Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1901, p. 2

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ONTARIO LMSLATURE, What the People's Representative Are Doing: at Toronto. an DRAINAGE DISPUTEa Htm. Mr. Gibeon introduced mendment to the Municipal Act. Tbe detail* of the measure have not yet been completed, but the general pur- pose of the measure U to prevent the recurrence of uch cases ua that of Sutherland and Innea T. the Township of RomUljr, which bai been for some time before the court*, at great ex- pease to all concerned. The effect of It will be to make the decisions of the drainage referee* practically final, and to abolish altogether appeals to the Supreme Court. BEET ROOT SUGAR BOUNTY. lion. John Drjden, in moving the econd reading of his Beet Root Su- gar Bounty bill, gave some interest- ing information as to tbe beet root ugar industry. Last year testa were made at three poinU in hue prov- inceat Welland. .Newmarket and Aylmcr. The highest tonnage was 8j tona per acre, in one of the Ayluier districts. The second highest was 25 1-2 tona, at Newmarket, and the third highest 24 tons at Welland. The aver- Mfe waa 16 tons per acre. ThU was ery aatisfactory. The highest per- centage of eugar or saccharine mat- ter in the beet rooU was 17.^, found t H i Hand ; the aext higheat, 10.8 at Newmarket ; tbe third highest, 16.1 in Ayluier. The average percentage *ra 14 1-2 |>er cent., which wai also ery satisfactory. In the matter of purity, the highest percentage was 89 1-A in one of the Aylmer districts. _t was nearly similar in Welland and to $36,111,806, but since thon there bad f been a change for the belter, the val- ue in 1890 being f 42.713,537. IB 1893 10,- WXj liorM-i were exported from Canada to the United States, and in 1<M) 1,526. The falling off wosduetothe displace- ment of horses by electrical power in street railway*, the increase in the American tariff, and the fact that large American cities were being tup- pllcd by horses bred in that country. The attention of Canadian breeders and dealers, In consequence of this, had been turned to the British market. In 1P93. 1,'Jtti Canadian burse* were exported to Great Britain, and in 1896 the highest point was reached 17,182. The speaker referred to the large purchases of Canadian horses by Ma- jor Dent, ot the British War Office, and to tbe excellent record of these horses in the South African war. Ma- jor Dent was o satisfied that he re- commended the establishment of a re- mount depot in Canada as a perman- ent recruiting point. It would be MAEKETS OF THE WORLD Prices of Cattle. Cheese. Grain. *e In the Leading: Markets. repectife- _ Newmarket-8.8 and . - Thu was eminently talisractory No point in Michigan could how so favorable a record. The average coat per acre in the ntario experiments was |28JT7, leav- ing the grower a net profit of $43 per are. There wax still no market for sugar beets in this country, ind one reason for this was that Urge capits.1 was required for the ui.inu- facture of the beets into eugar. It would require 1500,000 or C60U.OOO to irect a plant, which could be truc- ce*-fully operated. It should be cap- >f producmg 500 or 6XJO ton-i per . A factory-owner wished to be r<l of a full supply of sugar beets before he erected bis factory. Con- trable expert labour was required these establishments, includina lemists and other scientists. One of u-oul-l couuitie 'twomil- of waler i cr da y. l ton, of coal per year, and 'Vrf thoauad tons of lime per yc:ir BOOM four, five, or air thousand acres neeta would also br> necessary to keep the factory running. Another i.-ntml as proper transportation facilities. Tbe railway, should K runt patriotic to undertake to develop this industry, and it would present to the farmers something definite in tbe way of a market. BTATUE OF QUEEN VICTORIA. In connection with tbe vote of $10,- 000 for a memorial of the late Queen Victoria, tbe Premier Baid a statue would be erected in Queen's park, and would probably be a replica of som famous statue iu the Old Land. MANHOOD SUFKHACK HILL. Dr. Harr mowd the second reading of his bill to extend manhood suffrage registration to towns: otbrr than county towns, and to rural muni- cipalities. llr. Harr ohowod that many county wrro smaller than other towns in the B.ime counties. The Attorney-Cirneral thought there wa.s no demand for such a measure. The bill was declared lost on s di- vision. INSPrXTION OF flOILKRS. Mr. Carscalli-n'K bill for^be proper inspection of stationary boilers UHEADSTUFFS, ETC. Toronto. March, 26. Wheat Quo- tations are afl follows: Bed wheat 071-2 to 68c; white wheat. 671-li tc 68c; an<l goose wheat, G7 l-2c, low freights to New York; red and white middle freights, CO 1-2 to 67c; Muni, tobos, No. 1 hard, old. g.i.t., 98 l-2c No. 2, Oi l-.'c; No. 1 hard. North Nay 71-2c; No. 2 hard, U3 l-2c. Mil I feed Scarce. Ton lots, at the null door, Western Ontario points' ij|jl as fnlU.u-* :-|] t ,, fit to 914.50 and shorts. 9 15. Corn Steady, American, No. 2 yel- low, no track here, 46 l-2c; No. 8, 45 l-2c. Peas Firmer. No. 2, middle freights at tile; and east at 64 l-2c. Barley-Steady. No. 2, C.P.R. east or low freights to New York. 43 l-2c No. 3 extra, 42 l-2o; No. 2, on the Mid- land, 43o. Bye-Steady. Car loU. 49c, west, and OOc east. Uucknrneat Quiot. Car lots, west, are quoted at Sic; and east at 63c. Oats Firm, and In fair demand; No. 1 white, C.P.R. east, Z9S-4c; No. 2 white, north and w*l. 28 1-4 to 28 l-2c. Flour In better demand to-day. Holders of 90 per cent, patent, buyers' tugs, middle freight*, ask | per bbl; and exporters bid 92.60. A fair- ly good business was done on a basis of 92.60 to-day. Oatmeal Car lots of rolled oaU, in bags, on track here, are quoted at exgines and th*- licensing of person* * " . *f r bo * 1 * nd "> wood at 99.35 in charge of them, was referred to the ' special commit tec, which considered it last year. Mr. Carscallen object- ed to imposing upon owners of boilers inouram-r premiums. such as was sug- K<vt"il in Mr. Dryden'ri amendments to the Factory Art. It would bo suf- -- apection. he said, to bare a proper m- FEAR PLAGUE AT PBETOBIA. Precautions Belntr Taken to Prevent B0 t - hat draw their nupply of bceU ce om a distance-to, 60, or 100 , r all the conditions Mr. Uri- ten thouKht that * U( h an industry in hw couniry would be a sur success. t oujfht to supply at Irast one hun- Ired nullion pounds of sugar a year home con/sumption, which would three or four million dollars Its Introduction, from Pretoria syi:- Tbc local authorities are taking ev- ery precaution to prevent an out- break of the bubonic plague, or oth- er infectious diseases here. Isolation per bbl. Duluth, March 26-Wheat Cash No. 1 hard. 77 l-8c; No. 1 Northern. 75 l-c; No. 2 Northern. 68 5-8 to 73 l-8c; May, 77 7-8c; July, 78 l-8c. tt>rn 39o. Oats 26 to :!53-4c. Minneapolis. March 26. Wheat Cash, 751-4c; May, 751-2 to 755-8c; July, Tf.7-8 to 77o; on track, No. 1 ham, 771-4c; No. 1 Northern. 75 l-4c; No. 2 Northern, 701-2 to Ti l-2c. Flour First patent*. 4.06 to 4.15; second patents. $3.93 to $4.05; first clears, 3 to $3.10; MM..H.I do., $ to 2.10. llrau In bulk, $13.25 to $13.50. Huffalo, March 26.-Flour Steady. WU-at Spring, higher; No. 1 North- ern, old, 861-2c, ui atore; do., r.i.f., 851-4c, afloat. Winter wheat Nominal for State: TCuruia-i, No. 2 hard, 'ile. Cent K!riu; No. 2 yellow 45 l-2e; No. S do.. 45c; No. 2 corn, 44 S-4c; No. S do.. 44 MY. O:ita-Stendy. h W plt.l. for Kaffirs are being erected I ^ F&&VPJ& *Z ^ Prices for sheep and lambs were well maintained, and steady The supply was) small. Hogs were unchanged to-day. 'Singers" are quoted at l-8r. per Ib.; light at 63-4o, and fat at 55-8c per In. Hogs to feftch tbe top price mnrt >c of prime quality, ajjd scale not be- low 180 nor above 200 Ibs. Following i I.M i.-; the range of quota- Cattle. Shippers, per cwt. , .4 00 $5 00 Butcher, choice do. . . 3.75 4 50 Butcher.ordlnary to good 825 375 Butcher, inferior. Stockers, per owt. 275 300 ... 275 825 Export bulls, per cwt. . 875 425 &beep and .Lambs. Export ewes, per cwt. . S 00 350 Butcher aheep, each. .. 250 850 L.imbs,grain-fed, per cwt 425 500 Do. barnyards, per cwt 875 4 12 1-2 Buclu, 250 Milkers and Calves. 300 Cows, each .... Calves, each. . ." , flogs. Choice hogs, per cwt. Light bogs, per cwt. Heavy hogs, per cwt. Sows. . . . , . Stags. a . . , 20.00 45.00 200 800 6 00 612 1-2 .0 00 5 75 000 350 000 DOMINION 5 62 1-2 400 200 BBANDED AS A THIEF, A Woman Strang-led Herself With a Shet, A despatch from Toronto says : 'uWicly disgraced and dejected over he shame uhe brought on her family, Mrs. Alic Summer*, of 43 Arthur treet, who wa arrested for stealing quantity of Iscc valued at $25. in he W. A. Murray Company's store, oat Wednesday, committed suicide in he gaol on Sunday trangling herself. afternoon by The gaol matron. MUa Ironsides, aw thn wxxmnn at noon, when she ook her some food, and did not go gain to her cell, which was at the op of the building, facing tbe west, until shortly be-fore 6 o'clock. A TKHH1HNK DKATH. The terrible sight that met the 1-4 to 301-2c; No. 2 mixed. & 1-2 to - -, . mi *-<!, to i-_ 10 the town b) being thoroughly j 283-4c; No. 3 do.. 28 to 28 l-4c. through cleansed. Tho great it trouble Is found witli the Boer refugees who seem to ignore tin- very rudiments of sanitary regu- lations. Tbe bouses occupied t>y them, which have been visited by the author- ities, have been found to be dirty, and in some cases the floors have been torn up and used for firewood. Many of theso refugees have been sent into catnpa under canvas. Enteric fever is rapidljr abating, and there are very few cases in tho hospi- in this country, instead oif be- ia* sent abroad. The pulp,,od nnd the fcaw-log poliey had fostered home manufacture. Why. kl I),, Mit,- Uter. should not tho beet sugar in- dattry l. developed tool KHAi;i)f|.I-:\T AI'I'OINTMKNTS Hon. J. 3L CiUbon'j bill to penalize those who fraudulent), obtain up- po.ntments a<< deputy returning of- icers and poll clerk*, and those who i. fully unmount ballot*, was con- curred in by Mr. Whitney, and paau- d its second reading. -MAI.U'OX. OUrilKKAK. In reply to Mr. Fox, tho 1'rovincial ' cretury gave the history of the sev- eral smallpox outbreaks. S -v, ,,, y | Um . br companies had been notif,o,| to rscclnntc ull the men , 1 1.,. , , , n , )Ioy Inn cump.1, where then- wi i i d cafts, had been quiiriuii .i,..,| 1IMHKK IN IKMISCAMl.N,;. tals. The vrentber coming down incessantly. cold and the rain Is said it (), i;,, v - - ernmenfs Intention to dispose of lim- - M.. park when it ippearod to bo in the pulilic uitc nd un,|rr sueh ei.nd.lMHH as would make the ,-upply of ti m l>-r in Ihe pork l-i ii. .n. nt nil ponsililc. HKKI HOur MHi.VU 1UODUCTION. Mr. ,I,.ynt moved that the. Govern- ment adopt son>! meauK of colleeling inform it ion as to the different soils ll.c IIHIVIMIC :ind t h. ir effect on Ihe perrtntnge of sugar in the sugar Wl- slso l hut iKvd should I. foiu.irdcd to the different localities in order i|,ii t might be grown an<l afterwards properly tested. Hon. Mr. Dryden said that 1 1m was practically being done by the depart- ment. Arrangements were miide to ssjidgeedif the Hoard of Trade, Fann- ers' Institute, Agricultural Society, or any representative Ixidy in a munici- Klity furnished tho name.4 of a mtin- r of farmers who would undertake the culture of the beets. HI. MOUNT STATIONS. Hon. Jolin Drydcn moved tho adop- tion of n memorial to tho Oovcrnor- fienci.-il asking hiir. to transmit to tho Ht.ti.^h (Jovernment un address of the legislature, urging thut a remount station txMtabilshed in the Hpcaking to the resolution. Mr. Itiy- den .--.ill that horc-l.i. -eding in this country had n-ccived much It-sx utii-n- tion than in former years. In 189l! the vuluc of horseri in Ontario was $55,- 112 :!>. Ui 1897 the value had fallen MURDEHED HtB CHILDBEN, Ghastly Work of a Mother With An Axe and a Club. A <lc.sp.itch from Coldbrook. Ma>s., cays;: Mrs. Lixzie Naramore, while in a fit of insanity, killed h-r entire family of six children, and then tried to take her ow-n life. The children ranged from ten yoara to a babu of ten months, and their liro^ were tak- en by tho mother with an axe and a club. Them she laUl the blood- drenched bodies on the bcdrf, two on . ,. ono bwl and the other four on u bed | geeae are quoted at 1 to to por billed. Barley Bids for spot too far below asking price for business. Kye Scarce and firm; No. 2, on track, 57c; No. 1, in store, 58c. Detroit, March 2C.-Closed Wheat- No. 1, white, TO l< ; No. 2 red, cash and March, 79 B-4u; May, 81 7-8c ; July 80 l-2c. Bt. Louis, March 26.-Closed-\Vbeat, 73 7-8c ; May, 74 7-8c ; July, 73 3-8c. DUIiSSED HOC.S AND PROVISIONS. Toronto, Mircli 26.-Drr<cd hogs are steady on the street, at 7.75 to $8.25. Car lots continue, scarce and light, are quoted nominally at $7.75, on track In re. Provisions firm, and a in good demand. Quotations are: Dry suited shoulders, 8c ; long, clear bacon, loose, in car lots, lOc; and in case lots, U 1-4 to 10 l-2c ; Bhort clear pork, $20 to 20.50; heavy mess, pork, $19 to $19.50. .Smoked meats Hams, he.ivy. lie ; medium, 12 1-2 to 13c ; light, 13c. PRODUCE. Toronto, M.irch 2fl.-Eggs Supplies large to-day. Frcjth sold at 12 to 1J l-o ; and this afternoon tbe market was weak. Poultry Receipts light ; prices for bright stock arc ns follows; Tur- keys, 11 to 12c ; geese at 8 to 8 l-2o; chickens, at 40 to 50c; and ducks, at 00 to 80o; cold ntored turkeys and matron's gaie was the body of Mrs. ummers, sitting on a stool with a heet, taken from the bed. wrapped "ice around her neck, and pulled i*ht in a knot. The woman's arnw rerestiffin death, but still extended i a position a if trying to pull the not tighter. She had been dead about hree hours, Ibr- body being quite cold. At the time of her arrest Mrs. Sum- mers refused to give her address, but. being afterwards obtained, and a learch made of the premises, two runko full of ,|ry Roods and millin- ery, amounting to about $1,000, were seixed by Detective Burrows, and taken to the where they e detect ivi were ident department, ni ifie'l a.s having ''n at one time (),< pnywty of I he Mtson, Sim pmm, Murray and Bots- ford stores. .-I ICIHi; \v \s I'HKMEDITATKU. It is evident the woman has ttie fuxnlal intent .-ince Friday r on Ual Jay, wbt-a her 16-year- I '! niKhtor visited her in the gaol 1 took her i;ome ,(,! . ..... , , rat . < would hardly speak ; but, when girl waa Iravins; she cnlU-d I,. bMfc twice, and kissed her through bars. dayUig: "I .jball never live Notei of tbe Proceedlngrs in th Canadian House of Commons. TO AMEND CRIMINAL CODE. Mr. German introduced a bill to amend the Criminal Code. He want* to repeal the clause which was insert- ed in the law last year releasing police magistrates in cities and towns from the obligation of making returns to the clerk of the county. RAILWAY EMPLOYEES. Mr. Morin was informed by Mr.Blaii that the number of hands employed ia the Intercolonial railway bos in- creased from 3.537 in 1893 to 4,286 ii 1896, and 5,949 in 1900. CARRIAGE OF GRAIN. Mr. Kemp was told by Mr. Blab that last November and December tb te per 100 pounds from Farry Sound i>t. John on export grain carried tne Canada Atlantic und Intercol- onial railway was: Wheat, 9 3-4c ( Hf W ' 7c V oorn - W' 90 - Th "te ' sounds accruing to the Intercol- onial railway as its proportion from' ttontreal to St. John was : Wheat,; ; rye, 6.3c ; corn, .4c. The quan-' tity carried was 335,700 bushels. It was not possible to furnish an estim- the gain or loss on each ship- ment. The elevator built by the Gov- ernment at Halifax cost 159.72K.75, including certain lands, the contribu. turn from the city. The number ol bushel, of grain fthipped therefrom since it waa built was 736,425. It era ploys two men. DOUKHOBOR DISCONTENT. Mr. Wilson was; informed by Mr. ifton that a petition wus received from the Immigration Commiss;ione st Winnipeg last July, purporting K be signed by 29 Doukhobors, making, certain objections to the land, mar* riage, and registration laws of Can. * d ?L ./he Government communicated with Mr. Maude, tbe English Quaker "rho was chiefly instrumental in Jeu- immigration to Canada, in or* der that he might remove their mis!> apprehensions with regard to Cana- dian laws. The whole trouble had been caused by a Russian who de- I to raise difficulties, and the de- partment had no reason to rjeliev. that the petition represented the views of any substantial portion of the 7.500 Doukhobors settled in Can- ada. TO LEGALIZE UNION LABEL. * Senator Tompleman has introduced i bill m the Upper House to legalise the union latx-l. This bill ha* twic passed the Commons and been thrown ont in the Senate. It is, therefore proposed to introduce the measure in the SenaU first, this session, in order > better ensure it* chances of past- OFFICER Mr. Taylor NOT NECESSARY, was informed by Mr 'r'Mi this "I trouble." in another room. Mrs. Nurumore then attnmpted in take her own life by rutting her throat with a razor, and when dutoomred she was in I lie bed on which the bodies of four chil- dren were lying. Although she lost much blood, it is believed she will re- cover. At the time the party of vil- lagers found Mr*. Naramore she wag oeknd how Hhe did the deed, nnd she s.i id that Mini took the lives in four different rooms, nnd a<< fast a.s she killed one child tho body \vas placed on a bed. OFFICERS ARE HELPLESS, British officers and l.adlci Menaced and Insulted. A despntch from Ticn-Tsin says that the .mi llmi.sli fi-eliiiK shown by the Krcnoli an. i ( troops is tnticli more serious ilinn Ihe siding nffuir. The dislike U Sliu i |irn r| |,y ; , n,,.m proclninalian furl.idilinn foreign nol- iluiM tu tr;ivcrsi> 1 he. Hritisli Beltlc- nicnl, anil fi..m K"i'iK I" low u me hopn nnd nthcr liuunls n( ilis^ip , tinn, where they In-rum, iliiiuk, ,n,l indulg, il in h auling. The officers igret-d that I lie vi' (> iiil>iti(>n v Inn tin- men!-,! ,1, n ,i|, t | null thai Iliitish office.^, an. I hi. lies uc inrihice.l, even ussaii|ii,| ,,,, the Htrcrls. It Ins hp-n nrcess.-u y lo Milniiluti' iiiaiini-s in [>|acp of the lu- ll in cnliies an, mi, I the set t li-im-nt. A ill .^|i iirh lo I In Standard from TICII- Tsin ays thui the Krcm-h officers arc unahle tu control their men. (under bright stock. Potatoes Steady at 28c for ear lots on track here. Sales, out of store, un- mado at B <-. Field, produce, etc. Turnips, out of store, 90c per bag ; onions, 70c per bag; carrots, 85o per bag ; apples, per bbl., 91 to 92 i Bweet potatoes, per bbl., Dried apples Dried apple-* sell at 3 1-2 to 4 l-4o; evaporated, at 5 to 5 1-Jr. Honey Firm. Storks on hand here are now small. Dealers quote from 10 to 10 l-2c per Ib. for 5, 10 or CO-lb tins, according to fiize of order. Comb honey sells nt 9-! to ,2.^5 for dark ; and at 92.90 to 6'J.73 for choice clove---, per dozen sections. Hops Steady. Demand quiet. Choice 1901) growth are quoted at 14 to Iflo; and yearlings at 8 to 9c. Beana Steady, ordinary white beans bring 91-00 ; choioe hand-picked beans in.- quoted at fl.70 to 91.75. II iled hay Steady. Choice timothy, on track here, fl(l.i!a to 910.50; two- ton lots, delivered, 911 to fll.25. .si. raw Car lots of straw, on track hero 9550 to 96. Toronto. Mm h -JO -T-ade all round was light, with pricei well maintain- ed, but not quotably changed. Wo hud u small run of export cat- tle, which aol.l out quickly at the price,* of last Tuesday. The best gradi-s brought 60 per Ib. Hood to choice butcher cattle sold well ut from ;:i-l to 111.-, per Ib., with 4 1-ir. paid for a few picked lots. 1'ricc.i all iiniun.l were steady. There was no change in tho market conditions of bulls, Miockers, feeders, milch rows, or calves; - . ry first tbe woman felt deeply the disgrace to the fannlj, and spoke ' ""i.nulljr of rt. .she r-fue.l to the prison fure, and scarcely ever tooehed the f,,, ,i , ,k,. M , ,,,/ r froin kMlt. At different ,!,,..., ..|,,. dl ._ ir.'.l t,, the ! ,,,| off,,.; ,|.H that her appetite. wa.s gone, and that ehe would not live long in gaol. DEALT A DEATH BLOW, A Man Killed by a Printing Press In Toronto. A despatch froai Toronto says :- Johm K. Hoadhoas... an .-inplny, ,,f t:- firm of Wur wick ltroth,-r a , and Kultor, w ,s ulnwal instantly killed in a printing prtw* shortly r ( forc 5 o 1 - -lock on KitunUy aft.-rnoon. It was KoadliotWr'a duty to <lc:in I Ho printing prows t the ! of the day's work. On Saturday hi- co7nmcnc.'d cU-anin? ono of the ma- 'hinc.s in m>iu- of Iho f.-id ih.u it had only ben stopped temporarily to wkesom- nltcnitionn in I h- fm m. I,, t at an interior part of t (.. pnsj wiadbdti,. uiiiioiuc,!, <i:iwl<-,l iiiidiT- i'f>tli it, and whili- h<. was ihcic the printers, l:;ni n( r fixed th<>irforin Bf fl t A J * I. .. .ill started the press to take, off proof. Only one revolution the enough to the press* was mode, but it was to unfortunate A l.-uge revolving liar wtruck him a crashing blow on I lie bend, frai-tur- uK his skull in neveral places, and rendering him unconscious. Nobody vitnesrtd the accident, and waa some minutes later that a passing presaman saw the prostrate : body. ]|e extricated,' the ambu- , - lance telephoned for, and everything possible done fm H.uduouse. woods still alive. With nil possible despatch he was driven to the Emergency hos- pital, but when ha was taken from the ambulance life waa extinct. He u i* a well-tiiiilt muscular man 32 years of age, and leaves a wMow, but no children, living at HI Paliner- ston nvcnuc. Ho carried 2,000 insur- a,nce in the. Maccabeus. Peterson that the Berviccs of David Hodge, preventive officer at Mallory- town, in IA-U.U county, has been dis- pensed with because such an officei was no longer conaiuered necessary at that point. U is not tbe intention to appoint a successor. EXPORTS TO GERMANY. Mr. Smith, of Wentworth, was in- formed that tbe exports of Canada to Germany were, in 1897. 91,"4i 13.: in 1M, 91,837,448; in 1<J9 9* ;> 19,568- in 1900. 91,715.900. Mr. 1'aterson wai unable to eay what waa the amount I duty paid theroon. or what por- tion of the goods wcxe entered at Hamburg. The trade returns ol Canada showed the rountries to which goods are exported but not the port* POLAK KXPEUITION. Mr. Monk required what tlc Gow eminent intended to do with the ap- plication made by Capt. llernior for uid in equipping a vacl for a polar expedition. Mr Wilfrid Lnurier promUed to state the Corcrnmcnfd intentions in the matter at an early date. The Vic kers- Maxim Steel Company will build submarine boats f* the British navy which will make 10 knots on the surface, eight knots sub- merged, carry five torpedoes, and be operated by seven men. RAILWAY IULI.S. The bill to incorporate the Union N*Uwa) Company was read a second linn-. The bill rejtpt-ctinjr the Cuelpb. Junction Kailway Company was ref.-r- I ><k to the Hailway Committee r a prolongi-d discussion as to the financial position in whch the Inil u.nill leave certain of the directors who arc to be retired. It was claimed that as it stood the measure left the old directors liable for 91()OU Block ami it wa.s ,-humed that ,n juMicwi ney should be [ M i,( I,.,, ft what tn had paid in. with reasonable interest and rcl ; ved from further liab, Railway Committee will nee what lan be done towards reconciling these conflicting views. a^aVs^aMi THBEE HUNDRED PBISONEBS, Military Operations In the Orangt Rlvep Colony. A despatch from, moomfontein, Or ange Hiv.-r (Vilony, say:-Military operations in, the south-eastern part of the Orange Riwr Colony aro pro- gre.HMing. Major Julian Ilyng has hnought in 30(1 n-fu w , -,-.,. 11:11,1,1 ,. ,,. tic. and 40,000 sheep t h,- Wi-p.-n- 'i and Smit hfield rictg. Col. Keth- iinc has wnt in st-VTnteen pii.soners from Thnbanchu. 'I'lirec Inniiirt-d prisoner^ are now camped here. of a death blow man under it. PR. SMITH'S _IWICE. in Honest and Earnest Friend ol the Sick Speaks. Be Trill HI. rallmi lo I .- Dodd' rills amil lk B'.u i. r.-.i.c DU Urn ! Uoinic. Nicolet. Que., Mar. 25. Special. Dr. W. Smith, of this place, reports two eases of Kidney Disease cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, which are very striking testimonials to the merit of this great medicine. The subjects are Mr. Caleb Rivard and Mr. Joseph Hamel. Mr. Rivard suffered from incontin- ence of ihe urine day and night. He was so worrid by the discharge of urine at night, that he purchased from Dr. Smith a rubber instrument to protect bid bed. Or. Smith advised Kidney Tills. He bought some and sooa reported to the doctor that he .was quite cured. The trouble had en- tirely disappeared. Mr. 11 iLud writes of fata case : " I suffered with Kidney Disease for three or four years so bad that I would have to lay off work two or three days every week. I was con- tinually sick, and "is 'forced to u ilk like an old man, being all bent with the pain. I had lust all my energy. I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Af- ter I had taken a few doses, I was delighted to find myself improving. Ihu.1 encouraged, I continued, and after the third box my trouble had entirely disappeared. I could stand and walk upright without any pain or stiffness whatever. This is over six months ago, and I have not had the slightest return of the trouble or piin." These cures have rained quite a sensation in this neighborhood, as both gentlemen are well known. Dodd's Kidney Pills, are very popu- lar in Nicolet. In 1801 there were, oo railway.s in .Scotland in the sense we now use the term, or even in England. To-day the, railways of the United Kingdom ex- tend to about 22,000 miles of line, which have been constructed at a cost of about 1,31)0,000,000. The annual gross Pts now exceed 100,000,000, and | of the expenditure, which amounts to over 00,000,000, fully one-half M .1.- tributcd in wages to over 500,000 eui-j ployes. I Minimi's liuiinent for sale every wlitri There are 22,000 different friendly societies in England, with 7.000.IMIO members, and a. capital of 5H,000,UOO. Out of the Vatican's 11,000 rooms. Pope Leo has reserved for his personal use only three a small sitting-room, a 1'ttle dining-room, and a bedroom. FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR* WTJTflLOWl SOOTHING STROP hu ten olkcrator ltar cblldraa terihluf . It >oulli ufMu OMfuam. kil>r>*uo,cuii wiad oo.ioi rmi<1;fr<ll>rrho.liat txxU*. go,4 thronffcxit UM ortt B* u* u4 w i doMhtat rt/mp. ALL FORC71VKN. Hogan Oi hov found the mon thot hit me wid the brick -is Oi was? pass- in" the alley. Twas Uarrigun. < I rog.-m Are yez goin* to get even ? Oi am not. 'Twas all a mistakr Th* mon was only iloin' his jonty. He fought Oi was th'cop in pluin clothes 1 cured a horse of the mang with MINAHD'S I.IM.MI-:.NT. CUR loTO I'll Ell S\l .N Dalhousie. 1 cured a horso badlv lorn l.y -i pilch fork, with MlNAHLl'.S LINI- MENT. , EmVAHD LI .N I. IKK. Bt. Peter's C.H. I cured a of a had swelling with MINARD'S 1. 1 MM KM' TMDMA^ \V. 1'AYNE. Batburst, N it. WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD to produce a di ink as jrratilylng an LUDELLA You notice the fine points when you Jrink it. Little style, best of quality and accurate quantity. Load Paokagaa 25, 33, 41, (0 and M OwiM. > I'. SHII' ..1. j"'lr BUTTER. CCCS. PUULTMY. APPLE*, olhar rRUITS and PRODUOK, U -.*.- The Dawson Commission Co. In the manufactures of Great Bri- tain alone the power which ett-am, ex- erts is estimateed to be equal to the manual labour of 4,000,000,000 men, or more than double tbe number of males ; supposed to inhabit the globe. ulinard's Liniment Cores Dandruff. Twenty-one thousand pounds worth of article* are left ia London cabs in a year. STATE or Onio. CITT c TOLEDO. I ^ Lucia COUMTT. ( FKANK J. CHBNIT rnakei oath ihat he Is wnlor partner of the flrni of K. J. CHKNIY K Co.. doing builn*M in the Cltr of Tolrdo, Counljr nd Slat* a/orixald, anil that niil firm will pay ibaium of O\K HUNUUKU DOL- LARS for ach and evarjr oaa of CATAKHII tint raanot b eurad by the UM o( HALL* C'ATAKRH CCBC. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to b*fo.- me and subscribed In rajr pnanc, this 6th dsj of Uocumbcr. AD :. A. W ULEASUN, Notary Public. STRENGTH OF ICE. Two-inch ice will umtain a mnn or properly r>.!C'-d i:ifanlry ; four-inch ke will carry a man on horseback, or cavalry, or light guns ; six-inch ice heavy field gun*, such .11 80-pound- ers ; eight-inch ice, a battery of ar- tillery, with carriages and borses.but not over 1,000 pounds per square foot on sledgen ; and ten-Inch ic sustain* an arjtiy or an innumerable multi- tude. On fifteen-inch ice a railway could be built, and two-fool thick ice will withstand the impact of a luad>>d railway carriage after a sixty-foot [all, or perhaps, 1,500 foot tons. Hall'i Catarrh Corn li taken Internally, and aoudirocUy OB 'hablool mid mm-ou* luifacd o(thairit*m I4*ad for tMiinioniala. fr* F. J.CHKNKY Sc. CO, Toledo, -oKI by DrugfUta. 76o. UaU'a rumlly 1'llU ar the bm, Statisticians agree that the popula- tion of the world averages UKt wo- men to every 100 men. Minard's Liuimeut Relieve Xeuralgia. The hardest thine in the world Cor a young* woman to do Is to look un- concerned the first time she comes out in K handsome engagement- ring. CONSIDER 5 A MOMENT. If I use that faint on my houne will it do any good ! Ol course it will if it's the right Paint. The right 1'aint will preserve the house, beautify il, increase its value and give it a smart appoar- ance among its fellows. Ramsay's Paints will do all Mm for you and more. If you want to see models of beautiful homes painted, and learn all about Taint, drop a card and ask for BOOKLET "K," free. A. RAMSAY & SON PAINT MAKERS MONTREAL. Elt d ISJI On a recent, scieniifir ti-t, a work- er in inct.ila u<-ci- ,-d" I in drawing a penny out into 5,700 ft. of win*. MUTUAL MOTS'. BI1CTOT. It requlrea an tiverago n( more than iO.UOO.OOU pios per day In meet the necja o( tbe Wntisli people. TO i rnit A < ut u n c DAT Taa* Laxatlr* Brem* QiUalM TakMa. all 4rnti*i reraa4 (ke atomy If II (alii M earn. . W. Ur Two million shot ml shell, wpigu- .itf 241,000 tun.s. i.s the -iviT.-iijr annual nut put of British arsenals. Minard's tiniraent Cares Burns, fit. W P C I<MJ CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all skin ailments. 4. 0. talwrt A Co., Uanohi.tar, Indian d Metallic Ceilings 1.1 \ , l.i.U* 1 r nlo. Oak <>VOOO& PHOTO KM.RAV4 g* j. L.JONES ENC & CLEANING LADIES' . WALK I NQ OH OUTING UITS L'an be dona perfectly by our French Prooaaa. Try 11 ITIiM ftMtHIOAM QTIINO CO. MO.NTKEAU TOItil.Mi). DTfAW* * JUBILEE OF 1901. * Popt1 "' M " , i. r TH MOST EPPS'S GRATEFUL OOMFORTINQ. COCOA SU >. IOLL WRAP- PING PAPER PRINTED In one or many colora or STRIPED at low prices. Sam- pies furnished on request. Special quotations for oar loads or larg-j lota. Write for prices. TORONTO WRAPPINQ PAPER COMPANY 75 Adelaide-st. "West. BACKACHE is a sure indication of Sexual Weakness or other Nervous trouble, Failing Powers or Diseases of the Kidneys and Pelvic Region. A wo- man's backache tells of that weakness which makes it a labor and agony to live. Backache ^sw BBHBW BB^ '' home by the and its numerous f ^ I | jf _J 1~^ jjj ^k pa'ient applying causes can quickly %^ J [^ f"^k F^ | J to the aching spot and positively be ^*^ ^s*^ Ma* fcaw^ a unique, sale and successful method of electric treatment which gently and soothing- ly dispels pain and saturates the whole body with renewed vigor, mak- ing life worth living. It is known as Dr. Mclaughlin's Method of Self-Applied Electrical Treatment It is worn comfortably at night while the patient sleeps, and DOES NOT BURN OR BLISTER, as do other appliances which have enough power to be curative. NO CURE. NO PAY. After you are cured you can pay me, and then the price will be- only one-halt' what is asked for the old style belts, which have been blistering and burning the back* of the wearers for tlie past 30 years. My Belt is three times as strong as any olhcr Belt sold, and i-t the only one that does not blister the flesh. Extracts From a Faw of tho Testimonials on Filo In Our Office : 1 wimlil najr to all who *r troubled with lam back, kn<l all <1 n^aMi common among urn, thai f imr >*elt ia what they want to let. Ymi-a truly, Vil.ri.U. <>nl. A I. Widdlfl.ld. I would not lake iloiil>l what I paid for your belt K t could not fM another. 1 barp a t booa Iron tleU with mj back >nc lining it, r ...,>. YOUM lni|. Th nijhtloaaM which ad to b ro frwiuent r K wnloutt. Ont I Dia. mbol| , Mo ,,_.<| i t(Ml ,n,lent (hmt in aiiolhor My hack la ntlrlj wall, the pain la all |ona and i montfc ! will be entiraljr cured. all n; >lhr Iruu blo h . . aft me Dai bart Rout* Benfrew. Out. J..DW* Far]uhara.>n M Fair Avenue, BranUor*], OnL Dear Sir, Your Belt hiu i-iunl my wrak hark I nerer feel any pain DOW, I toltl you btfont I got your Brit I could baldly Bit ur> afur a hard day work. A day > work U uot a toil tunienow. Thot. W. Pcrri*. HopeiUle, OoU I would ay that your Belt hae done all you rlaimr.1 it would. 1 harp nm. M, ache nr a iwin now. I would not take in-lilr vhai 1 paid for It. . Wahnapilae 1 am perfe hare usrd n. Norman, Knl f, onL . W F McUermott. 1 am perfectly Mtivfled with your Beltae far aa I I feel a great deal bolter. Yours Truly, William Uiion. Dear Sir. - The palm In knee and lower parla ol llnbe hare dlaapejeareU eutlrely My liar I: In o. K. K A Mi Urn Chalrr. Man. CALL TO DAV OH WWTI FOR MY M MOI MOK, WITH INFORMATION. ADORIU i 13* VOM.K ATBKKT, I OFF1CK HOURS: i OBPM . o\T. | to 8.30 n.m. DR. M. D. MCLAUGHLIN, uomfnlon Line Steamships Montiaal ta I-irrrpool. UoHon ta Urer :>..>!. Portland to LaferpooL VI* (juctu- u-wu. %nd Vait Hteatnthipa. Superior ncoomniodatlon ,rr eimdehipa. Spe-.-ial aUMUau hae ben iltao u> i be t"coAl -S .IfM-n *ud Thinl-i'lue acoomroouation. Pot fatecuf paeeage ai,d all particulars, apply to any gei if -Be Compaar. or -i.ctarda. Milk t Co, 0. Tomaoe * Co. . 7 ,- State SL . Bo. too. Mualnul auil Per land. Music Teachers Wanted Ta aand roc mm lUKue of Shw* Muelo ui< with Ipoela! rats* f i WHALE, OYOEAOtv M Vanv*M. Toria. lrt. 31st Annual Meeting of The Mutual Life of Canada Formerly Tha Ontario Mutual Life. New Name but same old Principles A Company of Policy, holders, by Policy holders, for Policyholders. Leadd in Canadian Business. A Most Successful Year. {loo. i Hptz. I K. l'h Proldent baring Ukon thn chair, on inotl -n Mr W. II KUdill. Hccntarr of the Company, acted a -Secretary of the muiln<, and at the roqua*t of ihe 1'roildan 1 , rau lh IMKBCTORS' Illl'OHT. Your Dlnctors hart pleasure In ubml'tlng thalr report, together with the flnuirial -iat- rnant duly t*uditml fur Cue ya. nailed l>jc*imber -I ", IMQk Wara(li>d to infurm you that tbe bU'iaxS' of me ar lm li'en eminently Mtmfactsrf. and f hat it eicoedii any former your, excep: iu ro*pnot to new bu*ino4, which U Minewiiat lees -han m IS.'J The ^urplun earnlncn wore nuflliienl t enable a continuance if ihu librral distribution M pullc'vliulilert ;m herctofor" Tho JiitareM earaingii were i^nin. an for eonu yean paet largely in etie of all the drain i-laim* that aro-e within the year. The Lip* and .-S.irreudon* wjr moderate In proportion to the tiutineM in for*, "bowing continued .-onflileii'-e of pnllryboMer. In Itia stability of thn Company -in-1 tt). m \n i^-o nnnt. Applioauun. u> the niiiKiini cif ti. -.' . ft wrro reel*ed, and pollolet for It.JOl.H) were UmArt, nil nf wh:rh tiropl f^.'^i worn ^.'-urmj wi'lun Mm Dominion. The amuiini uf UiiHlnou actually p:d for in 1400 wt< l. 07 1.7 11 being tlio lanceit amount of inxuranoa placed in 1'iuada by a ( 'an A< nan ("o.npnny. Your Uireoturn belfevo tha' U 14 ia vi at>i to confine the Coiiuany'a opr&ttonN to Cauaaa. whero proper tupervlHion can beezerciaed, and busmeM necnrej ut ft luwur xpene r.m Lhan eli'twnorn. T!in numbr of I'QMOI.M m force wa 20,tt. ajinrmt IW.J.'l O7i;.j8, on which th plorvn It |4.sir.T-U.ii<. baxml on our oTn (tamlard, Aciunrie* I per i-anL fo.- all buuneiu to January let, !''. *n'l Hm. 3i pur cenU theraaftrr. > '. 1'riiiM mi laoonin wiu IJ27.HI5.10 : InU<ret Incume. $722.HKXO) . Annuity Premium*. |!t. :*!K; tobt.1. fl.lTl.'UI.'.ii or n ncrn of |l.r>.irJ8oTr tb incoma in 1W. 'Che amount puld a I'ollryliiildcrii wn <3I.Vt.dU; wui of tin. amuunt ha largo kum of ni.llt.BvaapddteliTlntPollerholdan.Tn> i>ntn nlatmt paid wore |r.i. .1..T; Matured ICn- ilowin.MM |78 JuO : I'np-^i-i-eil i'olu !', Jr.l.l.!.17 . .^urplmi or Dividends paid lo I'ullcyholden 978.7U M and Annultira. I7..SJ4.20. Mm Hurpiu* nvor all HwUltia* "n Ihu Conipny n standard la $310,349.3", and on the Govern, mnnt tlanuaril HK.009.H. Tim .tct-.v< demand 'or monoy ha^ kept the Company H fund^ well ompioyod durlnKtht year and n'ero.: parmentx h >r boon mure iiroinplly met than in toe put. T'IO total amount of orntclne ieterrHl :tt Dec. 31 Us, win*i.1 4 - . The Managrr. <JtnoiTnd s;atr continue lo dUcbanr* their dutloa to the nniiifactlon ot U.o Hoard and in Iho be-t intoreat-* of the rmn ianr You wlil I.,, called upon to elect four Direct jr< in the place of H. H. Mriitni. K. '.Ml'.. Franolk C. Bruce. M I" . J Kerr (ieo. A. rtemcrvllle, wbue term of office baa eipireJ, but a 1 of wboni aie eligible for re moclion. R. JIELV1N. ' Prawdcnt. ABSTRACT OK ACCOUNT! FOlt 1009. Incuma. Iniere.t. annuiliea. etc Preniluuiii, nt... t W7.I4 10 2U.OMU Total I1.171.WI M DiBburnemunU. Payment to polli-yhoiilern for death rlalmn, endowment* profit*, etc f 431. .'AS 50 All other paj men ta :3.'.u.4 21 ToUl I 7UtiT71 AaaeU Loanx on flnt mortgrd'n |2,!71.1Sl 60 Municipal drbrnture-and bond 1, SI 4. 814 47 I ounn on ' oinpm y . I'o ioien OOI.GM .17 I'.wil Mtlr. incliiillng He*d olllci 138. IMA H4 CJitth on lundanil in bankii tl.Ml M Ulhar nawti 310.115 M Total U.IK.OU 57 1. abillllM. Renerve. I an'1 3) per cant -. ll.S37.TS3 All other UablllUM 33.SS1 M Total t^STLGoTsi Surpluf. On Company 'mtanilaril land 34 per cent I 310.31!) 34 On Government landard I) aad 3J per cent. : ilii.U'.ll SO PHKSIUKNT3 ADDHKS3. It afford* me. gontlomen. groat pleaiurn to plnoo before you the annual report and financial atntomeni for the yaar o iilinrf Deo Jlir, I'.iu. Tuo biiiine*>. tn the rupirt. nhuwn, lia< been entirely salmfaotury and wnh one nxoopt ion. that of 1893. exnnxU in vulumo of new bu^ini,M an.rpreviounyitar la our hiitory. thaamoiKit iHiied being f I.:U)|, 183 00. an 1 tho amount laken;i. 712. which t believe to bom0hat In <:x~o- of tlui ni.d lo havo Imon setiired by .injr ..ihcrn tivo llfo Company, all of walcb. with the oxnjpi ion of J?,V)i wntlun in Nuw(aund- land, w*oht\in-' I within Hi 1) n num. I' i< ^omewnat !c->< for ISIO. but the bui:ievi of ti.l i '.-\na1lnu i'-> ...nn'i't waananormM for ibut year, owing to tne Incroi^oof ratu wblch took pU.-'i in .I;iii'i.\r> i-*t. To avoid thU Increaae thttre w:w a p'rfoct rii*h of intandlntc inmiror* to ge' Uieir applications in bitforu the i.i- r-m* took plnoe. And bera allow mo lo m ; that fo thi tun yoan rndlng l.'eo. 1930, we aiMol 1. 1 our assurance in force 91o.8IU.276 of which num $HI.'i08..'i9 wnilded during the last llva y .nr-. I tnaiiMon ihi*. that you may know the grtal p .jrx. Dm nm>i>\ny IN miking and theu<f>e:n in I <:>n:Mrn 'e in which It U beld by tin Hbaurlng public a nontl-k'nca we builove well founded an t which wili im-i-o is > ;is tinitt gorn on It nnlln our aim to dowrve this conttden by being, if pouihlo * i:l mo e derotvd to thi liiUT-Uof ttio pi'.lcyhnldo.H in f.itin'< t ia i KI h ive boon In the past. ! am ore<llbly informed that some .ignu of oumouting Cuttipanio* bavs 1 eon fttitinK that our iiolioyhaldem iiro liable 1.0 aoeument at any tlmo tno Hjanl m.i? feel it ncce i.iry tc KHes8 lbin. 1 rrgret Ihli, hecauao Itliabiolutcfr untrun. and If nnnb .insnts know untlbinfi of ton princinlea uf life InfOMUUM they mint know it to bo untrun. Thi p 41. !>< of Tho Mutual Uf of Cawd.iar* iiMiied In consideration of ir certain >lipulated KUIII, called aniiu il prem inmn. t>a.MMl on tho mortality lAblo .-%gir.)/ed by tbe Uovirnment of i '.AII.HI.I, an-i oonHiderec) by ihi be I ao'Uinoa in tho world sull ilun' in themioiTM, with Intu e-: j u- -.MUS on reoerve*, to meet all abllgalion^ Incurred by this Company. The amu rc<|inrem>Mit U Hindu by ihi Oovnrnmnntln re<poot of prem;u'ii-i .in.! reerv9H of every I.ifa C. inpiiny in Canada, whether huic.k or Mutual, whoihei Can.tdian, American or Biillh. Tho lapssi n>l eurrunders still continue to dco'caso In proportion to amount of himinoiu In force. 1'hiH fact will be as pleading to our agents and pollf} bolder^ an It H to tho Uoaid, how- Ing tho value atUohetl to our pollcio* and expr>valro of oonfldcnco in tho Company. 'I ho total nnmbor of I'nllclaa now In for.-.- U 3u.:ltj ainoimtmtt '" W i;i.uni.."><. an Inoroi i . :5.i)U Wo addoil toour Inborn* r.'"..MJ.28 : tiour roaorvo V.I3.0J3.C4 an.l to our at'eti j.iH, If.l.l.'. All tho mean amount n Insuranco curried by Iho Company in 19UO wa< m i< h groaler than In 1HW 10 alw tho loiroi from doaths excordrd t.hoo of 1SW. but fell much bulow the oxp fetation, and wcr > more than covered by Intorett earned on tnvofltmont.s In the sum of lll,il&07 ; the 'iirplus oarningx of the Company oimhlnl in 60 pay Ihi pedlof holder* very hndHonieililili>nils, n^twithntamling tho faiir. that owing to tho change in tno Company * pund a much larger amount, in adveniMinK. ot , Minn in Tonn name, we wrra callud upon U> rcfu . I may cf hure that vtt Twara. in luldliion to i-ofiirnlhlng ilio now olll t. nonalilur.ihln oiint. never admit office fir iii.hitiK n* an .niut in our flnnroiitl ilittomont. I run pioasoil lo infarm you that our monny HIM tMon fully lnVw'wJ (I'll ing Iho jo.r n' f Air rto uf Intorc"!. nnd that the lntorm hni been niuiiallr wall mot. In one Province In which WwhaTwWT.nOOOlBVaaMi t.he intorn<i .|uo thirojii, Deo. 3UU 1SWO. woo only rTvUtaad of Dill mm only $.U 00 wan unpaid Kab. lab, 1901. With rwiard to the ohasftt to a highor rns*rvn, I need nay Tory llt-la, M all bidnesi la forro up !0 Ike. 31*1, IflJfl. i already on a t per oenr, bail*, Aoiuariox Table, and all biifinuM t*ken lno tht tlmnon Urn. 3* por rent. Tixnle. Tiorfl wain mrwll lino of bti*inra* in th i nice, .l.niiir>'. !:> ii, winch had been written up. but, not pmned l>y offlco. inucli of w.-iich li.til boon cniiva>wl for %ad primmed on a 4 tier cunt busia, anil which weacoeptnl At ilioolil ralot*, but placet! it. mi a .14 por cent, reserve. We havo a ronMorablo porllui of DQslneas oo Ihai roacrve and havo not. though: it advlnablo tu do more till another year, nt a larger mil lay than iiautl wan Iwomrred In RalilnK DOW llioratur-, forma and s'.ationary ramlcretl necmtary owing to tho change In ihet'&mpn> ' namn. In conolnaion I dedra to thnk th Agont for thi-lr 7.ol on bohalf of ihe Company and to stnle that 10 Company coalil lmr morn capable, zsaloiin body of men or truer to Iho noM intero-uof iho Company than thoy hTc benn. I wouidexprwn tho hopo, i hat with tho intiea olTortii of ouriiolloyholdem. tho Hoard, tho Ajreocy and Office Stan". Iho firm, roar ot lh now (.'ent-.ii* mai V 3 tno b inner year qf tho Coiipita* In all thut U tru.i and be-t in Ulfs A'uram-. Tnl can on'y DO dono, and unouM only bo iluno. on the nwrlu of Tho M rual Life of Canada, naver on tho demerit! or suppomd domorluof cur neighbor*. I have, tliorctore, Kreat ISSwSwM ID iMivinz tlio ulo.ii d>n of ilin report. i, K.C.. M.I' . Mosr. II. M. Hritton, K.C.. M.I'.. F. C. Bruoe. M.P., J. K. rHkon and (loo. A. SomniT.ll* w*re ro-clfi-tcd Klrt-otorM of lh Company for th-i enHiiinn torm nf throe yearn. Thn bii^lne of t.>ii, ilny having heon bron<ht loa olote, "Cnd Savo tho King,' w* nuns, Mr. llnrrnws, of Hcllovillo. leading, after whloh thn mom In J :wl innrncd The Uirirlors mnt sube>|unnMy and rf-tlaotod Mr Robert Molrin. I'rosliiont : Mr. Alfred nmkin. K.c . FIIMI. Vice President ; and Mr II. M. UrittOD, Ix C., U.P., Sooouti Vlcu ITva.uuaJ of U>* Company for tbe onsuing, ; *or.

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