. cn roe^rarj > THE WHITE ROSE. CflAPTKH \\l\-Contii While Lady rield.-n had I..HJII toJk Ing to liolme:, he had drawn tbc.- two girls into the In oad I'.iy -window and. under ci.x.r of great admiral ion of art. had done In.-- u I most to p.-r iiaie them that he w i-. the proper I .11 in .show them the real beau- d.-~ of l-'lon-' \\'i.-u Lord and Lndy 1'iolilen 'i.i.l diixin away, a certain r .en i- .1 l.Hul. Clime oxer Ihe three la-li. , Altir all thcie xvas n.itaing .ike ihc-ir OH'-i country people, ili-y all agre"l. La.'.' Fielden ! ood .|ui'o .-lone, for I. i klndoe and gooclii".s. I'oloi'.. and Kathleen had much to say in pinise ... Hurry, but tJeiUu.le .it in I <'. silence xvi.. -n Ins aine v.-a.s snentioned. As time pa- ed i-n. Ix>rd and Lady i'n Idi-l. M emed almost to live at tho Vill. H.ur, i Harry had iiis xvi -h, and poetical eiiiot ional nature v.'.is axvnk- nnd there were times xvh-n I. a<ly I ielden was afraid that the girl's intense fueling xxould cndaa s IKI health. Kut it did not Tho brave young In art wut roused Lo its win k Certrude took one day to rest, and on the next Lord and Lady 1'ieN -n druve her lo Scarsdale It vxaa iiichiug to sis-; the girl's fnca us t^e roamed over the old house ,\"ow nnd ngain faint glean, of memory came. ov.-r her. anil she would .stand l|UltO still, struggling with her tears It xx as then that. Marry had -. mi" dif- ficulty to restrain Himself from ink- her in his iirms and coiufor in^; her Mi-s. Pickering, thc old ho'. '..j>- er. w.-pt for joy. You me welcome, indeed. Miss Alliinmorc !" she cried. "I had nev- od to see any of the f .in- tin. i. th. young Kills, with I. is mi.'h- rr OVl '" r , - rl, |..ion. to sec till the ln-au-' llv llrr< ' ti. , ..f Klon-ix-e And very happy] Gertrude's eyes opened widely at il.us they were, save in one resp- ' "" ounU of her iiiiinu . but l.r.dy -<'.Tlrude appeared so fi i-.,, i. Till v to I ' il ' 1(Jcn made a gesture for ftilMM be pie..iTiipn-d. Sue was loiiKiiiK to ()no or two "' tll( - " l(l ervanls who Ix'Kiu what she had (frown to i-.,n- ' :1<l ' ..... " (ll " ro '"- thp tlln< "' Nir ul.i u.,. work of her 'ife. | Karl's di.snp|K>aruncc w,-re ciiually A mc.nl I, ; i.-tt.-rs ;irriv- . leli K l,te<l to see their iinisi.-i ;: Hi" >ouii nol-l.-inan to *M. Certrurto Would have t.ik.- THE WAR THAT NEVER END 7 ?: BOERS LOOTING A OFNERAL ETOBE IN THE FREE STATE- t-.l ness affairs on big OS-' reipnied his attention nnd pre.-l : "P '""<" residence at Scarsdale.for >* alone; but 1 mly Ficlden would not hear of such n Th..y were all together in the vine- l'"''K- Mk when Lord JVIden told them ' " li lhi Dolores looked sad ; she did I'>IIMOII. Manor House was a fine the gray wulln of which been told, that no matter where a person goes he is sure to meet some one ho knows. If that be true, surely to find the one being one 1-ivrs cannot be so very difficult a task " shall have, difficulties en- B.t lik.. i In- idea of losing t he fi i.-i.,l , w " r " covered with clustc-rinR ivy. It ough. but we must not let them di.s- With whom Thi-i' 1 xvas a nnly by the murmur of tin: river and had been so happy short Mlem -e hail large windows. wid hearths. ' couriigc us." said Loril Fielden "in- carved mantel-pieces of priceless value, wide staircases and corrl- dors. ll!l11 ' There wa-s a large entrancx- " llh richly-stained windows. Ihe songs of the luids "I>citr, mamma," Cert rude IjcjrtiM "I ought to beg >oui pardon for taking what J.oi.l I ielden calls (he floor of ihe house t.ut I want t.|, *""' adorned it hud IMN,H the col- ny so-iething to xmi and 1 wish tacttoal of many generation*. Alto-j'k from i.ertrudes blue oyea. Aft- were discovered; and, when urged, as nlso f say it I, ... i ,,iir M-M iiieiuls ' l;l '""' r ""' Miinur Mouse pi e:,,-nteil .1 '-r a few more words, the council for , a matter of life and death, (o tell wllilh w ' 8 ' ' l* WBJT. a museum of "' ' Tlie ccistly pictures and statues deed my idea is that nothing in lifo trait of Lola do Ferra.s. but Lady Kielden remembred her so well and : ibed her so accurately that Mr. SI. aw felt hopeful of r. -cognizing her. CMAPTKU XXXr. From that day mysterious adver- tisements began to appear in the journals advertisements that pu/7.1- is worth doing unless there are plen- ed the readers. They were all address ty of obstacles to be overcome. I , ed to Lola, and were variously sub- like meeting them as if they were j scribed ; but no answer to them ever so many en.-mies and coiii|ii"ring came them OIKJ after another " II.' The bankers with whnm Madame, was rewarded by a grut'.'ful de Ferras had invested her nmn.-v I -I you. maiii::i.i. le.,,. i. -and ' oml.ii:..l_i..n of comfort, nnd luxury. I k 'he I ix or in presence ( ,f Lady Kielf!eii in let in. i. to lli.it day ended It met in more his Lord I'lelden was justly proud of ..v...,-.,- -, , ,,a,K .o ,-.<- l-auliful home The' grounds four dys afterward : and Mr laii-i with her" Harry would have "' 1| ' 1 well ami tastefully laid out and ""' d.-tectn-e. was at the I, .-ad of j account , | ,,,,! |,,,, ,,,,,,( .,',,,. ,,.,,,.,,,,., | were fiiiuous for their fiue old trees ' He li.len.-.l attentively .xlnie inadame' prii BUI - and begin Hi- work to whicn i i.,'en.l devoiing my life. She xxill lielp me, einl ..nielhing :,'l|s m- t'lat 1 .shall sn. '.-,.. I Ii,, not MJ I .in young Mamma, deaie-t. \.niili I Lord 1 i--id t i.) I cn" and here (Jerlrmle's evs r. ie.| up MI the -. o'lng nnl'leiiiati with a h.ift.-ri.-d !it:hi that stirred every 1.1 Ins strong frame 'will help !!. is tin- :.nii in' our lies) fi ieuri dear fat I. r n.ii t I. .m- known when he was a boy. He ^ and patient and no :n:in .1 . a in. 'I niible '.Vo'-k Hi M in. my him h;i. and a M, ic sheet of water called t hn ' I-ord Hhysworlh g.n -.- him t h.- p.irti- Tla- p.uk Was extensue with culars of ili-.-r. while better hunting "'''' j what they knew of the whereabouts solemn concl i ,-e of Hiss de I-'erras, they had but one .Vi.iw I fact to reveal. It was this that the had been closed soon after s death, and th.it t hey had not the least notion us to her daughter's place of residence or the of the 11.' I one! 's disii ppear- shooting, and fishing, were not to b found in the county. CJertrude con- i i iv"d a great admiration for the Manor, mid she xv.is vei v happy with lier host and hostess A faint rumor had npread through " Now, f I.I ti -e letters." said (ierlrnde, and si.- wlnit you (father from them." The letters that her moitipr had he'd so long were piaced m his hand-, and he seemed to weigh e\ery word had returned to the old home be- she was not satisfied xvith re- g.nd to her father's fate. l-:xeryono pitied her People liad lone, believ- ed Sir Karl'-- fate aleil and -."I (led; cle.u- aw ,iy t' ..h.i.l.nv tli.it r, .Is oil' 1 ' 11 "i" 1 left the country with Mi s .le thc county that Sir Karl'), daughter '' le- '".id them Then ho xv;-- silent for some fexv minutes, after which Hie i.., i nan!, of a ni ' III.H. M Ma- m.l " she i -out II.Ill-il, eV"ll IllorO e.lin- ' xvill you coim homo lo and help me '" Dciioies shook her hi ad " l>o not, iisk me, my dear 1 rouo I n. ii li.-.u- it." .she replied has- tily. \\il' you let me go ?" she pl.-.id- C'l ^ i" . if you really wish it. J"r- ' ! do indeed . and, ma iiiina, vo'i h.i I rem. mi heie. if Mm v. 1 1 1 . until j on i ..... i\e .1 :'i inn :ne say- tmg, 'The invsti-rv is sol\e.| ' You Will <-ome t hell '" A ipnik flush rose to |i. id .res' a troubled huh! shone in I. i If over you can send me that i i:. i i nnle. nnd .1, n.ean.t th ,1 -Hint lie i, ile.ni-il from gllill. t will nine; but. if it ii'i.nr; s mniy I... i '.'.u have found I, in. .1 i not a i; t me si ay heie in i .! i ilie " It \.- a loin lung -ight to si" the fur M 'ing daughter ki|.;"l at the feet if In i mother as she i.iul In cl'j.ir. Ill I" I ones - I', shall In- so. iratutna \\hen liiiii-i. .' ilo iril .'.' if- waeti I c.iii PI..V.- my father's imioc.-nie. I shall ' ', mi and -k you to come. ' So r v, as arrain'.ed tlnit i .-i I i n : .- nhoiili. go hack to l-Mii;land L.'l-i.V I'lelllen the orach.' spoke " My opinion 11 that It ali with the lady," he said slovrly. With the lady '." wa - : in different accent of v .under, and sixteen xe.irs before, and his incredulity. i! in,.- was almost forgotten N..VV ".Yes. with (he lady." he iepe.it- thi'i-e r.-me suddenly iimong them u '''' "Indeed. ' should not l; surprts- lie.iul iful. fair haired girl, with I he '''' '" '""' "'"' tl" 1 gentleman dill bloom of childhood on IHT face nnd n heart nil <o> ther's name. clear her ra- ting his inno- i. n. e, prod. liming nloud that there not accompair. the lady :.| all. The interest of the listenoi .t crensed in- Tuke thin first letter." continued !.el been some mystery xvith regard the it*ect iv.>. written iiy t., l.uly fate, and asking braxely and to .7>ir Karl She does not x< '-ill l.oldly for help from everyone Inougf (Jertrude spent day after day in l ''.' sl the old horn.- al Scarsdale. ipiesl ion- '-' v or. and does not Wish hi.- xxife to ing the housekeeper until she knexv know annul it. ||.> evid' nt 1\ from state of her affairs in fact they knoxv nothing nt all about her. Th.-r" was therefore no intelligence to be gained from that niiarter m>r was there indeed from nny other Yet (jertrudu's brave young heart never ipiailed When "very inquiry had lieen made oviTx mean- exhausted, the council met again "Our task doe-, t.oi i.-.-;ii so easy now us it did when we first mot to consult together," Cerirude said. "but we shall accomplish it as sure- ly as the sun shines in l.e.iv -n Many things have faileil us. but our cour- age and perseverance are not am- ongst the number." Her listeners assented warmly ; it would have broken her heart hid they not done so. "My clear mother hns written. any price for information concerning a beautiful frenchwoman who yearn ago, had, it wns supposed, left Kng- lund wilh another Knglish "milord. 1 To Do Contbiued. e> DOCTORS BAFFLED BY THE CASE OF MBS. KARRI- SDK, OF ORANGEVILLK. She Was Completely Run Dovrn Racked With Pains in the Back, Head and Limbs Again Rejoic- ing in Good Health I'r.iin the Sun. Orangeville, Ont. Many cases arc constantly being brought to light of persons lemg lined by that nuiid-Tful lemedy Dr. \\iliam.s' Pink 1'ills at'.i doctors h.ne f.Ml-d lo lie of Ii. . ..- .t Aiming th-m may le noted the c.-se of Mrs. Itenjaiinn I (Allison, u well known l.uly who resi(J...s m the near vicinity of Orangevill.-, dm A reporter of the Sun hejring of Mrs Harrison's wonderful cure culled at hi-r Ii me to imiuire into the facts of the c Alls II. un on v.inl >he x\, is pleased to be able to testify to the j. tin powers of the*.- pills. She s.nd I'm . in" >!. I line been a c.n-tunt suMercr .lust what to call my d: - . 1 ,!o n ,.t |, n , ,.. c -i th 'o I i x ! e lli:a' le t i It. I was couiph-tely run down. 1 had taclong pains in my head, tmrk limhs I \ra.s unahlo to sei-nre s sleep, and on a using in the moruiug j wo-ild feel us tired as before going le I . . . _ IH-C! My stomach was in a bad con- he cared for her. not in th" {she wants him ' o il.> her a \. TV detail connected xnth :>n '" V"" '''" ""'. A ll.>n:noro. I ex. r evny Karl's di:. appearance far I.eitereVJn dislikes it. yet he goes, ami 1.1 than her mother, she spent Lours In s "'" U K' IJ " ' l ' t ' 1 ' siipjinsit ion of the rooms that had I ..... n her fat h- '""' '" " M| ""' lady perMiacled him er'.s trying to imagine from I: is sin- '" elope with h.-r. '('here can huvi- r.. 'iniling-; whnt he had Ijcen like l> e'n no prex ions iirraiigeiiient that She made friends with the old groom ' -JaineH. who ni'Xer n.-.nied of repMl- lv ii' < le.u from the lone of the 'r's letters Now consider this ing nil that lie knew in connecli.ni xviih hi:, muster's disappearance (If Lord Uhy.sworth. who was still unmarried, Ccrtrudo had made a roinple.e coni|ii"Kt He leased her l.y calling her "I'onna Unixote." but. he owned to himself that, if Jt \x , i , po ilile for any one to succeed in ihiowiiig hghl on Sir Karl's fate it would b<* In-- devotcil daiiglili-r. who would iircompl!t:h that end One ilay Ci-rlrude I ,! doxvn xxitb ,,,,, er throi' friends (o hold (heir first ! ,,,, ,|,', r leliln-i.il ion together The consiilla tiou took place in Lady I-'ielden'H boudoli Hccond letter, which every one seems to have taken as proof conclusive I do not believe that Sir K.ul was xxith the person xvho wrote- it It reads to me us though it were in- tended to suggest (hat idea. but that i-i all She does not write, Sir Karl is with KV.' perhaps sin- dared not she xvi lies 'You xvill -never sei Sir Karl again I have hail my re- venge.' Who knows what her re- olid wants ir.. to return to her; but dition and the least movement Caus- 1 cannot I must not I will (huMi ed my heart lo palpitate violently Port, i, ' iie.itinent failed to be O' benefit to me and I was in a iny task or me over it " N one had nny further suggestion _ . to make Mr Shaw owned that la; discouraged slate when a friend ad- was baffled, but that he did not de- vised n.e to try Dr. Williams' Pin! spair. and was by no means inclined Thinking that they might rfr . to giv.. up the case, thong), more '*** iv ""le I procured a supplj fully convmciil than ever of Hie rlif- '""I hrojun taking them accord '.ng t fiiulties with which they would hax" ' 1 ' r "'<ins. From the lirst I could to coiiieml see that t hev v.eie helping me. aud " If we had any cl.-w. h.iwe\.-i- '" ' h " l|1 "" 1 had taken half a small." he said. if we only knew I was free from the ailments . . whether Miss de Kerrn.s was living or tllat ''"' i-ide my life miserable. It lea, I, it would lie son;,. s..'is;.i - ' ""W -sexenil years since 1 took thj lion" 'pills and not the least sign of my " It would bo much ea .>-r t.i dis- <)1(l iroulde has since shown r coxei if she v.eie c|e;n| than to find ' Would .strongly urge the u*e of Hi any trace of her living " declined Williams' 1'ink Tills for any per^.u Lord Kii'ldi'M "If she is d.-a 1 and wli " luis ' weak or run doxvn system venge was > She may have murdered may have induced others to It 1'olores had palled xviih her I ?- lo\ed daiightei . she had kissed her ml lue.-ed her. and sent hei out to do I'd life's xxoiK No p.-i sunsioii i in. id move Dolores She w-iiild i: - e\--i Jo her one pr.imiso S|.e would ._ le'illl. lo r.ni;i.l|i.| ll all xv -re Well, il I . '. it v.eie nut. -.he \vonlil remain in H.iience until death called her. Ki.lhleen di/il.ueil that si e Wiailil noi lenve her Lady I'leldeu had nu- tl- '. t hat a hand- .I'M Pi nice, n i on-. in of the Ciiiiiili'ss. Slloxxeil a lllalKed preference for t Ilo fair F.ngllsh heiress, and slio von- dered il (hat influenced Kathl i in lii-r decision, l>ut she kept a iii cr.-et silence on the kiilijcct K.ii hleen's gent!.' x-oice hiul heen full of te-irs when she said ' I ma .1 i iv xvith IH-IHUIKI." V.hnh daughter did Holores lovo . Hie ,- who had gone .nil ! '"' ."' .?. nc Mh more I, rams, iilone to do lialtle xvilh (III! World and clear her fill her' name, or the one lh.it i "ina nu . I wilh her l.ecimse nlie loved h^r .o well ' him. and have hidden his body. She mav li.ive had him kid- napped and I, cke.l up in ii lunaiic ,is- |yllim. She max have done ;inylliing s.-enis a pii//|e to me," said and everything except the one thing Lord Uhx.sxvm Hi To put ,,,,,- t.,sk xvhicli 1 am unite sure she did not ., in'o plain Knglish. xx e xv.inl to know do- persuade him to run axvav xxilii (he lies!. ii for finding a lo.sl ninii man lost in I his great wide Now. as a matter of course, the lirsl ipiestion is, hoxv shall xve proceed '" Send for one or txvo detect ivos to \ei|.o!il.ui '"'''' " Sl "'"" ""'" llv "'Vs Hiilik of filings thai nexer occur to any one else." said Lord ~ I 'ielden xvii h you , it xvonld lie la very win- thing (o do," said Cer- trude. Then Lady l-'ielil.-n objected A deieeiixe xvas emp|o\ed at tho time, but he could make nothing out of the- rase " "Pel-Imps we may obtain the serv- sald her Who can tell what .shape in- form her vcMigeani-e took ' I .should sav myself I. hat ihe .|iin-ke.t .mil l.esl way of learning the geiitle- mnn'-i full- is to search for the lady.' " To search fur the lady." they ri- pen t ed "Ves, 1 am sure the key of (he in-, tery lies with her If nny one ha; thought that nil these years Sir Karl has h.vn xvandering alioul with her a happy nmn (hoy ha>o made a mi. take '1'iiKinK a" into con- I... id Itliysxvorlh. "in any cane we can hut. try Deleclixe; haxe exery li.cillly for cominuilll-atllig xxilh each other nnd of obtaining informal n.n Rven should the man xve e.apiov do no more thnll nial,.- at I hey to CHAPT1 XXX. mnv , l-'ni'lish life and sci-m-rv xx -i e ipi(l[ So it. M new evpenence for Gertruil.-. Tne ihinR to be dom K.-a xv, i shed shores. I lie I. ill wliito Scotland Vai.l for Cliffs Ihe clove, meadows e.nd )..|''en , 11( . n i n the police force lierlriid lunes. ihe woods . aud v.il- ' K ,, XI . s i R |, ,,j ,.,.1,,^ . r ,, had .1 namolcaa charm, for h, ; - , ; uine mind it xvn ,, She even xxen( sn fa. 11 'o decline huve made a sl.ri -I Unit the first XVaV to MMIll t.O of Ihe alilest r .an- 'al to that !,.- l.ix.il the ,;rav inHtH nnd! - A fler ,,11." she r.ii.l I,, her friends Hie QjJd -yrnds and kee, f.,,- ;,,.,,. ,,,! ,,, ,, mn || piace tile Itftl* -XTie nolhllie lo Her lie.-.lle i , ... tile |lnl -v,.| ...... tlm,,- lo iier 1,,-sllle ,,,, m ,| ,, ,,, ,,,,, k nr f| those IwuuU-s a: her own home II , jt ,.,, (m ., ) 10| ,,,,,, s , 'j I. . I I. .IX" sldeiation, together \xilh the fact that the |>ent lemun hns never drnwn i ..... farthini; of his n., nine 1 should r.-ther -ay I hot he xvan dead than liviiiK, nnd I should fur rather say (hat the lady had in Homo mysteri- ous fashion made aw.iy with him than that he had run awax with her If Sir Karl had been alive, he would have drawn Ids money No man would have allowed nil income like (hut (o accumulate I must -a\ that nix Hi-oi't wonder is that no aw the manor ill Hint litfht bo- foic. fin it | S ihe (rue lifiht, 1 aui .iin- " Thev all agreed with (he offic.-r. nnd Mr Shaw enlereil in his i hook e\.. detail xxith which they could supply him There was no lim- it us to e\pei, II XVHS c.-itainly n pii7.r.le now in what oinulir I > commence conduct- ing the search. There wax* DO por- iini I am sure they will. not fail tp be benclicial." To those who are weak, easily the Trench und laii;Ii-,h papers that tilvi1 . nervous, or whose blood i, out any one who can i-ive proof of the "' condition. Or William-' Pink Tills death of Mademoiselle l.ol.i d,- I-'er- ''"<! as a blessniR. curin when nil has been huried, some one must know .soniethinij of it We can take in lion so far Let m .olxe, i! . m riis shall receive one hundred pounds reward Hi... other medicines fail anil restoring thi.so who RIVO them a fair trial to u hundred pounds." cried Mr. f "" ">ea-.ure of health nnd strenjfth. Shan | Sold hy all i|.-,ilers in medirine or "Yes." answered Lord Fielden , Keut b X mail, post paid, at .M) cents "double that amount, if it he IIIMM!- ". '" >x ' " r ^ ix hoxes for $2 .M). by .ui- ful. if the news lie world it \\liy. I would almost ijive the lust f.irth- : inif 1 had for the purpose " And the beautiful eyes thanked Harry xviih one of (hose glances he loved so Well. It xvas agreed that the ndverlis,^ mi-lit should he sent to all the lead- ing Continental journals nnd dies inir the Ih- Williams' Medicmj Co.. llrockville. Out. AN is your idea of a man of What honor? A man of honor, raid the French nobleman. throwing out his , nexv, papers It could hardly fail to U ,. .,, wil , |)iiv ,, ls wni( . ,,,,, . ^ l.r.ng aliout a good result If Lo!., ,..,,,, ,,,.,., ,,, , f ,. , K , S de I erms were living, and nny one Unoxving her wrote to say so, I boy xvould be ahle to find out her where- abouts, if she xvere dead, they Would knoxv that further efforts in 'that di- rect ion xvere useless. If she be dead," s.nd Certrude. slowly, "what has become of mv fa- ther 1 '" He K,r no: you nee. all those I \\e must be patient," said Lord lui11 occasion u , SI ,,. IK t(i wer<j tradespeople and all that, you know. They don't understand elegant French. in order to get the money. ('VI K TI1KIH IIKADS. She 1 suppose your Krencli helped you a great deal whon you \\.-n- m Tans' 1 Fielden The next thins was to send off tin- new advertisement In due course i hen- cnme many answers, hut they ill bore bul. little upon (he matter in hand. If ever ii mini worked hard It was Lord I'ieldeii. morning, noon. and night he was engrossed in the one import ant business of his life lie hud written to all the foreign cmlin.s- sies and to the heads of the foreign to t secret force there In (Jerm.'i". ltnly nnd Spain. Hie deleclive p.' 1 '.'.' . he Went once Paris. ni'.il nnunicated x.iti story in was circulated that a tied Kuylish ' inilord" was ivudy to pay AUTIFICIAl. First Meant;,: n- Keeper- \\luifa Second Menairerin Keeper Keep 'i'at .ui tain down until I get tdo I i oxv's hump on straight. A St MMF|{ IMl'lJFSSIDN. This world's a Turkish hath imnnr.iso Uilhin n siiiKle hour You dwell in heat thaff most :ntia And th-i- you got e. shorter, THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE. Why We Should Be Content With Such Things As We Have. A despatch from Washington says: -Itcv. I)r. Talmaije preached from the following text: "lie content With Mich thiuga as yc have ." Ile- brcc xjii. 5 The ( , -. r- .n that I mention as ic.-Hling to this spirit advised in the text, is the consideration that (he Doorest of us have all that U indis- pensable in life We make a great ado about our hardships, but how ttle wo talk of our Health of body, which is given in largest quantity to those who have r ix-cn petted nnd fondled and poilcd of fortune. We take as u tcr of course. Kiither have this lux- ury nd have it alone, than without It. look out of a pala..; window up- on parks of deer stalking between fountains and statuary. These peo- ple sleep sounder on a straw mat- tress than fashionable invalids on a couch of Ivory and eagle's down. The dinner of herbs tastes better to tiie . I't.etlte sharpened on a wood- man's a_xe or a reaper's scythe than wonltl.y Indigestion -\. -eat- fd nt a table covered with partri'li;'' nnd venison and pineapple. The grandest I ixury tiod ever gave a man is health ofl for all the r _ infinitely cheated. Hle^s Cod today. man, O woman, that though you way be shut out from the works of a church, and a Users tadt and a Ru- bens and a Raphael, you still have iccerm to a gallery grander than Louvre or the Luxembourg or thc Vatican tlie royal gallery of the '" '-' ! '> the King's gallery of tl:e midnight sky. Another consideration leading us to a spirit of contentment, is thc fatt that oar happiness is not dependent upon outward circumstances. You ec pen pie happy and miserable amid all circumsiaiai s In a family had l>ren smooth, you would have dep.-ii.jeil upon your own sun.-foote.l- ness; but God roughened that path so you have to take hold of his h 'ml. If the weather had been mild, you would have loitered along th.; water courses, but at the first howl of the- st.ii-iii you quick. i.xxurd, and wrapped around you the warm robe of a Saviour's righteousness. Would Cod that we could understand that our trials are the very best thing for us If we h ,. IuWlme n d "mpl had an appreciation of that truth. ' J w * 3 ma ' le - we would know why It was that John Noyes. the martyr, in the very midst of the flame reached down and picked up one of the faggots that wa consuming him ai. : 1 it. and s.n.l Itlessed be t;od for the THE 5WTDAT SCHOOL ' LESSON I, THIRD QUARTER, INTL'V NATIONAL SERIES, JULY 7. T*t o* the I -,. on. Ge. |, i : ||, 3. mlrmorr Vere, au. JT <.o'<leo Text. Gesi. I, i Commentary Prrparrd by Ilie Her. D. M. tearu*. It Is rery refreshing to turn after so lonj a time in our studies to t!ie bcifin- ninjt of this heavenly book, (Jo-i's wu beeinnmc of His own book, but how to say just a little of what ouffht to be said on so large and important a portion ia so brief a space is difficult. The Bible be- fius nnd ends with a perfect condition of tUm^d on earth ((J.-n. i aii.l a; Kcv. ui aod xxiii, no sin, no curse, no sorrow, no sufiennj. no devil ri.iblc. Gen. iii in- troduces us to the adversary, and lUv xx tells of his final destiny. 1. A^ subliino and simple statement of """e world was made. Compare Ps 'i. U; Jer. xii. 17. As to tlie one by whom God did it all see John i 1-3; Col. i, 14-ltf. Tne word here trans- lated God is a plural word, and we may NOVA SCOTIA'^IHIBUBJO THE BRAVE The Memorial Which Is to Be Erected in Halifax bv the Residents of the Province. , e ma ee bere the Trinity. Not only End com time when I was born to this prefer- | Q. ment." "They who sufTer with him .vrn " "B content then with such things as you have." Another consideration leading us to thc spirit of the text is the . - t in th power of our Lord nn I Sav- "' bU the Lord will provide he who holds the waters in the hollow of hi , h.u.d al- suram somelio* low Wil' hi i e chr- ,!i-. ,.f thirst? ' who owns the cattle on a uot bejin at all, whether a 1 or transaction. 11 Wjste and void and darkness (see R \.i are not saggestive of Uod, and Ua. X!T. IS, It. V.. tajrs that CJo.1 did not make the earth a waste. The first Terse M a dati'l.-ss Terse and tells us of what Uod did perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands of years aco. The second TITTB tells us of how things wra some i aco wbea God besaa lo faring iry Ood ever gave a t ; lousa - d hills nd'lth . ,,. "CO wuea God be S aa lo bnn;; He wh. ; trade., that . %*. O 1 f"gra1n d a n a d fr , t, " ow' ^SS^TS^ "W^ ' pal.i.-.-s of the port!) ii (,,., ... Ba aad dartneaa. 1 l.e interval kw- free the Ins ohildien to starve 1 Co out to- morrow ;a .ruing at fivo o'clock, into the woi.clr and hear the birds chant They have had no breakfast, they! know not where they will dine, they ' have no idea where they will but hear sup; the birds chant at five o'clock in the morning "Behold. the fowls of the air. they sow not neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly father fed- eth them; are ye not much better than they?" . r; thousand people in Christ's time went into the des- ert. They were the most improvi- dent people I ' I of. TIIKY H-SKUVKD TO STARVE where the last loaf Is on the table nnd tlie lust stick of wood on the Th y might have taken food enough lire, you sometime* find a cheerful ' w ' tn tnen > t- last them until 1 1 .-v confidence in Cod. while in a v.-rv fine place you will see and hear dis- cord Hounding 1 r hospit ility fi. ur-whoop and to diuth in a cheerless parlor. I believe real hap- piness oftcner looks oi't of thc win- dow uf A HIUBLK HOME than through the opera glass of the gilded box of a theatre I nnd Nero growling on a throne 1 find Paul '"Ring in a dungeon. I lind king Al.a!. (;ii-g 'ii Led at noon, through melancholy, \vlnie near by is Naboth con'. Tineyarcl. of Persia, frets hini.vlf almost to death because a poor Jew will not with them to last them until they got back Nothing did they A lad who had more wit than all of them p. it tosdl.er. asked his mother that morning for some loaves of bread nr.d sonic fishes. They were put into his satchel u. to the desert Krom this provis- ion, the seven thousand were fed, and the more they eat the larger tho rw grew, until the provision that the boy brought in cue satchel was multiplied si, he could not tiie fragments home in six "Oh." you say. "time* in the possession of a Hatnun, prime mil have changed, and the day of mir- gone " I reply that what Cod did then by miracle, he does now in some other way and by na- ibv rhos to 1 darkness. The twe*n the first and second rcrses fives room for all the jeolofical periods which may be desired. 3-5. The words "tnJ God smiJ." uvl ten times in this chspter, tell us of the word of God bv which or bj whom all things wer made. The Spirit of Cod n the irett worker toil the word of Cod is the creat Instrument bj which God c- romplishes all tliinxs. So the two phrases, "the Spirit of God morej" and "God mid." tell how God does all His work la nature or in gnct. As to lijht coming by the word, see II Cor. IT. 0; Ps. cxix, 130. and on the division betn-eva light and darkness see II Cor. Ti. 14.. 0-8. The second day's work is a firma- ment or expanse, not something solid, but something thin or rare, clmdin waters bo from waters below. I am willing to beliere that these six days wcrt six ordinary days, as any simple person would suppose from Ex. xx. 11. and that God did on each day just what He say* nif> were: lie did. The simplest way of reading He went out Scrip'ure is the best (Math. xl. i'.i. The practical lessons for the heart and life all through this portion are very simple and helpful. Verse 2 describes the heart aud life of every on*aved person, anj the rst day's work is sarxeitire of the new i birth and the division tuat at once begins to be made manifcut 13 the life. The se<v on.1 day's work rawest* how the life is tip Iiis hat. through fear elf. Another reason Ahithophel. one of hav dying tural laws said Pavul. "I have been young." "but now am old. yet never seen the righteous for- oi\* i uor his seed begging I " It is high time th. who are fretting ubout worldly circum- stances and fearing you are com- w <* k*IW til V to be nourished not by waters below, but by waters above, and is Illustrated br Jer. ii. 13; John Iv. 13, 14; Kev. ui. 6- nii. 17. 0-13. On the thirl day the dry lan-1 Is made to appear, and lie covers it with herbs and trees. The susr NOVA SCOTIA'S MEMORIAL TO HEB SONS WHO FELL IN SOUTH AFRICA why wo should nbuun-a ami tearing von are ctvn- come to tins spirit inculcated in the in g to want, understood that the text is the fact that all thc difforen- oath of the eternal C, ,| Is ,,.. ces of earthly condition are tronsi- in the fact that you are to have lory The housns you build, the enough to eat and to w, lands you culture, the place- in which you barter, aie soon to go in- to oil. or hands However hard you in; x l..i\e it now if you are a Chris- I remark th.it the religion f Jesua Christ is the grandest in- I'uence to in. ike ;v man contented. Indemnity against all financial and tian thc scene will soon end. Pain, 'spiritual Imrm It calms the spirit. trial, t-.-r-ecii'ion. never knock at the dwindles the earth into inigni(i- door of the grave A coltin made ! CM nee Kll ,| swallows up tho soul out of pine boards is jus. as good a ; with the thought of heaven Uh ! rcMimr place . de out of sil- , Vl * w '"' have been g'.ing from place vor mounted mahogany or rosewood. to P'ace e\p.-cti!g t,. rind in change Go down among tli" i.-;tir,g places ' ' somethir.g t.,, K j vc of the dead, eril you xvill and : Uiough people there had a great dif- of worldly circumstance*, now they are all alike ur.conxcious. The warm hand that i-refeil the enator and the president und tlie king is still us the hand that har.lei - ed on the mechanics' hammer or the manufacturer's xvheel. It does not make any difference now, whether there is a plain stone above them In.:-! 'vhicli the traveller pulls aside the w evils to read tho name, or a tall slmft springing into the hea- as though lo tell their virtues to tho skies In that silent land there are no titl.-s for great men, and tto-ie are no rurihlings of char- iot whet-Is, and there is never heard there tlie foot of the dance. The Kgyptian guano which is thrown on the tielcl m the I. -I for the enrich- moiit of the soil, is the dust raked out from the sepulchres of the kings and lords and mighty men O! the solace to thc spirit. I commend you this morning to the warm-hearted. earnest, practical, common-sens, ligion of the Lord JejM i ',nst. There is no peace, s.uth my Lotd. for the wicked, and as long as you continue in your sin. you will be miserable Come to "(lod. Make him your portion and start for heav- en and vou will be n happy man- yon will bo a happy woman ^Let us all remember, if we are Christiana that we are going, after awhile. whatever he our circum- si..iie.-s now to come to a glorious vacation. As in summer we put ofl j our garments and go down into the cool -ea to hath,, so \xe xxill put off i these garments of (Vsh and we will ' st.p into the cool Jordon W. levMi around for s.,,,,,. , , .. ,. ll> down our weariness. lujt l the tr.i-s of the grove will say "COM under our shadow." and the earth Will say: n cradle Hush! whilt hymn." I sin,r thee while life and fruitfulness and is set forth ia such passages as CoL iii. 1-4; Phil. I. 11- III. 10: John IT. 1-11. The seed and fruit after hij kind whoso seed is ia Itstlf re- minds us that flesh produces onlj that which is fleshly, and the spiritual can only come by thc Spirit. Grapes do not KTOW on thorn*, nor 6ft on thistles (John iii. 6: Math. rii. 1C). The association of the third day and resurrection is seen in the stories of Isaac and Jonah and the marriage in Cana KJen. nil. 4; Math, il. 4o; John ii. 1). a!o in Ho. Ti. i 1 1 !!). On (he fourth day the snn, moon aud stars are appointed for sin*, sea- eons, dajs and years, to be lights In th* firmament and to rule over the day aid night. We thiuk of them In co-ti.in with seasons, days and years, but are net apt to consider that tuey are signs, and when attention Is called to Jer. xxsi 35. 3i; xxxiii. LM. 21. and that Israel is always a nation before God some people are (really astonished. The sun turns onr attention to the Lord God as our sun and shield and to the time when the righteous shall shine forth as the suu (Ps. Ixxxir. 11; Math. xiii. 43(. The moon, which Is said to be a ruin of na- ture and reflects upon us the light of the sun. tc-lls ti how we are to let our light shine that God may bo glorified, by living In His liglit and abiding ia Ills lore, by seeing Jesus only. 20--J3. The fifth day shows as the wa- ters nnd the air, with abundance of tis.'i.. and fowl, arjj command given them to be fruitful and multiply nnd fill the wat-r xvill and multiply in the c-artn. The flftli day lay is associated xvith blessing and abundant multiplication, for here tho words are first used, and we cannot but think of Pror. x. 22. IL V.. "The Messing of the; Lord n nki-ifi ricli. and toil addeth noth- ing thereto;" of His blessing which Nova Scotians a t home, as well a "" ns <uia f the prov- who are away from home are festiag mud, . thc Memorial which is to be enaed , n Hal.fajc m of the < SeoUanj who c. Queen and i:ni|>,.-,,. during I ith Uricaa war. The de.s.c-i hn i,,.,, prepared bv uawn. i.td, an sculptor, who las ala ur.dert.'.k.-i. -.. lct for lion of the memorial The ri ., is to be v"' by ' wall and orlc on l.i, e.'i, ing x. . to Halifax th work ,s to IK? . ted not than Victoria ! T. ne tott >' '" ight of the memorial o -.-> f. - ,.f which about M ff will New Brunswick gr-mito. surmount-' I'' 1 bv * ' i soi.licr ..'ier i .Lllino- "Knemy in Sight " The various bases will le in single [ not ' ! or thrown out of po- sition by The four columns will be of : tiful Xew Urunwick re.1 granite : the bronze medallions, enclosed by thc four will be most roal- stic representations of thc d<?i ure froiu H . of ' tho ' inly b.; fully apj iubition Da the ..so will v of who fall in s irel and 0:1 cit! , with thc M liie ! Will re ti-e n.ni < of all who gav<? t; lor tl . tiful work of art. one , .' the f and ti,,. miration of all who a n 10 come. BUSSIA BAr.S ENGLISH COAL. THE icix.i's i.ir.i:.\T:n-:s Most Important Patent for Cook- in- Peat. MIL i iv'...-* .-in. i...*.ii.* .in... --. ^.'^ 11 vinuiu I1XII1I1 llncl XX" h i e Kiw .... . , -ft WJi - - 1.UIVU f^ .1 . T ehngrin of those mighty men if they .strong men carry us out to our lost ' lsr ' 1 l three years' crop In the sixth ' had ever known that in the nfter at- re-tinir nlnpp. uml >.K. ^ ... year and fed abundantly 0,000 meu xviih had ever kiu.wn that in the after .. cs of the world they would have been ",g place, and ashes come to s. and dust to dust we will see called Kgyptian guano two scarred feet standing amid the Another reason why we should cul- broken sod. and a lacerated brow lure this spir.t of cheerfulness is the I'e-iding over the open earth, while fact (hat (led knows what is best for his cri mures. You know what is host for your child. He thinks you are m>t as liberal with him as you ought to bo. He criticises your ilis- ciplino. Imt you look oxer the whole field, ixncl you. lovine that child, do what in your deliberate judgment is best fur him Now. coc i^ TIII: r.'-sr OF F.\Tnn:s Hornet inies his children think that he is hard on them and that he is not as liberal with them as he mit'ht be But children do not know as much . a father 1 can tell you Why you are not largely ndtient. and why you have not been grandly suc- ' -ul. Ii le st .u tt bcraui you curnot If your ualh I tender with all alT.i-tion and mu.. hi v with omnipote: ce xvill d,^- clare "I i.ni the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me. though he were .lead, yet shall he Hxv " Comfort one another with : words. DISCOVERY IN srKCKUY. Gorman surgeons have discovered that the delicate membrane which covers the content* of an e-rg will answer as well as bits of skin from a human K-iug lo start the healing of open wound- which would not otherwise heal alrc.ulr beef ' The discoxery has iccessfully tested. five Ion res. -M-31. On the sixth i!ay cuttle and creeping things and boasts of tba earth re made, end man In the Image of God, male and female, to hare dominion orer | all: man maJe of the dust of the earth, full crown, perfect man. and woman made of a part of man's body and given to him to be a helpmeet for him: and He called their name A !am (chapters ii aud T, 1. 21. The Spirit tells us by P:- Kph. T. 30,'ii'. tLat Adam and Eve are typical of Christ aud the church, and ths Spirit rlscwhero tenches us that as Evo was build. -d out of Adam by a I* sloop io-n. ii. 21. 21'. margin), so by virtue of the death find resurrection of Christ, the truo Eve. the church ii now being build- cd out of Htm. and. when completed, shall be brought to Him. and there shall I" 1 .1 ninn-inc" ml ''.n the kiu^dom !: > xix. 7 Pair' \ ii. . 7) . KnRlatid exports umbrella* to the value of Hi 10.000 every year. Kuwiu i- about to try to do with- coal .unl coi, the Importation has reach.il ihe litfiire of a roubles Iy. A !a;i:c factory h n < ' <! !'.v the (Jo . . gj and a n . , s - , be Worked then- f . ,,^,, c ,,, ' I ..l'e |- N ; C'v.':-. the most r.r,.. ills, shoxvine very little le-s heaf-cixii.^- pow,- th.-iti is conta oal. The peat after tre-iMne-nt . price of coal. Ii,. r moui tracts of ; nnd the future of the | -iirrd. The ncxx 1 on the Nikola r.n,. II 'i:x' and Ho*COW st inanufacl from the irterior of IJussj,, i come to St Cetrrsburf; at thc invi- tation of the minister of lin.mee in order to test the patent fuel Three ;.'ke this |v.it -,-okitu; pn>- f the cr,..,i,.,t iniportui . a Firstly, it will pu- a to deforestation secondly, it will en- able the Fr.il mountain inchi- '. I v developed, and. thirdly t he KlIssi.Kl ||,et Will 1 nfirelv ' IIM'.- POBdcnt of Kii;;!und for its cral sni>- ply f is pl:-nning several al- ons aiui imp. In the i:.. - iy untouched his \l.i- .nter- ' thl ' ! ' '>-. which Inxs ' "k..s which cou'd p. >-il.' v be At Kilinoral ., i tha iorn- ,1 - Wlt1 ' -Mth 'moral' in black - in the centre. Above the cypher with the crown com- a simp'e but. vei-. vice I ' i: ':' T'l S HA!. ;r The race f., r I'.nrgetfs c,,... t and Badge which takes place for London 1st ,-f \ :>, London i;,-,.k ui.^- , monto of f to th,- throae i tm . ftixe .if Uuhlif n iirnngeman and .. k. .i. und the plate is en- 1 wiih the house "f ll.-nox.er. and tii^ ir-.-'iptioti ' -Liberty." be- s and orn.i!.i. |.;,..l di.-vicea. .\ S \TlSF.\CTdi: V SCOHK. ^ on never seen to L 'i\e even a thr>i.'ilit to your .incestors. "h. vis. I do: I often reioice that. within puNIc .- o ( thetu I : l-nngcd. THII.'iTY 8CHO1 AK< To ein-ournp* thrift in pupils th I.ondori School Himra" runs in tion with the Off.ce a num'-ei- of |vm:y b. 4 . .' ilep.., -. ,| t,, N ' \,,., r WnS .ihout i' , (lin>-i ti,,., . ' is;:i. At the nd oi th. of , , tnf of U; yoifthful dep<>fltorav