BOERS SHELL BRITISH Gen. Buller's Forces Hold a Strong Position. A despatch from London, says: Advices from liadfontein of yester- day's date say that General Huller en- gaged the Boars in the mountain* overlooking Lydenbiirg on Sept. 2. Gem-mi Hotha oommanded the enemy, Telocity mounted. The British forces occupied a posi- tion in a basin on the right of tbo l>;i.a, and were unable to retreat at nightfall. The Boer guns were accurately trained, and were fired continuously which held the pass throughout the a ll day, while tbe British, being un- day. Tbe Boer artillery (ire was i a bla to use their position for gun fire evore. Upward of two thousand men comprised the Boer force. The Brit- Mi cavalry, with a horse battery, ap- proached to within two milea of the enemy's position. The Brs then effectively, advanced their infantry. Between the lines, and bidden In crooks uod overgrown scrub, were nu- merous Boer sharps hoot era. General Butler occupied an exposed position fired three "Long Toms," which were ! ott a ridge at the front. The behaviour Located one on either side of the pass ' of hU troops under heavy shell fire and one at a distance to the right, j was excellent, ills casualties are not Thi-y also bad another gun of higb stated. A BRILLIANT CHARGE. ed on, and took the position. The B-r loan from tl,-j charge was i i;ui .i, auuu. . evere. I counted ten dead bodies In j potatoes, per busH. one heap, and the kopj > wua strewn How Buller's Ken look the Boer Position. A despatch from Belfa*t says: There has been desperate fighting on the left of the Boar position, about six mile* weat of Machadodorp. General Sir Redvers Huller made the attack, and throughout the engage- ment he had eomething like forty guxui In action. The Boers were not in the least dis- mayed at the formidable character of the onslaught, but fought with tbe ut- most bravery. I have had opportunities of seeing them make several firm stands, and I am convinced that their tenacity in tbi* encounter wo* not equalled even in Natal befune tbe relief of Lady- ami th. Our lyddite Mi. -IN burst beautiful- ly and must have inflicted heavy 1<*M- aa on the enemy. Yellow patches on the dark background acrom* which on '" >allenc ' annexation, they are MARKETS OFJHE WORLD, Trices or Cattle, Cneese. Grain, &c In the Leading Markets. TUB STBEKT MAHKET. Toronto, Sept. 11. One hundred bushels at white wheat were cold on the ntreet to-day for 89e per bushfl; one hundred of red at 68 to 09c, one hundred nnd f'fty bushels of barley at 43 1-2 to It l-2o per bushel. Two hundred bu.shels of new oats sold at L'U to 30o, and ona load of rye, at .V! l-2o per bu.shel IJuy brought $12.I>./ to 913.50 per too, and one load of straw sold for |U. Wheat, white,straigtit,9 l.OO Wheat, red. . . . Wheat, goose. . Wheat, bpring.... Oata, old Data, new. . Peas. . . ' . . Barley. . . . Kye Hay, old, per ton. Hay, new, per ton. Straw, per ton. . Ore sued bogs, Butter, in Ib. rolls. Eggs, new laid. Ch.ckens, per pair. Turkeys, per Ib. i Ducks, each. with thirty-fire wounded, whom the I '.' r - In their (light b <1 left l> hind. '11) lioor killed included the ivm- MI! of the Johannesburg police/ who offered strenuous opposition to tbe ad TU noe. We took thirty prisoner* and a pom-pom. Our l(ia In killed was put at eleven. It U a viotury, cheap- ly won. 0.68 . 0.60 . 0.00 . 0.32 . 0.29 . 0.00 '. 0.51 ... 13.00 . 11.00 . 0.00 . 7.M . 0.20 . 0.13 . 0.50 . 0.11 . 0.30 . 0.25 . 7000 . 4.00 , 5.50 90.09 O.U9 06:. 1-2 0.73 0.39 0.30 0.59 1-2 0.44 1-2 0.58 1-2 18.50 18.50 11.00 7.75 ft .21 14 0.80 0.11 0.40 0.30 9.UO 5.50 Mill!! mm NEKS Commandos Divided and Followed by British. A despatch from London says : Te- legraphing to the War Office under date of BeJfaxt, Sept. 7, Lord Hob- rta says: " (iens. Dundonald an<l Brocklehurst occupied Lydenburg yesterday. The forces of (ie-ns. Uuller and Hamilton were the.n wittin five milea of the place. Their casualties were four wound"i I. IM-II Il-irt li i < been engaging the enemy ni Krutfer.-idorp for the last few day., with a view to driving gallantly. The credit for thir relief U due to Iron. Urn. ^ Hui... -n. who marched eighty miles in four and a half days." A deapatcn from iRietfontein, of .Sept. 7, nays that th llrilish hav captured Lydenburg. The B-jrs were completely out- manoeuvred. Ihey bolted through the village in the direction of I'ilgiiui'a Rest. Gen. Hamilton outflanked il.-m >n the right, causing them to evacuate their strong positions. Ihey abandon- ed some of their artillery and shelled ROBERTS' PROCLAMATION. His Warn-in? to Inhabitants of the Orange River Colony. A despatch from Pretoria says : Lord Roberts has issued a proclama- tion to the inhabitants of the Orange including Beef, b.ndquarters. Beef, foreq'iartors. Beef, carcase. Mutton 5.UO 7.00 Lamb, spring, per Ib. . 0.12 0.12 1-2 DAIKY MARKETS. Butter Market is firm, and good, active demand. Dairy stock is still scarce in the choice lines. Creamery unchanged. Dealers were selling to j retailers to-day as follows: Dairy, tuba, 17 to Hi l-2o for choice ; 14 to 16o for second quality ; small dairy, Ib. prints, 19 to 20c ; creamery, tubs an.t boxes, 21 to 22c ; Ibs. 'JJ to 24o. Cheese Dealers here quoting new at 11 to 11 1-Jc. LIVE STOCK. Toronto, ,-ept 11. A total of 45 loads of live stock was received at the western cattle yards, this morning, cattle, 7UO hugs, 730 them from the railway. " The Boers left tour dead on the field, one of whom is th'*wht to be ' Buller's force to cover tbjeir retreat. Gen. Theron, No one has yet reoog- Tneir projectile* fell short, and the niied the body as his, but the pbckets | British sustained no casualties. of the deceii.sed contained letters to ' Uen. Botha was chagrined over re- Thenm from lien. De Wet, conveying linquishing the strongest position the official information < I Bni -h move- Bers held since they kept th* ments. I British at bay at the. Tugela river " (ien. Buller reports from Lyden- It i* reported that ex-Presidents burg that the Boer force has been di- Ki'uger and Styn have (led and that vided, some of the troops having start- lien. Hamilton id in pursuit, ed for the north, and the others to- A deptcu from Lord Roberta, dated ward Spiiikop. Must of their guns, Belfast, Sept. 6, describes the cper*- stores, and ammunition have been sent lions prel.mmary to iba capture of to Kruger.spost. L;6>uburg. Un. Ian 11 multun wa* " Major White commanded at Lady- clearing the way fur Buller'e column, brand with a company of the Wor- wn *^ u w c.stersliires sod the Wiltshire Yeo- ,,, w ,, uil , le> | Lord KoDert* hoped that luanry, wboae officers behaved most Uen. Hamilton had sustained no*. Bemna Choice hand-picked are worth from 91-70 to |1.7j. Potatoes The deliveries are beans 733-8 tot Ho; on track. No. 1 bard, 75 I l-2c; No. 1 Northern, 72 l-2c; No. * (res. Northern, 7J l-4c. FU>ur and bran River Colony, in which he says that in lambs and sheep, and a few calves and and a lot of the stock coming in I* off Unchanged. in quality. Dealers are buying bare : Milwaukee, Sept. 11. Wheat Low- at about 20 to 2">c per bag, and sell er. S.v l Northern, 75 l-8c; No. I out of store at about 30 to 35o per ' Northern, 73 1-J to 74c. Rjre Low- t '; No. 1 53c. Barley Firm; No. J, the Boers retired were clearly in- dicated Tbe (ire at tbe naval gun* was ter- rifio. But the features of the battle wa* the magnificent work of th* Hide Brigade, assisted by the Innuikill- lutf and the Devon*. It (eU to Lhm to take the Boer position, an Ideal one, marked by huge boulders and numerous traa*. which provided admirable shel er Our gun* pounded away at this kovJ" for two hoora and a h.ilf, but il Boers in oharge of a pom-pom never flinched. VliLilly th order was given for (be lo/antry to fix bayonets and charge. It^H^aa magnifioent rush thit they The Boers oontnHtivl every inch . ground, but tbe Inf.iritry presn- ! now subjects of tbe Queen, with the milch cows. There was little business doing, and quotations all round were practically unchanged. There wa* no demand at all for hip- * K5 to * 1 - 75 exception of those who were attached to commandoes prior to the Issuance at the annexation proclamation, and who hive since been continuously in P>ng cattle to-day. arms and attached to commandoes.! 1 butcher cattle we had scarcely These, when captured, will be treated *">' trade; a few lots o( choice stuff as prisoners of war. Those who have changed bunds at from 3 3-1 to 4 1-lc taken the oath of submission, snd who per puuud, but for anything else a ds- 60-lb tins. Hooey. Unchanged. Dealer* are paying 6 to 7c ouUide. Dealer* quote from 8 to 9o pur Ib for i, 10 or Comb honey sells here at duzon section*. Baled hay No. 1 timothy will bring 98.75 to ft). ouUtide. Baled atraw Car lots are quoted at 95 to 95.50 on track Hope Unchanged. have broken it, will be punished with maud scarcely existed, and prices were tc> 14c ' or Canada, Wa. death, imprisonment, or fine. Build- merely nouunal. ings harbouring the enemy are liable' Much of tbe cattle was unsold, and to be mied. A farm or farms in the vicinity of which tbe railway is dam- aged will be liable to be fined half a it is to be hoped the run will be light to>uiorrow. Friday. "Kin.ili stuff" U easier, but not quo- crown per morgcn. The are warned to acquaint fiorons of the presence of the enemy, otherwise they will be regardod as abutting them, and will be treated as rebels. inhabitants ' tably ckantced. the British IQ other lines we had no change. The cattle coining in tbw morning about 400 heads of butcher*' cat- w usually at a moat inferior kind. llogs are steady and unchanged. tie, 60 culves. and 500 sheep and offered for aale at the east end For prime hoga aualing from 160 to abattoir to-day. There were very 1,000 PEOPLE WERE KILLED i20U Ibs., In,- tup price LS Ur; thick (at and light bogs, 01-4o per Ib; and corn fe.l huge. OS-He per Ib. 1't'iU win* is the range of quota- Galveston, Texas Visited by Hurricane. a ' Cattle. "A <lcn)Kiloh ln*n AiiM'in. Texas says: Information has just lienn received that about S.'XW lives hm< 1.. "ii lost at iJiHi'Stoii, with .MI. U MI ons destruction of pioiirii.v. A dentntrti fniu lliiiiit..n \--\m. ays The Wrst India storm whii-h !.- i:.-l the Gulf coast yesterday morning wrought awful havoc in Texas. Reports are ronflic I inir, linl It IN known that an .ipp.illing di^ns- tsr hnn t>nf*ll>>n i n <-,iy of iiilvston whnrn it is rnpiirtml a thousand or morn lives have bnnn blotted out, , n I S I irinenililllH pni|nTlv .liluirf,- h is b.-Mi inruired Mc.igic, ir.nn Balnn I'BHH nd I'oii Anliur also in- rtH-,tes heavy loiw of life, Ixil thrsx reports cuiinoi I,.- i-oiuiriiu-il at this hour III* flrl news to reai-.h this city (lilin l he Nllli-ktill rll) of I, ,|>,.. i, in wan i IK-PI i sd lo-uiKht .luines ('. lim- mins. v. do livm in )]. HI. i,,, i mi wn ,, Is the Ke-nernl *ii|iciinl lent ,,i thr Nmiohal Ciiinp'w.i fonipiiiy, uinvnd In the rlty at 8 o clock to-niKlit hoiii GuUesInn l[i> \MI one of I h first to reach hern \\.ili liilmgs of i he freat disaster vhirh h,n )>efnllen tli 1 1 city, and the in ivmi u.l>- of that din inter remains (o be told beraun-of fain endeavours to reach hoinn A t<T i.-ni . IIMII^ Ihmugh the. huiii. M,. of Ralurday, he dcpirtn.l from Ofilwston on u Hchminer, and oamn acionn the bay to Morgan's Point, where he aught a tram for Houston Ths burn, inn, Mr. I minims snid, was ibe worst ever known 1,000 I'KOIXli 1'KKISIIKD. The psti'mates made by citii in of t.ihcsion u is ill.' 4,010 bxise.t. most at them reAiilences liave Iwen deslioy- d, and that at le.-ist l.OiMt people have l.i-cn drowned, killed, or missing Some biiNinpfta hoimex were also de atrojeil, l<u! inoM of ili.-iu stood I hough badly damagttd. I'ln- 'i<>. .Mir r imoiiK avers, is a ^v^^l1>l^te \vn>ok, * fir as he. ooul<l I lie water front ;uul from the. I ivm -in h./tcl \\ it.'i a blown ov.-u nli,- i^lukl by ih> li'ii, the, \\ilkl li|.,in^ .1! | In. 1. 1|,, ,, tj(> in |.. . .ui li.-iir * p i,iihhl fi'.ui tlt liiilf and f'.Kiiim liho ^i wviler before, it in Kit- \\nvi-M. rjie :ili- waa a stoady oin>, iji,- h>- i-H of it ntrikiiig the. city .lU'in .1 .r, -lock yeatanday I-\.-IIIMK, ami c.aiiiiiiiiiitf Hillioul inl.ii nn , ,,,M uiilil inuliuttlil liM niitht, II.MI u aunlnd Muium liul, all h..iit;li it oon- linuivl to l,i.i,\ .ill ninln. KMMt. \IOUS l.O.SS OK Llh'K. A <l.^|>.'rJi fi,, m Dilla-*, Tex is, auys; 'Hit. f,. 11,, wing 1.1,^1. im has \mt-n Jii4>ivivl lluc MiMlMtim. |i.-li,'f tr.iiu just i,-iuiii,..| <vml.l not tint cluanr th.nn Hix ot ViiKini.i I'oinl, JI,MH th.> was, oovervd with liuuber, . |-i i n... M link*. .N. I ,l,,,,| I. .,!,,, | u,, hun.1,,.1 ,.,.i|>s,.., weirt oiunted from lih Uxilik A ISTHP Mteitiuer i l two milm* HIM side of Virxinii Piiint, i lih<vikKh th,ronvu up by a ivl 1 1 avv N<rthun,f nin he xpeu of l!iilveiti>n. Two men we-re. pit-^kixl up wiho>! aar<kM to tht" miinlin.l y they eslun.n(a th IONS of If, to Ibo liiue they loft at J.OIItt." f 5 00 425 150 815 300 4.00 I'hey miles 875 4 m 800 (100 10 UO .5 6iB H Shippers, per cwt. . . ,|425 Kuu-her, choice do. . . 400 Uulcber, IIM-.II., to good. 3- Uulx-her, inferior. . . a 75 .->! - k, - per owt. . . 275 Kxport imlN. per cwt. . . 3.UO Slksttp and Lambs. .->i-c<-p. per owl. . . .825 Spring l.iini v e.icn . . 800 llucka, i-i owU . . .250 Milkers and Cfelvea. Cows), eaoh ...... 2600 Cahtta, each- . . . 200 11 oga. I'll ice hogs, per owl. . 675 L >;hi hKs, per cwt. . . 600 II. .1. \ n>>gs, per cut. . . 600 Sows ....... 800 Sl.iga. . . . .200 URKSSK1) 1IOUS ANI> I'HOVISKINS. A firm market, with, local dealer* UlkuiK higher price*. Lard ohort and atioiig. Smoked nitvit.s in light supply. Dreiwwd bogs steady. At dinners' waggoita choioe will bring |7.uO to |7,76. according to quality. (or butchers' OMB. QuoUttionn for provisions are as follow*: Dry aaltd shoulders, 7 to 7 1-So; long clear bacon, car lota, 8 l-'Jc; ton lot*, Ht-4c; oaa* lots, Do; short out pork, flti 50 in $i;i. heavy n,,-.- ., | :,,..o to |I7 Smoked meats iiauis, heavy, li medium, ISc; light, 11 l-2o; breakfast bacon, 12 1-5! to ISe; picnic hams. lOc; roll bacon, 10 1-2 to lie; smoked books. 18o. All meat* out of pickle le IMS Hi. a prices quoted for smoked meats. (Lard Tierces tte; tut*. Me; pails, Ul-So. PMDUOB. H.-i wraith<r is causing a heavier lass than ever in the eggs ar- riving. Tin ii ,. are very few real fancy egg coming in. Price* bold alxuit atnady. at U to 13o (or choice. No. 2 hot weathnr eggs sell at 7 o lOc. Real fancy selected nggt will hriiin 14e. Dealers hers are tuning ftboic* egga at lie, delivered. 51c; sample, 41 to oOo. Duluth, Sept. ll.-Wheat closed; N- v 1, c isJj, 77 1-Jo; September, 77 1-Jc; December. 77 1-fic; No. 1 Northern, oa.*h, 75 1-Jc; September, 75 1-Jc; December, 75 5-tk-; No. i Nou-thern, 71 1-Jo, No. 3 spring. 08 l-'Jo. Coirn-39 l-4o. Oai.v-.J to J2 l-4c. Buffalo, Sept. 11. -Spring wheat- Sell at about 13 No. 1 hard, carload*. 84 l-4c; No. 1 N-'rhwrn. o-irloi,U, 81 l-.o Winter wheat Red offered at 75 1-Jo; No. 1 white, 74 1-Jc; mixed, 74o. Darn Sta-ong; No. 2 yellow, 45c; No. 9 yel- low. 443-ic; No. 2 corn, 44 l-2o; No. I oorra, 44 l-4o. Oat* No. 2 while. 25 3-4c; N... 3 hi'*. 24 to 24 1-Jo; No. 4 white, J3 l-2c; No. 2 mixed. 29 1-Jc; No. 3 mixed, 23o. B-ir ley Western malting. 47 to 49c aaked. Rye- No 1. oa track. 65 1-Jo, Flour Quiet, ateady. Toledo. Sept. ll.-Wheat Spot and September, 75 1-Jc; October, 76 l-2o; December, 785-8O. Corn No. J. caan and September, 41 1-Jc; December, 84 l-4o. Oat* No. J, csh. 2.o, Se.ptem- to 3 1 - U- per Ib. Trad* | bar, J'Jc; December, 23 3-4o. Rye- brisk, and prices wre | No. J, ouah, 51 l-2c. Clover seed and THE CHEESE MARKETS. Kingston, Ont., Sept. 11. At the meeting of the Cheese Board to-day thi-re ware 360 coloured and 3.051 white cheese boarded, and 434 sold at lie. Montreal. Sept. 11. There were fi-w oat tie offered to-day that could be culled prime, and these sold st from 4 1-2 to 4 5-c per Ib,; pretty good beosbs sold front 3 11-2 to 4 1-ir, and the common stock at fnm -' I-'. 1 fairly about the same a* on Monday's mar- oil Unchanged. ket, but decidedly better than on last week's markets. Calves sold Jrom 93 to 910 each or from BOER AUDACITY IN NATAL 3 1-2 to 4 l-'Jc per Ib. Shippers paid from 3 1-2 to 3 S-4 per Ib (or good Dynamite Carried Off Near New large sheep, and tbe butcher* paid j Castle from 2 1-J to I l-2c par Ib (or the A dent* t oh from Pietermsntiburg, others. Lamb* were dearer to-day, aaya: The Bo*r raiders in northern and sold at from 3 .1-1 to nearly 4 1-Jo Natal are becoming increasingly dar- IT lli. Pat hugs sold at from $ > to Ing and ar* causing unrest. 95.90 per 100 Ibs. weighed off the car*. , Yasteiday party of the enemy M!K \lisrui FS, KTO; vi*iUd colliery near Ingagane and Wheat-Western markets were all * rri * a "" bund red pounds of dyna- wiviik to-day, and Ux-al prinea lopped oiff In MyuipatJiy ; while, old, north ami weat, 6Jc. and new, 64 1-Jo; .tp-jng whtvit, .MM. iiil-.v, Manitoba, No. 1 h.irl. g.Lt., 88 1-Jo; Toronto ami wmt, 35 l-2c; mmt>, upi>ed- lake purls, 83 1-2. Milfeed S-arw. Ton lots at the mill door >ll as follows:-Bran. 91J to 9U..^O, .in.l abort*, 914 to 91150, mite, for what purpose may easily b* conjectured. The general of communication* ha* iasued a warning to th* oolli*ries only to store sufficient explosives for their immediate requirements. Ingagane i* seven miles south u' Newoaatle. I'oi-n About Mendy. No. 1 Ameri- can, yellow, 48o, on truck here ; and mil. -I. 47; Pen a In good demanct, at firm pi ic<. Now po.ia, oar lots, wost iiu- nuollatr ahipment, 59c; and east at Barley Prices are firmer. No. 3 is quoted at 38o, and No. i at 40o: feed barley, outside, 35c. Rye Quiet. New rye. 48c west ; and 49c eaat. OatA New white onts, west, sell at 25o, and mint ui 26o. KKiur SUvidy. Holders ask 9-'.) for 90 per cent, pit Mil*, in buyers' hug*, middle freight*; and ejp>rters I 9J.70, ftpeciil bi-ituU sell l.xially frx>m 10 to i'(to ,ihov I Im^.- figures. MliuiM|k'li*, -M-p- 11. -Wheat clos- xl.6ept ember. 7J S-4c; December, VAN ZYL'S CHEEK. th( His Insolent Protest Against Burning ol Farms. A despatch from Krugersdorp, says: IVmiui uiil.iiii Van /.y . *ent message* i(U a white flag to prvteat against the burning of farms and the bring- ing of nomen and children to tbl* place as against the customs of civilis- ed warfare. A* Van /.y i ts one of ths meu who took the oath of neutrality, and all the (arme uh.clt have been burned are those of men who, after taking the oath, rejoined tbeir oom- mundoea, no answer was returned to the insolent message. The two me* who bruught the flag were informed (ieu Barton declined to consider c-iMiiiiiunic it ion* of thus M>ii fiorn SB i'iiil.m and a man who had broke* hi*