Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 May 1901, p. 5

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CLIMBING UP THE ROCKS Persecution Stirs the Blood for Magnificent Battle. A despatch from Washington says- that religious wtar are the most --..., O, Talmage preached from ^~Jf^^%l following text: "Ibert- w.-n a Jake O f-. er j,;,^ public opinion takes rock on tbe one fide, and tb-re ,,f(,. r hii'nv and Ivn U lied about, until ate ia was a sharp rock on tbe other side." all the dictionary of -1 Sam. xiv 4 j exhausted an him. A ct-rtuiu amount of pern ecu tiin is a My fiiend*, you have been or are ^ AN INSP1RATION; now ^ of you, in tbWr,i. of , ^ ^ , ( ^ ^ ^ text. If a man meet one trouble. c<JilUanK< - becomes tho rock Ui-zi-z, he ean go through it. lie gather? throwing a dark shadow over a mane 1 sll hu energies, concentrates them life. What w he. to do tbeaj? Go upon one point, and in the strength h -;o. y;w say. Good advice, that. That is Just th-; placo fr a man to go DBtnraj cieterm-. . .. ,, _, i_: < of C.od, or by his Ination, goes through it. Hut the noroe jiiegied be Uod for our quiet an4 nun who ha* trouble to the right of ^\ai|iatluMi<- hoine.s. Bat there ii him and trouble to the loft oi him, ' many a man who ha the reputation i, to be piried. Did e.thcr trouble ^J^.S^ or gSZ come alone, he might vnduro it, but | tit<n u, erft are miny matches made two troubles, two ilimsttrS, two over- , that ouht never to have been made. badowing misfortunes are ttc-i- and ' An officiating priewt cannot alono & ,eh. Cod pi-y him: -IKere ,. , | ^ -,-P^ '^^ harp rook on the one tide, and a ( muny a horn- in which there is m jbarp rock on tbe other side." | sympathy and no nHpfolno-n and no IA tbi criiis ol tbe text is that ' good heer. Th-,' clangor of the hat- ..n who. fortune and health fail at the same time. Ninctcntbe c 1 the ^Uj;^ of (ho "wcddinB march," our merc-banta capsize in business be- ' BIM i a n t n) , ojor O f the. oranjt-( bios- fore th^y come to forly-five years of B-tmi, and the benediction of the cffi- age. There it m. ,lli n io in mm- , tJierft haa bt-c-n no iiuirrln. Someurrws men bnTc mcrcial circles and they btop pay- 1 awok , Ilwl to find one 8 idc of them meat. It seems as if every man rock of perMcotion, and on the put his nam- on the back, of a other tide tbe rock of donuvtUc infe- before he Icarni what a fool a iy. What 8 bll ueh an one dol Do as ClinJi! <t up man H who nskj all Ins own propTty in(o ^ h( . tght , ,- Uod - s consolation on the prospect that soioo tnai. will tell (be truth. It -jeem-i as if a man bave a large amount of unsale- able on his oun shelf before ho lcurn> bow much easier it is to buy from which you may look down in ' -,.!: upon piTiecution of Bitting down to -wring your li.iml.- in the ohadow and in tbedark- ntsa, u sharp rock on thin side, and a aharp rock on the other aide. CURFEW AT BOTH ENDo OF TUIi DAY. In the picturesque village of Al- leslcy, \\.irwirk-liire, England, an ancient custom, wlbicb is found tut lin- ger hern an-1 there., is still observed, o church boll is rung at five o'- clock every .morning in tbe summcc and at lux o'clock in liwl winter, in or- der to aj-ouffe leepLng villagers and enablv 'lnjii to nt.-irt work in good time. '! h-- eurferw bell is also tolled at eight o'clock each evening. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND, INTERESTING NEWS FROM THE HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS. and Uomn troublo. \VUle good und great Joihn Weeley wart bc;ug ilenc- " .1 i-f lhs< magistrates and haxing his namr; wj-ittenl ojn the h>urd fences than to sell. It cccm-i as if every | of London in doggetrel, at that very man inu: be completely burned out. b-foie he learui th- imi>ortance of always k i ,>uig fully in.-ured. U eeou as if every man muct IK- wreck- id in u fiuuncinl ti-mpcst l> fi>n- hu (.n>" bis wife- was makinrf him a* ruuierablo as the couJd, actinsr ns though she were puaocssed the <l-v I, an I aupposn she wan; never do- ing him a kindnrrts until tho day she learn, to keep things nu,i in case of a^Jd.-n ,-uroclydoo. When ibe wj*' 1 " -iT t <*eso word*; "I did n-t irnkc calamity doi- come, it is awf-il. The | h " r ! l > avo <** disnuiwd her; I v ill man Roes home hi despair and In- "' ' r"'ll ln-r tells his family: "We'll have to( go to j Again: that wcnian stands in t Uie poor hounc." Ho takes a dolor- j cr *u ol the text, who has berrave- ous view of everything. It eeems us. ""'nt and a etruggle for a livelihood If hi* n vrr rould riie. Hut lit- nt ">< 'am* time. Without calling lit tirii- pi*?es aal he Bfiys: 'Why, I name*. Ihpenk from observation. Oh I urn not HO l>itlly off afr/-r all; I have,' a l>^r<J thing for a woman to my left." lii-foro the Lord m ik an Ironest living even when her turnid out of Paradi**, h? ' hr^rt ia not troubled and he has a KIVI- him Kv ; o that wbett h^- lo^t , *>' cheek and the tnaunetiitm of an l'aradir he could stand it! Permit i-xquWte prewm-e. But now the, hus- who Ii i j ii.' vr ri-a I but thri*i*. or bn.d or tho father is deac'. The rx- fi-ur novels in all bis life and, who ' P'-i'ses 'f the ohm-quit-* absorbed all has not n great d-ul of romance in ' ''--t as left in the savings bank, und bm comiK.'iiion, to say lliat if, wh-n >; "nd wasted with a man 1 * fortun - f ul, bo has n good | WKKIMNG AND WATCHING, !.*. i ir-ol, Pliiisiian wife, he ought vhi ^-, ,- s forth a grave, a hearse, a not to be dnspond.-iit. 'Ob." you j cc-ffin behind her to contend for her ay, "that only increase:; th> i-mbar- existence- nnd the existence of her iMH>ui'->it, suicc- you havi! her also to < blldrrn. When I fee such a battle tak<- care of." You are an initiate; I us that open, I shut my eyes at the for a woman as often supports a ghastlincss of the spectacle. Men lima, a* tli in. m -ii|>poria the woman. 'nit with cunhroidered slippers and Th" niui in iy < all tbe dollar*", write heartless essays about warn- but th> worn m eerie rally brings the Jan's wage*, but that question is made nournt.''- :i.l tin.' faith in tlod. , Well, 'up O f tears and blood, and there ia tbia mm <f whom I am nw-'kmtf, more, blood than tears. Oh, give wo- lookJ around and h finds his f:innly m -in free access to all the realms IH U-f l. mid he r.illius. nnd I lie liKht \\here she o.-in get a livelihood, from comes to bit t-yiM, ml the smile to the telegrnph office to the pulpit Let bia face, airl the c >ui ige to bis heart, m ,n'., a ges lie cut down befnri- IHTS Iu In v. ni h- is .-ill over it. He are cut down. Men have iron in their his financial calamity tho first souls and can stand it. Make, tbe way free to her of tho broken heart. O ye. ewing women on starving wages O yt* widow* turned out from the THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON IX, SECOND QUARTER, INTER- NATIONAL SERIES, JUNE 2. i i ia ,i M-:\V I:UA OK Me in" 1 ! Hut one trouble -rnnquercd it. Ho do n for a little while i r tin- grim i.liidti.v of the lock yet hu rose -nd Ix-gan lik<' .loxtulbau to climb. I su|>i>" (hit tli'---!' ove rocks only midr* .loiailnn ble tb-- harder unl tU- faster t get up uad out into i br Hiinlight: and thin ri>nil>iiii-d hbadow of iiivalidimn :in<l emlxn i anm -ill h:iH i.f- |. i. lift.-<l a man i> tbo quicki-i- into iniiliirbt of (iod'ri f.ivor, nnd Ih" noonday of his glorious prnnn* -. H r. diffirult thing f >r a man ti> f''<-l bis d<-|><-ndence upf>n l!o<l when be h > ten thousand dollars in the l>.iiik and fifty ihoux.ind dol In is in govi'in- uirnt K/ ruriiii'", anil a lU.-k ofalori'l thri-i' "Well," the mini :iy to liiiaw'lf. "it is Hilly for un- to pray, 'Civo. ni' Ihi.s day my daily I' my iintry is full, and the canals from th- u-ast are cnd- d with bread-stuffs <l> for uiy storehouses." Ob, my fiienrls, if tin* combined misfor- lui" aiwl of lif have made . nli ii [> into the iii ins of a syru- |..iili-i ii iwl <' ni|i i.siiuiiatn (>d, Ihro-.ii'h .ill ^tiiniv M>II "ill liN-.MM in I his win I.I '"I her u WAI a i-liirp riK-k on iiin fidn nd a burp im I hi' 1.1 In- r Again: ihut nvin i. in the nisi* <>f (In text who Ii ..i. I roubles and nits <l |.i-.rK'< ul iiMi at Ihc snme. lime Tlir wi 'Ul tri-.iti .1 man well just as Urng as U |tnys d> ticnl him wvl As long S3 can rn.aniif-n lure -.access out of bis boiu 1 and brnin and muscle-, it favours him. Tin- \\orld f.i4tcns th* hivd* it w<inls li> drive. Hut let a m/in i-i- it ii Ins duty tor-roes the track ( i ii- 1 >< id l In n <'\i'i y it- full i>f li.-trus nnd tusks thrust nt him Tli V w II In-little him, tln-v will 00 i i entuie him. tlivy will rail his g-rncru- .111 1 1/. -mi nl, mid his itrU IIRI,'I.III. i/i-iiien; an s piety nan -I iiiii-riioinni'Sta. The very wort ]-r -i-i-ut n will *onirliini-M euntV3 upon li'm fr">n tbr^i* w-ho pro- once, bountiful home O (earlier*, kepi on U, b (ln.stUiw aa tbe principle ll"-n,tl>n, ye feuinle ly n(ipend O ye. \\ouieii of wak nerves anJ :n-li- ing side., and short breath, and broken II..IM you need Kimiethsng more than liiiin.iii yru|ulhy, you need the aym- patby of i.. ..I i I ii- 1 1 up into hia urms. Ho (mow* it all and he loves you moro ili ui father or mother or in. I. ever :ould or ever did. und instead of Hitting it >\vn w ringing your hitndn in ilepp.iir, you hid better Ix*- gln ' . i i ml- ih. ii- aro heights of (immolation for you, though now " There la a sharp rork on the one side, and u Hharp rock KII the other side^." Again: that man is in the crisis of tho text who has n wasted life on the. one aide and an unilluniim-d eternity n the other. Though n man may all liia hf.- have cultivated delil>- eraiion and relf-poifle, if he geta in that ponition, nil bis self-pOHsrssion is gone. There are all the wrong thoughts of liifl existence, all tbo wrong deeds, nil tho wrong words i nbovc i-irat.i, granatic, ponder- ous, overNbadowing. The rock I call II../. -. On the other M.I.- me alllhn i rt nliutions of thn future, the thrones i>f jiidfrment, the eternal ages an;'iy i(h hi.s long defiance; piled up, conci ni r id-, I, accumulated wr.itli. I li.ii rook I will call Semeh. I'limti up by thn way of the I'MMS Have your wasted life forgiven. Have your eternal lif" ii-ciui-d. This morning jUHt t.ike one look to (he past and nee whiit it Ii is been, nnd tak.- look to the, future, nnd see what it threatens to V, You can affoid to loan your bruit h. yr.'.i CHI afford to lone, your properly, you < ui afford lo lone, your reputation ; but you can not uffcnil to lasts your soul. That bright, gloaming, glorious pii'ciou.s, eternal pongi-ssion you must em ry aloft in <hr day wln-n the i-.uili nn-ki d n .mil tin' In ui-ns luirsl. <> liixl, bclp in. in to t.ivi\ his soul. 1. ki .Inn . A* In tho Times of Bobby Burns- Many Tiling* Happen to Interest the Minds f Auld Scotia. Sons. The drawings for the week ending 90lb ftf.-iM-h. 1901. of OLasgqw tram- ways were 7,999 Rs. lid. (Mr. lAunnet bis lot tbe Kirk.-vall Hotel to Mr. D-Mjnl.l Sutherland, from tho Caledonian Hotel, Inverness. The death has taken place in Lcn- dcn of Mr. John I 'a ton. who in 1*J5 stood as Liberal candidate for the St. Andrews Burghs. Rev. Andrew Drown, Core*, Fife, bi-H been elected minister of Aberdeen Vi'.-st pariah church, in succession to Rev. II. H. Fi'her. Plans for the erection of the nnw Grcyfriart church,, at a cost of about 10.000, have been appruvi-d by Aber- deen 'Town d.uncil. Detachments of recruits, number- ing 25, 1 ft Aberdeen for S>,utliiinpton rxix-ntly. en rc-u-in for South Africa to j .101 tiad-.-n-I'owcll's police force. At the annual meeting of tbe t-hare- : holders of ths of Scotland the portrait tf tb.* liirl of Stair,- the gov- ernor of Ibe l-ink, was formally un- veiled. Tb? K.idio prise In Greek at the Aberdeen Free Church Cull;-gc baa been gained by Mr. Donald James Ross, a BOD of -Mr. U. M*. Ross, con- fectioner. John Kerr, who resides ' 57 It < h- ard street, Glasgow, nnd who fell in- to tbv* harbor, died in the \\i-n-rn Infirmary nt-i-ntly, from the effects of bit immersion. Tbe body of a nun wan observed f. >it ing at ih- \vrst end oC tha Town IXN.-II, iHinfcrinline, .ml on its Iving neoovered it W.I.H identified a that (if John -Sharp, water officer. 'Ibe estate of Hallrulc, which be- j longed to the trustees of Sir Willijin Klliott, of iSlobo, ba been puivb.i-n-d by Sir John U her, of Wells^ at, JL 10,- OttO. The rental of the estate is 11,- 650; ac.rvage, 2.WX). Lady Oeddes hai offered, on l*half of bs-rsrlf anJ the family of ill- late | Sir William D. livdde.i, to place a lined glaaa window in Aberdeen i Univvrt-ity Cb.i|*-l, King's College, as a memorial of tbe late principal. Lord Provo-t Steel. Klinburgh, is in n-ccipt of a letter promising, on Ix-bilf of Lord Hosebery, a subscrip- liun of 100 to the further fund his I/o'iUhip is ruising for the Soldiers' id Bailors' Families Assoriution. Ik fu-oerul of Mr. William Mait- l:ind M-acrotn-rt, cx-I'rovojt ofStran- rarr. took place recently. The de- ceased, who was rnajr of the 1st Ayr -nd Ualldway Artillery, \vas burird with full military and Masonic honors. A lamplighter named John Kirk- wood. tv-.lding at 416 (jarM-obo road, r'.!i.^- A. i-.-minii t.-.l suicide in his house by hanging himself from tbe ki-tcb'ii pole by means of apiece of cord. Tb- tenantry ou the Aldourie. es- tate, near Inverness, buve resolved to ii i-rd a Highland welcome to tl-j-'lr proprietor, Mr. Kr.i-ier-TytUr, who was on - of the officers with Lord Lovnt's Corps of S-outs. Mr. Quariier, of tbe Orphan Homes of Scot 1 ind, Hridg' of Weir, ha re o-ivcd intimation that the late. Mis- ses Thomson. Croft hill,, have beqwat hrd to these homes Ibe iv iilun of their estates, amounting to a of about 1,31)1). On the occasion of her approaching m-iriiagf, MKs Isultell J;in<" Mnc- Kenzie, Stoniou iy, b-is b-i-n present <>d by her fellow-meinlmrs of the Trilled Kiee Kiigli'-b Chuioli choir, with a handsome silver-mounted oak t-.-a tray, and u l-eautiful gold ban gle, anl a MIIU of money. Mr. .lului (ioi-rge (ir.ih.iiu. .-on of Mr. II my (ir.iha m, l.itoof KoM-mount Vi-uluet, Aberdeen, muv <f Ixmdon, has received official intimation of his -uei-.-s-- at the last open comjielit i \ iun for the. situation of As- sistant if Custi ins in th<- Customs IS- PII i m in TlK- details nf ih' lil.u-k Watch, niitul-ering ovrr JH:I and file u hu \\ill frin pul if th>' n.iw garii-i'u for Mdinl-ut K'I t' i-^t le, arrived at tb Waveiley si a \ I. m f t om Mout rose, ro cewlly. Mij-r 'Kverelt of t ho 3rd lUtlalli-n ll>'hlind Light Infantry, all j mi: might, wa* in command. Text of tb Lessen, Hck. Iz, 1 1- n a4-iM-Mt-mrr Vrr.->. 24-M Cold- Trst, H.-b. .11, --.-I OMiuirol.r. Prepared br 111* Ret. U. M. Slearai. 11. "But Christ being cone an high trient of good thiofs to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not mad* with hands." The Holy Spirit In this epiitle dwells upon the excellency of th* Son 01* Cod. the brightness of tbe Fa- her's (lory and th express image of His person, better aod higher than angels, than Moses, than MekhUcdec, than Aaron, than Joshua, than the tabernacl* with all its ritual, than all the sacrifices, fo IU Himself is the true tabernacl* and the true sacrifice, of which all others were only typical. A high priest on the right band of th* throne of tbe Majesty In tbe heavens, a minuter of the true tab- crnncle which th* Lord pitched and not man (chapter viii, 1, 2). The good things to come, of which He Is a high priest, re also mentioned in chapters x, 1; xi. 20, and shall be fully seen and enjoyed ia tbe sees to come when He will show he exceeding riches of Ills grace in Ilia kiniJues toward us through Christ Je- sus (Eph. il, 7). 12. "Ky U is own blood lie entered In once Into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us." Krerything about th* tabtrnacle, which Moses was repeatedly instructed to make according to th* pattern showed to him ia tb mount (chapter viii, 5; Ex. xxv, t). )>. rt a!.), spoke of Christ and His sufferings and (lory, or, as ft Is written lo P. xxix. B, margin, "In His temple every whit of U utterrth His glory." Tbo blood taken within tb* vail one* a year for th* high priest liiiuMlt as well as for the people (verse 7 and Lev. xvl) pointed to His own precious blood which R* has shed once for all aud which takes away not the sin of a y*ar, but all sins forever, for th* blood of Jesus Christ cleansetb from all sin (I John I, 7; Her. i, 5; John xiii. 10). He haa not obtained for us re- demption for a week or a month or a year, but eternal redemption, H* five* to His sheep eterl !:fe. and they skall never periih; neither can any pluck them i-iit 01 His band (John x. 27 29). Ho Himself is our redemption, sad apart from Him thre U DUD* (Epb. i, 7; I Cor. I. 30; Acts Iv. 12). 13. 14. "How much more shVI the blood of Christ sort* your conscience from d*ad works to serve th* tiring God?" There was a ceremonial cleans- ing by th* blood of the sacrifice*, but nothing erer took away sin bat th* blood of Cbritt, to which all the sacrifices pointed. Tbe ashes of a heifer take us back to Num. xix and th* wondrous and most significant ordinance of "the red heifer," which should bar* a most prayer- ful study. But tb* only real cleaisiuc. either from sin or from defilement, by th* way. in tbls wilderness journey, U by the Mood of Him who by tbe Kternal Spirit offered Himself a sacrifice to God for our sins a limb without blemish and with- out spot (I Pet. I. 19). Do let u* civ* earnest heed to whit Is b*ro taught that we oie not redeemed to be taken at once to heavcQ. but to abide her* to serv* tb* livioc God, or, It ii written in I Thess. L 0, 10, "to serv* th* lirlof and true God ni'.l to unit for Ui* Ron from hoaven." With the wicked work* of tbo ungodly the believer Is supposed to have forever done, but ill works of tbe believer, how- ever good In themselves, If not wrought by tbe Holy Spirit are only dead work*, they profit nothing (I Cor. III. 15). 24. "Christ Is entered Into beiven It- self, now to appear ia tbe presence of God for ui." That we, having obtained life in Him, shall continue to live is be- cius* he errr liveth to msk* Interccsnion for us (chapter vll. 25). A* H* said, "Because I live, y* (ball live also" (John xlv. 10), or as It Is written In Ron), v, 10. "Bring reconciled to God by th* death of His Soo, we shall b* lived by His life." W* have in heaven a Great High Priest who i* touched with tb* fveling of our Infirmities, having been la all poiuti tempted Ilk* as we tre, yet without aia, nnd to Him w* may come boldly and Mod In Him always th* mercy and grace that w* need (chapter Iv. 14-10). Let us lay up iu our hearts and hold fait these precious words, "In th* preaeac* of Uod for me." ind also tli* words in Rom. viii, 34, "At the right baud of God for me." 25, IVi. "Now ouc* In tb* end of th* world hith H* nppvirtd to put awiy sin by th* iicririce of Himself." We have In these closing v*rs*i of this chapter what som* bare culled Ills three appear- ing* In humiliation to pot away its, BOW in tb* pretence of God for us and, as w* shall find In tb* last v*r**. Hi* appenr- ing to bring tb* fullueii of His lalvition. His kingdom two apprirlnfs on eat-th nd one in h. nven. It wi* at th* end of tbe age preceding thii and at the begin- niug of this age thit II* came to give Himself tacrlfice for sin. At th end of thl* *g* II* will com* the **cond time, and during all tbl* age H* is In tb* prencnc* of Gorl for u*. W* cannot dwell too much upon tb* gr*it truth of th* nacrilice of Hiunelf. "His own self bore our lias In Hii own body uu th* tree." "H was wounded for our trans- cresslonv. II* waa brulidd for our Iniq-i- ties." "Th* Lord laid upon Him th* Iniquity of us all." "Christ hath redeem- ed ua from the curs* of the law, being nude a curie for us." "He gave Him self for our sins." "Th* Son of God Im nl mo ind gave Himself for me" (I r. (. ii. -J4; Isa. Ilil. 5, 6; Gal. iii, 13; I, 4; ii. 20). l'ii iH'st English :<le 4 1-2 bushels of milt a r e- Used in lirewitiK a barrel I irer beer needs only 1 1-2 bushels. One-fourth of the wholo popular on of Queensland live \\ithin fit- miles of tlu> i-entri' of the, Urisbane. Tho I'tiited Kingdom produces only 40,000 tons of .-b.-i'-i- out of Hi-- IJMMii eaten evcjy >c... l.y ucopl* in. that count r/, FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLi INTERESTING NEWS BY MAIL FROM OLD IRELAND. llrrr and Tkrre IB the f lf tm r*ck r la:er*l u (uadUai IrUb- The cipcTim, mt of tobacco-growing .'a Ireland in now meeting witk auc- John Crcoran, a young- farmer, has been murdered at BaUinacur, about twenty nulea from Athlune. The spring cattle, enow of the Royal Dubb'n Society at BalUbridge. num- bered 890, as compared wiit'h 776 at 1900. The niuucroui reistxietiocs recently f'l-i" ! upon t_be manufacture of :.e in Ireland hare led to the cioarng of two factories ia Belfast, About 400 operatives have Into thrown out of employment. A public m-eiiag was held in Del- faat to start a fund fox the better equipment of Queen'* College. Sume handsome Drifts were announced, in- 5,000 by Sir Jamea Mu-irr., vn Bart., for tho fcniikditioa of u chair uf pathology. Gocral Pole-Oarcw and Lady Bea trie* Pole-Qrew were at Ormonde Caatlo recently on a riait to tbe Mu. (juis and M irt--hixies of Ormonde The members of tbe Ormoadr fam.Ij are particularly popular in Kilkenny, and Ixidy Healr.oo and her gallant brvibicJ got a very enthusiast!?,- re- ception on their rt-turu from their bunwyic/x-n. The DuchetM of fonnaught. ok though German by birth. U said to bj an enthusiast io lover of er> thing Brit Kb. She ha,* delighted the Irish tenantry by engan->ng three women IMtnwton it the Dublin Mboob to t*ao,h her daughters music, painting awl literature Her home in Dublin is aaid u be r harming lince she. and the Duke rcfurciabcd it. At the villa-jo of GUsra, near Ath- lon-, Dr. Kd.uu.rd French, who waa a nfc-niuer of a wvll known We*t ol Ir-l.m<l fautly, entered the room of n!a wife. and. it it alleged, nabbed her in too breast, Mrs. French expir- ing 20 uunutiM afterward*. l)r. Kren.-h. it i< further alli-gvd, ..tuck- ed the pukce who went 10 arreot huu but was overpowered. The Lord- Lieutenant has iwo wry t?(nrou gifts lately- One of 500 to the poor of Dubl'n, 230 be- log gii-an to tho Prctr.stant Aich- bcahop of th; city, and the same amount to ti, Rrm :n Cathcl A-ruh- biahop. to bi distributed at they may think bx-Bt. lord Cudogan b:is ulo pri/iii ted ioO to trVj Cork Industrial KV. l-.ii. ), which it is i to huld du. iv tha year Itfu.'. In l.'ve stock, Ireland is doing a, b^ thing, and for tb> threo oucuths) end ng M.irvb, 31, 337,908 animals left li\uh ports for Great Huiuin, US. 38!) being cattle, 67,89* ahi-ep. ,197,- 4C9 !?.. and 4,093 horses. Liquor exports hold their own well, nc.nly 101.000 h-ugsbeadi of port IT b- ng sh-pped from Dublin ulono iu the tr:.-r uvon'.bs. Of tli.s tli' *.-... U Uu fines,-* firm, 'fnt over 83.0UO hcg- head-. It <h whiskey also is a large export, 22,600 u<na of fore gn flour was imported into Dublin during the th>re months. The port of Dubl'>n aee-ms to b <.-n the K-ok-up as far as custom* dm r are concerned, as for the three months end nr March 31. 1901, the amouat collected was nearly J?ti,- 000, as com-uivl -. .;!i ilJUI.OUU for the c<i r iX'.Hfioiul ni; iiu.nirr of 1900, .,iui I'llMntH) .n i^yy. Thi.1 showing, LI.W- r\c: . for the present year n possibly owi<og to the Urge. cU-arunceji \\bicb havu bix-n in.i<l :u aulki[>.iti<>n ( tbe com rig budget. To watrh tin 11.11.1 ya of Dubl n one would .H.I y bat a busy port .'t w.i-i, till they bi-^-an to cun- K.dri- tiui't m}t-'b of the l)U*t!v wa caa*d by 1to -imports and very lit- tl; by tho Apurti. A yuuug offX'er writes hoiue a vi ty graphic description of tho night at- tack by lk.,iux on Uet. Smith !>.- - br i>;adp at Luke I'hu^u ia noith-cast Transvaal. Tht> attack touk place about 2 a.m., .u a thick fug, und BO unexpected was A eo:iK.-fhi-nig tcry rnuvU akin to u panic took place. &-\ of the moat ''J>;irto dtii-k-n' wore ufti-rw.irda tJiv<l by ci*n t-miirtial. arnl .s<-utvmed to bo ahot. but thi'3 was a(U<t,ttds ! 'i> tu years .inpi i-i'u- ni.Mit with hard Ubour. Tho itua- t A>II waa Bfl-wd, however, ami by aa Irish ivu'i'i ii*, li>->, it is laid, "\\hen all w.i.s i- 1 :uiivon, i:iys the wutri ix- forrcd to abo\v, "we uddi illy iic>rl u real givnl li ^li vhix-r, wliich buck- ed us ui- tr.'or than two li .Wi.--<. and o,>n fouivd tb;it t h Mil, Ki-s.ii I aii'-.-rt hid up and follow ixl Ly th,- t'uui>'iin .. and tbe llivr.i were quickly iu full retirt." 49,JU*1,00 tons i>f co.xl tt ro l acrixw thi^ orean in a "rur. ,iuJ 19,- 200,000 tona of grain. .N !. at the rlub.-Where's Ti.ui f He in KeiiiM'iUly hen- ai thii tinjr. Ki-J Toiu will be n ii fnr f-ouin ilayi. He KVyolr \i -Irjd.iv. l'h n he it uiuiltl In- Vsueh a p'<-a- to be> able ii> r ..Ic.' Now he \\ riti->< it wuulil l'. sucL a y!ea- nun- to be able to walk. '* KING EDWARD IN DANGER. Shamrock II. Dismasted While His Majesty Was on Board. 'A despatch from Southampton Biy* a,t; the tints of the accidnnt. and .-The most dramatic incident in th ** bidwing occasionally in st romf- rr goats, but there was nothing m btstocy of the America .1 cup occur- , tb ,* V8 iht at it to threaten disaster. red to-day, when a sudden squall on the Solent completely wrecked the new challenger and endangered the KINO EDWARD'S PANUKK. Tbe two ladies on board had a Tbj first words the DOMINION _PARLIAMENT Notes of tbe Proceeding in I D Canadian Rouse or Commons. lifn of King Edwin] und sever -.1 dis- Kin* aaad were. "Is anyon; burtf H _ ___* Ilia tioiguidhed persons. Tho yachts were to be sent over a triangular course similar to one of the America'a cup seri-s. The entrance into the race of th- yawl Sybarite, . di,p|jyed great presence of muid. U first aetiion after the debrU of (wreck had beea cleared .iway was to i telegram to Qu--en Alexandra that he was safe. Tbe members of the Royil party were Bleated en deck, close to the bout 99 feet over all, placed the c.ip- ' cwapunioaway. Tb< King was show- taina of the two hbara-ocki under rh- . ing keeo pleuure. .\ atcb.n< ;h- flight ecewity of driving th<-ir boats at full ***>* Captain Sycanaorv P"ed in order to mik-* any creditable h>wui^, and pn.-mi.M-l King Edward nu opportunity of witnessing the .-i m.ik- rbo start. t u; for the advumage at . Thw- y*cbt was racing alongside at a formidable angle, and th,' sloping d<ck. with a mere fringe of rail, taaarteat race of the series. There waa *-m*d rather a periU*ia pUce for the 1 accommodation of tb>- visitors. A* the wreckage awept the deck .1 , wiu raaii eituund, log- that no on: was injured. Foe a mon>et or two with tbe prospect of mignificeni rac- ( .iujtioa appeared to b* very grave. ing. King r.'lwaj-d, desiring to take ' Most of tike tc^a m<.rkn forward a\ more active part in the proceedings went overboard. Wjtbia five **- tban waa i*ossible from the deck of ' ood< of the dJMttor tbe Shamrock I delay in establishing a starting lifi. . The wind freshened considerably nd blow twelve to thirteen kni>ti. the Erin, waa taken on board tbe challenger accompanied by Sir Th xn- UM I. t'ton oeuvrtag bo-e around t render Bj-ajHtssM*, when ahe in tu>rn was caught by the squall, and hir gnff and topsail ^WhUe the > i-hts were n*loeuTriag colbpaed. lean-ng her he'plewiy crip- ' ho start A squall came without ] pled. The pr-ravs tag, fallowing the. slightest warning, and the bow- | rscers, ranged alooga-'tie the helpl thus too in tha vicinity and the Sybarite ant bouts to the Bcerc. In answer to a ._, ha J Chptain Srycamorj nt a r?as- carry.n^ SBf-ing- message all on board bad wXhout injury. As quickly prit of the. cbtiicngei wa< cirri-d yicbU, and a torpedo boat which was away short. The - r*. strain tbramrn an the topm^t UTSJV*. much for the apar. I whipped, and doubled otf to l*->wj the whole weight of tlie jickyard and gear over tbe aide in a terrible tin- gle. Almost a* tbe topmast fell, the great steeel mainmast, weighing owr two ton*, sad carrying -p ir and gear weighing an additional th r e<- or four tons, .swayed for a mom?nt, and tb-n by great good forton.- plunged over tbe sidt- and into the water. witb tbe sound of broiktag wire and tearing gear in the air. From the MI IJ.-nni-As witb whi.-h ill the spars .vnd canvas were ripped out of the ch illrnger It looked as though every- thing h-d been blown out of heir wi-h *n- gust. I'h win! wis freah as po-s^t-'jj t< Kiarz and tbe Royal party w-ere- tra-nolermd 'o the Er n and later the K c#. acrompaoied by . hotnn-s Liptua. luaucd at 3uu<k- on en rou* to London. K oc Edward U*fl Sou: * 10 1 j p.m.. aad arr-.nrd in London at niiluiih*. Tbt Kimj drovtt tj M irl- bo-ouvh Hnu*e. wbn-ne be v ed by a crowd awaiting hn ar- I r.vnl. Numerous i n t iioaj him frvm Emperor thn crowned beads of Europe 'others congnalulatioa; hiui upon MARKETS OF_THE WORLD Prlcei of Cattle, Cbaisa. Gnlx 4i la the Leading- Market*. Toronto, May. 28. Wheat - The whnat market was quiet to-day, with lit i le ching* in prices. No. 2 whito and red Bold to millers at 68c, on a S-cent ^ tit, and it i.i quoted at 61 l-J to Me, middle freight to Montreal. NJ. I f oo<i, 67 1-2 to oVJc, on low rate te \-isjr York; aprin^, TO to Tie ea*t. Mini' aba wheat Ls firm, with Ni*. I hoxal, K l-.c , Mimtrcal freight, g.i.t.; No. 2 bopd, 89i- ; and N'>. 3 hard, (We. M ;llfeed Market unchanged. Brin, in i- ir l'>ts, 9U weat, and aborts, fit (.'urn Market U quiet, with C.mi- duin yellow, 41 1-i-- ; and mixed, 41o west. On track here, 47 l-J. Kyi.- The maxket U quiet, witb prices) steady at S3 to jlo middle !ita. Huckwheat Market dull at 53c east, ic middle freights. IV IB- Maxket is lirm. witb sales wt-at ut iMc ; and middle freights, at 06 1 . Ilarl*} Marke-l rules quiet ; No. 3 old t 50c lake ports ; and at 44 i.'l.V, middlo frsijfbta ; No. 3 m <HK- freight!. Oua Maxket rules firm, witb sale.s of N . 1 whito at 33.- u eat. and No. i a* 31 l-i lor K2c west. Flour Tbo demand U fair, and pricivs firm ; 90 per cent, patents, buy- rr< oag ., >!j a |2 i35 middle freig its. Choice lota. 15 to 2Jv muire. Mojiuuba nil, $J^i; and airoog bakers. 1000 500 ! II 05-) Maxket uncn>c;J ; car lots, at 03.95, in bags; and ut 93.7jin Mood ; .sm ill lots, JOc extra. Tllh: 6THEET MARKET. The- wet and unfavorable w,i her prevented farmers corning in to-day with gram and produce, and r consequently are ni-minal in most eases. One load of white wheat sold at 7V. and one. load of oats at 37 1-Jc. Follow uug ia tho range of quota- tions Apples choice. p^*r bbl. 40J 500 Ap;ile-.. ! I-. >.co per 400 500 i p iir 060 ... ... Ob7 1-2 0181 3 Oils... K. . \Vh- it, Wtwat, \Vli-- it. I < ." Hi: ! -y white red goose O-itt ' II i. jvr Ion 1.' 'Ml t>t r.i\v. JUT ton 850 !>. BBS] h . X '* 876 llutu-r. ui lo. r. -Us ... l> U Chicketti, per pair otf I !>>.. .spring 1 00 K^tCS. per dor I>1-' i'.. ilM-<. pprbug 03-J App!s, cbokop-i- bbl. 4QJ IV-i-f. fi>r- quirters ... . 4 5tt Beef, hud quirtrs .. 800 I ' 7ft) 000 051 1-2 .SO 72 1-2073 .. 000 0721-2 . 06 t-2 u t ; .. 072 07J1-.' 000 066 .. 000 017 . 000 0511-2 .. 037 1-20S8 1-2 Limbs, yearlings 900 Spring lambs '... 400 Mutton 70U 750 DAIRY MAKKi-' Hut ter supplies are moderate. n 1 - unchanged. I'ounl rolU s-ll at IS to 14c. anl large rolU a to IV; poor to medium qualities. 10 to lie; creinyry, boxes, 17 1-i to 18c; in I pound*, 141-J to 19c. Egicii Trad,- u fairly active, and offerings modcr-ite. yuoUtions. 10 l-J to Ilr. u) ciw lots; No. - chtpa. ti l-J to Oc. DR1>SED HOtiS AM) l'HOVI-1. t\< Dressed hogs in moderate offer, and prices rule firm. U 9*>.T5 <o 9 !'> fur i-m,ill loUi. I' ijou' I'-.ui-, ire as follows: Bacon. lonif. cW-ar. luo**. in car lots, lUc; und in ease kots. 101-t i' 1U1-- ; short cut pork. $J') 1.4 IJO.ot); heavy mesa pork. 919. to 1950; shoulder, mess 915. Sni<-ki*d Me.ii*. Hun*, heavy, 1J.-. .m. I3c; Lupb-t. 13 1-Jc. roll>, lie. and sihn^iUieTs. 10 1-^c. I ird-P.i.U. lie. tubi. IDJ-lc. tir- oea. 10 1-1 to 10 t-L'c Buffalo, Miy i8.-KloUT-Uul but firm. S-iriirug whie-it Dull and lower; I No. 1 Nurthexn. old. spot, c^rlouwls. j M 3-4r; d* Tiand l-ts. 82 l-.V \\ n- ter wheat No. 2 red. 78 1-2 to 77c bid; No. 1 whtoe. 76 to 76 l-2c bid. tr.ick. Huffikx Cn-n Strong; spot. No. *! yellow. 48^ aukvd; Nix 3 do offered alt 47 1-2 to 47 3-U-; No. 2 corn, 47 l-4c; s t .!., 47.-. tbrcHytb billed. Oats ; Firm; No. a wbit*. 33 l-4c; No. 3 do. , H l-J N J maxed quoted at 30 t-2c; N 3 do. 29 3-4c. tbrrouxh biUed. I Barley-20.000 bunbeU sold in m.ill | Irtt.s at 58 to 60c. Ryc--Ni*h-.n don*. No. 1. in slure, {* a<ked. Oh.cagxx May i8 Wheat rulejd easy ti-d.iy, deapitp higbeir cables. JuJy cbned l-8c h-(tbir. July ci>rn. 1-8 to l-4c lowvx. and proviiun< 5 to J2 l-2o K>weJ. Twen-ty-s*V.n Inads for ex- \\t>ri reported. S,'abo.rrd cle-nr- aace-s of wiu-.i* nail flour W.T- -..-n il t . r.,'0.000 bush-. Minneapolis and Du- kuth reported 202 cars, against 1 "_' last w*aek, and 213 a year ago. Primary reec-ipts wero 433.000 buohk Loral receipus wetv 37 oars, none* of contract grade Httinur -I i-ri-ij-t.-t f.- t i>-nii>rrow. Wbeat, 30 cirs; corn 6.'*5 cars; oats. J''-> cirs i niln M lu.uikee. May. 28. . Dull; N J 57c; Mmi>*K. 41) to 5lc. T^l-ftdo, May 28. Clovr-rj-ed l' prime. $050; October. $5.J.V LIVE STOCK MARKET. Ti.i-.xit,.. M i> .i.-Good to cho'r export 1 1 sold to-oViy at from 5 to 5 l-4c per pound; and nu-n- would have bw-n tik-n h ul th- sniff IH-.-M here. For a few picked lots an eighth mo-ie wad sev-r-il t.u>-." paid. i; - I lisjh-. and mediMm xhippiag oattl.- at from 4 1-2 to 4 7-ftc p.-r pound. -. aro. ket-pinjr up uiicnininonly well, and apparently :i-s >i-' I h<-r .- ire no indications of n ileclin Itut.h-r ciltle ia aluo strong; SODk* picked lots tn-d.i.y fetched on five cents. OhoMX- butcher cattle sold at from 4 1-4 to 4 3-4c; good from S 1-2 to 4c ppT pound; and ccmimon sluff 3 to 3 l-4c pp.r pound. iFVedem and stookers are tirm and u. in ted. Tht-n-c. i.s littU* onqikiry for export ti!U just now, but price-* arc >ir>- 1350 900 9 10 018 OK- i H 1J 1 2 040 550 950 -ill 800 MR. DEVLIN'S LKTTEIU On motion to go into supply M_r VVUsoD, Lennox, drew attention to a letter by Mr Charlea R. DevlJi, Lm- migration Agi-nt in IreUnd. printed in the- Montreal Herald, in which tbe write.r h.irshiy i-riticiaed member-t of the House. Mr. Wilson submitted that if Mr. Deviui had the right to criticize memberi of the House, every civil aej-voni in the c-^untry had the jumi- right. Mr. Cowan D.d be tll the truth r Mr. Wilson No, air ; ho did not tell the trutb. The time, Mr. Wilsno said, wa* too abort to d-il witb the subject now. bu' be would bring it up next ses- sion, to show that tuth.i>r the report of the Interior Depinment, or tbe statements of Mr. Devlin were incor reel. For t..e present be would only say that Mr. D<-v; n'-i ..-iter fair and untruthful Mr. Sifton would ny nothing fur- ther fof the present, liim to hu statement of th-.- other day is sup- ply, that he would aee lo it that no official in hu department would tringress in that way again. TUt; CANAL Ej.ri.MA IKS The llou-e then went into commit- tee on supplementary e-it.mjtcs for canals.. On the item of 9300,000 fir Improve- ments at Port Colborne entrance Mr Bliir explained it wa intended to build two loTfi* projecting pieri to contiia two elevators, the contract for iixh had not b.*en iet. Tbe channe wuud bo 1 feat Coep, and would al- low stearne-t ti> p:-o --~t straight to tbe dock Klthou'. earning. During tbe discussion of tbe item 01 $500,000 tor th- ud -v can* lock at Montreal. Mr Uiggirt ex preased the hope ihit it w->uld be mide a yuffii-iea'. widvh lo accomino- dato the class of vesseu to be provid od foe by the UeorgLiu Bay Mr. Biair-Ii will be o) fevt i Mr. Unggart-lbat ,, exactly the width, bat I would advite another six luches in the depth of the mure sill PLKA FOR. BOC.V\I.;KI>N Mr Vroomun pat .a a pla f r thn .mprovem -o: "( i^ ,->-oa daiu !i, h BUkl. WLS ,ib-iolu.<.e4y n-ct-8- sajy. tf tb* drexlging work now being done in Ufee riwr waJ IK be of anj use. --I adn>U it. .M tr^tr ^.xi ; ....t b that. . ieJfo tin- nuit t.-.r b* etxik- t'j th coocltts..*** U dosrvd at te.ol.t-tt. He wu* at UM opinion tha Loe exprn..Liurv> could be ujet out o tj*e Trent RAII.\V.V\ (i.M MI ION. On thr? :-i.m. of $."1.000 " lode fray ex pMstasi i-n gat.h.--.n>T inforniitun sn< A <i> w i h f-i'- r-MVe 1-- a : -,\.i> , (! ' Mr UUir e*.; *d thu: .t rtua. I t- empUiy d:tiQgMi<h<*d counsi-l to draft a b..l." NKW ROOMS. On tJ voti.> f.>r new roorud to tb* -t of Commvtt< biuldiug. Mr lUg- ga.rl a.:d h> bad b -iod t .H-S.H pro- pn5al bruugh. dow a to -idJ i new w.aj to l hi- I'arliain -nt building Bet- ter accommudAt ion should be. given to tb- Sr>eak?T-, aind atso to th- . t*>rs. TJj.- rccm'o.-rs sfaiuli b.- b -u.-li closer tu-si-tber. It wou'd iuipro\c their m.orat>. Great laughUT. Wvll. at a.ay r r *. it wnaUl uuprovo tho - of tbe UiiucM*. M- I'u t s.i .1 h- would liA>k the wh->l* i*\u-^; ->a duiing thv i VICTORIA MKMOUI.VL Ml SKI M In connect. on i-.a tb itcai of JiO,- 000 fxjr . .-mm *o.-.n(j: thx> const ru of l : ' a uiit-morLal tu i><-uui MX. Clarke askisl wb-.n w<iuM bj tbo , ult: ii:.-i to . ,..' .; tl>e> buildiog. and i - i-Mr.\v" ln>a had rxt?n inviti-J m th-.' fuTni.-hiax of plun-<( Mr T.irte rev^'.*** ih- pbtts i- bad been furnished by ;h<- cit [ eatriaevT of th- de-Mi runx-nt. but weie merely ton MI r.-. If a nuss'um wcrv to be erected for a museum ukiie, ;t won i hcut hulf a m.llu.n, but if tbe structure \\ [ :\;.l a Supreme Ci>urt. an Kxchequtir Cour; . u niu.onil art gal- lery, unl a r..-it onil fl*h:-ry exhibit, il would o.<t nlx-ut a. miili. n H tmred thv Hou<* t h th:* 8">0.- 000 roit-d would bo expecdt-d uui.t a'.l Lbe i-Lin.- bird Uvu .-uJ,-J. rjun ATI \\IR- SKHVU-I: During tbe th - -u-.- --M of I-- >i-im- ship subventions in ih* lli-i:.--. l>r. Sproulo enquired uh-.-iher tho t .v- eruun'nt bad i-nriroly IO-H! sight of thn ibility of be fast AtlmtU- ser- vice. Sir Richard Can wr:ghl r-pli-dthit tht-titu,.* h. id been mopporiun^ for en- iulo a contract for puch a .i - 'I'h-r- h ;-l U"*u m enorm- ous incroa*!* iu tbx* cost of vessels ;md ! Iv- co- 1 n; i-ivil, i < compared wi'h i f -w yi-ar-t igx I'h* lli-vern- , hid kept th in mri I. md it match.! l>- ' 1> 1 1 in tho course of two or ihr." monlh* thy would bv> in i j--i i->n to ob un souio rvasonablc o."f -rs ou th.* su'.ij-.-i. It uiut be remembered Ihit il \\ i* neceaaary a'jao to negotiate wilh tbe luu> :i-n*nt in making xuch .1 i-.ntr:ii- p . au-d those tioos were now going on. ON uiKi'i;-: 4 IIM-. The IH U !>-.>%:.( I i.t i and to put b.<et root sugar on toe reo list went read a third time. After HOOT) uan- bud been spent in .one ur re nee. :i mu: ion ni o in'o supply Mr. Kiulbuch br u;ht p the que-ilioa of tbu lion .-!!'.. n at * -m long' h on tbe njury It would do to dni-ia (.-ii- nt re t'. H- ai:Kg--t-l rhu '.n^ : o >f Minn-- r.hxi 1 i;>p-il to be Secretary of ritat-t at b->me and Ak thit be approach the An. lovernment, with -i view ; > hir n* bem un I.T-I md thit Englind i.ui not ll,rw th..- Aru.-.i--in (lag to be >l.inted in Porto R*ft unlw-bs there was an arrang.--m.-ik i> en them bat thore h.ill ? n h-.-i'.l- tariff Uween the I'nited S: it>-- m.l Great Bri.: 101 ind her col>MU.t re- specting ibe tride in fUh. PRCVATE BILL- l'\^KO. The last of -h- pr.vit^ bills wis di'posed of it tb- evening BSISBiea o-day. wb-n '.be following were passed :- Respecting the 3iVmtreil A ern Counties R.iV* iy Cijmnviny Mr. To imrnd in pnsneil during the [>retent srasion entitlnd 'An ct to ncorporiti- tb' Fort Qu'App 11 -iv Company Mr. Ifciiu- To confer on the Ouim.-sionT "f -s far th>- relief of Kuior i riibbald-Mr. Cowan. LlitiloLAl'lVK \-.-;.\t"l.Y. In msw-.-r to Mr. Hu^oe*. Victoria, ttv I'- i ;h- i>ntn.> Act. en- - 1 Ant to hr Duration ? AssnaMy of tbe I'-itv.n i by -b- Govi-mmen'. M Vl',< NXLK . MVNX In in-. r > Mr. R. L. B.W.I Prem. c i t iu-d that th- c! i ru -. Mick--ni:e a. Mxna fordi: iatt out of tb.- non-cooiplgtion of the ^ uk n Railway ron'.r-ie: had been referred ia tbe OIK. J-ITPLY HI! ' - Thr- lt iteon of <-.-n -urrence were m t tb*, supply Ixlls foi- cur- r-nt and main expenditure .1 :- d ind passed thrMigh all tbiir * ig +. COVKHNOR-r.KNKRAL AH": A- 3 o'clock Thursday a: ^-ao-mh i Kzoell | - : tb- Chimbveraf tbe in tht; rjrl:am-nt Bu n i * his seat u;n h* 'h^ ::-. I'll- mem bcr of ' !i - - n : ---n n-.- tb.- m.Mnbers ^ .h- HAI-- ->f r.mi BBBBM tiaving U-MI *imm>n-l to bir of tb* i -ni ;*l-i-i-! to proro-^u th- f rt session of tb.- h pirliamr-oi' of thf Urxn.n.urv of Cmada i!h-h>- ; -pe Hon. K ii i n .1 h- H ;u* uf > ving you f *-im fur'h-r Q- m I'arii.iui-n . I t -ire to than you for ' I- id eal wit which you hiv- c .-run impori in that h-iv* beam broujh: befon- you. 24T!I A-! A H'>; I- 1. is benn pl.-asin* '. n t " iha tb-' act rnaV^y ii of Ma a tegal holiday bat ,i- vuh sue g-nanl vpprov.-il. v,r. 11.- i- i'i pi> tbe m-rn >ry of a soverUs hi wa iu h*r subj '- - rnent of a branch ..^ .hi-. Roy il m n in C. nali -iiili . i n" .i.-partiT in our mionetiry yst*ru. uod i-t gral fylng to tho prid- t>f 'h p-op!* evi it doe-* th- :n ^tas" h xnl pronperity of th- !>>min ion. V1~IC O? ROYALTY. I im clad to obxe-rv- th . < ind ( : ;-p-i>.|. h- ing v:-i o f 'h- I>uk Jni Uueb ss of York I '-bat KILLED HIS SISTER. homas Ryan. 16 Years Old, With Murder V despatch from Torn" -At t, Andrew'] Mjrk-; polic- itatioa, 'homas Byan. jr.. . v. -rn-year- !d *a of Thorn*-* Ryin. boot TH; iju-ea street. ia under arres', h-.r^'-.l -.'..-h in 1 !- l--n:u ' > ->f ige. The d?ed wa done h i 'hree- jj -lf-<-oi-k- ng revolver on Sunday afternoon st b* f l mi 1 \ nue. After >iinoer yesterday the lit- I* girl sat dawn t i [> iv- i'. "jacks." wbilo her brathi-r 1 ok'don. md tilk edaaxl pl.iyed . .-fort our o'clock tbe boy left th* room. nJ w<-nt up to hu bedroom, '.o li dowi 'or a >>, Little Olivs followi-d h,m. if* nin'i | i teaainc bint H stays. b took fro-ox *b< siren u .in-.i-r i ''--lungini to anther broth. -r. Harry, who wi out. This ioi h.*r h.jil, ih-- wok to thn bad ml ;.-. >' h-i . -r Tom. Jumping up. h- . y took it from IM i-i i'-d ' un 1 liaptllow. an the bed. tlirdly bsc ig un whi-n .b- mi- 'J- / urf -r of tbe liul." girl onc ni -I-.- a lined pa*ses.'*toa > .poa Again be took it trom h -r, irui. at b? now staiQ, nvr-lr . . -n bei away be -draw a b x from under th lied ia which were on*r nartridges. both H.nk and Ona of b< toub-si cms h- i>i i -1 .n n ist ol h- five i-himhers. Lhjring this pro- sfsltivg O . v- bill run on; dtf ; Ii room and w i-. just locking in wi-b h -r h*a* uf the rrrulr >f .i h*r b- Hro b -r. who i-i no v f rn-f -: r , k en. pul rigger four lie to id<-d i (hi- h ifnmer. gui: fargettroc that too next ami ataiord a death-deal. n< !-ui>" m why an 1 h>w he c.inn a b i>u'l~l -b-j triggvr. Th- ' -pvd w 'h If i-h-di- I'ini ic uric. n'l-r girl's BM :iiedi- ately > ..... n ;> of ib- f ; j-*r. m I i * a fifteto mil jiktt > ho -. ia sum- atco. :<.: THIRTEE? LIVES LOST. Steambar^e Baltimort Sank In Lak Huron. V despatch from. >' Tlw tpombarffe Bi'.-.mor*) aaak x Fr.iiary betvem Ausub.i an-1 oa Lake Huron, according ti teUy: ot of or-w os! f fiuvn wrr.- drown- An cagiotfT .ui t i.r -"-\n tb( .^IUTTI rors. w I by tai OoJu-ubia iuid tak- M_c^:fer.iii. Tbe Da - -wn> -i by I' II r Oktig 4:1 i r h.-y -Aill r-i'-iv- i h . om*. TRADK WITH 1 RAN> vnr ih- e liihr. - Le- . ; i m ing astd iaicreasing .1 with P II K: -.-n. TJJT as*d tV gir- tk of those on bound t he irw . ' Innd; V"s M il l'la. : steward** \i I Ur-ih.-ra. ui. rj - watchm/in; Auru.<t 'ixUTrrrn d-vi band; lr*a--g MoG. nn-v d<-rk I' rh.>m.i.s Murvhy. if M MI. I .-nvtneer; W. M. man Tho i.wn.-rs -iy iln ii HU i th oi-e-w had be,*n rauie b- h>tn.-v thi;. i 1 j- .ulageou-i to both rou*itriee. \ \ : - 1 p. n i. Tb* ic: pr, T.lairf f.r i furth'r inc-> to th* rl l"lij>d ir vorsy a long ( rtJ n- ; mtvve* from co 1 the Drm n o.i nl hi* txt-n in full - .' i f > uli -l.n ug -.lit of tn<* i'i'ji.1 nun-fulfil- of tb' ti-rmt of un on in r- : :n <* -.-i>iii!' :i ' hn I mil h- iu tii-i Uurmrf tho ^ n. -r M TO TUB 1X3 MM ONERS. i; nllfmca df ibe lli>u _ of Com- 1 think you for ;h '.iheril supplies y^u hiv.- of our i -~i<ur< -s. 1'h'a ic- ia;>.y j i ng revenue *t*fS> HonourabV to the the t,o tie mm of the i: -ir ' -in.-ii f th- tl -J-' of Com- 1 c- p -11 ': vi-u upon the- n tioo of niiiiy ini'-ot'in- ni-i*un in . ,-in t .-> 1 1 .i>uli thit t' 1 --nt*-ibuto to th<* gn-*r il i Iv perity of the Dominion. REFUGEES IN DISTRESS. The Portugueie Government Will Assist Them. A d<\p i > -The f i .. i: - : rfu^r.'i'i froun L i ,-iu -Mi: ii". -. Miny of tho l"%v n^ue- - rvfugoes will !> f rci4 \< lo.iw owiag t.i thit th.- ' h* trp hich hey have, net n-l.-d ni of 'In r.bel-e>ve the Ii5t i>f gvfinn to represent tho*- who wvr >n ban-'d wh'-n the biut w-nt Tbe Rall.niwr- wn. built it ilt ir in 1881. rated Al 1-2. an.l II-: . i v, * valued t ^ -u :..()00. LURKING IN THE HILLS. Tedious Campal*n Aga.nst Guerilla.' Continues. A d.'sp.itch fr(n Luciiioa sa ni infri-quent. .ind few si art thxom | i i:pon th guerilli warfare, which it still flick. i-ring- in S>n:ti X secaoj com I'ji ! movement of six cV.uni-i * i os for the clenrain--* of lh n TransviT .ml S u !i iy. but ti . < in* nit ( : >m i-aplures ol horses i M di-Tict one tin- i J<-L- ii - thit id- i' to .1 - i -i '. >!;' -. .! >t h i. i' >ih<-" in the mixini-.iini neat Th- WM -i ui i n ; then ; ier. l>ut ri*ui- !i in'. < of i in ia I < ,i'e stiil lurkr: ; ih> hills. Thi- Orantcf toli-r-ibly fre* i liut then 1 is ;i f in thi* '.\i -:it or mart* s;nill j< m my I' i P ' i ri'ii:-> Su Wbile < m - it ion on tl.o British sije . mate)- : u .

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