Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Feb 1901, p. 4

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THE PUCE OF TRAINING. Dr. Tal mage Speaks of the Benefits of the Sabbath School. A despatch from Washington says. In the choice of your Sunday school Rev Dr. Tarme preached from tbe boolw do iMt let 'the angel* and the f... -vmg teit:-"And Jonathan gav diabolic eft his aKillery unto bis lad." I Sam- uel. " Jonathan, with a bojr, w^nt out to ..iii Uavid of bis danger. Tbe Jkuoting of arrowii waa to be the Ignal. Ibe information having been giv.-u, Jonathan baa no more use foi the weapons, and no be gives them In chargi- of the boy to take li in a^fain. "And Jonathan delivered hi* artillery unto his lad." Well, my fri. iids. we soon will all be tbrougb with this earthly conflict, and we are going to hand uver our weapons unto tli.- children. They will lake our pul- i - our prcsa, our offices, our .sbopa cur U-gixUtive balls, and to do bat. tl. for the eternal liod. Who are tL>-y who are making buddhism and ," or ~ orTchoir. SJ.'i..iiiiui d -iu ii.iui ii and cowurf Our boy si Who are they who are Lwung higher than the standard on UlU ,.|, r fttrt whu-U ia iuMtribvd Uio liritmb lion n;(JJ and tbe Russian bear the more glori- ; >,. ous insignia uf the Lamb tbat taketb the away tbe *in of tb; workdl Our boys) And yet the Sabbath school has only jusn begun its work. I propose to mark out what Icon-'l.i shall be this lins of Sabbath wbool advance: iKirst. It will be through improv- ed Sabbath scbonl srchitecturs. In all our Sabbath school rooms let there be plenty of light light clear and beautiful, such as God pours out the human. Ob, thr l>ov\ei in -i Sunday acJioul Look I Oh. th omnipotence of a Sunday school book I 'A great many *i our Sunday ox-lioul librarie* in this country need blessed fumigation and the infusion of a stout, healthy. Christian litera- ture. I remark again: One line of Sabbatb- achool advance will bo through an pioved lumnolngy. Choira uugbt to h.- tin ( people in tbe chureb^ and -"iii.-i imea are; t>ut that aleep. and laug-b, ami write noteji ilur- in^' 'he M-IV.C^ , ,in<l yawn, and get up, th-u fi-<-t. arxl i it tie the hymn lioolu, ii" aii intolerable nu/wnoe. t hav* iffl.cie:! in that age ; you may catch them with G"' ! honey. Let your features all ihine out the truth: "Religion has made m> happy religion will make you happy." Oh I my frlenda, we all need better pre- paration for our work I for the put pit, snd you for the class. Let u kn.'i-l down before God to-day and ask for s new txtptUm of the Holy (iboat. I remark lest of all; the line of Sunday choo4 advance will be through a mor thorough public recognition. A great many people of my church like tbe Sunday acbool for one reason ; it gets the children out of tbe house long enough to allow tbem to take a good nap on Sunday afternoon. They have no idea that this institution takes hold of all the mercantile, agricultural. manufacturing, literary, political and interests of tbe country. y do npt knixw that this institu- deciding whether we shall be THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, FEB. 24 JOBS ! 4,-iiM' in'.- Halt. t*. S*-4 ...l.|r.. Ir , . I L, St. -'. . PRACTICAL NOTES Verse. M Then oometb Jesus with them. IHvelvn men altogether, foi Judaa had left. It was nearly mid- uigirit. A place called Gethsemans "A garden called the oil press." Then were many xuch garden* or orchards. ,!.- we would call tiiein, on the alopex of Olivet. The Kidnw, which they crossed. Is nw a dry river-bed, and even in our Ixrd's day dk>e* not seem to have had any water except during and immediately after tbe rainy sea- son, but theru waa probably water In U when JPMII crossed over. The walk from tbe upper room to Getbaema/ne a nation of f M . m- n or slaves They do waa down ,-: j. "tf streets, aloug u not re.-il-i' thit these, institutions are , jugged edg.s acroas a narrow and to make the thinker*, the writers, the probably babbling brdok. .-uid then ui> IXM-I-, the orator*, tbe lawyers, the the turfy sods of Mount Olivet. The physician*, and the clergymen of tbe ancient Oethsemane waa probably far land. below tbe present traditional site. Th< tion . f Go out and gather the children, They are on the common* to-day, within precen- ' *"*ht of the spire* of your churches, lo uod and keep ! T 1 *' thp 7 ki"r* no more of God or '.. <-omm irwlm--ni.s, that church "ii^ hi. Hut if music hao so be grateful. upon K'n . more effect upon children. I. ill.- feet will n i. keep r.t<-ji with dead march. Ix-t ewry nutig be heaven than if th>y had been born i" C~ntral Africa. Oo out and gatb- pei(p'e, :ti' r them in, and while you are Imoyant and Mr .in. an I noi i hold 1 tbe Bong back, and bang on quick like a battle, vx>ic-v linger andj rng th-m you yourselvea will b bless- ed. "Oh I" yon say, "they ar* not washed." Then w.-ih th*m. Christ washed the dfawiplea' feet, and you can w i h t he obiUireo. "Ob I" you ay, " they are uncombed." Then lun I, < <iiLUnf in different tr.iinn loug w>mb them, and become in the high- . will th-it wb/-n we wJI realiie th*t man did n> <r.- for the race who a good Snbbath-.tchool turw thin he wb<<-.l an armj conqu<T<vl it> i !i.j> i Again; I'h line uf ot the sun every day a world full uf advance will be thnijrh iiitproved in- haw a great many in n Through in t h * busim-s*, t>ut they nrv going to be more com- r't<-nl. What do y<m eay 7s the first You nay a man must I <!< ntt agree with y<*>- I the baptinvl at the altar <-n lay SuMmth-MTh ...I (each- i w - >Lt tn y h-r and U|M-.nbi. lhat an indUp-nnable rrquisi- it; not crowding through small win- ntruction. We dowa cobwebbed and stained, but c<in|>-tcnt men and w< m -n Ihrough plenty of light, such us puts tbe blue ih country un Ibe gentian mid tbe gold on the cowslip, and spot* tbe psnsy. and i-i.. I- tbe mists of the valley in ' I whirling columns uf glory ky tail. br. a ChriMuin. and that at nuu-<(>t pull* aside the bars <if hevs-n until tbe light of the n-lestial world strike* through the :ud-i acks and dripping over the tMttUinviit. n purple and nnffroo and orange and fUiiung fire! Then, ! i such rouiurt be well ventilated, not tbe bottlMi-up air of nther Suu- 1 iji kept wer fron> week to week. UN lltougli. like wine, it improved by age, but freah air, each us cirfiu-s l-u. i u- off th oa or miAing down the hillsides, weeping up the aroma uf whole acres of redclover top. Have the roon> bright and cheerful. In- troduce not the 'murder uf the in- i. - . nts." Have the place bright pictured, carpeted. Tbe line of Sab- bath school advauce shall bu itiuiil pictured walla and over csrpnti-d j sge. and all t h c -unties* worlds that floors, and I give tbe command lo- glitter st night nh.ll haw been .swept day; Cwluuin, forward! In -.-. un tbe i <-ff by the. Almighty's breath ns the colours! File, light.' Mm. hi And Mrvill dust ..f a threshing f I- .i , i hns "Hut," you aay, "their apparel is not deent eiinagh for a religious assem- blage." Then beg or buy proper gar- ments for them. Take, your old coat or your old dresjt and, refashion U, and before you get it filed up a voice will drop front the ceiling, saying. "I wa* naked and ye clothed mo." We take thin garland of beauty and joy, in. I it at thy fet, O I, r<l .Tevus! Thou ha*t invited them to come, and we bring them, our sons and <l tugh- and tbe street. Hore lost children they are, O of the blessed ChriM ! Thef ask. They kiss. They The, prsyrr of John tells UH that Jesus oftentimes resorted thither with bis disciples, and it ia supposed to have belonged to a personal friend. Sit ye here. Prob- ably at tbe garden gate. While I go and pray yonder. Probably In tbe shady depths of the orchard. It wiil interest the scholars to search for tbe name* of the disciple* tbat were told iu remain at the garden gate. Not Judas, tor he had Ipft ths party to betray his Msster; not Peter nor J.tmi-e nor John, as the next verse ti-lU us. Theae four were omitted; which eight are le/tf 87. lie took with him. Peter and the two sons ot Z&bedeo. The parti- ality uf Jesus for the** three men- Peter, James, and John is noticeable throughout the gospel story. They bad been with him when he called back a human spirit fiom tbe region of th<- dead, they bad been with hum at) th* senith u? hi* career, when he was transfigured; he ha* reached the rowXul and sore vised Versuaj. state* a deep truth; "The desire for sh L!| be my prnyer while I live, and my pr.iyer when I die: "The sngel which redeemed me from nil evil, bless the lads." WHEN LONDON LACKED POLICE rrn and th-ir classes. I would bave .''>> for his sonn no many years ago ewry tea mast he lion; but just aa certainly as a moral .111 l upright tearht-x coaiies. into a .Snhb.ith-h<l. though he he not a, he will find hin.-.-lf in the pvitli irf life. It in I-IID-M- IW- for a moral man pr woman ro '.vn by i oils* of firs or ten <-h.l Iren. trying to |.-.-id th.-m Into the piith orf llfo withmt getting In hltr. <-lf. Who are tbne four ri-rsons eated before y<m f Oh! you ay. they an- r..yn. or they are girls. I go furth.-r and ay they are iuunor- , and after lh<- Min has died of f-M Mor* of il - 1 1<> Wa In in.;. there 1s no aruny tbat can stand Ixs- fure you. The oowuids will fly lik* thistle-duwn in s leiupunt. Until we hiivu in thii United Slatea und in KnK Isnd the right kind ixf Sunday school rooms, we will not have tbe right kind uf Sunday schoois. Again, I remark, the line of Sun- day school advance in tbiit country will U Lbruugh uu nuiuoved Sunday Hfliuul litoraiuiu. 1 ain amuxed to seu what kind uf byuks gel into tba chil.lrnn wUl liw; ., that this after- >n, an you tulre your place before them. In. <k th-m in the eye. and aa y<u we I hern, interested in thn li.-<n. do yr hn*it for God und -(rnij^v. looking at eich of th- Tour. Keying within yournelf; "! immor- tal!" H punctual. A late teacher makes late claas. A punctual teacher makes a punctual clans. With wonderful regularity th" world moire*. Hundreds buuday school lii.n i..-. Svuliuwaulal of yenr.s r'fre, t h ajitronomer -will love stories, uiogiupiiiea of generals who wcra very brave, but who swoi u like troopers, fairy stories, Oliver Optic, aucounln of boy* and guls more wonderiul than ever lived - l>k.s .tlial luie no more relig.on in limn "iiuuiuroa" or 'Uuiliver'a Truvel*." The poor little duilrug gix.s I. niii' with her litu.irjr Iwok tuiuk'iig sh him bt-aven under t/HI you tim<- the nun will rise and art. The queerest onfmet his .1 Uw, nx> that the philosopher will t-ll you night it will f|rt n>i> nr \t Jimt the rivrht time the hti-l hurstn .IM-I th" loaf unfurls, and yet there sro I h'flis'ni'ls (.f people in our Stin- ty-whools nn<l rhurrhrs who are .1 v ,\ buhrnd. If ytu h.diM happen !< M them prtqnpt on any one or- hcr arm, IHII by the time she but read canron yxm would think It a phenom- UiK'Ugh the story of. love and udvcn- erxm; you would bnw to look .ifririn luie, khu feeU o slr.iuge, she thinks .ml again, lent it wore sn optienl <!.- he uiust be gelling lots o( leligion I I In- ;. n 1'ho fact urna Ih v were nrrn tell you there is uo en ue for getting to Lite. and th"y will die sukl) or bad bonlul in our -unan < l.ite, ,md lh--y will get up in achoo! libiHTiea. Time, waa when there th- renurrertitm .... lute, if it i- waa no juvenile literature worth itny* |xiil'le for (hem to sleep <ire.r. r Jung. Tin beat nurxU of i.uioue and prompt not . n y prnmpt at the I. uriicn are now preparing jun>enile ginning, bn< prnmpt at the A littrature. Itx Joel from your Sunday Ssliliat h-schnal that lasts more than cliool librnric* all uxaggi-i itions, of itn hntir and twenty minutes injure^ life .iml all adventure* that do well {the child and hurts ths cause of Christ. Children net worn out, anil (hint, .\n worker* get worn nut, anil they are unfit for the other duties rf enough for tbe romance, but sru not fn foi the child wboao ta*te Is to ba foimed, and whose habit ar to be. ptlli*liil, and whose immortal soul i* to l s>>Ml. Ifi not UM (saoina- li.ia- of etjlo spolofisa Tor the lack at truth. Bfioitak*- not trash smt sloj.s for aimplicrty. Do aot have vour -ok i. *h-i thaD tbe caild'a cum- thi holy f*itbath day. Baffin prompt Ij at the right time. Clous prompt!} t tbe rich! time. You rrirr half hour or an hnut to do the work foi eternity. N*var scowl ur scold in tin Httbbath-vxhool. Yuu osnoot ratoh cbil <>ii.r. In line A hundred ynar ago thrr were no polirx in the trei-* i*f T.tuidf>ii. .nid surh inridrntn wnrr possibln, n<i the fnllowtrvK, winch ^i- Walter Rpsant chronirlea in thr (Vnturjr: Therp is a 4ory rx-lor^rioK to the 1790 or thf>rna>H<it ln<-h illus- iius the ahsolnt' l.iw lemnpss <vf th mob. A mnn tiring u.t Wnp|>ing;. just outside thr Tutvrr uf London . which wan always Ksrriwirond by trc*>ps, KSTV nff-ii"* to bin ii' i.'litn s by rnmplyinf with oiiip obnnxioun law. HP receiv- ed \\ lining that thpy intendrd tn n-k him, liy whu-ii thry meant thst l IM T werr going '" murdrr him The in ui hint the bullHoK rouraffe uf his tiinr ; hr sent away his wifr snd chil- <lr-n ; trot a frit-nil aa brare aa him- self to join him ; cloned his lower shut- ter* unit txirricsded his door; then Isid ui ammunition, brought in and loaded twn guns, <>n for himself sad ODP for hi- fi i.-nit At nifrhtfitll the attacking psrty arrived, aruid with (nin-s and torH-. They brgan with s volley of Hi.- latter, but the brnieffad pan! no attention; then they fired at the win- dows, and while t ln-y w-.-n- landing t(.iin the Drii-|(eil let fly among them, tTvl killed or two ur tluc They retired in confusion, hut return- ed -n larger nuoibera und with greater fury. All njght long the. unequal <-m IM! rnged. When their Hnnnunitinn \vs.*i all sue,tit, ill- two men druf>|>i'<l mil of .1 Ui, k wwdow into n timber yard, where Ihejr hid in a saw pit. Ob- serve that tins buttle lasted all In (nigh the night, calotte to the Towe .\ li i r the firing of the guru have 'n heard, yet no saldiers wore srut out to stop it till tbe morning, when the mLschief was dome and th house it itarked. Furthermore, no one was ifterward arrested, nu une WBH pun li'-.l K.IVO the nn-11 who were killed witunded, and no Inquiry waa raadr 'ui 'iiy Dtoiy IIIOM- clearly indicate i he. abandonment ot th peopl* tc I heir own devicea t er lower then it* dignity. I dren with tbe vioe*jr of a lour via MS 10 SOMK HANDWRITING. I'r.vl IX. you think a man'a char- u-ter m shown in bis handwriting? Kate If it ia, sorun of them must perfectly dreadful. l-'ath*r, J.*u* addr-'s>a his praary If it on poaaible, let tn..s cup paaa from me. Mark aaya "this hour " The .phrase* .-a-an the same. The He hi a* idiom of a cup ha* paaaed 1 into many lan- {es. and ia carried on in esaknre In .ur word "fulfill ' Every hour of >ur1ive* may Us aaid to be a cup brim- ming with joy or. orrow. The firs* phra** varie* in atrqcture* ia tha dif- ferent record*. Matthew *, "All thing* are possible ;" Luke, says, "Ii tbou be willing." rfcaentially th* btoriea all sgree. Evidently there was one. purpose in our Lord's life theisalvaiont oi men; and thi* pbras* mean*, If it be possible to accomplish that end, them let this cup paa*. Nevertheless,, not as I will, but aa t lu u wilt. Our Lord'* loruio nature i* pouring itaelf out before God. From 0UC& mental tor- iur a* wa his now *nd from) such physical torture, as wa* rliwv before h iu his human desire nbirank, but hU purpose waa harmony with God, "a* thou wilt." Kvry night we offer thut prayer to God in words at leajtt, "Ihy will be done." In the igonavi of our liv--, oan we by faith] In Chriat offer it as he did f 40-44. Hexe follow* a soene which need* be studied aa a unit. Having offered t h.- lit-art-wrurnr pray. .-r of rente 39, our Ixjr.l, inezpresaibly piined in baart and mind and body, returned unto the ditcipJea, by which t/u-m we are here to underntand Petr, Jatnee, an.1 Joan, to receives tine human sympathy he ao greatly needed, and finduth them aal.ep. Luke tells us that their sorrow had Inade their ey>v* heavy. Intense strain during hours of exritnnvent had been aucnmied by all the circumstances of re.pse, and thvy yielded to slumber. Our lord's human nature crawd and greatly needed their praysra and their sympathy, neivertbele** his re- bake U very gnnUe. It Is to Peter he expresses hi* keen di*V appointment What, could ye not watch with me one hour f poor Peter, whose, confidence hnd been' so great, and whose failure wa* so imminent. It nadir now, and bis human fondness , is better, far better, to conquer sorrow still clings to their sympathy. Began , by prayer than to forget it (even it to be sorrowful and very heavy. "Sor- j we could forget it) ia aleeppr in work troubled" is tbe Re- I Watch and prav I'.v all powers. Yon Dr. Abbott thus need all your human' ability and all of Heaven'a assistance. Thai ye Fellowship in huura of darkness and of surrorwt in on.- uf the desires of love, and ia strongest in tbe bearta in which Urrv U tb richest." 38. My aouj ui exceeding sorrow- ful. even unto death. Various words used to describe his ajrnny are full of suggestion, lie was begirdled with sorrow, besieged with sorrow. He waa alone. The whole agony came upon him as a surprise. In barbaric uges men have been put into diaboli- al machine* lhat presaed them to dtvath. Out here waa a ca,ae where the prenaure on tbe mind and spirit waa even unto death." Tarry ye he/e. and watch with une. Theae three men are requested to be an inner guard, so that tf the eight outer onea were overcome by fatigue th-r would still be some guards (o notify ill- -H Master when the trai- tor and hi.s. rru-1 band arriwd. Luke lIU ua tbat in his agony his *}weat i-. am- a* it were great dropa of Moo I; the writer of Hebrews tells us of hi* strong crying and tears. This WUD not nhrinking from, death, whose dark ahadnvvs had lain across ever/ day of bin lifle; It was; shrinking from in.- untoUl horror* of tbe aggregate a. n of humanity. AH the mysteries of tbe atone.iui nt are kept away from ua, but vre haw here some glimpses of it eff.-v.U. Dr. Sohauffler ntain- imiua with *ewral other Christian scholars that the great sorrow of Jeaua m the g.trdn came not from i- .i of I'.iu.ny at all, but from f.-u of fa. lure through phyoical trength to reach r.ijv.tiy and NO loss uf all for which he left bcaran. .->-.- cannot **taloKUe and define tin of his sut'fei IIIK, for th pro- ph*t tella iu that he was for our liiili.-greaaions, and bruised foi our iuii|Uiti-n; I lu- lx>r\l bad laid un I. iu ih- iniquity of us ,11. 39. Be went a little further. Deeper ami deeper into thn silent gloom of Out orchard. Fell on bi*r face. Mark suya, "Fell un the ground ;" Luke saya. ' Kneeled down." Ue probably kneeled fiiat. mid t li. n fell forward, for tin prayer hi- prayed exhausted eveij longing of ih- apirit and ever.v site u^iii of hi* body. O my Father. Ji-su-s prartice* the faith' he taught hia followers. He, more thani an; .Hh.-r aacrnl teacher, inoivted on the f ii ti-i II.M..I of God. II. who carea for the apairow, who nurtureal thv lilies, who nuuiivis the hair* of our head, who* heart and love and power and care are all far more than a human f iihei'sf - he in our God, and to him, with a unique meaning in the word enter not -nto temptation. Tiiey were, in the greatest ponaible danger of almost every tort. Even their Master waa fighting trernendou* battle and the full victory had not yet been won. f .ir hours after thi/i th* struggle was still going on. Physically bis disciples ware in great danger. and spiritually in even greater danger, but they apprehended neither, and couJd .sleep! The spirit Indeed is willing. hut the. i* weak, are words of arn- frular tenderness, and at tbe sam* time words of warn* The moral and physical natures are eager to d right, but the mental ajid physical na- tures are worn an-l weary ; such con- dition^ Imprratlvrly need prayer and watchfulnesn. A second and a third time our Lord withdraws to pray and to surrender himself to bis Father'i will, and a second and third time ha returns to bus three chosen friends to find them asleep. 45, 46. Hi* worde. when for the. third time he w.ik~n, thorn, are full of lore: Sleep on now, and take your rest. Aa if he had said Ibe .(anger is over ; the enemy baa b.-en foiled ; you need watch no luiiper not a 'win, I of re- proach for their failure to help when help was needed. Suddenly, as it awakening to a of nther nnd fresh dangers, he adds. Behold, the hour is at hand, and tbe Son of man is betrayed into the- hands of sinnera. Rise, let us ! going; behold, he i* at hind that doth betray me. WRITING PAPER. Thirty thousand tuns at writing paper a year and 150 miles a day of wall paper in the output of tbe larg> it paper factory in the world. *> - Youngman Do youf I wish you'd li' in a bad word for me with them. Klderly You mean a good word, of o. I don't. If I can only giit her pnrenta to ins) I'll land the girl sure. QUITE. I dont think she has ranch of a* voice." Well, there's en<*u oa* it, such aa lit U. SOMK WHAT WOWlB. How's Uishley doingf aatd th* man who hud been abroad for s time. Whwi I knew him years ago b<? used lo g-et full oncej in % .while. Still the same. I suppose. \Vrf1. no. You might say h* tall twice in a while auw THE PAARDEBERC GATE. JI'Bl -rlo of Ibe KrtlUh ( .liinihlmi* Illrtf for IN' Uz ! oli Krlr ,. The oitii.-ns ot Victoria, B.C. bave dec ded up in h fo m of ih ir mem- oiiil to the bravu Brauih Culumbiao* who gave their live* for tbe l-.uii<-re in youth Africa. The piojuct i* to erect on the water- fiont of Balluvill.- street, oppos.le lue main entrance of the government r>uil. lings, a public water gate or Ap- proach fr iu Ui n irliur to be knots n aa Lb/e "HaardeiJTtf Gale. ' ThdAi.u u: "it comprise landing sir i> about 10j f i-el loug, leading to a plaifoim alxm> 30 teet wide; from thence ihe level of the roadway i* reach -d uy two broad flight* w.;h bal- uatiade*. The centre of th^s p.aiform is to be occup.ed by a bronw baa- relief about 6f.-et by 3 feel (i inches, representing tli.- in i .eul of the death of .-x-rgeant Sto l al i aarUeberg h le his coin ul.Mi to ihe attack of the Ltoer posi luna. This b-ia-r. li f Ml in Uw wall, front ng ihe harlxiur, within 1/il^LSlei.i an-: umit-r a pi-iiiin.-ui su. m-<uaied by ih.- uord P^aul Urg Will alford Uve lu tlic co on t iuc '.ion. Tho pier* at tbe lower end. of the lairs wilt be nurmounted by lions supporting irui. of the city, those of tile upu-r en i by ornamental l.ght tandarda. Tbid plan pro. :.U?s a large amount of misonry work witli a very amall poriion of actual scu ptur<? or bronze casting; >et th.- pioiuineme given io th-s litei featur- al the head of con. v s'ep-s an.l fron i' g the har- bour w.ll if v.< great dignity and puiut to Live event <omm nuraied. It i* TO TMOnCUOMLV APPWCCIATB TCA you hare on 7 to Use LUDELLA r V o.jr blcoded. ftiro ,ri and blut'y pur*. LMtf PadMts M, 10, *, M and Me. gardi'ng the inunmB** amount of traf- fic r rr~d on Riutia'4 great iabind REliRKABLE FHH \.\K.\CY. SOME MEDICINES ONLY RELIEVE FOR A SHORT TIME. rill Ore* liv (red- Tlie ' o' Mr. t.llrnrl.1, of . Prvx-sTkls Port B -pe, Ont., Feb. 18. (Special).- Away ba.-k in 18.6, Mr. Chas. Uilchnsl Ex-Chief Constable of this town, was suff ciing with Diabetes. He waa in I was cared of Um- *> k if'er nuf t-'ing 15 >ear by MINARDS LINI- M'-'N T T vn RiTe-a N S, ROBKRT R()-~ I was cared of I) ;.', h r after doe-ors filled, by MINARD'S LIM- MKNT \n gonah. JOHN A FORKY I was ra^'d of nn rirt on of mus- cles by MINVKD'S IJMM NT MR- >AI'.NDKRS. Dilbousie. MO UK KARXKRS. It ia stated on good authority that only four mm out of .-wry hun- Krerywhere up tne vuiga and its dred who start in bus:-nei ruach suc- hundxtxi* aicend the iron ceea.if fbw same, ntimbur with the barges of toe Ca.ipun Sia oil fleet, same ab.lity, were to go with tbe while tbroajjh the canals io .St. sanv eoerrfy in'<> farm n<. forty out Peteral*iri< alone pus* annually, dur- of erery bualred would make good ing the Jlj days of free navigation, farmers, and enough Bkoney to be thousands of steamers and bargeaJ tig mJlliona of tona of freight. I oTWt nTi-. siaacyaar Erexy known inins..jf lix-omoL.on is AEMO used, from men, who, oxen, tramp the tow putha, tbe smaller barge*, to powerful tugs that creep along by mean* of an endleaa chain I'.-l in the beds of the canals and minor ruvers, dragging after them at anail puce great rararans of heavy rirg-s. From tbe greater streamt .mm. mae c.-uft nearly 4UO feet long, 1") feet Ln depta, c;irryjng 6.000 tons of, drift down the where they are broken to p.ece* to be u*i as f j-ewood on t he steamers go- Jig up stream. 13,000 VCILES OK HIV Kit. In ill there are gOiXJ miles of navig- *aterways ji th.- valley of Vol- ga, or, if the streams which float the g-int rafts from so large a part of th* traffic of the TITOTS are. Lnclui- the mileage i* increased to nearly 15,000. or aa, much as that of the val- 1< y of the " She Didn't you, marry m tor bet- ter or worse t Hi >'q my dear. You were good enough. I didn't wiot you any bet- ter. iMa siott ! tm *nrr b of s Lftxative Brooo-Quinioe FAMILY PRIDE. Wt.ii [ notice .Sawyer is ver/ proud -t In-} family tree. -ilibb Well, he ought to be. His father gut his start in the lumber business. $100 Reward, $100. Ta* readers nt thu t, >rOT wUl IM pjoased t* Sat tnor i. m,i lea* ooo draoulrd diwue iciraoc h bm *bU to our* Is .! lu >UMM asd i U Calurh. H.i . . Catarra I r* is U snly PO.IIIT. .-ar* now know. -j IB. iu:io. ral.rni'j rtrrh brin * comv THE M\N BKHIXD THE MCLKA During General White's sortie from, tbe British battery mules oat the left were stampeded. Tbe captain of one of tbe batteries, see- very bad fchape. anl neer expected io in ' *" first r * ! '> c 'lying by with b< well again. Ue wa* cured by t* 'irat gua. shouted angnly : Dodds Kdu.-y Plij in Much of lhat year (.86, but aome thought that the d-*.-au would IB urn. five year* uoo'. Uall'o Catwrn . 'a I* *i u-r aaily. aeUa* direct. y up,* Lh b.oed sad aieooas ourface* . r ths tj.tom. thorobj do*. tri.jlBif iso foundAtiO'i uf ui dioea^e, aa4 f IT ng txoroiioa: iro fta bj building up the c***UtaU\.a aad *-l'.in< saiuro In <tu>uK lu or*. T n* pr prioto n.To so much 'a ife t ' rti. powor.. ui.t thoj ofjtor so H ia- urod L* fi r oji; oo^r lAAft If DUlo to ourox l.M of Utis>oalai. F. J. CHKMYkCOL. ToUda Paid r dr* ( U L Tte. Bir> > . ./ r>ul ar There are 19,002 working locomo- tiv in Great Britain. W P f !<., Hffil'HEALTH Thl Is P**lthr Oar* foi* aO Throat and Laing Troubles, ! CONSUMPTION THESE FOUR REMEDIES Hi', air I Where are you goingF To which the gunner curtly replied: 8 ing*d if I know I Ask ths le* I have elated, and Mi. U:l hri*t iaatill CHJOV ixi^ K^OI! tic 1 1 1 ii O.i Apr.l .'4 18.6. lie wrote : "I have be.-n asuifeier f .r ten with Diabetes and K.tljiey disorders. My nrine was of a dark, bricky color, and the pain uh.le pa_-Mn^ Has something awful. 1 have beeu treate.l by the dociors, and h.u. u^-d almost ererj m 'dtcine ddvertu.-d lu . u d relief. L'telj I have I The pun io my o-ick u u dieadful. 1 could not sit in a chair without hav. intf .1 cushion at ih.- sni.l, ,r m , u,. k I u aru o DjJd's Kiduy P 1|. decided io us . n ,. ,,,,, r ,, f or Ihej- cu.ed uiu c-inpli-tely, and 1 heartily recommend them to amone Ou Juljr i. ISMW, he writes;-''! am -ry well, and have been so since the Minard'i Liniment Curti Garget in Cow*. FAMILY TIES. Hvw close is your relationship to tbat millionaire f Oh, hLs briber married my broth- CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all skin ailments. J.C. OHurt Co., Manoheatar. PILE CURE get no and Ntnard's Linimr nt Currs Cu Cluvtor rum *UI k* Mil Cm u Mksite.M THE HflXMLWO of '96. Aly unn i, a natural health, color, ihere is uo pain ia my back. 1 am sure I would have been in my gx aTe now, but for Uodd's Kidn.y I',; is. They certainly saved my life. Ihere u no medicine like them," and to this letter be adds "all thai I aay about Uodd'a Kidney Pills s Lhe truth. If they were not . I would nut say they were good. The citizen U f iv,, t UlHW ai| know m and can vouch for every word I have written.' 1 Some medicines only relieve. Uodd'- Kidnoy Tills cure, to .stay cured. If yuu watu .1 saiisfactory, rx'iii. in.Mit and sure i-ure f.-i Kidney l\.i ni two the only n-.n.-dy with an unbiwk- en record of v u , c fvt , D eve ry nd n..t a single failure-IA..ld , K ney Pills. folks next door didn't invite us t their reception. Hww queer ! Vep ; afterwards they sent us over 3 platter u/ th- i of ni-thments. Minard's I iniiiiMii I'iirrs Diphtlieriit. IT MItlHT UK WORSE. Tike the trouble life allots you, 11 ir it with a courage bright; If y'.u In. I to choose your trouble, Yvu would be in sadder plight. tO OUTER FIFTY YEARS BBS wntsLow-a SOOTH i MI SYRUF n . booo >M4 bo >.> bon for tkotr chlMrn WoUUn|. U oootlloi CARPET DYEING ud<-MM Th,. K . ***Hif *us tk. wsl BRITIaH AMERICAN OVCINQ Ow. 9o4 PATLICUI*.. oy pot uti M^mir. a Nw system of treatment I wa,k. weak and for thos uer-. gallow jwopU, constitution*. tlarvat aiij lung*. Th* treatment Is fre. Tou har* Jn.y to writ* W obtain it. It* efficacy U explained a* simply aa poasibi* below. B br DR. T. ,, . T. A. SLOCgii, tha specialist in pulmonary and kiadrad disaaawa. ail tha raqairamsnt* of the tick body are supplied by the F*ur nmiis* consti tuting hi* Special Treatment kaowa as Th 9t9*m y*tem. WhatTar yotir disease on* or mor of th*** four preparation* wiil b* of benefit to you. 'According to tha otstdf o! your ea*a, fully aiplamad in tha Trati*a given r-rorou* and flesu bu,.Aiag, nerve and tissue-. ene<v* af fo*J. I'err iara-'id an4 a- k person need* strength. Th. food chives i:. Many p**pl* g*t the complete system 'or the sake of th* Emulsion of Cod l.iver Oil, which ih-v themselres n**d, snd gjva away the other tu.-ee prepaxa* t.ons to their fneods. Th* second articl* i* a Tonic. It i* good for weak, thin, dyspeptic, nerroua 'oople, for then* who iiave no appetita, wko need bracing up. Thousand* take only th* Emulsion ami th* Touic. The third reparation U an ant>ti* Balm or Je.Iy. It eur* catarrh. helps all irritation of tbe mem braoM. A cure is certain ii directions are f allowed. The Rtmedie* are espsciaMr adapted *v. .--.^i ! Theusaads of our readers need th* "$* Oxj!l i.'ura fer Catarrh without aay of ths other anicles. QUEEN VICTORIA for those who suffer from weak liners _i .. . The fourth articl* ia an Cxpctcr Cough and Cold Cur*. Cam But they vatarr.s, are " HOT UN ui.l OloHaB^ Bol| *So UM (TOO.-OV Blafrmphr o>or wr-tlra. Wo nl o fov nor* .... ohlt n*pr.roforiiicliiioti srisi*Nslasss>aiy;oSMi *' lon - ioti Html Kaok Ne r iooa lon timo. *n/'-xl. unU. 'roo. Jiol i o quit*. J. U NickoU* Oo.. PubitooMro. ROOFING * nd >hMt "* i> also p;op *eil to acquire, if i osxiM,., :l i-ar.tiiied Hoer < .um >u hiih wulih.n ot-cuty an app-r p..itforu ibe b:iuize io cie :;ieiu-<i from Belle- \ille atrrcl-by three nr foul linud iep.-i. Th work is to IK- ed in grm- ile. atacoat, in<-ludiu th.. l.,on.-e at about |15,(<0. | t|nit i/i ,vltliitii\niil llO.oro woutii einl.l.' ihv earryinir of 'the fl inking \YUll.s MTI e.ieh aide as ft Lh bridge ami the foot of Men/n-s atreet. RUSSIA'S BIO RIVER. lui ItrlHll, .r ||, Trnrrir Kuaainn t'tov<erniuent statistics o.' in- narigation just issued contain uateroating information re- UOM. b'M'PMB. i i h. Uot rcu/xtr 'or d.trrbora, Co* boul. sl< Of oil onui >to Inru^bout O. >urU. Bo mm M4 oo> lor "Mm WiMJo.i s,-o ' u ^r .it IIKWKV I'KBSKRVE US. H ^ v ki i.iUjriit in tbat jam at trw the iter duor f Hhe Yes. and I th ught I would be crushed int'.i j'-Ky Mrs. NEUI11UOKLY. lliiil>,ind I-^n'l i il.. ui ' rn.- Btorrore was returning our cill t \\ fe Yets but if she does return it U will be m'.*e than she doei with the other things she K.-I.- fioui us. w rt * 11. ATE. i> m* KodorOron SLA^r SI A' IB'H RU-i (WofUMll Pvbli; ond H.h Schoolo, T ironl- I Roodiu Foit. Pttok ro.i rr. .10. MOurt!) O TtLB ffloo N** .-ii r lulu injo, Torvnr j. .l.-n^ -y ur trwl. M-LJ <'oi!in^t n>co^ ot R-tim***, rTi<^i*J for work domolo^oor fo> inat.rioJl thipp J u. on/ pun nt rho -onnlrr Ph. n. *3 0. fUTHIf ^ lONI.AdolSltoAWIJrMrSto., Torwti in fll not merely Tfol iate*. but cure*. t T** i ' ^** ' onr P^P^rations form a panoply D ' oc ~' of stronpth u. u.--. diseojo m w uat- and restoring to .,.-.,.,. NO It Will Pay You toin*lo oil fOO rtoduoo I* UM . __ ^^ ^ m Dawson Commiosioa O- LltnltoxJ .1 M rs 1 }- [- Cor. L-olboroo U.I v. rot M..rkfl l . Torenlo. Tko> W ^^ ' Music Teachers Wanted TS S*nd for Oomolot. 0,.o- IOKU* of Ihooi ksolO an* Icxht mth anotisl eslso f SlM>unL WHALET, ROYCEAI* IM Tino It. Tor.nto. lrt. BtYLON AND INDIA TEA, GREEN OR BLACK, Pure tea calms, restores and cheers those iu distress." DRINK IT. A free sample of delicious SALADA Tea sent on receipt of )ostal mentioning which you Jrink Black. Mixed, or Green iea. Address " S*i ADA." Toronto or Montreal Tou or your aick frienda can have a FREE course of Treatment. Simply wn-e to THB T. A Si ocu CHMICAX. Ca. Lim -ed. 179 .King Street \\egt. rorontp, givinir poet ofBee and express omoe addres*, and tLe fro* medicia* (The Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. Wban writing for tbem always mention this paper. Person* in Canadv seeing Slocum's free offer ia America* paper*, will ' send for samples to the Toronto laboratoria*. W\>-TKr> F'>K "I'H SFW K ' , - ._ ***5 1 * *' "l**oU. "sit . 41 ' '*'!, lav W'll bo . od . .., .1 -.ho --.- . , . - T ' u ooMC, :.-f-pr^l .p- , .j M - -. - I M t WUl 10 t oreon o 1 4 ,.i il]u -if r .1. moos, Mono*, Torenta, 'I. eo-.ui,, . 4 J. B4l v a Do.. MontrMl SL *TE. TILE and Dot QLAS BROS.. METAL KOOFS T ,^.sVi! " " *o AQNTS s, I Queen's Mourning and Kln( l< Oojnu.n* Phatoar.tph uttvno ton oonto oaeh forty oonto moj*n. PHOT* jiwiiiiar MAHursoruaiMl ao.. TO- *ONT. Moi.1 -il :hl4 ].|r. AND TPM^i on eoi.t th h r M... .IK V'K . i " f n r h.- Kr i '< A in r v t hu.xl i f %>i con ivo cr*. .1, o. 4 ! .J OIHl THE MOST NUl^lTIOUi. EPPS'S GRATEFUL OOMFORTINQ. COCOA IKAK r Arr-urf>t:n. Debentures. Debentures tor Sioo and upwards are issued for terms cf one, two three, four or fiv* years. Coupons are attached "or interest trom the .Jate on which 'he money is received at four pr cent, p.r annum, pay- able hail-Nearly. INVESTIGATION SOLICITED. Th* Canada P*r.T\an*nt & Wo- e-n Canada Mjrtgg* Corporal on. Off I coo : Toroato St.. Torwvlo

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