Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1901, p. 3

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JANUARY 17, 1JKH THE FLISHETON ADVANCE F. T. HILL & CO. tit .IHHUIl[ CONTINUES Markdale'5 Bargain House at-. I'he past week has given us the largest business we've ever enjoyed in January. We're profit -haring these day*, or, to be more correct, we're giving away entire profits and in many in- stances a part of the original cost. But no matter if we do lose money occasionally, we've had an exceptionally aud unprecedented large season's trade, and we want to sell the balance of our winter goods before stock-taking. We want everything ship-sha|>e for our new- spring goods which will begin to arrive in a few weeks. The following lines selected from hundreds of such, emghasize our values ; everyone of them a trade-winner. Infanta "Health Brand'' underwear, of finest natural wool, 1U doion of thu IH mi v-fi vt- cent a-pieo* kind to be sold at each 7 1286 Silk Spoola, all colors including black. Theae are of the f Hinous "fielding" make, than which there's none bolter. Regular price 6 cts. each, yuur choice now two for 5 You'd bolter secure a supply of these no limit to quantity. Men's Wool Fleece Undrrwenr, extra heavy, warm goods. Tliis in a Standard lino that ia retailed in moat places at 50 cuuta each. We've enough to clothe two hundred men and the price now U only each OT Ladies Combination Underwear, extra tine goods, beautifully finished. Theae goods me worth one dollar apiece have sold all season at that price, but to make a speedy clearance of the balance (6 doz>*n) we make '.he price each 65 Laili.-.-,' Heavy Ribbed VesU, open front, nicely trimmed 'I'm- waa the beat quarter-dollar garnntnt to be Imd, clear- ing now at oacb . . .'. 19 . 3000 yards English and Canadian Prints in Medium and Unlit colon that we guarantee absolutely fast. The |tt<mis are aa good aa are made and the values the best you'll find. s. .mi w. iv 12c. and none less than lOc. per y.irii. to clear. .6$ 500 dozao Dresii Buttons, being part of a manufacturer's stock, in all shadea and newest designs, and very correct now as a triuiminir. The l'J| and 10 cent a dozen kind, for per >lz. 2 1296 yurds Dn-sx Goods Space will not permit a description of them, neither U it neceaeary if once you st* them. Wn'll only say that some of them were 40c and most of them were fiOcta per yard that they are this season ' newesr. and choicest fabrics at these prices, and that you can rmtke a selection from dozens of different pattern* and weaves now at per yard 2" Beehive Yarim, in all leading pha/left, i.iciucuiK lUsck, also mixed colon. No better than this reliable brand in to be had sold everywhere at 10 ctn a skein. VTo have mor- I hi; i 1000 kt-ius to cleared at ench B Sweeping Reduction* ,. vvvl oefore heard of in Ca dies' mantles, men's and ^-~ Boys' Overcoats, and all lines of Tur Goods. CASH or TRADE price for all kinds of produce. Any line of goods in the store given on approval. Your money l>ack if you wish it. . T. HILL & Co MARKDALE' rVBLIMJtKD WBBKLT AT THE OPFICI, COL- UNUWOOD ITftlBT, fLB/IHIBTOH, OUT., . B. THUKMTOX. I per Hniiuui strictly In advaure Advertising Rates: Oe* Uolama. 1 jr*ar. w . half rol . 1 rsar, * quarter eol., OD* year, tit. Trumrnl advrtlMuinl charged a I lh rat* Mat* pr line far flrnt liimnUou aa 1 1 sn ah iub*quQt lOMrtlon. It certainly aeenia to cant a reflec- j Brown was with the regiment aa war cor- opon worthy citizen, one who ro ,p,,nd en t for the Mail snd Empire, and of it. tinn minds hi* owi with no one. business and interferes He did not seek the poei- has written a splendid ttory of this mem- tii n of Police Trustee, in fact aa urged orable campaign from Quebec to Pretoria to take it under the following circum- and home again. The first edition has stance* : A year sgo.aa was well known, , p urc haed by The Mail and Bmpire, two persona were appointed at th. nonun . , ^ h fce (nAe . ^ thebwlt ,,,, ation, bot who could not take the official oath. The Isw wade it necessary f..r the t 1 - 26 . lt " offerwl totfethcr with a reniainii.g Trustee t appoint to fill their three-month's subsciption to The Daily daces. The writer endeavored to do so. Mail Bn j E n ,p, rei ,, T year's nubscription ! Jo not remember all who were solicited. ^ w-ek , for W- with 10c I rrinrmlr one was K. J . Spronlc, an- other, I think, was William Neil. These P"t* '' rdered by mail, refused, and then I apixutlod to thu old ones to suffer reappointment. Wan there The l>st in* of the Vitality of Seed at the Central Experimental Farm. To <A Editor of TV Advance : The pact aeaaon haa in curtain locali- ties been unfavourable for the perfect maturing of grain. In aomo districts it haa been injured by rain during harvest or from being stacked before fully dry. thus causing it to sprout or host, while in other locahliva it liax suffered more or lessfromearly autumn front. When ex- posed to either of them) conditions ceruaU are apt to lose a portion of their vitality or to have it so weakened at to product) when sown an unsatifactory growth. The character of the cropi* greatly influenced by the quality of the seed, and to ob- tain the beat reaulta it Hhnuld have its germinating power uniiiipared, so that when placed in th *oil the young pUnU may make a prompt and vigorous start limn it is very important that farmers should awvriam whether thu grain they are holding for aeed POWMBHMM the vitality necesaary to produce a g<HKl crop. Uy instructton nf the Honourable r of Agriculture, provmn.n hiu m. dw whereby the vitality of amd can lie ascertained without cost to the individual, and any farmer in the Dom- inion, who may have any variation which he ilrmres to have teattxl can get the in formation he seek*, by forwarding to the l)irrclrs of the KxpxriintnUl Farina, Ottawa, aamplee ..f nurh grain or seeds. Samples m.y be arnt free through the tail and an ounce or two in tuhVient for the pnrpusu About two week* sre re- quired to emplu'.e a lest It ia hoped that all who deaire to avail theinanlre* uf be provision offered will send in thoir aamplos eatly ><> that the work may be completed in good season. \\M. SAL'NDKKS, Director Kx|<oriiin nlal Farm. Dceinl>er -i.i I,, any wrung in that ( Tin n. an to w-jrk, which seetnH tn be a swoet inornol for the fault-finder. The price uf graveling done was precipitated somewhat, and unless the stone wore broken the job would have failed. Nn, i knew of none who would or could successfully hmk ' _ stoue but Mr A'ardrobe, snd hi alone ! wss quite insufficient to do all that WMJ DA* Sla, As th smoke of munici- neceasary to keep out of the way of pal battle is now subsiding, I wish to say Tkla slffttatur*' I * ( tbo Laxative [; ; -j.iipJne la* rm<1v (' r-r - , ...irt iv ... "/ <* team*. And here again, aa a matter of , f ew words , i iiu rueiicy, we urued Mr. Smith to till f n , ,- the bill, he duwentmg apnin sud again, on a subject that comes , . . . home to tbe pockets of the (.)sprey tsx- until we undertook to take the reapon IjrerH. It ws referred to by Mr. W.D. mlnliiy. Was tht-re any wronjj in that f Clinton in hit maiden speech st the As to communions at four per cent. , hal< . nomination. Tlie late cuuncillun gave of what the township gives. I earned . every dollar of it myself, snd more too, . f ' , , but I made an equal division unselfishly j lu.ble frai.chue, but it may be a good Was there any wrong in that t A* tu the thing should oil be fouud in paying standing of the milage, it may be aid quantities aa we might then get an ci- that it is ts,rlyR..,,d . The objwrt and Hetrrmination of the old Trunti-en were to f fc CRR . h ,.!,!,,, keeu the oipcnd.ture within the income, Th ct.uncil ought to have made a pro- with a slivht nmrgiu to the good, so that j visional bargain, bul ihi-y cannot rwe the villsge paid no more taxrn than she | rety much hitfher than I hi' |>eoplc gt-n- Monltl if she were nut a police village at all. what must be insisted on. I notice in looking over the books in |-t yean, hcarcrly s year itscapsd without an over- draw from ths Council, and in one year if she .ere nut a p-jlice villago .t i d ,,,,,, . lhe And that is M it should ha, nod , , , , , , n ex'ru lax. franchise ft a mere bseatelle. 1 unJer- stand tli ii even the Hhrewd W.D.C. did su. No doubt wu are all wiser aftw the event, which is a .nark of foolinh tut. Thoxe wliu have not sold yet may gtt If the old trustees have donn nothing more, they have suooeeilivl in placing thujhetter terms should SUCCUIM attend the village m a proper relationship U> th snterprixo. township. The error sll alonu ha hvcnj that, the village is incor|M>rnttfti with cor- poration functions -a very great mixiaku. FAHMKK Farm manted* The TrvsNuror rnn pay no moneys uiily by unters f<ir bills actually inailtt or wurk .mi.inu: For psmcuian |ii>l> to almolutely done. Kv.-n the onlers wereirriwvilU. Doc. 7. 1*W. NtflL. Me printed "to the treasurer of tliv \illagv of Fleitherton," instund of to thu trea surer of the t"wn*lup. S.i IDC Trustecnj Ii uiilK 1 no money except poll tsx, which is paid over to the Tp. Tri-aiiurcr, hencu' there need Iw no auilit by truiiues. In ' the act thero is no provition for thoni, but the townxliip auditors will suitit for th* fillagu as well Of course my sue ceiMor, being learned in tin- Uw, will so Wantud to rent 1UU acre* or more good cKICOHN IK X-M-A-S Groceries theae ihim;, when he exsmi'ies Kolice Village To (A Bditor nf Tkt Atl+tnct : DB*H SIK, In reading the .td<lress givun at the municipal nominatiou by Mr. H , I Ml it to he something like an old surveyor's borne Itob. Its owner had fastened him lo a lady'a garden fence, but Ifcili did considerable depredation, I whereupon the lady gr.w ry angry. l,ui Ho!>'s instr, very compUoently, Uaclar Bob with no bad thu i A full line of the Ix-Kt good* jiut rr-Tiv ill I od, including orunges, loinoiis, hi'-i, caiiditu, fancy hiwuiu, boiiU>mi, (.-in rants, iKiNin.s, prels, crjin- berrieH, t tc. I'l A' M ink;*, ready ciKjked. tatute. f trust the new truileus suocrstfull." insuguritte a system to wore durnliUi sitlewnlks. A wide walk to the Presbyterian church h very desirable, uompriaed of gran-l Ink! with undenlruin of coarttu .stonu -mil tim-lv sifted gravel on top, with LT ii.'iiilliir i-oniii i-tinii. Thin the writer would like to see. I feel obliged to those who, out of respect snip- In adilitinn we keep a full line of ordinary ported me. I did nut solicit Opposition, gim-i-nes, siu-h a* sugir., tea.-, simp* and under the ciicumstsncea would have '(common and fancy). Spanish oiiionn, resigned if I li.i.l been i-luctod. Any in- ! canned Hoods, and picket*, fornialion in my piMsuxtti.ui will lie fively _^^ giv.n. Yours, W. 8. CI11U8TOK. Tme p hlr t ,, lle ef r|, PlMmn<4 i miilH . In I ottii. (all anil With the Royal Canadians." s tli. ni lon < i>a>- IIH by Kunley Mi Kt-.'wn Brown " With the toyol Canadians, " is a hai>dome 900- age bnuk, jut issued, oowprisiug ml _____ intent. "NOW ' Th 'readier, I "tktiiiT had briflit. Uithful narrative of the ded of \tinipUTQ HI ft QTAUft bad intent, but not ao with the maker the first ooutii.Kent nSuuth Africa. Mr. < W ft IU/7 I ULU I ft II U M. Richardson & Co. January . Reductions * Tn Furs SPECIAL CLEARING PRICES Before stock-taking we want to reduce our stock in cold weather ;(>o<ls to the lowest p>ssil>le limit and we have ciit down prices of all Furs and Fur ( iarnieiits. We want rtx>m for new #xMls which will arrive whortly and these must go --they are all new ool perfectly reliable and good value at their regular prices but with the reductions we Hiinounce are splendid Ixirgain opportunities. Ladies' Astrachan Jacket*. Kegular :J<MH) 34 in. Icr^'cU Selling at $25. LadieK' Astrachan Jacketn, Regular 'J4.00 Jti in. length Selling at $20. Ladies' Oppossuui r<i[>e? T Kfirnlnr i..~>0 % 27-in. length Selling at $18.50. Ladies' Coney Capes, Kemdar H.UO 27-in. length Selling at $5.50. Ladies' Sealette Gauntlets, I'egular l..")0 Selling at $1.10 Ladies' Astrachan (Jauntlet-s, Mocha faced, l.iK) Selling at $1.10 Ladies Electric Seal (iauntlets, Hegular 5.;~>0 Selling at $3.9."> Ladies' Grey Astmchan (Iauntlets, Kegular 4.00 Selling at $'J.7."i I .ailifs Electric Seal C'aperines, Regular \2.W Selling at $10.:>0 Indies' Oppossuiu anil Astrachan Caperines, Regular 11. ;>0 Selling at $9.00 Ladies' Sable C'aperines, Regular 8.75 Selling at $7.;">0 Ladies' Fur Raffs, different styles and qualities, all prices and all reduced. Children's White Muffs, Regular 1.25 Selling at oOcts. Ladies' Beaver iMuffs, Regular 6.00 Selling at $4..">0 Ladies' Grey Oppossum Muffs, Regular '2.'2~t Selling at $1.25 Ladies' Black Astraehan Muffs, Regular '2.7 i* Silling at $1..">0 Men's Persian Lunli Caps from 1.00 to $4.00. Men's Di>gskin Mitts, fur lined, Itegular 4.00 Selling at $iM.~> Men's Imitation I,aiub Driving Mitts, Regular 1.f>0 Selling at $1.00 Special Prices in Grey Flannels Full widths - reliable makes good winter weights light medium or dark colors plain or twilled. Regular 30 cent lines at '25 cents Regular ^.~> cent lines at 'JO cents Kegular '20 cent lines at !."> cents Regular 15 cents, lines at 10 cents EXTRA Special H 27-inch Union Grey Flannel, medium dark color tor 7ict$. Knglish Flannel Shirts, all sizes regular 1.00 for 75c. Men's Knitted Wool Top Shirts, regular H5, for >iic. Meus Wool Half Hose, heavy weight, '2 pairs tor'J.V. Men's Leather Mitts, wool lined, regular HO for 4">c. HARDWARE DEPART. HARDWARE SPECIALS. RELIABLE AXKS A special line at COW CHAINS. Light weight 15 cents each, per doxrn COW CHAINS. Heavy weight I'.' ,vms uach, per dozen COLD BLAST LANTERNS. (!uatsntcU not to Wow out Irak Or break gUwteH, each CROSS I'lT SAWS. Special value in a reli*ble saw BOX STOVKS. Krom |4 50 to *i.75. All reduced in pilots. handsome Parlor Stoves Nicely lUi-oi-Atrd, for VI4 in. wood, Ourney's make special H. RICHARDSON & COMPANY $2.75 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE JANUARY 17, 190! Can you f part flfew months ~ This winter in wliiuh ? your ediuatiiiH T! IB itb< "' * tHc OWEN SOUND ONT. \ViiuM eitaMe you to do huin< i *t.rif;ict.*y maonur. The kiv>wi-d-.i" V' M w'nil-1 X 'in "( nitr. cheques noil ll kin>li)( coiiinii.Tcul pupt-r t*"ld, per- C'liyH. < you hundrrti of (iulUrn in th future. \Cri;hl f.jr cnraliae. which c<n- tmns fnll iRturmatiiiii. to C. A. Fleming Principa! iHVK.V SHIND. ONT. Vfintrrtenw r.i:iipi" Jan. 1 19<)l. Vicinity Chips rnrcfHlly Tulled for th Heavy for mlt. Apply t J. Frush lime always ">o haml. J. H. l)\ltkrtt'. KilUVIII.1. G'l et^i p f-r Kale W. T.Po<llr, fc* 'Zt, con. T, Art<-neiM. itinlTti^ -trunit fir'ii horsu. G year' nld, (ur aale, or w-mW ^l;niige Ir a drivrr. Apply U T. J. Shoppanl. l'nT*te or cimpaiiy funi> ' loan at fnui4^to 5 Jr cei t. Ex|iouM 1". Rulherfurd. Stmlburne. it It -liv>.l9 Millx. mrft .-lin, hin{ nd larya maple Oiher kiinN of timUr IsVen. ul*> ipwJ pri.-! |<a'J. CJ1 i .r list L.O. L. Xu. 1132, 4iU line, will hi.ld their annual t.i aod iiU>rtauiniiit 'he evruiiM- * TueHd;y. Ju. W. An Qiiu.tually Ko<i time in tix(>vct)d t UHUM! (Mice*. Si-<- billa. At th tirt aeaia nf 'ho i.ew township vouiicil on Monday J<m. Blackburn and K. N. Mi-ndenton w<-r sppxiinttij audi- tors IM! C. W. Bellamy Th jowplet* minutes will appear next week. Highest price, cash, for any .jmnitity f shiiigli- umbvr either in lugs ur in CmliK. Kaikusul ties >m the round 18 cts. Custom Ktwing $1.50 per M. Satisfac- tion fusrtntevd. R. r*. (ray Brna. entertainment here Tuf-- dy aind int. , nhiHild he well patroniaed *t tiie pxlu.-. ! price / 15 ana 10. All aluuld embrace tlii* opportuni Tile niuftnx |>icture. Their is) the >iily one f the kuul nhnwin^ in Cnada. The slniw cumen here from Owrn Sound, wbera ili.-v uzlnUitml thiv ni^hta. The CJray Hn. showed m Dur ham rocently and the r exhibition '" npokon highly of by the Durh.-ua IIT. liepworth's bij; gas well in said to em imdy th* hi^lieKt prcwuro of any KM w.-ll in OnUtio, with a pressure ' 37dpundH to the squire inch. Ithmn c-ven run up to 410 pound*. It ia wid U> U- peirolcum uaa ."id la-it petroleum will follow ihu K*>M How. It IK an puii rcret tint the well drillers in Oxprey tnvf -Initk both ^n and prtrnl.-uiu 1'iit in .|ti.ii!in?:. ia kept profoundly xccral. NV under <tai.<i the dnlliiiK '' -stopped f<-r cuuplc- of wcekn. Mr. W. Birnhu-id has met with dis- inttT in his ontleavnr to n itii'Jilire the Knglinh thruoh. KIVB yoare gn hr lirwught 01 er a younx bird lind oatanied a mate fur it from a 'nrd fancier in To rontu. The bud which he ini killed its m te nomo time ny, and ' >' week took <iok itself nml i<n Suiulny mi>rniDK vas found do id in ita ca^e Mr lUrnli une went to onns:dei:kW<; i-ipi-iis>- and sper.t much ptunsukmif euro n these hirds mi 1 iii"ui M* their IIMS* m iimre thir. one. Artemeii.1 I^i strict mwt ug <if the L.l. L. unet ;it Kug'-niit >>n Tiiotwlny i>i last week when i{nd NfsWMlMbN fmm ach llxo in the dutrict wa im-scnt. The {.Hutting oflj;ei rc- elected for 1V01 : D. M., Jan. Urodic; D D. M , U. Irwm ; C'lmp., K. T. Carr. Rec.-Sec., S. bowler ;Tie., \V. T. McK-o, D ..f C., R. Fuiv'm; Lcct., Jtw. Oibsmi. Yhe ili;iict I"IK<? will meet .it MuKeu'i Knltie r -.-m on ihu second Tueiidny in June. At tliw ?!<) nf huiiie<i* Kujenia lixlga wiih their woiitvtl liberality, trenteU the vi*i- turn to * nupper it lluimhaw's hotel. Wan'ed at Sawmill, KloHherton Station, Sw log*, sliingle tminri and Mrs n round, for which the. highest prices will rw paid. C'li^toiu HHOHIK done on uhoitvai notice .it. mvHinAblo prices and vnimfsciinn KiMranteeii. Grain chi>ppiK dons Tues- days aiid Kriilaya of each werk . . COLUSON, OIYLON P.O. Mca. W. P. Cron-ley reiTjied the in- I our daya, that we may apply our hearta li-'t-Nce thd week of tlio duath of her ! unto wwdnn." Deceased had lived here Miter, Mr. Spiker, w Inch ncuurred at hit m Nunh Pitkuia a wiuk ago. MoRtA<iE SALE -Finn Und^ tfl U9 and *), c..n. 13, Aiti-masix. 2lX) aiid lot Sit, con. 14, Arti-nii**.*, will Im iiffureil fur iwli- liy [HilJic mn;t i-n on M..ndy, Mi 4, liXll. t .\U:'e. See porter or apply to Luoa*, Wrr.hi * McAHIe, Maiidnlo. Prof, D. Mackeiiae, graduato and fellow of lae American lusiituv of I'liro >it<$y \t New York, is vt |>rra.-nt m the Tillage nnd will t>e here till SutunUy. The Prof. cuniPH woll reeimiineiidixl ax line of the leading phrinilii|(iHt of America. He is thoroituhlv Hcieiitiric in his netlmdx md aortirnte tn an event one could scarcely expect, nd tfiTt-a ad- vice -in haaltb which aJnne in worth many limes the fee hu uhar,in. No jwrent* wuti tbeir cliiUln'ii or ymiiiK people xbuulil Uil <<i .. n.u f ihe jirife-oMT, as thia i HII op|ior*unity rarely itttHinablc. Mi-iwm t'.*k, NiooliMin Jt Co "f Trenton have |>urchnse<l the hoop and ll hia life, with the exceptions of a few year* )>entat Smith's Falla. He married a Min* Murrnon who nurvive* him and hy whom he leave* a family nf three daughters aad two anna, all unitMrrieU. M IR'i MlF.T Mri. Margaret Kenny, wife of Mr. hnny Krony, i>f thu tnwnahtp, died MI Friday Isat at the i;o of 68 years. We, have ln-i-n nnahle to limrn the fact* of Mrs. Kenny'.i life, other than that she ca*n to Citnada from Ireland over fifty years ago The funeral took place on Monday tn the R. C. cemetery, Gleneix DeceniMtd oauie with her huohand tn Art- eMusia wver forty- fie years ago and wan therefore one of the oldest iwt tiers ii; this townihip. MM. WK. LITTLI Mrs. Elizabeth Little, wife ot '\u\. Little, Owen Sound, died n Friday lust in her **th year*. Mrs. Little ha.i many family connections here and wan wall knwn in this township. vner mill* t EuKenin aad have a large | she ws lx>rn in Staffordshire, England, of iiHiclianicH enspniyed refittmtf the machinery mid jfi-t ting n-ojly for opera- lions on an oteimi ale. They are advertmiiii! l.y i>*ter for any quantity of limher at ^oi-l pricoa and of all kinds. The 1-KitiW'.; f ili.-s iniiln iil be a great II-KIII f KU<IM \n.l :l tliu ciMiiiixy. Tin- iww pr..prteiera hi^lily n-r mniuniled for tlivii I hunii.K^s i|ii4ii'in .41 1 J we l<uliev<4 are wnrthy of flic htMfty o> i.|rtion of our people to in^ke 'hir iituri- 4 -oicctus. The annual in -i*ii( of Artiiine*ia Ag I riciilturaJ Society rn held at Prioevilh i on W>-dn..Mday <>f liwit week. The attend- J ancr w. not !.ir; OWIDK to the unfavur- . Me condition nf nmda. The rrewaurer'i I rfpurt showed thu *Krty ti ho ill pnis- pertjiw cno'liti.-n with a nice halai.c-e IMI hand. The following olHcen w.-- elected : Pr>., D. McC ; 1st Via> Prti... John Niohol i.4 Vic Pra., Uoiisld McMillan; Sec. Treas, Janes Rnxlie : Dtrecliirt Jan. (imldvfi, Jaa. Hemitock, Jan. Ptton, Doug>l McLi*ao, John Me Arthur, J.-hn Burnett, Win. Mead.. D. Hsrmw, A. Muir. Auditors Dr. Boyle, Jhn Me Arthur. Date ( fall exhibition, i M 10 airf U. The Advance Irarna from tk* I'aticyy, North Dakota, Ue*. .4 the wedding of a former Flenherton VXMHIK ldy, in the peraMi<4 Mi Mary Stut'h, eldest daui{h- trr uf tie. Jeei>h Siuitli of ihu place. The pluamant ernt occurred st 'h Mcth- uduit church, Cutlity, on New Years day, the gm mi bving Ruv. Alfred Wily % MethodiHt mi n inter uf rliat |.Uce. Tike Bee aayn : "The bride h* eadmrod herself to the community during the |>at few month* of her reaidr-nce brre hy her rare common tense and womanly tact and Hyiupathy. proving herwelf remark. ildy well fitted for her prcauut i.. HIM..II Mm. Wiley 'n Oii'ario friend* send her groetioxs inj b. <peak for her a hapny future. They Appreciate our .lusicians Mr. and Mn. T J. Slioppur.l sim^ at n unitTt-iiunii'Dt in Thorni.ury ' New Yors Day nud this is wliar tlie .Sum l.-ifl th tiki uf them : " Mr Mini Mnt. Shep- pard, of Kiesherion, ilel-liti--l everyone oilli their in({iii|j. Mr. She|ipard ha.i H vplendid voice. an<l hin tvlentcd w.t.i m really *n nr'irt in s nig We Impo it i in I tli. n la-it VIMS to our t .wu, Mr. S. 11 * cenml, prn|.cn)us merchant of and that town ought to l>e of such cituenx." in 1837, nd settled with her parents where her brother, Mr. Gcu. Mi Mire, now live*, being une of the tirat settlers in the iwnahip. She with ker huvliand lived t Kuirenia fur a few yearn previous to anting to Owen Sound, where thty have resided for the put thirty years. Her huihand and *evu mm* survive h*r, of whom we might raentino Johnnton of Station, Dr. A. E. and H. Little., if Owen Sound. The funeral took place to the Owen Sound oesBetery on Monday Death's Harvest Thu grim rcajwr haa bevn lmy in this vicinity during the pant week. TI.O tint to full WH Mu. ROBERT RITLRUOS Mr. llut'edge was born in tlie house wlmr lie ilu-l, 4'J ytnr* J{ 4 > Kor smne yciiis lie had I-ITM .-tiling but cnntinuud guing about his wurk ai-til a couplu if days before hu died. Oiithe'.Kh int.. he took sutiounly ill and tlio nvxt ay nt li::n -ini pwued away, Imvinx ) n unconscious for some hour*. A few yems ago he WIM converted and remiineil n -.t-c-nlfwt nu'iiibvr uf the Methodist church until his detth. The funeral, which took place oil Sunday, wan very Urigely at- tended u . I WIM conducted under th auspice 'it' the L 0. L. of which duccA-nrd wan for many yearn a member ami high up in the order. He WM a mi-mber of Mo. 8Ki, snd th brethren of that lodge i jiUi-i'il a vury hvidsome wre-tth u|xin the ! Iner Tlii 1 ruma'ns were taken to 'he Met.ho.lini church, hr Rev. Jor| h Ward preached frun tSe *Oth Pslm >4iid " sise : "So teach n ' nuntHor Personals Mn. Andrew Bvtithstn left oa 8*>tur- day to spwt a riwtniuht or so with her sister in Toronto. Mm. W. J. Dougbvi and son and M>*s Emily Stephens of Collina:wood an the gueta of Mrs. A. 8 V'anDuaen. Mr, J- An Bnit and Mrs. W Burton of Won4bridge are the gneats uf Mr. and Mr.. WH Bunt. Bells. One ..f the prettiest wedding* that has iver takon place ia tlm village wa* cele- brated at the residence of Mm J. W. Armstrong, Toronto St.. on Wednesday, Jsifuary i, 1901. The c..iitrac-ing parties were Mr, K H Uicklinit, the pop- ular book keeper of M. Richardson A Co., and MUM Adelaide Anns'ron.', daughter <>fth Uto J W. Ariiiaininv: The huuM w< benutlfully decorated for the occmnion with pmeM, carnations and snnlax. Al li*lf paal "ite o clock the bridal |>ar'y en- tered th roiim. leaning on the arm of h^r brother, Ur. Armstrong, and Attend- i' liy her Im.lesuMid. Th ceremony was performed t>y thu Rev. J. . Ward, H. D.. of the Mvth.iist church. The )>eautifiil and stately hnde W.T a hand- some gown of white satin iu train, with * i. inning* of white accordion plmting wul wttm appiii^uu, n.t earned a iniu(i>'ticrnt shorn boujuet of bridal rose*. Thu brides- maid wa Mix Lvlla Kerry of Lunknow mid the flower girl, little MUM Dorothy Clark <f Ottawa, niece of the bride. Th f .r,nr IcMiked handsomu in a gown of if un satin, tiimmed with it xouve of ami pink velvet and black apph<|Ue, and uttrie<4 beautiful Irauquet nf pink row* nnd the lat'-er was dsm'ily ihemrd in white Mciiinlimi | Uited tilk carried a of roe nl carnations. The urooni wns supp rtod by Mr. Fri Arm s'Mng of Toronto. The hiidc'. mother a beniitiful gown of black silk with uteel iriniiiiini>s. After the ceremony I'leaMint tune waj tpuiit in ci.ngratuhition t. the. happy cii|>l<>, .tfter which all .<utt il'iwu to a mugnitucnt wed lm< )>ri)]>fai.t Aiii'inu the iiiM'!-.l ^in>ts wrc Mr. and M.*. .1 1). Claris ni.l Mis l>..rothy Clark. ..f lt:i;i, Mr. and :.1r.r E. Aikenheiil, Mr. .laniox Aikenlivan, MINI Jonniu Aik- fiiliead, Mijts May Dainnde, Mr Frel and MIH Liy-Ji'e Arnitroni{, Mr an<l Mrs. T. Sinders..ii, ToiMiito, AJr nd Mr?. I. J Crithani, IMIeulle, Mr. H 0. llolni.-.. rn.stnii, >l:in. ; .Mi<x Ma-t Wrijfbt. Chic up. ; Mr. and MM. J T. Wrtuht, \Vn-hiU, Km. ; Mr W. H. Wrfht Owen Soui.d ; Dr. (5. S. cni Mrs. Armsrrmw, Spokane, W is. ; Mr. and Mn. .1. \V Anu-trong, Port Arthur -, Mr. Jack and Mis^ I..:!.i Berry, Lueknow ; Mr. and Mr. Wm. Hickling. Mim Edith Hi.-khn^. Loiid.m, K'ik;lai..l ; Mr. in. I Mn. J. Hicklmu, Miixwell ; Ui'V. J.-s. Ward nnd Minn Gladys \V:,r I . Mr. M. Kichanliwn, M.P IV, and Vr-. nnd MINI Maud K'clmrdxon; Mr *iul Mr. ' \V Boyd ; Mr. and Mr*. <!eo. Mitchull: Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Armst'ong. The bn-to w the ri-cipient of a large n unh-r of rich and beautiful jiivsi-nt* iimiTg which w a | iai.o fim tier iiiothur. Thu happy couple left iinid*t whower of rice and go<xj wixhes fur ihi-ir future happinca*. FLESHERTON * * la. + + In commencing the new year we want to impress upon your mind that our intentions are to make a greater turn over than has been and our great bargains will point out to you that we mean to carry it out. We start this month with a great clearing stock- taking sale for thirty days so invite everybody to call and secure some bargains before they all RO, We take stock in Feb. and we can count cash easier than measure goods and that is the reason we will sell so cheap. Price Tor Produce* * * * Ja Jj Flesherton, Ont. MELOTTE CREAM - SEPARATORS Which have MO equal. It takes \ Icon p^wnr tli.ui ,tny other. Hues ninre wink in lexs tim^. Separates nior* rthciently. All i;-srini{ protected. Perfect lubrication. No tiu t\n SI ik and creitin |vi* over thickly enamrlled surfaru*. No tin pUteM, liut slmninuni, which never runt* ana m oamly cliMin-d. Alao agent for the Alexander Cream St>srntor * * if ! * m * + * FLESHEKTON n farm un|ilements, all kuuli of repairs Cutton, Sleighs, ItBftilsTKKKO Boar for Service. t hav a rqrintra<1 Tatnworth Roar for rviea ... lot . N.1X H. Annual fleeting THREE PAPERS IN ONE Bold aad r*oommaxlml by all drnii*t* to Canada. Onlv rll- m dl*ooTrd. Woo' Pbn|>h.lln* la old la nes W. . i'hrioi. and W. It. HUhardao*. Dm- Riven Mt th annual inwtiiiii "I the Klnotoral Uitrit \rioiillurJ S<M'ltr .if Kt Ur> will 1).- llolil ill Ihn Town Hall. Ho>herton. on WeJMseaf. thnltlh itaynT Jonr> IV ItOt, at oil* urlnck. p. m . f<M rroalv i"K "'! a*lll> H" >tlr*cti>rii' an. I an<1t- torn 1 rv>rt for lh BiniJ year. Im-Unn nine, m for ih fr 1901 and urh g<mer*l nixM may to ooDl<lrwl In Ui latri nf l ^ooivty- A* u. Hi" lint nMiiilwn tor 101 ar *ll|tbl lttMi or haTA a vot* al floch maaiing lun.ilf I Mind in .in l'ilar to tb Mtr^arv hfnn tn <a^ of moftint:, or han<1 mm to him that day, and hcoinA a innQibor aud b*prp*^Hl to laa* part In th mttua. R. / S|irnl . Hmrg* Mlt<X'll. PrMi.Wnt. H Kuehwa, la* V w Prw. Mi Mutt, tn.l Vl<w (*. I'.vwJ al yl-ahrrton on . lU . .f ininmarised snd cbuvtiliod new*. pni(-s of practical agri- cultural and lire stock article*. .... .'a-.TM f inN-r^s'iii.- tiction and majiine fea' turvA. Mlj lail ui Eqin. J Sections 24 pages $i oo PER YEAR BkUooe uf 1900 trut with subeorifiti.* It.

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