Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Feb 1901, p. 1

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Jtftratta. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLE8 NOT MEN.' ?OL IX. NO Fleatiertou, Ont., Thursday, February 21, 19O1 W. H THURSTON, PBOPBIETCK Mrfarlind A Richards M.Farland, Grey & Soothgate I I NDALK OBEY COUNTY'S BIOOEST STORE TORONTO MARKDALE. olives at Eugenia on Sunday. kocUl > M Some of our congregation attended the funeral at Meaford of Clarence E. Mad- Xros*. Onr Oust CorrttponJnit. den, eldest son of our esteemed pastor. We have oat seen any news from our Pneumonia following la grippe was the hamlet in your valuable paper so decided cause, of death, lo send you a few items this week The grippe has been TOTJ prevalent but A few <>f our citizens are laid up with la grippe. Miss Maggie Gould is spending a few weeks at her home near Markdale. we are to report that the sick are all on the mend. Chitrley Daley in horn* again after a two weeks' visit at Me*ford and elite where Pi-' grrsa is our watchw.rr !. .ill 1 w aim to make ihiw t->r the very high" est type of Commercial Kir-;|irir. Out building ia one "f tlie best in C;tti.-uU, for * have pan-.l iienh-r expcii.v nor trouble in make it o. r- rangii.g for everv sletiil of h .ittiii;; *n,l lulin.i: si carefully that from the bin, riMimy bne.nvMr up t-vr-ry .Wdiridaal depaitment. u brith', airy and wholesome. In addition In I'leaupoctority of 'heirroundiii|fa, there ia ike a/t-action of our |>ncu efforts fioiu day to day, giving opportuni- ties for grat *a>i' g. AMONG THIS WKKK'S SPECIALS ARE Mr. Jaa. Rayburn from near Orange- villr IK the nuest of )u couain, Mr. Will Clugston. Miaa Eilun Anderson, of Meiford, pent SunHay at the parental home here. W arc ham skirt Pattern* that w-rrr I .o for i<> crnls a > inl :.i- i. Kid ...i, x *s 100 Carl toili CaniUlri*, ! r |>.i i r " ' > 373 la>. 40. < >"on i* ai |>. r Ib. 3 $4.5* Skirt IVUI.TIIS for i ..10 8 only Heavy Plai.l Skirt I' Mgaii lu thwwsjton ' newest sty Int. Till"- c -me in large or email pal tertm ami can be made 'ip with- out !miui<isregular||>rice pjr yard I JO, while they U-t your choice per yd 50 7r Ladle*' Kid ci ,->. for I W fill -(! ; . III-. 30 pairs only Kul Glovi-a, in hiuail sues. The/.e come in tuna and browns and represent our very boat srllin^ line*, reg. price T.V.. your choice thi* week per pair -3 I 00 I mil. U, .HI I. .null I. an ill let i "r fifty in - 36 pai'S only grey or hliick Im- itation L.iinb (jituntlrta, lined with ki'l. full Urge sizes, reg. 91 qiulitijx, this y..ur choice. . . .5y Boy's 75c Kqee Par\ts at per pair 25 $9. 50 Dinner Setts for 7-'S $1.5O Men's Lace Boots 95 35 Wen's 75c. arid $1.00 Shirts for 39 75e. Boy's Knee Pints per or. 25 48 piiim only B..y's Knee Tweed Pants, lined all through and well made, for hoys aged 6,8, 10, your choice |x>r pair 85 11.50 Men's Lace Boots for 95cts. .'M) pain Men a Lace Boots that have been selling regularly at $ 1 50 per pair, take your choice at per pair 95 100 White Dress Shirts for 36cts. 36 n y White Shirt". Some <>f these are ilighlly willed, but in other way* perfect goods ; our rug. 91.00 value, your choice this we, k . 38 Frum Our Own Correspondent. Wanted Fifty men to shovel anew. Dr. McLirun gave a very interesting Apply at the Mayor'* office, corner Lane lecture last Thursday evening ;t Temple avenue and Centre street. Hill church on "Four Palace* and Two Messrs. Win. and J. Irwm have re- Queena " in aid of the Ladic*' Foreign turned from attending the oliarquiea of Miasionary noctuty. The "Rocklyn Male their honored fatlier, the late John Ir- Quartett* ' *cre present an- 1 fumiahud win of Bramplon. none mumc in their usual irood manner. Mr. Thomas Sheridan, who has been Mr. DHV KnzK-ll spent Sunday at his Serioualy ill. in recovering. home rrar Ca|x! Uich. Mr. John Anderaon has returned from What ha* happened to tajrakatars this visiting friends at Wingham. winter f Surely they are not ging back Jj r . Henry Arnott has also rei urnwl on the rink. from visiting friends at Brainpton. Our curliui; team went t<> ISIarkdaU to- 1 Monday afternoon of last week a nuui- day (Monday.) Don't (jet boy if you are defeated. diacouragvd 'for O f the laAiew of our l.ur* attended a quilting ben at the home of Mrs Henry We are sorry to report Mr. Juo. Dillon Wnuht. It is much regretted that gen- on the sick list. tl.-men wero not also invited. We speak Mrs. 5larshall spent a few Jays of las' ,, behalf i>f the yiunu ladies. ek at her home in Kent. Mr. Wm. Morton is a very happy Minavs Minne Black and D.-tve Cook f |, M) |,ini! man. A.ik him the- reafon and of Mias Ellreda hu will .mswrr : " Why, d'n'l you know > I have a biiby boy.'' Epping wore tht. Crabtrue kuit Saturday. The farint.-ra in this vicinity aro to be commendcti for the ambitious and pro- gretsivo w.iy in winch they are improviiiK Two Special Iten\ 9.50 Dinner Seta for 7.15. 6 only dinner 'a of 97 pieces rach,|i|icRnii.porcrltin,in blue, brown and green very prettily decor- am uiri striped with gold, rvg 9 60 for 7. 15 40c. Cey:on Black T f.,r .'.'>. 375 Ib* lineftl Ceylon Tea. If you are it lover of a, really tine flavored HUi-k Tra you >h<>ul<l certainly ijet a supply at tlie special price !J5c. Miss Y'eadell, 9th line, visited her ter, Mrs. W . McCullough, last week. A pleasant event took place at the idence of Mr. N L. Curry on Wedne*- ihcir f.tnu* day evnning last, the occasion being the M r . Thomas Johnston is making prep marriage, of his sister-in-law. Miss Alice oration t-> IxiiU a uew barn on the Har- Reid, to Mr. Thomas Falls uf this place. ; grave farm. The iiuptnl knot was tied by Rev. McLaren, in presence of only a foi stives of the contracting parties. Dr. rel- Miss Mary F.Vls, sutcr of the groom, perform- Mr. George Brown is making ready to elevate and nut stone stabies under his lurn. Mr inn-. Gordon has ninde prepara- . . FOREIGN DRY GOODS PER S. S. LUCAMA - We have just been advuted of the arrivsl of a Urge cotisig'iment if For- eign Dry Goods tha' ar not being passed through ihe customs. These g. pp. iN come nire.'l 'n us from ihu forem- at British :md Continental makers and represents all that if new and *tv!u>h for the coming apring in Dress <opo.l. Silks. Ribbons, Laors, Parasols, Fine L.nuna. Lace Curtains, taai-d Millinery Goods. In it short time we will announce our -I'KINi; OPKSING h -i, these goods will he on display McFARLAND & CO'Y. > f fff >f f ff * t **^ toStayner an, their f i lends n his little pastime Joes us no harm. So, by sll mean*, bray on. M-lllrmrnt. From our OICH .'rr*poi<feii* The shorlsgn in the crops last year ban ben productive of at least one beneficial effect to the farmer ; it has shown that economy and regularity in feeding un- important features in bringing stock through thin win'rr, and that stuck care- fully attended to on those lin- s p>e*ent a an j ^^ ihcir better appearance in td* spring than A abort time sifo your correspondent heard It remarked hy a res<ler, but a mm subacriber. (hut The Advance was behind most loca'a. Now, sir, all things consid- ered we think the paper spicy, intun sting (hose that, in years of plenty, have been Allowed to forage at will %nd trample it under their feet. Should tho winter not be unusually piolungcd, we think the f;ii"-rs in U>! si-i-iion w.'ll pull through alj riglit, and a uciiera! lulu lock are looking better than in fornter yunn, and when feed was more pleutiful. Mr. Traynur, 1> I, S, of I>ni,ulk. ws in thii neiglihorboo'l two or thr-;e days last week xurveying lines between neigli boring farm. 1 : ; si fur as we have the work done is Biitisfiutory. Report says fiat our scho..l will bn sskid to vrmil medals to those of our school who succee<l in pusim/ the entrance or leaving exsminntions next summer. S!i -nM tho trustees de- cide to i> rant tho r- piest^ wu havn yot to learn whether the m-siaN will be issued by the Royal VU^t, or by the 1 KM! tan- and fully up to tho mark, and we ask how c-'ii The Advance be expected to ho far in advance whon so many snlmcn,*- tions are in arrears I If all subscribers would pay in advanco for The Advance* ence for the advance incut of The Advance 1 , then we feel ss~ ed the duties of bridesmaid, while the tions to remn.-ite and enlarge his Vam. groom was supported by Mr. Samuel >j r Burns intends building a new Breactner, cousin of the bride. Tlie brick collage nt-xt summer, bride was channingly attired in green By way of apology for his noisy utter- poplin trimmed with cream figured satin , tlll .,._ the Portlaw scribe tells a funny ribbou and chiffon, and worn wreaths of |,fic story which proves that with hi white flowei*. After the ceremony a nature it is either bray or burst, and as sumptuous wedding repast was served, j tntt kicks snd noise did not hurt Ihe rock, after which all enjoyed I liemsrlves in games, etc., until about midnight. The bridu was one "f Ruckljn's most popular i young ladies and has been in the employ ; ' of Mr. Currie for oer two years. The I young couple left Meaford on the morn- ing train Thursday for Toronto, wher e they will s|>encl a few days before coming I will be at home here to in about twn weeks. We extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bread.ier left here on Tuesday of last week, for Brsinpton, where they will spend a few weeks at the ' Uriel's home before leaving fr their new home ,n M.ntoU. We wish them ever, I ,- are aU-ut tojeave -re,-,,,.. surcee*. | brother Forester, because of earnest Miss Lyda Marshall was the truest of wink for tilt 1 nler, which has al-eady MUM Edith IJoyd last Sunday, beeu shown by thu appreciation of the brethren in their electing you for tlie Fiom Our Oifi Corrttpoiulent At a special meeting called for the purpose on Friday evening last, the mem- bers of Court Kimberley, C.O.F., pre- vi. ted P.m. Brown, who is removing from Kimberley, with tha following address, ac join | MII ied by s handsome clocK ; To Mr and Mrs. .4 win-to Broiom : DKAR FRIKNI. VMH BRO. FORBSTBR, We, flio menilxTS of Court Kiinbvrley. No 555 C.O F., have les-mrd withmjret third tune in succesn'n to tho oftic-e of sured that Tho Advance would keep abieiat of and probably far ahead of most locals. So mote it he. [We rise to second the motion. Mr C'Tri-tipimdoi.t. En.] Mr. and Mrs. T. McAitliur |>en Sun- day and Monday with the hitter's sisters, Miss Campbell and Mrs. A Ferguson, Pioton. Mr. James Bt-attie of Orange Valley Sij mliiM-ii wiih fru-nos on this line. Miss Nettie S:<>ne spent a few days with Dr. IVij-nanl and family at Kocklyn. Mr. Rr>l-vrt W i|liaii>a of Meaford visit- ed his SI,(,T, Mrs. K. Stnue, List wet-k Mr. JIM. Falls drove wiih his moth |tr, Mr.J. Frt-nch Bay lat week, | where the latter will spend a few months till. You will l> missed ill with her daughter. Mrs. T. J. Wallace. I circles f.-r having d..r.e your Mian E'tie Doug : as of Benverdale was i 'he glHWt nf rtie Mimes No- y for a couple of dnys. Our blacksmith Mr. H. Curry is mak- ing business "b om" tbis winter having turned out eight pnii of sli-ighs, Mr. W. M Cullou!\ hai ;i!ii put nut a numl>er. We are pleased t-> kn -w that Victoria SuiKliy school h.ive got those "Sunday School matters all settled and the school openel sg-iin. Chief Hanger, which you so creditably our social work with 1 marked cheerfulness. We feel, therefore, that w i-uiiioi allow you to depart from our midst, without some nmrk of cst.-i m for the very g..od ijunlities you posset*. and to Meaford mi Monday. i%is simotufo li on .ry l>o< of th Laxative Bruno-quinine tbiu t IU-KSI .1 v*M to 7 Fi-nni Our Oirn R. Goes! is pruning trees in sme of our orchards. Tlie Knight of th Henld must us<> cvr'-'ii'- caution or lu> will find himself the possessor of s Liundrv Mr W. and Miss Mc-U.slof St. Yin- weroguestsof Mrs. J.Daley Monday. S. R. Uakins u! family visited rel- not only in our order but for your social kiml'ioss in connection with other mat- tors iHTMining N> the welfare of the com- munity HP (tellers). We sk von. thi-'. fore, to accept this clock as n small t^.krii of our i-hteem and appreciation ot your residence in our inidnt. We dope in 'he new duties you are about to iiiid'-riake that, you my beqime succersful. Trust ing 'hut lie who guides the destinies t mankind may uunle .-ind ditcct y ur fool- sU-ps in the paihs of duty is the | rat IT "f your hretlip-n-ii Signed in l-half of the Com ', W. T. KI.I.IS. Fin. Si-c. T. B. CAKHfTHKK.H, Tn-as. A very succ. ssful supplemental moot, ing of Eiist Grey Farmers' Institute was hold in the public, hall on Monday of last week, consmtur; "f two sessions, iftr-r noon and cvi-ninij. In the ftorn""ii :wl dr.-sscn w-ro delivered by the President, Clocks! CLOCKS! cases of clocks just in, newest designs- new line just put the mark''f. These ran^e in price $ f rom $2,75 tO $15 A huge stuck of watches always on hand-- a better choice than you can find in the county, and don't forget the fact. My pnccs are low and anything [ sell is guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. JEWELER AND OP7iC'A.1 FLESHERTON. Mr. J. H. ian.l. M. A Gee. Esq , snd G. C. Csston, E-o. The President's address consisted of reference to the rnpid stride* made in the past century and chiefly in ricul'ure. He referred to the grnt aiiricultural leaourcea of Canada mil tho necessity of learning morn of the nietHods uf farming and coming togeiher to ex- change ideaa. The next speaker men- Uoned aliovsj spoke on "Soil cultivation." As;. .n uf the soil deterininiHl tin 1 succtst, il was necessary t ' pay do teiition to it. An important point wa the drainage, by which a finer seed Net! was obtained and work could be com- menced earlier. Replenishing the il wtvi a necessary factor and in doing thi<* care should be taken that the best "f the manure would not be washed awny. Thi) ibject of tillage was to secure heat, air and prevent escspe of moisture. Mr. G. C. Cam. .n then spoke on "Orchard fruits and how to grow them." The moot suit- able soil for fruit trevs was a clay loam. Trees should not be planted less than thiity feet a{rt and frequent cultivation should lie resorted to in order to prevent moisture escaping. In the matter of pruning, which should have for it.s aim the opening of the tree to light, he recr>r"- mended it lo be done in June in order to secure a better healing of the wound, especially in larger limbs if it was nect-s- sajy to remove auy of them. The apples from this district are moat famous in tin- British msrkct. Each barrul is branded "Georgian Bay apples." and means are being taken to prevent the mixture of inferior fruit the good. The San Jose Scale should be guarded seams'. K.m-h nursery has to give a guarantee rts to freedom f v 'm the pest. In top graft- ing hu recommended the Talman Sweet as a slock on which lo graft the varieties such as Spy and King. For fertilizer lie ulv:Kud the plowing under of clow and c-ac cultivating about July when clover ught U' be sotvn to protect the ronts. Hadjerom [.rum Our Oiwi Coi nixn\ilrnl . Seeing that this plice is not rep- I resented in your valuable paprr, we do- ! culed to send few Hems of nito-et. We are sorry to learn that- Alfred Prid- do!l is very ill with iiiHamiii\ti<pn if the i lungs nnd pleurisy. We hop llmt lie will soon rei- VIT. His mother is also ill ; with iiifl.iniin:iti-'ii. Frank l'ctll of Maple Valley cum" homo on Fridny, beirgsick with lagrippi Mri. Scott, who has Wen ill t .r some rime, is not improviui>. } .Jam. s Fuchniiie, who pun-ham d W. I). ' AlU-n's fitrm joint; lime HL-O, is K"H'K to ! Inb'-r on rt ll;is aeawm Hrry McKi-e, the Inte Uiiant, will be Icsving in tl< Kiiring. We are sorry to havu Hi.ny K i ' * fr> in our midst. I -

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