ALLIES ENTER PEKIN. Official Despatches to That Effect Reach Washington. A dtwpntch fi- n Washington says: Th alii-*! f .:-crts luve captured and ntrtreJ Pe,kin in tii- 4 i-e <4 obstinate r..-i>t.inw, and the iiu-mU-rs of the Leg.iliofia Offi- but the adjutant-general's offlo w momeiilnrlly expecting advices. The officials were on hand during the evening, and waited until a late hour lieforn leaving for home with- if" ( the fall of the capital came to tbe United States Government to-night in the ah ip of two cablegram,*, one fnun i - _ ...u ., ..i.i..i. -.,,,r.. a. Admiral Rerney. and tbe other fnun ** - a* a * to 'he Central News from f\ ii , . ,. i i i ,~ > Ii ;i n fh n i uu ! j \l * i ' ,i ....... * i. .. a\ . .. HKKOHK Till-. MARKETS OF THE WORLD Prices o Cattle, Cheeie, Grain, *o ' tbe Leading Marked. Toronto. Aug. 21.-Wheat-Chicago closed off again, and local price* were distinctly ea*ir, both M.miUibi.s and Ontario* easing off. Quotations are as follows: Ontario, red and white, old, out.side, 6Sc; and new, Gti to <j7o; epriog, outside, 6Hc; Manitoba, No. 1 hir-l, g.i.t., 89o; Toronto and west, 86c; Mime, upper lake ports, 83c. MillfWd Scarce ami steady. Hran, |1J to 912.50; ami shorts, ^14 to |U.5u, O n-L-ul lol,. r , t Ch.-too. A despatch from London says : A -3spatch to the Central News from I Corn Chicago prices were rather Shanghai says Mr. Cniodnow, the Am- ! ei ' K ^ ur - Local prices were ste.idy nc-ui rowi,r at Chi-foO. / mi, irtiiRmuw, me /\iu- . .---j l ippnars the allijs decided to at- er ' oan Consiil-tieiieral, is certain that > in* to acaroily. No. 1 Amenc.n the latest IVk.n desp-itch from Minis- >' >' ' . 4*c. on track here; and mixed - bc.uM l>e dated tnok the city l>y the oust gat... II, ,- r four entrances to the r. v of the Ui.liug to th- Chines.- ,-ity ' ' Tne Central News' correspondent anl I w to ih,< Tartar riiy. .lu t whiih K ' vos tne following interpretation of of l heae wa.s seleotnd an tbe attacking j ^ r - Conger's message. " Vad. m ai- Consul i-owler'a despatch, does | larks l.y tbe Chinese ootitinue daily. "t disclose. Seven marines dead. Ol h.-r Americans; old. No. 2. 40c. O>ntrary to th pi.-ss reports of to- l'*'0g. The approach of the allies day Con-oil Fow lei's despatch shows tfives us strong hope." that the attack on ib- city met with ! A despatch to the Central News : r "-'-^" ' "'" Jap..,,,..- force fro,,, Shanghai of Thursday's date MigagM ,-|, ,he advance, ace. .rding says M. Heiaure, the French Consul, the un.le.rst,ndi,u of the, n, ,- veil on that day the following . iitim-hernd 1U.3UO men, *. th it the me, , re from M. P.rh.m 1 1, - l',.-n,-h 1 Ly lh.,m w ,s,,v,-rone,*r Minis.,., at Pekin. The message win nt. No menu,,, , s , u ,.| of i b- Ios e8 sent fiom IVk n on Autni-' II - We of tbe foroa of the other .,,... ,, 1U ,, st.ll holding out in Ihe ruins of p,mim.,l ih.t it ,s i,, pr ,, 1)ir . tht . ,, v lt A|| ,,,,. Jm . i;| ^ <)f ,,,,. that suffe,.vll,y the.lip,,,,-.., l.. v ,t ,,,,i ar well. Ulevenof the Nothing his 0,1,116 to th- War H,. at. 47c. I'ri.H Quiet. New peas, car lots, . sell at 5.x;; aul east at 56o. Ol I peas about all out. Uu ley-Quiet. New, No. 2, 880, Hye New iye, 49c, outside; and old, 51 to .,_'.-. Oats Steady and iu fiir d-niaiid. Nw- while oat.s, west, sell at J.">c; old whi-r o.its, north and JGc; and east, 27c. Flour Very quiet and prices easy. II- i lets a.ik $J.8U for 9J p>-r cent, pat- ent, In buyers' bigs, mi Idle freights; KRUGER JELDJJY BOERS. Will Use Force if Necessary to Prevent His Escape ---He Wants Peace. A despatch from London aays:A They have ninety gun- at M ihado Trt*,pon.lnt of the Central New* dorp. who was lately rJeased after under going two months' captivity at Nooit- gedachl ii a.s arrived at Durban. Natal, be cables cnfi, toe aa- eertion that 1'rraident Kruger wants Peace, but Mya that the fighting com- mandants want to continue tbe war. They are confident that they can hold I h- corrrspun..!,n ; piof-->s--s to k o th.u when Pre-sident Kruger w.i* :n Mii-h,d,.dorp he wanted to leave the country, pleading that his h-alth waa bad. The military leaders suggested Wate.rvale.ndej! was a desirable awl healthful plic-, and they simul- taneously pruviled the President the difficult NisMtgt-dacht country | a large guard of honor, who were fur at least six months. They are not in-tinned not to lose sight of him at all alarmed by the pn.spert.ive stop- >age of .supplies imparted by way of Uelagoa bay. aa they have abundan. -.- t provi.siooa. a large part of which are bin ...|. ami exporters bid brau-ls .srll ln-illy above these figures. $2.75. .-| 10 white. cash, 70 3-4c ; .Vo. 2 red, cash, 77c ; August. 77o ; September, 7,3-Ic. St. Louis, Aug. 21. Wheat closed Cash, 70 3-4c ; August, 70 l-4c ; Sep- 70 l-8c ; December. 73o. M.nneapolis, Aug. 21. Close Wheat In store. August, 73 l-.>c ; Spt e m- >'. 73 l-3c; December. 75 to 75 l-8c; on track. No. 1 hard. 76 l-4c ; No. 1 Northern, 74 l-4c ; No. 2 Northern, 72 S-4c. Klour and bran Unchanged. Duluth, Aug. 21 -Wheat-No. 1 hard, 77 7-8c; .September. 77 7-8o ; De- - KiiWds have !,e,-n killed. It.-Iief is ex- ' I ' :SSKI) " ()i:S VNI) I'"\'ISIONS. cemUsr. 78 J-8c ; No. 1 Northern, ca-h, it directly from (i,-.,i. Chiff,.., , i e d on the 14lh." Market very firm f.-r pork pro<lucts, "I 5-8o ; Septemlir, 7a 3-c ; December, 76 3-8c ; No. 3 spring, 70 7-8c. Corn 1 ' 39 l-2c. ~ ROBERTS' PROCLA>lAi;ON. No MOPS Passes to Be Granted to Burgrherr. A d. spntrh. fnm Pretoria, my*: I-T.I Knt>..rt* his Iwt ;l ,.,,. |, IIW _ 1*1 his proveHis or-le, r neutrality m.| no oaihs vtill be | n pusMns grant. .!, md all burgher, will I,, regard- I H ,., r.,.f war. H'Mis-a In which a-,,,. I H -v - fm I , |, er w ,]j ,, ,j lb , a (0 * ' ""I. and firm, n-,..| l, y (fan I lKirgh-r.t will b- .Itt-t roved. Ishi-d l ( y fi,,,,, ,,,, ll(1( j Hi- Tysons f,, r , ni , a( . t j 1M1 , lre (hn .shown l>y I b n. i iLs. of iu . |er,i i ih y t iking a-lv mi ,. ,. continue ih.-ir r.-.jst i,,,-,. .,, 'by l: i i-h. ml m- ,:, n tinnil In- Ic- ing ..f id,, oath of n.-iil i.Hiiy, nhii-h 'he i.ovn nmnnl of the Truis\-ii| it liis id vised I h l>n rebels I" not iiiiinor 1 1. ' I I'mei I,,., Mown up will, dyna- ni * >f '" f If .rni,.'s ,,,,k ten,> fiorn h-re. V, ,-. , i , v he drive th II ..r,' uf the Mirroiin killing four. GHN. GASELEE'S REPORT. anl .1. -n:iiid v.-ry active. ben* getting -h >rt. liriii b Odumliii b.-en very h. Oats 24 to 2J l-4c. Aug. 21. \Vhal Suot. 76 Hrltlsh Carried First Line of De fence In Fine Style A despatch from London says : Tbe lint b Uovernuient received frum Dressed hogs uncbmge.l. At farm- 3-lc, Sepinnt^.-. 76 7-8e; October, T ers' waggoiis choice will bring |7.50 5-8c; Uect-mb.,r, 78 7-8c. Corn No. : to $8. ace .rding to uuility. for iHit. h- cah. 42 l-2c; September, 41 1-2, ' i-'- | OaU No. 2. cash. 22c, Sepinnoer. _ Quotations for provisions are aa l-4c. Rye NJ. 2, cash. .">1 l-2c. Clove f..|l..w:-Ury nal'.wl .should, rs, 7 lo se4'd 1898 prime. $5.40; 1899 prime 71-2C. clear b.c.-ii, cu lo's. $:,.75 ; Octobnr, 3G.IIJ \ lt I] 5 ->5 , iTi r* IMI! "" '" is 8i " '" is - 83 ~' $ " <o - -"*3i* He says tbe Japanese dislodged the ' waiike. Aug. 21-\\ heat-Kasi nruiy from IVitsang ,u gillaut stj'le No'tbem. ,0 1-4 to 77c; .N,, . -ingtbefigbtuigatvu,^:^; j^J'^'ff JSZ'tt i^"- ?< ^ ! ?i "* U ^ Ueueral Ua^elee says. ' rm> *' '' 51 1 "- c - hn-;ikfust bar ,,. lo 12 l-2c; picnic .\ l( . -j ."iiic; sample 35 1-Jc; smoked Kaat ll.fii , A All I iy or I he leaders argue that th- Presi- dent ia responsible for the war, and must face the consequences They will prevent his flight forcibly if nec- wry. pMp^pMMI^lM are forced to join tbe ranks. Com- mandant titeenkamp, who was wound- ed at Dornkop, and who subsequently took the oath of neutrality and re- turned to his home, is again fight- ing. Cien. De Wet's success in evading th* British is certain to bring large ac- cessions to the Boers fighting force, Small commandoes near Johannes- burg drove in the British outposts at -a< h.-wald yesterday. Uen. Viijoen. with 800 men. is direct- ly north uf here. . backs. U lo s oiii of " ui I r * -!, * wi ITliKlH it forward (or the aliack. with the i( , kle ,,. ,, ice , quoted |or U ^ Am-.,., an, on our rignt ana Ue Hu8 . J oh-d m ^ {t m mil mmler-it. f..-i;. -r-it.-. feeling steady; veal l-mand. and .,tta,,on o,, o,, e.treiue left. ~^^~, M-4.; -ubs, - ,- 2 c; ^KSZ ^ Alter a rauid advaucn uf n~.-irl i hr.... moice. fb.jO to higher; choic* to extra, $7 to $7.25; ' ' '"' pails, M3 I,-. IMMtV M \RKKTS. i a hot shell and rifle fire, our imop, carried the first line of d,,l, ,-.. , Buller-M... ke. ate,.dy. and a little yearlings fine stile. W. ar. - .nn., ,,, .... l ) ''".'' *. Tfci del, verier are fair. i lambs Lambs, choice to extra, $5.75 j to $0, good to choice, $5.50 to $0.75; txln A MOST IRVING MARCH. UCUI """ 11 "" : a cai : cb ice; and flht-rp $1.50 to fair, 13 were quot- allies, al<out 50 killed." JAPS' SPL1 ND1D CHARGE. v ^**.-u ( ii>- .1 y | u fur eecoud quality; light demand. $535 to $5.40; yorkers. It lesulied in ihe lapture of Ten small d liry, Ib printa, IS to 19c; en- un- er>, tubs and buxe<t, 20 lo 21c; pounds, tl to 22c. Cheea Steady. Dealers bere quot- ing new at lie, CUI.I'.-K M \UKBTS. Kingston, .Vug 21. At a meeting of { to $5.00; $5.00 to $.i.i,V Chinese Guns A denpatrh fc,.in Shanghai, The lulluwmg de-spatch has been re- ,,.,,,.,, ,, ,,-, 7 ,,, ce.ved from 1 1,.- \-,s,,,-,.,ied Press cor- . roughs. $l.tiu to $4.80; i ags, $3.7i to $>; ihe general clou* waa dull. I'h.cago, Aug. 21. -Cat tie-Receipts. 16.UOO; good to extra prime steers. $1 00 to $5.GO, poor to medium. $4.60 lo $5.40, elt-ctel feeders steady, $4 to KronU-niic cheese board to-day, there , '' '-'i mixed attx-kers. 93.30 to 94; DE WET AGAIN ESCAPi: Effected by Breaking: up His Forct into Small Bodies. A d<Mspatcb from London, auys: Th \Vir Ofi'i.v b.ts received the following lib from Ueu. Huberts: Hunter's engagement on August 15 wa a bigger affair than he ld me tc euppo.s m bis first telegram. Three ol th U.gbland Light Inf mtry weie Wi I- r.l. ail. I :>S w,-uiide.l. x^rn i,lber of I In corps were also wounded. One is iniss. ing. A lieutenant died of his "I mu.h fear l)e Wet has man- aged to elude his pursuers by, I ,m Jme, breaking up nis force mio. small' "dies He was last heard of neat (unenburg. "Kitchenifr's tateat desptitch is dated August 15. He reported that he w.n pleasing to Hoare's asaiatance from h south-aat. "Currlngton was yesterday at Otto. h.x.p, a little aat of whre KrrulCi oomanry waa engaged with tb niny." Hunter'a action mt-ntioned ii n. Roberta' despatch, had not been aiy reported. It is presume,: 'I'll lie hid an cngaicement with Gen. O ivier a..jth 'if Heilbron. 'r "The glory of to-day's fighting l>e- Oaselee Says Iroops Are Sulfur ing Severely Faom Heat A drepatch from London, aaya: 'al Sir Alfred ti ,. -I,-.- , ..inniand- ing .hr con, ,.-, ,,, ,,, nomllongst., the Ja,,,e.s.e They 'did all t'he Inn. has wind I o tlii liov- hardest figblmg. Wie Americans were ''"".I l.on, .M.tow. under date of in reserve, and bad no casualties il.e II. via Chef,, Anguat 15, , Jpanee. advancing across the plain follows- "Arrivexl hre early thi.s coloured chea C OWB. 9_' 90 to f l.HI, heifers, 93 to t III S Ir. i-inners. 92 to 92.8U; bulla, 92.75 i o ..-.. ,..c. Aiu 21. At Ihe cbecae l*-* u ; clve at-ady. 94.50 to 9ii.75- TVx- 1 b,rd to-day 2,17,. boiea were boarded. na. r,vc,,p,s, 1.2UO; Texas f| steers. >h,!,Khi, al "' of " hich - M w " e coloured; balance ' - to 95; Te*aa grass steers. 93.40 white There was very little business ' '-'; leias bulls. 92.50 to 93.35. done on the board, tbe aale-smen and Hogs Receipts. 24,OtK); mixed and in their idea of I butchers , 94.95 to 95.30; good to of cheese; 10 ?-fo was best choice, $. to 95.27 1-2, roughs, heavy. i 91-75 to 94.95; light. 95.05 to 95.37 1-2; after a most trying uighl march The (loops of all iiai.oii.iliiie.i are suffer- tieni-hes extending five inilea. ..H ot Mt white and 330 coloured; Web- ' bulk of "* HIDKS. SKIXS. AND I ere, jrw* died yrsi.M day f.oin sn list roke, which lesulted ill Ihe caplurr of ten The enemy is i el.eved I,, lie entrench- fi ' ld " The Chiii<w retreat was ed ninth oft h,n,.-t I,;., -Wan. There is <* r 'l"-ly. and they leu Inn fw dead on no further news iroin i h,- | j( . K ,t ions." <"-ui-i il (ias^lae aeuds pt wo earlier 5.U5 to $520 ~* to $4.40; fair to choico mix- LESSON. Boers Who Commandeered rendered Burgrhers A deapHtch fr.-n, | ,. .,,., ......ri Sur t. ln-s ie|-eal received l,y the Ur,i.-l, i.ov,. r umeu " ml prioea go up here rather than lower, after the drop on llonday. \Vixila, me easy and alow, snd wi rheoorrr.iH'iilentof the Aa- change Calf.k.n, will probably a ted Press o,,,,,,,,,, 2U> dead or lower. Other line, unchanged -" already """'"led Japanm*. ! Ii" Iliilisb loss | Hides Uwiil dealer ' lambs, f * 75 ' -5 to 9(1; Western lambs, DEATH FROM SMALLPOX. 4 .>..(.. i .,,,,. W | llM|>llnl HI < A despatch froin Cornwall, ,,,,, Out ays: Alexander Couatiins, tbe>oum m ui who was suffering from smallpox in Hi.- I-, I,, h.Kspnai ,!.,, | DursJay 1' .s*d, who was a ton of U e ,i r Const .ins. Kust Cornwall, had I.eeil em- ployed ou the tug Chieflam. Ue con- traded the malady somewhere out- side, und whun he l-ecame ill was put ashore at Cornwall. The local doc- tors, as a ion aa they discovered ... ualuiu of bin a.lmeut, at once isolat- ed (be entire family, and later oa conveyed them all to the conlagioua disease hospital, where they wore giv- en n medical attendant and uursa. None of tbs other inemhera of ihe family took Ihe disease, but the/ will all be kt-pt .u ,|,.a i am .,,,. f or ome time. Tbe boat on which tbe young nan w*s employed Jn been qiiaran lined nin. .' GERMANY'S CONTINGENT. 7,000 Men to Commence Embark- ation on Aiifrust 31. A despatch from C' says : Tbe Cologne lliiielte say- , |,,. ,., , llk alion of the Cierman l-:,isi \, , ny lirigade will begin on Aug. 31, ,) will .0111,1111,. for eight days. fc.i K hi North <ierman Lloyd lenmshi|,s ,i,,l tome vessels of the IIam'iiii K - \ Ml ,, an line will li m-port alioiil 7.IKKI ien m. I a amount uf w ir in , eiinl. CiMintry hide-s ire <iuoted"at l-2c leas i Kuusand .-h.-cpskins -IV ,lei s quote from fi.jj are |ia.\ Illtr la to a o. Calfskins Weak at 9o for No. 1 and Kc f..i No. .'. Tallow-Local dealers are offering 41-2 to 4 8-4, and asking 5 to 51-ic. Wools r-'leuce, IGo offered bere, with holders in country asking 2 to 3c higher, car lots, pulled, extra, 20 t tlo, and supers, 18 to 19c. Buffalo, AUK JL Spring wheat No 1 hard, spot, carloads, 82 7-8o ; No. Northern, .spot, carloads, l 7-8c. Win i' i wheat No. 3 red. 74 l-2o ; No. The Unlisl, naval b, i - ,.., s . m,,,, " "-'> n guns had a duel wilh lo l.iu. Spring li-mLs-Dea tb, gun.s. which resulted in s,l. "''.. the latt.r The lli^.ans f,,und th.. e is, of II,,- ,,,., flooded, and ,i"ined the uum army weal of it. Every 'hi, ! m lirn-Tsin U impressed for tho transport service of the allies, in- cluding all waggoas and rickshaws drawn hy cooliea." FLOCKING TO Db WET. His Ranks Are Bein? Constantly Augmented A despatch from Pretoria says _ i: "" l>e Wet, th, Han commander whom the British have ',een ui.s,,, ' essfully trying to capture for along tune, has now retreated north w.-si of Hustenliurg. Eighty prisoners u ho e-i-iped from him report that is now 7,000 men. is to prevent Ihe f .surrendered burghers. MMtlf Kield Civrnet Deling,, OM ' m.'.i road to Vrd. carried off Te neutrata. General H,,|| e r de- manded thir surrender, which waa refuses!. Thereupon. Major Gough. will "'"'"''I tnfaniry, ft>ur gun . Si ana lwo "'"-I'oni-.snpport.Ml l,y infantry from ""'lerton. su,|'M.s,,| |M,, UK( . and.'tlltJ << '" laager , ,he early morning. '"PS"! wa.s shelled and the enemy cat i, -red ,n all diieclioua, several be- ing killed. I.OIIKII i ,., .s.-iitxi a nuinU-r cattle and b ull ,,.,| |i,;ai, K ,.'.s ho-ise lo the ground. Th,-,,' w ,, on the Uriiish s,,|,.. his COL. HOARE RrLIEVBD. Kitchener, After n For.-ed MarcL Saves the Gallant Band. \ d. ,s(a 1 cli f i , m ^' i4 .. white. 7S Corn-D.ill; N o yellow, 44 1-lc; No. 3 yellow, lie, No. 4 yellow, 4i'c ; No. 2 corn, 433-| o No. S corn, 4,t l-.v ; N o . 4 corn, 41 l-2o "" 9te4j ; No. 1 while, 2a 3-4 to No .') whiln, 21 .'-4; \o. 4wh ^3 ;,- 1 to 24c ; No. 2 mixed, 23 3-4o; No. niiv.-l, _'.'<| i,.. ,rl.. y -i^ k(( | ,-),. ing, 45 to 4tic. Hye No. |, 5 . o , ask . fid; No. 2, on track, r>lo asked. Flour- Quiet Imt firm. Detroit, Aug. ill.- Wheat closed:-No. Kin-hen -r. . The Hoars in the districts through which he passes take up arms again and who do not do so willing ' ^ l '"' "' *** -HS.' a for.-et) ll.ii.- i,,d *** IS-H^US.'!! u Klands river - EX-PRESIDENT STEYN DEAll While III, Tried to Reach Kruger, But Perished er Route- Badly Wounded in Recent Fight. A despatch from London says:- that b, .earn, he died on tbe road Marques correspondent ' while trying to reach President Kru- of (be Daily Mail says a report em- ger He w s previously reported to *J mating from the office of Mr I'oii, * elv '" ''Ut the correspondent '"tisnl of ht> is '" '' o, esonent '"tisnl of the Transvaal states lhat ht> . is '"formed tha he died f'r.',.,, i h t Me,,,, of ,!, (Uan^e. Free n ', l"' I " > , w " u " ' H'^ah-s U * UlU "" uut au , , . n , , State, is dead. The correspondent add, thenticaie^ THE MYSTERIOUS ON THE S.S. NEPTUNE CHAPTER V. CoutinuiMl. "You are a jolly old aaa. Honald," aterved the candid li ijUuii in. "to go on like Lhia. miking a fool of your- elf." "I oan't help it," aaui MiMiti-itb. "1 Hball be sorry wii n tb,ia voyage ovr," he. awid. oarelussly. "Si> sh-iil I." 1 Montrith. nurvrying at a distance a| th. nkmg of the chances ol' Hireling Cariui-la in Ixmdun. "IJiH 1 dar.-s.iy I'll meeit M-s.s-1 yu airain." "1 dou't think so," sa;d V i> i-la. group of young fcllna-" .s, an.ling - O oldly. "My.-k-lf and my couaiu only round Garni -a. "just lonk at h -r; she stay a few days iu London, and thru dcx*n't care a lt about me." K ,, down io som ft .end* iu the coun "Of isiiirs.e. you asiy that," said I'at, iry." lighting a cigacette, "because she "Oh!" aaUl Ronald, and looked lilank. doetin't devour hexaelf excUisively to "And then," pu/rsued hi loi m-n- yu. I tell y what. girla don't tor. eying him me re Urns I y," "I un like being mad,- f ir-.-" i r because they coiu.tig bark to l.nndou lo arrange apisik to :moihr fellow; hang it. I've , seen yon .sp ik to girls enough." The p,s>r lad linn,-! |,.t-- as death. "\Vhose ni.iri'U({.-( ' ,a I in. uiaixm's. Did you no) kiiopv we w.-r.i pngtigeslf" i finish.-. I hu> di ink in a in . -it of way and pin ung down Ii.-. glass, walked away to his cal>:u an. I .shut h,iu.s> ,f in. I li -i ch<^a.H Look-*!' afier him with .-. "1 ill nk that will give yoi food for "That w i- i-f,ii-. I-I ' h s tatLng- ly. "met Mira C<^rmr." "B. ivt-re in love. ye. men," retorted Fat; "In-gad. ye've go' ihe di.v" ludly. Are ye going to marry "1 will. Lf .she'll b-ive m." "Th-n why don't yon a-sk he.rf" "I've iknly knmvn h.-r a tew ilaya. hn't rather aoont" "Not a bit. wumi-JJ lLk to b taken rp f| H , n;ijU . ,, lv fru-ml," hr mattered. by storm." wvsely r.-nn i k-.l I'at. who wua juat out of tho nursery, and tan.-.ed h" knew the sex Hewven help him "go in. and win. my hoy." "By Jove I will." mid K. nil.l eag- arly, and Ih-n fell to thinking what ll-ix f i'h,-r wuuUI aay to the marriage. He didn't know who i he young liidy ' waa what ah was ku-w nothing about her family, aavl yet and yet, he adored her. Why shouldn't he marry herf He was h .s own master and if his fathor cut him off with a hilling, he (XMil.l work she was worth working for yea. he would ask hor to marry him of courm- she would aay yea far it never enter- ad th: confident young aim's that w.7ii n .sonietnn.-a say "No." So Ifuatex RouaUl went on building Buttle* in the atr. all inhal>i,.<d by b in -.,-lf and Mmitejth no- hang It. n t y-i -til- k'l.rl from MaltM. He w.ui ,i.rinu),sl frotn theae golden '.HII-.II on bis arm. and tin 11,11.; i . nud H.IW ll.Jl speci.u dislike, the Marchmte Vaasalla. l.x>kiug at him. The Ma.n-h'n- delnat.d M n t.-i.ii. l'tli for hut good looks, and ,<>i the Hvid.-nt reg.u.1 Mind I'oiiniHr hid f -i li III lie wuuld like lo have drop- ped liir. rival over th aide along with pt>ur Vent III'M body l>nt is h- muliln't do ih b w i.s , \ -s.sively polite, and watcji,- i I-, m oppoi l unity to do him an injii.ry. Hen- waa a chance now. and the wily Mali .-at- took full advant- age uf it He overheanl the oonvrraa- lion btwen I'at aud Monteith. ao deti-t mined to d all Itonild's ho|M>s to tho ground, by telling him Oarniela waa nniiiig.l. I'o this end the serpent name into Ronald'a para- dise, and amiling, invited him not to have an apple, but a iLrink The young man would hive lefnsed. but i then he thought hr might Usaruaome- but nul chu ''-'' ply ciga.rlte a* he. i br HW-ay. "What's up with that Ma deviU lak.-d 1J. in iey 'He I >in ! pnsiad with himself. ' "It'.s ui,-ie than Miaileiih did; wuked away OM pala aa a na.l I'.ii. It'a aloui the fium Mullii, you Ijri." s.i.d Hi'iitlry. augnly. aiul no our com h iu. \1 v< ('.. n. i wa.< w llioul b'-l it I. ii'ive cuvultur all that d,\ and woo much snrpi .flrsl iheiiMl. .-he asked heir couoin al>uut ui-l that .smil- ing gentleman t,>li h,-r U.m ild wan Jl. uni hi, I *'.>ue to lie down. And n l i K -,. . d w i.s ill. no wilh u ll i 1 ! he. bill w .111 a n .: i, he. wh.rh wa.s w,...s,-. in I li,. a. il da\ in bin narrow i-ei n I Inn fat,- la ill, to d.u- 1 ^1 > \ is so Vexe.l t-> tli nk h. w i.s .so ill, she .s.-ui her .si, w ud wuh a litlli; uot,- to hut r.iinu .saying how sorry she was. and h h'.;.-d Ii.- wiiu'd l>e wrll rnoiigh ..- in, i: row- to lak- her over H l>i bicb M, aieit b n-ad and pnzzltxl ovur. s a flirt, a heartless coquette," i ill.- uoor boy; .she s engaged to allot Jn-.i' mail, and she's t.rying to I>K ik my heart, but abe won't. 1 i-'U. u..- linn.- for her it, an Una bit of |>ap i ' md he tbii-w Iliii little note on the f!ei AfteJ a bit. however wilh the uicoijs.sieo.-., uf |.iver hr pick r.l it up. and Ihonxbl what ipi,-tt> h'ii-1 she w-role. and thru that br wnil I go over liibmltar wilh In-r and he would find nut if she were, really engaged to that l-a.stly Mal- Itoii. lid's language was si rung Then In- >nt a re- CarmeUi. Haying be would s,-r "Hullo," orid Pat, awing the uii- ur-uai a|il.-u,l.>i of Maste.1 Uouuld's ap- iuj'el, "going on UiiH mash to-dayf gad you'll ijie Liio gul ovor lik. ll.llr-pllVS. " Ronald infoimed Pat <n he luiendud lu try hit. late, with Muia Coloii.ii that day. au.l Pal iufoimud Koi.a.U. n ruu- i il.-nci-, he thonghi hn waM , right., and would lx-a him a boUn- t i-liami'.igu,- he w^ii.d be acoi-pled. wh.c.ii wagi-T iUmtciin took, and on deck WLLh a light h<sirl and a atrouti ilrti-i iu.Ji.ii.yii lu win. All 111.0 lime, bowovar, in spile, of his u.-w-ixfru iovu, AlonimUl uevur for a 111 I.l III wa.i.r.Hl f I U1U hid di'tel llVn.i iu liuiu down lUu aaaa.s.-iiu of his ill- i.l t:..u.i. ind loid Caplaui i'eui p.rl.MJ Oil UliH'U. "llow air \uu go, UK lo go ilf" aak- rd[i,i. 'n. dubuoualy, 'we cauuol ikd out Vi-nLius rtvi. a a IH.I u U..I ol 11,111 auioli^ U.s ,i^ri ' ' ...SUe.l M.II1..1.U. i .slm.'k h..< lu-ud. ".Soi . n., ,ii...g nk.-iy lo l.-ad i , 1 ic i in/ii, Ur aii.s...|p-.l, 'bill lit thing absnit Ca-niK-la. and. after all, Ih.- Marchers., wa* he, couain. so he 1 "'' r ' the m-rmng. n<l afterward* a buttle of champagne, and felt belter n i. -J and went down to tbe bar wiih the amiling M gentlrinin. As it was about elnve-n o'clock, they found the bar sun ouude-d by thirsty loul having cocktails. In fact, there was a "t'ocklail Club" o boa.rd, and Oh what a nueei, ia love, with it h.nie.s. its f.tus, ita em i'-.s and tears, its kisses and blia- . and its intense egolism. Th next day MiHilnitb aruao, cooled it was a very popular drink with tb hj hot hed wtb i .show.-i -Iw h ,i n young men. particularly if they had nod a anil of apoiless white flauneia. been up late the night before. Cock- put a straw hat u hja curly locks Ui!.<. therefore. Ix-uin the prevailing au-l sallied f rih with in., detei mina- ihe Maichwse a.nd hia victim tmu lo save hia cbaiiuiug Pi inceaa had on", and then the former firom the clutches of tin- ogre Vaaaal- g.-jii lem in opt-nad th.- campaign. , la, ar die in Lb attempt. , u-ive a wall you an.-i w.- .. la., i.>r 1 ui usl 1 .1 like lilo riddle. o.i.rd, ' iuid I lie ,.n<- . n -\.-ill oil lohlA post uu Lile. Ul-uigr ad iury wru now Liuai lug Uio lamuuD . v, ii , ibal had onoe sm-u It can [ i gel lliai t-U'-i mti.i.i giay ui us* l .siug up LI oiu i He Oiuu walur iulo tile blue ky, with .tie rad-fiMitod lowu uoatl- ng ai n.s Uu.-r MJUL.MLU Ua.l i. IMMUI auyili ug ao impn-ssive siiu-r i. wii .i-.ii Ue ua.l b. U.-id. vag-ue and mym..i !oua, iu tin- siai light. 11 .: -.1 Wltll d till 111 uf pi lilr ilia wua .MIC ol ihe v,ii>.e xigaa ol bug- i.iud'i gi i-ai m-AS. an. I tie iiiou-jiu A b.ti ^jaolloll. lhal he. tou, W.l!> ol in,. Lhal baa c.-ii-i i . i leu Malia. Uibaaiiai, all arid by Uuglaud; u made UonalU q.iu,- pa i. none w aoiighl of the uiipii-gn.ibiliiy .n aiiuugbo.iU. If he had tx-rn . jiorl he wuuid Uave oilllsl ill.) MUM- bul a.- lie voa um Ue a m,iy coiiuu oil li in il *nu a c -111111011,1 ir. i. vat.uu, "U> .lov. n ' I IK- Anglir-Saxoii mou axe rarel> 'I'he h.p OUL anchor about a mm 1 1 -m : in- .sboiu, and soon (lonaid and ..1 wnru ui HIM- uf i Ue b.uta d.nic ug over ihe rhoppi, w-ju-r. Pal a.., w u> in I ll.i .in.l so waa ilis i>op .....I L.-ctiir. Uun.ild h.nte.i lo i'at ih. n tile oid lad., would br in the way. but I'll in . nallim -,i - ly iuid h.i wuuld look afuu both h.-i and Aljia l/.-s: r ao atl lo .euvu M ui i ttan to purtiux hia wooing with LUrm.'U. \\ h.n tht-y ir.i<-li,..i sh'ie, thy re- 1 ,.f .; : i l i-irj- Ul.ldu by blow -n-skinuo.! u.itiv.v. of tho "No. he ili-xl a long time ago," Kb* . i. .sxully. "My nu'iuea is also li-.d, and I lived iu .Malta wilh uiy sister." "Wan tjiat your si.ster who w..a witj you th first time I saw ' iib-La nodded. i>e did not get on well to- .!. r. w> 1 left her, and am giting . nail M:I- .u Kngland." " 1 h. n ! ,-lii 11 not wo you again." .s iid !h-- y -unt; mill iu ..ri,. '111.' dr|K-n<lh on y.iu.rs4)lf," she r.- plie.1, All ;. rushed to Ron i Id < DYSPEPSIA AND HEADACHE. in l i.l. 1 1) l ..I. Tell ul llrr 4 are Tlir..B) Ilir Is. of Ur. William*' PlHh HI I It trier a Hr.irr l Oibrr UrmrHlrt nd Fsllrtl. Dyin-psi:i causes more genuine dla- ;i. <*s ;ina most d>s.,ses lhat afflict mankind. In tht*. country from on IXIUM, or another, its victims are num. In-led by tht) hundreds of IbuR-vaiida, and thoar afflicted alwaya fel tired, a moody woril liut ani | miaej-able. and are ub- jec o fits f meian h y ui ii.eB- per w mi. ut .ippneiii ..use It ia obvioua tl^.t the tiuman body, in oiv der to perform .i - functions, must b* air fa,*, ui i it waa only by a great ,,, |)ir | v ,)o U r..-h. -d. and th..s .-.uinot rfftM-t h.' prevented himself from |*. done when be fond ui impioperly taking bra- iu his arms, and kissing dij-w-iU'd rhoe who sutfer from in, unr - i .sstion abould exeroiae cue as tt "Dowi your oou in, t Ur M.icbe-se^u diri.aud un.y easily digested Joodi with you.'" he asked eagerly. "I brlicVIt HO." "I .sii|t|Nt-<' you u>a gla.l f" "(.1 1-1 :' l..ok.^lat him with su.:- "why oa e-.r!h .-hmiUi I b f" sb mid lie taken. But more than tbu is i .- (lined the blood ni-eda at tea. lion in order ihal tbr tomJich may i eii^'t hriiixl and U- secretion of the uni-tric ju.ces properly carried on. There is no otlii-r medicine offered t hi a -1^ well" .iesper- public lhat will not MI pi,.mptly and i irf to imrry you." iid i frowned. "Who told y.iii so f" \ 'I. i hi.'nsidf-iu it trui- I t h, \oiiii_- man bre-i- Mi-ji i ., nk.-d , i him in i <|ii--r in.ii.iri for a in iu. -in, tui-ue.1 iway her he id. "My puwuUi arratigml a match t>e- n its, " siio aunwured nervously. "An.1 vim ." effectively as Dr \V il..uns I'uik 1'illa 1'ionf of this is given in the cas i \. Jtoddndge. St. SuUVMir yue. Iii ,-onvi-i sMiion with a report- >> Mr- Dod.iridge aaid : "for quiti a uum >nr of yoars I have been a trr thru r;-,lr sufferer from dyspepsia, accoin |i ui. ed i.y the sick headaches lhat al most invana dy come with this trou Ide. I suffurml from terrible paini in the stomach, do it. tig and belch 'I'm not in favor of it -I don't think i:ig wind. All food teemed to dis ny nhinoo of my ever mar- agree with me, and as a msult of thi tying tin- Marchesa." f, ii \\urd with a cry troulde. I wan verv iini.-h run dow-n ind nt times I was unable to U of ill-light. \.-n light h"usfwi,ik I -xra sure 1 "Oh. m.-r -Cirin.-l.i I - t i ..f dit'erunt metlicmee "W,.uM like to is^. the r ut without ind aa I aa tiiiM." -\,- i. ^luckly nipping sixty ytvua of age I bad rome tu ba '" '" i. *he k-iew w is com- '. u wa hop.-l.iss to X|Mot in in tie l*il;"l w i-uldn't. let us go ' a cur-. A fr-rnd h , I Dr .U.wn to !i,.. vlaine-l i." -h- IP n -1 . , ,y. ,.| 1 l(..nald fol- I mortified and humbled . ' In- 'A' i .ins Pink Pilla with good re- sn.t.s urgt-d rij. -, . try thin m. diuine .n i my hn/ilunil brought home i fiilure. l>ii iii.f \ i. |.>wn the h,!l couple of l*ixe. H fore they wer "'It 'i|i li -:i- ,1 I f.-lt much letter, ind w "I oin 1 ' . . fall im,. rip,- 'fl'-n K"t anoihwr half dozen lmxi. MI into n,v in.uih." he th n - 1, . '" ' ''"' U - 1VB r,.i...e4 i 'illy. "in. i -, .mp issibl-, she.- in l.>v> m-- i i i i i iiur." II.- waa wr f -i r rinel. lik I It. in i-iy ni'i. n -in f.ri. m -I'- ll . n .h-. <-ird to u-lcnow led,- .:' bill .she '\ .ill I not ,'I'A Inn ^|> Sim m. lie i, I h and I not oiny feel l>..|'i ;hm I have ,|,.n. f n v.-u. bui u-. r a i Iv fe. I yoimg.-r. I ve.ry cln-n fully .in- nd l)i U .ii.uns I'mk PilU ar snffexers. If your dealer dotv> not keep ihna* p. Us. they will be sent postpaid at vV. ui ui M s 4 ,, ,, , ,, ;X ln,x,vs for -iddle thu mm bis lit.!! irynit; " << .-a.n 'he Dr. Williams .. -Iv- Min-e tiii- Uvinnink' 'if w. trld. bnit evri \ if nipt haa [. f" be Coin niiud CIIY OF HONG KONG. ! K. On. ., ill. t . i ,a..|. i s,,.. . n >. i.ln i i. Co . II: ,. k - i.lf. Ont. nil-: VIT OK !( f'ue uiakniK up the bed.s se u lhat i hi- room- hive b,- H n air.- I. On ., .sunshiny .lay opwn the ivm- tows bcfoii- brr J;fisi ,,nd .ttnp the nt; til.- ami njiuiij'ie<l It-i.uiely up Ihe \ s. i.-ris. uiidiir thii uii'.-- In spit of all the pier. in' "'i' I ba I n. i 'he win linr iH-en liken, the |>ri f.-cl saiiila- lung OV.M i h lira tion "f ih age. tile Ail i Ui for a couple i-ii y. the fine n.itural drain- , ,,,,.. , n d shike ill- bed ololhillg cleanlinnss of the si,.,i , f,,.. ,, f .j,,.,, If , Ml . , (lv , ,.,,. ,! .Ifc.n. win. a ihey coull - B Unlink , MI. o, 'I- ,, ., ' m,),, , h ,., ,,,^,1 , |,,. l,,.,ls w h.le t h r..m is the re.l-r.Mt-il .s,Mii, ; .-.s. aud w a i k.-d fll .^^ ,,. K i lllH . \\ i, ,. .,,,,, -h-ruiMs;! ,f TW-hi .n... the iu.,i-kel-pUc., where , .,, ,,,, , ,. ,,, f , , , M , lk , , .,, ,,.,;, ,.. v ,, u ,, o ()|1 , ||)( ,, iy ^^ . |m buying, -.-..Iliiirf, ., win,, ling. .n,i; r , IC | e ,, a ,, rh , i,,. , ,, ,,,^ ,,, , h( , ,..,,,, nK , ,,,,., ,,.. ,-ooms wi. h t he rt-i- going on. Jews, i d ' rapid evapoiat ion caviit, vs. and black, I..-., ij eyee ami hooked IMS, inviitsl t h in into dingy little nn ,>, aiv 8<|iliir/.-,l like they w ndows closrd. mike up hr ti-i 'hi- ,ir 'h.- rictus , lii.n ifter the flooda of rain pnuring down in *.tram- have been made Ui*. aii.1 P...I.U--.I o,,,,nl,l good-,, and .-e- :inir torrents. I'he mo,! ,.., ,. par, of be.lniak- -1UJM M.RMB ui baggy lious- I I, h .-., are ill- ventilated, . hough iri(? a , , , be SI1 | p,-,p B rly ,d- ons ml large IUJI..1U watched th.Mii. built as well aa they could he. with j lu , t( ,d. W-M.kl.v. in . sheet are an ih KI.IIMI, aaAitby. a. Ihry passed pe, foram I , i-.l,,,^. ' brough hi. h ' h,- ..,.., !11M1 . | hl . i,,,,,,,,,, ,, h( . Kl III.- Ull while houses wuh air,. admitted from 0,.,-nin^ >hi , u|lt ,, Mll . k ,.,, in ,,. rll ,.- lv ,, , he , llp -i.i ip. I i wiling* >vr Ibo win- -pi,-icod In t I M > outer walls. The flooi.s sl , . ,, , , ,, eanuot b- i-ckd down by dow.8, lh crowd of dirty little brats are brilliantly w, cnr|H<ls. .w.i, K . , |t . ,,, ,,.,.,,,,, ,,f , np s |,, P|Wr . I br ,' s., ... sb Mild be tucked in d h- ling fun uineivy, the number of rJ to I hr great dainpnnaa, being di.spensed luiiioi ui about, an.1 ih" narrow, with. The git-.n nfinu -. ..... i i- urowUiMl .siivuta., much amu.-4-iui-jit. Dr. Chase's Ointment Is the World's Greatest Cure for Itching Skin, Eczema, Salt Rheum and Piles. It i extremely doubtful if there aver wiis a r'inv<ly tb..l "*> by luch an ov>rwn.eiimnK in. IMS of evi- dnce as i.s \)f fh-ise's Ointment. The rein Mk >l'lr so-otbing, healing .|uulitie of Itr t'hi-M-'.s Omtiiient .... t mys- tr\ to )>h>siciau.s, and, ih,"iifh they re alow t" i -eoognize mei ii in ui> dis- covery, they join hejiitily wilh [x-oplo of other oaJllng-l in endorsing tnd r- cuniiMuding L>. l li.i-v's Oinlmenl as th- nnwit successful tnwtment ever devifliN) for itching skin diseases. R..V. J. A. Baldwin. Baptit. MiiusteJ, Ont., write*: "Far ove)r twenty year* I ws a great luffrrei from iU-hnm and protruding BiU-a I ufled many reiaxdieH and un derwent three very painful aurgioal operationa, all without obtaining any peirnanent benefit. When about to five up in dpalr I was told to use Vi Chile's Ointment and did s... find- ing relief at o-noe. I used th- e boxes, itching is all gone. I havo advised ulli i ,s In u.-H', n, heliexMit; it would mi., ihfin ,i it hii.s ma." You must not think I hut Dr. Chase's Ointment u< for piles ,m y hut we turn- tlou this ailiiieni a.s t hie most difficult to cure of all itching akin <li.-.e,ses, and the die,.ise \shuch has never I urn alisolntrly conquered by any otbnr t !- . t inent. Viuon^t I he ailmi'iits for which Dr finis,- 's Oinlmenl is being used hy score* of thousands of people wilh uni vernal sucer .-.-. roay be mentionn.l: EcaeuiA, aalt rheum, tetter, h.iby -r/-nia. ruab, barber's ,1. h, chilhains, itching eyelids, ulcers, poisoned flesh, hurne, scalds, HOIVS, blind, itching, bleding and protruding piles, md itching skin diwa*e "f every dncrip- tion. Dr Chiia-'s Oiiitinent is for sa: at all dealers or .sent ixistpnid, on receipt ..f price, eOctrt., bv Kiliuiinwin Bain- .v IV. loi ..n,o ill afforded t h in Then Mis. IV. - slruet.s are. \n\ narr i.\ In -he in-p, inveigle*! by ihr willy Pal, w- l den. whil- p. .mis flourish luxuriant. s,h,.p to l>uy soul-- I lungs, md ly. there if n.i K'a--s, l>ut the ground tightly at the bolt un .so lhat it oan- an<1 I" ' >en.i,ation. I'he , P , S1 | T , M . ,\ nwn -, o f plai-e n, ml. I lie laid with t hr wldn hem i- the lop in. I 'li.' rou{h suln of the ,t i.s foldi-d li ck .v.- -he coverlet the h, in ' HI n .1 uppi-i in .s- . s.. that when wa soon engage,! in a lively alt.,r- in u-en with m<ws, as it glows c.itk'ii with th .sh.ipin m, wh.i spoke in damp, nil nl> ,i, o,.ler 'li- ' r n , B11 | t . w j|| ). ,.,,,, li:\k ai Uii^tli.-sli, anl .sl.owud he XVllKKK's- I'll:-' HI'TTKHM VN J In thr i.iivy are MMI, my friend T in- Hi.ii ed a man w th Hint l on-chop w hift- l;i i s >.. his ni-.jrn ,01 in a bua. I lie sailor nodded. W,. I, said the other. I'm not exact- ly in tbe imv.v, MI' I'm a nnval con- f tactor t liai Vs. I Tarnish 1 he cheese to tbe navy Oh, ye do, do yeT said the sailor, jumping up. \ J,i ui.- n .( .lie .-hap I've I iw-n looking for I In'se th.rly > e.ll s and be ^.v, Iji'li i s|edge-h.i III- mer Mow on Ihe ch ' < . br roar- ., in i^^ w h i ii h -.iid i- i mi' Kntclish w"inen who mine out \\ )i I- -in lir.iu, I.i, and A, .aid ha v h.i i , ' 'iinplr.Mons of creiin and ,0-^.t grow ' Si n I., i i il" VI is, l',.,l\ ,.,,|i ail i... thill and fihil n.v. The II Miifkolig i ai.r uiiibieli. i-.'inplnxion in a si HIHHK K f. ., siioh a pnrp. M- n.i^lit lower b, r KKOOI. and Ihe ,i'd iivtidrnt has wilh dignny. I'.t md M.s-, l*-.,ir.i I.S.K.-.I tins pi loi dik bluh rin-les un- ii .in.l I :u. -i -i i . i IK; HUOIIU, s,,, lak- dn t hr - ing advantage trf ' h.- i-oiifiis,,.ii, OT I'SIMvKDS \ lt>>n,l I i ii. I i u nit-la -.lipped away and rliinU-,1 up l.he .sleep Im-.. t I liit O. i -i he. aie not thr only swift run- ning .11,111 i i ' li , ' . ' n i ip the old M.I..I. Ii . l! win.-h flow n.. on -i oprrd iif a hoise. There is s land Ii-- . i' ii. n i'nli i l li 1 1 i- in ' ,\ i i In- ml rich, "I d. .a't c-ire iiuuirt for i ulnn," s.,,d \li-t, C-i'iniuM, pulling up Ivi i- i su --'. md a pivtiy pi.-.iure, .she look- oil uiiule-r il; "thorn's i g-H>d "f 'i-hanla Though I bry ui-imi i,n no i. it ud go much faat\r than a horse. COSSAi'K.-s UKSI'ISK I|<\|)K. Thr l'i*sarks i i.e \ ed, looking round wilh a how me the ,ilnckniat>i <s (iirnisht'.s the -aiiiw* atn.ut I hrm, but Mnviish fighlitig n md '-an muoler l'J8,tluO lluttl>1 '' " II<J nv,hilrrluir i-s |>ic( uriwque." in an einr-i gniii y. thrin are. but 44O of ' > s, vny!" i.ssi.M.twl KOI. ild. who Ih.'ir own people engaged in buaineas w.-ull have agrnutl to anything nhe ^ *"l h-ivo Arh bloiM in m, own NKW "KKIMTIOM. iu.s," oltse.i vetl I'annebi ; "at least, Ko I >: M'a, what i- i ,, okor T my f athr.r ttaid. One irf our nice/- .V man, -ny son, whose chief effoit in life is to reduce his customers to torn w is .in Kmii " "N \oui f i'h i ilivr f" K..n tl.i' financial condition expressed liy the vii;nifii-iiiil teini o, " . roke. ' l-'oi II, -Ah> i w in this remark a KO-S! ppi-i i uniiy fur finding out all .ilxnu t In . i.-asoii, Harry, be is Ui.s buloveil. | broknr If \ou win.: i tnau lo I liiikk you nre smut you li i vr oflly lo m.ik- him thn4.( you think h-> ut iiii 1 1 1 . HKit -liiN \ IT UK. If not yoursIf, -iid H wealthy ol(l li cli.-lor to a (.harming young In >. wh.-in would you rathtT lie* ', .-ma truly, <v as the u.ply.