Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 May 1901, p. 1

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m MAY ,161d01 AbV'AXCis If rrLLOUUII * YOUNO 1 IUn*r. Marfcdala Bo K-'-i.era. baukln buninoM. Homy loaned t a . -a -onal-i" rats. Cat) on u> A K V VNUUhKN. J P a JHfk ith UlT Court, Co Gray at of Uatria* l.tcaniaa, Conyauct>r t. y. Public Auctioneer. Honey to loau i t i"' r "' Charges moderate. FLKSHKKTOM P COLbKOTKb Tba liDderiigned ll piepar.l to uuJrt*B tli.. oolloctiou ot all kiud of debts. 1-ju.ii.t . -i-miutii collected ate. ,, .S HK.NUKhbOS. FletbartOL The Markets. RJ Si-Kill . r, Fle.herton , II 0. }.. Aactiooear COB- >itor ami Money 1 Kal I Iiinuraooa Agent. Dead* . au-l wllU carefully u ma'lu ou fhorteel ortice. .in l lowest rat" f intercut. Col I to with |ron., ... \uent for Ocean Dominion i *ny. A caJl Kjllclted. I arrlull T t orrrr id Each Oats 28 'o 88 Peas 1 lo 61 Barley 30 to 36 Nutter 13 to 13 tugs fresh I " 10 Pork 7 00 to 7 60 Hay 1000 to 12 00 Wheat, whits., bO to 5 Wheat, red C5 to i6 Potatoes bag 30 -x> 30 Hides. . 6 00 to 6 00 Whom Will Ye Serve. J. B. Sloan &. son Societies AO U W niaats ou tha laat Monday In each mouth, In thair lodga rooin. , . Kli-.nurtuii. at p in T. Hlsk.-ly. W. J : AM ilib.on. Bacord.r . W rlelUiny.nnaaeisr. Vlltlng br.three luvitd Dur:<-i: AKTIITK LODUK, Mo. MS. A. r .n th.. Maauukball. Htraln leek., everv Friday on or before t full iiiou.i. J A Hoyd W M; w J 1U .... St-cretury. Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Hailing, Corner 1 '.lucks tlu> best of spruce I^itli.No. I and '_' sliinj, r lrs Veranda and Fitting, Sidings, i-te. C.)i 'iP KI.K-ili:KTiiX. I. O. f. nieau in lll.>ck lh last Frldaj avaniog Foretari heartily K, 8., W. A. Arm- ,, ,|P. , K. Waller ; lUOtlg. JJcntiotvy I. E C. MURRAY. L. D. H.. dental aurRMii- liunort(i.i-i..attiuf Toronto Unlvernty sad 'tl SjrKnons of Ontario . * Jeweller] Turning of all Kinds Done to Order run of Ktiinuv for Chopping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaninti Photos in aacu , tVi. .i l.t and Wado.aday 1 Tbarsday TAKEN AT THE j w KUOST. r, u M. > uvysncer. eta Iflce, Hproula'a block Pialll . ,i... ai i. -luiii-la au.l._ooart dayn .Mies. fuuK-.t .irl t. Flesherton Photograph Gallery i Front" block McAHDI.F. . it... Coiivoyaneers, at Offli-.-. -<>>. n -. . in I Ont audl<ark<lal.< Out. W U Win. on. McAiuiLJt I II I.' > .1 offlca, Mitchell's bank lay. tl ..... . l'\ rTT.HXOS i-.t..r, Hollcltori, ato llolaou'i Hank. OwaD Bound I. VUI.V '. T'< .'.Mi UKO W PATTKU.SON * 5A/HPSON. llarrl.t. *' Owoil Souud. Molianl li,,,i, . if Patt*raoo Oosss. DsMMK. Mali, itroa-t. u/ory Hkturday , i\, II . for Orty aro done in first-class stylo and At lowest rates. Special attuntKiti Kivrn to ci.pyinu. Uabies' photos. a specialty. Pictures frain.-il. MKS. BULHER Having put -IKS.-.I tbe tcnmirial busi- fniiii Mr I.i-(iard I wish to announce tliMt tin- business will bo continued in tin- o M |-rfuiw Wu hnve had a l.n-.'i- city FXix-ri'-ni-r and buheve wo can HIM- |,.-r'.-i't aatisf.i. ti..n in our line. taki-n i.xerthu sency for D ' .).it. I'liyalPlan, Hliri(eon. .-U rui, .-,uiu' Oluek. lUaldouca iliiuiUaw k Ituiul JM II M....II., r l.'.illana Thvale. A Kin iiiilaii" ilniiiiin in Mc.ticina o Tor.mln L'uiv ,- Dtptosta.Pest I.IH.IH- ...I ii Hosultal , < in< !" sse ajad tliroM npiM-itllv Ma>woll,vliit> Favcraliiiin JI> 01 > M Vnturlnary I'oUi-x.-, .. .1 i I .,., -omli w(t ou rim rau> kuulli I'lBnl . .11. IV. Jat A3 I i U , , . ,,ii 1,1,, | lionlUt, wall. : 'i - .. ,111*1 y Oil u . > m>. i.ity. V 1 1 UK in. In .1 |> > , . uv iriini V 10 i |i 111 Miiv The lull I' I, \'.V II\N f.. .... li. .uu BOAR for SERVICE Tamworth Boar I'. nt Law by H I'lMi-K I., owner. ,"y. THOMPSON \'olstoii Laundry ANH Parktr's - 2>y - Works And M! orders Ifft iib us will receive |>roin|4 iiinl i iii-liil Hiti-iiiii'ii. Flestotofl Slaving Pallors A. Wilson . . 1 'rop. There are in China a cotisWerable nuiiiiier who have, found congenial occu- patiun Ftinco the out-break, berutinj uihwiooarieN, and deprecating their work. have before me a littie b.-ok in whicb hvs chaigss are. culleett-d and ankWur- d, by wtiolivua in Sli.,i^h,a. Accnrdn.({ to their critics, these mission- riea are solfish, living in luxury, w.tb iut tact, and are vindictive. They over the nuiulicr i.f their converts, wb.i.thcy say, profess conversion hiuiply or ihe loaves and nshe*. They lean i. he gun-boat for protection, and in uii ibjeciiouable manner, thrust an object (iiuible religion down the throats of tbe 'hiuese. Now these cbart- and many more can be answernd fully, without BB- iilmii; infallibility to inumioimrirn any n ,1. than to other men Itut wluUt ih'-ir eiuinu^ are fco occupi- i-d, what are the in .-.liuimries duinu ' Well \M { them have lavd down ilu-ir .i\i->. Hiul. now wtainng the iimrtyr* iMi.wn, ru d.iing whatever the MaVsMBMJ inij the tbr-'iie. i)f tin- reiiiHindur who cacni.-d, souiu cam to iho I... mi- land.but the ineioTiiy are t tbe , standmg ut the donf ready t.i.e:,t.-r resume wnrk as si,ini <u j^rmiasion u : i\.ii And in tin- mi untune what t Tbe woiueu bav held a c-'iifi-i>-n> in Sli.-uinhai, presided over by Lady Hltkt-, tbu wife of ilie goM-rimr ..f Hong, in wbioli lliey |>raytd f.-r the woinvu "f Chins, dmcuitKinn tlieir 1.1 nls, and !.. bent to relieve tlu-ni. Tin- in 'e mission- ari.-H itUo hfl.l e. nl. i *'"' Hil.le Btudy-lhat they (the n.isMi.n might be theinsc-lves spiritually iiuickc-n- e.l, .mil thereby China blenaisl. AS,.|I- porlumty oilers, they send letters .vid meHsages of sjmpnthy anil enoour,'f iiu-nt to tbe scatlereil and pcroecuted ix^nverts M)I remain. aeitih "T vimlictivef Otbcis aie employed gnlherint! up, ' -\ inly, the story of tht- mniun-ri--i, the her. i^couraguand loyalty to JIMIS Christ, of niisaionarifs and converts alike, iii'd vii~n:.iij i;:'.. rxrnliolis of Oi.d'n ham), delivering from drath Liiu*d \:\.~~~ tune had uul come. Ilia mtd, htaii-icnding, but glorious. Fur example, e. ghtren 11 . 1[ .. ileuri. about to RO uii A journey, weiu warned of the risk, but sa"ld, e go on a colporteur tour, Ood's will I* done. Only four of the eighteen reiurn- ed. Tlieir li'iiiua w.-ri- liM.t.dand burned and their families eiterininatKl. llf-v who escaped.did sonftt-r passinu throutih terrible piixalimis. Tbe whole tory will nt-vei- be ti.'d. I nt i-nouuh t make us re- j.,i,e in the p..werif redeemlim t?csce. Was ever any country more afflicted .-mil more in neud of syinim'hy tlmn poor Clinri to-day I Th.) terrible- ^c.lurge of war is now succeeded by one i'f the worst families ,.n n-curd. In the two uoriliiin provinces ..i Shonai and Bhansi, crops have failed for tho tlni.l time, and the Kituaiii n is so! that it it snid cannibalism prevails tlit-ni. In tlio ji.i'.i. misrioiiaties have teen tht-ir friends in tiniu of distrc8, but now tin- iiiiwtii.naiies have been driven away by tlu-ir 11*11 art. Ix-t us not for this, turn away from ili. -MI in augur, but rather say i coin passion, an tl.e Master did, "f..ri(ie them for they know nut what 'hey do". Tins i tin- hour of durknuM, but iln- li^lit Mill .litnii. China will le r.iiii|ii-r.-il for ChriHt, and s*tn will be -tborn .>f his Kiiiiiilom and power. Whore are our sinp:lliies 1 Wh 'in shall we nerve. U. P. McKAY. A young man named Wicktns was arrested in Collingw.Kjd .( n Monday eVeniitK by Chief Mstden "n tbe strength of information received Irom Beeton. where he is charxvd with using forced' eb. . |in-s. On one he raised seven dulla'S and a half, but was n. t so succensful on the second. llo wa tak.-n back t< I;, etuii l>y a constable on Tuesday *fter- Mini wbwrelie "ill probably rMsi* JM prelimina.-y l.vnnnK this week. Tlie pri* Her is ibout twtnty-four years 01 age Mr. H. Cargin, M. P. f->r E.t Bruce, has subsoiibed $'20UO fi.r tin c.f an AnulicMii church at Careill. and if Mi s is i.oi sufficient itli tl.e other coi.'ntm- t s to ci.mpUtu the new s,mcfuary,he is prepared to do vti!l In-tier. Mr. Carnill m ;i Pr-sl/j-t-rian, but we BirderKtand Ill- has s,.und on tint r.-lgi"U CMUHH tho grunl nisj., I ! - h byterian* of Hrai.t i.nd (iiuein-ck up ported Mr. ' iiumnf , sn rx-b.-tt-lkt-p<T in preference lo one of their 0*11 <1 "ni- mation ..n N...-. 7'!i. >'r. C-vr^ill has tm-n the tiiiarKui luckUmo i'f the- ftM church in \V.-il I!rnt for rrsra] yi-arsand ii dferti'i:i il: IH-- n nciipns blow to tbw t-tix,.- ..t C.iti.l, if t*v.( reii-^rt 'u trae that hciiccf Ji'h lie will IN- f..und Mur.-tl.ipi! g in and su.|H.rt- in-: thu English church. -Chesley F.:.U-r pirse. for Sale , A farm fnraaJe Jn tb Township of Artinal> coutaiulim IX) a--., more or !.* iO acriu claarod wltb fairly Rmxi buiMmi. conj|>nl of lota W. *5, 06, 67, 6". on tbn sn-oad sooessuos), Norib T Durham Ilus-l T.TMII aay. Apply to Mar. 1-3 m. .TMII aay. Apply to DK. C HlTOfe. FlwhertoB. IHOKO. iiMKH ii DURHArt BULL For Service Count . Lusti*& :;;>io Thu umlt-rsigiiv 1 has a fine Durl am Buf for uervicc. (.-olor red) on lot 147. T.S.K. TKSMS-S1.00 for the seas n. Pedigree on iip|.!ic.-tion. ALBEB.T STSWAKT May H l;r. F^heiUyi. Hi* Jones Voice Greatly Impro cd Til* mtiiy Hdiiriivrs < f Y.:>i ,l"iu .< sing- ing lim. I .'. n ^really pl.ascd at the mi proved cVunie an. I nclim-ms of tone-. .-" nolicealiV in hti I..U- ri!iiilfr,n(fi. Mi-i .lone* a'tribulcs t! is iinpr>.M:iiM>iit to the i ivnt uio of Cat*rrhi>ai:ie. It K' Vf clearness i.-.d l-ri:l:-im-y uf tone, and pre- vent* hoami'iifs :in<l husliiness. Proaml ,i. nt >ii|i' rti. milliners, net >r and p'i lie Hpe.ikurs uo CuUnhoza-ne f->r the ana find it of iiuwtiiiiabie value, l.r.-athe the medical, d air from the in- baler ii. i.. ill- throat awl lung*, _ v i*' it kill* di*mie, [Kvn'iiti nd. '.!>s.. utcly cure* Itrniifhiti-, .W!. mi and Ciit.nli Catarrlnwmerrr-niT f..iN ; n> ver barms; ;i>.iant to une ;u.d always HMMMffal. S. 1.1 wit'i a gnamnt. : , nry ' i> pitckii\(e. t.. cur tliew* disrasus, >r your money Imck Small Silc -'." I'n A Co., KiuiTl. Hi. < tut. wmm You know all about it. The rush, the worry, the exhturti You go about ^ ith a fire.?- [ vou. \ou can't threw ',* off this feclteg. You ;_ re a slsve to your work. ;. Sleep fails, a:u< you are f on the verge of nervous exhaustion. What Take fbia slfrnst ir. Laxative Err ; the reniody thjt . r..- .-: o( tho R. T SM la Tai-leU Thoroughbred Durham Bull lor Service. Cord minto, 2906$. T^ iin.lcral(Dad has a fine aged Durham Bulllcr ssvicr..u lot 141, T. 4 H T.-IM^ i for tirade cown, *i for thorough- brads, i'edlgrw. on l'l'lli-Mi n J \t (Hi l.l-.\ l.K. FlBuherton I'.O. For fif-v -ji-rs it been lif;h: up thr courag-^0, giving :t.>t i^ the overworked, and bringing rtfreuiic| sleep to the Cepre?.?ed. No othar S-.r-.rp^ approaches if. .1 . an Jin cures, "Ayer . - It wis ci i r Camwortb Boar lor Service Alvin i No. ini.ris n*' t- iii-^ llif tinl tho lil.'-.t III lly KMHI'II. See it, A full Illie of SWUHt |>SilH, I'.IH'eTM, wllljll, oollarN, nxlii ure.iNi-, boot oinlineiit, curry, 1 1 links, VftliHH, eti-. See tbo SHtiiiary llrure for u'entli nifii'-t wear only 40<- per | ,ur. W. MOCRE ri.K.NUrilTllN ONTARIII Pain in the Back ni;ike life miserable. Can it bocurrdl Yes in one night. Poison's Nerviline Hiiei s coinpleto knockout to pin in tin.' back, for it puliutrstrs ihroiih tl.e tissues, taken - nt ll.e m.niu-s itiitl (.1 n. invU'i.riii.- nnd iniiscli'S. and make.-* fet-l like a imw man. Nervilino eun- .pllekly bee.insf it H htrnllgl-r. more pell in-iiini.', iiniie highly I "in Mi'iluini! tban any olber re. n.-dy. Don't Miller minute, net Nervilino ijuiik, mul rub it in. for Mure iiayoli were born it Mill cure you. '-'>-. Tho undersignwl has s Tiuiiw-irth U'nr f'-r service on lot, UO, T. & S. H., Arti-niesia. Terms $1.00. Tims. LEVER, l'r"|i. THOROliOII3Ki;n SHORTHORN BULL-SERVICE NO. .ism 'General Gordon* Tin- nndsrsignod li*r a hrst mm not- ,, .. 1,1,1-. ,1 Slioih.-tn Imll f'ir "i-rvir i |.,: I.-.:,. T. uii.1 S. 1!.. \it-n.-'si. i, ,,nc ..f tin- t'.-t ;ii,inrl in the o'tmtry. |',-,| tree .m ui.p' TF.RMS--$i. Thoroughbreds, Jj- Wni l>avls. J 1.; -.I..K1..* T4MIVUUTH BOAR .- I l : 5ERVICE *._IM ^tnW'.rth Mnr for aoi vice . V. ti-li..".iA. T.-IMIN SI W. Ml.Alln. |-iu|itiatoi'. Clubbing List Ad. .in. > and lail and t-ini|.in> f 1. HO r\.-okly (Jlobtj 1 HI) laiiy Ni>wa 2.30 J>aily Star 8.66 1.80 Win. ricCalmon, lm|'..rlrr ol and Drain In s EED;.H, scoice i imm Granite and Marble Work OF ALL KIND Inscriptions Cut n Shortest Notice. Sydueham st. - - Ifleshertun Tho ave ae country c itor dt>es not i. II ;iU h known or ir-|. il ull In- S<TH. II.. kcfpsa k- real dual mo'e oui of I is |.|n r In- puts in it. A L'r.'ii' many rt-adi-i-N ili, M'. I bo under obligation to I. mi for wlmt hTfla nut in li" I^IM -r, :is w. II s I.,- thankful t<> him for whnt he h.i> k.-|.i .'Ut i.f It. A new invention is out, mid tin 1 proaeh er will i/o eriwy over it It's a churrh i-oiitriliution boi that in |iv-H,d aroi.nd .1 ,.i tli.- |.lto. The e..insf -11 tlinniuli llu- Hlols ..f dill'eirnt si/.-t and nil tl i- Imlvr-s, i|iinri>'rs and dimes alili'. mi \el\ ( -t mid iniike i;o IKHM' ; b'-i enMMrl and tiv^c. nt jntveH di-' |i "ii t'liinejo (..111; wliu-li Hciiinds to beat the. Kind, . Thi- li.irri,- liaxotle says : " has be.-i. ilfjwl in ColliiiK.'o-l f,-r M.IIH-, him-,- the your that Hobby \VaUon, ..f Oiiliia, played nitn OoUbkfWOOd in.iler .tn m-iiiu, .1 nnme. Hobby ,i an e\|n-n stli-k liiin.llrr, wlm punied :>' lioni^ hoin.i io piny. He wont bin-ituse hi li.-nii was ill the |(anie. NHtnru had adorni'il linn bountiKuisly with H niax- intn-iint head of venniHion Imir, which w is nlwsyx a murk of u deutlfic-a'ion, nnd i-oi,s,,|iimiiy a burner at times. The Ooltinuwixid Ml-.wsttol over the . I Hi.ulty on this occasion by ^iv.n^ Hobby's Imir a dip in K vut of dje. Tho nlnun- worked nicely until * nlu>wi-r of mill on, and durii>t{ the pri^rrHH of the l(..liby's li. ...1 nsunui.l its natural .i.liif iin-l In' fake wan .'\|..-rd " Tho Otlllia Ni-i l.i HIT understands that I thia is llit. lintt case on roXM-d wl.ero l.sir dyu i To Cure a C->M In One Tal.o laxative HI-OIKO gui Initi-'-'lK i.-dlllil llu- in- ill. V 6c. K. \V. Oiove'K Inuaiurc is on Day T-.l 1 i i.-dlllil llu- in- ill. Vllll li. k Cook'B Cotton Soot Compound 1 1 snor-eiMf nlly nsr<l monthly t-r ovf r I0.ix*i[juli. -.-. Sufo.t-ITrclual. Laillpa*k your .Iruituist for Caos's Coasi Baal Cam- ak. ..sail M:iturt-s. plllt aud nssredantrrrunK. Price, No. l.flprr Uiz-.No. , lOdafries Htronnfr.lS per box. No. lorl-nialleiluii rw.-lut ..f price ami twos-cent stamps. The ITouk foinpaujr Wlmlsor. Onl. tw~N08. 1 and 1 ti.ld ami racoomsadsd bj all respouslbloUruKgUts ImOsMslV : i .-.. Ayer*. P;i!- lid t tion of Aycr'a t . rilla. They cure bilk us- ness.". ' I i,.^- -. . i lysr'sir. -v ':m r rwre t- from tin v, -v'.ii thabr i .'Ji- !" I t " ''!' 1 tmtm T llfawben I Itr-t ti^ '. t >.-ri. -,{... I am I-..-.. )'. .'i Snd a.u u.'r . TH >^:c l'' ' Jin. .-. WrM0 tb Cffttf. K . -..,,|>ia nl h- U-1<1 - !> <MXt. iMly. Tom will nriT a tr.-n.iil r i A.tilra. *'!!. HIM ct:.r.- v -; ; - r ' I fc M . tu r., Kanui. y h:y rssiwni VI In v J - c A 9 t* 1 ' '^ssW FIBUITII V^AHEKOOMS ! \\e >!e i-.injiiiij newest stylo i>l SEASONABLE GOODS III .ill line- ' f FURNITURE OoBsietU Parlor and Siadroem Suites ! anil No. His so'il i'< Kleohn'on nil I \V. S. 11. r Mi'.-, In 11 l<\ W tion and Contre Z7aA/fS. Cflai't. Window Shadcs and Curtain Polts, Ficturf*, \5ajffh, ttf \Vli ,li we - :'. r at Lowest Prices. Picture Framing lad Gneral Rfj airing I'uiU-rtHkiii-,' in a.H it* Hnnu-lu-s Satisfactlin Uiiarante.d W H. BUNT, HOPRH:TOR Don't make a Serious itnd buy a I'liited S>nies Histxry nf K^n \\ .- 1m i- llu- i-nly Ciinmlm . f Lnrin- ^ Qun-n "" l.i iM,,,k by l.-'nl Dulfcrin n.l Hopkins. MHUMIH . f Lnrin- s.ijs " ilu- K.-t p..|.uUr hist my puWishsd, ' .11, ,1 Sir Arthur Ili^ Qm en's I'ru-.ti- S.-.-r.-ciry. Hon. .l--s. Cliam- b.-rl.-iin, I.-nl S.ilislnn-y, Sir Oliver Mown!, l.--nl 'I'l-nnvM'ii, Rtrl of .li-i'- ,-v. Hr CHrinsn, Sir Chan. Tu|ip.-r, Sir \Vn, V.m II. .rue, W. T. Si.-a,!, Hi. Uovitl llihii, the Duk.' of Y..rk. ami H|| l.i.iiinjj |.pi-is writ.- in HiiuiUi- HtraiiiH. IM InrutT, ri'iiluins ni.n-e w,.rdi>. I'l-t'.-r illustuiti d. U-iler IMIJMT, IH-IIIT iv.iulnin, and unlv fl .7.">. AV.M ^ !. n t .!.,'> tinm tmiid- linn AiniMioHii and inferior bo.ik.i ben you cnu gt<t the au'lienlK 1 , Hntiah- i'liiisili^in b.>. k . n be.Ui-r thrills. Huiitlreils of ik;< -i.i tliiowiiik! *y i'^ |Kiaitinn priiM|H-i-ium-a. If yi>u proniino lt> i-anva-i* >ve ill send you mi outfit 1 1 1 > THE BRADLEY -OAIIRBTSON CO.. Limited IH:\M <Kl>. OMT. M.-MII. . i. IM ,, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. VOL. XX, NO 1033 Fleshertdli, Ont., Thursday, May 23, 1OO1 W. H. THUBSTON, DI P T ? F * rtARKDALE. ONT. drey County's Biggest Store given in connection of the Ladies Aid So- ciety of the Prwbytenun church. The qnestion of 'his week is. whrre are you going Victoria Day t Let'n all goto Owen Sound, boyi ; that's a cheap trip land the girli in chorus *ajr, " would ilike t.. ..." Ceylon. ftave just arrived. Vou have probably wondured why liav>- n't, hejn making a big . werlu aco, but thrrs is meth.d iii ur a'owni-ss. \\'o were detenuinfl t<- not only have the best values, but the 'atest styles and newest den-gns for . ur |..itn,ns, aud are now prr[, n.i'r , abow )ou all the Utest ideas in Bisl.oj) Sleeves New ColUra, Bias Pleating. Bias Strapping, Sailor >, <MC , and *ll at savinf or tr..ia ID to 20 por cent, on regular values.' MJy differtn' styles at ariou- prices. We mention two nniniHTs !'.. w : 96 B'.ou-as in h.\r..l rue dotii:!^ ..f ;,."o ,!, muslins. Ac., %11 with the new Hi^h.:j. S|.-,-ve Ks)d utu-xrnn'eed a perfect Bt.spwMal valus of) 7. I', ouies in a number ->f VMIHUS dragns, made with new bishop t-l.-eve and new onlltr, some iiu.-rtjou rfsunirtl. tt>me fancy bias ploat'ii-,-. handsome pHtt^rn* in either pt-rachs or muslin a 1 I-IZ.-H nri extra value at ........................ 75 Hew Wrappers. We are showing a big variety of .-olorings and patterns in all pop- ular prio-s- Our wmppors give better satisfaction than the kind many stoivn kwp, not I i-causw we have better goods or handsomer patterns, but because they KIT. All onr wrappers ate made very full sen** the bust and hips. Kv-n- woman knows ihat this means a perfect fitting wrapper. Examine them. N.> nee.1 to buy ur.less you wish. Prices rsnge at 72, 90, 1.00. 1.^5 and ....................................... .... 1 BO Olasb Tabrie$. Tn re>ard t i Summer IVess materials we ftel we os>n jutly rla ; m tho Iradcrship; n. t renting with the n.-r cenble achievements of past seas- ons, but -trivinn after the highest ideal*. We. have n>-w in st.-ck resdy f..r your inti.--tioi), 'he nvt sumptuous array of t<igh clam nove'ties it h*.s ever l>etu our pluasure to exhibit, and can claim exclusive ownership of the newest and m<Mt oriuiual designs. You can judge the whole tck by this price rule : 26 pieces inuhns,amorted colorings and pa,tterr>s in 3 special values, 5. 10 and ........................................... \*^ 20 patterns fine French Organdie muslin, 30 inches wide, in hand- Mine. d.-Kun.-* and lovely finusuuuiy of them in dress lengths and no two \like. They are ({.-.. 1 va ue at 'E> cts. per yrd if U.u^hi in tho regular way -we can ay,your cho>ce nt !.", from Our Oten Mr. Rae of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. MsrshaJl. Mian Rpmate of Fleaherton is the guest of her sinter, Mrs. Lawrence. Mrs. U. Riddle spent Sunday with | friends at Eugenia. Dr. A. Little of Owen Sound visited nor village on Thursday. A gam; of men are employed this week cutting down the grade at the north end of the y*rd. Miss Mary Cook entertained the Sabbath school class at her home <>D Tues- day evening. An enjoyable evening was pent. Mr. J. Cairns spent a few days in the city last week. Mr. J. D Morgan of Dundalk, *** in our village Ust eek. Master Kiiburn Hempill left for Tor- onto on Friday. Mis* Ada Tayl.trfof Rochester is risit- ing her father. Mr.VT. Taylor. 10 pieces Dress Duck, full 30 inches wi-ie, in navy ground vi'li whi'e spots, tnp and fancy small deoigiM. Had we bouuht this cloth early in the *ets<>n th- i-nce would have been 15c a yard. You cn tak yimr ch--ice now at ............... 17 10 Hiiry ill ro<l It KOO<|* are ia.irk.-d in plain Tlie intenti.'ii is you may send by ;my mevnser even a child- -for whal you ned with asurance that no advantage will be taken aid that you inn no risk. 50.000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. gthffoiti & Co, ^lavwrll Fiom Our Oir* Correspotulmt A week ago Sunday wo were the re- cipiei.ta < f unite a snow snd hail storm followed by rain of which we seem to be getting plenty. Rev. Currie and wife visited the latter'* pared '.s fr a f*w days. Mr. Currio t,M-k the service a week au-o Sunday and gave an excellent addreos, hia teit being found iu Phil. 1. 21. Master Chester Long, who has bren iH with pleurisy for some time, ls recover- ing. Mr. \\ill Clarke, blackimith, is also ill with inflammation. We hope to hear of Ilia t ecu wry soon. Mi. MoDuff, a^ent for the BerKn organ Co.. of Dnn.l lk. left twn instru- oirnfi iu our village this month. Quarterly Official B< ard met at the Meth'Hlixt church on Mny 6th and was wed attended from other ap[x>iiitments. V'tt-r ilio service they all took tea with 'hoir pastor at the parson v,-v. \>n Miy tliu 10th the Armenian, 2. E. Boyajiun, and hw cousin, <ave a very in tereting lecture aiul o-n -ort in the Moth otlist rhurch and showed different cos- tumes vf the Aniitm.tii puoplu and their different forma ol worship. Rev. Mr. Mills of Ceylon addressed the people of the. Episcopal church on Sunday last at 3 o'clock in tho afternoon. t-Mi-s Henry. ho ban been visiting her unr here for sometime, has returned to her home in Afarkdalo. Mr Harry Monaghan was a caller in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burk of Maple drove cisited friends here a week ago last Sun- day. Miss Annie Strachan has returned home after an extended visit of T months ith 'her sister, Rev. Mr. Ferrier of Pitts- Mr. Robert Heron is home on a Winnipeg, and his many friends are to ace him return. Captain Berorose left lant Tuesday to Uke charge of his bot and his many frienrfn wish hi-n successful seam>u and Safe rtttrrra. Miss Minnie Robinson of the 3th line sport Sufnrttny and Sun.lay with friends in tho villsije. The latest fail fn o^rr town i buying, out they a y ittsk t -stwo r.. buy -one asks tho man if ho hs s|cow to sell six! the othrracts a jndue. ./n.l^e not according to size hc-auaa they are nntiirn'ly small animal. Air. Thurston. e,Iit,r of The Advance, was .t welcome caller in our village last Thursday. Mis-ion Flossie- and Mnruaret Mclntyre called on friends last Tuesday, There ill l>e a lawn social on Victoria Day at Mr. Ed. McCaJlum's, 4th line, Port Law Frvm our otnt C<rrrr*i><inilr>it A good many have tini-hed seeding, others hre considerable yet !> (l.>, but by the tune another Advance reaches) its readers th* great majority will have the work completed for the season. Inspector Campbell visited our public school lately aod reported favorably ..n the work beins{ done by teacher Hutchin- son. Mr. S. Sheardown is having the rwirn on the homestead rniaed by Mr. John Whitten of Fleaherton, with the inten- tion of building a stone basement of which Mr. M. (iilles;.ie is cortrs'-- Mr. Hubert Ward, Miss Ward and Misjt Mi-Master of Flesherton visitd on S^t unity with Mr. R. Me Master. Mr. Euiell has commenced operations on his new house on the lot recvntJy pur chasrd fn>m Mr Th^mpaon. Mr. Richard Hoggins 'f Pn.Mn Sta tinn occaaionnlly visits this part with hi fresh beef. Alth-muh Mr. H. is a ery dcst man his m >de*'y dr>e net prevent him from sometimes blowing his own ''horn." Twoeitremcly toui{h Io.-kiAa specimens if humanity a mar) aud worn tn - - ptuux^l tlioiuh this neijrr1h(*rho<>d lately, dm'winj; a norel l.y>king cart which attrac'ed muoh alteition, and linked like one that hi.i seen service wrh tho h Buiera. In fact the patties thrmnelve* seemed to prs scs* some of the features of that sect. >",, seems to know what their bnsinees is further than that thay ar-peare-1 r. hr sn unlimited supply O f insolence for free distribution. (>m- irent!eman, who wight be was iretiing more than bis hone*t share, gvntly insinuated vt much. .'i that the air iniijht bo more healthful elsewhere. Thts gentle hint and advice the strangers showed n<> disposition to *ct niion until rmph.tMzed in riew of the business end of a shot-.-nn. From Onr (>ipn <'<>rrnrp.i./,-nt Duilding opurntions are in full pr at pment. There were thre forces of masons within os.y distance of the village last week. Mr. R. D. Cr- ruthers has the foundation of his new hou,c cumplrtetl. Mr T. Hosd has the wll finished under Ins !i us ' ^lr \V. T. Kltis M buil.l'i.g a fviiud-ition to which he will movo hit house. Mr. D. XVitlLico hs completed tho bricking of his homo ami oow lt ., ],) s much to the attractivenoNS of tl.e went side of the valley. Mr. Geo. Pr> -tor's now vcrnn.Uli i^ nearinx completion. U add* ra-ich to the | beauty of bis prvmisvs. Carpenters ire at work building an addition to Mr. Jan.'s barn. Squire Stuart has had his new house ery tiatefully painted by Mr. 8. S. Burritf. Mr. W. C. Hams has been working at his father's new rrn, iretMng it ready fur raising. Mrs. J. HU is spending some time at her parental home, hav-ng come to see her father. The Ladies Aid will hold a picnic m the grore, on the twenty-fourth next. Fur further information see posters. Miss Mary Knott, and her brother Sandford, p*id a fisit to their gnnj p\rei ta at WurVforf. Our butcher has been giving us a good supply if fresh Uke trout lately and judging from the quick -uul ready sales 'hy must meet with favor at prmeor. Jfr. J. R. Fawcett will be nVtting timber down the riverthis week. He has built a boat to acromi>af.y the drive. Mr. G. W. Uraham wheeled home from his sch<yl M Boothville on Friday een- caVesx Smith of Kio.h.'rley, (nt into in altercation with Mr. John Ferguson of this town OD Monday laat, when Smith assaulted Ferguson,. Complaint was Uid before magistrate Webb, but before the hour for the trial bad arrived the rase was settled between them. Smith paying the costs. Thorrri'iry Hera''l. The Webs Appearing. your fruit tret> snd every little grove and cluster of trees on the farm, and if poexible remove caterpillar webs which are now sppesnng nud shine like silk in the morning snn. While these little crnwlors tan /niw- ing and the whole company rvm-un in the web is the time to .iestioy them. They grow very rapidly aod if Uft u,,. disttirlwd a week or ten days after they begin to be active, they start -lur >n their work of eitinv leaves buds and ttlossums cleaning out everything before them. Hundreds i.f trees have been killrd snd the growth of shrubs slanted by the ravage* ot this pest. A zeneml move early in the seiuon will prevent further destruction to a very Urge . Uent. Retnov.- the webs with jmur haiid, dump them into a pail containing a little coal oil. and the work if snuffing out lifj is rap;d avl sure. Warts Are Unsightly That is the reawm no one in clamoring for a fev more warts make them fashionable and - remedy to grow warts would quickly be ma.le 4 financisl success. Yes, Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor removes them; works quickly and with- out pain -any dnujv;i>t will ttll you more about this remedy. The funeral of the late Mr. Thoma* Willir.or?%, winch f.>..k p'.ce) frunj bis ivi.lence n^ar Holland Cvn're, to Mount Xioii ooiiu-tery, on Fn.liy ,-iftenioon, was the larid'st. that lias ever taken place in Unit purt of the country. Amor^'^hc many renutiful fl iral .-flerin. s t e rol*t ci.n^picuna* w on (n-fHented l-y the County Council, of wliich Mr Williscr >ft w.\ nieniSr at the time of his demise. It WAX a Urge ixteeu spoke wheel, with one poke hr ken out, rrpreen!ini{ the number of members of the council, the rammx (pko repmentin)( the losaof the docesaoU ineinber, sml was corupoaed . h-itly . f ro<es. The pll lx'rer were Warden Blown, ex- Wanln.s McDonald, (t-'nlon and I'tingle, CoinmisKioni-r N. McColmvi ami County i ,".cr Ku'.herford. > S S lm . Kn>m C:le-li<n o 'n; t'u ^'ory of the largest trout eapuio ..f the yi-nr, or fossil. ly of IMI, y yttr. .lame* Ki>i-;ht. of CharleKton. went rinhini; in Green L-ike, ;i iinle or more wt.-t of that i "n M iy I- t,i Ii4i,d 4 tiMu: which in.-mutvtl 26 inches in lenqth and tip|H-<l th-- beam at exnr Iy (} Ibn. '-I VTRU., IVc.. linn) To the public : Your dru^Kist M hen-- y authorial to refun-1 the pnrcha- I'" '" twenty-live or tilty cent b^.ttlr of Greene's Warranted Syrup if Tar, if it fvN t., cure your rotiifh or (S.gned) The LesU-r U. Urwrw Co. We are shor-.ny wacche* now, and n to hare the LARGEST ST<X:r west of Toronto, the BfcST ST<>CK to lect fn,m, and the CHEAPEST STOCK, <nking .juality and ererythinej into ooiMidrnuion. W e are (retting ia new stock every few day* and veiling watches every day. Prospective buyer* bould remeoaber the old raaxira : "Mak hay while rh sun shrnea. " The son (9 shining now for purchasers ; all you hava to do is to c"me in and bay aod your ha* is made. Come in and luok at the t jcfc whether you wiah to boy .>r not. W. A. Armstrong. ^ ICWELER AND OPTIClANi FLESHERTON. Markdale May 24 THe Proii i't Mourn* 10 a. m. Admission free. 1. Parade and Military display by cadets in training. i. Broncho running race) ( open to Western ponies) 1st print $6, 2nd $3, 3rd ft. 3. Fooibe.ll match. Holland Ceutrv Chatswortb vs. kfarkdale. 4. Bicycle rice. Lit prue $5^ **i $3, Admiasi..n.euts* 1 V.. children lOc. 1. Pruceeaioo DC park headed by Mark- 'l.-ile Citizens Ban-l. 2. Lacr-aee match Thbtlea of IXm <U)k vs. Aberdeens I IT. . t Markdale. 3. Acrobatio perform\nc*, refine-l monologaee tumbling and chair leaping by the celebr\ted Gtmrlay Bros., of Tor- onto. 4. Foot raced, jumping, ets. 100 yd- Jmh. running bit>l jump, running hop, ntep and jump, putting the shot, obstacle race, 100 yard run boys under Irt, girls race under 13, catching greaiy pit;. 5. Gourlay Bros, in their fanou Trick Cottane act. . Ijcrofe Match Dutfcrins i f i>rngeville va. Aherleens of Markdale S o'clock. Admission 25c. At Marsh's hall will be presented the up-to-date comedy "What happened J. ne" by the Markdale Dramatic Club. Thu play i* conceded to be one of tho rt-lined and interest nitf piece* of itx kind acted by the '>est oumpaniee. It is cu'irely dev. id of roughness and is highly tmusing throughout. The piece is re- ; r ,!:iced in three acts by a cast o eleven characters and will run for tw,- Rexerved seat, plan at J. H jowelry store, M.irkdale. Everett oil wells -e not jn producing oil. It will b rfmriiihred that sorat- : time :)fo a Ci'llmgwixnl ^yndicMte lecurevl .tu option on the farm <-f Mr. Andrew 1 1, situated on tin- western outskirts of the vilUue and the r.itires of the vil lage had visron* of unt!d weaMi. Tner were deposits on the farm thvt re*emt>led coal tar and buriu'.l -,"-y bn^htly nd ir was bvliertd ' not from tke sur face woul 1 K- found \ ttt quantities of oil. But the Collin - ltet hs^ evidently thrwn up the spt nyv and in oninevtion thervwuii ' n-iiilernbli* i ' ' ' " ^ ' . ' th story of ;in oiil III\I;.IM- r .,f t vnl,-e,:i previous owntr of the luvipcrty cui>cv.vo,| the id,- ! .f pu" m [,. ., iu t-ir. Thit scheme w. carri.- 1 in'o \ ecu-i* n and it crua.itity nf u;,u-^l txr w burie.1 on tha f%rnr Tliis tnr is now b- liev,..| ,,h,. the Kt,M ,.f Ev.r^tt's oil wells. Sf:.ytior Sutl. beap burned tblp at (Jiand Vnlle> V

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