ECONOMY OF ENERGY BOER CHIEFS GONE NORTH. o L THE WORLD BOER CONVOY CAPTURED. Botha, Reitz, and Viljeon With 1.5OO Men Now in the Zoutspanberg District V dewpa'ch from ('r.-inrii <nys; quinsy. Viljoen, lb sccon I in corn- Definite inn his In en re- m , n I. i- trmpora rily the head of. the c.-ivvl Ijrsre to tha effei-.t tbil when 'Uoeis. ' '"ill Km,'er r.rnviel i In- l,r ler | State Secretary llsltz an<l his three Into PortUiiu.s,. territory thu leaders sons are now fighting as burghers in Prices o Cattle, Chueia. Grain, i) to the Leading Markets. TUB STilEKT UVUKET. Toronto, Oct. 9. On 1 h.- utreet to- day 700 bush white wheat Mold ut li'Jr; 40U bush rod whoat at (i'Jo, 1,0.'X) bash British Had Only One Man Wounded and the Plunder So- cured Included Much Ammunition. A despitih fn.iu l.oniloti. - wheat at 43 wheat at C9c; a loa I of spring I '"'"' Kc>l-r|s reports to i !u- \V-ir ()f- hi left l^Mnl hni hell i iiieeiing a! Ik, l b i 's cntinila ndo. All the Ho-r 1" id- (<j .^ ^^ ^^ near ttii!ileiiburg, rapt Hector^pruit. ui.l i. he, I ;., recognixH that the struggle is use- j Twenty-five >oxt of h a V sold 'i I t ! -' "'"''' ->'ne rifles, and I I * t_ _ I i . I I . l I _ L._l !. .. iVl.*^<lAta>>_I 9 * "t. 70c ; 5,51)0 ba-ih barley fi<1 ''' ln ' l( * f"" e under (J.-iieral Cl- 1-Jc. 40U bush oats at 'J8 "ienl.s bad surprised a Hn.-r i-.mvoy rapturing -!' .,_ . .. . .. lll.IMM) rounds all ^t he bivjt inounte I ,nl /.> north less, but they are obstinately _ deter- | to fls' a ton, "and" o"ld"load7of straw " f "iiiiinniimn. The only Uruiiii .- i* ^ ^ ___ ,,, ,,, , ! ua ''y was ne wniiuili-d U to work around P.etersbiirg ind are to. The poorly mounted burghers have been work th-ir way to continue the final Mruggle in the Zoutpunberg district. n. llothi i-< nut <.-i roiLsly ill. UK U auffHring from a miM attack of left their cross th- Portuguese border. i Sen. I!.)' hi's force of about men his gone, north. at (111 to ft-'. Dress**! teady at .S to 8 J5. SSi or W*~t.wbt..rt,.i.t40M Wheat, red. 1.500 Oats A MOTHER'S AWFUL DEED SHOCKING CRIME OF A WOMAN MANHATTAN. IN .in. ii..- ,,i ., :.,!, iriril in l I..- Hi. 1. 1 I'llnU I I....H, . i.| It,,,, ..II,.- o. r Itraih Ilinl I ,.,.., i HIT Itrnln. \ dps|Mtch flXMIl N A \olk.AI\H,- M I. II: ill -Ml, | ||. of IllWix.l, I Ul uf .\Luili i i, 111. ,v|,l,. ,n-. in,- i.. -day shot ami k.llcd I., r i ,, ( -|, Idn-n. M i- > M, ig-l 3, ind \ndip-A , -a For Hum h.Aij.n il l. idly in- ii'-n i' num.; i I MI.I i.| l! - ll i-ll 1 lien. Ml.l. ii. wall ' tl in n..' ..f i in .mar, >rri ili.'iu lo drmk, r.rlolic btno I. nn in'. -i i l| pi mperl ^^^^.1 til h.lV.- I he A. " ol h X M - M -M..i h, h i IIK v . I Ob, fnr - tie of 'hfl n S'l l I- melll till tin- lnllk.< i.l,, |, u ^,.,.| son r.v.-r. jut U-I.I '!. -ni li li m l.-.-n iinrr ft i ., .-I- -iri" ng I ll h I li l -li i iid III. I .'lilt ll In i h rein ral i*. i "ii ..I i LU . ,i > of In.- -h.- h , I h.-1-.ii in p.mi h>- ilth. It bi-l . , k.- her I .. I lie COIltlliy. an I Mr -Mil I tl I. Illed a laltfe ill I IIMII-,; .11. .,n , .nil! I". I li> wleat il In w. 111 I. \pp i rent ly t In- ..I M in- lieiicf ; ie I i lu- ll...,! ~h- drne he, hilibllld lolhe n tl,. m'.iiii'iK ml .iip-n.-d w.fe !. \\ il'-M . .Ill,' .,< IIIWIMK), ml. in I, ,n the. Hu.l- to ilriuk carbolic arid iniwt lwa>i n-- m i. n a ni)nlery. The mother got the revolver and f'leil lh>c B|H.I The ch.ft of Ilie little g'll was li't-taliy torn In p.-.jv. It was alxiul t IIIH lime Ihii Ktliel I In- .-I. lev d iiijjh' >-r le- i u i n-d from Hchool. Sb* I be rai !-, , in I Kye. . Hay, p. r ton. . >t i a w, per ton. Hirter in Ib. rolls. Kgg.s, n--w 1 iid. . . Ch cken.s, per pair, too, tas'ed Turkeys, PIT Ib. . . I'o a toes, per bag. . D ' I pi-io! . ime mlo play. 1'"^ Apples p.--- l>bl mo I b,- r nhot twice tit KlheJ. lut only i. in- f-lml tnnk effet't. A few inintilen lli, l I he III tie ly le'uril.'d fiom M'hiKil, entering the kiti-he-n t h.- I/irk dimr. The m.ithei met him He.f, bin l.|U.irters. Hei-f, fore.iuarters. B.-<-f, encase. . . . . Mutton trough L.., m b, .spring, per Ib. V>- il, carcase. . n "ii DUO 0110 028 043 l. ui) HIM) U 1)11 1101) JO 18 050 11 tl M II Mil I) in 7 III) 401) nmi 008 800 bogs were 8 Ofi'J ll li'J 070 009 J9 II I* 1-J 054 M I l Mil Uiri 8.5 llJl 19 mil) (I 13 i) HI) 035 1 t'O UO'I 77. - i n 1)09 950 I,., rd It.iberM adds t.hat the ra-mal- -r's drift on Orlnlr-r 1 U.-M- ii. .1 -n serious is at first r^- p. >i led, i-nl.v seven h iving 1',-i-n wo ed. IIKKI i.KKS IIKTI UN. A despairh from l.imdnn .says; Th Foreign Offii-e ha~ ,'ei "ived the fil- biwillg de.spallill f I nUI the HlMl^h High ('i.inmisM. nei in South Afrii'i Sir Alfre.! Milner;- " The refugees will lK"i ' " relure In l !,,. Traim-aa. i|,i,.l>.-i Hi at th rate of about ntu- l::uu-llld Weekly. It w. I i - - ' t :ii'ei- iii'.ntlia to r,-p itr. an- i a >e w h.i are wailing in S<i,il h Af, . i HOLD 16,000 PRISONERS. For miockers we had and steady. A \Vn Off : i'e I i >'li fi .f Ot " Melhuen erts lieports. li l.iindon >ay . Tint III^ rereived llu- !' 1 1..'.\ i ng Lord Hiil<-i!>. uude.r :il the <I.H,I. and hhot h in, killing him ilisl intly. rihe then kllh-d h-'l.sclf. EDWARDS bURKENDHRS. cattle bere we bad a demand at un- changed prices, but the bu k of the -luff was unsold. storken.. feeders, and export bull. ' iurrenderiny Daily. Rob- are unchanged, a fair enquiry. Sheep are unchanged with a light demand. Iota of choice lambs sold up to 4cper mi. 4 of choice lambs sold up to 4c per pound. Hogs are unchanged and steady. Prime bogs nro selling at 61--C per Ib. Sows are worth S l-2c per Ib., and itags 2o per Ib. For fat and light bogs tbe outside vwtli S.-pr. ..i llu-'ent n i -4 <> eiiKikM'i 1,-iiiuier s foire |8.. '5. IND bugs continue scarce and firm. I h -y ar bringing $8 to price was 51-2 per Ib. Ih iH.ivi-niti t r i le n . ,K> d Hogs to fetch tbe top price mast be Englishman Who Commanded Boer Force ilade Prisoner. A d.-ipii'h fr. an I last year's pick Ls being gradu- ally cleallH.1 up, yi-otallons for piovi.^ions are as follow* ;-Dry aalt,-l shoulders. 8c; ( "" 1M '" l: '" "" ' ' - : '"'" long clear bion. car lots. lOc; ton . li -i .i.iiiinaiido uoitu-eaM of Krng- !<,(, | to 1U l-8c; case lots, 101-4 to of prune quality, and scale not below 100 nor above 200 Ib.. Buftalo, Oct. 9._Spring wheat-No. | II in ed day. He had t I'nmmainl ant ia II ^ severely and two slightly woui..ld seven Hn<rri were killed and il m ,'le "Clementrt .n lending il prisoners fr.n .\la^,.-l>iirn 1 h" i.ilal num- U-r nf Ifcier pr -.HI.-IH n u..w Hi.lHHI. |'h Imrglwrri are nun emlei .ng "Kelly -Kenny lepoi an eng ig.'ineiit la.s'ing 'hi. 1, spot, carload., 89 l-4c; No. 1 North- l|tu|tfl>Ill ,.,, ,,.,..,,,,, A ,. ern, jot, s 3-tc. Winter wheat-No. fl>rw of ,,,,_ ,, ,..,.,,, iH , .., 2 red. 78c; So. 1 white. 76c .;. mid. _ fiv< , ,.,(.,.,., a " 1UN ' - ' ' ' '- 1U l-Jcr>-b.rt cut pork. 19...t) to $ JO. ! 77c. Corn-Firm; No 2 yellow, 10 S-4c, ,,, ,,,.. r II l|.p.- u I .;, l|, , ,|,.| 1-,,'t > , Hid III.. I e II,. i-vj,, , I .-.I Ci ..ft Mtt.ud-., in i-'.n,; .- .in in heavy tm-s. f!7.jO lo |18. M" tl II n. -. >.i it , . Ur; medium. Ur. light, l: 1-^r, a {',,,-i f,,iie, win. U-r im tncun, U 1-2 to 13 1-Jc; picnic him-, HI,-; roll IMCOII, Hi-; sm-ked backs, I3c. UH'.U.i mil of |i,rkla Ic less than |.| 111. hem .iftei the Jam - i, i i I ,.n irci.iiiii of a i il.,d uiii-lliiti ,'t ~p. ,. li I In- 111 ide, n.,, ,, , ,.|,,|..|,.,i ,| K rugr is piire.s ij umed for smoked meat*. Lard Tierces, 3-4 to lOc; tub*. . l'|i Itll a feu in n '< f- .one -., nth '.i 10 to 111 1-lc, p.u!s 10 l-l to 101-Ji-. f. nil, MI t o clear i I;., -i - mil HlV.-l sin I IT lull- I li s,- 1 nf I h. hike I f.n l he I ll" H.MIIII ant I!., IK- fart II. , l I - lie . -Ilillg all I ( > I .1 II .III I ll ill! I en. I. 111 -. here l!i i i -h l>u ting "l li> 1 flippy .Hid free f I. nil r il.-. Hid |M I a , nil' I li-- i,\ .s l','f,,|e Ihey his ..-'inn fii.iu |> V if.1"! If meet h m .hi. It j - I. I --V-- I she Wrtlll .1,11 nun nirig, after her reiiirn fr-iin tin" "\" I lid luilrfll Ihe |mln|. \\ll--n- wn ' > h-n -lie I-..U' ll h r , i linlir .r I ,~ a im.ii.-ry. With the pi~'l ' <i'Lgl|l I |."\ 'if e > I 'ell of th.--e wpie imsH.inf fr.iin ' h>- '\. In >h i>. -'ol rh ,ignl III h at tempt til \ P" 'it he l fam- ily ii is b'li.-v-i^l Mr* ^nu'h filed ' l..i.s in ill. lint two nf whirb I.H.k effi n inns -ni' KII i.Ki) HUM V lii,,- n'rlni fc in the iflellinnll M,-- --Mii:h inst rn.-t .- I Mrs. M.mre t<> IIMYC h.-r hn-i.inl m.l . l, ...11 h 'I'll up I ll'. te III, ilr I Ink. a rile nil l he -*,|N>ei| w ay . The M.M.I.-- rciume I -.hi.i i l\ l-fore four ..'. In. k III the aflel li.iiill and I Iwy \\el uii-i In M i s -mil hill he ,!.>.>! 'I hn v "ii.n at. nnly partly rl.ii h I Site did not MMMII In IN- .1^,1 li.'il a Minle "lake a ImiK lid"; ' b- 1 e ,/ pie I, I V M . f- 1^1,11 we,,' iua>. but did mil hi iv I. -lit' They I .-I n! II". I ii I Mil ill. I . >.!,-. I Hi" u, i' had U-ell |-<I Ill 'hell \** IH" I In 1.1 i le rh, hi .v ,* k'lle.l ni h.- ft >lll Ill mi 'he acriillil . linn UK- ini.i her iMiliiri'.l a :(->.- i , -..|. I baby V .- U.VIKY -MAKKKIS Biittei, Ka.ii.-r. Creamery dropped iin.nli-r Ic, to-day, celling as low as Itfc. Commission house* sell tu the trade as follows; Dairy, tubs and pails, choice, 17 to 18c; and swcoud quality, at 14 to I >.-, dairy prints, r'l ..-,-, 19 to JHc; ci e.iiiiei y, buze.t, 19 up .he r.uiiiiry. , li -ie NIIII,- p.-u- I'l ill I. Ml 1} Ik-heve in I 'II ill till- ill" Illllsl ,1,111 ! | 41,,! ., ,l,,,lll Ih,. ,|| ' l V.-M: inn .,( I h" |i.i,\ers. t'olnnel Henry, who we. us l he .le mi. 1 1 ion nf the ~t ,i ,,f In ha. win, i- le.iru.iii./nig ih- pdiop <lep.irl- iiieiu h.-ie, his ini ,,, MI,,-, | the nys- lein <if idelllll'if ,1 lull dy lingei-ii, wi-le foilli I Ihl ll.l- "i I in 'h- < i\ ill 'Ills to tv.giilel mil 'v.., l.nled e\.-ij n, tu, | h s pl.i, will IH- nf ; I " i I in I h,. ,|,s i it, u |,i,, of |n--, s. i | M . n -nul ni,, n () ( |a Inn, and t h- -iippi.-.-.- <ni ,f .lli.ii >,. pi.., oiling. SAYS 180 WtiiL KILLED I. i rli.l. | |, . I nli.'.l linirlril "i.ii. . i . |... V <l-ii'<h fii.iu I'ti s * , \ ^ ; -Agon- ri||>. Aginnitlilii'N 1,.,11,-M-iii ii i\,- I,.-, ,., hi-- i nllllMllllll- , led l.i i .u i ,..s|,,,h ( |, n: tin- folio Wiltg dif-pa'l-ll wlnrll he llan jiu-i lereivetl: I n -1 '"-.I ' le f"ll!l|l ll ^,,11 ,lu in l h<- A man,-. I.MI IS!) men, i lie Kili- P.III - Jii, aiming . h, in I. mi r,i| | i an. I wh', l.|.ii" .li ,, M ,'n t .d: ' I .h,. i u i 1 1.- a f tern, mi i. ' | he ' ""I ml ed. Ih i v . .In in- nu . In u A i he.-r I'm I In- I,,., i i j uf i |,e I'iiil.p- IHII.T- ' t'lllf., Ill rhe .-.lni.l ,,f ^' ' ' .M,li.,|,,r, i I,,- Am,., u ,n v , i , \fon, r..|ii|.i ..-,!,>; fiftj i u,. u, ,,. |, m lend. -led I.. 1 I," I ,,,,,,,, \, I mil I' i l ali.,i|iie. i few nnle^ to ^lo; and pounds, 22 to Oht-ese Fu!l rrramery, 23c. July and Mill I I, fljTlH Illg l,-ll.-\M'd Ulili,,,'i>in K ,ith 29 ENGAGEMENTS-29 DAYS. Mart's (iood Work Brought to a Successful Con- clusion--Buller'.s Captures Near Lydenhury:. A il.r.|iai,'h fr.Mii I^.ndon says : The \Vi, liffii-f h la received Ihe fallowing I, I I 'ill, 1,01 d l(.d-l IK : ' ll'itli-r ii-liii ni>il l'> l.vdnl>iirg yi- l.'i i.i\, ;iflr a uriM>nsfiil nian-h from /k.,|.. HP rnachfd l'il|{riina' ltat .> |,l 27, lhnniy rut ii ing. The UK-IB I., Mit-'lit two guna info action on Or.t. I, but afterward diaappaared, tnking Hit. ;f in.* with (hem. During the march mi head of cuttle, t.,000 shf-|>, ind I Ml w , -M of fluppliea were rap- tut,. .1 Cut- liundifd mid nine burgher* ant trndi-i.-d, anil 18I,IKIU miiinln of small arm aniiiiiiinl n>n was de.stroy llirl hua rtiiiiii-d t. l\i UKPrsdni -p 'hnving cii); i^i-d the enttiuy mi turn ty-nin tK-caiona in un many days. Hifl casualties were three k.lli-d and 24 wounded. Many lli.i-in un,. killi-d ailtl !l'i Illllde pi mi.ln-l/l Hi- r.intuH-d 2.T20 head of cattle and 3,281 t>hi.|. "Th* Dublin Fusiliers made a night aMault with tbe bayonet on a IU>t-r laager bet-n I'r.'tor a and .lobannes- Tjurg anil captured nine mn, mostly important Boers, who have troubled th .1 i-,tiii-i. "A purty of IJoers have ix-n^tratetl he HOuthrrn (mrt of OratiKi- Kivr Ctil- ,ony i-nt. ,,n h ' De Wetsilorp antl Wep- envi IK l.ii-liin,.|it s in. after tbent." uiiken. s.- N at 11 1 - to I2r. JlKKSi: MAllKKI'S. 9. At the ,-. lx,xe.<l H i-re Cheese Hoard to-day .l.W._ , ,.-,* ^"Moloured: boarded, of which ^,077 wer- ' balance white; 10 l-2o was by the buyers for their rb- n white and colouied, but the refused this price. Tbe factory men si-em to be looking for 10 3-4c. The board sdjonrned without any busi- ness Ix-iiiK d.iiie. I'lttlDll'lv Kgg Scarce aud firm. Consider- jbly more rniild be sold than are i., nn iik' ui. Single cases s.dd in the uade as t'nlluw .-,, Fresh, 18r; held, Made as fnilotvs; Fresh ISc; hold H' . and culls, !' to liu- I'nultiy Nil diivssed poultry is mm ing to hand as yet. Live birds, in , i lies, sell at 50u per pair. I'ntalncs. .Mai Wet -lead) I'll lots nn tiai-k, s,.:,l al ^8 In :<'ii- per >>ag. - ulll nf si ni e, el e in i ' , ' to 40c. ('it-Ill plidln'e, eu- luiliip-.. iUt nf store 30c pel lk'. nii,mi4. 1,- per Ib, ipple*, per I. Id. .He In 91. Hi led fmits Al'pies plentiful and Ui ied sell ut 3 lo 3 l--r. and ,'V ,|i , ated nt 4 l-i lo St.-. Beans (Juiet. New beans bring fl.JO to <Jl.i'5. Choice hi ml -p. ked In-ans are quoted at $ to fl.tiO for old sott-k Honey Dealers quote from I) lo le per Ib for f>, 10, or i.ii-.b tins. Ciiuth honey sells at $2.25 to |2.5U per dozen M'l-t inns. U.iled ha> About .steady. Arrivalaon 1 1 irk moderate. No, I timothy, car lota, on Irar.k hre, |;'.jr> lo $10, two- ton .1,1-4, delivered, se.ll at |10.5U. Haled straw Car lots of good oat straw are nun led at J5 to 95.50 on track; and ton lots, delivered, at |6 to Hops Offering* liberal, and prices New l!(Hl crop ia now quoted at II lo Mr., and yearlings, at hi to lie. UVK STOCK. I'm out, ,, Or.t. '.'.Only 35 carloads of live, stock were received this morning at tin. western cattle yards, including 700 hogs, L'70 cattle, aud about 300shee|. and lambs. Tho ie was no market ; only a few off drals of no quotable consequence bnp poning. There was) no export trade. For (be little good quality butcher NI. 3 yellow, 40 1-ic ; No. 2 corn, 4l',c. No. 3 corn, 13 3-4f. Oat Strong; No. 2 white. L'C 3-4 to 27c ; No. 4 whi 1-lc; No. 3 mixed, 24 1-4 to 21 l .',- . No. 3 mixed. 23 3-1 to 2!c B irley Ohio on tr-ick, aTc ; \VeMein .'i !. ilj.. ed. Itv. N... _' nominally 5i \-'l to r,7c. Flour Steady. Detroit. OrtolN-r !i \Vh>-'it cl,c,| No. 1 white, cash, 77 1-tc ; No. -j red, cash, 79 l-lc; October, 79 \-it- 1 1.- Toledo. Oct. 9. Wheat -s:|,,,,. \- N'ovemlH-r, 81c ; December, -J l-4c Corn -No > ,'inh, !.', ; Octok.r, 411 :i le; U-CPintH-r. S5 l-.'e. Oatix Vi. 'J. n-h. and OctoU'i. 21) 1-lc, Ueceinln-r J4 I-lc. live No. 2 cash, 51e. Cluver (n-ed October, |7.35 . December, 7.1J 1-2, N J (J.30. Oil Unchanged. .M.nn,"i|M>lia, Oct. U. Wheat Oclo- UT. 7!'<- , December, 79 to 7!) 1-H-- . May, t<l l-2c ; t< H2 l-8c , No. 1 North- ern, Sit 1-2; N... 2 Northern, 77 1-2 t., 79 l-8c. Klour 5c higher; first pat- ig. I he I! - i - I.eii heavily. \ let ,cliin-.|lt n fi he I. in I. ni endeavoured :.. urp; . i\ of i II i ne. 1 1 hull fi, ni ,- ii I'l .il.i 4, hu- ll ad li> r,-i ie itie- 'in,., i. ..u'a' fight- iii4(. , i.. |." '( 'nmiii ni I i u M|i." lui- sin i . uder- ed In Clery. in. I Ci.m MI i nda ni lJirks-n and ntli.'is ntv on ihe,r >*ay lo l'i-- i--i . " CHINESE REPULSE RUSSIANS Force Col. ArtamonolJ to Retirt 1-rom Attack on U.OOO Men. A <les|. iich fiuiii MOM-O\V. says: Col A t I aiiuiiioff, on a r. < onnoil n n cxped ! t.Oll, .ll CO'.el .1 III , - I !! |0sililin kulh uf .-"h ing-Cliuiu-l'u a l> of ll,i.l i.'l.'N A'.th :il giin.s. |'h Hus- .siins ilv uire.i uiidei a strong nl'l, fire, but had to retire. \n at lack 011 tin pi ice ti 1.1 IKM-II decided upon. tienel i Oi loff hil.s defeated e\.-i u U>die*i uf teljel.i t h- Hull, inn entn. 94.35 ti> 91.45; second patents, j i "ii tt> 94.25; firnt clear* 93.1-< to '<< m-t-oud cliars, 92.1 j to 92.i.. I I'll bulk, 9li' to 9 li ::,. and li n u. .-nj.,...! thi.v MM i Ilr in - Dululh, I hard, (>,-i,.l.-t. fj .vs- , Det-eH H.") .VSc ; NO 1 Northern. ca m-remljer, clr , May, 83 to arrive. W) 3-4c ; October, WO 5-$c ; \,.rthrn, 75 5-8o Con 41o. OaU-23 M Iwaukee, Oct. U. Wheat Higher ; N > 1 Northern. M 1-1 to 8:1 1-Jc ; No. > dt>, 79 to Hll 1-Jc. Itje-Steady; No, fhuwae .ti|uadion is rapidly IH-- plared on a war footing. l'\\eiiiy ''. Wheat closed : N'o. ;|s. nii-ludiiig 1,'J hat 1 1. -.ships, u. .1 ni -J S-4c; Fu-l'how, and JJ loi-|>eilo guiii.oats and -t Miy ,11 -n, pl> boats and I'luj, .lefeiidei- ,,,< al I'inion. gation conf u ins t he Hrmce I'u HI , ,1 . , ,. ,. ,, nd bai In- .M|I -.Imrtly he THEIR WORK IS liuiey-No. -- ""* tu British Army Headquarters in U. S .11. , Maniple, la t.i . SLAUGHTERED EACH 01 HER to be Closed. A de-patch from Chit-ago, says: A to the Record from New Or- leans says: Cossacks Mistook the French for - rhe Uriti8h army ht , ailquarter8 in Boxers and Fired Upon Them. ,, city ire to ^ e \ (ao(i >ooa since \ despairh fiom Home, says: A the English officers were t-nl herein Tikii de.spatfb lo Ihe Trihune nays he. August. 1W. lo purch-iae supplies, 13,- llu-.s ,,-s mistook the l'ii,,-li I,,, i:,,\- (KM) horses uud 12,000 inu!e have been * hipped to Cape Town, as well as large III tta Ittaeh "i, >h.uilii nd fiii-d on ih.-ni I I,-- lu-inl, i.-i ni n. quantities of forage and othur sup- - d til- fire - \ *e\en I'lem-liUK-ll and plies, Ihe pay therefore being about 910.00*1,000 in English gold." RUSSIANS LOSE HEAVILY 2 Officers Killed and 18 Wounded in a Fierce Battle With Chinese. \ diwpsilch from Si l',-i ,-i si>ur.< 'I 'hi- UuMii.ui KH ne n I staff lias ..- IM-<! a deipitt-h dril.ii^ with the .'!>. i u'uin.s nni ' Ii nf Oil N:ii-l'hw ing, hioh ways Ihat (rcnei il h'lc Mrh.'t > division of fi.OIK) men, wi'h mil I. TV, . v ngaKf<l I h on a vast plain .-....-i.-l witb high grans. Ihe Ku.t- -,im<i l.i.i; two offiC'-rs kill" I and 18 wouixied. Aorording lo Id- ^,,11.- ,d\ i-.-< (',,1. \rtananoff. while I'.-c.iiinoii i u^ \M : li .wo -.|M i.lron-s t>f r. iv ill >, r.uue Into will, f,.iiii.'.',i Ihousan I d.iriu- lin.-d Ch:n. -ie. I hea tieneral Kleis i li i i^ e \i>.-i- ted to engage. KXI'KDI HDN TO C \0-II\i;. KT Th" iiiovi-in.snt of Imlian tro.,| will l),-iii m t,-n day. I hi- Hi, .Mi and th" iiermans cm- inn.- ^i n I 114 troops to 1'ekin. Thr are renewed preparations for un i-xpe'liiitm in fotce again.-,! P,,o- Tlng-Ku. Th.. t ninpn will probubly l.'ive In a fort night, an I columns from r'e.kin will oo-operate witb Ilia .X|-.!i' inn. l(<itiince i.s r\pe, ,,.,, HM (hi- Boxers are there Lu larne num- . in > . , linn am it., 1 1 Alm.-t everything that run* at all s run* on ball - U-a i ings. The l piei-e of lin-rlia lllui IO u <>i iii of friction-caving i a waih e- U.l.iLed at i In- l'..i ..-, K\|..T.ition by a 1 i.'ii.h firm. It u, a >.':. 1 1 HI! and bull, fair t<> HIIIUM i.-di- \\ urhrs iiKL.Ie i in Ihe old pluu, at least wlwn v.-iy line an I diii'ilile w.irk I n l>.cycle li.aa aliown us that <ld p.vnlr tlia; roll nn ll.-'.r U-atings ar U-llej- than t lunye that uiuiply ruti. It \vai> imly natural thai v. nit*k.-J'a should srek to profit by in."-,. alvill a^'i n ill their n.v n ,n- y, when-, uii'e iluiii in any bur,; iieoa, regula-nly i.s . n- d'.ii fly ne- omnury, aud wlioiv t iie ui. mv-e ,whllu>i- due u. a w<- ^.'in .>, tn a til'i'ing, i* alu . .iively f ..... >!.. Thiw, K*ven'al yean an-. -U. Cb.,i, u jua.le luwvi'-uiiK-ke, Mritb, wti-i'ii ?J|i.ud a cuiiaidi'i i'-i n nn. .my of we.ghl. \Villi llie wait-li, I lie prt>i>i<-ui \\.if iuur complex, fol Ueie u^ iiuve In dn only with pivota wlw,- diaui.-'er is>uru4l bs tU.- t.-iiih i>f a m.llitne- ter, 1-2.">U iiu-li. il. Leon tiruet lian sulvd the prnbl.-iu, and did it H.I >u.-- cMfuily, Ihal lot) f.r-t bull-In watch figured at 1 1- U\poiUuii n U-i taking a bull.-' HI ! lli.- l'.:.. elatx) al the OLtMM'v nry o< r li (OU. Thifl watch u> a man's wat.-li . t h.- rfr.Siii.uj r z All it pivot. s mil on (Ni.lti of one-nil! and one-iji. 111. limit-tor, 1-50 and 1-1UU inch, in .11 auieler, irf hard leiui^-twd aieeJ, u, il rounded aud pulu*hed. Duly in,- mov- able p.irto vt live earapelncin , wli.iii receive only an ext reiin-..! !.>.. mo- tive impulne., an- wuh'>u> lliem. ll .>u.. I l>e BUimrfluoua lo ilwell oil th,- ekill i. i-l pai ..-at:.- wiiirh M. Grun Uint-i li.iV" .lev. -I >'d lo in- pi. Hiu.' .ui O/ BUrtl u Ul.inle-l | Hi i. .11 of the biillci alone , i ,.n- Ch.iu.uiu, wuvie the least ii lennlai n v m.<ht detitruy all thie idvant agi-s in- hr>renl in tiieir n*e. K'x.dea tin- Keunrai adv.inlag.-i re- ulling dii-.ily fnmi I lie 11.1,- uf l,i,l| Uwiriiitrn, th.-r.- are. oilwrs nun eial I>UH which aji> IKJI leu.', impii. ant. ll ut aB.selied wit h II-.IH-.II iliai the thinn.t- f Ihe p., .n im- portant farioj of prwiftion a n I rmi- e>ul-ral.|.\ lenient l he i IIM.I pi ion uf en- which uiuot U) t.uefully I.Hik- HER HUSBAND WAS A DRUNKARD BACK- ACHE If you have Backache you hav Kidney Disease. If you neglect Backarhe it will dgvrlop into omethinjf worse Blight's Dis- e;i*r .ir Diab.-le. There is no u->i- rubbinx- and doctoring your baik. Cure the kidn.-ys. Tln-ra is only one kidney medicine but it cuivs Uai-kacha every time Dodd's Kidney Pills Trying l.irdu anil prevent I he d*-.-- 1 rurtive efiVciB i>f miuid.'ii inns by ali- >(>rl>:ng ram allow*-!-* that would poui down from I ieeli'ts.1 sli)|- us from a late roof. K .r.wtt ili-Hl ruci mil may l- i-espoti- Ml.le for malaria, in in, my of us forms. ow.iiii tu 1 he diluvium rurried ilown l>\ 1 1 if m. -mil ain iDi'r.-,-ii<< i n fui in |naj- t. iletiuul UNI rrshiti. Among I'lie >,m.- I.IIV e<|ll. jilin-lll,- <>( a III'., If ci'.l Illllt,'- hl>Ue l,.l.lL'-! lees .sllnuld I, ink W.I I. lh- i-<st ]>l mnliets t-oir i iv,iii<-i-M, uiut a bout*; in u grove \n woi'lli t \vn-.>- ill.- trail if a Jiime oil a naked hill-'. i a Tf IN a iiii*.ry thill Buiishn. U lliKT'tU- k.Mer. naliiii-h I'llnd { f.t- fir I he run* 'if _'.-: in .: M.'IUMMI ; but MI opariiely wooded H.iiduslun, liav.: II. 'I piwellli-il I h Spre:,d of frvlilful -pidemu-. They do m.t cllee.k tin- dcVcl..p;iit*lll uf 111. t5-riiiB in tin- f.-.Mn i>f tin' nor uf t germa in i lur <>luuin of i n ^- ipiir: in A a.". N r would it lie r.i.-iy on that lL<-..iy to i>zi>|.iia th limgnvuy o fuiir bucJt- U,-I,|MII-.|I, or uf tin* <;.-im.ui forcat wardeiiN. who vie in surrounding UH-M foliage* \v 1 1 h ovi-r.'ircni tin leaf y I re-a. N..I a Min ray rurln*H i lu-n hmi-i-- ed i.ui fur m u w.i.rh. The reoiilt ia I luit .n i u rd: nary i-y- hadriral pu,,t, w hirli i". murh weaker fr ,, Jn i|!ly ,,, \ llV( . m |., . |,,,, . win- forum, ,,.,. w | len ejunsli.ue .> i.iy a I.I.-.-H- fi en i hin the axle wa-\.e end it ifl a IMUHI nf danger ind t ln.-< . lei, -i in n. the fi i -the pivui . \V i li l<ail-liaringi, the rylindnral furiii may U- n-|, laced with ' .- . -n. I'll Jl.l[>- HIlableH U.-s t rircular rowB of Ixills with diameter an em. ill an, and . v -ids rom- plelely all dantfur uf break ig at the b.lfv,- -.I' I he p.viit M Line) l-l evi* thai the balls ahoiil.l U- a small as |,,.B-.ide. H>. luis taken ti'.-.i' pa.iM lo make ballx of tbe uniform i- i nf nn.--i|iiarter mil- luiinler, l-lllll inrh. in diameter, and he hopes that tin- . iv lie rnn- il>ly reduri-d. ll will pi.,lnlily Iw with I la-r-e mm nine Italljs as H has !>.. M \v,ih Mi- i i in xrn-wH u.M-d in wali-bivi. TIlMtf ran li.iw lie linugbt at ll) rvnttmen. tu-> ,,-ni.-. , d.'i-n.. W ll ll dian . nn ,,il,i.-- ler. iiiirrnweovi,- pitrli. in. I reuularly Illlde head w,;h alii in tile middle. Ill 1-ioMHK >< Ilia. U- u. iled ji-welo ' ..I iir olU-i ^l.ihes hive II.' MlnTe leas.i eVflenre, as 1 hey pipsenl I1-. advau- tage^- nv tvr leiiipen-d aleel. The ie>uli at a ledurliou ill Ihe ner.-Bsary lalKir .>i iii.inuljri ure and in the price 1 -mil up, Ihe lull I..- 1 1, iik' wai, ii ,l.i I i .a. l nji. I'lie,.! } and |-i i. I ' n nlvilne tVer lie \ -,,is, and dnu ill,, pu i r \>.ll ronfirm th'i in.- nt iiiK, the Mi-reen (>ens. or holds us nw n JUKI, enough to m .1 ig , , im Waals of the ni.rtli wiud. Orn Ceylon and IniLa Tea whu-h if m>w IWMIH un rodui-.-d into Canada, in I be well kunwn parkageo of the " ' I'-a (',.111 |>.i ny h in got one great advantage over J ipin 1'ea ; aud that is, while it is of Ihe same flavor and the same hglit rnlnring liquor, it u> Very much Mln>llgei and a i.-nlutply fr--e fiom adiilieiat .nn, wliirli i I) m> Japan leu ,. Ce\,,,ri lii'een 1 i ^ . -,.l in the Sea..'.l l.r Id I'arkel of the ">a!ii.i' IV a < ', unpa ny mil . nhvays fresh and flagrant ,< well as i'ul. ll \-, -i MKN T If V'mi HlVP "'nr expr!ei-eii ilin i *jiure derived from drinking pure ml frag. II >. <JU llovw mnt :^n t,iu:onie ai'.piu nleU w:i h a vt onc.e by .-king /unr rfru.:r ,'ur LUDELLA A Matter of Pride. Paine your houae with goodF clean fresh made paint and you will have reason to be proud of ' I Its appearaii'e not only fora' while, but fjr a good long ft t U ' RAMSAY'S PAINTS will aflve you reasonable prld* when you see tnem on yo'ir house, Iresh in color and style, economical and d ;r ble your deaier i rmii of lh Q.IK t unnu As -'fj ,' r'.n w \n' < ,: -i w. .. ,. . ^ 3o VAI.r Mil. I. I' uiif whit h AD* n'l.uui- .1 &IH..I- f. r -. thiiH 6 or more >l 'h* I-II ' u fun ilium..'- - - . jr n *" .. I f I'm- 1 UK ItoYAl. A" A i ltf'l> i- cut Ibt ., >Jnl I Lady Who Cures Her Husband His Drinking Habits Writes tl Her Struggle to Save Her Home. A PATHETIC LETTER. WOcDMAN SPARE THE TREE ihat BlagoveMt in . ',,,ii 4:1. Oil, l inhaliit .iniK. ll h. 1.1 for many tmildings. in, -hiding f-mr nr five tlleek fll lire lie.- .-lie .11 whi.-ll . a cathedral, nut -n. s ,, i r. n^t ruri .mi. IJ.'i,|e- a I > ^" ., p [iari- nienl store of a (ieiinin I , in. UI a Itiutnian depart men - on w h , i. Would llnid ilfl own in lirmidw-iy or Sivili ave-iiue in point .if ^ix- and ei|ii pniei.t.. The hmldiiiK '" of white and 01 in. i . . .ni" ...ii- .., i lu, | large market fquaie, wh.-ie da:lv t he riMllltry IH-llple enngn-uii.- w " '.. their ffet<ll <>ll|.|.| i-f. ,.| m lU - rf ' K 'v ,,,,| i ,, __ Ihe |M'ii-.-n jn ,.y Iw a little li.-.iv- Ifc.-re I. ll. , ,1, R.. n ..ii, n, tr ai , r,,.. '"' :U1<1 ''y "f "'ork ril no Jiamit if .un Ain.'ii- "1 hart fora lone time bwji th<- try i -i([ t:.i> I'.iSli'l.'^s fam;ir,.' )' treatni.'iili on ny hushiind l.l drink tug habits, but I was ai':\i.d ho would dis r X was givinn lilm iuedlrin. a-. il h.i thmujlit unni-i-vtd me. I 1: li'd f.,r nearly a wiolt, hut one .';i.v ho i.-:.n.'i liniiio vory iiinoh lnto.\'iii n.' his -vekk'n (Hilary nem-ly all spi-nt, I off all f.'&r ond di-ierinincd to make an rosavoour hoinofromthe rniti ! i lit, t s" hiizarils. Is-iitf'.r y m. '\f> Siniaria I'DIT!;. tii.n, n; ItiahU coll. o us Unn-i.-il i>i-ir.ii:. I *atchi<l ;irl prayed for Atnoon I jf.ivo him nmre anil also t . |.pr. He never su^iM-cti-d a tiling. :irid ' then boldly kvp6 right on givin l.n-ly, an 1 nad discovered aomothln set every uerve In my my b.':i> i with hope and happiness, and J 'I a bright future sproad ou ..fill, h.M>|>y homo, ash ire in th goo>l things of life, an attentive, loving h'ln bftnd, comforts, and evorythtnn el^.- to a womau's heart; for my hnsbaad hun told mo that whiskey was Tile Ntull and h w taking a disliko to it. ItWMOBlj toi> trui), for before I hai alvi'ti h: full course he bad stopped" OrlnklD| gather, but I ko-,'$ glvl" him tho cin till it wasgono, iitvl iHeiisfit for an other lot, to have un . J if he should r. {:<PNO, as ho had donr- fi-. m l\ Tiro. He never has. and t jm wt-itinff f .. thlHletwrtotoll you h >nv tli.mkful t t 1 hom-gtly believe it will ci ' , tho > I MW. Sfcsr FRKBTO ALL. A sinylop.i of 't'anteli-ss t*ninn :n Prescrlptloil ;. hKNT tKKUwith fuil purtii nUrs in plain w.'I*.l tinvclope. All letters com. hiicredly eonfldoJiti il Adilrons The S maria Reineiiy Co., 33 J"iitan iw\'t Toronto, (. It ia a at range fan IN. n.-i ,.,,,. t>f tile re, tfmllM nl ill" Win Id giVr a word of u'lrii.iit; agi.n-i the f.n llf*l lUCI .00 .li' hnlli; b baa lurned rt.oiiii.iioii tyugff m t.m>- f.-.: ... :1 ,,,| ''" " - ' rd of Ihe K. i.s', MI, T .Ulflt illNldu Of th>' (.11- '" c-j.rieM. 9f ' Ji. in I li<- gl'-i-i .,' ii.-i an, lent 't i :i 1C l.-n nf Sun I her n na of poverty and di- 1.-.-. |..| ni led - . , ; i .111 al hleles , n. I li.-i.M-s and Mieiehatil Sirily in ,1^ sutl-l)|is- tft'e.l C'.lid.I ,ii:,^, ,-v ih e.s rlliffly llullil- it, bettgats mid VIM mm. The t-tii,,.. - region itf the Mediterranean ' ' w .1 Ib the i. '.sill i I'niM'-fif h-i 01 iis form T i !"' .i "n .1 It L ,,i n,[ie ten h.- Ot it- ii'iniel pi ndln I iven. .-<>. Til-- ^ 'n NI n i he rn Kranre, in l'--l li^i \>.a ^1 ' .M.'.M.pi.l atni.l. Armeii , I'.. M.I and llin.l an. It lu, gill indeed In- .| i. ..i ;.-ne l if all bn-.iin fi>llieM and ri ..I-- I ikna '.,- gel lie r luive raune.l ,, murh |<nriiia n- -in inirirli.ef a the insane d.-Mtruc- t;,>n nf nature'** Hafivna t ds . ;>ni trei-w is in us .sad a pliglli is . f la \ ed animal. The \.-\\ U'vild ' \.-a It h of wniHll i ndx i t )i<- rhie.l" ^iia i - ant, ! "I . I.- j , i*|*-i i i Koreflts of shady leaf-i,.--x m M^nt.- .limit ir e\i ten, ~ nid i hr lit m.l the. ttl.glu e.s, i|i>ul>l hit they at- lain ll'A.-i.-. V few luilidie.l -,|iliie llilleM ifl" wniided dells .n the valley of Ihe Kin de >.m IVdiro. ' eiijoy an annual ,,\e, ,.ge ni I went > nrheo i.f ram, wlnie in tin- adjninm^: l of Atau.ima di'niight.1 have l.'ii known to continue for six yeara. Ibru- m I'rif-ha's l !'. pl'ini at w>nn in ii|,pe, Kg\i>l iiioreafted the yearly rainfall fn>ni nine to fifteen inehiwj. In lln!\ l hat- d, i lease. I !!.- half; in W.IIK- I r.t i it-ts nf Northern \lin,, nl Niimulia, f ,i itiHtanre. , fi>Ul fiftUO FI, leu's shel',-, insr,'l-de- 1 ig- :m i/fl tin I'lH-rs. lull OIK- . -111111, t h(*l|i {rfHuig iir|jrii-<l nt what can Iw i)uglii : n th.r, ftu.irt.iy |..ut uf the world, inr! ildillg i : i : i.' ~.'I.TI ,un nf toys, cin-nui and phut i>gi MU|,- Hay Fever Serious This Year. Hay t'evei . - . , very viriiitint tyi-e ulna t mil i.f the lungs >.-.\ 111 III HH .usl in. ,--. in ly liay Fever sh.nii.l n:.i I*, tijl.-d i\ ,i h. V in -i fcji t nn, 1 1 e til ' .xf siil'fi'.-Mrs is inarvf Ilini.i m.cri.l.e k ..i.-r. whn-ll .luring the pas' i It, is Ix-.-n i, uud so abs,. iii.-l\ ceil. nn m all - nf II IV l-'e ." \ , "11.1. Ill i,n rhitis, (':, ; ,ti i b. It ,* ,. .., \ , , , ' .'. I pe . : uilll Illelll s nil '.V ,.s,h .-. Wll.rri II ' l l.lg 1 .1 I.S bttl I , ,1-r - \ e, \ p ...ixilli -It 1^ i i , I i>y .Irv lit : In .,,1411 h ' ''111" 1 e II (Mill I i, l,' I. in,.- It i|i... K ' i iiinjt left ID ex, lie .li , ,... I, is i , I/,- aad I ,,, drnitgi*. -. , . oriffinsl , - "s t ' <'<... Ml',: Ml'K- ,, Oni .. v\ i 1 v-nd it to un 1. 1 i - a Canada > . ,,...-,1 and duly pa,. I. f.n 91.11,1. \ MA I I i;i{ (>! [' \f I ANAI ' " *, <uill i h wit h t b.i rnl I. h I'd v-,i ,., | ., , ,111 [ love I hill winiiati. \\ h.v ' I!...- on nn other theory ran I \,'l .in my w illingn ., in in, I from |i ,i{" an I f i .1111 m., m IIILIU;II in find o,i, w li n ho has , in her lot ters to nm. \o Mi-:iti-: PROBABTLITT. M n i i . .- i i i I ..I a , i, \ ,,u., mo- 'h.-r of l hi- fimilv. tin- rlmilM look terribly i hn-.-iiHniiiti. I'm .irni .\" i i-. i -.ii-'ia in. You'd bett-i . in., I'd ri h'r nut, in'V,-r.-d ll ..... I li-it <laughlir. 'If I Cull lii:,i , thin iln-re'll be a ..... , .1-1.1 -. lion' any -HJI' of -hmbl. $100 Reward, 9 0. Die ro ui. vill be pin.- le.irn hit i one .ir>-a I- .1 Hull m-ioiii"- IIH- 'i >' '" ..-! in -IHUIM nail hs is Cs rh. ti.,r. . i a '-in the onl< pn-iu-. ar !,.. k ...mi -i . ll<^ b : At'-ni: y , i , v 4 i otinl .!/!.- ... i i a ; ; iui ..n' H.I i . ,..rri, I'll f i- ' ik i niiltr, ly^-llniE " , i - b oud mil inn-oili* "in ' I 111 . -. anJ ^ irii* p.,! ;en' r " nilitilii.iii i TorK. I'lio , .,. ,, 'n.ih n I'.s corattv* pow :- 'no M i i- .Iruil Diilhin fur my i in.; it i... <nil f n - , ,. ^.|! -- K .1. i HKMCV.V-.'d.. I jin.i J. .'old bv druvK'- 4 - 11. di- Kmdj HilUwij (lie bom oi-'K \vi i ii nil. c\ - i. \ft i-r all. . t- - don't am- nut M.L III.YT ~ TDl'I'Kl) HIM. \1 -. K.I run- r kiin-v how to ha n ' I.- an \\ _-gs If I <li/l. lady. I woiil ui' f dn i t'ing to .Lit b..-.ciut! W I* CALVERTS illc Ol*lnfotanta. SOMP*. Oint- ment. Tooth Powdons. to.. uare hits WkHiM IUU nidui> .m.l diploma* (or nupsrlar xi-oileoo*. I 'n ir reiral'U' UM> iravcai in'M-ti- oa> dlMuiM. AK jour d*iur to cbtala 4 apply UiiU mulMl fr ua appdnailoa. P. C. CALVERT & CO., MANOMKajTKN tln( r mr l,hl goods an "' A. KW tl.l. . O. Tgcu., METAL R03FERS WWt: . .. 1..R..11 i., I (la '- |l - . h ' i e, .UNI . for MM , nee, i'i-' . n,- [>lnye f lei|llell. l\ i,||. lllll.s to lllnllS- .,11 i-. ilm\ Hh: KMKW. .l.i.-k I m.i i ii ift.-r- linnll. .1 II I I l.'f I 'ii\ Ilin- 1)1 ella a : l h - I i-i plan- I ral l. i n i k . 1 1 1 -. you I 'f i ii n i he f.i'sl pl.i- .lark I! , HIM- t hat's w lie i e it. ^__ MONTmAL MOTdL OIRtOTOIIT.^^^^ The " Balmoral," Frts But ^'^ AVENUE MOWS* - ?wi -h *-.- FRENCH CLEANING. f' I . " U| ' ur KI.T* -i<i fell TC .' llfengniff*. i 'tiltmf tO f'j ' HITISH AMERICAN JftlMQ 00 , Monir*Ml. ARE YOU WEAK? i.ifViiTif trom urn-out weak . kidney, livrr ..r kt. much comUli,t>, ihrnm.t- iism. \arne h:n Ic. paint or tttrt in an- urbody' Uo y..u ftcl yiutKii ^ '.in.' If you nrr a * llic wfakn, ~^ thiit 'c-uiti 'T-, B, unng tl, id nun, ie. i , >n cuainnlrc yen mutt in thtre Xonth nil HVclnc Btll THREE MONTHS' TRIAL. *. e tnv upp.lmuf thtr mn:i.h^. kii.i pay mt- only w . . r m .i'Ht .mil fjivrt h : I>Rlici,tfi, . RCrt-i;.!. ll--r. _ . 130 YonO St., Toronto. \ VWI-T'l. MCilU.M \ -mil. 'j ' i I i Idi-. "U hy. I-; I, ,. lid hoi -ir-nh -t, nh h -I. "my lee; h M|>- ped on nn ngu-." Catholic Prayer tftj.? ' K--1 H>U Stlu*ry. ui I 'hu,h Ornm>,<Mit- UML D. * J. lAOUKI A 00., HOH ovi-k PIPTV MRS. WINHI^^.fS SOOTIII.NO SYRUP kH Md by motb. n. lor I..-., .'fa.i .i,i '.fs-,i,,n(. it *o h dbild, or.n 111* g'<rai. fc.lfcyt Mi* nqrw Mid it ib* toft ii-it.. ..y 'or a.rru. 3o ft b .Jlruu(hi,ut th world, rtiuiuw'l LAW MILLS, MILLS AHALIS, '. rf. IL KiDuv4u< A-ifj Hnltdingl, Klchmo- 'tii. W , Ton hU* POULTRY, BUTTER. ECCS, APPLES, Ravi othr I'Kk'LJ, '( F.. to waurc bMt r*ulU OUB- |(n ti Th Oawioii Commiesion Co., Lnnitud, sr. .t-Mark.l A Oolkorn* it., Tsrwit*, l*t >, kil HIS I1II\K (I- liiiu/lii li . li.i t bou/lil- i n.i i h. Nn h"t t hmi^ht a t If o h-i- .-v.-i limi^lii IIH I h.-v ihouijht ho though: tfeoaght. mm Music Teachers Wanted To Mnd 'tr ir Oomplcl* C.. (M- lo-iu* af (liiMt V ulo and Book* 1*1, li tneclal ratts uf dinoount WHALEY, ROYCE & Co. 168 VonK* St. Toronto. Ont. CALIFORNIA Do you want to know all about lht. \vnn-ler- till State' Read our N K W Mi-.k, of rrhttble luformntion about th- Ltimntr, X(uinl Mr- orc<", Scfntc Wonder* , Mu*.i"tt Iii'lu-ii ir*. I,:UMU. Pi- iluru of the Kotl, nnrl the beautiful Uomea and Farms, of every county in l nia. Prtce fifty crntal.y mail. Writ* for FRKH circulnr number '44. OuTf;e K. Rurharcl*. l*ub- liaher, 70W Mark- 1 Si , Sktn Vrinui-^- , AVOODiPHOlO fNP.RAVING ' 8 10 ADI l Mill V W 1ORONTO EXPOSED FOR