDIIH asking for credit will be |K>i niiH'l. 1>. < a.) lion U will li loitne'll- itt.'lv anphyxlat'1. Loafers wh.-n aoaetit IMUAXA brluff written eactimi. I....-l (..iliiif I.IIH am) ri-fiiriu axlta- torn will b shot at night. This card IH good for Haircut, Shave or Shampoo Or anything In our linn whnn aocoin lianled with propor change. A. Wilson, Flesherton Hiiiili your Unndry bftore Tuesday noon, etch wuk. Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 29068* Thu un.K.ritlHnn 1 1ms a (Inn aaorl I'mlium III! lor HI vi.-,. on lot III. 'I'. ,t S. II. T..IHIH )l (er frads aowa, f.i fur thorough rmls I'cdlgrce oil a|.|'luti n JA< (III l.l,\ I- K rir.sherton P.O. tt Stock Farm, Oarbr*xUi]goowaoamnrlM< Mlselmi,I.uiitri>, Clarsts, Grlmsoni Ratterenne, Cauailinn lleauty ami Imported !' mty, nitli l.m.l Lst III.' I. i nl > ,MMIK niu. mi's of h Hi exes (or sal. ; also one ball 1 >!& olii, ,n,,,i by Aburdale ami (ruin u i In.lian ( lin.f i-o AHTHUHJOnNHTON, \ an.). I. i Marble - Works I ttlm. Importer of nn.l inh. Kooteb !i:id C and MnrMu woik viilrr in Sweud- iiimilmn (ir.-tmU; f all kinds. TheQrey Old Boys The following officers were elected by Grey County Old Bnytatthc organization meeting on Monday evening : ll'iii. I'roideut D. Cruighton, ex-M. P. P. Hon. Vice-Presidents W. J. McFar- land, Henry Graham, J. H. McNight, Dr. Gerald Ball, Thorpe Wright, Rev. A. Gilray. President Seymour Corley. Vice- President* North Grey, Jackson L. Little ; Kant <>rey.Ja8.A. Ellis : South Grey, F. 8. Mear.m. Secretary- C. W. Uhidwick. Treasurer .las. McBride Historian Jus. A. Tucker. Director of Ceremonies Lieat. Hild- ynrd Rmke. Executive Committee Ownn Hound, Fred Bourdinan ; Meaford, A. W. Law ; Durham, Jas. Ko'iinnon ; Thornbury, Arthur Farewell ; Kepuel, Peter Ruther- ford , Sarawak, W. W. Arnott ; Derby, Jag. C. All. -n ; Sullivan, Mr. Kirkpat- riok ; Bentick, Mr. Priiper ; Normnby Mi. I-ai.lbiw ; Holland, W. Harrison Miller ; Olenelg, F. Gruham ; Egremont, J U. Tuck, r ; St. Vincent, Harold Car- nahiui; Kuphrasia, A. R. Fawrett ; Ar- tenjiwia, J. T. Clark ; Cullinood, Dr. Looghci-il : < Kprey, Jas. Whitmin ; 1'ro- tmi, H. < .1 il< un ; Sydenlmui, J. Wells Frsur. Some three hundred and tifty irimes have oven enrolled. - Torouto Star. Corn Temper Just as trying to the norves as temper ox- c-itcil by oilier causes. Haven't you heard of Putnam's Painless ('urn and Wart K\ tractor ? Cures quickly and painK-s>-ly ; itlifM |)aiii make men we:ir the ladies coni|>Uin not so with Putnam's. All ilni^ittK noil Putnam's or it cm bo sent I'V N ('. Poison A I'o. Kingston, Out., to any addruxa in Canada or United States, on receipt of 25 cents. The latent mcHsatie from Parry Sound ho piial status that Mr.Rictmrd Olmwtra.l ot Whlrles Fulls, who was shot in the left arm ructntly in t >!ecr hunting accident, is making s;ttUfiiclory progn-.-n* toward >y. Tlie In. in of the arm h.w beii spliced and rivuttfd, ami the urm will be is useful as the other, though about nne null sliniiri. It in "ratifying to learn Unit not hint; more senoiui will result from tbo 'iiiim t iiii.iU' accident . ip-, the tousli HIM! work* off fn> < ..hi l.axntiro llronn-Qulnlne Tablets care a cold lu one day. NoCurv, No 1'ay. Prioe t5 ceuts. "Why don't you run a iiewsp.i|i.T like tlint (" said a merchant to a publisher, tl. rowing down a blanket-sheet city daily. "Why di.n't you run a store like that f" :>id tln editor of a country sheet KM he. turned the p.ijx'r over and pmnteil to a full pit KB <>f advertisement ihnt brought tin 1 eity jmliliilier 92iiO HII issue. .lust ifccii tli' country editor presented n monthly bill fur *.">, and the merchnnt began to tn'k of ..<>noniiziiig by rutting down his lulvui 1 ihim'iit and Ktopping his paper. He dnl ln'tli, an.l the sheriff is now doing IUH ad\ertising for him. On Nov. 13 Judge Meredith delivered" judgement in the suit brought by Mrs. Madill of Alton g*ins: the township of Caledon for dumn^es for injurien suntain- .-.I through fulling on a diUpidatvd side walk in Alton. Thu JU>|K h.-ld that the sidewalk was iifft of repair itnd that the ('.I. .Ion council was bound to krep it in proper condition. He awarded Mr. Mauill <;<H>, $475 for damage* and lL>5 fur costs. Ciilcdon Ims also iu own costs to pay niitl the little bill will run up to at least 81 (MX) This snug sum would give Alton l.i HI now mdewalks ft un IU centre to Us circumference. Not lonif ao the wife of a Middlesex Iiohticinn it.ske.l him to lay anitlo p.. lines mix i'iiou;|i one .lay to dig the potatoes in thy gitrilen. He agreed todo it . Afier dim-ing a few minutes he went into I he ItuiiiD and sitid that ho li.t.l found a coin He waklutl it off and it proved to be a silver ipiatter. He put it in his jXM-ket .in I went Imck to work Presently he MI nt to tli,. house again am) sai. 1 h,- h.t.l found another coin. He waslml I he dirt off of it. It was s siherh.'ilf dollar. IK put it in his [X'cket. 1 hnvo workr.l pretty hard .s ,nl he tu his wife. 1 gueas I II take n Hlmrt nap. When he .\,.|e he found his wife had du;> all the | .. iiiio n l!ui she f.-uinl in- coins. It had dawned upon hei that she h;ul been ' rioiiuments Repaired and inscriptiuiis cut on sh-nl.-t notio*. SYDENHAH ST., Man) a farmer lows ttMitiey by fitilim; I . |ttoiii|ily niniket nis sto.-k before the prolit is eaten up, .n..l lutrticulaily l.-thlhso with poullly. Ill tills ivs|,er| the cxperimenti c;tnied out by the I >. p:irl incut of Agriculture- result. -d in lix'ii!c:i which are distinuily valuable to poullly rti-eis. and all the mom so as this I. much of indu^'ry is coming more lo the fore as the luiuket widens Accord- ing to t he 1 1 cut expel inn-iit*, the p. .t of I'.-ril for olio pound of gain in live woiulit for achu-kcn tlirce nion'h.i old i , four and inn half cents. If |.hti same thicken It kepi until Iweiily weeks old tin- c.,. s i of feed per pctiiiil >.f guin luc weight i- >i\ an.l il.i-ee i|inrlcr ivuu. A sating ot i .> i and one !:,ill cents pt-r povnul can thus be uiKile j H.-lhn'.! a c!i ekcu wl.en it i-i three nionlhs old iiii!e:td of wHiliiiL' uiilil it re i livsllie a;;e (if ti\n ni..|ith. The rxju-riim nts ;I|HO s'.o that a clii -k . .1 id in .A < i i!c m tkcs in .ic >;nin tbitn . bin) th ' is left running nroii'id. Thi. denotes ihitt ijriM'er protii in made by feedinx diicken in a crte when young tl an by :.lh- in..- it to run outside. > . > CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laiatlve TlmiiiM (julnliid Tablets Al I drotgiiU refund (h* n one? If It fails to cure fcl. W. Urore s ilg iaure Is ou each box. V> cU Dundalk Hardware TOVES STOVES. Also a full complete line of Cook, Palor and Box Stoves At lowest living prices. Our stock of Fall and winter (Jr.-oils is complete Over ."><> ( 'ross ( 'lit S.-i\vs to choose from at |>rict's from $2e50 U P- Over !.")(> Axes from, price 75Ce U P- Cow Chains, Knjx.- and Hope Halters Horse Blankrts, llobes and Mens' Fur Overcoats. Lanterns anil Coal Oil. Stovepipes, Elbows and Stoveboards. Guns, Rifles and Ammunition. Curry Combs ;tii'l I '.rushes. Glass and Putty. Paints an.l Taint Oils. Lucks and Kiiolx. Hinges and Nut-. i i^3>"^ Everything in Hardware, We have it. Call and see Our STOCK. C. E. Noble & Co. The Central Hardware Dundalk. VARICOCELE & STRICTURE No other dU.aa i> so prevalent amooa men as Varlcocrl.. As It lntrfr. with the nntri ssjsMkej Ibr** r*ult ill .viri'lctL -_ ami met ar troublml with Mtrlcturc. If T"n have reuon lo b*li. <>a at aB.ctl with It. don't oajle. t it. Il will ram voa IJoo't 1st doctors Mi^rl jtnl os on by cuttln.r, ir;c"in ur trarlnsr l- O"r New Method Treatment !*soive th strtclur. lino* Uencn it disappears sad can arr ntnra w ir V.iru- >..-!. in 1 ! irictors w.tbotit operation or loss of i*m. Tb. trestm.o sna b trkosn taome ptivtlr. Send fur our 'rr. Illnstriu.l Book oa Vartcoeete. | Utrleture uuU UUsU We jm.ruiit.o to Cure or No PSBT. & Bladder All stiaal co npUInK affect ttisse orrass, hc th* kldssrs ara rrat sonre* I of dira-. tinvr jp.i aching or wasknna over ih* smsll of th. bach. t.nd.neT to I urinate lrf<] aeu'l -, Js *.t In urine, cn:da<sof hands or fe*t, a drowaj fsrllng li he merninir. l^-n't neglect yor kl.ln.vs. Oar New MattioJ Treatment I Is caaraateed to euro ar y dUas. of Ihaac orfans ur no pav. Names Ud Without Written Consent. O. W. Row*, of Jackson. M'.eli., sayst- I Ka4 T^ric.K-.le In the secondary stair, and two s: rk-turrs of 8 ;*ars siandlnir. I *a op.ratsd ti'i'nic.' underi-iiinir treat sud.iinv, but only f n tft.ip.-rarT relief. I waa finally a4Tla*ue n, . Nw Method Treatment of I>rs, K. ft K. TU eaUrirrd r.ias diapv>.-arS la siz wi-fks, th.sirlrtore tlane wa ivntoTed la *>(tt w<-ek and mv *XUH| .nerny A.I.'. . Halttv returned o 1 wa a man in terv rep.ct. I ,cn,l >..u d.ictors with my wli'U- iisart." GUSTS GUARANTEED. NO CURE HO PAY. After Twtn.nt. \Vf !r-at and crre NCTOO^ IVMIitr. T,oat Msabood. Varlcocels, Strlctnre, Sy;.h [ 111". Clivt, Weak . .rrhcratn.l llrin tnrsl I.ich .res. CuasoJUtiou Tne. Itooki l'i. . \. . : . <. . !..: Lui toi llome Treatment. Crs. Konnady & Kerp, 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. ; Gusli Fanrx tor Sale, Lot HA, Con. 13, Artpmesla, 100 acres, no bill .1- irii! k '. Valiialilt. cwlar on usuio. ii.'vi-r IMI, u cu'iiHl. all siaa.tinif and eaav to out. l'li.|i aliJ to take out. M >v- ijuick. W. A. \KMI U..IMI. Map of drey County Wanteil a few live affents to sell tue -iniji ot tit.- Ci.uiuv 'f (irey. (:i tlie towtu.hip.fot Ars^m .-i-iii. (Hipres an.l 1'rolon Alsc the towu loaps separate! v in b ive places : Kefer r*'<iuii.',l, H SOBBUSSIOS allowoil Fojr nartlouiarssoanlrsotWJ. MsUaaiy.naahstftoa \V. IVIfoul Sept. Snl 1001 Durham. ; WSOUXX^^ ' P r M-IMI-.V Iliirris, Ninon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm iaiplfiiioiits, Fleury anil Verity pl..w* >n liand all the t un. , lw> ull kin.N nf ropnirs f..r the sainw. \Vi ininiiifsctiiro VVago*w, Outton, SleihH, -tc. llotM.-li.K-iii romptl attended to. S|'..-nl attention to tender ooutraoted feet, on liamt. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLlb MOT MEN. TOL XXI, NO 108 Special values in Ladies' Gold Watches. An excellent stock of the very best Clocks on the market to chose fn mi. Finest display of Silverware vt-r shown in Fle*>hrtofi. Ver} suitable for Xmaa gifts or Wedding pnMejota. Itings, Chains, Broaches and Ciuanls of every description, t> Mfcct fr>M*>. Special Xmas Ooods to hand. W. A. Armstrong - Klhrton rMt Or Omt Com pmttnt. Our pwbkc sch'l omio-rt *dl take | 'lac- in th achoui husiac < Thurl . v *oinx, ' 19 ins*. Uereitiiuatji i I be served from 7 to 8 o'clock ; aa ad HIM - aun fveof 15 c-.-nta fur adulU, and 10 cents for chiidrvn (not pu[nls ..f (ceMl) wiU be cfaargcd, the prucveda to lie x- pendwd fur ikie U;iint of tb school in such a uianoer aa decided by majority of roUM by the nupi s. Our |N>pular and affable uacoer, kr. J. L W,J. aau<te.l by buaiiuablf Ukdy, are (ring neitlii-r time or enerjrjr in itrviavrin^ the ehiklien (o gwe Uitf beat eiiiertniniuent cf the kind ever witneamed in thii rtAiuu. The child- ren liava bet-n caret ully traimxl in an.u- iug by Mra. \V.d|, ami will render sviiie elect uieovD. A very iniervstin^ H jnvaiaf proj{rmn will lie givm, euaNiati of aosiin, nxilaii.-O", dialogue*, ie , *o>i w* uiMten'and that twa weo ui* Uu re bilk-d fur a Garlic nnii. We are alsu informed that some noted talent from distance are expected to gift* valuable aaiatsni We ho| that wo aball have favorable wtathf rand a full huUM. Plvaae >|ou't forget the date. SniCM laal writing, Mr.Gervis HaaMrd baa returned from the Parry Sound dis- trict. "f wLich he waa not un praed. Mrs. R. Whittaker waa audiiunly taken ill a few days ago, and for a time waa con akiered dan^orously ao, li..e\--r. we ar uladloaayshe I* recowriug. Kdgvrlv flanar.l baaalo been very low With in ttamraation f the lun^n. Dr. Carter w itUeodiiiK luni. and lie n fa*t improving. An rvenii'g Binding cliu \m counectiun with our Sabbath achioil h t recently been 4>rvanizeU. Th' has been a louc felt want in thm net^bboihuod aa we have always been tu the rwr in muaical mattera, not frtim alack of talent, but from the waut of someone to uiakc a atart, and now that a atart ban been made, we ho(x- it will be cuntniued u> tlivsanir .spirit it O'inuM)itce<J. aa it w.ll tend In makenur Sabi4tbch>l both incus mi and a tractive. Rvtneiulier the date of our P .S.cncert. Mm. J. Kletcher ie (>< adi' g a four wewkii w>tli her r*>n, Mr..litui. a Fletcher ot Mr. -I. L. Wood < isnder the weathvr w"up!e of days, but his in'ervat in the uupils prevented him vtayin^ there n) longwr. Let everyb -dy and one more, c ime to our P. S. conceit t n the IWtli in-,t. Mc- Troin "r Ou-H Meawia. Dau Whyte and Duncan lli.iil loft n W-dnenday last fur new i>ut.irio. We wish th. ID success in the new country. Mr. William Reiley met with a aerious accident while cutting o.l lut w,ek i i U. l',ttlet*oll'n buith. H>> allp|H-d .'111(1 truck hi* uu the teeth of the ur.-s*- out aaw, putting a uogiy cut in it. One tooth j.iln v.l ilie aitery and mado Win think tie waa done f..r. llowmer. under the hliilltul tieAtment of Dr. D.xon, he will >oii be around again. Mim Myrtle Coukey of Dundalk, viait- rd her uncle, K. Coukey of thin pLico, .. -k. Couiiinssumer JJcArthur, was in Dur h un Utt week Mr. I' J. I'.itton i now in the imple meot a^umy 'uniues", ad in making things inleieittiiig f.n die other fellowM Ms* M. Mead. O. U.K., rt turned from Toronto last vteek. Miss Mry McAuUy rvtuuid from Ruchwiiter on Siiui.Uy. Mr. Hu^lt ('.onrioii ha* eO'.-agetl D. A l<ro n, i.f BuiieKHiin, for the wiuUr. From ('"' "n'H f \trrf ftiii- The > iih'fi ' "f !:* Kml.iy * well nl 'il, and an enjoyable eveuinn w N 'ill Tho |-r. ^rMiii w*8 cliu-ll* Flcaherton, peraed with *>tne recita Thurs<ic.^y, December 12. 1QO1 VR U BOITOB PBOPklETC" [Uia..toereciU.ns pnwwvd to get Mpply of woosi tW UM Toe praca^tia. we OKsnty ouildin^, rod hae elaMHMf don*, pay that A dawk b- poiehaMd for Jmif Mor and abort speedMsi uiKleramixi, were suCoeatly large to off the balance doe on the sidewalk. Mr. Albert Bl'is is eaxagvel in n.ovin^ Mr. Harnesi sy^ed the eaeiocil into his stables fruw his lot nearest the village oosssnittee aud Mr Pieetoo fcsli the chair, lot and reatinv his farm if possible. ' Mr. Haroese <|oeejlM>ii<i fbs ireoi of f 10 Mr. Thos. Reid has bee* busy grttin* rent of storehouse near jail, which Mr. ew sleighs siade to supply deaii'i.ix of Oordia exclaimed was used for arnnof ice his snany eoatoiBers. , sad sir* w for priausjsjn' rwds, Mr and Mr*. H. Down of F1esiirto*a, ' Mr. Agnew followed Mr. HariMSB m a , visited the IsMwr't par^ota oa Sun. lay. mtiuees of 'he iUs tx storage. He had Some of the Vocal hunters have *>icoMi* seen an aucosnt fur storage of eual oil, but | esl isi elsootiag two or Uuee f.ies recently, saw n. . lasn(M abnsit Uie o .unty boildiDgs. Mr. Oeo. Stuart shot two laaide of a Mr. McD- naH said this matter had to week. ! kswkplasavd nearly *sry tiuis a MW Mr. J. Weber 'bad s sbootins; match aseeabe>r look a seat in the cnaneiL He hist week, wbea be disposed uf a lante believed that things were arrangrd m the o umber of bis tarkeya Sosne uf the best way pnesibte t hav^trnaiat presuut. crack shots fnoi here did some good Another matter which caused a luac shuoting in ounpettu.Mi with other ^ IIU.MU talk, was the report of Dr. Moddtehru , shot*. | Jan Sttrgeoa. Jsfr. Harness profeaaed to Mr. W. 8. Bishop has been >livid*g see i* it that luxuries in the shape of to- hst bush farm the river in' lots, baceo and liquor were beiiw supplied to He is) hertiUK the contract for cutting the the prisoners. He believed vscrants would tinher on them to different per*>iiA here, be ansious to )<et seat to jail so as to get Mr. T .Sewell is helpinv nar M.oksmith the luxuries, and urged that the Mpplica ^ McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARKDALE, ONT. County*s Biggest Store % tu complete his work in sleigh binkiinf. .1 i the Dalxaiu house, Xros* Our f>*a Ctarrssax/.i''*...'. The school concert easse off Isot Friday night and was a complete succeiw. (t was intend, d tu bold it in ihtf Orai.g hall, but when the pupils went over t' >-re usi Thursday aftorooual to have a reb rnal it was found tu be altogether too so. ill and inconvenient No lime wasloat at the f le> . ntli hour to move hack to th where s large platform was built room beautifully deoorau.'d with and bunting. It was a beautiful night, which permitted a bumper and fur two hours and a half attention was Kiven to readings, recitation*, solos, choruses, irMtrn mentals, speecliee, dia- drtlla. club wiiittioK.etc., up with s hughable pantooiioe sketch nwhich<ixssnallbiiyiexcUedthem selvrs A ai.vrr colleciiun at tb door realised 98.80 cents. Mr Moses Sherwood and son, Dick, formerly of this place, were here on s visit last week. They have been doiug well since they left last June for Collmtiwood. Now that the school concert U over the children ale getting down <> solid work prnttuuiiK for the Snndny whool enter- in iiu-ii'i on the 20th and 2?ih int. Hugli FidHis left for his new In. me on Moii.'.-iy, l> aviog uixny arouud Eugenia to in.'tirn bis duuartare, trustmi' that will s.- him agaitj. Kt-v. Mr VVInte.preached in Maikdalv, nioriritj evening on SuiiiUy In-t. Mr. Oarr took Mr. White's work in this circuit. Mr. John Britton u recovering from a recent illnesH. Mr. John Fisher returned last week fro-n 1'nrry .S"Und. be cat off altogether. Mr. McDonald and Mr. 0r4on upheld the prevent systesn. The former pointed ot that these itenM were eupplrad in all jaila, att.1 even in UM central pruoa aud penitemiar)'. Tbe Utter argued that if tup the wold ax>t Frum <>vr Tliumiay cn Carrttpundent. evening a number our v-'Ui's; vnp!e st'eiKlod the fowl sup(>er in Maxwell Mvth.idist church and rt'|iort a I;IHH! supiH-r and Kood entertainment. We are J.i.l to hear that Mr. Samuel An.i'tt is n-eo \ering and will son be around luptin Mr. ,'ohn Johnston, of DundalV, form- erly of tlii* place. !ia.< purchased wliat in knon MI tln> Miles property and ha* Srick .un I sand on thu ground for a new hoii'e. We welioinu .Mr and Mra. Jhn- tn Kick to \Vareham. Mi Tin 11. Ros was unfortunate enough to Have three head of cattle crushed todea'h under .1 o.ig.s 7.e<i Htraw stick. Mr. K ".m .Irving along the road Ijwt week wlien I. is h( rwe frightened and .-tii.1 li -e-iui ' uiiiiianai(t)tb!e, .iiinishitm the cutter p.-ist. redemption. Mr. K Inah !'ivs n it a new forty dollar cuttur and a new t-n pound boy. The cor'e<p.'ii.le..t wishtft Mr. Editor and A. I '.inc. 1 rotuVra a merry O'hri.stuias. the euWBty cmiacil were supply the isapeetor of Pii allow it Mr Me Arthur delared that Ukr- k .n-1 of discanssi.K, ahteJti be maJs at eonuaitee meet in v, and not occupy valuable time m j the council. Messrs. McColman aud the W arden aluo spoke on the subject, the foniMrT recalling the tims when a cosismon item oa the jail was two barrels of whisky. r The report was adopted without ascend rent Mr. Watson prevented report of Edu- cation committee, which reeumiuawtM thst the action be taken re a fauall legal acoouat of MacKay A Sampans) ; that a by-law be paused appointing Rev. James ArJill as county trustee tu rill the vacancy caused try Dr. Waits' leaving the county ; that A (Jrir-r's report of EaatGrey scnools ,<t J. Oilchnst thai reiv;natii4i of Thomas liordon aa public school in- spector for west Grey.bit take fTct on 1st January. 1908 ; that H. H. HuiKuas be sppotnted inspector to fill the tac.ocyut a salary of $HUO per annum ; the sum of I be gniited Thomas u rec>fuiti4>n of nis services as in- spector. Council weot into committee oo tin- re- port wi'h Mr. Agnew in the chair. Mr. McArihur nominated Mr. W. H. Wright aa inspector, but left the natter in abey- ance until the by-law was being passed. Therepoit passed with.>ut opposition un- til the last ulau* wan reached. Mr. Pretoii moved that Mr. Gordon be granted *.'<"> Mr. lUw-What T Better start a fund at ones. Mr. IVM* moved that Mr. Gordon be psid auu for three years. Mr. McDonald did not think the council had [tower to do u..r than gntnt Something For Everybody. Like gou4 St. Nick, we have eonething fur ovary member of every Issaily. Bountifwl on. vision has been made for the biggest Chrmtmaa trade erer done in this tore. We have the goods sad the salespeople and the low prices to make our anticipations goosj. IT OCGHT TO BE EASY to select Christmas presents herewith this beautiful store full from which to cheoae. i >ur salespeople can help you coasiderably. That s what they are here for. Thaw prices are picked ep M random in the different departments. They are sisga. native of hun- dreds ot others equally as good. 13*0. LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS FOR cu <**. * dosen Fancy Lawn Hankerchiefs, either plain white or fancy colored borders, assorted pattern*, enibrodened and lace trimmed, hem stitched fancy open work corners. Regular We. and 12Jc. values. We bought all a wholesale house had lef- at a big reduction andean ssy for Xmas. trade e. LAWN H.VNKEROHIBFS FOR We, *5ueen fancy law* hankerchiefs. assorted esnbrodirry and lace trimm- mai.y ol them handsomely trimmed and uHually retailed at 20c. sod We imu sell tbm r%ht uow when you need them most. Your 2te for 10 85.:. SILK AND SATIN TIBS FOR 12J cU. damn Cents' ties. assorted fancy ihspne sad patterns (also plain Mack ) in silk iA satan. Assorted <hades and knot*, bows, tour-in hand and sale 35 County Council prusunt except Mr. Mc- KinnKii. Several C"iniiiu i nc.iti"iis and account* we>e |>r-iifed, includiitK so 1 . 1 ! t' t.-iiiiii ><'o:i(.'r' accounts in OHJ- nectiou wi'u I'oiul Wi rL Mr. I're^ pr--Hentcil reiv.rt of Fi- lecoiiiineiidin^ A. Irvi-ie, of H:in 'se;, lie C'oun'y gfurlent t the Ai{ri- iirtur:iM'"llege ; that $ 15 he v mito.l t-> tho O.tlilivii'i A-il So. iet y for conviction of a sale i f tolmcco ; that itli leferei^ce li.tsu of a eal, that ilie urn H of Kultii y lie -nli.ii.-ud HH tho "eat of th- eoin.ty, m Hii^e-tpJ by Mr 1'arker ('nun' v TrcMurvi, wnil ;i mi|i|ily of st- tii.iiarv IK- purchasetl ith tlie >eal there- on. The re|H>rt waa adopted. K. |i..r' f I'ouD'y Property was pre* 1. \l. il.irii.iti.ri'c-'iu'i'. rnl UK that <x mn:* "ii 'imtiii^ to f Uil 7*l> tlia 1 . the Jill Suryo -n's report IKI iti I 'T !;*..U ; i tut tho chairu: a lump sum. Mr. N. W. Ottuplieli. In apecti>r for S uth Gtey. who ww prew IK. was appealed to .* autltoi ity, ait. I referred tu 'he Municipal law, which empower* the council lo iaak s grant, in ,ucli a CHW an tlie pruMem.of a sum equal to three years' stlary. Mr McArthur thought the salary paid the inspector was Hutb'cient without a re- tiring allowance. He was opposed to uy such umnt. Mr. Allen stronuly opp.*el suoli HII u-ti. n Mr. Gordon had held another K>tod office beeidns that of inspector, and hia income must have been fS.OOO a yenr, which w-m than fannrr* gonera'ly made. If he had not means for hi.s an agu tho opoaker Coiifridtred be ouyht to have out of Mich saury. Mr McColeman was in favor of a do- nation, .111.1 <li.l nor think 9600 to. much. Mr Harness a^rw J with Mr. Allen's reuutrks. Mr. Shute tin usflit a amaU doiivion mi.hf !H. iiMile to Mr. Gordon Mr Doyle Agreed that the- in8i.iector's Mil-try li.-i-l |H-.'|I tiled yara sgo, an.1 the nuni'vr of st'hooU h .l iiicrt-a -i-l winc. He would wit'i.l'aw I. is nmtion of $'tUO 'or throe ywr* but t'io ight $500 wan to-. Hill ill i'l Ifliolll't Mr. ^1 -IV'ii.iid w*N in favor of the granl of SnUO but feared it would not e.irrv. He wtil'l mther make it Sen* tlmn have il def <1. When tho motion ' make .1 grant of (500 was voted on Mosxrt Brown, Shute, Pres'on. Mcl'oli.1'1. WHIS..II. (M.r.lon H. d Doyle si>|i;"'rtt.l it, and it i.irri -.1. TliiK was only hli tho nu-iubera |irv-yi>t, but Mr. A''s 'notion to leave it hlxuk wa* not KUfportwl by tlio vote of tlie .'h.r - Ailvei tisT. Ciilves Astmv Came t.i tb* premises of the sjswamaiaeJ, ! I, S. II II.. \rf . .| .11 ,.i . ti. i'lil. I1W1 tour clvea. Tho owner , to pi.ive i>ropert>. " ..I tn' awa>. '.' puny Every one worth in the regular wsy Sc. to 35c. rach. On for the Xmas. trade at 2 in 11.28 LADIES' KID GLOVES AT 75 cents. 3D pain only Ladies' Kid ' Ili.ves, aiojurtod shades in ox bloods and irnv- fancy stitched backs, 4 .1... f fasteners, guaranteed quality, simm 6 Th* regular priens were fl.20 and 91.26 each pair. On sale for tin Xmas trade at -- 33 cent KID MITTS for 19 cents. t4 pair only children kid mitta, ssanrtod SIWM and shades, fleerr wool lin- iag, regular value 35c. . acli pair. On sale this week at . ly 3.00 TRIMMED MILLINERY FOR |1 30 20^ tallies' Irimmed hats, assorted shades and vsnosjg styles, all this SCAM- iwi's goods, and every one correct style, and gd value in regular way at 93 each. On sale XSSMM trade at 150 94. 50 LADIES' SKIRTS FOR 93.35 *> Ladies' Skirts, assorted lengths ami waist measure Some blaclt.some navy MUM all-wool sen-'', fancy braid trimming, made by one ot the best manufacturers in the Dominion, and good valux 94.50 each. On sale for Xmas trade at 3 35 cent FRENCH FLANNELS FOR 3 cents. We put >n the dn-ss good* counter this week 37 waist lengths of Fancy French flannel, all the season's newest and ni.wt handsome designs, pais- ley pattern*, oriental designs, polka dots, etc. Regular values 50r. and WV. and a few lengths worth 75c. yard. Lengths run at 2j, 2J. 2} yds. each. Your choice of anv length f r Xina.s trade at 1.00 96.00 MANTLE FOR 93.00 12 Ladies' Mantles, aiw<>ru<d sises. *nne Wool Friece. ouie Dearer, some fancy trimmed, some plmii. The reg. values were 95 and 96. At 300 & do. lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might hav prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, (EWCLCR AND CPTICll . FLESHERTCN. TiArnworth for iScr Alvin ( No. W. HOCKLEY PROTON STATION. BARGAINS. Great slaughter in boots and shot* si!, siz.", axHortt-d, tvgu'ar prices t'soui fl OO to 51 JO. your i TKAS Extra values in Black and Japan tea*, Ri-nuUr pric-s, 25 n.l 3Wc , i.ur pr lb. for Look Here A full range of Christ nas ' .<; -\ .Mirrors. All>uins, CuffanJ ~ L.I dies' Jewellery H-.\ts, s, ..t Silk HiiHlkerv.-lu.iU, Outtits. Call and goods b. fre pui Lart;< a.-*.! tmwBt ..f Ladle in.: s . pi i-e cam .'t li.- II.H .U. ('nine and s. . them. IK I dark, imvy. hlnck. uray .1 ' : 'n. Alto .1 n 10 .i^.'rtni.Mit f r'! . l.-i-gr|i. uncis runt;!' j, it in 4" Mil .... Men Hi' v mi erw> ir. n-^ > MI us. t .,f Vfii N i:sv\ .fur i I tin t!s. < W >i', r (' SI.. Hi (HII f Also a ('.ill a*M>rti I "HI ' . G'; Til.' IIMlliMig*Ksl II r.nn\v..ith ll'r f n I'. A !>. H., .Vr'1-ii.ii L ^ :l til. I in .)i'.r".| ,i 1 i| 14O. T.TIIIS $1 LKVKR, 1' ; T*i >'il tskHs, our prioo .VI o a uice I'nc "f pii. i -?7 "til for Hl(hst prices pc'J '" s N SUITS i _ ' .: ) r:i Si;,, '

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