Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 May 1901, p. 6

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MAY 30 THE FLESHKKf6N ADVANCE iluoiucos ,%f OUL,I.OUOM * YOUNO 1 Hanker.. kUik'Ule m> a feneral banktuH buitneM. Money loaned M a reuoiitblo ilu Call uu un. AH VANDUWKN, J P Clerk 5lli Dlr Court. Co Orey of Marriage Licensee. CoDrejrancer Publle Auctioneer. Money to loan M it per coui. Charges moderate. r'LKBHKUTOH T rv:mv COLLECT KI. ^ I'riB uu,lertli;tie<l In |'it|>ared to Mrtake the oollootlou ol a4l kni-\- -f ,lebt tote* luia^M. ucct-uiitM il'eo', ,1 oto. 11 N UKSl'i:U80N. FleehertoD Rj >rirv i' MM) i :.<ilirton I H ' Auctioneer Con ;,iy'i. !-. \M...I i ,. :1 ,| Money Lender H-,il UutU nl I ifiranrn Agon*. Dee<li i.;-n. I .- u I wi!N carefully drawn Hi ! I ralaatlonl on ihortest IK lice '. i . tj lo in nt Uiw.'tt r*tf of intercut. Col i< ittiril'tt to with |>rniui>lnetl 1'har.M-t !,>-.. A_- "i-. for Ocean Dominion !iteam-up OIIUJIAU). A call solicited. A IT \V~ iiKurtu oil the lat Mooilay * IQ e*cb mouth. In their lodge room. Chrtttoe's Mock, r'lwanorlou. at H p in. T. HUkrly. W. M . AM Olbion. Kacorder: W. rlellauiy.Klnaoctdr. Vui'.lun brethren InTlted PRIXCK ARTHTK LODGE, No. MB, A. a M, meet* In the Uanonlo ball. Htreln'i look. Kleeherton, every Friday on or before e full moon. J A lioyd W M ; W J ellauiy, Secretary. COUhF KI.KHHKHTON. I. O. F. meeti In Chriitoe'i Block the laat Kridej i-vrmim n each month. Viiitinj Koreeien heartily celc.nno. C. It.. K. Waller ; K. 8.. W. A. Arm. strong. OR. E C. MURRAY. I. H. S . .1..I.UI snrgron li.umr :;r'i-liiM,' l I'., -lit-, I 'ulvrriilty and Knvn. n.Miiil i ii : .ins n( OnUrlo i. i , M'-rn Will r, ><!- i.ij, . iii.- :.i,t Wo.1ne,|y of evil nionii.. n I l):iuiUlk 1 end J TliurJy ui eacli in- ntli J. W. FU08T, I, L. . Barritter, Snliuitur Couveyancer. eto Office Next to pontofflce, Hproule'e Mock Flenhi" tou. every Tlmrxla and court dayi HuuuJ odice, Froet* block etraet BMI. LUCAH. wninnr A \I.-\HDI.K Itarrliten Holleltore ConTeyaaoen, et uatomv Owen Humid. Ont nd kUrkdaleOut. W H WWt.MT. Ml Allfl.K I B I.I i-n If ll-KUeherton office, Mitchell'! e*ery TUCKKK A PATTKUHON HarrUter*. Holleltore, ete Moleoo.'* Haot, frwen HoonJ HAHHY o TUUKRM oeo w PATTRHAON MAKAV * 5AMPMN. Harrlitere. Ae. OPKICKH :-()wen Srunrt. llerch.nH Hank Illoek, N. of Pattnrion llouee. Cendalk. Main Street, erery Hktnntay. MACK\Y.S\. H.K CAMPHOR. L.L.D.. Crown Altorui'v (or Ori-y. M ( I' .* H Ont. IMivili-ian, 8nri(ee) Kle!i'>il ! .MI-.. strin i block, lluildenne Mun-liw lloltil KCOTT. AND Hi'KTI.Y Mfinl>en Coll*Re I'hvuie. .V H>irK*oiii< Ontario llr liiate in Mrllci'ie .f Toronto Ualvenlty. Pellowihlp Diploma , Pott ( ate l.iln-*l Si-hmil aixl lln^iiltal. ChirMfe l) of eye, ear, none and throat ipecially JOHN A SOOTT. Maiwell. f P orTKWI'.l.f. ' Veturluary SurReon <ra<1iiate uf Ontario Veterinary College. Ueeldenee eooud door eoutb weet on Ha*y etreet. Tble ttreet rani eaetb Presbyterian Chureb. O Vti<rl..*r rt.iri|.oii and Doollit, Mai- well rlii*u o Ontario Veterinary Cell'fe. .llale.l with for.mlj l!nlv,.r.lty. Vl.itt lnvxnlt W<x1iie<Uv from II a tu. to S p. in., a.u.1 Forhain T.>ur.lay from a to 5 u. n. BOAR for SERVICE The Registered Tamworlh Boar PORT I,A\V I>AN for em 'lo at 1'urt l.a Curtifloato can bo ien by applylag to owner. ta"0. THOMPB<N BKiilSTKtti:i Tl.UWOUTU BOAR TOR 5RRVICE lhavnar. nwortb Boevr for awrftoe I lot Ml, N. H It. Vrl.-ni"-i Ti,iril<l V. MKADH. I' Clubblnx List idvnnco nnd- fail and Kuipara fl-HI) rekly (Jlobo... )8U Daily News 8-30 & liy Star 1.56 Uf Sun The Markets. art-lull Cofrer Oata I'was Barley Dntter , Kiig* fresh Tork Hay Wheat, white Wheat, red Potatoes bag Hide* Woo! f 4 i.i.l. Wrek 31 'o 31 02 'A, 61 M to 36 19 to 18 10 -.o 10 7 00 to 7 60 10 00 to 12 00 06 to C5 05 to 10 '.o 6 00 to 13 to 05 30 5 00 13 J. B. Sloan & son Frnprirtnr Sash, Doors, Flooring. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Hailing, Corner Hlocks the licst. of spruce Lath, No. 1 and '2 shingles Veranda and Fitting, Sidings, etc. Turning of all Rinds Done to Order fcS"New run of Stoney for Chopping. .Satisfaction in all our linen guaranteed r I Photos * TAKEN -AT THE Flesberton Photograph ! Galleryl are done in first class style and at l,iwoat rate*. Special attention f Kiven to copying. Babiea' photoa. g a specialty. Piciima framed. MRS. BULHER J^few ***** Having purchased the trusorial bun! fiens from Mr. !,<( ;nl I wish to announce that the bnsmeas will Iw contiaswtl in the old premise*. We rVve h*l a large city experience and l>olieve we can ive perfect eatiNfactiuii in our line. Have taken over the agency fur I^olston. Laundry - AMI) - Vy* - Work* An<l nil orders Ml with us will receive proni|it and cnn-ful nltciitinn. Fleskertoi Slaving Paihrs A. \V i Ison . . Prop. Qooilrt AT TH Protector/ No innr<! get- in; tin- tail the linra in fly Se it, A full lino of awoal iwils, ihisU-is. whipi, collars, axl yri'usr, hoof oinlinuiit, curry .Minis, tiiinki>, \ I!M, i, etc. See the Sanitary llraco for nlli-nu'ii'-i wear only U)c per pair. W. MOORE UARNFHKMAKKR , PLRKHKHTON ONTAJUrv Wm. HcCalmon, Importer ol and SIEEf.SH, SUTCH Importer ol and Drelvrin Granite and Xarble Wori 01- ALL KIND -- AXD -- Inacvipllnnii Cut on flhoiteet Notice. U|.lue)iarti ai. - Dowl Arrested, , May 94. John Ale*. Dowie ''Oversrer of t)i Chrmtian Citlholic, Church, 1 ' warreatod here to-dny pur Hu*nt to the action uf the CWoner'k jury, which haa declared him "criminally ra- [>on*ible " for 'he death of MM. fniina Lacy Judd. M. Wurthinxt4>n Jud<l, a diiciplti of Dnwie and the hiuband of the allexed victim, nl.*i was airealed. Mrn. Jmld die<l a week *> at Dowie'n ''Zion," after nixtcen hours of BufffruiK. Her in fa nt a!o died. The evid. nee ivcn at the inquunt liy aomc physician* of tho city, who had examined Mm. Judd'n body if tor it ImJ li*-n xhuinv<l, WM to the effwH tinit tlio iniml tiinpltj Buryicail euro would hiive prevtmted the womau'a drath. Kt-ferring to thit sad aft;nr the C'hicago I liter- Ocean saya : "Surrounded by mi/re than a dozen of tlie diaciplei of John Aleiaiider Dowie, who prsyod mid chanted hymns at the bedi,le,Mni.H.\V. Judd, wife r.f the laud Huperintendunt of Xion, died with her unl.oni child at No. 321 \Vmt .Sixty- Fourth atrwt Sunday afternoon. In the rou[> of praying men and women there waa no phyaician. Mr*. Judd died of an ailmont that proper medical treatment oould li ive cured, a \ ictim of her faith in Dowie and his creed. ith her went out the life of a babe that would have aeen the light uf day in a brief period had a doctor been called. Tho circunutanceti of the death have call. ed fotthan investigation by the police, and a tenrching inquiry by the coroner. A post-mortem examination by the county phyoiuian has already been made and hia opinion u that death wiu duo to M-Kligctico. Before Mra. JuJd'i death Dowii vimted her and prayed anil p<jr- forined other rite* pecu'iar to Zinn. Mre. Judd .ui noted fur her beauty and aa of robii-t health. She waa the mother f three children. She becnniu ill Kii.Uy night. A tr.-tn.itl nurse in competent lo ivlU-vt? aucb ias.-.s but only a diaciple of Uowie und the hutdand were in tho houao. All day Saturday Mra. Judd suffered, ilowly but surely bleodinx o death. The . l.'i-ri of Zion and many women came and prayed for her. The head of her institution cam with Over- eerSpicerana their au pplicationi avail- nl a little aa the other*. A brother of the dyinx woman begged that a physician be called, but Mr. Jndd, backed by the praying I. md.ref uawl the r|ueat. After houia of agonising pain death came U. the woman, and Duwie's followers laid plant tu keep the matter ecret. An under- taker waa found who took the corpa* away in the night, and the people in the houae refused tu irive inquirers any in- formation. But after lh undertaker bad had prepared the body fur burial he awuke to the fact that be waa taking part in a puniahjble offence, ao he uotitieU Mir coroner, and the whole matter came within tho pale of the law." The neigh- bora in the vicinity of Mrs. Judd's home were no incensed at the action of D-mie llu-y threatened to lynch him. Recent il.'IVi.eUiitH of pr.niinent eldorn of i":i tabernacle and the Kudden dtalh of M H. , have mused a panic amon^ Dowie's Catarrh Easily and Quickly Cured I'oor rumedieM have givch Calarth the ii-|ni'.'tti..ii of b.'iii K incurable Hut it is curable, eady and quickly, if the ri({ht method i employed. Snuffing all irriutinic powder or ointment up ' the uoett, won't cure Catarrh, nrither will tablota, di.uchinfr or stomach rnedicinea cure. Theae lr<-atiiMiits fail becaune they are not fai reaching enough. They only affoct local, but do not rrm.ive the cause, which u gurm life established 'li-t-p down into the lungs, l.r, ttitn-8 and nitMtl paaHage*. Onlinary lemedio* do not reach these remote parta, but Catarihoxono dom, for it iibroaihed through the inhaler into every air coll in the limit*, into every air |>ajnit(o in th lieail and throat. No matter "hero the Ciitanh is, CaUrrhumnM will reach it. It kill* the ((i-rm, hN Mre si-otn, cleans the now) ami instantly. I'niver wily usedjpleanant ami clenn; ijuarantted t<> cure or money rofitiuli.,1. Try Caiarih- i'mf, 25 conU and fl.OO. Drugviam, r IVUson ,t l'o , Kingston, Ont. Warranted to cure Smallpox. Stock'on 11,-r.ild : '-I herewith ai)p-inl a recip,. which has Iwn used lomy know li-tlgo in hiindrtxls of c.'Si H. It will |,iv n-nt or run- the tniHll|H>i, thmii-h the pit units re nllmtf. When Junm-r dia- iMtrird niwpmin Kn^htnd the world of <> n -i- I ill-lid an ar.i'michH of,. at Ins heail, but wh, n i!,, ...... M scientific- Hi-hool of in, ill, -in, . in id,, world that of . i"aris iiubliNhnt th s reoipo aa a pnnxcea ' for .iinallpox, it |wt.s, ,| tinhtedid. It ia i n iinf .ilii i; on fnto and con<|uers in every instance. It ia har<nloas whrn taken )y a well purson. It will cure M-rl.-t fcvor. HI-II- IH tho ruoipe sa I have used it to ouru smallpox ; wh*n l.-i n, ,1 physioiaiM said the |uit lent must din, it cured : Sul- phate uf siuo, o mi grain : (otgloM (digi- talis), one itrah) ; half a taMpo<iiful of water. VVh, n ihuroa^hly mixed dd four cunc' n f wa'^r. A tuaapitonful in a doar< Killii-i di-tMiM; will ilixaitpeiir in 12 hour*. For a chi'd m.-uller dov>a according to age. If t<>un:ns w,,uW <: -ni(>fl their physi' i a-, to use this there w<>uk! be no nerd of pest-hotuws. If you va ue dvice ami n- perlenc, use thia for that terrible A ereixliiKthrr it M is the unique dik' tinciiun of Mrn. M ' ,.i>pl.irll, who hiei In a mountain disiric* of WVstern N. Or. mi'! i-.iih'iit ui fir fi -in < itilicif mi < can get in this ; nt if the M.I.I. Mrs. O.iini>l-ll man-led hi-n 11 years i.!'l. She WIVH the uiOtl.i-r of a il.i when I ut 12. :u.d l.u- -M M in I ucjine ". ni<'ihc. Mm C'.uni'li, fl li lixt i-inechil'lrtn and n in i." oil lu-.ilh. 'I-" tiiu litrlo boune uoik that is !,ni<- in such chfHSIinliuirii s, in.tket all tho c!, ii"i i ),< liildn-n wear, d'-et .-til the cooking, and tilli in th.- :rt><- w -rki..^ in a rocky cor,itield. Horse Koute. ROYAL lil'TKMAX. MONDAY Will leave hi. own rablr. 19th con. of I'ri'ton ;ni'l procied to An^u* McU,'itM<'*, Socket's corner, for n,iii ; and to John Al>ti.,U' for night. TUESDAY -Ity 12:h cm. Prut>n to \\m. McLaren's for mx,n; thence s< Jai. Calder'a, 1-lih con. Kx ri '" l "" t < f ur nul't. WEDNESDAY- Hy Yeovil to Alex. McKeuzie'H for in, on; and to Sam Queen's 2nd con , for night. THUUSDAY-To Waller Kiohnl's, Olenelg, for IKIOII ; and to Daniel Me- Innns, Buuetaan, for night. FRIDAY To Pnc*vill, Butter's Hotel for noon ; to Munshaw's, Flosber- ton, for night. SATl'RDAY-To W. White's fur n->on; ud home for ni^lit, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. JAS. PATON. Maoa.-er and Pr,,i : Wood's Fhotphodliu, n* Ortat finiXuA Knd*. Sold and recummrDdvd by an drugctsu In Canada. Only rtll- ableinedlelnr diseoreml. el* _ inOaam faamalarf to care all forms oT Sexual Wrakneea, all rffecW of atue errxeeaa. Mental Worry , BicesslTe oaofTo- oaeco. Upmm or SilmnlanU. Mailed on rwrlpl of price, one packs** ll.slx.W. On* wtU pbSB. stamMnn. famphlew 1m- lo ny addrees. That Wosd ConpsT, Wind**, On*, Wood's Pboepbodina i lolJ n Fleehertos I j W f. Cb-leioe and W. B. Kkhardsoo. Druj,- Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Sevice . Cord minto, Tke undenicned bae a floe and i. B. Durban) Hull for Mrrtce on lot 141. T. A S. Terae ! for (rade cowe, $3 for tborounh- brede. 1'rdigree on application. JACOB LKVER. Fleeberton P.O. CamwoHb Boar lor Service ^ ' Alvln ( No. 718 ) The undersigned baa a thoroubbrd Tain worth Boar for aervice otvlot 140, T. A S. R., Arteineeia. Ttrms $1 00. THOD. LIVIR, Prop. THOROUGHBRED 5HORTHORN BULL-SERVICE NO. 35" > 'General 8ordon ' The utnii isiynfd bar a tint claaa thor- otii{librl Sl'orh.'rn Imll for r icr on I. it 136. T. and 8. R., Artomuaia. Thin it i'iif uf the l*t aniinila in the country. IVil'ureo on application. TERMS--$i, Thoroughbreds. $3. Wm. Pvl. - - Prop. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxatlre lironio Quinine Tablet*. All Jruei|ite refund tbe uionty If It falb to cure *Sc K. W. Qtovu i tltinatote ie on each bos. Boot Oompotiad la moceMtullj nard monthly by over i^OO Ladles. Safe, effectual. Lad tee art our drantsl (or Ceea's CeMaa laet CSB- ike no offier, aa all Mixtures, pills and latlune are dangiroaa. rrlee. We. 1 , ft per box : We. a), 10 degrees per box. No. I or t, mat led on reerlplot price anil two a-er nl stamps. The Co*k CompoBj Windsor, Oat ^a^noa. l and 1 sold and rromn mended 07 ail atpoaaitte Uruulsta In Canada. No. 1 and No. i Is tolil ill KU-fhe,on by W i: Ki.-li.i U,,,i *,, l \v S. Chrlntoe. ~ fox* Sale A farm fur wle In tht.Tuwnelilo - ronteinliiii UOac.. ur,,,.- -.r hM ft with fnli K"'J *il'n ../ i. ,u M, 66, 6a, tn i W, on th<* we- . . ;ii ol' I>ui ham Kua-1. I'rui^ -i... Aiiplvto DS CHtinofe. rjenbertori, alar. l-Jin. 09U-3IIH . i 1J I Far Serv LU. Count 27510 Tli'.- mi ! rsijjiifd liu a tine Durlis ,i Bui for i:ni,e<- t.L.r !n.)on lot 147. T S It. I'r-^M-; >i -" V*- on Hppiir'tiun. AlJ:ERT .Sit V. AfcT . < Fit* coated Look at your tongue. Is it coated? Then you have a bad taste in your mouth every morning. Your appetite is poor, and food dis- tresses you. You have frequent headaches and are often dizzy. Your stomach is weak and your bowels are always. constipated. There's an old and re- liable cure : Don't take a cathcni: dose and then stop. I3e;- ter take a laxative dose each night, just enough to cause one good free move- ment the day following. You feel better the very next day. Your appetite returns, your dyspepsia is cured, your headaches pass away, your tongue clears up, your liver acts well, and your bowels no longer five you trouble. Price, 2S ami* I I bmre t&ken A T W Pfflki tor M rear*, and I coaekler taeni t he bnt made. On* pill doee BM man g*a4 thai naif a box of aaj otber kiwi 1 bare ever tried." Mr. N.K.TALBOT, area to, 1S. Arrlojum, Kan*. mmm W AREROOIVf S ! Wo are currying nvweat style uf SEASONABLE GOODS In all lines of FURNITURE Consisting of Parlor and Xtttroom \-ounyai <Sicf^ and Centre SAatttt and C*rt*i* r. Pictures. Cayats. tie Which we offer at Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and General Repairing I'mlertakin.: in all its Brnnchea Satisfaction W H. BUNT, PROPRIETOR Don't make a Serious mistake mill luiy i\ 1'ivitfd SiMei Ifmf.Tv nf " Queen Victoria: Hot Life ai .1 lf'U!n. \Vi> h tvt> the only i \tnailiait Kn>U by Lord l>utF-nn itixl Castt'.l ll'>l'kniH. M*i<|in ( U>rne anyn " the K st popuUr history |'ul'lihtxl," ;uul Sir Artliur Itiuvi-.tlu- yii-on'ii Private Svcrvtary. Hon. J"s>'(.h C'ham- hi-rliiin, L"inl S<li.Hl.iirv, Sir Oliver Mojf. Lord TvnnyM'i', Knl of Jor- >vv, l>r. (Nrnian, Sir That. Tuppor, Sir \Vm. Van Hornf , \V. T. Stead, lli Koynl Hit-lr.u"i. the Duke of Yt>rk, and a)l Irailin^ r^|n'i writ.< in Minil.i- strint<. ts hirccr, eoiitin!i morv worvb, tt-ttvr illust'ntid, U-iti-r |M|.. r. h,-ti,T hmlii.^, nml only |l.7o. A Dentil don't w.isto tinio hand- Inn; Anioiii-Hii mill infitri.* h>kt whrn yon can |tot the au'lu-nlic, Britiah- (' in uliaii I... lv i iv bottt-r t<*rm. Hundrvtta of (j'i,' throwiiiK away op- 1 10*1 -ion pro*i>etuM>a. If you primiiw to cantata <r will nend you an outfit free. THE BRADLEY -UARRETSON CO., Limited M.-..H..I. "..- ,..,,,.-. UK*\ 1 rOKU. <T. * tan

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