ftasfcrlim TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XI, NO 1014 Flesherton, Ont M Thursday, D^cerr |bf>r e, 1OOO W. H TnrBQTON EDITI B * InlttelUn, Phut'BIETOB ^ A, 4. 4,4 t A . v A A A A - 4. J. X A A A A A fci4 'WaV^ The Statute Labor Question adopted for one. or two years and if found McFariaod & Richards M Jarland, Grey & Southpte CUNDALK QKCV COUNTY'S BIOOEST STOKE TORONTO & Co. Fir>t -.elcctiot. in Fur* is nlwavs IBS'. Th !.> time to select fun is i--irfy ui th- prmg when last e.ison' "t^ke'' han cured snd put on 'ht market. Later on. when London and New York hare declared the styles they are oiderei to He m<ulo up. That's the way WE huy furs N TJ can havM an stylis). furs as we have un'eM rheir order was placed early. This year the style* are particularly fetching. Some makers h-tvf been i", no to s .-lire .om'oit 'on-. We have found on who c nibine- arti-tic tate with ide* of comfort, the result is.our lur de- Higns are krnutiful to l.-.k ti;-nn and comf. rt.ibie to wear. For Instance t v i r .i rli.i u Jackets < ;i p.- r , m-s and Raff* Ladies' Axtrachan ) ickttit made << beat (!ern an dyd -kins, specially selecti d, 'arge curl (or close even curl, if preferred ) good sii>rm collar, lined with beat quality Italian or pur>- atm, qui'ted. every i-irnient is fully guaranteed, tenths '.'4. M. 30. 34. 3K inches Sizes 34 to 44. Pri. e ratine from 22.50 all the way up t i f4t).OO Ea:y 1'r M ! Capes Lulte' Capes made of Japanese hear, comfortable st,.rui collar of li'.tck oppiii'n. Huft |. liar i!e skim. ">~ iiu-hes lontf and -xtra wide sweep, fully guarantee)' a snap net f7 ive Styles.) Caperines We how an almost unlimited assort - met t of Capertties in Aitrachan. Black Opposum. Persian Lam 1 -.. Thibet, Alaska Ntblo. Electric fcal. Grey L>niK. nd .->!> prvtty c i mations of these fura. Thexe un- made up beautifully in the newest an. I best styles. A full descnpt . .>t there garments wmld he im- [i.-uible in the -pice a' ourdispuMtl. W. mitoyouto COOK- and tvu for y- urself. no such display outM.le of City stores. Prices nn-e frm! 4.nO. all the *ay up to 935QO Lakes' ''apevm.-ult'of jood ^utility Wi.ichan, U-autifully made and thoroughly lin.-d, c""d -t nn collar, 100 inch w~-p, two prices $12.50 and J15 30 Rutfs Our showing of ftatfs is al- most, if not .|uite ;-.# extensive as of 1'iptrine^, our slocks r present all that in new and good n, R jtfs and are ju.it whit fishion ban decreed shi. I be worn. Prices range from 75c to... .$!-' '' Attractive Fall Goods at Special Prices The store ia filled to nvt-rti-.wintf with new goods for fall and winter, all now arranged for easy seeing and buying. Style and b*uuty greet the u-itor on every side , elegance nnd riches at every turn. Good, honest w- rth and merit in every article, no matter how small the price, and the beat efforts we have ever made. While Wool Blankets L\tra heavy Funneleites, bo.-t - n Mtiahry iWi-h **!, X> inches " !*" -"> 1 M "ike's. Unw wide. Kix mnue of e ..|,, - , ' llj . ht v >' ;' ht . P"'k -r choose from, special 10c "**. PI trey Flantirl* Men's wool Sox t; p c~vs _;....d unimi ffv.n.'s. plain 10 doz. {iiiirs Men's wo 1 o\, r.bb- or t*id. '/7 inches wide, w.uth 18c j ed topi, white toes and heLs, upecial Uc special loc pr., 2 pr The Store is full of mich value*, while other s'ores are forever sl.oiit-rg about "i lu-npiiewt, " we're c. inhinit'g u>od quality with low prices, and 111- sistiwr tint y-n sliail never buy nu unworthy dollars' worth her". Your lit.- c-t> ire .r ;: . re-t- th--rt : n- '! hiiine ^ros jiul _r i coii'in- McFar/ara & Co McFarland d Co VY ;uv just reocivinjj inir import stiK-k of Fancy Goods, Bibles, Etc. J Which our customer* will find richer and more varied than ever before shown, in fact 1 may s.iy the ~ Stock " uer - Shown Tn Jlny Store Tn this County. ^ Having been in the Markets and selected them mself I can speak with confidence. The .*tock is Chan Ever Before Offered * . (U. Richardson . . T-i tkt Editor o/ TV Advance. DIAK SIB. As the above question has not 01. ly become an issue in this ;..wn- iilup. but it has been disc timed m i.'ountj Councils and conventions called together* for the purpone of furberiiig the cause of road reform. MI much so that it h\a be- come a live uaue throughout the Province t Ontario, and not only + . but fr- ->i- deot McKinley in a very late niesam^e to Coligre-h aire-.-t.s attention to the wi.de- ^l r- i.t interest abowu u, the improve- ment of huhwajs And as an evidence of ihe very instructive report ..f Mr. Camp- i ell our public r*d instructor, the Ijer- raan Government has had copies of his annual repurt transited and published for distriiiu i"ii in that c untry. Ihia interest li.ut been brought about, n. cause we- have not Leeu spen. .in^ enough money on the h ghways, but because the money sp.-u' ii not produ.; ue of '.he beat results. A.-ooni ng toMr Cin(jbeU't 189!) .report dunng the ten years [receding 18!> the m. ii'-y spent mi roads, hridues and *treeta in t' 1.1 province amounted to $41. *>:!, !O8. and m counties and town- hip alone ..\er unty million dollars, an average in c unties and township* of ...ver two n.iihoii d.d'ars per year. It is fac's and figures such as these that have made a gr>at many public men re>oU e to maku an elf. rt to reform tin- avxteiii of ei| nditurc n (.u lie roaUn. In this tow. ..ship e pend an avenwe of ab>ut ?2:*J per year in cash, and if y. u add -. ; ihia aoout 3000 days sta'ute labor you ' have a total of about $5.500 spent yearly i on the roads and bridges of this t n- [ sinp. The .(Utstlon of co n muting statutu ' labor has hMi: .iiscu-sc-d at our council bo4id. Indeed one member of our coun- cil endeavored to _et a motion pas-tisl last *pr 1114 t<i ha>c the statute labor co ninuied at 50 ceii f * | or day for the year then curii nt. .-in<l .ifter some discu^ston the council thought it be tcr to sulnuit the ; questi ui to the ratepayers and 'hereby ascertain their feeling tn the maittr. N..W bvf .re doing .-\.-iy with statute lauor we iniut hare some proposed v,-t. in to tke its piacu Thervfure I am K"">g to give you my uewi in the matter anU the scheme I would te in favor of .idopt- intf, but as this question is to be submit t ed to the ratepajen* M the coming elec- tion, I sha.l consider myself bound to act .n accordance with theoitcisioii of the ui.ij' r ty of the ratepayers and shall Kovcrn myself -tccordingly. The follow- ii.g u the scheme I propose : 1. The .statute labor shall bv commut- ed at 5<)c per d iv and sh.ill be levied and i-o lected jointly with t>.ns!.ip, coun'y and school rates. 2. The r.wd beats shall be made as arvo as may suvm practicable and '" n M i. lent by the council. J. One couim Hsioner shall be ,-ip- pi'in'ed by the c inicil for each mail bent nud his duty shii 1 I e to cX|H.nd th" -. in united st.it.it- Ubar inoi ey in Ins l)--nt and perform such other duties aotht- coun cil may reo.ni c of him, ami h;ill receive a sum for hm services, to he tied by tho council. 4. The council shdl einp'oy a com- pete 'it man tor the purp. - . .jin^ aiid operating the nd gri-ier. ai.d h- nr.ist commence hia work as ... n ^tlie roads arc tit ill the cniayasss] confu-u same until '.he gr-idinji is c> in^-t t. d, "|vnior ti tii.d all lalnu and recvve ^o much pvr d:iy or per hour, as nuy bv k;reed upon . lundx for I nls l.ibor t c. me out ot gtncml fuiids ,.f the township. 5. Ech coiinnitiM ncr shall rci" rt to the council tlie amount of tfradii'K. if any, required to be clone 111 his t'lVisioi,. i t r than the regular meviin; 01 c >uiicil in A 'ill. .hen the* c uncil -.h.iil decii'v aa t . the amoui.t . f .radin^ they will di, K- n g CJircfu. not to do more trndi"(j than can beuia>elled l-y tuecouiniuuds'atute laNir or otherwise. 6. The counci' shall tiiaii.tiiiii.-kc.Tt.nl .t nidard of road and tlie mxii.ig. r "f 'Ii.' Krader shall N.I here to tliat s'andurd so that all loads throuuhout tl.e 'ovviwln,. s'lilllie BUKte of ui.i'Orui width and jtrwle. e \c-pt thnt it may be con-idoicd that leading romlK or i.^uls w.th in- re t ,\\ >! sh'.uld bv w.der thoi inmlsof It^.s nv^l T. The coinim-- "in-r N|I..|| spt-U'l the ... , It i c . on, muted stai re la) or b> where gravel CMII b,- pi.H^t: .annul be bad I'IK-JI ii ind i;enenil repair of Hie I i,di*y. I tliii.k the ab. vo cover* tiic i.rou>ul otc'ty fully. Of course these pf-p. si iioi might be ameinletl or aJd- <l t" Ki.ine ii'-lc if tlu-U'jht .nlvitsble. The I'lopos tioi.H with r-jfcrviuv rum inn the gra-ler should be approved <>: i> t would then ule every j orti -n of th- township a ci a"ce of hexing the the machine, and the work vuuU it- done in the proper senson, mlrch duwsw a vreat deal, eM|K-cii!ly in ij'vl ng l'i,(. r the present s\stem, pathnimiers *y J. - prived of theuw . f the gradir Vi-niisiii of incnnvcnience in ycttin^ p, and it )S wanted by evsryU'dy * t e muue tfuic. Such a system as th i . v c-.u!4 if unsatisfactory *e could return to th.- . d way. On the other hand, if the . missioiiers thus ap[K>intd did good work and the system worked well the council, no dubr, would intriut ihen> wuh any tr.on>-y that mixht be appmpriatcii ,ihe general fund tn their re|iect:VM div:- th>iiH. 1 believe, a intimated in the le'ter from Ratepayer in last week's Ad- vance, that an appointed comninti< ner in his own tinghborhoixi or rosjd bent <ln ju>t aa Kood service in this connection as ..ne of the m. mbert { council, and at leas expense, and lurther, I believe so official wLo acts na commias oner in -;.ni-t:i^ m ney on the roads shuuld be appointed by the council, and not elected by the people, becauite if he is appo-nted by the council h* wll be held responsible to them for the faithful perfotmance f his sevenl iluties. If elec'ud by the people he may be h^ld rsp. nsib.e fur certain transactions by an elector entirely f urn a srln.sh motive on the part "f the elet-'.ir, ind the commuaioi.er is thereby influenced :o do such things a hi D herwi-e coi.sider to be 'o the bent interests of the 'ownship. I have m veil you my views in this mat- ter without pr-judice and hope they will betaken for what they are worth. Ni doubt they will be criticised lo ivr'atn extent, but an thin Quuatioo la Wfore us I think it 'he duty of every man arkmi; f..r public positions to let the public know where he stands in the matter. It has been said m atguoient that the couii- cd has no right to submit thuupjesti the people until it was axked for by petition. The answer I nuke to this is that it m not |{oini{ t.i out anything and we will have the ferling . f the peolils) and if the people are not in favor of the new system, why no harm will be done \V are only fol'owmif the example of a Kreat many townships throughout the province and the evidence of all the t->wnsliipa who have commuted aratutc labor IB tru' they would not under any circumstances return to the old system. We Ine in aa ag of progresM and we want at our council boards men of enter- I ri-e and progressive men who are not afrvd ri take hi Id of such matters aa may appear to be in the general interest , of the t .wnshipand county. Thau king you for space. I am yours truly, Joan Boru. Ku the K.l\tr of Tkt AJmnct : PtiRSiK. I notice in a recent issue a Mr Ki'. iv-r wrote an it.m in favor of ci'iitiniiiri^ tl.e s a'u'- In'ior ^vs'cin. Now. Mi K iii:or. I would just my that hm views on the matter may appear .juitu clear to him. but there are many mte- -s who cannot t.i.l in i.ne ith his statements. He h u *u en us a fow rea- hy we should ret.iin the statute In'x.r -ystei... He -tiys the council gave I :!! i en do, inn t , expend on the and Ii-- !un.'d mnsi a: "tie d"llar pei and *..rl.tfd them eigtit l.outs > N..W, Sir, eight hours is not a uay's work fora ni.iii. TIM L.-U-H 11 a lawful woi'k -n Car adii. Now I will show v..j how tins pvhniisrer 1 ~r two days' work. He I st two hours a day f. r ten wh'.Ji A "in. I amount t" two days' work. Now tlii* will show yii m one n- . i.lvaii'i ce of hiritit! the woik .it t.-n hours per d.iv. \\earegladto h.-a tl-.-.s\lr. i' i; I.ui istcr in pnct;.-:kl i.'.i.i m.vk'. .n:d we are t'icu ulad to :i..t- :e b.u> -ickn. wledifn! that (her- .. s .in.- who leave stonttt si d clay in !un>fts. V. ' we have moie ..f ti at k nd . f r...id ni'kin^ tii.iii of a >iti' < t'.i snr'aci 1 (,>ur friend i;.. s on. Ho .;'|nrontly api - of .[.(> lilting a rorul <ii;>- r' i^.r 1'r. bub y this 'U.-t ni.l be all right | roviui. K e got as prs, ic i a rt>.ul (linker .is out f' n I app- Hrs to be, but i' aj>p.-ni to me th.t lie x.iul.i iv c i to ',* ,-i s n.-irier in. or t'n.in tins , ..IT. y h. IK i-vcr wned if he ciild v. r~i>- .ill t:-,e pnthm-ksteri in ro..d * rk seas n in ..no township, i' 'ii''' !v '" me that even f four uu-n oiverud th .s ground hev would i ot l>c idle. A< a n ii w-.iiM :.ik.' ii the n--ixiib rlicxsi of MX iliys to complete t ; i.- ork, v d you would li.tvc i.> p.iy eacll ma i two PIT ,1 iy. which Woiihl iin.iunt to !o:ty- ightUol. ii~. On. irii n. t ii.ifntii n- i thing aboul l iy-lws rf.'Hi-.ling s . c on hi.-liw\M. N"w. Sir. we pay our cilnieu fur sitting at the table u. i en.i . inil stock by laws, MI! if your nei;hUu-s' anjii.alh ! you t.-n d. Ihirs otih ,>f d.n- age, you sue for thai .1.1.. 'in , the will m\e you juiigmoi.t mul mt.s. \_ ihe Outir.. vui i, es s y .i aniiral lowed ' run -n liw bii.hwiiy IL case > hat 4. si s your ,sto.'k ly!.l^s NOW. inv irwn-l. >oii noit.h.r wm t st ck bylaws or p 'undkeaiHTM ,f you m.>' ; the Ontario st<tur^ law. Anna. t:i re IM agtuat d'.l of paitiality ahown Iv raanurs. Asa rule thvy moke a ni-t claHtroad around their un property and p. ill iqeo from ga end of the beat to II. i- other. We have kt-iwn patluua t -rs of this) IH.<. and fh same men to JM pnth- uustwrs fur three nnd four yean in su. To buy a ^l \Val- tham or Kl-;in watch for little UK in. -v I have tht largest stock of Ladu. and genta' LJold Filled, Silver and Nickel watches ever *huwn in this atctum. which I !< unht in large , lai.ti ..- .:-. thereby saving from 15 to _") j^.-r ;.. and I MII now ^ivinu my cut BI. r .hu benefit of my close V.-uying. It will pay you to call and iret ujy prices) oefore chasing, Watch rt pairing a specialty. Watchmaker and Jeweller esMHon. Men who have (MM polled this way *re aou< usly awai; ' .e. A \anieleur. Front ' -IT . M- \' i -i.-iaa atCvm-- d of I.IH brother J.mics. near Lai.diK.-i.wne, f--re last. Mr J..|m B>.lntl lias had a i cw nd- nuli erec'eJ on his hani for :. of cu'tma feed, pumping. tv M -s CaMer of ToronU. i a Mr John \V,-l^ r '. M- Robert Buchanan n-tu.ued In me. on Kr iUy tftt-riKHin %/ter five months' K'journ 111 the Nortbwel Temt. r\ Mr. \\ i u. i IrMJam h.is ils.. r>- turned li.iine if-c-r [en.Lnu tiie summer ia Manitoba A larae i unjb-r of turk.-v. . .-us have received the neu'h sn:,-! view of the church c-v-etiinx luxt Monday. The Li){ht of th. Worlif. or Our 5av:our in \rt. nearly tliJO.*.mut<i i-. . . n- . liJO fni'.-^.uif eiur minis of "iir Saviour .ind ll; Mo in r Hv th world's grt-atest paiuters. Tru the iirvatest Maoteip K.-S, ^,1- '-n.- f Kur-^e. Erv i.i>';ire U'su'iful -is ^ .nnr > hillt*)^. Contains Heocrij ti-n - "f MM p.-i,ntin!<, hioirrphy of the pHiutirs. tut- twines .ud location of the naileries in Kii' |e > th 01 ijrinal may lie i V c.-nti-ns Child's CVpartin'-iit. n. ! -.-.Inn; v I'lnlii'a] . f th- Christ mo H -. M l*utifnlly wiittvn. to tit ea> T!ii wonderful boti. m. ci.U s< m its . ;in. I boaiitv. .spi ^^ry ni'-th. r s h. >'". .tiid in n ii .-re are ch l.ir^n rj|,. K sells its,-lf. ChrirtiHH m< n and vi :ire inskin.. 1 money inpn.'y t--ikn:v[ . r-iers, A (.'hru-tmn ni.m .T oiu.<n .-1:1 .11 r tns .on.niunitv no. n m.ik- fl.um ..king onji-is for I'hris'n.., - V<rs. w nU. our s^Mit in >lu--ae | nii-i?s, hsa ~oM i ver ?;! 'l ^ rth .if ri.e i u. KS in 4 - ort rune. Mr-- - s * Yo'k. hs s,,.,i . v. r t\ : n . th of tH<iiks in a veiy shott t m . The ~ s pri tiled r i - . ' t t, -x- .j fully bound 1:1 'ronnl U..1 -ml K-iW, and d->niel wi'li .'"M. n h s,-s md lilid". It- i-, w -hout doui.t. th- n .Ml htatififul ho. k of ih-s ci n urv \V r r t.-rins .(uirK'y and i;el '!. mami, ciumt of that t-rr'tory. You ran r. .. or com iii is- ii ill. arid v h- n . - n p . M (. iir -ll.-l.VTi: SM will proi,l'ire y. t| : -. n i M.>:mi;>T nd < ' i-t -i,, . i pi-riii.niv'ii' sa'.-irv. t r 'inn 1 to ii- .igents mi'! ilrllis.'. \V:i..tw< V*. l -.. v r . hu- ilnir.-i- of . th'o- ' : ' <t .- .1 .,i,n.c- - , f State. Send for terms. Address The British-American pary Corcorun HuilJIn; o-pi ir Vood's Phoiphodiaa, rV Knot Emittt/l Sold and r>omm*ndM by n 3L dnijqtisia In Canada. Only rail. J? abl.' medletne JlNX)Terd. i'is am. . --- . to cnr -l all rffrau of forms of Sexual WrakiMSW, all rffrcfa or xoea, Mental Worry. Xxossntv* i teaoo. Opium or Stimulants. MMleJ on i ut prloa. oo paokanlf. six. l. OMI " umtfcwrt >amphlW fre*tx>snTi '. Windsor, Uak V n.t * Pti.>tpho. 1 lll ! oJH ID aud W. C. bicbardbvi 4