JANUARY 17, 1*01 THE KLKSHKRTON ADVANCE Cftfi.1 YOUNO Haoaai*, Maratlal* >ua gauaral baukinw,lnitw*ll. ttvawy l*aad 4, re&n.jriatile ratu C.ll on 01. & 8 VANU1ABN, J P A iTWk MM !'i Covrt, Co Ory iu*r of M. .... i -!.!! <-OI*TMKI aUrf, Public Auctioneer. Honay to loa>u at H par eenH. Cltaryaa uidral* FLIftHBBTOII F DBBTi COLLBCTBI> The uu4er*if|ne<i It | **< to a*i.lartaku th" collactlou of all kind* of (Wbt*. r><^K> eot!ted *M. M ICHIHL.KTT Kla*h*rtou Station r- utinmtet ,Co:nmi**loi>ar la H O i, CoDy- auoar. Hxe.l*. mnrtgatr* las*** and will* rwn. Mono) to laud at H P" eeat * up- r I. UcbU collected. Cbarioe OKxiarate. R j Poatuewter. Coinini*li>uor la H. O. J.. Auctioneer Cow tiyancnr. Appraiser and Money Leader fcaal Ktat and Insurance Agent. DeeJi orti;*<<*. laatai an I wllli cerefnlly drawn Kau I valualluu* mails on ibortewt notice. inny to loan at lowest rate* of intwveet. Col U.'ti ,ui atton.lnd tf with prowptaee* Obarn4 low. AgmiC for Or*s ttouaTDlett Seaa.mh 11* Cous/suv. A ewJI wllcfMn. AO U \V ujtseTery tn aa.l Ibird Uooclaj In each mouth, in .a'lr lortga room, ClirUto' block. PlBiinrtoo, at p o. V. litrn W U. ; A U (Hbunii. Hacordar ; W. h.lmuy. Kiuandr. Viattlng brrikrao Icrtud PKINCK AKTHTR tXJDOK, Ho. S3>. A. A U. liimtl ill Hi" V<. rote ball. (Hrln I lock. FlenhartOD, everr Kfdr or bfor :h- full uwoo. J * Hcyd W U; W J Hvilanir. Sftcrotarr POUKT KIjKHnEftTOM. I. O. V. Mta ID Chnsto.t Illoch th UM Friday rrenlnc a ....-'I month. VKIIIUI rornlert bcartily lcome. (',. K..II. K. Dyaoo; B. , T. - DotM, DR. B C. MURRAY. I,, D. H.. J.ntal aorfron: h uior KrMduata of Toronto Unlfaralty and K l i UKI' "f l)ntl rtjr(toDi of Outarlo n:n |>i>.ll Ariii.troug J.w.ll.rr Htor Will vimt Krilim the la<t Wloe.lT of each iijonth, and UumlaU land f Taarailajr In each uiontb. J. W rilOHT. L L. . HarrUtor, Holloitor Confafaoaar. at* ri-n.-n sit to |K>ntofllo, Hproula'a black- rii!i-<rtoii, overr ThuraJa and. aoart day* f H .(i won Huund ofnea, Froat* kloak Fuulott atrmt LUCAH. WHKHIT A MrtKlM.K HarrUten Hulu-ltori Convataacan. at Olflort* -Ownii s-iiin I, Out andMarkdalallnt. W II sVuM.ii r. C A HaraoM I B Li-caa N H riaaliorton offlea, MHa*wB'* Baak ivory Baturday. Tl-''Ki I. A I'ATTKKBOB llarrlitnrt. Solicitor*, ate Motion a Hank. Owaa Boand hAHRY O TUCKKH OKO W FATTEMON MAKAY * SAMPN. BarrlaWr*. *e OKFICKH : Owen Hound, Merehanfa Kaak in... k, N -it I'att'raun lion**. Uaodalk. Mai" Htrnut.evory Hi.tur<lay. AO WACKAY.M A. II.B SAMTMOW, i..i. n . Orowu Attorney for Ory. DU CAIITKU M C r <* Out, I'll v.irlan, Hnrf *on. *t< rto'h.'r'oii iiinmi -Ntralu's block. Hoeldonce aluuihaw'a llut*l JOHN A HCOTT. M II M . mi..-. Collaan rhynlr A Hnrgo Ontario <lra'lual in Mrdloloe o Toronto Uulveralty. KHllwiihl|> l>i;>lnina, Poet (Iradn- at* Millie*! School anil llniiiltal, rhlKo Oirann* of evn, *ar, nowe and throat epacially tr.ti- 1 IUi.| l .|:ca,Uaxw*ll,vl*lt*r*T*r*baiii Hi .1. I > n- 18 Jp orTKwni.t, Veterinary HurRaon .rlule of Ontario Veterinary Collate. flMi.tance flcund dotn lontH we*t on Wary atrunt Title *tr**t run* >n*lh i I'linrob. 0\v. M \ < n \ . t.<i-1iitry 4nr.<on and Oantlat. Wai all, iraduaW Ontario Vt*rlnary TalUe*. oinilatn.l with I.. r. .lit i Unlvaraltjr. Vlilt* Miyinla W ...In. lav (mm II am to I p. m and Puvamliain Tlmriilav from I to t p. m. BOAR (or SERVICE Tb* r*(iitr*d fimworth Boar 1'nur |.\W n \S fur rrio* at Port !. B oau b loan by applying |oown*r. " I- . i n IU-PS' Scales TtIK IIKST AVAILAUI.K I'h.i .ini1*rfl(i.d I* nailing th* )>* Pann rl-alKH aliat nan In prodtiaml ou Ui* inarkat, k i .wi AH tli > Mi. .1 1 Truck *cal0. 1 *lao Baaii >i i.k'11-..u anil KliMirv reuali* on hand, alio . u -"it Motions Tor illtfirdiit maehloery. i! <r-a thoMiiu doiifi on ah* oiott apprnvvd l> 'n ill'* an I litva work1 anilor the ^aiytai.eonilD Ilia fHA Cousvv M JULMT J. B. 5loan & son Prnprirtfrr GET YOUR tek, l>x>ri. FlwmDg Stating, Newel Posts, Baluiten Hand Railing, Corner Blocks the best of Spruce Lath.No.l and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fitting, Sidings, etc. lining of ill lig.s Dens to Order run of S,,m,-H for Chopping, ipn in all our line* guaranteed Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph ; ; Gallery I re dune in firat-claas ityie nd at ? loweat rates. Special attention P HM to copying. Babiea' photo*, jfe a apecialty. Pictorea framrid. MRS. BULHER '.. ir;liH.'ii the tcna<irial lies!) from Mr. Ijf(tartl I wish to announce that i In- IxiMnern will bu cotitinuttl in the old [.rrinivv W . have had a l.iii;r city vx|Hjrienc and believe we can give perfect atinfactioi) in <>nr line. Ha.- taken over the agency for I^olston Laundry AN D Parktr't - <Dy - Wrk, And all ordeni left with un will receive {irninpt and careful attention. Fliskartoi Skafioj Parlirs A. \A^ilson . . F*rop. jSlew ing (jet- the tail . the Ifaii.-i in fly HeaNun. Si-c it. A full lm i>f *wi'Bt PH<IM, (histt-r*, wliipn, culUrd, Hb(MML hoof iiintnitMit, curry iiniilix, trunki, valiit-a, etc. Sro tin, Snnitary l!rci fur upntlcnicn'i w'r nnly 4CK- JUT pair. w. MOORE: UARNK.VSMAKKK H t>l'Hlli.\ , ONTARIO $900 VKAKI ' Y '"t man or wnnmn to look after our growing tnisnu<.s In this ami niljoininx Counties ; to aot is Mainj{or and C'orri'it|>ondiit; work can In- doiiK iktyour hnine. Enchwo lf HildiuiHvil, xtHln|>fd envl(i|>o for |urlii-nlin to H A. Slmrin>n, (ciiiiiAl MaiiK'>T, Corcoran ItutM- ini;, o|>|H>mtu I'nituil StaUM Til- .IB- HI-) , WftNllillKtlMl, I). (1. Wm. HcCalmon* Importer al and Dealer ! , scone & CraDite and Xarlle Work OF ALL KIND AHD Inscripiinna Cut on Shortest Nntioe. n at., Flrslierton Ctmnty C4MIIKU The following gentlemen cnmprwe tfce County Co.ncii for JW1 Divuiim I- K. J. Dbjk, jr., and CW Our dull. Division * J<rph Prinfile and Thua. Harness. Division 3 Chas. McKiiiu..n HI, 4 Gx-w Reis. Division 4 Jaax* AUvn *d Audiuw 8cli end. Division 5 <-eo. Wataun sod John McArthur. Division 6 Neil McColman and D. K. P . -t i Diviftiun 7 George Brown and W m. AjdM*. Divikion fr Julio lUcDuMBld aod TVn. Wiliseroft. Prt Law From Our Ovm CvrretfXftidet, t The ilikses Vmie sad Louie Tlninp- son tiin- N-i-n an the sick list the \nttl week. We hupu to bear M>II uf their recovery. Mr. C. Napier lout a hone last week. Mr, Alexander Muir called aruund la* 1 week Mr>. (In i. and John Beecroft are visit- ing fri.-n.l-. near iiarric. Mi** 1'aul of Eugenia is the cu<*t of Mrs. H McHaator. How she got here inwt Iw kept a secret. Where there's a "\N ill" there'it a wsy. Mr. Haney, who hiw earned Her Maj- esty's DMiil the paat four yearn, aitti<nit RiiHStng a sinxle trip, ami l*en obli);ing to the public, no* iteps down and out. Mr Uoon* is ln suLceasor, and wu bavv no doubt will pnrve jnst an obliifini; and efticivut, hut many sro enni-un to ki>ow why tin- UMI,| coirae was not pursuit of idfertmiiig fm tenders. We believe in ItntL-li fail play and liuei*js IHJHU tone o; en mul above board. Our tirother ncribo of Wsrehsm trl's of a Mr. Anderson who has made a "flying VIMI" to that burg from Swinton l'i\rk. We fancy we ee Mr. Anderson jumping .in his front fenee, Mapptng IIIH veraphic appendagtrs, neiug Kfacefully to a dizzy height ninoiiK the feecy elomU, >anng over thu 1*11 pines and tamaracks of I'niUin, hKiBMg down at t mien in )m luajuHtic Might with a pitying eye On those less fortunate mortals who are destined to ploti alonit liff's critzy way on foot, alight iui; in Wareham to shaku the NIIOW fr. in his downy pint.. us and then wing lu way homeward SKainst the tempest and itgain alixlilnig on l.ix own front fence. Liberal-Conservative* Meet. L*Mt feftiaVfS C. P.R. rlpti-Mbn n-tht Nisn bock In Oraxigsi ill* from 8t. MkBael'a hnsjjital, Tuttmtn, aliero he ha* been (f>r tl.e unal f..or iiiotitha, MisH Nilon, it will b reineniberrd. 2ft the you Hi' Wly wh-i w., xbut in the bach b)'OttVay Hunter iri the iHCidose groiinila here i>n DutniuiuD l'iy Gertie waa cheerful a..d hopeful. Init it is lo b* re- gretted Hut her coiitlition ia in tie betu-r thui when he Wriit away fttiu wait tak- eii to her LOI..C in M..I.U, a few mile* from ivwn. Crmgeville San, Dee. 190). To Ih* ptililic ;- Y"r Jin^t;i.-.t ia hcreliy aUtliUiizt-d in refund the purciiiisw jjrice mi a twenty-five or bfty cent liotile of Gieen'* Warrant<l Sy, ^, of 'lar, if u fail* to cure yur f>ui;h '.T eolil (.Signed ) Tlte U-.fi.-r H Oiei He Co. The Markets, Orrrrtrd farh We rr Wheat. white Wheat, r.d lUrler Batter. . . K_'g f r - - > 65 to :' (.;. t* O 60 to ; 30 to iw t<> X IS IV at.>es HEAWKKi Pain tack of your eyes? Heavy pressure in your head? And are you sometimes faint and dizzy? I your tongue c>- uc d ? Bad taste la your mouth ? And docs your food distress you? Ar you nervous and ir- ricabi* ? Do you often have tht bl'jes? And are you troubled about Ducks Turk rye prr Ib Geew per Ib Kl.-ur MM.. 7 00 to 7 O 30 -.. 30 16 to 19 40 lo 59 9 to 10 7 u 7 93 4O 7 00 to 80* CUibbia*; List T.IC Alliance sod Mail and Kmpire fl.8O i Tu!y New* 2.3O Suu US,, ROAD NOTICE, seeping? But there is cure. iJ ihs old rclitbte At the annual nirvtin^ of the Liberal Cmiatrvativ* Awociation for Em>t ami CoiitreOtcy held in MarktUlu ou KniLty, Jan. ll'li, the following ufhovm wore el- : -IVeaitlwnt, Thou. K.-1N , Vice ., Thoa. Abercromhia ; Sec., W. Turner ; Trva., Jamra BlSKlia ; Audi- tora, C. W. Kut!o<li{ti aod \Vm. Jackaon Town*hip Vice Pret., aa follows : Eu "hraaia, S J. McKnii{ht , Thornhury Arch. I'.iniplK-ll ; Colin KI.. <l, tl IKI.IL;, i ; llollaod. Win Haniptun ; Bui- livan, Jo. Pruntlf ; ()j>r-y, Sam I Ty- lor ; Arti-incMia, (!e<>. Mitcball , Mnrkdalv, S. J. II . -. n ; St. ViiKX-iit, J i;. . . . Slii'lliurne, (i. M. Yanc ; .Mi-l.untlion. S. Mi I I'.m-ll ; 1'niton, I'ln iat>-)>li>-r John -.n ; Mi ,f, til, \Vm Cook ; Dundalk, S C. IW-II. UuBolatiutlK riiTMslng utmost fiHilidviir.-in Mr. J.P. Whitiwy. M.IMV. Irmli-r oF the o|ipoHitii'D in the l<>l Ir^is l.iiuii-. :nul alo in our uiriiilu-r-i. Dr. Son ult-, M.P.,nd Mr. I. U. Luww, M V.I'., i-re uiiHiiimouRly |-.iv il . K l- heirhyt:rro thotaftw for w-k - i hurs^f lu U- >- jut.-r. r I. !;: u A ivauc-o. lio flr^t l>-ihlit-a~ Wn ml.- tin.. I .i, ..t Jrniar At).. 19m.> The .,i n- ..-I] .. ! t ....t ^..luf :.t t' jwL>bi|of Arteun-aia- iR|noLrl t" |.in I'viaw to uMaMiih t*-y . -I IrTUtioa of road in the MI I i,,ii-hi|>. i/. : 1 At I Km) -r L'.! tlia: certain panol or tiact .if lao.l --.intpl> iuuvl^li^iutiie Townbip of Artcuiovia in tb Coantv of GTMV aixl Fruvuim c'cti.i . cnucaiuia^ L>v ,[- )ea>ureuieut one aiM one aal/a^-ic . ba tb* atn* aiore or ].-*. b.|ui( r'-rti|.(.!>e*lof part of lot thT. tv-ix. f in the ttmt c^moajaaiott sort h of the Dnitiaia Ko.l ID -.ki-i 1. " . ing n>ail alNiwaLCC tip chain )u H tri* liuauf wlucit :.jv L^* TLKM'O pait, *i > .tvcribu.i ail - tll:l ' * tc *A\ . Cotuu>anetn at a point to ttoa vantorly hn-it nfuidfot I 'taut uurui iht 'lci(rwia WMI tl cb hint lw*itv liuk* trxiii in^ *outb Vf.,twrly mil of -t: .:.. 2'tefii >>ra. i*st thr <-ham* thir*., Uuk*. tb*nca n rtb - wmt tight ihaMi* titty link-. li nc* i-r-n tutrty-uno Joyrma WMI tbrar chami th-.r- r limit of aaM tot- Alt mi I tmifular tin: .vrtaiu paruvl or \\ Tin- lioi'iisecoinnniuii..n( > r* n|>|MiintiiI for CrMtindn-y inc. ClutrK-a I've, IV MoCnl oiinh, HII<| Tln. MUMI. For S.ull, (Jrt-y 1'atriik J'lu-lan, Win. C.il.lwill Hlul Tin . I Vn-lllnmll. S.iiiini) Duck of (.irHiid Valley in no ilmkf when it coma to VHIMII .-ti-i % i-.< Ilia l.itoit nroiluotion iir tlint lino i-. 'JT niontlis old Hinl nii-asuriH 1> fret in lenctli. huif<l>t 4 ft. 1 inch., around kulncyn 7 ft 1 inch, HI noil lienrt 7 ft. Wv are not told its > ii'hl Thu lutle vilU((a of Kinibt-rley M c. in ing to the front l.y lfpR and bounds ItH UteHt indiiHiry IH a (lootry mill. Tin in. HI who ruim the poetry inacKitxi aliio nit-iuU sli .I-H Kiid writes for several liical pupcrn. Thu latrnt thin^ in verso llml lie has Kroiuid out is a.i followu : ".Miiy oilier* for Xmaa chet-r, Havw conm and one from here, For ... ln-i (..HI-- will itecr. Until another returning J'eur, My iln>ii..|iU rf *o very tpieei, Oh. llye hje, eookoo dear." Our rpmlors will doulitlrm H>;rtv with thu iiieeli-inii- that Ina "thoughtn are so very ijuuer." To Cure a Cold In One Day Take l.axatlva Uroimi gulnlna Tal.lrtn. All rtrug.itrfiin I the IIIOIKY If U fallti to rura n-. K. W.Uiove'*iinatura laonaaoh box, i They act directly on the liver. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick headache, nausea, and dyspepsia. Take a lax-five dose each nigh:. For 00 years years they have been the Standard Family Pills. Pr. 25 MM. All ntrbn. " I have taken Ayvr'a l*1>hi rfn- larljr for au inonUu ~^J aofi rur*d m* of a Mratf> bMutatw, tad I can DOW walk from two i lout iall tthoat ctltc tirad aroit of brftth. nn>ltKa< t ban Dot baan abla to do tat n-any )fai.' B. K WAI woax, Julj U, 1XW. Salcra, MaM. If on b* MIT pomp4*l*t whatortr and .lr*ir.- tht T ^lt medrJ Adr1( roa (MI potl.l; nclT*. wrlt th door frl Y will r*Ml* a ptvoil t- Itj mi- * ..,i CM>. Ad4raa. 1 'K J. C. ATUw. Lowell, MMI. book's Cotton Boot Compound sucoewfuUy aeed monthly by ovnr WLadle*. Safe, efleejtaal. Ladies aak ruur droKll tor Cook's Cones lott Com ake no other, a* all Mixture*, pill* and Imitation* ar .Uurou*. Prlej, No. 1. II i*r box; No, t. 10 dKr^*ilrori|rf>r.tlp*ibux. No. I or 1, niallixl on rmwipi of prtc* and two s-erRt Stamp*. Th*) Cook iv.n.pf Windeor, Cat. IWNoa. i and 1 noUaad rvooDuaaaded DT all tespoiulble Urugglit* lo Laaada, No I and N.v t M .>].! In Kleabfnn t>v \V K Hic-h.i Uun an.) W. 8. Chrtstoa, prKu:>c >:tuau. lyiuu an. I r' -t \rt..uwaia in tba> vine* of UutII c.ni uiut un and tw >-: liu.U ranr lac*. 'King com |v.l in f. Drit cooavMioil .1 1 m tbo aaid twiibli> .. on cliain in wi.lth, tb nx.r partic u arl tri.-t i>l Ian I ueinim th laoiinit t a it-ii>a'.ir *c>f. Ui DID -j.n of part i>f l.'t Ihirt north et tli |i-r i-m bi-irix i . i - follown, tbat >fl to ay r 'lit tlia '' t'l" tlitrtf -14 cliainii fi..ii. iha cnUi <-a>rl> !)(;;<.. of *ai I lot thci o.. r.i-rtii ..<ui -011.1 duvrca* waat flTaehainii forty li'iki.ttianov north i:htv-tbrav ltaka,tbDOi : ^i re* meat <ix cbaloa i-votitv :i:A- i::. - T :,-< to a point m th 'v Uuiil ..r wi , In liatant north ainbtT- >-ibty-thr Loan tw < .1. . . I <%hl lot. : Inn I an I pr imi f Arteia-ia MI th* t Ontario, con- j-n: two and .-o - ijtbtna acrea, be tbe aanis tuix-e er lea'. iH'iin; :-\ of |>ii t f ft.t tturtv tu Ui* Hreuuil i|>, bviui i roa.1 i-l. am in wuub. tb* mtntri) llnw ,.f wiilcii iu*% Ni m-iK oarticiilailjr JwcrLiM.1 a.-* fullow*. th.it i\ to *ay I'l.iinnti-.eiii:; : a l-..| .- In thu n^uthorly -r '.,! l.t. .1 -t+ii-. u.'rtb vhcriti tw.> ena u.-iily~ibre link* f.-tj auirth-wj A.I K I ..r *aiJ lot, liortb i .1. ,,... vrmt two c>ialu* i. \ y-fo'ir UnV^, thi" w-v ji,rxb *1ft.*ii du*]roaie> w: rttteon i-l> .. lii.k-. iliene.- .\-utv-t w ,.. t Hrrou .'ham* - n..!tb eight il. i;rerj - --. i , , i. ,,. M i knnor*or Uee U< thi- n... t i i H>t H. V i (tow ALL, D L. 8. VI f ' -i ' t..,t.|u hcrnhv rr.|une,t to take a -ti. .i 1 ^ .vprn T :i...:v^t i* > a* eui Jiuifly . l>ate.|tl.l- -' 1 -crmbor, I!XM. Ity O.ilvT . Towaabip Ciurkv FUSUITII FWITltt' WA.KKROOMS ! Farm for Sale ... i Srin. ...ilv *i* If aolil al i.iu-r, la ...... pKMdJrt atata of cultlva- HaOnoal clvaiauaud >>-lil lor grazing, w<..l M .io.l an I ffDrr-l. Good framr !>. n stabla undar : frarn* dwetllaw. tpKmdl.l o'oh- l.l, J n.il- irotn ,-!;. K>1, iti inilpi, finiii Ki-ilivr it- |MMu,<nt I'.-wn, blnc *-n> t.'iinn lisi. n unii !..! c.f otlior iliuHl (aun* lur tic)i.-i. A|>pl.t K. J. SI'Rl'l !.K, t'iu!oani.-ri ao.l Krai tUtat* ^nt. t'ocK,'. Fllierton. Note Lost All |M'fi'"* aro l:.ftu notlfliHl not t - nur. .11- t a noli. *I\T.I ,i IAV.H of Uavld Hinltli, nml ' In IV. ,!.;; \1 li,,n|,| anil JoHI'll H V'tn. fur tli^ MI I tnty nvo di>t'ar>. vnhiobaauot bt.u io*iv4l f-r We are f-trrvin^ new eat style .'f SEASONABLE GOODS In i'l lines of FURMTURE Ci.|is:.>t;ns of ^Parlor and 33<r(troem Suites \tounys. Sidt-SSoattts, jrtr- tt'on and Cantr "Ua&'ss. CAuS's, tltincioitf jAaatfft a/it/ Curtain Potts, Ficturcy, ajah. ffo Winch we offer t Lowest Prices. Picture Framing ad General Repairing ('inlertiikin* in all its Urftnches S.!t25facticn Uuaranttvti W H. BUNT, Co atcb tbc y< and the in. ml at the Same Cimc is I ho art in i.U.-rtisinx This Ad. illus i-atew how true thi taylni; is, aDMaJkU* to la*)M wishing pleasant and profitable einployniont. "Can- aiU'n S..IIH on Kopje and Veldt," the only b.n>k dealing exclusively with I'M- t'.-iiinilrin Contingents, is the book to hanille, UsMklj Aiitnei.tio, l'lie,i|i, Bella mi Hiuht to every b.nlv, ami ,-inylK>ily can sell it. Capital 01 eiperifiiee not neecMry. Send f..r Free Outfit .-nul in:ike money. THE BRADLEY-UARRETSON CO., LlmlteU HK.MMKI. OMf.