Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jan 1901, p. 1

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2Urirattix > * TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " frRINOIfMS* NOT ^__. .-. _ar-i _ , -* fOL. II, l) 1017 Fleshertoii. Ont, Thursday, January 3, 1OOL W. H THURSTON, PrutoD Station McFarland 4 Rich arts MtFarhnd, Grey 4 Southgate M NOAI k, OREV COL'NTVS BIOOEST STORE TORONTO McFarland & Co. MARKDALE 20th CENTURY Suiuu ..f the yo,i.i(B) oldlf r people san tin-- "M year ou' ami the A happy NOT Yew to y.i M. M.trW. {,. ,tayal up ffcr that put ua * 1( r..i A, we were buy preparro^ fur fhjit- kvyt jflch h.<ur* a* t., lv*ve .diaiaci- l w failed Mjacnd iuwar byd^bi last' - ri ^out rfc. ,,kl. rmu in, the n, w.* 4 The folfowing par ns %j>ent til, ! ta acbool rn;-rtituiiiieHt tke I'Jtjfc ^^ at ilu-i* riacuuMl h.iim-t > F. A. ttlt. wjapuwjj Bucreac. Alt^r t inn- TUurelon, D. g Si, C.:, ; A. D Vuft,- > . ^^ ... -ton. foionto j Walter Smith, Toronto ; The Belle' radiii*t. in.l s WB EXTEND THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON AND WISH OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS by >he | upils u,i -in^inf Ly the young ^^ <ulk uf die secti n,' Mr Id* fiiyK> re mi | a nicely w .rdcd a3<hvst and Mr* Mthal j\ pruavnted **a*yifcaijt*-, tWv, uhag> M wait. -ii H'..ii' ( , * a it tokip tjt Hi sie<Mu m trhicR lUej . hr, and Mr. > S.mnU; Thmr ,. *e,ipy 'he ulm iK,.f many We,arrt Win* a HWly tlin , , t UI ,|,ra.M wu*i MX c .uncil caiWf ,,, f Uh|h(J Th. Sn eWry I 'IH.-..U. n I.K.kHiij ..i i itiful , Mings, Diamonds, Ruble*, Sapphires, Emerald% .in t And all ui iimpr -* precious aj.l prreioun stm.cs are here sho ,'i ,-ite concepi ions* The baut^af . mis is >rv sinking, and the pric. - tin- pirce, 1 tliu aB-'i), Mi- le ^ood* ,rf ,*. the Mr. U. Fruenuui 411.1 f.,aJy </ il'... are speiidra.: l. hrNuu, u ie.-us, nli Mr. Krn-uull u< I" ' Mm* M -ry iiefl^.,n of thai Institute, ' >i. Sound, JpaJubry* at Mrm. VV tor in Oxen 8uemt Trh m*. ,. >ou gre Mr. V\Vl!nijrtiu tjrfc.4m, irbo !uu he<-n ' our tora lor yoir profit and hers. My, fiU *yt r*iug hr Ware J\ most Rappy and Prosperous McFarlana d Co McFarland & Co X-M- A-S Groceries A full line of thf In-st itoods jiut receiv- oJ. inclmliuil orangtm. lemony , fanry liMouitw, bonUn tH, ramina, pv-li, cru- etc. PLUM I*u<ldinijN, ready In addition wekeep, full Uiieofordinacy Xnicvries, ueh aa mfir-, tea-, xoap* <c,.innion and fancy), spttniiih mwii., canned Koodn, and piekelt, lh- Fiii- t line of 4 hriMmnx t'aiidU'K in Town, ('nil and tv thrui. Uuu'l pass us by fj. WRIGHTS OLD STAND Farm for Sale . |(*-arn> firm, only MHO if ol.l at .MI.-,, r, aora rl<-M.l IH| in at>ln-lij utaWof eulii >- Holt. 'Jii a)'i\i- clear*-' and .-<>. !e<t h>r (ra/ii.K, voll watxml au<t fud. (loo<i frai.-a barn, tablo im-l.-r . fraiux (twflllni;. >iilrn<ll'l orrh- ar.', | :i.i) (mm urbuol. H uiilo* from K:i>.-r to,. Modrratw paviiMiit down, balanen aa*r trrm*. Alaoaoiiaiber of o*b*r (oodfamiii for . ApplTlo R.J. U-ROITLK. Conv*yaD,av and Heal KaUi* \ol. Clubbing List Nearly all th cheaper claw of city newxpa(>er8 have rained tho pnc of tbi-ir u's very matt-rally thi, -^nll i owing to two caime*-theioipBition of pnatage and incrwuwj in coat ..f wbite |pcr. Following is a list uf toe vanou: clubbing prices K. far s we have com pletrd it: Tin Advance ami Mail and Kinpir* fl.HG Weekly Globe I !'" Daily New. ... -J.3I; Oaly Star g.56 an... ..1.80 f. ',,. O*r fir., It i> our |ji<,;iti' \jt rc|j<irt little wed.liu|5 nf ALsa- Lisa* Or K C Murray and bert wt FMim M.-tt(ji< Eawcutt. of *r!fasvtf , .1. Tl j I ne guest or Mrs. K. stiuirt. Mr. John S*ul, ST., spuiiP Hw diiy with bw diwghter, Mrs. J PeicrviOr pretty W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. FLESHERTON. ' . i. . . Our OITH ' Th, uaft Xiiias-E.o of the 19th was lery IlKiBrry ccl, l)rtf,l in tho J Mutkwftiit diarch \y au etUertaitimtnt Mr. Win. AiKferson paid mt a 'flyidfe ! given by thaV avholiicp of Stone's and iit froiu SvruA* f^rk. - !'riri?il!e Sunday tcboola. The centre MIIW Motton hat Irft for P.-ilryuipIat, fof attraction U^wc-rar was a very whore aha mUads ai;nJt,({ tb, wuittir. Muu Haiti, Ander-hru iwrm'itiiig friaiufe the lime ani*ed for the conimenccracnt fif ti*s> uro^ram ft it BO' ^urpriaini. tk hall .t, .ji.ui; .i-t.-ly'Ui .1 : f>l;itfoi m to ilrwir wrh a moaf enthuaikal.. and ap|preci*tiqe audience. Th mittoe of vmavtMHuiitdttHerw ycvut i for tlifir wnokumi! m securing aucb tu, array of talcltt i, the pvraon, of Miss 13. -Jy covered jrilli ft Mr. J. Inria of Braaptun ha\a M manager of Warefiaut lumbar jard fnt thai seAvnx Mr. \Vm. J.'niiNton W <>wvu Suas! w h. me lur the hoti.iay*, at'U-r iich h, will Mkc af dutim at i'rotoo, Mr. TlwuiM J.' n ha, beeu u- Juoed by lu> nnmy . |riemfa tliroughoUt ful Xnm W wbiefc vi almot complete- 1 CljrUtoe t' .FU-sh.rton, Mrs. Melvor- T!ie to wan of njK-i-llaue,4,chaiacter 4ad was a vary creditable oue. Among the prm- eijiaj n umbers wcru sereral well rendered recitations by Jl.ii Mabei McAKhur, John McAnkur. Rtclii. SIMM, .ml Alex. O>n>uruu. A duet by Muw Anna Jamvx n,I Mr. Hugh UcCrac ww t*;i re.-eived. Th, stuffing uf the -S.S childrwi WM alao accept ttk iiurmry UMt ft the cl.ed|*"HJ ^ Mr - the Hoounatioii w ialiuii f. r tb can-| ith a ipir.ted .ni{ in ingyeajr. Mr Johawtoo luu proved ky j Ok'*. During the old Santa , tlt third , that iatvgrity anil br<iad> patruitlun I of all preenD. wiib (K-tout man fur file jMMit.on. Cc> Ion. Our viiiou fiabbarhi aclwol drove urrr and joined in taw rally beM in the erton Methoiiist church <m Sabbarh i n.ion and rvpvrt a Wkf eojwyablc . thu * ^ proli'al.le tiruia, We aaw plowed to icar* that M!NH Alfb, (mat two week*, is i Mr. and Sirs. \V. , _ ^ , ., , aj) the4r ab-nlc On th. McUill farm. * W,l* n S ' S - w * U * 1J wish t!ic yunf coil^ltt Kit's !-" r ' IlluUKklltM ('rant, Mr. J. H. Bef<* tfnd Prof. Murray of Toronto and Prof. U. M> D<majd uf Pncevill*. Of the program itaelf, it ia uselea* to diacrimiiiat4 or specify any immbrr* an thiry #ere all nf a> superior character. The routiajg pibrudb McEAnalct, the artistic and aki. Mian Chriato,, the cUvef Highland dancing of I'rof. Murray, I'.o a prominent ieittim o{ the yrogram. The ^ fine ol<1 l'"g ">d apinted Jacubir Craiv:, tad tho humoroun, side-Hf^itriug j"k,f<, recitations ai^ aing ia uf J. H. Canenm, all oombiued to make ><ne of rhe nist eleaiiag^Hl<t Imrouiihly enjoyabUeotcrtainmuDU ever n.-iil in PrweviUe. XotM Mt. John M -Arthur occupied the chair in kis usual urbane ravnner. A Inrgu'c. iiitingent of gueaU came o\ '' fruji Flenheiton. Durham, Droaaore aa<i Boothville wr aino well raprvsAnt*d. t Si-i.tvh bonnets wore the favhioa. Aftet tin 1 enti-rtainment wai over th<> cleared uf benches and ali.n:- r er. Mr. Johnatou ha.-* pTuvwl by I Oktua. During the mnnmg of th third public kft>a.t wJl M Jim-ate attain j vene of thi M..IH; i )l,l Santa inadtf hit he k ibjM-ougli buauit-w iu.u. Hia] appoartac* outul iba uprtwhctin applauw rian to at at li^rrtly vi'kwidj travel andexpnttunct on the veneab!e ind weJoutde old Sa nt, f infla, ni.ikM him a..-m- l-r alth. >ui{h bis i-yiabruw,. aat whiakers ,rre mi white M wiow, yt hia step is jn,t t elastic aa th? uni^rttut yuuug IU.IQ pre- eut. finnta w.ido a i-i-ry ueat little ndd, in a Wtraynd hu Ueyma|> ex-, a^ iie callad . ui/on four ..r tive turdy ^ssiatifiU, wb*> hugau at ice to the avippy boya. ur!k Tho - ohAi < WM "pi* by the *' Pro and ditncniit huld way to 'he "wee LM V W l%lt*R | ie Prater- L fnm (I t8 Farm Wanted. tabHi>. PMcavUt*, d t-o iont rtW acre* or inor For j art.' ulavts pH % '" Uc. 7, UW1 ; -rt M ;I s,, Hi d : .inti Mis. GunUiiur to our (.iardiner is i{"mt; UM*I buaiiu Mr. U. 'Ik-tt L^itoiu of 'W. i \ .11,1, day waii I Mr rfrv WiH (Uuglitvr, LJ. n, im MU 9iui.- ( 'Mi-l::i KH.US fo^rit C'hristwv here, ill.-* .lean C' '111 *.n of Tor. .nu> in,l Mr. T. O'U.i.s.,!, of Kdgu HilT ur* Mi> All the BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE ,d tea aa u^n.d wa* ^k, after which a ,.. , WHH m\ 1411 1 i the i.'thc churcli K; lar. 'iCth,- T.TMrto, and Mr. and MTH. tlJ Ml.-.s J..y of Fleauortoii. (tnd girls whu t -ok pirt %h<Jinstlv, admirably. A st.-u- ui ten xirl drvsred in wliito, w:n splendidly l>rfor1K'd and rcri.-cti ^reiU credit on te.ickft-r nn.l tcholiirs. -This w M) Wi-s We % Ciklliim .1 br-*t iii'i'riir.'iiu befo^ n I' v \V. MvM,,U,u M ,,I ,1,,,-c oliudnn ****?SKi*5!&*!^ Chrwiiii.i.s H,-L-'< i6k her |*ivtil :n * \\*lie J H Cameron ran hiv i through hia h.iir. turned up hia evening j an(1 Z , V8 ^j., "phiz" a twiat or two a wejuld take a pret'y auuu-t detective to hl.-ntify him. The proceeds amounted to the ban ! no in, sum of f.i'J 4.".. Wv oongrat uhate our fullow t .wi.smon.. Mr. .John McArthnc n<< Mr. VVV-Mm . i rrofon i>n their app<iintinent to the- Cuuuty Council Ky ucclaiuAtion. They ceitainly pt^weMH thi* ."utiiiun.-,- of t'u 1 vot^ra of Ihe hanner towilahiji 1 ',. 1 and Proton. Thi- Hi.ys of our burn rpent pli-<nii! tiiH>' on ftie ftem H)II of dny pliaying :i fe-r hotly co< '..niii in ,1 sliiniiv on 'h* it) !! p >r)K : -T!u- Jl. M,- H Mr. TBACH MARKS DrUON* COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anroti* MtidHif a>kl> and <toMflMI,>n mmj ^nlckl* uovrtitin oat opinkxi rn* S h.-r aa inTrntVin Mprubablr MMDtabl*. Cnrnmunlr*. Mprubablr MMDt tlow MMotlr eoaMcntCU. Haixtbaok ua win fr**. OraM MM*-? for ourlai patwiUk PaMnM lfcn tSrpwk atvna a" M. r*a4 tkoatdMtM lata* K Hmcrican. A kMaxnmly tlMllMll **!*. Lanwt elr- MlaUoii of mnr aataftMf t..rl. Ttram. M a ^ i i. > in of On ha n i tl e ' bis si-<ic>, >'.o> .l..jk>yco. * IJuitx- .. uuKil'vi fi.'ttt ii rc tif'f. i S ouiii,.nuj|-t U IVici-u le Ki-i lay. <1:ir "K .4 '.' rrrspvn,lt it Do n..tfi.r.;H ri wnto it 1H01. at-.: . us Si-Hi-.- _' BO ^, T!iO'<) ' <i:i!V kne<- nev tm , n> of "A J IV.:i .1.1 V. M. :' .. i <*! t. e frttt t Bifrtiett i-l N.a MoLu .( i.-m. . u-* n i'l i ,n ii-iitvin^ t!i vo:c Illin.nii, wh-r,' thov | .; i' th- i-.non . f i-inl.i-.-uii. Tlu- siovin;,' ,-f a-iviu ihu c ; -i ;il in'^li it\. Tlio ?Hi.*i J^>- f !)'> cipMv.Ue,! I lie au.ii -n.-e. l,^,k well aftvr th, ii- rei.|..ii. u jn Tiir'.! U v. .1 M.,t!i(?IK>ii ivcii[H.-d the cll%(r. ' S;inr dw;iiinfi. i'locrid* abi.u, t 1.' Mi Alic-j V. K,> { .^5!,' t-- ; . * I i.' .'joiis ul&MtUnd li.iv, acoreJ ,w- n>n hr X'ii'< U li.'a i .11 hum-, u I mr victory Tn t!ie umt'i-f of conceits. J Minxes Fanny .Imutw i-J Me'*, a- -I a new year ami IK-IT ci-mury Tli vnterUinitMint pr-nided k>y tuem in Jenny Jamos of Cnmiv ,k, m-u homu fr have c.ine, things seum to bo g"in t ; on V. t w ,u'j Hall !: Kii.l.iy evening was their holiday*. about as usual. Af-.-i i week's hi<lidyn c rrninly . ne of iheWvst they have er ! What w, would Lki to know-*;Wi.. it ii difficult M n ,ke radical chin^o i g en . '. bi -amp is noiT, hoeTw, for K>ld B<'h t' e S. S. t ckil I "VYU-rt) ia> pcting the MW re'lu'i MI* ifi'tf (T-c'. the rxcri wic, of Hac -IUVH an] wnbeB -<hvi kid (" A k N* 1 f. r

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