APRIL 4,1901 THE FLESH KKTON ADVANCE I <E arils M CULLOUQH * YOfNO u Hkukt.ru. Uarkdal* Do Kiieral hanking bu*inea*. Money loaned at a reasonable rate. 0*11 ou u*. b VANUIMBN. I P dwfk i ; Mb IMv Court. Co Orey iur o( Uarrlac* l.lcenie*. Conveyancer * ta jr. Public Auctioneer MOD*; to loan at 41 par ceut Charge* moderate FLK8HERTON P O DtUTii COLLliOTBI, TBe uuderilRned I* prepared to aadnrtekethecollectlou of all kind, of debu. Bite* bought, account* collected ete. K N UliNDKKBoM. Flesherton RJ HPROUL.K Poetoiaetor, Kleiherton ".IN. iilstioner In H.C.J., Auctioneer Con veyanoer, Apprel*er and Money Lender Real Rotate and Inaurauoe Ae*r.t. |).IN lao t ;. lea*e* an-1 will* carefully drawn op J I valuation* made ou bortusi in lice. jnoy to loin at loweit rate* of Intereet. Col licli.'ii atteti.led to with prouiptnxm Charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion tetiuthip Company. A call aolleited. AO U W meet* every Hit and third Monday ID each month. ID .nilr lodge room. C'hri-to* 1 ! block. PleHherton. at 8pm. T. lll.k.ly. W. M. ; AM (libniiu, Hcordr;\V. Hlliay.Kmacir. ViiitloK brethrst) Invited PIUSCK AKTIITU LODGE, No. SSS.A. A U. ineeti In the Masoolo ball. Btralo'i lock. Ftahrton, every Friday on or before foil moon. J * lioyd W 11 ; W J llaoiy, Baorelarv. FLK8HKKTOS. I. O. F. meU ID 'J Chriitoe'i Blook the last Kridaj evening o eaab month. Vititlog Forester! heartily vlc.>ine. C. H., B. Waller ; B. ., W. A. Arm. trung. DR. B C. MURRAV, L. D, 8., dental surgeon: honor graduatu of Toronto Culveraity and Ho', l CO||BKO of Uental s,ir. out of Outario. Ofl!c Opposite Aruistroin..'* Jewellery Htore. Will viiit Koooriham the last Wednesday of each month, aud Duudalk 1 and I Thursday ID each month J. W. FhOST. 1. U H. llamtter, Hollcitur Conveyancer, ete OfB > Next to potofBoe, Bpronle's block Fleiiheitoii, every Thurwla and court day N n -<)wn Mound otllce, Froet block Poulett (treat oat. LI < VS. will. .ur A Mc-AIIDI.K Harriitcr* Solicitor* Conveyancer*, et O>neei Owen Sound, Oat aod MarkdaleOot. W II WaniMr. ( A lur.oh I U Lucis N II -! lohrrton offloe, Uitcbell's Ilauk every Hatarday. Tf:KF.B A HATTF.MON llarrliten, Hollcltors, etc WolK.n Hank. Owen Bound UAKUY O TUCKKk OEO W PATTKK.SON MAKAV * 5AMPSON. IUrritr. Ac (in'jri s i, n HI- unit, Merchant'* Ha>ik lllnTk, N -f I'.ai .nou Huuie. Loodalk, Val.. -itrevt. every hkturJay. MACKAY. MA. H.B BAUP8ON, L..L.D . Crown Attorney for Orey. OR CAUTKU U C P A B Ont, Phyilclan, HurReoo. etc iKI.nherton offlce Strain's block. Koaldence Muuiiiaw'* HoUl JOHN A BCOTT, M H Memhr Collefe Phyiic. * Snrgeoiin Ontario (Jradumtu In Mnliol'ie n Toronto University. KellowHhlp Diploma , P(wt (iradu- aw Meilioal Mohonl and Hupltal. Chlcaco l)i -*.-.. uf eyu, ear. no*e and turoat *peclally traeted. linmUxro ,Maiwell.vi*it* Fevenham Thuradya* lH T P OrTKWKI.I. ' Votarlnary of Ontario Veterinary Collece. IU.ICB ecuud door *onth we*t on nirn.-t This ttreet run* nonth PrssDjrteriae: ('hurch. ( : .v. M ^ c i-; V*u>n,,rv s.n u-..-> and Dnntlxt, Mas n.-ll r l,,i.. o Ontario Vrturinary CellcKi., I'llllletnil wil.li r.ir.nit.i tlnlvprMily Vrit ..* Weilnnii' lay from II a ill. to 3 p. in., M. I r'ovnitliain I'liurnliiy from tt to 5 p. in. BOAR for SERVICE The Registered Tarn worth Boar I- -MIT I, AW H\S In -,..!,.. ,t I'oi-t l.uw CertlAease *an ix-mwi. i. v apply! ti| to owiter, .'I) TII..MI Hl'S BOAR I OR SERVICE J. B. Sloan & son GET YOUR Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Railing, Corner Blocks the lest of spruce I^ath,No.l and "2 shingles Vrninda and Fitting, Sidings, etc. Rinds Done to Order ew run of Stones for Chnp(>iniE. Satiaf action in all our linen guaranteed Photos ** m TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at lowest rate*. Special attention given to copying. Babies' photos. j& a apecialty. Pictures frsmed. MRS. BULKIER H I Jvf ew Having pur^haned the tc-nsorial busi- ness from Mr. LeUard I wish to announce that the bnsmeas will be continued in the old premise*. We have had a large city experience and believe we can KIV perfect satisfaction in our line. Have Uken over the agency for I^olston Laundry - AND - And all orders left with us will receive prompt snd careful attention Fleshertoi Shaving Parlors A. \Vilson . . F*rop. Jslevv - AT THI Wat thews' "Unit Protector! No more gt- ing the tail over the lin'-n in fly M, ,,s, n hi-e it. A full lim of sweat pads, dustern, whips, C'lllarH, mlc ^ruane, hoof ointment, curry cotnhs, trunks, valisrs, otc. See the Sanitary Brace for KHiitlcuWi wear only 40c per pair. W. IV100R E HARNKWJMAKRk FI.I^SHKRTON , ONTARIO YKAIU - V to mnn nr wnimm to lunk ifti-r cm. growing l.u,ii,,.>s m thin ndjuininjj CmintifM ; to act HR n;c- ,in I t'iiiTi:.|.uiiilfiil; work i in ! ilmir nt y-niir Ir.me. Eiu-liiM- A M-ll ' iiililn- s, ,|. ., iimpcd i-i.V|.'ii|'c f"i- |>irticul.ii-, to || A. SiiiMiiiini, (ifiu-i.il .\Iaiui.i-r, Cm, ..run Ituild- in-. o|ipiisiic 1'i.n, , M,ii,.v, Treas- ury \V,-ivi; |.^' ..:,, 1). ('. I liva ruiflii. .. thl f..i- Hurvlro >.. i..l JJ, .s. i. i. .14 #1. 'A All. MIS. IVip-ii-liir. Clulibinv. List Advanr.' mid I. xl .1111! I. .,,..< 91.80 .,-,-k,y li.uli.,. . . , 1 Ml l-rtity rt,,w. ,. ..... 1>.:| I'Hily Si. ' ,-; .HO Wm. ricCalmon, Im.i.irlrr of and D SIEEOiSl, SCOTCH Honor Rolln Kantcr fXniiiliiKtiiin r'1-.hi-r ton public aulu.ol 0M I. Part II. *r. C'lsronce DnKoe 83, Wil- liit Growliiy 78. Kendul Mitchell 75 Gladys Blakely Ui, Tuna McLeod 04, Kelia LowdUw*, Norriii Tuck r 62, II ir old KiirHlr.li 69. Part II. jr. Robert Bellamy 8.1, Everett Bunt 73, Harold Mitchell fit I, Blanche 8|>rutl 69. Clan* I. tr. Lauri Armstrong 78, RUie Bsrnh..ue 64, Willie Wilson 62, Adda Wright 59. Amelia E. Meredith. I- "KM II. CI;i.H III. Total marks 800. A rnie Thornton 600 Claxs II Total murks 680 Laura Davi 421, Klorne Bellamy :W, K..I. l.i I :, i<l 393, Ila Lever 380. Oshwoll Whi't. n:Jo8,Gf<>r K e McTavish 350, Kuhy Trimble 349, Lily Boyd 344. Myrtl MM.. I) 342. F. I. Irwin. I'i'lM III. Jr. Leaving. Total 600. Fl.msit)Thursti,no-24, Fred Lcvi-r 320, John Teit.-r 285, KIU Hmnlioun.- 282, Millie CMHwlry 256. Entrance Total marks 1100. May Hale* 767, Jennie VViUon 751, Nellie HH|>|J 740, Ethel Whitlen 712, Charlie Thompson 698, Charlie Ottf well 090, Willio Hales 678, Harry Steuley Cttl, Emma Shenpard 612 Jr. IV. -Total 8!K). Stanley Tii>n.t..n 534, Emcrs'-n Wickensf>23, Tx>uU Teeter 492, Stella McCaliuou 464. G. W. Slaughter. Principal. iiifii'il thanks in i fun choevn w.r<l. II left on \V,-'lncH.l.iy accompanied l.y dig (liiii..'liter M.i'.el for Toronto. After vis-t niX tbt-rc Mr. C'orntiifld luxves for Kan- sax HUte where !. intond* r. iininmg for a length of time. Mr Cumfielil, iltlim,i : l> tnken liy nur- prim-, expu-Haed hi* thnnki in a few wri) cli'.H. n woiilh. Hi. left l.*rc Wednes- day rccoinpanied by lux daughter Afubrl, fur Toronto. After vimtinu friends an-1 relatives there, M> i' rnti-M leaves I- : K .II-.-H st;iti-. whi'ro he intends remain- ing for ii Icng'h of time. Report of 8. 8. No. 1, Eiiphnuia nnd Artemesi*. V. Sr. Mnry Bran iff. V. Jr -Ella Krai, iff. IV. 8r- Myrtle Smith. IV. 8r. Mbl Siniih, John O'Brien, Herman Smith. Ill Sr.-Uoldwin Smith, Veins Goiley. III. .Ir .r,,,- McClung, Chan. Martin. II. --Stanley Smith, All>ert McClung. I. Cora Martin. (,'I.AKA A Hi'iu.. Traclier. Report *>f Eugenia Public School. ClaaH V Eva Tun, IT, Bella Turner, Norms McMullen, Evalena Smith C'laai IV. l.niri.- Muinhaw, Oharlio Smith, Flora Carr, Elwod Genoe. Claw III. Sr- Willie Wilton, Dairy Smith, Kn-il Smith, Adi Turner. Clam III Jr. -Ida Oabornc, vYe*tn Crr, Mary rViUon, Mabel Carr. Pain in the Joint*. Maybe imisi--iUr or rheumatic. The J4iinta art hitrd to gt-t at, and it requires K powerful, penetrating remedy to reach the aflVt-U-d pnrti. I',. Nun's Nemlme exactly mt-cUi the re<|uireinentii, for it is both powerful and |wm-t rating. The pain in ei|>ullud as if by magic, f'.r one drop of Nervilinc e<|ualH in Ktrcnxth tivt* <lrojiof utlu-r icmeoiea. You w m't often call i In- doctor if Nerviline ii in house. Price 25 cents. Im.i.irlrr of and Dtalcrln Port Law From (hir Oirn Cvrretfxmdent Sugnr makiiii; is on. T. .until., out grain seems t , bo the order of the day. We am glmi tx> report that Charles C'roft i M on tnl sgam, hi* illnnsi n- t proving AH ri i -,i< a at first feired. Mr. Jvronnah Taylor, who has been in 'l'..i..iit.. for some wenkH attemhnu tbo Kick bi-il of her daughli-r, hna returned IK. me, .WiR Tilly being .11 a fair way to c<ini|.'.i i.' r. co wry. Mr. John H-ecri.ft left Inst week for I', tii..-. wlirru he IIUIIH.M-- if.'iaitrii^' for the coming NUmnier. Tlio*. Taylor now ruil hia ohopi<cr on Hednetfaya only, instenit of three ditya in the wi-ck an formerly. Laat Sunday evening an one of our citisem with four in a cutter was return- ing from church nt Flesherton, hey wpro met by a young in.in who stopped hi* horse in tlit* middle of the road nnd gave a i .>in ni. mil "turn off ti ere" in tones that f< r a m.. men! made our citizen frcl that he lu<l fallrn into the hai. da of IV Wot and that his outfit was alxnit to lie sum- uinrily " o.miiinMcWiiil," but lie, our citizen, ilmwed n.i dinpoKitinti to he bluf- fed, notoithstHn.liiig that the yoinig mnn .1 4i,iln-.l I i-, iiitfiitimi to hold the fort " ^.11 nielli, n decision which was Boon in.. 1 ilii-.l an.l the bnlf of tlio r.'a.l reluctantly Granite and Marble Work Ol : ALL KIND Monuments &<, fla A'. In-fiipiiiiiiN Cut i.n Khorfo-it N..tioo S\.lin.!iar)j at Flealirton On Tu. -.i I, iv ereniiii{ of latl wtvk n nunil.. i i .f liK'il.l-. Hiul neit;bliors nut itt tin- lu.in.' i.f .V.. .'..in. 'S C.'t nlii'lil's mil III-I'M-II'I-.I lli.< liilluwini; ndtlrrvi t.^ethur with n Itililo iiml a purso i-oitlHining a ni.c sum ,.f in..iu>y : '*.> .l/i-. ,/,ui.. j ( 'unirii-M, Sir. l>rlt FKII'M) AM. llKITHl:R ItlRKltll n fci-liiii- of NailneNs, tint \v,-, your frii'ii.l-* and ni'iktlibo H, ini-.-t II.T.. t.--ni.;lit to s.-iv k>>Hiilli)i. to you for ft tinio V\'o full o i-. mil n, .1 It yi:i if.i from niiiinii; IK, li.-i .' y.ni .-no hi-lil in (In- bi.'b. it r, Hpi-i i . Illl, I wli.T'- JIMI l-Klll|ili- ll.'lM I V.T IK-CM nil t In- si It- ,.J "nu'it", with- ml yiviin; \. i N" ..... t'.ki.i of nir i-eijnnl for y.m. tlu-n- fun-, HI- lu-j y. n |.. u-,i'|it tl.K Hllil.- .-kin) iniisi-.ki.owii.^ that tniliia ami |i... ..I-.IH . f till- f.ini'iT ;ir. I'M- i-nlnfiTl MM st.'IV of your lid. an.l HII-UIIK ihnt ln.th i,in\ n n-iiiiii 1 you, when far uw.iy fr.nu us, of llluiWawMng wlii'iu vmi trivt- M> lnni( ii~s... IN-. I. \Vlnl, > HI. feel that y ..in- l,ri.>.-ii.- will bo unii-li n-iHso.i li..'b in Ihe i 'liuivh an.l hi-i^hlMirb.'oi, yet > f.rtj>'tli:i' \nn iray ln> lil.-ss.vl with li.nlth ami itn-n^tl., i.rosi.rri^l in (i..il'< gtan- I and all..*i-il to incet in tinm again. Mr. t'oi-i.Tnvil, tlu.u^li Uken by furprito i-x From OnrO-m Cnr Mr*. Daily an.l O. ,rt.-, who bavo been visi'ing the form T'M lUuxhtcr, Mr*. R. T. W|ii!t-n of Kl.Kh rton. during the pai<t wmk, return.'d I oin-< Fridny. Ali K-bel L-.r.dry vi^ite.lnt ili.-1'nln)- er Hou'e lt TliurnUy. M;MI Lrn^ ShrrA . U -f Kiigoui.i, wh lm |H-.:D vis. tin.' t!i lust fo<r weuki* with huraunt. Mr. Win. Snige.ui of the 1( t!i of C'>llii>KWo.l, was i In. i;iint . f In. unclu. Mr. S. K H.i*kn.s, Sntnliy ainJ Mon.iay. Mr. West wick :ii)-.l ii;i tighter Sail:.-, of tbc "tli linn, vmiu-il with Mil 8. R. Ha* kin* laU-ly. \V,- rent to Kay that our ministiTH must Riirly lack in i uthtiHUHm, I ait Sun d.-ij lit-in.' the tilth t mo su.ce the New Year that we ba-.r l-n dimpp-.inted by thc-r n.in appi'aranco. A (mint that nlii.uH not eacarw the ob- aervatiuu of young mm in that the man of merit U seldom 1 ( no matter how big a crowd he may be into. Shake a hundred th..uand in.-n t"p-tlir, and the one who come* to the top m nxually fittmi to be at the top Th caxo of Col. Sam Sti-ule i a bandy illus r. ti-.n of thi*. He was rec<igDiz-<l m thu country a a great mounted (xiltcp i-fficer, and he went to Africa, where ether men and other colonels were common ax gram, yet be bobs up a* the man ch<wen t , aafti<t Gen. Baden Powell, wnh the probability of succeeding htm in command of the South A flic-mil Coumahulary. Every yinui/ ma'i cannot be > soMi r. but sny youm? man can help hi* career by realizing that in pence or war th*Tc ia a demani f..r the man wl... knowt hm businem bftter than other |ople ... Thu main thing it to engage in work into which nn can put To Cure a Cold in One Day Taka Laxative Bronio Quiulne Tabletn. AH drutcKi^tB refund tb moniv if it faiU to our* 25c K. W. Urove's >itnatur ii on each box. IHM h.'Btt HTI I 1,,-t cn.'nitM, anil rr'j*et fatal, to beliuvu that it ia luck ilia, puti* men up or kecjm tli.-m d iwi.. Luck iua.r do one n)an a k:inlni>m and anothi-r man an injury, hut if you kfep your e.'e n In k you olrncTVo iht if s -ldf.i:i doe a (!'<>.! turn to thi who nit nround wnit- for it. It lilira to chaie nf-er i.ri4 surpriv the man who is hustling, or to bunt upon a min who i.i up to MM cyea in w..ra. Toronto Star. For Sale Fouryi.nna Dorham bulls, two grade hull-, end oi.e 3-year ol.l James Hell, Glenelg, Markda 1 .: I' O The Markets. Carrfully <'orrrr Wheat, white Wheat, red Oat* Pea* lUrley Hutter Eifgs fresh Pork Potatoes ban W,.,. I Chickcim Ducks Turkeys {wrlb Ooi'S* per 11. Flour Hides. . . .1 Kuril V, , ,-k (.6 to 65 i :. to u fio -H i'.l to M to 15 U. 12 -... 7 00 to 30 -.o 1C to 26 to 40 to to 7 to 88 61 s: 15 12 60 30 19 36 60 10 7 $:i 40 5 00 to 5 00 Fanners' Scales THE WEST AVAILABLE The umler>iu!. M! Ii neUing thr bl Farm Ki-alan that can ho |irn.tnrrul on th* market, known a* tlio HitiuU Truck eral*. I nlm. kerp Wi kiimoii and Flourv reqalr* on hand, alto cuarJt an.l sri-lion* for different machinery. Hone shoeing rtona on the nio*t approved |irincipl*. a* 1 livi- worked under Ihe veteri- nary inrReoa* ID Dm n| 1 Conntry U H1LKT. Priceville. Jnlj . ltd Many a school- girl is said to be lazy sad shiftless when she doesn't deserve the least bit c. f i'.. She can't atudy, ear; 7 falls cslcep, is Dcrvcr.a and tired all th: tim?. And w-!;.*r can ycvj ex- pect? IIcrbrHn J: bcir end her vho!e cyaietn ^ suffering from pcboni; .j. Such girls arc wonder- fully helped and greatly changed, by taking Hu; .'re<I.',ofthct."..ni!s cf schoolgirlj have Ji>.cn /'any of ihcsc gir'.i rev hsve hoir.cs cf thdr cv/r.. Th^y rcn::mber I cured f>rtt, and r ility jiv? :h^ came r?c:J- ;inetc-t u .. : " -nchK.:- :. You c::: a.7:rd to tr te?:cd for half a c:'. ry. ti.N s tea::. AH f-v^v If your boircl* trc c pa'ed take Ayer'f lYh. Ytti can't hive rood healrli un':ev you have daily sciion of tus bowels. U a*, s sax. " (Tie box of Ayer'i Fills ctire-J my dfp^v*i*." L.D. t AaowrLL. Ja.t>, 1WJ. JJ::-.,.N V. tV>ft> ttto D*nt*r. If f fc uy ei mpivrr waatrr and .iriire Ui i*rt ret ivet' '.T.r- .,e can pi.mls.ly receive, write u * * Irtftfy. You will nc**T a j-:o-j ... . > J.ly. wi- t-oot OMt. Arttim. Da. J. i' A VF.U t...w. :i. M*M. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is nuci-cwfnllv nwd monthly by over ' yo'ur ('runtiil tor Cook's Cones leet Ceoi Take no other, as all klliturv*. pills and - ..Ions are dsogeron*. Prloe, No. l.flper iHiX'.No, *, 10 (IpRrccs stronirr, M per box. wo. I or S, mallei! nn receipt of priri- an.l twos-emi stamps. Tlie Cook f'ttiipany \\ indtfor, OnL HVN(W. 1 and ti *f>M*:iii recommcndtxi by ail responsible Drnggiita to Canada. ;, I a-.iU No II lei a* M I'v W ",. t*. FLES1EBTI8 F1BIITDBE WAREROOIViS i We are carryine newest style of SEASONABLE GOODS In all line* of FURNITURE Constating of S*artor and 36*<iroom Sut'fet lion and Centre fjabies, Chai'S, Window SAae/fS and Curta/m !7*olis, ff*ieturoy, Gaools, eft Which we offer at Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and General Repairing I'r.uVi-tnkin'.' in all its Br.iiiclioe. Satisfaction (iuarnntc J W H. BUM, PROPRIETOR Ptr5!H KTON Don't a S'rious mistake and liny n I'niti-d S MI-S Hist, ry f " (,n- e-i Viet. .1 in : HIT Life -.<! IJ<iili W,i have the only Canatliau bonk l.y l.'.r.i Purt'orin anil f H..|.kin,. M :,j;u.i . f l,,.tn . ,-, s iliw In-.st ]i ;, if lust TV pul'l - iiml S,r Artliur I'.ivti!* 1 .!!!" ',' n .1 Prifste SfPfwtary, Hon. josopli I'h.-nn- liril.iin. I,., nl Silisi.ury, Sir (llivr- MownJT. I n L TennyMW, K.nl .f .icr- s-.-v. Pr C;tiin:iii, Sir Cu*A Tuppfr. Sir Win. V-m Hornr, \V. T. ~ :"V(il Ili-Jino, thr l)nk.. of Yuri*, iiirl ni, r;i|.M Minil n- -Ir.iin.v Is l.ir.'iir, C 'iit.-iiii-i in : w,.|- !. bt-t'.-r iMiiHt-af .1, p..(. r, ln-'ti i u inline, .-unl milv f 1 .7-">. AL-OIIUH il-.n't is'c tun,- linii.l. Im^ Vnic'i -;in and inferior Looks -|u-n you I-HII ( tin- iir.'l.i'iit:.-. l'.nti.-li- C.iu :-.ili;ni !, i ,|v , ii l.,-itri- t,-rins. llnndrcils oi n^i-i.ts tlirowini.' awav Uf PI.SI'II.II pi-., j'.vtiist-s. If yon pnnniHo to nnv^'s -vc will sr-m 1 \ oistfit fr.-o. Mcr.il> 11,1* THE BRADLEV-OARRETSON CO., Limited ItRtATI'ORIk. gsljtrtan 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL. XX, NO 10?8 Fleshertoii, Ont., Thursday .April II, 19O1 W. H THTRSTON, DITOH * PROPKIKTOB HARKDALE, ONT. County's Biggest Store NOW READY FOR SPRING K ery department ol our Bij Siore ia DOW crammed full of new good* awaiting your inspection. Ou r large uff > if a:>->pe>-ple are now ready ro h.. you thr ugh the dinVrtnt depart i.ts a-;d display to the best of their ability the U.-*t value this rture ever had. Al a new firm we courtroiuly and eamevtl) mvre y.m t.. visit our tort, inspect the new g.xxU in t.-n- clilferent departments, examine qualities aud compare values. Our salepeople have instruction* to serve you courteously, pleasantly ai.d intelligent- j whi-t)>er )..u i-h to buy ur nut. Aa a n-w him we want to meet every body. Our hi^ itore is at y ur disposal W. want you to feel pvifi-ctly welcome whet tier you come to buy KI>.-U i r m.-r.-.y Iimk around ..r nicer jour friend*. Our ?tyle nt doing businem will lie purely on bu nesw principle* tver\ thin.' open ami above board all g.ud marked in pUm figure* at the lowest possible living profit, ai.d one price to all. A child can ' >iy gools I. ere ju-t a* safely aa the hrewdwt or *l arpott citizen. Trickery r underhand dealing will not I* tolerated in any f -mi. Conducting our burireM strictly ..u these lin- we fe- 1 we will secure the confidence and patronage o:* the buying public. Thew price are low, quality considered, they are suajsttive of hun- dreds of others iiiu illy aa good. -) |.ii-ce black tii;ur'u lustre. 42 inches wide, a nice flue texture with bright itlcwuy Dinah snd good value in very way at 50 eta. ucr yard M ,. bought tin-in soiuu month* auo at a big cut in price and can n .w > :! r you at your ch. ice of 20 patterns at 10 piece* all w..l coating serge, 40 m. wide, in all the leading sha.l.- f kftrnf. hruwn, Kie.-n, nar* aitd black. Coiupare theui with what > n *>e al 35 C's. (-r yartl, our pri^e 21) pM9C Canadian prints in assorted pttterix, in H.ht nrdsrk ground* y.-ur choirc at li"0 patterns Crums Celebrated Knli*h Print, full 32 in. wide. The r-et iju iluy cloth in the Ciinadian i.iarket to-day at the price. They *ro all hanJaoiue patterns and specul talue at lOshwii H tine Tatfrta Silk, usually cold at 85 cts. per yard This ; s .'i we can ay ''"' I.) p.iticrns M*2-m. strip flannelette, we ahould say 7 ecuts but you can buy t'.cin at IU pa- tern* he*vy flannelette, full 'M in. wide, in fancy strip pattern Th- r*gul>r value t* 12J, our | : IU pu-OiM fancy plaid xin^hanK, lo^uUr Tartsn patten a anil shades, and a si ap at PIT yard ,.111 kli.ki m-i-rlmlV Bounce i-loth, rivi-ti-l ;tnn i-r.i- ^iod value a' T5c. per pair. NVe hav.- tin in markid t<. -ell .' !i niei. V tine OlforU Top Shirts, s..rted -.t.ip p.tt.rn-* , jast ha'f , . .r, jnur . I.-, ce at lti.l..zin lila.-k Sifi-on Shiita, eHra heavy weight, fin glowy fiin- weluii.U-, n-:iiUr Soo.. u..w in iii.z- n Kiimnier weirit shirts and drwtn, Uue rry anil flesh shaded, r.-.-.il ir 'J.V Lin- 1 , our j.riov One t.V>.r :!'. IT I. i.lW KIIH- I' itln-r bu "n or Iwe style, ll HI/I.--, i -' - l.7."> |*ir. Vniir ch..ic.- at - KUI>* t*>rs Laditw' Ribb.-J C>liiut-ri.- H.c, su.- - . K-H| 1 \ aUw at j.i-i |i u U .\IIM.'< UiH.I Tw. iil Sui'a, eitra well tml'.reil and tnnuii..! Tawy w. ul.l In- !;.. d > lino at tti.UO. w..- bv^ them nurlied at $t \| . i r*ri - i:t, assorted patterns, al tiic*. i. 91 -'." i" r ;*ir, our prie* i ' il<via-e Institute, Owen S->und,is home for her Eaatar vacation. Sunday morning Mr. Perry prsx:h*d sermon from Ps. 34, 8. Wedding bulk ara ringing. EC!. Lyons i-pent Sunday in Berkeley. Owing to the hljh water arouml the Orai.ve Ual! the God Teinplant are hold- ing their weekly mecriin^a in the rhurcli. Mr R.^erii, president of the T. M. C. A., Hamilton, preached a very en- thasiant'C iatiaon Sunday ovenint;. He took for bi.i text <aJ. 9-7. Wi> eipoct t.- record another wedding iu neit week's kiwt-rlry 75 pai: n nji, i do, DON T FOUilET the Millinery Opening Pays nr thi< week \Ve.|,,es- ,,, v ( i, n<i Saturday ,3rd, 4th aod 8sk Vou srw cortenunly i. from <~Hir Oica Crrrtpvu*ltnt Nellie McCiiluiii loft on Thura- day Uu.t for Uuffal... where she will j.-iu h friend, M:s taura McKvo, who went *oiue tune ago. Uolh of rln-c- ,,<,,_ Mr. H. Guy ia busy now taking the census m polling division N Mr Wind-.r R*t ishoine f.T Eter vacation, a!s Mr. EJiiar Morria>>n. Mr. AnJru, i-ur chi)l ua>-her. is away >[.<niUn- E*Ur vacatiuu in Tor- Mr. U. Glaaaford and eon spent a couple of days at Toronto Uat week. Proton Station Mfr. Ueo. Long and John Bi'inrose spent a day in Ci>lluik;wiH.id last week. Mis Lizzie Guy lias been laid up the f*t week with sore eyes, but we are glad to hear they are improving youn^ l*Ui! aio veiy much inis^etl in the Prwbytorian church, as they were the IraoUrs i.f th, 1 ch..ir. We wish them vei \ tucceM in their new abode. Miss M. Stracliau ha. returned lioire f rvm < .... firr a two week'* vi.it with fnend. at Mf ^ Bnjwn W| yQ M(>naay evell . ing for Montana Married ln March 28th, at the home of the bridr, near IVthfl, Mia* Lydia f'.r (.'..rlHttto Mr. Js. Lockhsrt. Married March '.'6th, Miss Elir> Siuith ind Mr. S*i.ily Uopkm were \Vht hjpened the boy* that went united in uiatnm<.nj. fpear.ng nm-kors a week or two au;i > RwV. Mr. Ferry uav* a lecture to the Dim't you think you were rushinz the Orangemen here mi th .">th inst. l>wu-,g t^-.-uon. h.iy-i) \Vi' for the '24th of May. to tlie bad roads the audience was not a Ma;-lo syrup making ia the order of i 4 !-:. '-ne. the day. \Ve liopo umio of thorn kind- Mua E. Wright, l>o. kkeeper for J. E. hearted syrup men will make ua a little LX-wdle, spvlit Ewter with frietuls in taffy. . Berkeley. Mr. V. Bell has ben liad off work for K- '" Hve iuterw*uu addresa owe) time with ulcers on the siuht of hi* on the Blackfeet luuiau* a w u e*.a^o Sim- wye. Mr. Boll hit lutti-red eicedding day. pain with hi* eye bit we hop* to hear of JsTn* McMullen, who haa l*-n vihiting a change for the letter before long. her tvusiu. A\ia buersou, retorued 10 To- Mr. Owo. Harrison of CurbwU-n ha* ronto last week. b*en visiting his siater, Mrs. F. Heron. AiU* M.y Neiluou, who UatUiidii.gthe From Our Oicn Ca-ntftomitnt Mn. Jas. Majf e, sr. , passed away last week iu Toronto, where she ha-1 b**a tayini{ wirh her children. Jfot long be- fore, a telegram was sent to the friends ia this lia,lity informing them of the senous nature of her UUiea*. Her noes, Jas. H. ai.d Join., *i;h Mr. 11. Ilurd. it ixu* sec out t. r T. .ronto, where they ar- rived SOOM days bef..ro her dvtth. Gradusll/ *hs> became weaker until r*- lieved by the hnJ of J.-nh. The re- mains were -aken to Mirk'lale where they weie ur..rred, ininv of the near friends and scijuaintarcfs from bere at- tending the funeral. Deceaawl wa* on* of ihe ear. i.--- .-'<leis in lllis locality and di-1 her share in thf pi- n^vr work m the early days hen kardohips liAd to b* faced. She wa* a dvvuted c:einb*r of tl.c Metln d.t cli..rvh, takirg t k*4n in- tervst in it- w. rk She leaves a larje family to mourn her li^s .. -;u we J the juj|~iithv uf the i Mr. ai . I Mrt. \\ ui. Scott amended the fui.eral .-f Mn. Snell. the mother of Mr*. The r- main* were takea down to Mono f -r in-, n.iaiit. Our K. nial under I as reive.l the mill f.ir another *vriii and we bespeak good urk in- i - Vv have been very numerous tliU tnnnu. At soiue the am. unt of "ik ( -n coin.; The | to such an : a-< t.. ...iL the- MW run faster n-t tl.e !.\. swhij more freely. ly uear st hvij ac- cording t -: .ign , f which we heard. A _i-i.ti ;un, wlnU- pjswing thruu^h th > l>uil fp.i! -u the nroiinil. ' 'ti ROICg up - | .aw a I iit.rt w.th three fresh evtn* iu it Let our wt/a U r t.r -phets eiplaiu tlio i:i<n if it mmi Mr A. t Ellis is prvpsrinn a lime kiln on lii-f inn, where he eiptx'ts to I make st*ne excellent lime tin > SUIUIIIT. Onrcti*us enumerators sre g. .ing the roumU an-1 experiencing very tr- uMe I.'.' , teeiun a Ut licife uls for some t-i _ ages in i-ac-li household, bul n.. I.MID nee i :\ ... ti.e uiforiunti.-n ipven IA kept svcier. Mr. ill . j uia>le a business , trip K the v-.ll.iijL' la.-.t week. Mr. W. S. I'.ithop his) hi* full force ot j mill hauls x*. work now vid expect* to i get h.- - Me. Mr U. W. tii iliaui i* spending bis Some of them even stop young ladies on the road to ascertain if they are going to K e-: me permsc ait residents of their(?he enomeratur's) beat. iHlfc. Frvm Ovr Own Corrafonuien On aoci IIBI of thj roadi being alu.oet imrmsaible times are aooiewhat dull, but not so far as matrimonial affair* are con- cerned. On Jfrch 27th tho home of Mrs. JTJ. Buckii.gham was -he scene ol a very joy'ul event, when her daughter Nettie wa* uuit*d in the h<Jy bad* of matri- ni.-ay to Mr. Thomas Hudson by th* Bev. DongU* of Max well. Vo wonder if Je will be with the log* aa Pat. waa with the st'-^-.r making, carry u on all lumnier. V>i> are glad to welcome to oar town Dr Softly of Ban-in, bat Sorry chat hi* srnce i* required. J. K. took a inp in the air with a hug* saw log the other day. We would advise turn when he takes a trip ut this kind g n tu s*e thai the log lighw first. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mclntyr* h-v w our deepeal sympathy in tb* lue* of their child. Three ot' mr citiieo* <ot diacootenti with their houaee Uat week and took ;ri*i tte Last Wcdneailay Mr. Walter Ssifenn and WL-* Evaiigelin* Palister wire united in the holy bunds of matrimony by the Rev. Douglas of ttuwell. For the Ladies In Je\vellery We have joat received a stock of new deai^ns .>n chain bracelet*, ladle*' guard* nd hair barettaa something KCUMCU)!* chic. Friendship hearts. pnoUj^raplue breaches and ring*. Call and ae thia beautiful selection while stock i* full. In watcha we have juar received a dn li-t of the famous " Hamilton " watch, all hii(li graile and warranted. This firm makea nothing elae Out stock of all makes of waichea wa* never bettor. Now is yoor time to bay. W. A. Armstrong, iC'JVELER AND OPTICIAN^ FLESHERTON. from Our "r Th uaw ha* nearly all disappeared from thte comer and the road* are in s Dad condition. Sugar makaig w the order of the day, but r*rru are nut a* good a* former year* UUM E'bl Ocburne. ha* returned home after a loi,< s:ay with frtud> m Melaae- tlion. MM P.. Philipn of Mslancthon was viuiust, b*r paren's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osburne. ilur UK the past week. Mr. R U. Alexander ha* rented cae f Mr. J. Lii(d!ey's farias, known aa th v^ ;i,i.-u n farm. We are glad to have him for a nei^lil-or and wish him succes*. Mr. Ais-x. Ferguson, who fortueriy divismn, in that cnartoou* manner which bespeaks the true gentlemen. We are iofcrmed that Mr. J. J.Lyneaw hae abandoned the project of building oil i barn this year ; the continued storms ia the latter part of the winter rendering it impossible to get out the timber add lay the material on the ground before the commencement of the sprint work. No doubt the Jeciaion was a wise one a* J. J. ha* performed more than a fair shara ut work this winter, for one man. Mis* Lizxie McArthur, who has for the most part uf th* winter been staying aith her aant. Mm* Campbell, Proton, left recently for Toronto, where she is Jome*tu*ted in a gentleman's family, whom, we are convinced, will highly ap- preciate her servioee. as L zme s amiable and pleasing disposition always create* friend* for herself wherever she if.e*. She will be greatly missed in our Sabbath sebo-'l snd E League. i Ull* Report of Pncevill* school. 5th class Henry Watson. Maggie Mc- Di.uaid and Nathalie Grier (e>iual. ) 4th class sr. Jewai* Gillies, Tena Mc- Donald. Sarah McLean. 4th class jr. Mazie Tryou, Walts kipt the Ldy Bank piwtofBce. has rent- : ^meol. Janie McLean. of Mr. Lindleys farms. 3rd claa* sr. -R. H. Conker. Hector Joeiah O*i'i.rue and S. B. have retorn- jjckmnon. Mi. lie Campbell. ed aittr spending the winter wood-catt- j 3rd class jr. B Donald McKiuuoo, in* around r'losliertoo. W* are 'd to f. C*n.pbell. Janie W.taon. 3rd cl*s ir A Marv McArthur, Teoa wa.thei.Wk. McKinuoo. Ale,. McLan. ;ttwell ud fassilj h*v* r.- 2ud cUb , * r .- Maggie Hugh**, Edittt moved from their bush farm, where they Muir, Je**ie McLean, ^eui the wiuter. 2nd jr.- Neil M.-Kinuon. _John Mnir. We hav* a ii'w neighbor in the person Mr. A. v \ ..u . who has rented tu* . am i v lr ..:*-. n of Caledon. foriur'j (.*nid by Mr. 8. Osborne. Mi \V .1 '.'> r-ic uiti-nds taking atrip to Owen Souud soon. 4 merry ride to you. Will. I 'ur postudice ha* changed hand* row Sr. pt. 2nd Robbie McLean, Geur.e Tryon. Jr. pt. Snd- -Willie McL-an. Sr. l-Stjlef Campbell, Tena Me- Lean.Gladys Waraon. M-Kmtion. Emma A Big Qumrter Worth Is always fnund in a bottle ( f I'. Uoa s Nervilme, the beet h.>uieli.i.d L.u'inont known. It cure* rheuinatium, neuralgia, Mr I'. P. .U.ru is preparing to build a toothache, headache, sick .tomach. in f.vt . new tan i.ctt summer. , and in the future will be kept by M* . > home up ihe vallty. A. and E. is m>od for everythinu s liniment vught to b* Rood fT. Mothers tind the safest 1- :< -.nmon for oH folk* to court as (hum tu rub on their children '-r sore. well s for the young peopk around this throat, cold on the chest, sprain* md brui*** Never be without Poison s N->r vih-ie It will cure the pains and ache* of the entire taintly and relieve a va( amount if suJ<.rin>{ eery year. successful , Clcruia had a very on Saturday last. Mr. Jnu Sample inleud* to go to the i n.-r ( M- From i u: Mr. and Mn. ' - are spending the East, r ! hfiunds fcawaw it summer. . Mr. ami. > : - 1' left litre aud uken up tliei. rvs;diico oil a firm in ll.-.'.aiul. trvnl'Htr C'i'-'i Corrttponabitt. Mi .n.it ' -<;ii> sn-1 cliiluren. A fe* witn tun *hiny days and i M.'iiford Roatl, upent ^uml.iy with couple . f inn showers of rain would be Tne Mr. i,; !' i:.N,.n, Mrs. Ur^Hlie's welcome to .hspel the many uowdiifts the frost !.me tl father. which yet remain in our neighborhood MwllCS Everett is rnj-.ymg consider* blu tt ciwmeul 'hes- oa>e ..ver ilie pri^pects <4 trikum > ii Kor some nine ih-.-ro have been promising indic*tioua f il --a the. farm of Mr Andrew tieuiey at tlio <* endof tlie village and a 'Kiinber otColl g- wood capitaliala have uken the matter up aud srcuredan option on the on ; --rtj . ,rk . t ..riliiuui will legin H* ,>n u Jiiii. K *- *.>ni6 tune a substance rceyniSllUX o-al iar 1 been bubblin;; uat. of the (jlouinl ou, Air. J. M l'.-i, after a thrte week's and which in. longer bear tlie appearance Mr Oaj ey' faiui. Thisswt.st.ance l>uru* s< ji.uiu witn (..uu^uniiox friend.-*, is homo of the " bt.iutiful, ' and farmers *re net- ver y brightly and appears to b* tt.oroiuh- ting anxious for the coming of summer- ly saturated with B..IHW vt-ry , makm, like weather, a. f^d ,u many case* i. tluir >.a'l. If wo c.. judge from the getting scarce-. may b pardoned for neMinn a little n nunit'r of nutations aekeo!. li. then Mr. David Harrow is performing the cited and e truat they will not be .iiwp- Cauada will bo a wcl. advuitised nation, untie* of census (numerator for this pointed in tlieir scarve for o>l .1 raid I r-