Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1900, p. 4

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HIS QUEEN. "Any nuiae," it read, "willfully nude, or allowed to be willfully um.le; any uunj.tsial, uncalled-fur or un- warranted sound. . . that willfully <j!imli the p? 11 e and quiet. . . >r I- i nut* the, disturbance of ny per- son or jH-isort lu the peaceful enjoy- ment of tbc.r bi-uie*. . . may be pnnish-il, rir., etc. \\r h-ivu now to determine." con- tinued the .In. lye, "whether the aung of ilii- bird here. present constitutes a disturbance miinioal to the peace and quiet "f t lia neiiruborhood - " The whitei uf lira, liixler'i eyes !! ulone \i-ii.ii>. her teeth were chattering. ber ful black check* had gone acben. fi-r de Lawd'a sake, .ledge I For goodness Mke, honey !" he moaned, how-nit: symptoms uf un immediate llspM. 'Ihe lady U paroled. Take ber way, Sergeant,' 1 concluded the Ju<lge "I .un' gu-iue ter be paltercled !" en- lied Mm. Baxter at the tuji of bi-i voice. JlUt. Ivini; in "If to UlldefM Hid that till' was free, she gathered up her ' gtniie-i blue ikirtH in one bund, and bnaring ( be cage in the other, she Wiled (riuni|ilriiitly out of tb prp- i cn<e. followed Ijy thf crowd. At she reached Ihf doorwaj the liird awoke fiom his .1-- un.cit leth.u^v and forlbwiih prureeded to give in as- tounding exhibit iuu of hit powers The lew mg of outs, the crowing of cocks, DM- whi.stle of early news-boys, the' p.-1-pmK of fire-cracker*. the whee/es of bin. I nrg Hi." all tbis poured from ' ' in a rollicking medley ' fillf I t b*> inuMy tx-uri room wii h breezy ecb,*a. The delighted by- | It.indtis appended U,,. feiiihered per- : ft inier to the echo. U.>)ln Im.kt.l .ifter Mrs. Uaxteis retreating figure, wondering whether be iiiiKhl nit .ipuensu. her wi.,ih i.\ gem-i. u offering. "I must iinn.iKeit somehow, 1 ' be thought. "(jooit n ,1 S0l! Looks l,kt- m y bl.i.-k nunum .t borne. I am noinldv .b.iiiied of mv- elf." "I in' toM dat roomer no' hill .' Ml* ' Baiter wns muttering, "an' I i, gwim- Irr IHI her not hin 1 Hut I I, t tei move her out'n dat top flo' n..,,,, "' M ' ..... -i' r ' i<d's muni. . I git patteroledt" M'Vm -.,iuitM,ng hotnewaid i.,i. tli.ii .iff. i noon, Wame aware. ih.H </m."iiing win foiwmd. '' 'I' I v ' ' jo ling earn oi hei U,..,lltngly on ,1,,, J M |l<|uell of | weie ruiming 'i"u lhlo * D(i ' -<>f song. i be very gam in* ,.,. m ,, r of mjHieriouH ini- puitn v >. He sinj.|i.-d 10 look over ib*- I, .. ..,- (poup O f , n ,. 111* -hou W ,II.||,U of 1 .ikl-l V. To be uxel King ,,k.-M Qf nil '^ *. Hollow ling*, big ,,u,l liitle: blown. ciu-;>, si, m. Fig iwt-el-*.i\ ni dl "Ii i th Kpipbmy Twelfth Night, you know/ h ,, uo , ,| uj.-cliiuio,illy, ion-, nuiiig h,., walk Hi" mom wa i.iiMfully qm<>t. A fluncv- .-.CIK-^ ih,. MI, n assured bin th- ubmnioun cage h.i.l .1-,,, |*eute,l. The flown- ,. r ,. ,,!, golle , nd I he doiin,-r-H ntdow w,i- hhut, The pine* i>f g. I-H lefl,-, ,.,| ibc uiooii- llghl like speriiirled r\,,. H ' ! 'I klM licrt u ' " '"" 'I' l 'l, A ih,. *"' " ff "' '''If 'I ' ! ni> uji'i ind i iitidri ih,. linln sud IH I down, t * u ,i, |, a iid. k" 1 '* ..... "Inn. in b.- found utterly m, ,k i,. i (> !., , L .gb n! ,,,., uiuula:ed ... .id |. ,,,,,, DIM 10 huii.|f f,,,,,,,,, ,,, (| ink ,nd ,,ii,i i |, |.- . , ,,,, o f ' I. 11,- fuljj, led in |,i . , ping ln |H'ii ,-ingnly m ihe J- 1 '""H !' |M|,,-, n n h Us p SIlUlH-kN w.. llllll.lllliull | ki.s b*-ml reJtoln ,.| v iivei ihe Bolen piljtd .--yiiiiii.-! i ii- ,l|.y xi hm el- tKiw. Hui IIIH nunil.on HMII.I ,| Tho sileiirt- WIIA glioailyt II got up .,nd walked lo ih,- wio- Oc.w I'lf .,|,' k |,,.' s !,,,, , bei laigK, an h's blin in !,(. |, , *ye" the wuidx i^im mi umngiy m bm *r. "Wrlll of all ihe hrutei | IIM. i-vri klinHii Keiii,,- I, M,,yt,in, yo.i ire the" h Hummed h n, nlf up at length, with tb.uacteristio n, rgy. IK' urn IP no funli-i attempt at Mflk. lid' xii'iid Sl.iring at ih. ,1, IMd< U w iliilnw-sill iipiiiiKi-e until 4 Bund in i h.' siieci tlre.w h * atten- fton Looking down, he saw a lin, of f jiin,^ moving along the dim in sidi-w uli even an be looked, hand cnnglii hand nd ih faiandolc d.u,-.,i it* Juyini!- way uilo an opcu 1-01 , ,doi ii I di.i|>|it aird. Mr.v.-il h)r a xuddei, ,rn|Mi.i- lie Hep- s>l to bin trnTe,',ng I'unk i.ini-^i-d III IB* inner !>>iing ,,f a compart mem, and di ' ti I Ii iu-m where bo had uiuat it nmily five years before a pocket book containing a note or two, i ci umpi'-d to.-!-, a faded bair rrbboTi, ind the beanl It lay in lli hollow of hi* baud the -bining, ip- d trophy, as if ibe hul bii' that instant dropped it there. 'I make you my King. Monsieur,' be> lu'ard ber murmur oiK-e more, hut li..,ii aching with tbe .s weft ness and the piin of that u n fu i got ten pa-t. t'in-I Fire I The -h,rp, insi-ei,i cry arour*d him. lie sprang to b s f. -, .itid the next moment he was nishing down tbe stairs. Dense vol- - of omoke were pouring from the windows of Mm HIXMTH I, Th? street was filled with people -li u ing g. it iou lining, rushing about auul^sly and tvmultuoualy. Th fire-engines were just arriving up- on t h' cne. "\\ h ie ia nbe?" be sbuu'.ed, d-nh- fng through tb<i crowd to where .\n- Biixtt-r stood, paralyzed on her own dou i s'-|>. "The lame Lidy* The blind ladyf \Wre w sbef" "toe. law O Livvd A'm'gh'jrl de 1,1 1U ' " "Where is she. you idiot I" to. red M \ i 10, shaking h-.-r arm savagely. "ITpsta'ra, Mister. Up de back in.i'rs. yoting ui.trs.ur. Hun, oh bouey. fer de Lawd's sake, runl'' H.. wan already K't"l""K h' way uy the crooked li.ick -inr. i boked and ln:f-blind by ih.' suiok-. He daiied dUirapt'diy from one room to an- o'.hvi, all were empty. "I oannot (ind b. i," lie .bought d .-sparingly. "Sb- will perish. Old. 1'ine and In nidi" At thiif mom-ill a MIUD| tur above b.- L-.iO pierced the confusion. It wa a bird-trill f almost superna- tural sweetness, winng. tender, dreomlike. liuid d by tbe sound, be leaped up Ko'b"i flight of steps and into a liny g:i<l->irouiii. li. bad barely tun* 1 to fold its bewildered occupant ui b* aims, a ii < I ir,l -o*ge aud Humble bis way down th* stair be- foi. motinting fkmn - barred tU/exit. M.tyiiin cnrrwd 'be woman and ihe r,g, acims the si r.-ei into the sin, 1 court of his own lodgiiig-houw. He I , ,, h liuidens on i hi- bench and > PP .1 brn_k a little, uluikmg b>a -111 .!:/ \ 'S, Th- mounligbt fell full upon her head and upturned face. She was thinner thu. -h- was 10 he; p<\my and nue bad dug ho'lo*- un- ,1 P hei Intuition- >!- li"l moll b ilnop d Ik" a grieved cbiidt Hut ,ib liow l,-i,uiilill h w.. ho il l- ft'ieiit frixro ii-ll other womi'iiJ 'Odx'4tel" Th,' invuluniaiy ciywjs on- of rup'uro*!- unai.-menl II w a! iiitly followed by afo'inal grill- ing I : you are iju u unhuri. M ..billl. Dan-ereaui'" II.' "in .1 with an and held out his hand. l>! - - ,- ii ,d u:- n 10 hei f-'M Her l>l. irk gown -liuw',1 pi'ifully wmn and rusty in t h- sMW'sjj|bt, ^IMI. KetiJielhl" -hi- y i sped, iben, us bis woids and ih-u IH-.IMMIK penr- 1 1 bii dazed M-IISI-H, sbe laughed giyly, -pi- itliiig ou' her hands sf- t. i her old in inn. r. "Hul, me. 1 un no' M M I. itn>- I'an-erenu!" the cried. '1 i- IJriinl- Con-on- who is Madame li .'ii-nn. Slie wa.n a! hi, Odette I.* II.- ,.n. Did you rially tbuikf oh, K- ' llelhl" Kino ion of a kind which duly i hot il h < u' ti'i'-.'iiiKf kepi b in silent. He ioo,l 'gazing at her, bis lireatb i. n, i-.g iinl B" i onviilsivrly, bis ,, ' nig. She mistook hta silenre: and bi-i thrnit with ou- bii-'l -h- steadied hi-i-elf w i li ill- olbel OH I'h col "Mi Mi>biii" -b" iun-ily. '1 i in giatiiiul to you loi voiu kindnisso. BUI fill .Mill 1 ill, Ilk I II, M l|..-i|iiil 1 wa.s HO ftigh .-neil, and 1 could o find C'bicot in li- duk. I coind not leave I'lnroi . He is ail I have now . ton know And b.- loom wi- lt i itig*> one" II , p. n d lii- lips snving lo spe.ik hul no -mind i un I .v foi ni) living.' Odelle went on. lifting h. i lienl ptoudly. '^ou hi\ pi- 1 h.p- Inaid? My f i lends are \.-iy good to nve. 1 ,uu very h.ippv '- panting now, and her young toif tuoke suddenly. She sank back i poi, it,- ticmh and laid h*i aim. .ilium t b. In i d , i>'" " N ou see, I lin t'hico still." >h -iiiiltil up at him with ih -i,ii-i..i. ^1 MM he re- in i|i!<t MI Mi'll. O .l.v then her \ >v,-n' i, u d iu w ii - ,,-lieil tw.irsl I I, iv.- only (I ,,,.!' h - iiddid. wnb a chiidi-h w,ul which uii.-al,'d M..> bin's hps a toi i, <ii of iiuoher- ent winds Ic.-ip.'d fniih "Od i te, forgivrmd 1 WHiabrute, n fmi i-li. nn i. .i-ona: b- brute. Hut 1 ov d you my lift', iny soull I love you t'olgivt't Korgivel' be solibed on bis ktirea at her, kisung the hem of h- i runty gown "Bu1 1 will not h iv.- you hhtuw ,' she uilt-i rupicd I'.msii.n itiv ly. "It was I who wax foolmh. uni< a- sona<bl*-, M irked. Uu t I loved you! Forgivel Forgive! ' -n stooped to hu em/brace. O - t the tumult oantinae^), the l iiioi-<l puff of t h<> fire-engines domi- nating ih" clamor of voioea. Within the .-mill court, pressed down and Minniiig over with, divine moonlight, was amomeint of exquisite sil- i ' Then, the Queen's Fool stirred on h-- |- n h, pceiud. out with curious eyes, aud burst into an ecalaay of foiig. Il w.m the pri-lude to uu epitbala- mium. ART OF BREATHING PROPERLY. I . >. IV,,,.lr I , I. I .!,., I iNr I'hII..-.., h> r a.-.plrallmi. " It may eem atrange enough," said a doctor the other day, " >>ut re illy over 90 per cent, of the population do not know bow to breathe. Nature kindly enough adapts herself to im- perfect in, -Mi 'd- of respiration, as she adapts herself to the unnatural quali- ties of ten, coffee, or alcohol a man floods bis system with during hi! Lifetime, 1'Ut all the same she does not approve. Why, one o< Ihe firtit things j an actor or singer has to do ia to lie- gin to learn how to breathe Iteflire. I they can learn how to produce the M . properly. The first point ia to fill the lungs. Very few people take t In- I rouble to do tb it As rule, they in lend I hem until the lungs are, about three-quarters full and then they * stop, leaving the liase of the lungs unemployed, and naturally ready for , any mischief, like mo-t idle thing! or pernoni " If people would only take the trou- ble to breathe properly consumption would no longer lie heard of. Why is exen ie HO Ixneficial f .Simply because in iiiniriit! rowing or cycling people ale obliged to fill their lungs to (heir utmo ,|-,.,iy to lire, the in .short. ! as nature meant them (u !>re.ith<- I have frequently recommended tho<e I whose business will not permit of any outdoor exerci-e to pr.ict .re ' -i > 1 1 Ir nj for an hour in the morning an-l at lughl ; exercisr in not a uerfinity lireathing projierly is. How to go i aUiut : t : Watch an infant lying on jits back if you want to see breathing 1 dune as it ought to be ; or if you have j got nut of Hi.- hi 'it of proiwr rr.-pir- .itimi. one of the fust points to re Ilielll el 111 learilillK to hi,' lib* is lo keep viMii shoulders down; they lire inclined t<i x" Up loii|r 'iefure t he lungs are filled Another ji.irt is to gel con- I I rol over your lungs ; fill thi-in slow Iv. l\,nti on Mini S.ick if possible and feeling i hem fill; then empty them at will -mi,, -i lines quickly. Hornet iuieii slowh I'lllesH I be Jll'nd has ,oiif|,,| of the inn -iles. which diMen,) and empty Ihe lungs, then it is no n.- 1 1 ting to breathe. An hour's pr-irin-i- dnilr will do yu more good, than all the , \ in i i -inn.- in the world. Yet, !-i , Inn/ ,- tindoulitedlv a lost art, and if we are to remain a healthy na- tion, it uisi lie recovered." IN HUMAN NTMKK.VLS. How Hhjill we w i i . 1OU in Komin lllerf It b.i.s Iwen f.iii ly generally udun'U.I Ihu lvv;> wa>.s are roriecl . Mill I IT .nd MTM Hi I that tb- Ultr ispiefeiahle N-.w c,>iie-- p ndrut iiui.u'-ntis tluit neither of I h.-- u le){iiim.iie. He .i>s i - , 1SKMI unquiet be r turn MDl'l*. >!>' imiHMianl principle of (lie Ki'iii-in yi'in i' ibil the moat valuable dirfit is pi uxl fn.s in, I ihen .1 h<-i .1- in.n-li is |i-*siljlt> of glailu- valiuv I ill tile lemnred IH ix-mpUt r- liiiis MIH'I.VI for An,t:b.'i IH lhat four simi- lar iligils shall not follow e.ich mini I'he ic ;* i "ii iii this l.illeii i ule w Inch in foiinil ,'J1 ill.' f.ui of ' watch l.s ,- n well known, of in i>-l.v medi le V.ll "I l^'lll. " N--W .is . li,. niinil"! Hindi e de- ,. v\ I ut<> If. 1SHMI. we ci-irilllelic,' wQn M D. I'-acciiini fo: i h* leiniin ing Kill vv*. uiu ' -inigly riv-HM I lo the devioe of pl.trmg a detr-icnnn di- git lefi>i- -' digit repi eventing exact- ly much in in- ih ni the ii.i|uii d value., in thus 100 Our lUtl is, tbe.refou' ,-\|.i--,-l b.v il> .mil ihe e-nlire 1900 is shown as MIK'D." TIHMiS HK 001 Ll) UKMKMBRH. Tourist" How many children have you. Mr. Grmnn f" Farmer (1,,-,-n dmibtfnlly. " \\vil now, 1 dunno ex- ,< I. There's Hob. an' Jack, an' Alice wife. hi>w many children are there.*" SI-VHJI ; fivo boys and two girls." Timruit " A fin family and a fine farm. Mr. Green. You've a lat>'' stis'k I predume." Farronr "Aye '. I've 173 heail of cattle,* 781 sh<-.-p and 72 |>igA. Tht\n there's 3I& ID turkeya, a*)' )ust <J5 U fowls. f >.- About the House. COOKING VEGETAai>ES. I', ia very muc-tc eaaler. to cook vege- tableti rigt't than wrong tb<| trouble is, most oooka ignore the fine pointa uf the proceed. One ii never to cook a wilted thing, if it U in any man- ner possible to revive it. Whether things come from tlie houa<- garden 'T t be market, they are Ihe better fox standing in frenb, cold water until they are oriopiy plump. Wilted tis- sues always cook toug'ti and atrmgy. to say notbing of lacking one-haltf tb* proper flavor. Another thirm worh knowing is the difference it m-ikes to have the water boiling briskly Vhett the green stuff goee into it. Still aoot'ber n 'b importance of skimming. No nut- ter bow c 1 1, -fully things have been prepared, in boiling they will throw off waHte and effute particles, which riae aa fro'h, atwl/ unleaa removed in lime either Kike, upon the edges of h'- .stew pan or eocnwt what is cook- ing wrthio it. Tbn skimming Deed* lu be done witli.n. ih,< first ten min- utes after putting things over tke fire. Do no puJi, on ii*i> unleas ii extreme need u4 bnate. This ,p plies even to I rush potatoes, whicb are, however, very muub better st eimed i-han fau*id. Caulifiukver. Trim curefully *od so.ik ax leiitot an hour. Tak out at the cold water, plunge up and down in sciilding water, then drop into bii.skly boiling water, anil keep it boiling hard for twenty minutes. Tike, out tbe oatulUlower, cut the bead* into quurtara or eight ba, ar- range ttie pieced neatly -11 a very btM deep dish, them pour over them i i .|i(u! o( ricii melted butter, mad,- ihUM Work a scant spoonful of lift- ed flour into u opoonful of the bat butter, add a dual at cayen- oe, a food sprinkle of black pepper, ind half aoup of water the cauli- fluwei was boiled in. titir imoouh and dip by spt'unftilH over the cauliflower p.'V ttf Ji.-vb into a hot oven for ibuut two oiitiuteH, lieu take out, -piinkle th.ckly with grated cheese. uid serve at onoe. Thtwe who like loust with almoat everything call vary tUi by puitung a lining of loaat iu thr dih. Ia that c<ue it u brtlei ..Id lie che,-.s before setting in the ovm, and toi leave the iregelable i until the ib ,-<c biuwns iligbt- iy. - i-.-nd \Viy-Boil for twen-ty-livr uiinuiew ttieo cut up aud lay closely in a very derp c/ovred, di>,h nude very bin. Dot tbe ouuliflower thick 'y wi'h butter. I'Dto which you hiv>- wvik- d ttie juioi' of a lemon, aud i>lnk and red peppers. Cover at once, let -' mil ID a wuiui V'ace two minutes 11 u serve in individual pLtlleis. pis sing wrh it gralfd cb<ve in, I brosjvn brend. Tliird wy IKH a large biad twenty-seven minutes, take out, leave whole,, let cool, Lb/eiii ael oa ice. Mike i Kie-noh die^aing, using) leui^ u. .iu c instead of rineigar. and tiavoiiug it ii,, i illy wuh cayenne. St>l yuur bend of OHulif lower, stem downw ml, in A bowl, scoop a drop bit froui tbe middle of It, and pour tbi< diesniiig in n-- bole. Let. stand for leu in n- le* tetfore Bervln,g. To mike- H high- ly 01 n., ui> n il. iu.s, i ci- ar kjla-s bww 1 .mill \vnb lei i in-- -. -.lid lay in-und h *tii;e hen d sum 1 1 bright red u>mii,vs Ml iOl e-u-Jl pel -on, Hid |- ' I'd, tnit nm -.iicrti. Ben ns. W un/h the. beana lu two wa tera, then snik tiofoin stringing lit ik ttieiu in inuh leiiihs.. m . until tender in well-s.ilteJ w Hi un i h -in t>'iy dry, Ih, n put. <h ni back in (tic* si . A ,- n with a ligu HftlBUIliug ill Ifll mil '> irli [I, ppi-i ill i -piMiiul of the betii aulud o . eiy qu-.ul of bcm- uiicooki .1 h u ovi slow fire for five niiini'es - n nng ni's of i hn lima Turnout into a tu>l di.'kb upon very orisp n. I - i v r H i u i-.llu; qu.irluled lnll 01 p pp.T viliegir. luiluuj of i ... oil fat bacon may be used. Try Half i doj n s ces c up without buimng ib in, lli'Ji put til' drained bMM M I'li.t o icon grfivy, and stir null <\ ill- fire until u is abaorbed. Bern .'ii a lio". dish with the bacon, laid on tup, along with ftoi com orewd auil slic l cucuminTS in vimg ii Si-ooiul way Boil tj> in- ins after stringing uut il i--n.l,-i. drain aod put in a deep diob with alternate I, at nliocil o.uon and vry thin bacon Hike lli> oiuou is well done. SI'IVH |,i-' \\uli ixii n bread tud ^tunnj pepper miuce.. Beet a. Wringi nff tops and t.ip-ioot inslend ut cutting, so t bv rn-ets will HOI bleed loo miu-lil in cooking Hoi' uniii very teedor, and bit aure rhr wi- ic,i LB nut too Halt, ilt op. MI coi'l wa- ter, peel and sen on ioe nntil wun- ed. Tfhtvyi miy be. nerved, half a rt.izen wajs, alioed with vinegar, as -s,-ii:'d or made very bof and dressed with meJted Mutter and lemion juice. Do not mistake me-lte-d butter far drawn Lu'tfr, Anything with fluur in it spoils u beeyt. M^lt 1 Iibn butter uiih a very little hot waiter, say a tra- spooufuil to the tablenpoooful of but- ter. Beat in the lemum ju.ce. t bor- lughly, adding a dash of w h p pper ind cayenne, also a little sugar, un- lesa Uue beeta are very iweet. By choosing red and yellow bei.s at equal sice and stoape, slicing them in half lengthwise, aod arranging them to alternate around the diah you may make it very decorative. Ano'llirr way- is to make a rich, uidat gravy by iteming half a pound of round steak to rags in a pint of water, taking out ubt> meat, then thickening the liquor wild a ta.blepQonful e<acih at butter and oream, and pour ii ovr the sliced beets, -if ter which they must' be baked for (en minutes LO a ve.ry h>t oven. Dust with white pep- per juv is tbejr go to table,, and either wrve wi:h quartered lemon or ai|U>*eie a lemoti over tbe- diab. WITHOUT A FREEZER. If ice is procurable, one cm unjif many frozen delir iciee, even thouga pot-ie-sing a freezer, the aubntw 'ute requi-ite being two tin dtvv-in.l 1 > rjfer and rock ilt. Th? ourn>w, deep pail should hiv* a tb/h'-fitting cover. bemoo Ic Grate the rind of I l.iik'e lemon Into a J-qt. bowl. lie Mrvful not to let any of the white tray in, by grating too clow. Add thf juice <f 6 lemons. 1 qt. of water. Mik>> very much sweeter thin Inmon- ad* Freeze is fallows: Plict- uiiv- tur- in tb^ dep piil. put <m cver, unJ put tb pul into th,- larger one. >'ill in tbe p.ic j with layentof pound- *d k-e, altermtinvr a layer of ice and ronk H.ilt. Continu- to pick in this manu<r. even cverinx (he top. Spread over entire puil. old carpet. Set ia cellar 1 hour. In removing cove.r, be c.ireful not to let any salt fall iato the p.iil. To assure thin, brush away th-i 1 ir a IK! ewlt which miy b, 1 -M top. With J 1-vmt kiiif.- clean away the frozen flim on th" sides. II- it all wi'h a I -ritf Inn, II >! sp.nn for no me rniiiuteti and free/e iirun. If m<t ^ r\ ,1 when fio/en |iou' off th- brine. rv[-l.'ni-<h with ioe ind lei si.. mil till nviily to nerve. If you w wh to nerve oil plitier. dip ti>*.| iut hoi w r and w; ,|> ir un,! i li p.ul c-m- .1 iinnif the ice ni I the creiui will slip mt in form nicely. However, fur ice-<. tt i just as K -> furm to s*>rve in little leni.iu.ule glastx-j.. Pinip|il> Kr ippe. lhi is eni><-iilli nk- ftr fetiw of all kinds. ~-leci, If p>.--il'l-'. one rip.- Florid , Qtiees pi-. Shred with fork or srr-ite in dxep li.wl. su+t i r ind let stand till yiup forms. Add I he juice of 1 1 ' i *i leuvon. more sugar if nece-xs.iry and 1 ijt ,.f w-.iter, together with 'juice and piiuvippl ; freeze .iuie as leui -.1 n *v 1*1 Htaod, well oovere<l with limi|>- of Ioe ml old c.irp't. till hard Snrve wit hi fancy cakes. I'eich Ice Ctt- i in The nee ret (4 W'ilh ice creilll is fle.plellt .<! i U very ripe peacheo, I'ne jnl st. .i>e. cru-l in cik- lxwl, Hwwten wiih p.wdfTfd sugar. To | ill ,'f ticli ere: m .1 Id J K|C<. well litn. (fra nulaie,' .sugar, makinil veiy i.iv.^-t. I'l u-e on fire, let come to boiling p,iiut. licmove an I I.IIIIN. , I i-id 1 i" i^|on of v iiull.i. l-'rwze as lem .n ic >. When nearly f MI/VII. si ii in th. 1 iiiishi'.! iw o-h'.H and) frwie ,i:ilii (),-r isionally beat well with a Urg sim. Let stand till hud Oriintr*. --h-iU-i -Add the juici- o/ I i ., niff.s and 1 large lemon, .,ls<- 1 i,-i-,[.s.n if i h" essence of orinx" lo 1 qt. <f w-.ii^i- -w,'e.ten. und add 1-J pi. t rich ci-e-im. Mix all to- k'eihen .ind fn-e/.e as ice creaui Serve in lemonade cupo. HOOD 10 KNOW. \Vhon bindum up cuts and wound* u.s- liikem. not cotton, as the fibre! <>0 cotton M.. flit ml apt in irritate a sr* pi 1C-, while those of linen are, Iv n uinleil. A little su.-i 1 I'lded to the water for IMXUHK HUM i iinpiov.< its flavor. Never w ish in nuielel -|>in; wip, it cl^an with pi>. ces f piper, then rub wiih , dry do-In. If the |Kiq i- IK-., ted in this way tbe omelets will be Jes apt t.-ntick or bum. Appb 1 (-aiu-e is much impi -v,- I by th<< ad,lili-.n of i I ibli-s|>ooiifui oC but- ti-i. and reqiiireM IOM.-H sugar lin i burn or acald mike a post* <>f common baking-oil, , m,l u , apply at onoe an. I cover wiih a lineal < 1) i h \\hi-n ill- skin i- broki-n. \- ply I hi' while of an emg with i ' ; thin givtvi instant relief and n i be in froou Ihe fl.k

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