, MARCH 21,1901 THE FLESHKRTON Card; Ll CUULJUOH * YOUNG 11 H*tkTS, Markdale Do Knral banking buitnees. Money leaned at a reasonable rate i:)l on . AH VANU1JMKN. J P iW Mb inv Court, Co Ore; t" ' of MairiaflH Mceoeee. CnDvevanrei Rotary. Public Auctioneer. Money to loan to* 4) uer ceu. ClMrge* moderate. fLESHKRToH P O The un.lersigTied Is pt*par0d to i Inrtakw the collection of all kiu<ts o( debu )i buugbl. ncrniinti col'eeted etc H K HKNDBRBON. Fleshcrtnn R Poitruatit'-r. Flesherton Co inniiKioner In H O.J., Auctioneer Con .. i.-tr, A|>|>raier and Mminy Lmirtrr K.-> 'Ntate and Insurance Agent. Due. In iu' ii<i(e, leases a-n I will* carefully drawn up ant valuations made ou shortest nrtice. H n" to loin at Inwest rate* ot interest. Col 1 > 14 attended io with promptness Una-Ken low. Agent for Ocean Dominion lit. tiiihi|. Company. A call solicited. AO I/ W meet* every fli't n 1 tliir.t llonday In each month. In ,O">ir loilfie room. Cbriitoe'a lilock. Kllu<rtii. at 8pm. T. Hl.k.-K. W. M. ; AM (ilbion, Recorder; W. llellamy.Klnancier. VUlttDf brethren lovlted PKINCK AHTHTK IXJDUE. No. IBS, A. A M. uiet In the UaDlc hall. Strain'i block. KiMnlicrtou. every Friday oo ov bfnr lull mi... ii. J A lloyj W M, W J COL'lir KI.KSHE1CTON. 1. O. F. meets In I'hmtoe's lli>ck the last r*rid> evening In witch iii'nith. Visiting Forester* he&rtllv !!. .me. C K. It Waller ; R.H.W. A Arai- strong. DR. E C. MURRAY, L. D. 8.. dental burgeon lionoi ifra.luaut of Toronto University and oral OS4M0* o( Dcatal sjriteous of Ontario un! . -Opposite Ariinitronji'a Jewellery Store. Will M-.I Fnliatu the last Wwlneeda? of HM. Ii in. .ml.. Mil Dundatk 1 and i Tliur*Jay |O frli mulitb .1 W KKOHT. L L. B. llarristr, Holicitoi I'onvejraoeer. eie pfB.:e -Next to i".*tcifDce. Mproule'i block' Flenii tmi. every Thurada and, court days s) ii IWMII s.niii-1 oinoe, Frost* block Puuiuu alfovt east. LI \S. WRIOHT * McAHDI.B MarriaUTi holii-itora Cuuveyancers, ft s-Owou Kuuli'l.Ont and slarkrial* Out. W II A 10. .Ill , C A ItATSOM 1 II 1.1 CAS N K -Klestiertou ortice. MttchsU's Hank vvvy TL'-KKK A I'ATTKKHON iu, i I-I.M. Kollcltors, etc M olson Hank, Owen Hound hAliiiV U TUcKKIt UBO W PATTERSON NAK\V * SAMPSON. Barri.t.-r.. Ae DKKK'CS : .IW.MI Sound. Merchant He,'.k Ml.,.-k. S 1 if I 1 *'! "V.n House, l.nn.lalk. Mar. Street. every Nklnnlay. M^CKAY MA. II K SAMPSON. L..L.D , Crawu Attoraey for Urej. fllnliral DH I'ARTKK M C 1' A 8 Out. I'll vslelau. Surgeon, et Flei > nirton u!Hc Strain's block. Hoildeuce slaiimiaw's Hotel JOHN A Mt.-orT, M II Mi. mil. 1 1 College I'ttynlc. A Ontario it, t i . .t. In Medicine o Toronto Uuivi,rsit>. Krllowiiliiii Diploma, I'oit (Iradu- . at Vliiln;al Mchool ii<l Hoililtal. Chicago Maeaaei ef ere, ear. none and throat ipccially treated . HliluLC, Maxwell, visits r<versliaui Tti jr.Jyai 13 JF Ml-TKWKLL Vetermary Hnrceon wrayl ite of Ontario Veterinary Collefe. Iteai.lf.iLD cooiid door south west oo Marv etrent. This street runs south 'rob,l..|ian Clinrcb. ' '.V. M A ' C 1C ** V.iteriuary rt.in,'>n and Dentist, Max- Wull o inn., ii Ontario Veterinary Ce<>e, omh.ii. ill witli Tor. nit i CnlTeralty Vint-. hUKtviia Wednesday (roni II a in to 3 p. m., an I Kc itiiHhain Thursday from 8 to 5 |i. in. liOAR for SERVICE The Registered Tamworth Hoar I^OKT I,\W DAS f,, h ,. r ^ii!M at IN.rt Law C'urlln. 4lu cau hu tMjuf. hy it|,|il vi UK t wni>r. O. THUM1'8(>N UIX.ISTl KKII TllinoitTII BOAR JR 5ERVICI; 1 have a nvl'fo. ITKinworth Hoar for Her vico bn lol lit. N. U. H , Ai l.-mesia Term. l. W. MBAU8. l'ro|,rltor Clubbing Ltot Advance and l.ol and K.npir,- tl.HO vVeekly (ilolw 1 HI) 1/aily New. 2.1*0 )>aily Star 2.6fi . K , Muu 1.80 J. B.5loan&son -^^__ Proprietor ^T GET YOUR "tl Stsh, Doors, FlooriDg. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Hand Railin<;, Corner Blocks the best of spruce Lath,No.l and 2 shingles Vorandu and Fitting, Sidings, etc. Turning of all Hinds Dons to Drier run uf Stum N foi Chopping. Satisfaction in all our linen guaranti-rd < Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery i I re dooe in Aril-class style and at lowest rates. Special attention Jf given to ci>|>yine. Babies' photos. Ki a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULHER jSfew fVoprietoi 4 Having uur^based the trnsorial busi ness from Mr Le(iard I wish to announce that the ImaineeM will be continued in the old pn-miscv We have had a huge city fii>erimice and lieliere we can give perfect sttisfsction in our line. Have taken over the agency for I^olston Laundry - AND - - Worka And all urdern It-fi with us will receive prompt snd cnn-ful attention. FlesMn jliaying Parlors A. \VilHon . . Frop. AT THK Jrfoso tJai't SPe/n Protector.' 'No n lor,? gct- mg tho tail "'il tliu limn in Ily sriiHoii ee it. A full lini< of sweat pad*, ilustern, whips, collars, axle ((roaH, hoof ointment, curry romlih, trunks, valiseK, etc. the Hanilsry Brace for kfcnilrinrii'-. wear only 40c per pair. . MOORE UARNBMHMAKKK OVTARII) )()C) VKAKLY to Chrislinn man or Honiun to h>ok afii'i our growing bimnuiss in this ami .-uljiMninx Counties ; to uct as Mumper mi, I Corn spondfiil ; work can lie donn at ynur h"inu. Enclose self itdilie-sed, stamped envelope f"l 1 1 irl iciilars lo II A. Slir'inian, loin'i.il ManK'.'er, Corcoran Ituild- iiii.'. <i|,|M>Mle I 'i:ited States Treas- ury, Was'i ii'gton, D. C. Wm. ncCalmon, Importer of end Dealer In mm, SCOTCH i Granite and Marble Work OF ALL KIND MOIRI Hie lltS &es> AMU Iiiicripiioiii Cut un Shortest Notice. Sydiiebsm at, Flevherton ocklya. the Xrt/m tHir Owi\ (Inteiiiled for las*, week.) What would we do if we hadn't weather to talk nSout? Snow, snow, nothing but snow and bad roads. A uuiulier of oQr men are work- ing well for the Knii; th se days. Mias. McAunlin and Mi^s Ella lilsck of Eppinu, were the guests of Mrs. W. Falls a couple of days lately. Mr. and Mrs. Vance of MHiiitnlm were visiting friends in this section la'ely. Miss. Beckie and Vina t; mid, and a Friend near Mnrkdale were the tiutsts of MIHS. Maxgie !ould, last Sunday. Miss Buckie will visit friendu here for n while The. Rocklyn (JleoClub drove over to the home of Mr. and MrsCuo. Kelly last Friday evening. A little bird whispered a pleasant eveiiini; spent. Mr. J. M. ISojd has so)d tho colt he purchased lucently to Dave Kri/./.el. No doubt tho storm of last Sunday would Ueep MI inn- guest* over night. Mi-. - Mabel Jerret was the nuest of Misa Edith Boyd a couple of days last week . A correspondent to one of our local |ia- prs ay' Professor - him been here. He is t Kond canvasser nnd can Knd any- thing with a bead en and a dollar in tho pocket. Id leaves the head but p in-i ally k!i ts tin; dollar. Those who were .lot at the rink Satur- day evening last missed a treat. Mm. McDonald invited the skaters t her home after the rink closed, and a pleasant ho.ir wassprn!. Meaeis. Murley J*rrett and Dave Clark, and Mm. Leu Clark, tat* home excellent vocal music, and little Miss Lilly *Minsnii of Wooilford favored tlm audience with some recitationa, a Inn li wa aervvd and afterwards "(Jod be with us till we meot aijain" was saiix and fhorl- ly after the crowd disprrmd all having thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Mi. R. Itruadncr of Krantford viaitod friends here lt week. MiHsSulie r.oyl. 4th line, was the guest of Kd.tU !^i)d lat Sunday. Our boys have organized a inw curling club and are already milking their b.,sht-. about what they .n (in. Ren. l)r. McLareu jiiive a lecture on "Old Country Simp sin tb" iu Meaf.Td M. inlay evening of last week. AMessor (iilray is at liin annual IssU. We writ nine Mr. .u.d Mrs.Rolit. Itailey to our Milan, . Mib. (>il'.ui, Mrs. deo. (ilnvrr nnd Mr. Uolit Clu^ston, hl auction aalus bast *., Mr. K Scutt of liraiuptoii KM It his home here laat week for it firw dsj's. Some of our fnrmurs are getting in their ice for the NUIIIIIMT. Owing to the stormy weather last Tues- day etening the lecture KIVI-II in Temple Hill church by Dr. Mc-Laion wn not so well atlende'l ss it thould haw been. Those present say it was very interesting. Mr. and Mrs. H. Claik, !tb St. Vin- ci iii were tlu; IMH-.II of the formers sister Mrs. Alex Cook N-t Sunday. (Tbli week's items.) La*t Salunlay evening sftcr rink cliiseti the member* <( the Ul Club procveili-d to the Inline of Mr. and Afrn. Cifo. Crad tree-, and spt-nt. a couple of hours very pluanantly lu g.une, speeches, niiiHic.etc Mr. II. Sinclair and .AT an Kdith Uoyd favored the IVMSI nil ly uith a duet while A/i-t- Lilly Cniblree pre-ndrdat tlieori;aii, lunch .n served snd afterwards .Wr II Sinclair read an address am! A/m* (Joiild prenrnti'd 3/r. H. Full* with a travelling cu. Lunch was afterward* served and u most enjoyable evening was closed with nincero wishes for the plea- sure of mint in r rc-union. Although Kli'kherton i* only 19 miles I'M. in I! , Uyn a diiitance which Any pt-r- KOII could drive in a few hours, yet ihe iteniN we posted .Vnnday ei-ning of last wj'uk, e-u not in ti-nufor publication in Inht week's Advance. .Mrs. lieiiiu-ttof .Wc.il. id xisitcdfiiends bee for n few days lust weuk. Mr. K. and M. Dillon spent Sunday with Mi- iU.nl t lien. N. Mr. ilugh Falls und Mort Jerrtt are Icitving to-ibiy(Mondnv) for VancnuViT. A . | .ni with their mauy Iru mis here in iHlllllg tlielll 8UOCC.SH. Mr. an.l -Mrs IVt.'h of (iriuraville npi nl Sonil.iy Kith friends ln,c. Catarhuzone fooU the Doctors. Mi. 1. Ki-ynol,U, ,f : Qui-un St. OttHua, ni, i "I l-.i\n I , en a c.nst. mi Notferer frmn CitlHirli with dropping in tin. tlno.it, Ac., for some time. My doc- tor and sn opvration would b ni-ofssaiy, but tho IIH. - of i. in- bottle >,f C'HtHirli../ n r has rid muof my trouble." Cnturrho/oi.e is a new hcienliti'' tifuHin lit oiiHiuutefil to euro Catarrh, Axiliinaaiiil Bronchlti*. Si 1.1 eveiynbi-re. Tri ,1 outfit nent loanv xildri'HH for lOc in st.iui|is by N. C. l'( iLSUN ,V Co., KingMiMi.Ont , I'nidu tors. A dcsperatu iinsK.iini eililor niuket thu aiinoniicemcii 1 "Next wt uk we till be iiiiiii-' i:.is paper HS .!,:.. James would limit l)elnii|iieiit siibHeribcis may i\ " i t .t call from us iili tlitnr accounts in i'i-' nui/./.li' of a six fdnmter. OthvrwiHO i Ins paper will havu to inn as the Hlieiill uoulil run it. A young couple from Hariiitnii went to T"i oiilu on tlieir wed ling lour. They registered at the hotel nnd wtml to their rtMiin. The groom left thu brnln und wont to the office. When ho returned be knocked at tin- diMimnd said, 'Honey.' N i at swiT. Again he mppod and said "honuy." Then came thu reply : "Co away, you idiot, thin isn't a bee hive, it's a lth room." Ho had knocked at the wrong door. I'alun ruton Epplnc from Our (Ani (\>rrr*p#Httntt. There arrived just before last Friday's storm at the h-,ine of Mr. and Mrs. Own. Kenny a lixcly little girl. On account of the severity of tbt storm ou Friday our teacher thought bet to let the little ones go liouic at noon. (In going ner a window about 1 o'clock Mrs Kin.tt thought she heard somo one crying, opening the door shn found her litilu bojr worried out and stuck in the snow severs! rods away. We tremlde to think what mi u lit of happened had she not heard li in, for in a In-ur or so more he would have been completely covered. W'c uiideratHiid tlmt S)r Feighan ii si- m<*t pie|tred to Minn ln 8iw m II, which ho has r-.tiibliiilifd on F. J. E.iion'g faun. Mr. Frisian liiw sl.-o bought a Hliii.^'e mill, wliich lie is sj.iing i:> move uj'as H -on as fie rouila are in a pss.sable con.l.tioo. S. K liawkiin vsiti-d his fithur on Sunday, wlvi bus l,in vtoy Muk but pr.- (trCPSJllfJ -.',,,, |y ,,,,., Mm. Youmaiii rcttum-d Lome Thui-N daj from an iiund.d iikii w.th ih, friends in Toronto. Smc. writing ' He ab vo we I- aru tliitt Mr.ffWghsM IIH.S startfil his mill. Mrs. Cdw.,id h 1 , i..|:;,n is home int. n''- ing to i-p-nd a coujil.- . f week's with In r inothei, Mr!". .'am,.i H.iyd Mr-. \V, -'nil M. very ill ut prcwnt but e l.ope to bear of IIT limey recovery. Uossie Knolt i staying nli her Histei-, MlH. Th'.iu;;.s M'.Afef. IU'v. Muck yi.reacfieda veryinletcs' in- .M-rinon from KevcUti .imchap .'{.veiso ll>lat SunJuy fvenini; t> a lai-je con- gregntion. We regrt-t to say that w,, have i.o choir iu our church, which i.i o.uite a draw back und, Kioatly 'o be re- trelt.vl in a placcwliuic wo h;iv so m icli t oca! talent We are pleased lo nue Charlie's happy countenance among us once more. Kichard 8ealirook, who has boen working for Uvssra. McKnight for the past year.bas hired with Edward F.i^h.n for the NUinmer months. To Cure * Cold in One Day Take Laxative Ho. mo Quli.lne Talili-n. All ,lrugiiit riifuuil the m. m. \ if n fallii to cure !;. W. U:ove s >i|{iiaturu Is ou each box. The Markets. Carefallv C'arrrr Wheat, white ....... Wheat, rtd ......... Oats ................ liutler ............. K.-gs fresh .......... I'ork ............... I'otatoea bag ........ < d Knrh H <-k '.." to G r.5 t o n 17 ( o 27 u :c in 14 M 01 to :w to 16 to 14 ..i 0() to ("hickenii Ducki Tin keys per Ib (Jeese per Ib Klnur Hides 30 -.o 16 tu 26 lo 40 lu !) tu 7 to 7 *3 40 00 to & 00 ' Scales TIIK UKST A\ AII.AMLE The undn.iKi.a.1 |> KelllciK the bout Farm Si !..- Hint enn lit- |ir<ln.'...| on llin market known as tile Hand* Trnek ~-nie I also keiji Wl kuiMMi ami Hnurv rt>i|nlis un hand, alao fimr.ln an. I aectiium f.ir ollTurrllt msrlioierv . li>re KlioelilK ilone on tin, IHUHI n|>|.i .. . ...| priuel|ilt>s, aa I havu w.nkcl umlor thu roturi- ioin MirKvous iu tiiti IILI I'ouiiliy M R 1 1 K V July e. ion Oock'e Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully nxril monthly by over lll.OOOl.adlfv Safe.enVr-tual. Ladled auk C your drupsM lor Coo* s Coiioe lee) Ceei peesd. Take uoolhrr, as all Mixtures, pills and Initiation* are ilnnpn>us. I'rl.n-, No. I, II ix-r Ixu : No. . 10 drunks stronger, til per bo. No, 1 or 5, mallei I on r*mln4ol prU-Painl twot-crnl tamps. The Cook Company \\lnitsor.Ont. I r -N.m. l and j nold nn<) rtn'ouimeudwl by all - - . .... ln CalukcU * I S'l.l Vo '. , ,. ,, , ,, v W I. Hi, li.o.lson *n I \v. , : lsls Tender Corns. corns of all kinds removed without pjin <it s<ire sp.iU hy Pnrnam'0 Pahtlnn C(;ni Eitntctuf. Thousand- testify that if is cr-rain. painless ami prompt. Do not be imposed ri|ni \rf sul/siitut*h offer. 'd for the xcnutne 'Put- nam's" Extra-jtor. Surr, safe, hainilosK. A Larimer county f.irnter loot a cow in a very queer manner hut wet'k. Tlh. 1 animal in rummaging thriMivrh a xnuimer kitciien found n,l %wslbiwed an old inn brelln si.d a , il,e of yrant. The yeast fcrinmiel lullie pihij bpnsS'H utomach, ise.l the uiiibieMn. nnd b?di< < d iii agony JTAUW Slow g row t h of hair comes from lack of hair food. The hair has no life. It is starved. It Keeps coming out, gets thinner and thinner, bald spots appear, then actual baldness. The only good hair food you can buy is sto starvation, and tn hair grows thick and long. It cures dan- druff also. Keep a bottle cf it en you: dressing table. It always restore-; & color to faded or gray i ' hair. Mind, we say ' "always." JI.CO a botlk. All " I have found your Hulr > IRT in 1*1 tho Utti reiuedy I ua.ro ever tlli'il tut tli.J UAir. My h'f W.i fulllnt: r>nt rrry lud, in I tb.m.:M I .. illl try a 'laillki Of It. I i .. lined only one l">irie. and my liair .MI [M-O mime uui. -nd it la no* real tbirk ami wnr." KAW\ J. Uut MTrASTLI. July -X, UW). Voekon, .-f. V. WfHo tha Uaelvr. He will >IM| you hli book oo The lUlr ami Kralp A>k hli any qn line yi>a wlah about your l-alr \<>a will receive a prompt antwer free. AdJre... . C. AT> K, , . Mu>. flEKITU FIlBllIOEt WARIBROOMS ! Wo nre carrying newest style of SEASONABLE GOODS In all Inn s of FURNITURE Coimisiino ol ZParior and ^Satfrocm Suite* liO unges , iSictf-ffloar els, (jjeft i tion ant/ Contra "Uablos, Chairs, llJindow Shades and Curt&im Poles, iPicturea, ajfjj, gto Which we oiler at Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and General Repairing Undertaking in all its Branches Satisfaction Uuarantetd W H. BUNT, PKOl'HIKTOH FLF.MtEKTOK Don't make a Serions mistake and buy n I'niti'.l S at, .A Hist . i-y of "Queen Victoria: Her Life at il Keiyli W,. h.ivi- I lie oiilv t';iinnlian |HMI|( by Lonl Dulferin iiii-1 Ciistell HopkilU. Marauil of Lorne says " thu liest popular hist .rv |niblmln-d." und Sir Artliiir P.ii;t,'i',ilii. l.tim-ii's 1'nvnte Secretary, Hon. Joseph t.'liam- berlnin. L .n( S.lislmry, Sir Oliver Mowat, Lonl TennyMm, l<jrl of Jer- sev. lr Ciirman, SirClias Tuppcr, Sir Win. Van Home, W. T. Str;ul, Hia Royal llulinr^, ilu- Diike of York, ami all leading Capers write in similar ^trains. Is l.uvi-r, i-ontains more words, better illustrated, ht iter piip.T, heller mulling, nnd only fl.75. Agents don't waalu tiruo hand- lini; Ameiii-aii winl inferior iMMiks when you can get the authentic, British- (' iiotilniii bo .k i-ii better tnns. 11 nmlrv.ls of itgei.ta throwinif away op- poni'.ion propctuse.s. If yiu pionnsi: to canvas we will send you an Ontftt free. ^ 1 THE HRADLEY-UARRETSON CO., Limited \l. -nil. .11 tlila KKiM HftKO. OM. k. Jliriratta. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XX, NO \m I^lesherton, Ont., Xhursday,Marcli 28, 19O1 W. H THURSTON, PROPKIETOK Change in Business * NEW FIRn pie from the Proton appointroej^ drove out to the E. L. social last Friday even- ing. It ia needluaa to sny that tin; I'l ire villii chapter very much appreciated the hearty Hiipport. Mr Hint Mrs. Thomas Ferguson have to this line from Iriith Lake, where has been the |MWt two years on ;\ rented farm. The family returned plus one; a >4\r\ this time. Miss Aimed* \Vlut taker. ho haa been living in the fiiiuily of Mr. (i. Mitchell, ;iu, IVIARK:I>ALE - -i.il 1 ... :,. H .iilinitted as H partner, and W.I. MeFar- n T fi H liiixiin 11 " in Murk. laic, the old nnd long es- ni of >' ''ii!.ii)il 1 '>. will i.i i hi- future He styled and l. \! K:i' . ! .!:< moved Iwtck tu this vilbge after an ab- j Fleahertnn, spent Sunday of last week sencu of nine years in Cheboyi(aii, Mich, with hvr parent*. She looks well nnd 1 Mr. Ferjsuson will reside on his farm on the east side of our bur.!. We extend tlieni a hearty welcome.. Mr. Alex. McLeod, who baa diapimed of I u farm on the North Line to Mr. D. Uinoku, will take up hi residence in the. Wo are <.aii to have him ays her health haa greatly i in proved. Glad to hear it, Meda. John McArthur is on a vipit to IUH uncle, Mr. Archie Fenjuson, Proton. Tlio to for* fir>m solicits a, of tHe patron- "will extended. MoF'arla.nd &. CO. of fo?-ty years. l'i U..IK inr our KV > tin' f'ulilio a i'i"v linn o hope by square I .-iipit.-il 'ml ii thrnui;li kln>wleil|{v of hnsiiu'Ks, to <.) v il rxti-nd tlie v.'lunif of husineti* t'it '>ss : ' v ' > II'.M Th.it our efliir will Iw wcnuded by the h . 'i.- w "i 1 <-i cimdiifi nr Ixisini-ss on tl'u lines of !.'!! foK THK I.F.\ST uoNBV, ami i'li i very pu-c'IriHe mad-- in -(in. tit wl o a L'liamn'ei' thm V..IIF money will I>H rrfun.li'il . 11 i 'i l All i!""d* marked in i.liin figures and one |iriri ' .< i tt . . >* i NF.W CLBAN STOCK I'OU'.'bt for P<IT CAHH in th . - ii. ,11. ii .ii ' - . . sure Wi* xn- in a position to srll all H 'hat Ciinnot !.. : ;t by any firm doin^ ..... I; we 'il' ji-'t in -t<H-k some '.W od I cases of British and ^1, i iiort. H ilT'-ct f oil! Messrs. Hy'nnd* A Sons, Mnnrliext 1 T ; '" tirm i- H f 'arvw't li"'i"u\].. iininiifactiuinKdry L'ood.s rill w i I. ,. nun- 1 !! .ffniul \>n'. MIS'. i,k .i>-r f) conninting in Sm|i . s, I'lDtl'i' (ii-nts 1 Ke't H.itM. Boots and Shoes. ;uvl i| h n niw ri ' ! y f'r yonr ii iiecti'in hn Urui-Mt a-l licst '.>> MiercllAtidine ever <>|iiied out in Markdali>. j end ii i- nri>.ins nvitnti'>n to the .-iti/.eim of M irliU and II trv :<> vi-'t our sti>re;inil jirovi- our oliums lo your pat- .n iiii|ire)in1i<-e,l "d critical insjvurion i. f our stock. A'c ,-\ : - ; .lii'lur'n worth of h:i.ln unli'sH tliey SIM- thit their t- MT adv:iiir<'il hy ni.ing so. Asking for vour |iatronai;c on the ^liit VIM II certuinly be b*nitt'e<l tlio-cby. we rcmnin. vorus rriri.Y .'hortly. ' cumu among us. The Durham and I'rieeville ntt{eN have !. MI aubjftAed t preuy nmuh uauage of late, but i hey uianaged.to jet the mail through all the tame. .Mr. W. J. li I. ii ust.. n haa di>|x>Ncd of his property, cousmtiug ul 1- acrtw, to Mr. Hector McLean. W. J. intends 1 leaving f >r nix NiaUiwetit next July. Our |iatluiusUT8 have Iwen kept biuy lately looking after the road*. If the i proprocd by-law hail paused we are alraid that ilie whole appropnatiun* fur road work would have been uaed in hir- ing ni"ii to shovel tnuw during tho last 8 or 10 days. Mr C. C. JaineM paid buinem visit ii Owen Sound hutt wek. He nle<> went to Allenford to visit his old friend, the Kev \\iliiam Ottewell. On tus way home C. (.'. was .tioim stayed and Ins ex penencc in connection with sno* banks, bad roads, eta; , althoUuli amusing, are at least not to be drsired more than once oi t wn-e in a life time. Suffice to My, however, henrnved home safe and sound. We are very sormy to learn ihnt Mr. Donald Curriif has been compelled tu retugn hw siln count ol ill that i few niiintlia' runt will n-ntoio his strength. Ai pruieiit wriiinu he is <|uiti' seriously ill. For the Ladies In Jewellery We havajunt reuuivcd a * -k of mw li'Mirim on chain bracelet*, 'a'lu-s' mnls ind hair barettes something especially chic. Friendship hearts, photographic broaches and rings. Call and we thw Mr. and Mrs. R. Spieer of Meliiucthon beautiful nelection while stock it full. pawl a vimt last week to Mr. Uurry _^ Sp.cer. Richanl returned home on Ju walcllul( we fo v . Mondny, Mrs. 8. remains here fur a few daya. Mien Mamie Beattie visited friend* at Maxwell last week. Mr. Archie McPhatier of Owen Sound called on old neighbors here InHt week. Archie contemplates making so me mi provofhunu on bis farm in the near future which will be of material benefit to Mr. Geo. Boyce, the tenant. Archie inform- ed UH that the damaye done by fire to their tin* reaiduiicu iu Owen Sound A few days ago, wan lean neneniH t han reported Mr. J. Boyd haa three team* tDgaged drawiuy cord wood out of Mrs. McPhee's bunh. Mr. Boyd purchased most of the bush on the place lat fall. Mr Richard Whittakrr han put in a busty wmU'r ou his recently purchased property by thinning unt. the bush. received n di.a l,,t of ihe fainouN " H.nnil'uii " w|4 li, all high grade an I wvirr.tu'c I . This liiui makes nuihing <-IHO Oar ntock of all maken of watch*-* *.,t never better. Nowigymir 'ime tu buy. W. A. Armstrong, ICWELER AND FLESHERTON. Vandeleur. home from the North West, accompani- ed by a C'.UHIII from Toionto. Mrs. Win Hicks is ill. W are glad Ui toe Mr. Shell amui ) again. Mr. D. Blair has rented the carnage ahop from Mr. Doney and is going u.t > buainess again. Mr Joel Wurta is visiting his .SHI.H, Frnd and Earn, this wvek. Park on ac- \V sincerely hope Co, *- It Tn <. tini'u from nrlive rittsinew in Maikdale, where I have been fi.r upwards ot foity yonrs. I return to niv veiy numeniUH pstr.'iiH and i i. n.ls wh" have ti 0.1 liy me for llm t'nu-, my warmest (Jianks nn.l <KM! wis'ies for tin ii ci'iititiiicil pro<|.en'v, and I uoplially invite them t" ' xtei .1 t!inir p-iti'H.ag)! mid good wishes to my hUCCHHSors Mc- Far'aml. StuiF.rd A :<'>. "lio I feel certain will do their utmost to re- i-i ih-- c .nh.l- nee 1 huve so long enjoyed. I will lake another oppor- lunity at nn en'ly tUff .. si mi you my fiirewell greeting*. Yours faith- \v J. McTARLABD, From One (dm The sunfloncv .sccial helil under tin- upi '!> of t!u G. I.oa s -ini Friday little girls. Misses Louisa Watson and Flora (Vmpbcll, san? a sunflower song in a very nwet nianner. The Rev. V. W. Vmley av a very humorous rvsding in- tilled "Jimmy Brown's steam chair." The next number was another tine xelec- tion from tho sunflower chair, "Going to Maura'' was then well sung by Mr. Alex. Cameron, who had to respond lo an en- core. Mian Edith James recited " The platf r n Htretulu-d while ciiitain upon j cano-bottnin chmr" with ip<orl effect The venins; in \Va f >on'ti Hall, WHS not a success financially, but nevertheli-os it sustained the reputation of the Pncevilli- League for mpplji:n; an .it trxctivu and Utiiqua p'ligr.iin. Across f b frontof the which were deputed and life like sunflower* their green leaves and stems and yellow ray rt.<M making s very j>lesjin/ and exceo lny'y pretty picture. ! of very careful training a from their posi- next number was a rousing glee song en- tit od "Mark the merry elves," the ren- dering of which the choir gave evidence Shortly after 8 v'ohol Mr. C. C. Ja.nus took the chair and aunnuticud the open- ing number, when lo ! in the centre of uitch Honor appeared * smiling ftc,whili- tilt 1 tli.iins of :i lio.llltifu'i mill); float t-il weetly ihn>u<jh the hall. The tirst wo dc of each verse wro very appropriate, v>z. : "Sunflowers aro ltea' Sunflowers arc here!" 1'hi.sj wns followed by a short l>ut pointed from ttu< chairman, in which he oxpro-.'d n^ret that there w ii(.t a larger aiuiiencc. Thu nuxt ininilifr was a *>lo, "I'ettur bide a weo," chiiriii- lugly sung by "i.i ri.sin^ y.'Ung vnc-alint, Annn .lames. W. .T. Blakestou gava aso'.ecr.m from Dickens, "Thenulnxd master beaten. " The Rev. F. W.Vurley. M. A., then bang n line aolo untitK-d t oils while singiilK, it wiu> impoHsible for t'.ieni to use music books. The Uev. J. Matheiton, 1J.A..B.D., then made a brief but falioitoua speech, in course of which be remarked thivt the prouram tilled the 'bills" and that it wa an uni(|uo enter- tainuieiit. Dr. Boyle also made a i.eat little -ipeech in whiuii he took oocammi to compliment the League on thu excellence of the progrnm, Mid he ended up by pay i'lg a well turned and gric>-fitl com -li iii.-nt to the sunflowers (thelidies) who took ]Mit, by Haying thitt they excelled Ounlop's f iinoiiH rimes. At the contusion ot tlie progtam the tables were set n 1 line vippi r was* served. The evening's entertainment wiw brought lo a clone by singing the National Am hem. Proceeds frnM(>nr Own The big Htonu uf Tuonday last prevent- ed your correspondent from forwarding his budget m tune for last issue; in fact, the big storms of the las', few weukH li.i s had a like tendency, for }our scribe i not as young as he used to be, and to be ... oped up for weeks together in the back parlor with nothing to gaz upon except impenetrable kopjes of snow, xives him the blues, yea almost turns him purple, and niiiki s him look forward with long- ing eyes and listening uiirs for the ap- pearance i I the beautiful greeo grass, and the sweet song of the birds perched in the apple trees, telling ua that summer is coming. Mr. Alexander McLeod haa disposed of his (HI in at a good figure to Mr. David H nicks of tin- south line, who is expected to take possession about tlio first of April. Mr. McLeod has been a resident Tort Law from Our Oren CorrrjtpvtiUrtit. .ifrs. McMan;.:* visited at her brother's, Mr. John Boland's, last wvk. Mr. Thos. Shannon of Cornet loll visit- ed his brother, lieorge, Sunday week Mr. and Mrs. Michuelof lioolh Husd xp<-nt [>art of lust week at Mr. A. John- son's. Born- -To Mr. and Mrs. George Hutch- insoli, on the '."-'mi. n son. Mr. Kohl. Uutchinson leftonThmsday .uoriiing liwi for British ''olumbiu. A very plaant evening was spent at Miss Tilbe Taylor's many friends an. Mr. Arthur Johnson's by a select party ! glad to hear that she is recovering fiout Fruiu Our Otcn Delayed lam week. Much sympathy is ejprensud for M.. J. A. HuUlmiMJii, whn received Uie s<t Mlli-lllycliee of the suildill lit Hill uf his inotlier at Breuhin. Uu attended I.i i funeral. Wu are glad to report that K. 1!. Thoiiipmin'H little boy, wlme lite > . ile-p.nred .if, ia now reeovennt-. of old and young people Usl Thursday evening. The Metliodints aro holding services in ihe school house while Mr, Cherry is painting the church. Frutoii Station From Cur Ciru (.'urre.-pontlnU Delayed last week. Our genial Postmaster Frermnn llUH of this n -njliboi lion i upwarda of thirty years, and is widely known as an in- leltigeat. alf.iblu aud obliging gentleman, .n.l ndustii-.iiN and up-lu-date tanner, and an excellent neighbor, who will be greatly missed, but wo trust that a change from the ardtioiiH UUIUM f farm life will resu re to perfect h.altli Ins estimable lady, wliosc coiiiinued ill hcnlth in thu |msi has been lua main ivatton for dis- posing of the farm. VV extend it hfUHy welcomo to Mr. nnd Mrs nlthough not pei.si.nally ac<|iiiiinted with 'in British Columbia. Daivid, we. feel tlmt he inherits tlu Merl- I J . E Dowdle has u new staff Improved the oftice by putting a sort of tein-e uroupd tile counter to keep mid dlesome hands fruir. interfeiing with lliu mail. The peoplu of Proton notice that .1. E. has lost part of lua 10-1^ smile. We nur- nnse an ex-resident tnisses it aim-. Mr. I. Seliell is very ill with mllamma tion. We ho|M) ho will soon bo ou the war path her protracted illne&s in To/oiito. Wo extend a welcome to Mr, U!.u U and wife, *lu> have become ruaiduntx. Mrs. AlcCiev, ST., is visiln.^ itli In r daughter. Mrs. Jamie>n. Miss Sarah McKue has gone un un I telidtd sojourn to Buffalo. Katie M.-.Manti-r is Lome from Kle-!.. ton with her fueuds. Mr. IVecroti und family have ieu,i..i.' to the loint'i line. James C'outta taku pmutossion of il... farm \.-i.-jiled by Ge. Bueeroft. Jiimes MeLennan ar. mil Uome '.u>i week f: ti Liuns Head, whe.ro lui spent tho winter. James Hlackbum and wifu of Notl.i- wasa^a imitei old friiiuU hoio Ian! week. Mr. James Corntield left tins wc>U for an extended visit to hid dau^'iier* out lu K v lisas Mrs. J. 11. Henrd snd KloKherton wen 1 gueitU of daughter, Mrs. I), iilair, olio day recoiitly. Miits Mniul CarHon has returnud from * visit lo Mulinur and Armour Carsyu is honiu fnnn Toronto. Mr. Schell ahippfd a oar load of itotk Inst week. A. Brown and family of Kimberluy have moved into part of T WyvilleV hou it. 1 uiiilei-MtHiid Mr. Brown nicn.U ing <p:iu itit'8 of hiH par. nl-s and will soon command thu esteem and ruhpuct of 111* now neighbor*. Tl.ose of our n i. h'oori w o iont-ii.. plniu bull. ing iu 'ho coming mutaon, Im u kept themselves -torniv weather. A. Gut-Hi uf THIS WRfK's ITKMH the former's Tin- sympathy of thu coniiiiunity out to Mr. Hiul Mrs. ObarliM l.'n ft . f tin liMirth linn in the death of ih.-ir il... aoii, which ocrnrred on S.ituulay, 2.'ir..' iiiMt , at the nm' of fourteen years. I e.-ise. is ren.liTttd the iiiinu M;.I Ijy Mi 1'ii'it linn>ulf (Hiing dangerously ill. Mis. .laintm Wilmm, wo ai'J sin i y hoar, is at pnmont ill. Leslie, *>n of Win. (.'hur-1, lias Ik. . hiiil up with inriiimiiiiitory rot uniut.^ni. .Mr. (inp is "till lurking aiituml. i 'oiiiii-illor 'I'lionuM.iii u. u.l i . ..ii '. Uinoks, and leaving Inn family hrro while ho is .Uisiiit .p t , j. t we ,.ij ,,n lius'in-n Mr. and Mn> JaUMH CtMtttH ''iiiii.t.i.n, lin-ir IrientlH on Krid-iy 1000111;^ Ian MfHls Will lull D.Vul .1 t.ll.i sml, liHve spent moHt nf ihti winter tun . ill Ti.soroiilo, arrm:J Inoin ..iu L'.IUII I ranis on Saturday Mr. and Mra. W. .) MuMasler aim : children, of liriiou Mini >, \ iMti-l ;eii liv.'s luTH lust week. Mrs Mi'Mi.sUirli ii'K on hr wny to ilic |MMHW li.",nt V Toronto, t i KVrtivn tn:itinoiit. Mr. Ai.llioiiy Kenny 'a nucii"ii *1 ennii' "If 01 Tuesil.,y .1,1, 1 jro.nl jjl Mr. K.HIIII.V lias i.'.i'i.i clerks, nnmrly r H.-iukniH mill '.aily Mis "Fiona." Mr. AUx, Cameron reciltd ( al-,,ui |17. *'Oeblios" very cleverly, after h;th two Thr Urga sUigh loads of young poo- K:rh.ir.i H<HlKin.s is ]i.vk.ing ic and Mtyn he is _,.""'-; into the bntehoi bumnesH in the siimiiiei Wo hope ))ick willo:nry busy throughout lliu lout hia good int<Mifons. A. Neilson hits lost the hear n of oiw Mr. John MuL"od nr. '-ml < tiuildinjj oar. While working in Ilio bunh it iwix an nddiuou to h N barn thm coining xoa- pc'iietntieU it, injiirinij tliu driiin. mm. The lower story w:ll be of stone un.l will Mirvo as a horsu and cattle Ktllbll'. The whole of Mr. Win. Fletcher's family wi-ru reuenl.ly laid up t one time with rip[>e. Sumo have ruuuvitrud, the I worn ri:.ili. p ..i I. Till. WKF.KS lri:>is. |||S , u . m , j,..,,^ ,_;,.,,, w |,., Spring is ben- :i<iiii and in i fnw IIKH ,t ul , ..I,I.IH:;.O.I itn Ins o>u. ilitv t'roton will bo .n a iiilAturu of mud Pitrticu- leinainucrarc recovering. Mr. v.Jer> is Hn/.*u .1 lius movod" back and water. W.Udiu^ uv'.l* ii lam later. Mr, '. an I \lis.s M y s'.iuaiBon ar . ..( i i.i i-o, ..i, nveic.l at the Clnlksliiii", leo mill- List (ik in ihe iii-iL'I'lioiliood I 'MHO pounds of wool, for wlmh tliey iv c i\,l the tup pri':e. Herald.