Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Nov 1900, p. 2

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WITH FIXED BAYONETS. Militia and Strikers in Collision at Valley-field and Several Injured. A despatch from Montreal, *aya: Two oompanitvi "f the Til h lioyal .-.-otn wre called out for actiM- s.-rvice at Vnllvyfield to-day, ami li-ft l>y np.-< i il train about two o'clock. Th* call to an-iM came in the usual way. Tlie Mayor of Val!<*yfield wrote to Lifut.- > i(oy, D.O.C., at Montreal, stating that the strike in th>- Montrrul Cntton Comi>aiy's mi'.Ia bail i.anum.'.l .su<'h fri'portionB and the ac.ioua of the striken were auob as to warrant mill- tary intrxvention. lie stated that the ati it- r* iuterfered with thoac wurk- InkT, aixl refuwd to allow coal to be tii L- n to the boilers, and that the police of the town could not cope with th- rioters. He therefore anked for two companies of militia, with full powr to quell the disturbance by or otherwise. Th<- request was duly igned by tho Mayor of Vall>yfild and two justices of the peace, in accordance with tli.- r-'m;rtMneuts of th* Miiilia Art. I.t.- j Col. Hoy, on th receipt of the I. tt.-r put himwlf in cuininiin. ilion with L. tut. -Col. Ibbolbon, cdinmandiriK the Royal Soils, hos turn for duty it' was. Onw hun. Ire. I men >verr called out. WITH I IXI.I) IIWOM'M'S. Th.- (,ituti.)a at Valley-field ia very erioua to-ni^ht. The town et-mnto l,e In the han.lH of t h.- muli, ,m.| the ait- nation (woaru,- H<> tbreatrbiiiK that a i^axage wss ut to Montreal asking for th* denpatoh of more eoldiera. Fh.- rriral of the first <!e!;irhment of mili- tia from Montreal this afternoon ap- pears to have infuriated the atrikere, and a biu mob of tbrui t/nlheied out- Bide the mill* and atarted in to luiasb the win.lows. The lloysl St-oU, under command of Colonel Ilibotson, rhar^cil the ht r.kera with the bsyone t. Th-- mnb retaliated, and in the inel.-e several of the aoldira and a namber of the riot- ers were injured. It ia (eared (bat sev- eral of the <>' liers havo been fatally injurwt. It ut feared that the riotera will se( (he mills on fire, and grave trouMe it anticipated. MOUli <(iLI)IKHS DKSI'Alt'UI 1). In ie/t|n>tiso to the demand for sol- diers, which was received hci.- a:x.ut 11 o't-I.K-k an uigent requisition was .1-11' out, and arrangements hava \<-<-n lu K|I. t.> ilr.s|iatch Several liun.lrn.l in.'n by ^pr<-ial about mi !ni/lit to the scene of the trouble. 'Hie Montreal C it ton Company U buiMing a new mill there, and the la- bourers employed in the preparation win k fur n.s construi-tion i-<k.-.l for an increaae of wages from a dollar to a dollar and a quarter per day. The company refused to accede to the de- mand l--.iu.e the men .n r.,m|. m.nd it with threats of violence. They have tucceeded in preventing any further w,ik going on oul.ti.le, ami they are now utteiii|.tiiiK to jH.'.viit the run- ning of the tnilla where there are s.une :i. i..i .i..i : . who are not on strike. List n if hi ill.- supply .if ci>.il for tbe win-king <>f the mill w.ia nearly ex- hau.-it<-.l. anil .luring the night an en- deavour waa made to get in more coal. The Ktiikers, however, nuci-i-il- I in prevxnting this. There are some .n 'i i .nixl the mill this morning preventing anything tf"mir in or out. The reoult is, tiein unable to get the p. nl in, the portion of the* ktiwn as the bleachery has been entirely closed, and the empl >yes ure riii.oi|uentlv thrown out. IMiN 1 WAN I' WOHK. The Town Council of Villeyfield un-le nn offer to employ the strikers on i h" <d iniijiK w.iik which are now in pnrejis there, but the nit n .lerlm- ed to ecr.-pi -inp|.> nient from the ('.uiicil. A meeting wa> held last niK'ht, at whirli I lie ^tiikfis still in- I ni^tiwl up.>n U'lnif employed by the 1 i- 'M|Miiy at a <lollar and a quarter ' day, and they ri>|>ivtle>l their previnu* declaration that they would prevent i In- mill running until their demand*. w.'ie roinj.lied with. It waa then de- ci.led to call out the nulili.i. MARKETS OPJPHE WORLD r rices o r Cattle, Cheeta, Grlan. Its In the Lea Hag Markau. THKKTHKI-.T MARKET. Toronto. Oct. ail. -On the street to- day JOO l>n.ih, white sold at tl8 \-i to tiDc, 1)00 Ixiflh red winter at r>H 1-J to C9c, OOil nu.ih goos at 67c, 3.110(1 liu ley ut 43 to 46c, and SUU "ii.- h' 'i ii.i ut JS tri 29 1-J'-. Fifteen loads of Jny sol.l at 911 to f 11.75. and two ini l-i of *tr:ivf at $1- to |1'J.50. a i -i were unciianged. vbt.,atiaiKbl.9U(is 1-Jf cG'J V. hit, red .".-!-: ii'.'J apt ing. . . . IH.U U'.U Wh-it, K..OLI*. . . . OUU 067 Oats : 0^!) l-i Hul.-y 043 046 I'.-i.t UUO 058 Hy 000 053 Murk wheat OIK) 0471-2 11 ly, P.T ton 14 UU 1450 Straw, pvr ton 1J UU U 15 Uutter, per IU. rolls. U.i UJ1 Kggn, new I iM. . . . 00 U JO Chickens, pur pair. .035 050 Tin keys, pnr lb. . . . 10 OU Oettte. per lb. . . ... Ofi U7 Ducks, |i i piir. . . 050 075 I'u; line*, per bag. .030 0:15 Apple.-., pur bbl. ... 41) 1 00 Bnef, hindiiuarters. . 700 8">0 Beef. foi. -iimners . 400 550 Meet, carcase. . . . 550 75'i Mutton 500 600 L i nib. .xprinv?, per lb. . ( 009 '. e I. cue 1*0 650 75i Dressed h-igi 7.5 7 50 D.UltY MARKKI'S. BBTTI QU P A V A I BY P A PTIIBflfl DilllloiluAvALnl lArlUnMJ Attack on Jacobsdal Repulsed With Heavy Loss to the Garrison. A despatch from London, say*: j I li.n iiecn a lively re<-i uilesrenre | "f UI*T activity over a wide area in >outh. Africa. Th Imr^hem have captumd -IJ lii-iti.^h cavalrymen n>-ir Phnippolla and have blown up the rail- va u-ar Norval's Pont, which is in ' I'oJony, it In-ill^ tli point ^ tht5 line crosaes the Orange river. l'i'.H..IMit Mejn has rea|.p.-ait-.| in tbe colon;., an I his established tbe capital at I'ourioaburg. It u IM-.I.-VI-.I that the Ikiers have retak.-n I -'ii kshurg, on the Basutoland Border. They hive hurnftd the railway ti tion at \Vj-,,-hljink, m.i:.\a> b*- Dundee and I.ady.Muith, in N The\ Ii i derailed and captured a train with a detachment of the High- land brigade, after a fight, 'intfstad, in the southern part of the Transvaal. The troops guarding (be line of th l-'raserhurg road in i he miil.lle of Cape, Colony hiv ' ! it. It is un'-eri-iiri -A h tin- loving commandoes tap- I Jarobsila: iemain"! h > ( ler .. ng th.- Kani-oii. 1 possible i! --'ill s-.-k i'i break ibe railway near Kiuibeil-y. ASLEEP IN THHR TENTS British Garrison at Jacobsdal, Near Kimberley Surprised and Many Killed by Boers. BRITISH ABANDON MAXIMA ENEMY HOWEVER WERE PLETELY REPULSED. COM kin., | ,! u. ,,.,, * Our Ixi. lhrn i'i !..,. i . A dnpitnh frinii II.Bip.,1 i,|, Oranirn 'VIMT Oilmiy, vLi Caprt Town, n.iy.s; -Tli- Ci|. |,.,li,.,. hnl a :iff f,.|,i wi'll I wo U.w.i .. MIIIII in. lovi. A r.m- wriy In/l W,-^.lr.ui ill th afternoon, fid nhortly aftar it atartwl the ll,.,.ri apiKurwd on tJv north Inuk of i he rlvnr and at.taoknd the ixilice, but w.ire re|ihted wiih loss. On i. ItiK hJKher Ki.iund a larg of B".!-. .-mvirrlrt.! the Oupa MiMinted Hifl.r. mviutn. Th" ll<mrs .in; iniiiil.'ir.l th hcini'n tn to one., uu.l LI they IMH...| in a 11,11 1, 1.. i ,,11.5 r if| e fi rs rno (i 1|w . .\[,, llrll , Ail ltifl< wre r,.ni| 'I.e. I lo a IM niton twn Killu|iltiK M! \iiii,-,. |'h. tfiins wie only iUi n.l..ii , i .if u-r the men hul so. nil- tbe effort lei save them, anil when they found ilnsi. not be done they Ihn me- i-liinisni 'I'll.- pulire then r.-tir.'.l H!OW|\ A nnnilx'i of lioi..t M impp.l- e.l, Inn ill.' offhiTs and ui.-n puirkilv lein line I n. i'i ie-,<i|. .1 'h i> wuii'led nil. I ili.-iniiunte 1 i - .1111 i.|. Just before dark lhnp<.ln-e werere- illl'ilrii'l, l he ll..en wen- i-ullipiflelt lei'iilseil, and ibu i-onvoy n-arl|,-il ihi* pine wiihoiil loss of a iiiiK'1.- ani- mal. Ph.. Ili.-i^h , asn.-ili ie.i were ' v- eii killed and thirteen wounded, and llllll.M-11 II.- ,. U < I .' I 'U II Jt: i-Mtll'TS. GIROUARD bXuNtRATED. Has Placed no Orders In the United States. A despatch from London, aajra; Ix.i.l Ho.lwrts has sunl the following despatch to the War Off.ce; "Pretoria, Sunday, Oct. 2. Hefer- rniK to your telegriin ..( Oct. Ill h, no orders have been placed by Od. Uir- ouard ini America. I bi-lieve Weruher. lie i i ii. I IXunpaiiy, acting for various in naig fninv liive, owing to the in- ali.lity of Kngliah bouse* to complete orders on lime, p! ired a portion of their orders in America." BOER OFFICERS CAPTURED. Refugees Discontented 'Ihrough Delay in Being Al- lowed to Return to the Transvaal. A .!ei|-iii h ii"in London says Ixir.l U-iii.-i 1 -, teii-4{i .i|ih>i the War Off. re ibat he eipectH to leave for Kt'uland ou Nov. lf>. He aUn says that Genera! l-'iencb i-. . ip.-cl-.l lo reach He! le.lli.rg io-uirrow, and that Colonel Aylon has rupiuied I'n-il Cornet H I)oon*en ami Hell. i HKI I (JKKS DISCI i.N I I.S I'I I) A dexpslch from Ca| Town says I he Hnfugnr Ciiiiiinii tee to-day oali- leil u <i ali'iiieni to Coloniil S.i r. t.r\ Ch iinherlain mgai ding the rontinu d delay in gianiMiK pei iins-.i'in to r- fugeeM to return to the Transvaal Upon the ifu-eipt of a reply a UIIIHS Ui-etmg will he held by thu refugees, who are daily lni i.nniig more disi-on- tentsd because of the continued r fuiial of the authorities lo permit them to return to then homes. TO I'KHSI ADI; DK WET. A despatch from Pretoria, Sunday, ays Van Tost, an nuluentlal I u'^-li- *r belnnging to Pretoria, has obtain- ed pi mission lo piorred to lh>< Urxngn River Colony for I he purpose of neemg De Wet and of representing lo him the absurdity of continuing ill'- struggle. A C( ll.l'Y MISSION AKV. A .I.- |.i . I. i ' inn l 'mil. IM ay* The I. ei in in Hi'-, -i 'i n v . I'm/., -kv has I .-. ii ! uni giulu at No we* II on Ih ilniges of i i r. ni. n hroughl against hun. The juilge, remarking that the arousad, having taken (he oaih of allegiance, wan as muc.h liable In all the penalties for treason as a native-horn subject of ber Mnj. sly, sentenced bun to twelve hv im- prisonment and a fine of 500, nnd failing tbe payment of the fine a further period of nine months' im- prisonment. WIVB.S OK MAll \l MM; A despatch from Pretoria sa>s Arrangements have been made to despatch 270 liner women from Pre- toria and tho distriet to the Doer lines. Thnne wonn-n are piaclicnlly fed by Ihn llnli.ih while their hus- band* are marauding nnd sniping Scarcity of rhoicu dairy his caus- ed demand to run more on creameries. l'h.-re U a good enquiry for ery boxes a' -0 to i!lc. Choice dairy, in prints, piils, or crooks. U wanted. It will sell quickly. Coinmii.>n houses sell to the trade a* follows; 1 1 lit y, tuba and pnlls, choice, IS to life; medium. 16 to 161-J.-; and poor. 13 to 15o; diiry, prints, choice, 19 to JUc; creamery, boxes, 20 to 21c; and poll-. 1.1. 22 U> -V. Clvese Full oier-u, July and Aug- st mike, sells at 11 1-J to Uc. CMKU.SE MAHKK1S Kingston. Out.. Oct. 30. At tbe mtteting of the Fronteuac Cheese Board to-day there were 8JO boxes of white and 1.C31 boxes of coloured cheese boarded. Tbe following fac- tories eold at IU 1-ic Gilt Kdge. Perth Road, Sunbury, St. I.awr<nco atiil Sulver Springs. i:i.kv .le. Out.. Oct. 30. To-dijr wh.te and 1.891) coloured cheese Ii.'- h ih-t bid ; 10 5-8c, wb>ch sellers de< ! ue.i to accept. PRODUCE. EBBS Unchanged. Quotations are as follows; New laid, lite; f reb, 17 to | IBC; held. 15 1-ic; limed. 15 l-2c; and ' culls, 9 to lOc. Poultry U><M pis light, owing to tbe m Id wvauher. 1'ricea unchanged. ijiioutiuos are as foJowe; Chickens, per pa r, .!. t 50c; iluclca. pvr pair. 40 to OUc; turkey*, per lb, 9 to lie; grese, I ' lb, to To. I'.rtatowa Easier, on pressure to BI .1 by outside holders. Oar lots, on track here, eoid to-day at -!7e. Sales, out of store, are made at 35c. Field produce, etc. Turnip*, out of store, 30c per; onions. COc per bag; cerrots, 40c per bag; apples, per bbl, 50c to 9Ii ewout potatoes, per bbl. Dried fruits Dried apple* sell at :l to 3 1-J'-, and evaporated at 4 1-4 to 5o. white bwaus bring fl -il to fl.-j; choice haml-pick-d beann are quoted at $1.40 to $11.. Honey Dealers quote from 9 to 9 !-J. per ll> for 5, 10 or 00-lb tins, ac- cording to the siie of the order. Comb honey sell* at $2.20 lo $-.73, per doxen notions. Comb honey is in good de- iii in. i. and is alxiut 2*- .! arei. Ilili-.l hy Steady. i'h>>i.-t< timothy, on track here, $!).50 to $9.75; two-ton lota, delivered, sell at $10.25 to $10. M). Ualed Straw Car lots of good straw re quoted at $5 to $5.50 on track ; ami ton lots delivered at fti to $ti.50. II ! i* Continue dull New crop is in >i.-.l liere at IS to I4o, and year- It ng.t at 8 to lOo. l>Ki:>SKl> IIOii-> AM) rilOVlSlON'S. Dreasetl hogs are uiu- hanged at $725 to $7.50 .Provisions continue firm all along the line. Demand ia fair, and Ai.H-ks are light. (Quotations for provisions are as fol- lows: Dry salted shoulder*, K-; long clear Ui -on, loose in ear lot*, 10 ; and in case lots 10 1-4 to 10 l- J.- ; short cut pork, $ltf.50 to $2H; heavy mo**, $17.50 to $1H. Smoked meats Hani*, heavy, I _V ; medium. 18 1-8 to IV.; light, 13 l-J,- . ir.ikfust bacon, 18 to 13 l-2c; pirnio li.iin.i, lOc ; roll Imonu, He; smoke<l Imcks, I3c. All meats out of pirkle lo IMS than prices quoted for smok- ed meats. Lard Tit-roe*, lOo ; tube. 10 to 10 l - Ic, pail*. U) 1-4 to 10 l-8o. UVK MOl'K MARKUP. I .I'.nio, (Vt. 80 Thrre were all A il.-(>,it<'h from Cap* Town, says; T\V(J bumlred imd f-fty lk-rs at- Jacubndal at m.<!niffht. The attack wa* a c iri|> . i.- ~ . r pi > i Mrituih. the garrison being asleep in their uHj<, uhere several cj them were kiUed. Th garriMa coonisted of one ouui|ktny of Oup To AM r Ltuvrtera, 53 iif witum had only ben at Jacobndal for a we.-k, they going there from the Modder rrver camp. The Urpt*h w-as 11 kille<l and 13 woun.led. Thr- affa r ha- i-iu^-d a onaatiuo in Cape T.>.\n. where the meo belonge<l. WKHK 1HIIVKN OI K A i n dcnp.itir.ti to the Cen- v A* says th made de- Kperati- efforts to uipture Jaoobsdul. but were druven off. The llrituih loea was 14 kJltl and JO w<- A Capo Town <le*pr.i-h to tie Ki IkiiUfrt "TeTegram Coinpiny i-iirrnl*>i ulad the Central Ne .> ver.iion of tbe i! J iC^.I," 1 U. .lauobsdal ia a small Uiwn in the _-. lUvtr Colony, only J2 milea ii-eaat of KunU-rley, J out a wiry important figure in the operations around the .Mo.i-ler river in KnbiiLiry list, which re.tul'e.1 in ' h niege of Kiuilwi l.-y being raisei and '.h- flight of Oronje. It w in u;-on Jaco!dal th>t I'ronj.v'a left flank rmlcd du-Lng tb evejitfui ;i.-ii."l that h Hi-, huen. '.in. I it w .a u[Hin thii pi ic-v thit the first l'u. contingiviil mirched when the nuddru invasion of tho Orange Free - took placet told close on sixty carload* of live lock received at the Western cattle yards this morning, including 1.000 sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs. y*W cat- tle, a couple of doxeu calves, and. a few milch cow*. For cattle the market wa* u dull one, buyers would not pay the prices asked, and sellers preferred to hold their stuff and see whit the Friday market may bring forth. A few deals were undo in shipping cattle, but there was practically noth- ing doing, and quotations are nomi- nal. Tin- trade in butcher cattle i* dull, the continued mild weather being one alleged cause; to-day, us usual, the good stuff sold readily enough, but w* hail only a little of U. Price* for in.-. I. inn and common cattle are weak, and uot much of it changed hands thi* morning. There is an enquiry for good feeders, but for inferior stuff the trade is quiet. W<- have no change* to report in the value of export bulls; there was a fair enquiry to-day. Only a slow trade waa done in atork- rs, at unchanged price*. Tna supply of milch cow* continue* of poor quality. A few choice cow* are wanted. Sin-ep are steady and unchanged. Lambs were in too ample aupply, and price-s nve way from -JO to 30c per owt. linoiL veal calves are wanted ; all KM . found a ready *ale. 11. v* are still quoted at the price* of last. Tuesday, hut the tendency i* '!- ri.i.-.liy downward and another drop in pi .. -i may be looked for at an early date. The l>exst price for prime hogs i* 53-4o per lb., and light and heavy, 5 l-2c per lb. ll<v< to fetch the top price must b of prime quality, and ttcale not below IGUr.or above JOO 1 Us. U. S. MARKETS. Chicago, Oct. 30. Wheat was firm to-day' on the big cash Bales here y<*sterday, Deceuili. T closing 7-f to Ic higher. Corn closed I-M-, and oats 1- t to 1-ic up. Provisions at the vios w-r U 1-a to :X)c improved. Wheat started, the day active and nervous, December at 72 6-8 to 7.i 7-Sc, l-4o over the previous day's close. Liver- pool showed a decline, as bad been ex- pected ; receipts were liberal, and the weather was still engaged in helping tbe farmer get his grain to market. Tbe Niutli-Ue.-it was principally on th< purchasing aide. December, without any material reaction, despite ome profit taking, advanced to 78 S-8c, at which the market closed, 7-6 to Ic over yesterday. New York reported 22 loads taken for export. Clearance* at the .- i. board were equal in whvat and llour to 46, -tX) buh. Primary receipt s lot the day aggregated 941,000 bushels, compared wiih I'oS.UUi hu-hels last year. Minneapolis n d Uuluth re- ported 511 cars, agunst Mi) last week, and 476 a year ago. Local receipt* were :2J cars, 4 of which were con- tract. Kstunate.i recc.pts to-morrow; Wheat, 150 cars; corn, JO car*; omt*, 17i) cars ; hogs, 26.00U head. There will be no session of the Hoard of Trade Saturday. Detroit, Oct SO.-Whoat closed-No i red. cash, 75S-4c; October, 758-4c, December, 77 Me . No 1 white. 73 3-. Milwaukee, O t -Wheat Su,h; No 1 Northern. 75 to 76o ; No. 2 do, 73 1-i to 74 l-2c. Rye-Lower ; No. 1. jV. Barley-Steady ; No. 2. 67o; sam- ple, M> to 57o. WIPED OUT AJOMMANDO, Entire Party of Boer Snipers Killed by a Single Shot. A de,iptch from Hoopstad, Orange River Colony, says Gen. Settle's ool- ninn is doing a deal tow u ! parifying the .li.'i ui ln-.l district in that neighbourhood. The column halted at night recently, and the rear-guard wa.i attackml by the H-HM s, w ho IMUI- e<l in a heavy rifle fire. The Uoera i-repl np over the sand, and writ) not heard until they poured in several volleys. The British had twpnty wtmnde.l. Sulweqnently, when re- turunig to lloo|Htd, the t-oluinn wns suiprtl st iiy nine lionra who wi* ooncenlett behind the bush on the river Iwnk. A welUiimed shrapnel shell waa sent into the tmsh. Kight of tbr Iknvrs were killed, and the ninth, wh. was wt'uiuled, surieutlered. tieneral Hunter's cxiluiun has burn- ed the village of Bothaville, S> mile; from Commando's drift, to the giounc The reason for this was that the Uoen in that vicinity h.i.l Iven sniping ai the HritUh ronlinu 'U^ly. The Hoer Commandant de Villi*. has ihe.l .it illotiiiifotitein of woun.l in a recent battle. THE MYSTERIOUS CRIME ONJFHE S.S. NEPTUNE serious." "If mosr t, joHif^ng from your , ' sbe rep - -<f him hie tea, and returoiog to her own seu. "By the way, what did you think of the the, Hippancy of her tone; "thia bo- - night th* rrVme wa. neae is very " cRAl'TKII XVI. Of coorae Ronald went straight t Fc,tor a office, and there made hia r- I"""-* c port reg,rd,nK the statem-nts of V.,s- l "-" ** came b salla. The barriater liatenad to Mon- ti-ith in a. .e<*., Jiii, when he iJ in full tXNMeaaion of the facta, sat ab- teutly scribbliug on ha . ; ; 't*r much, to !. ijitcusl u: -. luatt.eUt.UU. "llaurf' it, ioete^,' 3i<l the Auatra- lian, irritably, 'I wt-h yuu'd say auuw- lu.iig, you've Dot lost your tongue, have you f ' '.So, nor my br.un either, ' retorte<i tuoliT. ..^hl.l.^ i :'f:l*l'r, "tou'd i>rite.r have a amoke ; it nil! aootbe I cannot aay, because sh certaia- ly waa. I nvutt write awl ask her. I ilso apeak to Vassal la ; there is tometn.r.4i this af- _ P . fi.r;i.u- 1:1-. ij; -r uiui erself; quietly ; "bat all, our vi*w. are quite It.i-.n fcih.b _ ,, B :t i- loo hurribl. th.t . - . : b. th.or.ti~l. and we cannot obtain "' o f' course-l *.",* - th.rewhenIwasw.thMr,. Taunion." d;.oher rival wa. a ; she is UVer GROW ftttul -MOULD BE BRIGHT. CHEERFUL ACTIVE AND STBOH* 4 .rnt .1 TM II lvlves Cher'* Feir >' turj 'I iloii t w iut to be soolbd." 'Uii. yue, you do,' iviurued Gera.d, impel turuab.y; "try on of these; they tre red. Itua* an . i B a:ettes.'' lu Older to propitiate h. companion, .I. lo'jk one and smoked away in sileuoe. Mr. l-mier settled i.iu.- ale.;, ill tii4 chair, and i.xiL. e h Ckuar t>*i ou Muuleiib, egau to L*.. 'What Uo you U..I.& .! 14. puailton >f affairs now I ' b asked, knock. u.- :he aiib off his c^ta "It ein> to me that tba game's ;,. ittor'.e-i tvouald, suddenly. "On- the contrary, the game U ,uil krg.nnmg to b inurvaiiug. s^4d toater, calmly. - \\ u^t uo you m* a u i * asked Hcii- ^i. B.U.OX up strai4>bi in lu* I '1 it, I you. Vaaaalla iiol oniy lull me piainly that Mr*. Vr*caoyie va not sn boaru, but nowed luea.etter m ber own band* r-ting n u ... i...riuU 'Oh, ye*," *aid Foster, sanr.i -. . 'I niual ackuowletl^e its all .. ttirau^. iioimxi .ouked at him in m.-nt. "What is Urautifii-.y e t ked. abort. y. How do you knew we cannot r Well, theres Roper's letter-her . uer ani'e denial. Who eiae can pro-.-e she wa* on board/" ' l'otot-r." "Oh!' RonaM aroae ana wDt to ,w, "I ilon t th.nk so," be Lart*.!4g round. "If Mr. \>-r- ijuai rel. el with her e r, it's oim-l i.u . k | she'd go near L^r ' "Ferhape not, but M.SS Cotoner might tia>c =*>;. ner. ami aok bar." iljt.a.! hesiiatud a moment, then up i-- m Very ->.. , 1 U call at the Langbam ai. : -har^. tL.a alii-rnoon, an<l iua> pj*a.t ... y e L : bui 1 it'* a wi.<J goose do cot krf/w t.'r. " >r* s-ii'l. h-r Hpo. TI no the e-ige of her , cup. he saul, bending forward ; . ou know i relative of b*rs.' % -.l I ' careleaely ; "and bis hrr l . Br.'* Ko . .'J ' cry of in. ,:y ooiin I ever . ; Versch.i- Ctrm-.a let her spoon fall with a You 4 brtier go craah, a-l turned her p*l. *care<l face to Konald qu -. T^-i>poM Verschoy^ef she - hile h^r Lri:u c.iiue nuick \Vi,.i; do you know of . . Foster, shotu,, re- turn, ug to Lia books, whue ! weul uU' lo b-3 L r., look II tuiK-neuu, t heu biuiself uc-ieic'i i hantoio, and drove to the Litifr'lauj. L'aiu.*-.i --is in, so Koaaid *eul up . .j to u-r, anil a^kved for the favoi of au .ulerview. This, however, Cam. .'.el before ^riiii.ii(, ad aha waa vory eugry with Hoi. ^UL'pueM'l tit :.i ; v t^ Ui. *L* tX -- *th her a lo.U ut Moiilc.'.l* * for lhal .; te-- a>.. Aoaian, a a. ahe cai.ed ii 3. 1'a union I And now he had tb bad taate to ask for an mterv ew wei., ati* would graul L-= i-<4v.el 4U1 uou.'i >how him thai ahe was not a wou in.; Uul. . 0^.300.114 US are '. "i kno* he was your s;s:*r's hu*- :. " \Vn! eh sm .ea scornfully. . -w-it .c the pet tense becaai rce." "N , i .-,.- . .u the (sat teoae be- of hie death." -IM axOM to ber feet 't ol horror in her Vracbv> .e de i . I "Vol. iwill tell you all atom you will auawer a quest .on.' fike sat down again. pa. but com- Vertchoyie, .nose frum hi* chair, :. 1 <kuike.f siowl) to ainl fro w.ib but : - Ltbiuu h.s back. '1 tell y/u wluit, ui> boy," be said, 'ii-i4 thing is u. boyie bid no enemy . as far as we know, but his wife, we have Oi.-ulary evi.leiw.-e saving L to murder L ui. au.l h was mut k l ti , ice "hero ii<- a stay- ing. Ropvi .i>a she did uot .eave the ...l a) - eti lo her room wuu a . ! I don t U) ny one oi th'-tu.' ' Then you think he wa* on board f asked Ronald, eagerly. "I'm certain of it. I ssk you, a* a logical man, whether a jealous wo- man Mis. Vwrscboy.e. knowing ber buetiand was on board the 'Neptune,' cou'.d resist the temptation of hunf Son*>n.e! I tell you she was n on I oird. .iii'l .f Vnsnalla **ys she was not, he has* reason.' 1 \V1. can be i "He wants to shield her from the cousequenco* of her cr-nie. H h.-r cnunin. and bloo.1 is thicker than Ut*n iiig-ruoiu, h expected lo find Carmrla .-. through fretting over his .uMrf absence li^iu her - and. . se.f- lo.-e whea she ciuia foiward a .1 mitalreubed >. ' 'LU. .. .10 you do, M:. MonteilhT* she said, in ber lo>, sweet vo.ce.'vou are quite a atrauger. ' muttejJ iouielhiug biisineee as he then sat hex part, nog for afternoon tei. "Wis yuur j'>-i. lir <t tb night Malta r .Ronald sptacu to tj fet in L. rror. 'Ar- iou ar- f ' her eyebrOA*. "| UM! had a q iring tbe enter*-: L. r .n .- ' : --by to her ahe pUce-i ber hand i i. "UuaL! IJ* . i.'-- Hi- ;.' ii L< - name Le puid Ver- a J so. . . v itch- ing her hind. .1 awa. | WltO a ' 'J- "I caunot say," she sa.J L-r t. . i*i .-^ th*' en<i. M. i-a r .ei a* - n^r^e. I will : to Urr at once." At '. i. a uioment a knoik came to th* door, .ust time to turn and conceal her - | wben a .wr.iu eclerr'l w.'.. *ouk .t whi.e tae '!.. .ui i* for you." he - .u:. >he eaid, turu.i.,- snd taking it : .. , "uhat can it oe abuui I the en- i 1:1.. a cr;. of api.gnt. ( - . ild, am '1 I.- 1- v - >uu." r.te t il .* un her at th. LJU-*. eo 1 iuf| use he wa* orry. for *ne came : a.i took all fsjajM . - ihe was not on toard." uela looked su -^r..e.l. 'Why, he was with ber mel 1 wae separate*! f. by the cro-v.i. anl 1 .1 >i nt ee my *ji.r again, but Vassal. a told me he ha d sei .way took her hand, and before the ih.nking to h.nisvif UouaUi >at wrapped in thought ; so looter nas r gbt, tuert wa* some 4 oa foot; he ma<W another atteL 'Hat leuw a :roiu .v ur later to - m she say* she was not ou board, cuat.ue.l to her A .th .1 ba-1 uv.idu-he. ' "Why - lucb a Cirme.a, angrily. ' I don't UQ : there A .u no reason v,L. she -.: conctsi. ih i ii-'. iLn he sa.d guoii-by to mf on bourd tlu- .Nrvtut.e."' "I hope not" h* said, gloomily. "\Vh i" Jo you u, "I n. in thit your sister * husband was on boar-u" "\V M ..L ! ,~ii- rose to ber feet, look- . tall white lily ; "how is it I never ia v bfiii I I would know Lev- J thoUAJU lit- ' ..; the ileev interest She took in th> luiti, brcanw bi i i oot see - . - . . -Hid bis name waj. 1 Veut.n. ' M. ..-!! \ > heap on tbe f;ov.r, and Mon- - - - soiu' .- itrr on her face, an.l M moan shr u4>. and puchm^ hr k-.-u i-oa- fu.-' i.;. at h.m. "1 ni,.- - A Terribly Painful Case of Burning. Torturing xi. A vi i luijr . ^ , much. .iol k- ,i>lil Ver-cuov e iinny a* . tuit .le.ia ' ,-h. it i* too Kouil.l -it n -nee, not to "Thi* to all Tory well," "aid Konald, ant .. ' the most comm u-p.*ce top>c, much to iiot. " irritation. -vor are cut,' 1 ah* - - back in her, oh. if. 'aii-i it is a mere ciiaucc you fojllil I'.l' "A L..-I. :o \uu go to ilat ak'-<! the Australian, i 1 think. I must con- fe*s . tired of Louuon. ' a I ' ed. knew whit my cou<m is ..- the tea. Let Be give you a cup;" ruling and g^mg " Think you," eaid Ronald, mechini- "1 atK to pea*: to you ou ' usiuvss." "Do you in.te*.ir c ire. e*ely. "Milk an<l itugai f ' "Buth," he anevvered, annoyed at PERFECTLY RAW WITH ITCHING ECZEMA Eczema, Which Was Thoroughly Cured by Using Dr Chase's Ointment Tbe twiture which i* cau/u'd by the Intense and burning .- i unkea U one of i Stressing of ailments. < tne presence of the raw flesh, which tefuMV to heal under ordinal y tr at- ui.Mit, adds to the misery of feter. The following case U . rM e - \f -r witho-r .ef. she lie^ u:n^ Dr. C'ti ie's .-'hi-r used IT n:ue K'vs, th.- hiiiy thit she i* r. etely the suf- cure*!. Anyone i-Hhinrf (urt het can coinr as Wright. N.-.v ( ;. l>. . Vfter such Sud- her oue hich illustr.ue-< the e*t I.UT.II- grind ucce, nary control which Ur. C!n~- Omt- we. recommen ment has ftver ecema. both as a prompt relief (or the dreadful Uch- iiu- inl as an antiocpt* heater, which have convnu- sp.-e.lily ami i-ert.un'.y briuga about truly wonderful l a thorough euro. In vain were all sorts of medicine* sn.l ointments u*d uul iK-ctors ap- i* it any vvun.i* - Oint- ment t ' It is just snob tests as this have conviiu-e.l {' f tbp power of Dr. Chase's Ointment. If you are a with a nv itching skin a sore, that wi'.l not nea'red to be hel- : -ro the dread- for yourself. You wi'l oe! tainly be- ful ruaitee which the flaming fire* couw an enthusiastic <imirer of IK re is the Pr. Chase's Ointment, just .is is ev,ry- ts merit*. IV- . les evere forms of ,tcb- ._ ravage* of ec'eiua were niakini:- -- - , Mrs. Knight .leciibee this in- one who know* its merit*. ...,. i ,,, r a : curlnv the most Mi* Knight. 17 H mover Place, To- ing skin dia*u*e*. Dr. Cnaer's Ointment state*: "My mother, Mrs is deHijhtfully healing and -t hm* in Wrlcht.'of Norval, .ifferKl for a sura- all ejnee of ch-.f-.tiK. skin irrit iti,-n, me r ami winter with eciema on her sore feet. |>r ,-k v het. piiupl,-!. and toot Sb- could wither walk nor uleop, b'ackheU. t cents a -oi at .! it be*aue so bad that she was per- .I.-.. '.erst, or Eduianeon, Bates A Co i fectly raw frcan her toe* to her knees. Toronto. ! h.m I ' i - upw "I dim l kiii ..fc huuUt o^er V i ou don t - ' she > < i: vou h i .c your >. ni'i 1 want to know , ' h iu ; \V 1. Iv'iiil'l t i .I her what .<ufferer. hid happened, and how tbe links were or have bvin; l>'-vly ut<ld to the chain of evi- make a test j^n^, ( nat <, ee rued to connect h>-r ..- ter with the -nm. When hf . .II. Oe: . was ei. er, her s. - . :... O.iwn his room, -. and cojtiug iffipalient looks k. &g time away." h* - - iioU- ,-Q ns iu<j... at once, and, - b:ug. ihe;> oun I oka one au- othvr, uut for ihe vrlit oi nanv - a* a fouti r at- teut.on. "hie * my auibu*sauur 1 am ina.oud t. game. \W.., ' aj Kouald entered tbe ri-i'Lu. 'iml i-e'v- -r *i'ji.fl lioua.d threw h.nuv.f into a sr.: w .:i> an air of ij.ooinily it IL- "Voa are nght." Footer gave a cry -.1 triunivh. .. ng to a my dea: soon 10 eaitti." "\o^. ..aus; I W t> mirr . . do no: aave a ui- ess ' Whetl you . l-olex, dry .y , 'sy ad- ' to hr." B .. I .. .. - -aid Itooeld, . 1 <iil me to lose her." . . .;r, cyo.. you me -~ , eueu at- ' ' suy . den ibe Auslr . na.l : 'you see, Mis V,T- board after the IL . i ted Rvua.d. ' lu.-n h> .lotfj she try lo prove an fceeka. btf- tft ad a g< . . >A evry girl These are .nlVjr:ar_it<'ly th*is ivX .oU*>M d. thoaaa.i* oi ^row- <ng gir*. On n,<) - ee - - . . _m tht laaem-c, ur J oxher wor* * pwjr, thin *nd ji tb-it thi* cjn- ^art- ., consumption and IL* grave. Wnn; * needed J> a me.: t. rxh. red .- the nerves ana thus re- store ttte v.^*. br^jhuiede ii*l h^pe- fu.ness - * t ur l" a, u-.t-e-r d^corery in the aano-e of metlx.*- cii. aO -^n*' , . . . -pie. and '_ -- i aopetee* girl* have beet. - ' <>n ' thrtiurft. -h-ir UM. Among :h<jei *ho ... book alm^et from . :-ivt- oy i.a UM uf :b^> me ; C. il4:oe.uu. uf at- Lanv U-r. <4*. J-iJ ilirce^ux 'OK greu' - *- :-ive - - y**ra 1 -^011*40 * '- whc i4a4iu itot teachu>4 >- -r m; - m j . ..! on! much. W he Ui* very pa-e, i Differed from severe he* lichee. WcUCL< 4 on hi.- returned to : itte juu huw*vr. ui4.1e ne -vo - - - so w-o- I waa ei .* weo-e swoilea. I oJ con- ., ii *.j axvou l mr heart U^.- .' " *''' l -"" l and my weight was re- re f4iuoe N nor anytfiiue: else tht 1 h*d taken uf to ' - aiei^: . . e*t beneUt. I was a year and .tight : - out deelh .: eud my tuffarmgs. Uapl .no. of my father - .,rht me a box of Ur .lid urgd me to try ^d ice *nue. and mjf Utber got 1 had u**i all my fr ' .4 me, and *ud few boxe* they - laken oui.-' I as euj.-y.n, ter Lcui'.h tn- ' 4 gained f.l 1 . be weak *!. ml v kt-o.v uie > * tega.u r a." - entering wonian- .t tbe most cr.u.-a. i- of t. tn * Cir of future h n< . lu-.-an liter an < or a Ue of misery. U . i ia*>at that their - use L)r William*' H occaa.'. '. --, : .i good health I-.M. It yoor dealer < K-ep tne.*e i'..-s in *tock they . e Mat post p.ud at SO cent* a bo ; - v* for $S.JO by -us ii. . wa* done oh* waa pa>, but composed. "It is very sti iujr*," ah sa -I, in her clear voice, 'an-l I do not know what to say. I li> ivi k my sLster ; she is a woman of violent temper, but I mi <-. ' i n *h> would not commit a crime." 'Ihen by does *h* deny being on : \D. vv iuin *''h th CJOWTI of hi* I ha* h*ec ' .-Jim, . -lees oue. \. i have to ver a.- said toater. quivk.y '\Nhy, cr b<e.:i n ' ii- - ' it ou.y iuake the s-i >*1 you by cue *trougvr against her. I sh hv.irt st : - u*-t v.-u l.k.- to hive mi luteiv.ew with her." rin^: I" That wiii be easily managed: she 1 "Curtly 1 hi>e'-' -> relied, o:i- is co HMi to Kutfiand." 'You don't *ay so' Wh-n f" 'M.c< Cutouer received a cablegraui while I was there." saul Roua'.J, "and her sister is ou her w.iy now." 'Whit the dvuve does sht> meau hy runti n k ' her ha<l into the uioutht' ulerv<i foster, in a puziled tone. "She muet know that such a ciuiie cannot be peaeed over in ..- rucv." To be Continue- 1. I ant learning 'M N Mow u> thi. w .ut .-r f Y. a < hirue for I v - ih. ih.r.l . t h nne that I p.lied over madame'* dress I ni: K\ vro.;vi'to> ov TrU'.rK. . curin'U--' fact* conermBgc treee V single ok oi goo.l *ie us t-i-.d to lift L3 tone of . tluriiug the months it IB in leaf. Th s moisture is vaporaled * n ^ ru **a to form rain cloud*. From thic ei- m.ite of tbe labor of a single oak w* can) gain etinM* klea ft the inmense foroet which the forest* rqu ili/inx tbe evuoiatlon and precipi- \ ami prevu [irf period* ef lousv dation tod

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