Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jan 1901, p. 2

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THE MYSTERIOUS CtflME ON THE S.S. NEPTUNE Vaisall* eiitered the dock, In a calm, DO I muuuer and glanced quickly oun.l the court of course everyone thinking he w.-w a hardened scoundrel for not exhibiting more einution. He lii.l enyitfed n f.iUK>u lawyer to <le- ?e:el him and thin gentleman waa uuiling- quietly to him-elf and by no txwiui looking an if he thought the * a grove one. Foster was in the mint together with Ronald and Sir Mark Trevor all listening eagerly to the introductory address of the pro- ecuting- counsel. il-- ' i-.-.l h whole atnry whiohhid already ii|>pared In the paper* lmt with wo me alight variations: That I/ro|m|.l Vw*rhovle hod been ni'irried to Miss Oianoa Cotonr seven years belinc it:i \vlmui tue was also very luooh in luve. she married the deceased, the pri.-runer h.i.l bworn he would kill him. 'I lie pj'uotier, however, <lid mil carry his resolution into eff<v>t at that time. hut went travelling about Europe, HI. I Miss Ootoner uiarrind thu <le ( -'- 1 - 1 Thy did not liv hui-pily together, aixl wparate<l. which >[< u 11 ion was afivrw ird followed by a divorce, ow- Inff to the deceased's<l' Inv with another woman c.illnd Kl-i" The deceased than tr:ivnll.l all over th win M. and coming to KIIR- land on board the P. ami U. Htramer Nei'iune, which ittoppd at Milti. While there the dix;e.i<| ent n ahure, and w;i.i reeognn-d by hia w.fe, who wmit <m huar'l lu iqwak to him. 'Jhe pximiiier was also on board with the .ilstor of the deceased, eallril Ifiae Caruiela Cotouar, and then ac- cording to Mra. Verttcboylt). who ua the principal witness recorfiili M| > he il. . , -.1. and beard him tell Mi teith. uMi<her wititetta, The |>rironnr then disappeared troiu Mrs. V'erscboylr'a side, and when be went to Mpeak to her huslund, Hhu Diet the prisoner funintr out of the Mbin, and though he tried to prevent her, fhe looked in and :iw her liu-- iKiinl <ir r.itlier her buHhmd that bad been, lying <lead with a stiletto in his IM. i-t 1 lie .itiletto, as will .i||i-:ir ':i the evidenc* "f MUn Carmela !, wun given by that l.idy to the pritvuniT, and was u-e-.l in the inmivtiuii of thin crime. With a few Minrludiiw reioiirki, t h kouii-^l for the pro si<f ill ion sat down, and the witnonseti worn tvilled, During all the dUonurse the never ni'ivful a niUM-lv, hut sal in the dock a .itill i lie it h. llie rtitne.H.s railed w.i.s IU>n-ild, *ho rei^nt'-il the vtory the dead man h i I lold him, and. during his >-\ unin- ition. the I.IJMT wrill'-u by C'.irnieU waA put in evi.lenoe. He w.m foilvwwl by ('nin>li. who deienml that dhe had given tint stiletto In i|ii<'si iini to I he iniinner, and \.to a,-ii I that the letter pnxluceil wan written liy hor, and nut liy the wife of the deceased, Mrs. Vrr>rhiyle. y. You were on 'jpard when Mrs. Ventchojrle came. A. Yea. U. W.-.H she alunet A. At first, > Afterward she was tnonrtl by the Marchese VaaaaUa. Q. Did you MM her again I A. No. <J Wlien the M.uo.heiie saw you IK ", time wa< it t A. lAbout a quarter-pint nine; JUM after the boat started. Q. Did be uiuke any remark? A. None, except that my sister couM nut find me in th crnwd, and had to go ashore without a>iiig good-by. Q. AVai he agitated f A. No; he wmi in hti uual spirit- '! ui-i closed Carmela'a ezamiDali- ami the next lu ^ into the witneav- box wa Mrs. Vnrscboyle, pale ant! hVK'ir.l, lut who glanced angrily at the pri.iooer as she kmnud the book .~.he lepeated the Mory he Ivnl l"l> to Uonulil und KuMur. .iho wa with Vaniull.i, and wanted to seu her hu.%'uuiiil. Both herself .ui'l ! r cou- >in lie.i:<i liiiu txll the nuuiber of bU oaluu; aa<l though N.I im-l to get near her hn ilmul, -->h w;is prcvout- e<V by thu crowJ. Afl*>rw.ird 'le rn.--- l V.-i.^i-illa. .i;nl on ^.v.iiig along to aee !KT liui^lxtn-l in i li- i-.ii..n, -hi V.iwall i ciiunirf "ill. lit) tri.-.l pi-nut li--r K""* i", lui .li" iii- ind fiu:i'l li=i I-', 'iiid lyiiyn dwa.l with a Miietto in ' Q. ><.ll know to Wihoui the. dtiletto bekj-ngbdf A. \v.*, to the priaonor ; it waa giv- en to tiiiu by my siiler. y \ did the pn.iunnr eay win n j-ou iii; iiiiu I A. lie iiui>iorMl in- i>.it lo lull, aiul fon the n.ikf of the honor of our fam- ily 1 (Otiij. I :.!. <) l>i yuu know by doing HO you run th ru<k of buiug tak -ji aa an ac- complice f . A. (Mrs. Vrscboyle getting angry.) I kji,*v tioihirix of i-.u-stoiu-s. 1 ,iu .1 .M >ilewH lady. M. IJiul you ->-r he&r the |iu<onir thie-iteu the <leri-u-,e.i t A. Yes, vary muny tlm-s ; he want- ,t<t u> 'marry uie, .nt>l when 1 married the deceiuwd tiu .st.urv he w.iuM !- i. .... Il Q. 'Itiil H 11 nevitii year* ago ; did h do no lately I A. Many tinM. H-re Vasalla Mhrugged his xhoulders. Tint w.ia the olOHe of Mrs. Vera- choyle' > ri:iiini: i' i ni. mil w.n ui |i .<- <it I iv the. |-ii|ile |ire .ent to be i In >ive eviiln u<:e uf t he |>ri oner'- 1 h<-re WSM no evidence fur i he proxa>- t-uiinn, and so the counsel for the de- fence sroHB to maJce bn njirerh, a aveech which eoutidnrably atartled nneir took charge of. and waa com ing out with It, whan b* met .Mi Varacfboiyla. He told her what hud <n urrod, and aha waa ao shocked wit 1 the news) that aha wnt atraiglit (in vhore. The |riwroer wna blamaable in not P|IH-UHJ th paper at the inqu.-.t but had iinynne been accused of th.- crime he would have produced it. With regard to the atiletto, it was once Ihe (iropej-ty of the piinoner, but he had iriveji it to tlve deooaned as u part- ing gift before he loft for Australia, fur both the decea.ted and prisoner ware gt>od frinnda th'-n. The wife of the deceased; Mra.Ver- sclioyle, kjie.w that the deceased had the dupgnr in hia posueasion, as the priflo-ner showed a letter to her from leoeasad, nckrwrwled|{Lug the gift of liletto, (letter prtxlured.) She was in lore with th* |ri.->uer who refuted to marry her, being in love with Miss CarineU OutoiMtr, to whom h was en- LTigwl to be inarriod. Mrs. Verwhoyle, heariti<f ot this, came here from Va- letta, and hid a private int-rvi.-w with | ii*wit-r. Daring hi fnnii his room at th Laugh un Hut.: tole the confession made by the de- ceavil, and it ia now in her possession That's a lie!" cried Mra. Ver- -.iui>le, mad with fury, ruing from bee sent. In the court I" cried tba xf her lodger's dea-th, and waa mu cared thereat. ' 'I k:.w she'd break a bkiod v-'S'l, 'he said, femout h i n# her black lilV trvin; "the ragen gh got into wen awful. They won't bring the aorpei here, I hope I" " No, replied Romalil, "it haa beer taken to Sir Mark Trevor's house." " Didn't know he had one," said Fo 1T ; "he atopa at the Ixingham.' " Oh, yes ; he dislikes hia town liou-e iinmeti -ely. and a Mudent of hu- man nature, lik--< the life of an hotel. I iUjn't think h's far wrung 1 , myself." To be Continued.. THIS In the first place, he aaid Mrs. Ver- M-.lMiyle was guilty of (x-rjury senaa- tiwi groan perjury; il was true the priMoner wan cnoe in hive wiili her, Iml that wa evmi years agu. anil h Iwml long Miiux* forgot I en his pasninn. The pri-mnec was on laiard the Se|- tuiM* tin (hn iii^ht in question, going In i;iif;l;(M<l, and Mrs. Versn'.myl* .ilo came Iw lxiar<l ; (the w.mtml to iwe her hii^Uuiil, ami the prisoner, b'^rirw the numhnr of th i-aliin, volunteered ti l<k for him; he v/:ut comiderably <!<>l.ijvl in the crowd, and did not reocfc the cabin Air .nun time, partic- ularly an he mo.t <in of the. stewards, who anked him aluut hi* luKtfage, and kfeil his attention for nearly ten \Vii-j, (in rracheil the r.ahin. ho kix-ke<l, and netting mi reply, ente.r- ed. He fou'iul llie decnanud ile.ul, having iinniiiit te.l miicide, an>l on the \\ i h.Mand by the berth, waa alett. r <1iwt>l to Mr. II M-mteitli. afrieml of the deoH<ie<l, stating that he had committed suicide. Thin paper thepri- The Ability of Dr Ghase IB Measured by the Cures He Mr.kes Each Remedy Spociflc for Certain Diseases A Remarkable Curo of Brlffht's Disease " I will n.t tie silrot. It U an in- famous lie. 'Chat man ia guilty of mur- der. He killed my husband, and by God |l.y (,-..1 ! All at om*. she ittopped apeaking, her face turutvi to a ghaatly pallor, and appeared convulsively drawn to doe aide aa if liy a ntr-uke of |.raly- fcii. Kvery eyn in the court wajt faa tneil im that touuu-y figure, nnd there waa an awful pause uf ei A MM her moment and she full l>rom un the flour, with a he ivy thud. l > <ni wai in ui ;i|.n>.r at the ^1l i.ige ui-i-uriuce, .ui I il urat it waa !ln>u^-ht bin) had mvrely fainted through e.xr.i .-in- i.i A ..n. lor, In/n- ever, being present, came i.,. .-. ir.l "n.l knelt do\>. n by J . wuo w.n now breathing atertoroualy. lie. glanri.'i .u u i J...H- lirawn face, f<-,i her ) ul.M-. aud while he waa do- ing -<o the heavy breathing lO( p .1. 'What ia the matter t* ajkttd tbe jui.lge, bending furw.ird, "in it a faint f The doctor raised In-, head. ' V>, uiy L<ird-it ia death I" " LHwlh I" echoed aeveral vuicea.and tbe Cuurt arose, in confusion. -he haa burst a bkwd-veatel in Ihe brain." Ueaxl I U.vad I Yes, Mrs. Verachoyle was dead in the very umin uit of bur triumph. CHAITKil XXVIII. i The -.ii.l.u-ji death of Mra. V- -- Bclioyle ao aj>p illexi everyone that the trial w IA -i i r'Ui .iel. A great H->n>a- ttou name out in tbe papem. and num- eixi>u|r were thu tlimirina aa to how the triaj wvuJd eu.l, now- tha i.rinei|nl ' witness waa dead. Aa a matter of [fuel, according to |>ublie opinion, tl.e oiiljr Thing t lint <ml I prove Hi- in- imoenr cif VHtv-alli wa.i the 1 t.. in of the letter written liy i!i- Him aii<l illee.l to havi- b< .-n .-.tvil. n by Mra. \\-rschoyle, anl afUir the Ii.i-i U'.-n i. moved, Itioiialil, in com- pany with I-VxUefi- a.nd Vasaalla's law- yer, wnut to look for it. " What t- Inn I we do if .-file baa de- rttnoe.1 it ;" .sanl Ibimild, aa they wrulked along. ' Oh, ahe linXn't d.siruyid It," re- plied ViKiaalla'a lawye.r, wlione name .i. \VinltM; "she wuuld have pruduc- l il at the. eleventh hour." In this prarlieal age a physii isn's ibility is rne imii .v| by tha :wtual i-nies j*< make* JiKlgwl by thii high ntand- rd' l>r. Chan* Htaii-l.* pre-ftniiiien' >'* n Kiuit Miring |ihysvriini Takn kid- ney and livec deo-angoincnl*. for (- ample. Ur. (tiaiw, by me i us of his (Ci<lny-I,ivr I'ill-i, hn.-< l-i.)ni<ht ahut nine of lh most ^urpi IMII. ; .-tires ev -r i>ff<^tet. Thia Is ilu<- 'h.- .lirei-l and fir action <if thin Krat home on the liver aud kidneys. i the nn-rif.m'.e of a hlg-hly re- l|r,tnd resident of Conseron, Ont.: Mr. JnmwH Delllhunt, Conaecon, Pi inn* hVlwar County. Ont., writes: " For aeverul yeara I nuffred giett tortums "I njnwl niud body from Bright'* dijwune of I hn kiilny The i>:iin>t war* Mitnntimns almost beyond emturnrwe, and eirianded from my b*axl and between the nhouMern down '.he whole apical column nnd xeeinH ea ooncntr.ite aorosi nay kldney. MT kak waa nevor entirely free from uu Whn I gut tip in the UI-M n- i I eouM not >ii iighton myaalf at ,11. but v.ild ir 1 bant nnnrly ilmihle Boa* aal dy. My wata* waa souiily STK! at r lhr t irnnt prof uie, atid it gava me. grent nain to urinate. "I iiiiilil .1 i -mi Htnk. nnd though I trivl miny km,, of kidney iiilU, co-iil I ig^ no relief. \a n last re.-< .r t I N i.- inhii-.vl by a friend to givr Dr. CliWs Kitn.-y Live; r,!|.- trial. I f- It u eh in* after I h- firat ik*. I uiHsl in all .1!. .111 ' > l... -.. and they h.iv r,ntin-ly rureil m?. I have no p>iiM now, HII I em ilo ui t nl a diiy's work n I ver -i>:il.l. It ia a pl-ii.-mre fur on.- to res iiiin-ul Dr. ( tviKt'n Kiiln -.v-l,iTt>r IMIs, as they hnvo done, no unii h* f. .r me." Mr. J. .1 Wiir.l. J I'.. (Vin^-on, cer- tint h- has known Hi. IVUi- hnmt for yar /i n truthful man ami rewp-'vte I e:li/en, aivl \<^uches for tlv tmth of th- n'lv>i> Htatrmi-nt. You i.uinot pnngibly obtain a mor honeflfltal treatment for thn an.) llrp.r thnti Dr. Chase's I.ivtnr PilK It *s Htont t h- test of titn/A and htui provun heyond diiipn'te ilt/i riight to Ih- titl"rf '"tho wrH' Hro-at<-l'-v Inivli-in*." One pill .1 Ho*-, .i . i si NX, at nil .te-il.-rs, of I, 1UU A Oa.. I'oront*. UNSUSPECTED MICROSCOPIC CAV- ERNS IV WHICH THEY LUnK *wa I.IK ' I', u.ii. UNI) I . d t nnnc hlldr, a f U!M. i: n.lir< I'uhllrlr n r.i.r i>t. f*iir-ly ftvery one. nn- hna his or be.r own tcothbru^fc omb and brunh. At thr. Unto tha ' *d of having individual oups ad nau- TS and other ware U a aenaUrfn one, 'hough not a nwvossary one in moat aor. but if tihrTO ia any peraoti in ;1. family tiff-cted with dinoH.te, eav pectnlly oaoaatmpt-.aa and tike like, it b ubax/ n-tv-ssiry that that pcr- .-* LI have tin or h-r own dishes of sruch a diatiinctivn pattern that they ou.iMB* br nkintaken. ( Kiting haa be--n a much dU-iused r|iT<tvn, a at, whJw sentiment defend* thr prsict '.< ne id in favor at ubol*>hing it bt list aa a mark at affectiiuo. Miiny an infant >vihi bia f+-n giv^n B kbta of at fiction hu in ^i'il:ty b**n givrn the kua ot duth. and in a<liU hfo >erk>us dis- aari. if nut f:: . s, have been tranflmittol by thr kia of one sup- poated to \t- p-ire, y -t .saturated with) t-. Uoubllvsslhe i-ruladeagainat kktsing h-ia SAI-U oarrtexi to an abaur- .ty. but pix>miacuuus kissing, aaid* fn m .t.t .n I'-lkxicy, L> dang-.-rouB. The- f'0.1 wo eat m.y be * C4>us of inf.i't.o.1. Avoil a filthy - on atore aa you woui ! the pLigw! \t<-Mt that ia mauled over .1 rty M k. hi. n il-il with flirty hiuoVl an-1 cut w.thi .1 .~ L i:id maty knife iuiy t>t> Uiroil'V), but the percentage of daogt-r in it is fir ^r-at;r than in u I 1 undnr u.m- inviting ir- rUiUit. HC-IB. tx> with iT.a^l, cake, an<i the like; dirty BUT rounding* ({ 4 in, danger. Even ao honpl-e. a m-itter aa bnr- i . ',' .1 .1 11. y lil to the of <lis <i.s-- in a family. .^ n ng ah* i i .-|'iilly "gw ip- pitf' |> n .' i-i one n-!tit>! f ing g "1 f- ; l'/wihip, and tu- v. IL soiiy-tim -a thr innocent ouuse uf transmitting sord throat, akin diaeaa- <>r diplitb-rii to h.- f li-n I.; Ihu ike of public penciU ia iiL*), no doubt, n*>[>oiisJjU> for thr 1 1 inonubaiun of diaea*r frum one to r, the ilaii^er being far gr*-at- IT wlip-n d p>Tflon mointena tbe lead in Ihu ittxith. . Uinle from being u filthy bibit, thia ia a daAgt-roua one ui .iiiy i i -M\ for Lto K-i-1 la coiupara- .- t nifh hal hu civittn whi b are to tbi-- gerrno aa vaat cave* Ln wuj'h it hey lurk and. fruuu which they iiny be tnuBfe.rroJ to the nrucuous UK mbrunea through whxh diaeaae i.. inuut rcMdiily into thr ayst-m. As for punhol.lcra, they are murb irw -> comm <nJy u.*l by miny prr- , :t4if, mi I the danger of transir.,8- i aion of disease, g-rma by tin ui 11 i At the liotel -. j u ik I the bank d<-<ik p--iii.- arc limil-d by thoaianda in the i ounr-i- >f u fow daya; and ot tlus num.- ( or 1. . ,i to.y arvl do h.iv akin die- Bl limfn the ^ in in ui , back wa8 . ease*, at Wiat, wrhicb may bo conta- grial lhut hr wu a | moBt ph y .,iclly thus tr,uaf.-rablo to jncapabl,. of , x -rtion li- doctored s i .. U I uH boa great ta gr.-at dpal, ainetim;a getting tern- 11 1u t!>- lir^i-r . n.-:its at porary relief, hut the cauae of the I i..- i i li ve rhtMp pnbu4iei-s ui nuch trouble waa not mnox-d. and aoon> tint i i h p in cou.1 I have th- paina, aocump.mied alternately . on/e, bJ. tint U ma b by chills and fever, returned. At laat aiiupl i. I- uit.uii p ns .irv- .1. mi t , . ..fc u) .,,|, U . T lon.lition enu-ugh, nowa<lrty, to allow ev,-ry aj i>u 'u.i-h no im-,ln.nH could |r- bUfclntfwt :tv.iii an t uoin in to own one. nun u'l., .ml. liu^-.l bid i. n.l - .n but .f i ik l .t nut pi> .iib! . a p > k. t in. .-ill atill liar t>-,-u one of much p n!J i ui f-ert mily within the auif rin- hi,| m,t Mra. Smith olt:m- p uf all. Blotting pap -r, t -u. on u-tely pi-. ,j L0 YEARS Oi- PAIN. Tllf IA rlrnr- ml 1r. Mi HUM -mil*. f N, kn S'r:el f-r rnr> frum k:.lM-> I From th,- Pout, Hawkeabury, Ont. Kv. rybody in Uawk-Mtbury knows , Mr. \V ;i,.im Smth. 11 .-.m- hers w h. n tb- IL>WU w.ia yet in its village) daya, ag one of the lumber company's staff of mccbanica. In ItBU Mr. Siuitli waa appmnt^-d town con- atabk-, and filled that position until v i> recently. Asia well known to n. iti y of Mr. Suiilh'a frirnda, be was aulferpd much from kidney trouble of yeara (.aat. and ilCBk.1, baii-.-i its of .vo I t>< miny hands and from i'.a abMurbeai nature it congenial to til-::i.M i;i.KMK\rA Aa for public uo:nb.i an<l bnwh s. i h -linger U luOfevi>le:tt .nl .': - , antg to iMe>l advice againt th ii nivl th;' I to public. toHels; a publio <M>nv?ui nee, p'rii.ip-., IKII i "It 1MN aaU ilr. S . t,.- s rspacully ' , rial f thu !'<>, "ihat ;t waa s U*ie>a expiii -.:ii.-:i , .vrtd ycl I w is u. ling lo do .ilrnoit u;.ythin; that w i:M uriag r. l.ef. 1 hid nn. u.d 1 '' I'--'- ' I I in -re ., , un- u ..^.rd rtrhof. i-> i t.t. ia,, n I bid ,,. - tliy ,, ;u< , r m <ji_ cine. I cmtiu.jid ibiir u-. ,intl ,1 ii. >n (i>UTtxs t'V-n to-Jay, of ilu sll -/uip:.mi of tbe in> :.i in,t had r worae ilisvMS-s. Tu wipe ih- in ule my li'o j:i oi ni...-h mtory fur h-iii U up in th m ki bud i-n.>u,;h, but i . 'i>- i h f ion .in-t eyua ut c<> u lin^ w.riuUH trouble. Iriiiking cup* in y bo a of inftcticm aa wvll aa of a . ! i\f or fzhilirating dr.uulit. yuu think .such a paper la in exutti-nc.e / ' naul l-'oMtnr. "I'm i-viJuin of ii, ,111.1 Mrs. Ver- .scvhoyle knt-w the Mawheae was in- i.vut. She only aci-UMexl him out of jei!u<my." " Milt why did h-e, not deny the chtij-gn at uncn, insle.i.1 of letting luiiie*<lf I- [.;-. -.1 111 ~in-h a pe.riluii.1 ; in I" "I don't kn.iw," naJd Winks; "he njBvor gave me .my e xl . I m ih MI. Hut l- knew he wat -.fe. for even ahuld the |ilpw not )< f<vi I luDOlillllK. Ihe evi- U>noe of the iler.iM.sf id, that Vassal la Iwul givan him l ne d.igg\i-, ould stive him. If \v. hn:ln t the itiletto, he wmldji't have killo<l him with it, t hull's flat'." " But VerNchoj'le dUtino.tly Jenled tto im that h h,id 'iiuy intention of Cf.miM l ling \ii ile," .tai.l l(.,,| Winks hhiuvK^I his sUnilders. "Chnr.gtiMl hit mlmd, I MIUKMA. lie wi lenUy did it 1*1 I)H> ^<uir of (he Hut liero we are, fit InM." The> weil i<io III- hotel and were ^.|||^^ll into Ihe Lite Mr.-i \'. i Imyle'a ronui/ by the lunllidy. who had heard i....:.y jear wa.s g ,at. I t-ei ,bnt I am oured, and u.i, < , , , . j n tint tu- care i duw ti . Lr. KTlUtesw' l'i k I'm ... I I ,,, v . r i , a-u |iporiuu.ty ot , :ul,n/ the pilN it> mig-hbi)r who umy be ail- tmy IK-, an I thin applies just iug." aa m-.k-h, if n it mora so, to romiuun- i|i.. a-uvl, it U tiu,-, in a holy .- uise, but none thr- |i-ia IJcely to serve M .i Boat -/ke.l P ,,,,K M .'. .11; ! tixjithixi by th- 1 lipi or h.inds otlw-r m-.y ro'i , r OIM virUK or inl<--tuxuri goriaxi. Nor ia it ix-ces- s.iry to eveo touch .tu-h articlvn. I. tiniry booka aru no .loulii often corvvvyvm of diaease, and, although I )>i ir!.in.i July*-. >> i-n frequently \ir^.-.| by -iint.iri ui.s to ailopt >mv in.-ihol of .liniiifevting l -k.i, f..w, if miy, ttiv*. . w^n fit t i lo t* >, although th le la a i*h>Mp, birin,l--Mi an I effieaci >ua ni.'lUoil oi l*o doin^ by furm:ili<fhyd#. KI--II ai-:i l.w tint ,itv, in a .lenae, pi ii-. te pi ,ip\rrty ure possible fat-tura in ilkw- ou<usatk>n. IVt:utf\' ntampa for viaiupl.-, un I n:.lM- ciiuiui >l art.- el i, n-it ibly t.. < flip of an -nvel.p-. .in- fei t il fn-LU for th' growth of germs tbit miy bi- bl-i\ n or othcr- .s< impl i nt -.1 <i|>ini ihv eiimmml atir- . tine- iUiii^-r buiing increased frina thf i. ibility th- t u>,'i- IIIIY cut by th- pip.-r ilge. i-n tu>-iu. .ritepiM-.-*!!! who ine.i his to luoi-ilui I.Lmipi anl Ih- like liny be iuifecte.l .u niii uliled a.s effectu- ally *UA if tbl |>n-i!> wia in>vt<-l. I Iv-. 1 Mil- \\iiH <viine wluMi the in i- vilinl .vill Kite hi i-<v! ly iiie. KVKX IN TIU) HOI ,\ i I . h. i . o '.* - \\ n (ow.-l, itop, ni<ongf> and toe like for the Ur. William*' Pink 1'ilN cure by -.> iog to ibe root oi ih. ij:c4si>. They rrouw ,i , . . ,, l -. : ">y Hti-.-ngthen tbe Mtvss, I h ii driving diaiaao froui th^ system. If your " B ' -p 1:1. ,11. Uu-y will bo sew p ., ,, i 1 1 ;,o centsj a x Iniies for H ,1. i.. ..'i H \\illi.uii ' il.ili.'i:i (Xx,. v.llo. Ont. it Hl.lNDKl) in dOA '.: It ol irl bv-li'M- I l-'r .{ N .; , ,, .f ( N .N., hi* p, i -milk ,.; !y uu th,- of lxth ey.-.H. n .y tviH i n (u.UU' siriuk-n \\itli lilui.luvs*. and iS>-cjiU-.t liav^ n.i li-snition in de- ii,' that th,- i ,^u, -it - habit U ra- spt.iti*U>U' for lib* ci.ii lit ion, un.l fear I - .<i.rht e.innt l>- r. stored. Young N inloii'.s lun^-* ar,> ala> aifcl to U< aN f'-,.vl fr-wu th,- .-.Uirotto habit. Aa a r<-ult ol th- i f.l. i. on which has COUTH- upon th - U>y, .H.-vi-ral of his eom- addaru-d to rixan-tuw have ar*lrt and pi -.IgHtl th-m- >-ivw lo abstain fitx-n them In the I' ... .t WHY 1IK OWJKlTKD. i II -r dad is trying to stave ofl the Al(i/-H.> has a barrel of money, 1 suppoacf I nly-Yea: and imagines 1 want to taJr the ai.ives off the b%. ,. i HEALTH. THE KISS AT THE DOOR. n the days of tha lance and spar, When the hero went forth to the fight )ft he carried a token from her, Whom he worshipped aa lover and knight. Ind when fierce aurged the battle around, ind when clos* pressed the merri> less foe, Twas 'hat ti>ken tnat drove off de- spair And gave victory's strength to Lis blow. N'.t a hero of knighthood am I, But a w&rri'-r in industry's strife, Where the lance that I wield ia my pen, Vnd the ladye I aerve is nay wife. Yet a token I carry each day, Full aa precioua aa any of yore. And it stoutens my heart for the fray- Tis my lore's morning kisa at the door. Fur bis faith will tha martyr endure By the sunee-l the artist's inspir'd. At the blaat nt the bugle and fife la the soldier to gallantry fired. But whatever may othera exalt, For myself I shall ask nothing All Japan teas are colored. SALADA CEYLON GREEN TEA is purs and uncolored. com.sult your once. family doctor, and at H.VIR MASH KGB. As a rale, hair that ia turning gray and falling, oan, in a woman un '.er SO be checked in it* evil courses by keeping it very clean, using a soft brush lightly and by aid of one fin- ger maaaage, sayi an authority on hair. The charm of maaaage ia that it not only brings out a new growth. : bat bring* it out even darker than ' Aa a prompter to worthiest deeda Xhan tbe kuM that I get at the door. E. W. Gray. NO. Mustard Is a valuable remedy that no family should be without. Two or three tpn[jonfuls of ground mus- tard stirred into one half pint of wa- ter will aU very promptly as an eme- tic, and it ii milder and easier to taka than and water. The beet remedy for faintneaa ia to lay tbe patient oo the floor or tofa, with the head on a !>>vel or slightly Uvwer than the body. Loosen all cloth- in*T and allow the air to play freely round the body. Sprinkle tbe hands in<1 face with cold water. Green vegetables should be taken daily. It ia not sufficiently known that green vegetables are splendid purifiers of the blood. They ahould, however, be well-eooked. Half-cooked regetablei are m it indigestible. OOOD TEMPER A DfTY. When it comes to b- rtco^nli d more generally, as It nugbt to be. good temrr cannot only b> cult TU- td, but ii a Christian one hn no moral right to inflict gloom and de^ixxn-lem- , up.>n the home m -m- bers of the onu'iiu '.all doubt. lesa^ftC' tnirlt-1 change for the bet- ter. * > diapoaition ia natural to >-"iii- and not to o- but all my acii'iire this aa well as any other virtue; :ul its t<oseaion ia one of the strong recouiu. r. l.ition* at one i religion. There L-< uo rea>on why one member of tbe family say, tbe mnsalfish mother ahould supply ill the* for tbit homo i;i.M'S Ob' KYrXr.HT. The three defecta of eyesight wbicb re moat commonly encountered in -wise healthy persons and which MJI be ui ce, or less perfectly over- KMne by means of glasses are ne.-ir- iighte<inea, far-aightedneaa and aa- ' :igmatiam. Theoe are all important, tor, besides the discomfort auid if aiioe of imirfert i k r ht. the involun- tary effort*) which the sufferer makes' to see better atrain the eyes and not only injure them, but also give r --. through reflex action, to headachea anl various nervous diseases. Near-.nightedneaa, ahuft-sightedncsa or myopia, aa it ia variously called, ia a oooidition of the eyebill, usually a lengthening in etnuequence of whiob the rays ot light are brought to a focus In front of the retina, and so tlie blurred. Many near-sighted people refuse to wear glasaea, preferring to Meprive themselves of sight for everything beyond the none rather than injure their i-ersonal appearance aa they think. This \ a sbort-sighte.1 lie.<ide losing much of thr joy of existence which cornea from see- ing the beautiful things about and il> >ve us, such periwiis are very to suff'-r from inflammation of the eye produced by constant atrain. the natural color of the old hair. Any patient and sufficiently 'imbitious in- dividual can help his or her bait by massaging it correctly. There ia a general and erroneous impresaion that to rub the scalp ia to massage it, and Bo serious an error ia this, if perfectly healthy heavily tbitched head ia rubbed faithfully and persiat- ently all the hair will drop out. To masaage rightly and effectively place one finger with a firm but not aevere (treasure on any spot and with it pu-sh the Ujoee scttlp under it with a regular, rotary motion. After a few THE PUMP THAT FAILED, be i r i mp bad walked a g"ud three waa parucularly thirsty. A audden turn m ub r id brought him to the foot oi .1 ate up bUl. n the i. p '. of which atoud a Urge, suUtumtial- houae. tramp pauaed a moment before the bill. Y-t h.- felt hui>Kry turety. He gLanot t.i the left. w i d s (ULught his lurry, weary traveller, and refresh thyself. The tramp waa aorry the siapa waa u<-<l only to a pu>mp-uandl. 11 .-. . !. wn-r w us butler i-ouiO>vnced 10 pump. Tna ap<>ui rema^oed dry. He pu Still IK. water. Afier ten iu.mH.-tt uf J.^rJ w<,rk be Mi.d L-irifl liJ-.'s at>juit the. pump, aoui ojntinued iiL. journny. A ? llie h; i hia grit; 1.0 a tuaiiv .tier .wf fbi^e llouae ill<j<iS the HERE 1$ HEALTH ) Thess Four > repers- J j tisas tempi*- a f ', t , m p I e t r l : . > ; u.cut 'or all 1 tirMt J l x and L*ui iroakl.'i. J { altoa f<Mit)Tc< urt Tb i < is uMrirtl by j J tutnr, tt><- TM!I- I y f }, thr Iip*r- ' th" Jollr i J ftlll. a all her, { or any tkr**, cr 5 tw, / ikmy be ua*d itufiy { or ! eonUkatk a, aeeerdinf lu the - of tb . . ..-....-. h-- haa some - -!-<: is t.rua which haw - led fi . *n the zv i.j fill .-u; him- 'igh. so h> - that a I pump i tras, and n- * " H . i :. .us alrea.: ing .n - .it.) ar h -uc with the w h < owned in- l> are atmply kidney disorders. The kidneys Citar tr. blntxi of all that shouldn't he there. The blood pule* through toe kid* neys ev-rv three n.. utea. If the kic do their work no impitritv or cvue of riioorder ran remain in ihe c : r. u ;.. longer than that time. Therefore if your blood i ou> of order votir kidnevt have failed in their work, they are In nerd of atrt-n,ihening er dvl.-- all three, the ' t and must imitated blood medicine tbars) U Dodd's Kidney Pills aeconda more the finger along to an- uther (joint and repeat the process, but never permit the finger ead t.. upon or rub the scalp's surface. It seems a tedkius method of induc- ing hair to grow, but for all its slow- nsss it n sure, aa no other press as ia, whether by aplieatkn of patent liquids or no." VALTH OF A t.OOlJ BRKAK The longest-lived peopl<- have gen- erally been thaee who in the principal meal of the day. The stomach has more vigor in tii- morn- ing than at tiny other tune. FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR* KM WOTSLOW s KOOTWrNG STRUT tu* tm a4 kr aim klfr (fcrtt ohildri-d t*i-'hiof It i-xeh U skJd. tatltmf lk raM r*,i..i irate - .. . - ,.11. . ... ,r,.; : - PHILOSOPHY. Philoaophy Lelps us bear the fortunes of other pe.ople with nimity, but our own well, that U an- other story. ', dons with vwh M of frtu fre rn>- VARRH ' t - IOXOJE rherv I- t onnt'T th tho ' - bj f. J 1 < i|i .n.i - MI. u T-,-ir t f the f - r ' 110,0 M ' p H r H : C * Mrs. K: pi .nt - Thl U Posltivs CUP* far all Throat and Lang Troubles, &* CONSUMPTION THE5E FOUR REMEDIES Represent a New ayfltem of medicinal treatment for ths w%k, and tboee entering frum wasting disease* weak lungs, eaughs, sora throat, catarrh, consumption, and other pulmonary troubias, or ixJsss> uaiory conditions of nosa. throat and lung*. Ths treatment U fraa. You hays only t -.- to obtain It. Bribe ovstem devised by DH. T. A. SLOCUM, t:i> n pulmonary and k^ndre.r<iiease. ths nee.U o( the sick body cn b condensed into hia tr*tment by f. - - prerara' te\-ur your d-aae, on* or mar* of thtss four remsoUes will bene''.; to you. According to the exigencies of your case, fu'lv ezplainsd in the ti *s given f: -s with the fr*e mediciass, you may taka one. or any twa, or thra*. or all four, in combination. Thsf.nir together form a panoply of atr.ig:h against disease in. was*- ersr _4^a it may attack y ju. THE FREE OFFER. T- v.f^S I'I-.K r FIJI lrln i- I- piyratto-as. mm>Utl ahoT,. nn.r- 1 ' writ* tuTPH* A ,-. . i " > " ura ofSI. e 1 \m. nd ib- HutfiTti" -nutfe at uiu g> uvruul propoatooii. ana ' them aJwirj m. mon ;lri ;.-MT ui :n r.aadii. anitag ^ocum's ftw offer ia Am,ri.-n piper will U*-c mul for ajur.pja Is ou. Utxirii Let oo rtsiTlvua 'lif Ttti n "t- ltm aieveiik j ju Tn""y attvaauftt or uus i^ijeBiiifl (T*K safer* too UM. UNAN-WEKAULE. You say y^ ! - '-iu tile man ' To ui.v certain kuowleJg* you never have amounted to a hill of A Vary Happy and Prosperous New Year to tha Many Friends of LUDELL A iml ^ CDM i OCYLON TtA TMI HOLLOW SQUARE. da: a purel\ n.l luiii':.' com all otber >oliil r. File l - - in a - ' sh nil L .. !a th-' i .. ; ' . T rolonir - seiitun-nt. frt'tn ,uiiiy. irom u . \.. i ' su- Th- currier jiu.-''i'n, when newt nutr be pr.--s<-- . -\tiiifr i> ! ' If . - *JHTM*L -. ^ Ih "BaJmo.a.. Mr M > k at . \l, - i :;u n hack- sub! Dnt's my ity'.v. auh: M ! I I05J a oat tuaf. Xa -atf, M THE Birr< HIM) FREE. at fcblt 1.- H CO, T j. -..Ju. OM. - It V^ill Pay You Dawfoo C f.Tals -i^n Co. L.-ui ed j SLATE, TILE ana uo- OLA* [(BOS.. M -T II LMUII-C MBlAt, KOO . Dyeing ! Cleaning 1 tat *.h>> -rt bat tend f ur vnrk " BRITISH AMERICAN OYIINQ CO." i. . Mon'ic.i!. r.-r.'nto. Ottawa, ID. Firat, bathe tbe feet in hot water and drink a pint of hot lemonade. Then sponge with salt water und ra- main in a r.nn. Second, bathe the face in very hot water every five minuteo for an hour. Third, snuff up the i "t - ilt w- iter every three hour*. fourth, inhale ammoni i . menthol. Fifth, take four hours' ex- erciae in the <|HMI air. A ten-grain dossj of quinine will nsuallt t i. ik up a c.-lil in the U^inmog. Anything that will aet the hl.M ictivulv in circula- ti .11 will do it. Hut, rw'ter than all. if your oold ia inveterate or aeriou. M \v i:\inrs DISEASE. le four-year not fwling well ind b - that he might be tik ntr i h-' ohi.-k.-n l\, ili-ii jirev.ii | U- 1 i uv)i riK' ninx be oi MI" ' liMiking very eru.u., an.t - "Yuu'r* right, pupa; it i.-t t b- chicken- pox; I found a feather in Ih* bed. ' -v. ri-> BOrTEN \v VTKIl; Bran or oatui*vl ar.- for softening hard wuter. For i bith siir a peck of bran inlo a tub of w inn water. The friction of the Mills the cir;-alil"i.n of th- blood to the -u a.. -kin and so cleanses and aofteua it. CALVERT'3 CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all sK n aitmnt. J. C. CaJv :rt A Cs , MsuwlMstar, IngUnd LAW TORONTO CUTHNC SrH9 MILLS, MILLS A HAUS it*. SI '! Yonf- sa. - . Wnu for finis* _ 1 -K . . 4 . v Music T* 3 ..,rij of 1.1.1 .. . j,- >u : WHALEY. -t'n O- -iiJ-ip 8aea. loar. Onto . ! -lira. B .J.Ut* - - A J. SAaUIS SS., MontrML ,'. k .WOOD* PHOTO LMtttAViftO TS) OKI! * T.* UaaSM Bmoiu r>hu4 Ik* > > 4I ia. TabM-L All n * \VOKK. Oh. we hid the Jovolwst in IM ' "Ur church society last wwk I .:i'e.l In the m-- 1 "- i.ine five dullars. whi^-h sbe 1 h.'rself by hir.i wi.ik irst . m band. I uNvililn t ' eirn ru t - uU. Wanted - r ^ THE MOST NUT.ITIOU*. EPPS'S QRATfeFUL COMFORTING. COCOA i ' . ' VI WA TM OTTT Oil. CO L.iaal% Hogsrs. P-rsst, Tera)%a ^

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