King Edward VII. Proclaimed With Pomp of Ancient Times thi- rnirlamatloa Itemd a.t Vrlou 1'olnU of lli Mtro|>uli> Ali*r tulr of I i ,,ni|..-i. l li. \i l rowdt look l'|i tin i i-y ol lli Klin-al-Arina !") MI,,, iir.t '-(..Ml Nat* lh KH.J" A llihllanl >|il> I.. I u<on. Jan. : London was gi\.i, i -u-rday a gliuip.-e ul i.. v,,| i , quaint ccieiiioiiu-s vilh \\hu-h King l.dwaid \11. ".r. I , .it t vain. us points of I he , l, ilouid ancient preivi. n.s. li.c oilicials pui| arranged the funclion an hour ahead of Ihe published annul. iici'ineiil. anil iiiluil. naiils \\ia-n tbey awoke surprised to l.nd the entile \vy lift ween >t. James I'ai.ic.' and the i, ned with lumps. About 1O.- l" ii honiiers, late Uuai'ds, lloiM- Guards, r'oot Uuards and oilier Ml airy and inliintr. n ' "' '" '" trounhi from Aldoi>hot and London barrucks after uiiiimj;!' t. All the o'i.icii, hud crape on their arms, und the drums and brass instruments hrou.u. 1 ith crape. '1 he troops Blade an imposing spectacle, but the.i were entirely eclipsed by the tu tinge spectacle present id by the ofl.ii-lii uf ihe foible of Arms. Hit, rroclKBtallH"* The ceremony began at St. James' Palace, w here at '. o'clock Kdward Vll was proclaimed KIHK of the United Kingdom of t.real Hrilain and Ireland and Kmpri or uf India. The proc-liiiiuituui. wl.ich was read by W.' ll-nry Weldon. Ixmg-at- Artiik since 18'.'4. and formerly \Nmd- aor Herald, was as follows: "Win-res*. It l.i plea<l AJralftity Ood in cull tu 111* men .HIV U e tj4.-s*il >uil (<. ..u mmi.ri. by deif-aiu* Hi- liui-iaiu. i ri .' u of tti,' I i..i--<l Hitt^dcui i ijfra I'.i tain and JI.-..1I.J Ik SU I rj.lll.l. ' 'I"' to ile- bifli sul lustily I'rini-r Ail.-rt l>lward, <-. turn-fore. tu LoriH, Kpiriluui nod temporal, of tlili realm, bring jlt,sl b these uf Bei ml* Majeatjr'* I'riij ( . uucll. will nuf- brn --r oiu-r j,r. iir.|.ul geutii-nien of UUMlilj, witb in* I.I.M Mayor. i aldermen and tlie ,-ltin u u; l^nil <n. du now hrrrli.i Witt Otle Mi'n-. ci.u mrut of tonjmi and heart, put llih awl nrn. linn tbM 'b Ul|b and mistily fr ... - Aituri MwJ Is now h Hi" tatft of our late *>TfTrl(U of bap|i.v ui- u. r). l*<-uiiir ."ir only lawful Mini rig ui ful \\ffr l ,r.i. Kdward Vll i.r tlir i .' of King "f tlir I'll'"' Kin. !-. ni "f i:r*;,t laitatn and Ireland, {.. '..niler Of the KaitU. I IH|H or ii.' N. to whwin ' du M. kii"wleil;i' Sll filth au I lima mil ,.).. I -n.-r Win II Urt/ -and humlii* sffre'luii. b" calling God. I.? Vtluiin all klngi unit uucra.. ili> r-lii. in b'*-" tli- K til I Klwir.l Vll w ' ar to rrtgii evri were Ih.' \\oids- "I wish to see tn beloved Qm. n " Kln Kellirim to ll.lmrnr. At 12.. r ,5 p. in. Kinif Edward, es- corted by a sipiudron of ll>e Horse iiirds an<l n' > 'I by UK- l"iJe of \ork, Prime I of Schk-s- wirllolstein. the I'uke "f BaUM-Un- Mini l. oil, ii 111 .1 other iinldi-. left M.II Iboroii' h MIHKI- at 11 o'clock, to lake (tie inun for Oa- borno. *,, I> l. idle. I ondon. Jiin U.'. - - An extraordin- ary "i..i/--tie" piildishi-d an order-in- ronncil: "That it expected that all persons upon tin- present occa- sion, the death of Ili'i lute Majest v. of blessed and glorious memory, u ill put thetii.selve.i into diepcst mourn- ing." Another ordei in cuiincil sutist it utes ARKETS OF THE WORLD Ii ccs o' Cattle, CMeese. Grain. &c In the Leadlnsr Murssti. HKKADsTi'KK.s. ETC. Toronto, Jan. 2U. \Vh<-at. Export- ers Buy that through freights aud the m nii-ciUed markets in Britain, -T to toe Rational mourning, are ii- ti.-ss. But little is being .lorn'. Quotation, .11.- it follows: Ked wini.'r, (il 1-Jo; n<l white, 5 1-2; mid- dle freights, spring wheat, 87c; Mani- toba, No. 1 hard, old, g.i.t., 90 l-2c ; ( Nor th H ly. o ., ut ^ No j 1 _. Miilfed--scnrce and firm. Ton lots, "KiiiK" fur "Qui-en" and "Kdwanl" a t the mill door, sell as follows: It nlso uivi-its Brall ^ij; un d Churls, at $15, west. tor "Victoria." "iiiir gracious Quern Alexumlrn. i..-r-i(fe Inike of I'm n u all and York. Iitichet.H of t'onnvnll und ua a top price 6 l-2c per pound, and light and fat hogs Hell ut 6c. The out- look indicates a further decline. Il<iga to fetch the top price must he f pi illl-- qUlllly, Hid S, lie Qllt !M> nor above 200 poun.U. is the range of quota- tions: Cattle. .$ 425 373 Shippers, per cwt. Hun ner, ch,>ice. do. Butcher, ooiuinun to cood. 325 Ilutcher, interior. . . 27" Mi.k.-ra, i>er cwt. . . 275 IJxport i-u Is. p-i -.wt. . H ^."> ,. ami Lamtie. . 300 . . 875 Calves. . 2000 9475 425 375 3( 3 ..'5 400 MOST DISASTROUS FIRE, fH!5EE MILLION DOLLAR CONFLA- GRATION IN MONTREAL l.f" IIHI lllll-s mid <.-r I Olkrr l.iipui (mil Alruriii. <. Talallr l>ilr I 'I II ll.i. i l;iu^i-i "Hi III.- irlri f-ir lin nini. A despatch frcm Montreal says' Ih- nvai disiatrous fire that Montreal ii . iMtii' >s .1 for years started shortly H o'clock on \Vcdinaday night, in the wh:.lcH.ilc clothing establish- Sheep, per cw t. LI in l*i, per cw t. Milk >ra and Omws, the York." The fact thnt the court IIOCK inm niomniiiK for a und the further 2 ld m i,|,ile freights, at 82 l-2o ; and fact that ti'.' public is eiiioiiicft lo RO lo Calves, each 200 Hogs. ,-DuU. No. lAmertcan. ^. fig *g* ff * . 625 low, 45i^ ; No. S yellow, 45c ; No. 2 yel- , u ea vy liogs, per owt. . 575 low, 44c. . Sous 3. r iO 1'. ,- Firm, and in fair enquiry, No. Stags. . __ 2> into the "deepest IIKIIII IIIIIK " ,'l'osition that tlie coronation will not occur until I'.M)^. The instruction ilmt the Puka of York is to be mimed. In tl.e l'r:iycr ll.iok. "I'uke :if fornwall." seenm to throw light upon t be imn I. del .1 led ipiestion of the ll.-ir Appartrnt's title It was siipi ,i .-d that tl ttlle "I'rince of Wales." \\bich belonfrn i>n- |v to a son born of the KmR, .mild t>e conferred upon tin- Inike of York by l:o',.il put ni but the CD .iiiiH.'iiii .-tin nl si-.-ms to iin'iciitc that this will not be d .'ie. nnd that He l>uke of York \vill henceforth be known as the HuUe nf t ormva.ll, ** 3t ' " IJarley Steady. No. 2 a*t, 41c;l in ni of M. S.ixe Co., at the corner of 8 10 li ui in<- and St. 1'cter streeis, in tha 450 biuineiw heart of the city, and ai mid- night the whole block of bua.ness I'&Ublishin -nls bounded by St. Peter, St. Saci ament, Si. Nicholaa, and St Paul streets, and inc.u l.nrf the magni- ficent UiKird of Trade building on St BOO "^ icraui <' nl street, valued at over s 4011 million dollars, are in ruins. Over a 225 | d<>i n bi^ wti.l-.sile establishment*; containing valuable, stocks have been ' "X 10 UO fi ."0 coo KING EDWARD 1Mb SEVENTH ; destroyed, and the loss will certainl, am.unt to three million dollars. md middle freights, 40c ; No. S ex- tra, 4<lc, east ; and 3Uc, middle freights. Hye Steady. Car lota, 47c west, and IS- eaat. Buckwheat Demand light. Car lots west, are quoted at 49o ; and east, at SOo Oats About steady. No. 1 white, eaat, 28 l-2o to Z9c ; No. 2 white, north and wat, 27 1-2 lo 2Hc. r'luur- itniffht die freights and export agents, This Is the Title Which the King: Has Adopted. A despatch from London says-, An After the firemen reached the seen* the flames jumped acroaa St. Peter street and atiaiked the large fancy extraordinary Usue of the Gazette on . good * NtokU*.l of U. and A. Wednesday morning, which appears witb black borders, announces the death of Qu en Victoria, adding; "The event has caused one universal feeling of regret and sorrow to ber I.: l > Majesty's faithful subjects, tu | Nelson and Sons, on St. Peter street, below the Board of Trade building. Fi m there th f r- cpreud to th Ii su d of Trade building, which waj soon enveloped in (lames. From thi Hoard of Trade the flamea swept back* wariLs along St. Paul, St. Peter, and St, . __ ,. . . . " ** " .1. IJU1, K7fc. J. C LC I . <t U<1 Ol, .Stead,. U-alers ..k $2.70 for . w bom she was eudeared by the deep ^.^^ ^^ dest , tbc . ^ rollers, in buyers' bags, mid- interest in their welfare she wiolefc(1( . establishm( . nts in tne bll)ck< hts and exuurt agents, bid invariably manileatad, as well as by _. . ... Minneapolis, Jan. 29. Wheat Cash, 71, ; May, 75c ; July 753-4lo 75 7-8c; on track, No. 1 hard, 70c ; No. 1 North- ern, 74c; No. 2 do, 70 to 72c. Flour Kirsl palents. I3.U5 to |4.10; second lo., $3 .HO to 93.90; first clears, 92.75 The Solemn Ceremony to Take Place at Windsor Castle. UDM and ' proclaim! ion was Rreeted by a fanfaie of triumphant cbeern and ci i "I i MM! Save tlie KIIIK"'!!'" Vtiix a large assemblage of ofliciuls and coll,-|(e heralds Among thuse in at lend. Hue wme I M| Huberts n i- ..I'.-rs of the ln>,iib|iiiii ters mafl nnd olh<T armv oitcers. and there Wn pieent a (Jie.ii concourse of Ir from the < .111,- i m en, eni to At tlir conclusion uf the i m,.. the land >. ,-l, inbuilt lo tha I- nut i.ui.rds in tl... T in, rv Coin t. ..-. e l he King." lh. King Nut I'rr.rnt 'I lir King \\.is not pr<-s,nt. but I lie in. -nit .-is ol his household witi.r- ..I the le.enionv Hi), --e i in the irniti MIM Ih hiilcn\ ovcrlookini/ it..- i i my tourt. from which |i.. 'iiiiitt'ion s ie. id. \'.eie I hr il.e Duku of Norfolk and oilier oft.. i - of >-l.iie. The l.alinuv \\ - iliaped in in ... <li. ill !<< rle "-e uihciuU in re-|''< nrteni unif..i in. \\cre Rtationed Ihe >-lt> t iiimptiert. aiil here \\rre suvn tiiiiuy pi-iii -i. nenl pi-isoiis. aiming ' -.. Sir Arthur White. Private Mo iK'Hoi 10 the Ijiu-en Ii. tlir >iid of llarlt>uMiii|;li llniii* a. d Hie I i i .. i I \v,i- uined a l>u h e l.o'lv uf police, soldierx mid Foot '.II, nils III' loot I.HMiilM in led as a iiiwrd of honor and tin- u.-n posted iiin-.i-ili.iiely I.eneath Ihe bal ron> . in. ,.i.i r..... .1-1.1 s..Un, |-r.|.,u.,o. at o.bor Hoaat- ii. Funeral Will H* Military ua. Mnh l.r.n.l >IKI>| I'CKMIt from 111* of hyinpalh) From All tli the \**rl(l I hr Ktng'i Arrival. wi-s. Islo of Wi K ht. Jan. !'.'> I bo fiim-rul of I tie (.Junii bus lieen . ,d to Like pliiie ,,l \\inil-.iirlii-.ili- n I-', l-riinry - The body of the ' e i^u. en will bu reinoMil from us I louse on r'i'bruar\ I II \va he e\pre^ ed desire of the (Jiie.n till' Illlli-llll sllllllld I.e ui i/ .-c\erul oi'iials arrivi'd trcui W.ndsor \e--terdm mornmn .rinRinn the Slate \ saliiti- of t\\ent\ one gunr was i, led here nl noon yesterday. In i. ,11101 nf Kinx I dv\ .ml \ 11 I lir < lutllliel -i|,i.l...n. I oud Inn 2.'.. drilern lni\. l .sued In II. e i'bann-1 Mpiudron and nil o: her n v., il.i U- Bii- s. iiililu al ^pilhi'.iil I eb I. ilie d.iii- of tin- of (Jur.'n \ nlorui's body from OKboine. Il is undc.rnlood that the w.irs; ps will form u d- I, no ttiiou h \-. Inch Ihe Hoyal yacht the body, will pass. I.IH..I l Hi Kiu An expectant cn>\vd lined Trinity I'iei aft the roynl ya'hl Albi-rta. with KIIIK l-ldwaid nn l.ti. ml. turned the point and Ihe lirst K"n of tho royal salute thundered from the HrltiBh warship Xuslinliu All the hitherto half-nuisted, were hnuliHl down. a temporary suspen- sion of mourning The King landed at '-' !.' P in ninl drove In Osburne House. !...- lanl'i-ioi VNilliam met him at the gates and warmly greeted him. o $2.5; second do, |2 to Bran- Lower. in bulk. 911.25 to 911.50. Jan. 21>. May wheat ad- vanced 1-2 to 5-8 to-day under the in- inrariably manifested, as well as by many signal virtues which marked and adorn-d ber character." Thu follows the proclamation of Edward VII.. the acknowledgment of t)|i . allegiance by Ihe Privy Council, and p au | 8treet to ^ tin Kimg's speech at hia accession, as mia8Hmer fltreet destroying" a oumher The firemen did their utmost to keep the> fire confined tu the block, but so great waa the fury of the flames that the fire gal completely from undei jumped St. follows; "Your Royal Highneas, my Lords and lientleuu-n; Tbia is the moat painful occasion on which I shall ever of buildings on that slreet. Amirngst ibe U-uding buildings and rstabLshmenls destroyed are the Board uf Trade building, St. Sacrament be called upon to address you. My ,, ree t; M. Sax,, whoicaale; H. flu. ur,< of smaller receipts. Corn first and melancholy duty U to an- , A . Inimi-diateh after the landed Thr ri'imnt < i-inonies with which King lilv. Hid Vll w |.i .,. I,, n. . .1 ,,i VMiimn poinis of the invlroptilu e\- acllv followed lin. nl pi e. -edenl s ll'nl whvn the march was concludvd. tlit ti iin.|.cteis liltw a lilant. while the wondeimy crowd stood bareln nded and siUnced, not knowing what to do, till the !ii'inui\ Land in the pro- ceasion struck up ".oil Save the King." 'I hi* familiar air has still lull our meaning in Ijigland. mid the cn>\vd took up the wolils fe'-l.l', with "Hod Bave the King" on Mm tongue, but with "liod Sve the Queen" In mind. A royal salute in relebrat inn of His Majesty's accession was flre<l at oon in si Jau.e,' I'ark. \ ll.i .,1 I .< The vagnrlea of an appur-mlv kaimless lunnlic oicniioi.rd soun- >-\ in. infill wt Victoria Htation I'm Inn the entraining of the l.m i..i (thbornr lloiiin a well-dress. -d null vidual buariUK u letter ad.ln- .-i-il l" Ills Majesty was peruiilti-d ,o p.iss the humors. He hiiiTied to an equeriv and said he wished 111 pri- sc-nl Ihe letter to tlifi KiliK |v I tin in i. n <MI handed over to the police The envelope contained n h a lili-ur.iph from, nun nun nun sulk a teleuiui'h fuiu on the Mags were ai;ain half musted II, s MM lest v was somewhat cure worn, but otherw ise appeared to be lined a shade, and oata 1-8 to l-4c up. PinvlsiiMW at tho close were 5 to la,- lower. Buffalo, Jan. 29. Flour-Quiet and steady. Spring wheat Spot unsi-t- tlid; nominal prices for carloads were N,. 1, bard, old, 87 l-8c; No. 1, North- ern, oUl, 83 5-8. Winter wheat No ffi-i iiitfs or I. ids, No. 2, red, 77c; No. 1 whitrt and nn-d. Tl. , Corn ; No. 2, yellow, 41 3-4 to 42c; N... :) do, 41 1-2 to 41 3-4c; NO. 2 corn 41 1-1 to 41 1-'.V. through billed. Oats SinmK; No. '2 white, 30 l-4c; No. 3 white., 2!) lu 29 Me; No. 2 rninxl. 27 S-4 to 2K-; Su. 3 do. 27 1-4 to271-2c. thnmxh d. Hirley U nrhantr<-d. Hye Dull; No. 1 on track, quoted at :,7c; N,,. 2, MM'. Ihrouifh billed. 1 1 troit, Jan. 2!>. Wheat closed- No. 1 while, cash, ~. ' - red. cash, and January. 7;ic, May, Hlc. IS AND PHOVI<lt)NS. TiHiiiitu. Jan -!.- I' 1 - -I huga con- l.iiii- Htrontr. and of felines are only imxli-rale. II Ml is 7.!0 to f - f i car bis, on ti'u-k, here, and pack i - bid $7.80. Pack.'i s are liuyitu' -|.iiiiik:- ttve.rsc tu tin- pre-eul rane of prices, hi. adv. Tor provisions are as follow . Hi> altil shoulders, 8c; 1. inn |..n IKICHU, loo--, in car lots, lOc; and n ease lots. It) 1-4 to It! 1-L'c; short ,111 pork. $l'Jaii to .n, heavy n S'.-i l<> |19. Sii w k.-d meals- Hams, heay, 1-c. medium. 12 1-2 to l.c; light, lite; l.i. ,ki.i-t bacon. Kic; picnic Iriiu.s. 10c, i,,, I bacon, lie, siimkixl back., I2o. All lin als ilt of pa'kle lc less than an< i SulHi f Bncy goouf; nounce to you the death of my belov- u-ardiaure and Company, tanners; ed mother, ih, Queen; and I know how Silverman and Duuller, wholesale deeply you and the whole nation ,aud I think I may say, the whole world, sympathise with me in toe irrepar- able, loss, we have all sustained. 1 furriers; J. lioa.d-au ami Sons, hats and furs; J. Coh'-n in. I t'.-uip.iny, fur- riers; 13. Levin and Comany, furriers; Laporter. Martin and Co.. wholesale wulk in ( j u< iVjnstiiK- and Company, furriers; , Si-ybold. Son aud li.inpaiit. hardware; need hardly bay that my cun.>tant . n- groci ., 8 , Duelos and Moaeley, leather! deavour will tie always to hi-r foots! "In undci ruing the heavy load ' Redmond tireeuleasc and Company, which n. w dcvuives upon mi', lam furriers, U. U-v>. WIHI.|,-H., ; ciiluioru full} determined to be a constitutional u ros _ t commission mere-hunts; fh.-il- '^n ui Hie t lictest cii>e of the lou aml Company, brokers, Ecroyd wind, and, so long as there Is breath rj r o.. leather; Thus. IXtvidsou and in my body, to work tor the good and Company, tinware, H \V. Uecourte- uuy and l'<nupan>. hardware; Sey- , Sail and l i LI in... hardwire; A. in excellent health I'uring the j than prKcs i|ii< ,-d for sninked n. crosning he wi.s Im-ah eiiKuned with l.ard Tin ' I0c, tubs, 10 to 10 stale d, spali lies nnd t.-lcirriims of 1 _^ l .. , lal | N lul-| u, It) 1-Jc. svmpntliy mi. I imlicluii; repli.'* Km- 1[N| ^, O ,. K MMtKKTS. . peror Willnim will not leave O- borna till after the funeral. a i N.. , MI . .. l TO I'ANADA. III. MJ.lf Ark.ov. .!. tlir !" Ol b) l.l|.lllf iiltawa. Jan. 1!.*. - The following IB a copy of a cabin rei'ived Iiy Hi* I . 'ii-ncy Ihe iio\eiii,ii t.eneral from High! Hon Mr London, Jan riiamberlain a-4. l Kxcelloncy, the i:o\eiii a i.eiienil, Httiiwa V our i iccci\ed of the '-"-'ml .liinu I n l.i.d li.'fore Ills Majesty ig, and I have recuiwd His \l.,.-st\'s ciimniund to expre-s HiioiiKli you and your Ministers his i .-fill thnnkM fur loving s\inpalh\ \iended lo him and to tin- Koval i,u, nl\ by the people of lanniln In i , .^i M.II.IVV 'Ihe KiliK Is ,1. (l pl\ iii..M-d liv the many kind H sagns wl,.. ii I. a-i n-Mched bun from all pints of the Ooininiuu. ittigued), . hamberlaln. T.M-miio, .Ian. '.". Our receipts hen- w-re liht ti--day, and su wu^ mn buin.--s. A lolal of 'M carloads of uu -liorition of my people. "I have resolved to !> known by the mine ,>f Kdward, which bus been Levi, dry goods; U, II. >,mps,.i, aud Co., i.,,n- hv s: X of ,,n IMMte* tn do- l>lutiuw l K.-rnstein and \\,,,-.|,y, im- ing-ao I do nut undervalue the name tKUt( . r ,,. 8t;ir Su ,,, , . , ,-,, .. a W . of Albert, 1 nih.-rit fr.-m my de Cl . lrl .. ajv ., L . 0-i ^chants; -Jim-nte-T RMMI and xs i.s, Ullladiiu shjrt C( ,. AIl . X- Mc.Vrthuf father, w h", oy universal consent is, 1 think, deservedly known by the na- tion aa AllxTt the liuod. and I desire that hut name should stand alone. "In c. u. lu.s ..n, 1 trust to Parlia- ment ami Hie niti-.n to support me in (Hi- a id u us duties which now devolve up. i- in- by inheritance and lo which I .m i!. tei mined i<> il'-Mitc my whole st i cunt h duuiiK the r.ini ndi-r uf my i;(. ." After piv ii>r a list of those who at- ten. led (hi- t' uncil. the t.a/etle nn- h . uiK-eH ih, i the KIIIK sulwenbed the l-ip-r merchant. Many ul ih f.icmen had narrow e capen, but tli-mgu the fure was a most dang.-: ui one, iu>ui> uf them were in- jured, ninl there w i -. n . o-s of life. Tn. li. aid of Trade building was a iii.i^nif c.-ut M\ -.tiiiey -i|iiiri- building < iin-t rucled of red samlstone, and l- uatod on St. Sacrament street, in the hUMii--> p i M of the city. Il was open- ed in 1891, and was regarded as one uf the finesl l.'iuil. lings in the city. I'li.-ie weie a cuup.e uf hundred ti-n- onth relating to the security of Church i^ .?co(Und. COWES TO SPITHEAD. IIU-IIIIK'. and their indiv- idual l<i-^-.s will be more or less heavy. Insurance men r.'unhly esliuiile the Ik-lweeu three and four million dollars, ami it is certainly the worst fir- Montreal his hid for nearly half Outline of the Naval Participation *utury. at the Queen's Funeral. A despitch from ICi^t Cnw.-- It has not yi't ln-en div.,1. ,1 al exact - ly what houi the funeial of the*Jmen DEATH ON A CROSSING. Ih ir IvHlig fi-iijilr Kill,, I HI WIIISII till . ci.iom-nci- on l-'rid iy next, but it A ,,,.,,.,.,.,, f ,,, M1 |:,,v , lnv ill,.. On'., will lirol.ibly ! at about th o'clock ^ , v ... ,. ,.; , (ll , a( .,.,,, ,, ,.,,,,.,( . ,, k ,ai,..- :ll, coll.-.stinn of l.alHI' ! " ""' ' fl< '""" in ' 'I'M.' I 1 a III w hi<-h w , 1 1 ^'^ ,.-,, ,| , v ,,, . rpsult- hi, iil-'Ut UtIO cattle, 7UU sh.-ep ainl|*'"v-y ' I"' ll.v to London ,.| muve tf]t , jn (|u . (lf ||u ,.,. , iv( . I( .,,, laiiilw, and a lew calve* and ui.l.-n -lowly t.. -mil.le the people of the i, rinp!il , K SL( ri,,w in:., two homea. The export trade was fair at from i,. i ;i-4. !H-I p., und ; and lor prime lots a lit ib m . i c \vould no doubl be paid. \ few b.ids,:cd bands. We h:id only a fair muvemenl in th, butcher tnule. Fi-r g<iod to choice attle Ihe rangu is from 38-4 to 4c per luml, with u few deals at 4 l-2c; but 11. ui. ->.,! to . I a giMid view of it. I '. outline of th- naval p.uti.ii a lion, h.cli i^ ih- fn>( of i he kind in Mi II i : i . !la:i,-ti. i,f Whitby, ac- I I y lus I n con. ins, \l iss, s II n ui I Am I: i Knight, of this must o uncommon goo;l cattle to!' ( ^ iiiii ' r<1 11 ' 1 letch lh latter figure just now. Medium sells from 81-4 to 3 l-i!c >ei P und. uud inferior from 23-4 to 8v |. , p -iin t \Vo had n chauge in small stuff; 1 1 ,,de was slow, and shoe.Jt and lambs ie m iin uii.-told The few oalvus here all sold, and Caul. Toiler, of the Unitexl States .,,. ,,,. wanted, especially good veal cuilvi (Jruiil, hiis apiilogiued to Col-i ca | VH a | which will sell easily up to|10 lector of ftistonis Milne for landing | ;,,-!, Japanese at Virtciria, in contraven- tion of the i|ii 1 1 i ni ,ne and immigra- i i<in lawa, and has offered to take Uick to \\ bland. Tiiere is no change in either bulls, fe.-d, -is, stoukera, or milkers. M..K.S are again off, though, all herr aold readily. "Singers" ire worth aa i i in , . I tie pri-essniii will In- pre- d--d by tin- iiiipedn i nd l.. i <b> i|psll,.yel's of Ihe I'ults- li dni.smn. 'I'hrn will come the : \ n h Mbertti, bearing tin- I, .d\ .f th- yii'-.-ii and her lale \ . aides-de-camp. I'tn- Allx-rla will IN- followed Iiy the l(iv\al yacht Victoria and AlU-tt, with K n,' Kdward oil boa id. and then will rniiir- the other Royal yacht Osborne wi(h the ithcr Royal ni<*rneis Thivse will l' followe4 by tho Ad- miralty nnd Trinity yachts, with high naval and military uffioe-rs and states- men. . The Herman Imperial yacht llohen loltern will also participate. Ill, list, bistviy, shows that the .hips U(ttU ,_,,, ,..,, ,..,,, , 11( , , h( . ir uncle| of llu- Chain)'! ami reserve vquadmi's will be stretched ill a line fioin Cow.-. to Spit h-iul. and thi-nee to I'mtsmouili k -. piuj t in- noi t h -i n side of t he route. Ill- li-li'lK'll shlp.i will assemble at Mr. the Ink., and h. n ,,, f am ily ttt x in a h.,i~ .ml u:u r \. were struck by the U.T.ll. fly<-r. whii-h pass, K thn^ijjth in the iifleiiHwin. Mr. T. K.t/jjcr iM, who was it th rrowiing, which is ju*t east of lh- slat ion. .s:iw thnt they were not KoiiiK lo hiv- l in- to (ret IICCOAN I he track, and motion-, I them to .stop, but it w i.s l. MI I i. on the 1 1 i<-k Tin- bunny was fairly \ In-ii Ihe train struck it, killing nil instantly, the horse ewap- in^ with th.- shafts. Oil" of Ihe ladies waa ca.|-ii-.l halt way to th" station, utvd< th,- oibei t uu were i lined m on tin- cowcatcher, all bc-ng b.-tdly cut up. M,.- Kniitht, the ni"lher nf the giiln IN ;i widow. L. B. Ellia of M U.i suicidtd by jumping io frunl of a train. THE GREAT QUEEN'S LIH Sketchy Story of the Life of Oin Late Ruler. The year 1'17 was a memorable one in tn<- b story of Kmgland. Seldom had UM- pr<*pTity of a country which had known no scrou* h.:<-b or obstacl*- t"i a century been m >re eeriously men- ac--d ; never we-e i i-.e destines of a monirchy that had so d the HI in ms nl 'Oil \.-arii cnvt-iouvd in a more fobiddin^ gloom. The death of th. Prino-ss Charlotte opened up the prospect of succenaion to the tin >-ne to Ihe youn/i .st son of George III., and had msp red Inn with a deaire to marry. As yet the only sons who bad taken wiv.-.s were the Duke of York, who hud children, and' the Duke of Cnmtx-j land. -A !io,se first living child waa IL.A lx>rn till 1819. The third broth -r waa Kdward. Duke of Kent, then il year* of uge. He. was; not on terms of ordinary friendship with any of hia brothers. Suddenly he determined tu mairy. Victoria, daughter of l>nke Franz of Saxe-Cuburg, at that time 32 years of age., had taken the Duke's fancy. On July 11, 1K1H, thLs lady bwame the I Duchess of Kent, the future mother of the future ya.-i-n ,>f I-.ii^. ind. 111-. \V VS TOOK. When the Duke waa informed by his consort that he had the prospect of an heir, it waa his wish that the child ahould be born on English soil. The journey was attended with difficulty,, for Uui Grace was pressed for ready cash. In the spring ol' 1819, however, the j.-u: n.-y was made. The Duke und Uu-b.'sa were installed ut KewungUan Palace, then, ss now, a place of residence for the members and proteges of the royal family. an<| on May 24, 1818. "a pretty little Princess, plump aa a paitndge," was born. The Duk wua dt-lighlcil with the child, lie wiiuii 1 dandle and caress her, and then band her to the arms of admir- ing spectators, w i a i.. .aution, "Take care of her, fur she will lie Queen of Kugland." Uia tuat-e dul not live bo enjoy hia parental happiness Umg. It had been pr. pheaied that two members of the 1 wuul.l die in tho e.Hirae of WM. I'he- Duke believeil the pi , phc-cy implicitly, i<ul U. ipp.u-d iq to hia brothers, liii the winter of IblUhe bad tfoue to the sheltered wa- tering place of SidnMuth, in Devon- ahire, "lo cheat,'' as he tiaiil. "thu win- ter." On<- day he bajjpcucd, w In-ii taking a walk, tu gel wet au,' lo catch cold. AfUte mil immaiiuu uf tile luuga supi-imuui and cairu-d him off. "Thu poor widow ifuujid herself, ivwiug lo t-bo X'ulbe s cousidui'abli.' dobu, in a very mu . mfm able poai- tu>u al the lime i hi* death. Her brolhur, L.-o^Miid, enabled bur lo i - luru lu Keiuinglun, where tuc hem e- foilh devoUid beiwlf to fne education of hvi child, Wu> . u Vicluiaa, ' FUUL'llWY *'ULFII.LKD. Six d.iy ittUr Uu.- dualb of ihe Duke of Kent the prophecy above uiuulioueii u c.. uiplU-l> lullillcd by ihe death of hut taiuci, livoige 111. Uu Monday, Lhi- Jibt, Ibe uuw suvci, tbu 1'ini-o Htigeul, wa* prucla ui--d Ueorge IV. 1'tis heallh of lh new Kiuar w a.s piican- ouu; his age wa-s advanced ; he had uo legal heir. 1'bu Duke of Yoik, Ibu heir appareul, w ,u uiirr.ed, had uo family, and bui Uu. IM-O was in a du- el. u 04 stale. Hi- Duk<- ul Clarcmo, Lhe ucxl lu 01 del, w.uj uf ripv age. lie had had twu dau^hlera boru lo him. K.icb of thvm had i..-n n mXaucy, L>ul further ,-u,-, ill u^ii nut proUible, .still noi au impiMisiblu coiitin- I'he next in u was Ule miaul L'I n -03 al Kcusingion Paluoo. Uvury year aa il pasM-i^ by made il uior tnai if only i he life uf Lhe royal bubu were parvd upon ' her the uai'iiaichy ultimately 1:1 i de- volve. V.s a in i. i. ! ol fact :he piu- phelic boast uf Ihe Duke of lv nt wa- i ulf illeal .-.u l.i-i than might have- U-en llUtU.-ipuled. I'he Ill-Kent lei^ne.l for just 10 yea is after In* ascent to l be Lki one as Cieurge 1\ ., ihe Duke ol Clarence just seven ycam as \\ IV. Uu August 30, IStii, Kiag William, who bad acceded to tile throne un ibe death of bis brother, in 1KIO, K U VO a dinner party at Windsor on bis birth- day. There waa one person whom the King d-iv|.-.d more even than bis Ministers lh mother of the I'rin oeas, the Ducbivu <>f Kent, who h id not been sparing in her criticisms on the ie<-v(j> ; 'n she had met fmm the royal family in tiagland. The Ducheas hnri applied for a sail of apuriments for hi own use m Kensington Palace, and irul ben refused by the King 1 . Sin |i -prtated tha rooms notwnliHtan,! in,; lii den:il. The King informe.. li,-r put I civ that he neither understood nur would enaui <-'n iu.-t o dis- tful to him. Tins, though HIM ! .u tly aud pui'licly, wa.i uuly ih mut- ti'i.ugs uf u atoiin \vhcb ,>rke next .lay. It was th rryal butlid ay .lie King hud invited a hundred ; 10 diuut'i. la.' Uu< n . . ..i Kcul a.U i. n on aide ul 11. s 'M .j. .sty. une uf hi.s HiHlura un the other un.l ihe I'r.ncess \ K lorni oj ni.aiie. UL'..\OL.NCliD HKH MOTUKK. WiKtii replying lo a .-p, .->u .11 ubicb n. .* health had been proposed, the K iij; i.uist luriii in a hiiu-r tirade j^a.tLst ihe DucneiMi. '1 trust in Uod," h- en-la m-<l, "that 1 may have the natiafaclion of leaving . -yai auiuunly ou my deaiu .u ihe ual excicme of thai young; lady l;. lining to the. Prinoeiw) the heiress pi .-auiuplifte of i hit crown and nut m tne bauda of a person nuw near me -,\ In > uuriouniu-<l l>y . .,iv..-.i-rs. and Abu ui herself incompetent to act with 11 < pent ty in thu ulai.uu in which she . ul.l be placed. I have uo hi-.s. in saying tlut I uuve. be.en insulted gnmaly and continually insul e,l by th.-it persun, l>ut 1 am determined to endure no lunger a course of brhavior so disrespectful to m.-. ' The King parti<-ul.irly < niplalned of the manner in which tho Princess bad l>eeu prevented from attending st orurt by ber wither. the future," he said, "I ahull insiat and command tint the Princess il'i upon all occasions appear at my wxirt. rm It io, br duty to do." ll-iving with an anathema the KLnff ended with a benediction, speak- ia ot the Pt-'n<veaa and her futurs reign in a tone of puternil ini ml iff.N-.troo. The effect, ho-^ wliwh tJw rij-al utter in> --1 punli ...... I wa al inning. The Queen |)oki-<l m I-^'P d 1 1 truss, the I'nn. ,-.-< burst inlti tears, the DUt-hiwa of Kiit said nut .1 WMTtlj bill soon afle,r leaving the r oin, ajinoiincwd IKT .iiiini-di.itR <Vv parlure, an. I <n dercd her i;i>fe. 1'lwr.' w-i^ lit one event whi*0i His Mnjewly wiOie.I t-i live to wiineas in bU " Irtid-loixak-.Ti realm," UB devmn - Ly IT ij-il that ho in.jat liv till the I' ui.-i's.i Vii-4nri:i w is of ;ige. Uis prny- er wu just grant. ,!, but only just. It wan not until she was U years fcl that the Prince** Victoria was lrmuted tu know tn hitrh destiny reaervnd for her. and evmi thn the knowlAilip) came ui an ulmoat accid- ent. id manner. AVAILED A I.OKD. HkanwbiJe tlim future but>buntl of tho PrinceiM and hor cousin w:i.t grow- ing up in t:>-rin.i.iiy. Prinoe Albert, the aoti of tin Ufukia of Cuburg, was burn at Hiiwaii.u in the August of Lhe aaiiie yeur aft Princess Victoria. nil it ui a ciiriMim ix)inciilnc, con- *iilTin th futtiro ounm-ction of the children, tbxt MIIH-. Sielxild, the ac- cotu-.heeM) who atlnikded the Uu chess of Oiuurif. at lh birth of the young li ino. had only three nioutha bi-fore atbemled the I'uvhess of Kent at the birth o< the Princeaa. "llow prulty little MnyfK>wi>T," wntiis the v KING EDWARD VII. The New Ruler of Great Britain and all Her Colrniet. tradict the things which L.nly Ter- *ejr said of her, and to other Whig allies." Tiled* were days in which party spirit ran high, in I pnett a ted th* whole fulnruj of dvciety in kjig- liuid. Within two or three years of thw time Priiioeaa Vie.toria had taken bar place in that society .is the heiresa to the .EnffJinh thr>ni-. FW national the Princess oompletnd her mnjurity on the eigh- teenth anniversary at her birth. On ffune 2, nine daya after this a*ent hail tak -n pl.u-e, the k ng wits oXs[Mtratly ill and dull on June J!l. THE t'OHON \ I'luN Tim King d ' i : J i <m the rnorn- Ing of Jun lill. in I : 'ie young l)ii".'n met hor Ciiumcil it Kensington Pil- aoe. at 11 u ju. the same day. After h ivijig received tbn two roy.-il Uuke-i, this two Arvhbc-ihous,, the I'hunccilur and the Priiuo Minister Lmrd M.-l- bnurnrv t Ii- proeia ma turn wris rnad to the CViuncii. the iL-uaJ order passed, tbn doom were tbruwn upen, and the young Quiwn enter.-. I. Of tlie proceedings the Clerk of the Council wrote: "After .h,- had r.-i.t bjsr speech and taken and signed the tin- grandiuuiber both of A!t>ert and Vic- toria, Ihe Lkju.-i^-e.r Dm of Co- burg, to the mujc.he.iw of K.-nt, "will be fwhen I seo it in a year's time. Sie- Ijuld can not sufficiently de.erilM; what <i|dar litll knv it is." The Mayfluw- er above spuken of was, of cou'se, the I'rinceas Victoria. Fro;ii a very eniy period the Downier Ducbosa permit- ted he-r^ulf to entertain i h hope that IK-I- two Kiiiinli-h Idrcn would tbere- afmr become man and wile. On February a. r i, 1H81, whn n<it quit 12 years o< ae, she alien,,,.,! hr first drnwintg runn. 'Lady Jer- sey," writeM Ihe ainiisiiiK Mr.ti i . vi lie, " mad*- a -.veue wi>th L urd Duihini, Sh> gxil up in -i .-orn.r of Ihe room nitd said: ' Lord Huihun. I h<-a r that you have, said 1hins ilxuil in which in.' not true, and I desire you will call up. in in.- in- in.,- n\v with a witness to hen,r iny |Nisiliv denial, ,11. 1 1 hojie that you will not repeat such tlniiKs I|M>III me.' She was in i fury, and he in a .still greater II - unit l<'j-cd ih:ii he should never set fool in hr house, ,-ngnin whio.h nhn did not h'iix, und, after delivering herself of h-,r aoupoh aho flouncnd hnok agnin (<> h*r seat, mightily proud of hir exploit. U aroe out of her saying that h should mak<n Lndy Durham ie- in in.) au audUoo uf ths Queen to oon. oath for the security of the Church f Scotland tlw Privy Councillors wr sworn, the two royiU Duk first by themselves, and as t\vo old nutn. her uncles, knelt tN-fire her, .twearLng .. -> nnd kinoinu ha ml, I saw hr bluib up to the -y s. aa If aha felt thu ountrnirt beiw.-m tlH-ir civil and natural relations, and tolls wait the only sign of en. i .she evinced. H.-r manner to t.lmm waa very irr:u-.,-ftil md nngag- ing. She ki:<s*d them both and rose fnim her chair und moved toward the Duk of .SuHHex. who waa furthest fnm her und too infirm lo reach her. .She aeemed rrither Iwwtldeie.l it tin- multitude of men who wivrn sworn and who came, one ufUar -inui her. tu kiss br hand, but sli did not .-.peak to anybody, nor did she make the slight- eat difference in bar manner, or show any in ber countenance lo any individ- ual of any rank, station, or party. I pnrtioul i.rly witched her when Lord M--ilx>iiriic. und the Ministers and the LDuke of We, ling-ton and Peel ap- in nu-her her She wen* through 'hi- wh^H- twrBuiony ocnastonully looking at nine for in.-t ruction when she had uiiiy duuUt what to do, whu-h ALEXANDRIA CONSORT OF ENGLAND. hardly ever occurred, and with per- fOt cu.lmnem and self-pussussion, but al i lie ..uiie i .me wilh a graceful uiud- wty and pr..p.- :ety particularly inter- eat Lng iuid .n m a i riling." On OcioUer 14, iKU, that is, four days after her ;over bad readied \ViuiUo*- tne Queen informed Lord Melbourne, tbm sli h.,.1 made up Her mm. I as lo h-.-t siarii i^e. I >n the l.'.tli ahe thus wrote to ll.iion Sluakuiar: "1 do f.-l >u iu l;> 1 know ml bxxw U> btigjn mif le-llur, but 1 think the. II.-WS .1 .v..i riMU.IIU Will 11 'i Ai- bert has cojiip! t.iy ,vuu uiy hi a.iul all was >. . . -d I. tiv.-eii us tha munung. ..If. a he will make inu very hupp\. I .-u I . . n d say I fell an i-.a:a.u uf making bint happy. Lc>po>d mimi tell you ill aboul t{b details, wbinb 1 have uot Ume tu do." Ill'- ul'l'.i-ial and public announnir - -t lol ha. w M u. il made either .a >,. in.any or Kuglaiid till the . . . Tho Pr^noe arrived in Knglaiid for his luuniagi- ;840. The marriage txmk . t'.-uriiary ID ui ;ln .11. .p. l .,i >, .1.1:11. 1*1 I' .lace. "Thi- ULOI ., n^," writiv* Tin i*lora Jlartiui lu tii.s "Life, uf the I'rnie.- i ,iu- sort," "had L.-II \vet, luggy and mal, hut tbe day was uul to w ml tile happy uau.ui oJT thai sunshine which uauvu al'u-xward lo be pruvor- kiiuwu as 'yuceu'.-* weulher.' Souu al'-UT the rel-ura of tbu br:dal party n uul the rbnp-1 the clouds paa- s.l uff, the. -.uu simile .mi with un- br.lliancy and tb iln.n imi who luii-d In. roads fj un Uucking- buoi i ' | the sovHreiign and ber hu Ihey passed win iiiorn foil . than t huso who bad . inwd d tin . Ucs o/ Si. Jaiu---'-- I' i o ' .11 ' i"' n iu{, mf rain. . ml cold, to wa- nt-as Ibe tu.tliil |n ..i ssum ou Hi way lo and fi 'Mil iiie ha|u-J.' .t.thsijukiiu*, the hearty efforts of th utJy herself with her su -j ol.-. a.'id tu j'loinote the r w 1 far.'. urr ait- 'r; t - h.iv. ' upjn i u '"'J. ud Oxlunl. i.ii-tl a pus i . II. ll. i peatvd by -Mtu a si- ,\ .iptii ui u i j i -nun -pot. Ibe inder tin HIM ll- l*n lc uum-<l liean similarly - . sa..->j,i'i i.i.-. Inn n'-- wd from Hi-comp. -ii'njt this .M,j,-ot by u boy . . who hupp J* d tu )>e near. I UK KUYYi. LINK. Thi> I^Utuln was l nun, III "1 ii with the pii-viiiiis i .-iniiie. i il among .Miily , i .1 liiiiu hi r v LI U 1 . is'bli<r of Kdward, Duke of K- nl, I h .11.. i i CK Lewis Prince of - Sun irf George II.. I . i if I'linc-.s. Sophia, who mnrrind .il ll.inovi-r. Umnht'-r of .laini-s I., Sim .-f Mary ij: u of Sc D.I.I. . . i: V . -I - S.II1 .it" I'l II' M du Piu^ii.- .iy Vll., .if l-'.lni'ind Tudor, Karl of Ita liniond, IKiiii;liii>r "f Joliii du M. iiitort, .Mai,|ii.s .T S".'ii. a -.-I .IIK! D' : Sun nj" .lohii "f iJiiuni Duk" of isi--r and Ixlntf uf Castile aud Son of Kdw.iid HI., .f Kdw-.-ird II., f I'd % aril I., i II ii iy 111. SIM of John uf Magno Charta fam.v. s.iu if il in y 11.. >,<u ,>r M.n.ldn, wife, uf tieoff.-ry I ' . n," nvt, Dainrht'T of H-nry 1., Sun in* WiJIiam the l'on,|ii. i ur Ih- . tiiiuiKh the. (icurgea . i,,i>-||i||. I'h.s faniilv \\ ir round d in t89 by VllUlpbus lliinin|- hu.s of tin, Iph, i In. first uf ih iiiuiii- iii K iikti nf i-i:\. H- siiiw i|iiciitijr ubta.ll d IMIH-I ssi.ill .if H. nail I. mil Ih- (Iiielphs ruled III- ri< for III.TI-.V i-n- irds In-ld sivay in Sivuiy. On-- 'i. : h 'in Iphs. \\ Ilium, uiid-ii <>f I h-' House of I nil- ll.-ri{. had scv u -ons md i -III daiiKhi -is. The HHMI- lafTe d i IK' I hcmsulves noi In d:\id ih iluk- do-it. I'lle. to In- sel'-cied liv lei . was " ii'.iry. -I-H! .d his i-hildn-ii after him wi-rn Co lull. Ill il.M. -nil i i HI.;, n. --ill ^^as i to tile leili-r. ami i. ^ xlh brother, won t hn iiionia; pii.-."-. Ili^ MIIIIIX-'.-I son, Allull>iils. sin eei-di-d him, v <np i h i- "phi i, daiik'h- lh K '.IK of Huh. mill, v I i i- liter of olir .I.-lllle* I. I'll- HI ctr.-s- ^ -idi a, KmnildiiiiKh- 1 i ..I .1 i m-- I., would have sm-ce idi .1 lo Ihe III ll.sll flow IV oil the rl I'll 'I I 'u- i-.i \inii-. Hu: she d.i d .,-> en K I. ,,ire thai monarch, mid her -inn. ti. ol'x- I.. L . ! II" ' III .'lie M\ way ni' .IIIIIU-M 1 and ln '! i '. i^u.-.-u was i-i'iin- . l d \-. 'i thi Illll I'llN. -i|| . | -d .t| tbl WIN l K I lie ll' l:.-n- of S-nl lan.l. .1 un > I., "f Kn^lund, and I ll< sivth ivT - i son u| Mary. Qm-i-n .11 Scots, '\lios,- 'm in trac.-alil" back o Bllanb ' li l''in- ciin, and Miileolni. (if traffic Inn.-. I'hn Ss-oii-h l-ii'-. tin- \oim.iii line, and the i ..' liii"i|ili u. ill ,iii' fi ill'- I'll-- u in. i ti. \ ii famil> lie old Hi n-h m.'ii.-iithv It il claimed thai nn<- brunch of the fam- ily t ' i.-s to \|fri d ' he ' and Kiflieni. I'll,, v s i a, -. -iri'. I ill I lll> I'll II M,.' I'' ll-'l ill ' ' '4 I'l -i ji .Hive, uf the Ivngli-h ,11