AUGUST 9, 1900 THE F L E S If E R T N ADVANCE ilunb MCUL.IX>UOII * YOUHC1 l,nk. i, atarkdale O" a iwiieral bankniK lnalue. Money loaneu Si * r..aouablu iat .'11 on ul. AS VANUUrtKX. J T CTOk Slli DIT Court. Co Gray mer of Marriatfu I.lcuiuei, Conveyancer Nowrr. 1'ublto Auctioneer. Mooey to loan tt H |>or c-oul. ChaiK>> iuodrate. H,l KHRTOM P DB11T* COLLKCTBb The und*ntcnd li prepared lo undertake thocoll-.-tion ot all kludi of debts otM bouitbt. iKcuniili collected eta. II X HI NUKHSON, Fleabertou Tl 1IISI KTT FlmUertou Station ru wardi - , ('iirniulHiioiii-r In I! J. Convey- i...iti;ajca. leans and will* Moai t" leml at 3j ir cant and up- DMs aaUaseld, Clianjei moderate. Rj SIMI H-I.I: Poetmaiti-r. Hlosherton <:..i, m. i>ii>ionor In. H C. J., Anctlnneor Con eyaii'-... \l'|'.iil.-i ami Monujr I.rn.l.-r 1UI r.-t it" inn! Insurance A|{'<t. luo't^.iKux. loaiui mil willi carefully drawn uji an I valuation* ma<lti on rliortent Monrv to loau at I'lwost ratu ul intarrat ul. 1 t.i with proiuptnrii i low. Acout for Ocean Duuilulou Maiuahip Compauy. A call Mllcltad. AO r W niteU every 111 it nrl thlrfl Monday in oat-li miil!i, in -uiir loiluo room, 'ii block. i. at |> ID. A. N. LeUarl MW . A M (ill.. Hecorder; \V . . r -iiaui'l r. \UitinK bruttUTMl InTiUd PUISCK AllTIITH LOIX'.r.. No. H3.-I.A. \ M. i. 1( ..'U in tli.. MaaonlcbtU, Htr&in'i . block Flualiurton, vry Friday on or tlie I ill in. r..n. J A Uuyd W M ; a uy. Hcfnirv. W K&K Thi Lwdlng Specialists of AcerlM I 20 Years In Detroit. 250,000 Cifid. WECURE STRICTURE! . Thoamndi nf y..unr and middle i I men are troubled with thli diieaae many I I nneooagiosily. They may hae a imart- I 1 ln senealion. small, twurtiiuj treaiii. [ pharp eultrnt painiat timtt. ililitdi- ehaite, difficulty in commencing, weak onani. emisilons, and all the jyini.ti.mi <.f nrrroai debility they have 8T1UC- Tl UK. Don't let doctor! ei|)eriuient on y..u, by culling-. atreUhing, or louring j you. Thiiwlllnotcureyiin.ajiltwlllro- turn. Our NEW MKTUOO 1HKAT- MKNT abtorbi the itricture titnie; heueeremoethoatriclurei>enuauently. It can never return. No p|n. no suni-r* lint, no (lutenti .n from ImiineH by our method. Theioiaalorfariiiireitri-ngth- ened. The nerves are Invicurated. aud tlie Mia uf manhood returui. Addi . ,- and Presentation An t -vrni if unuiiual intcrtti t"<>U |ilaco en Kruliiy i-veiiinj; at Mnxwcll wli.n a |rty uf aliuutiMOiMKipleiniilal ilii-i'rt-n- liyteiiiin maiiM! .-uid !"'* 'lie iiiiuiN'er and Ins family c..iii[>li -U-ly by hui Inviting Mr. Hiid MIH Fleimniii^ mil to the lawn V. C. liruo.. tlio fnl : ', " Cjl'UT I l.rMii.KToN, i-in i-tu- Ill", k DIB I. O. F. meet* In lantPrldaj venini; n aa-ii in putli. NititliiK Koiwteri heart iK wolcmuo. C 11.. H. K. l>ysuu;U, S.. P. Yau- Dim-u Jlcuti^tvy WECURE GLEET |'Thirusmliof young and nil l.llag"l 1 men are harm* their aexual >u<i>r and itinaally ta|i|>ed l>y tun di<- r ara frequently uuoonaci.iut jolthfwofymptoma, Ueneral Weaknew, Unnatural l)lob.-irie. rail- Ing Manhood, NervnnuisM, roof Slem- t.ry. Irritability, at limei Smarting hen-, Sunken Kyi, with dark oirclei. Weak Hack, Ueneral Depression. Lack of Ambition. Varicoeele. t-hrunkrn 1-art.. uto. 5LKET and S'TKICTI'RE maybethecauea. Dou'teoniult family d'icton. M they have no experience In these Ipeeial diieatet don't allow (Juackito inerlment on yon. Oouull s.|*rialiti,whehavema.ioalif>itn lyi.f UUeaeMoTMenHiidW'.mrn. our NEW .MHllloD TKaiATMKNT will no.i- lively curs you. One thousand dollari for a caes we a<-*pt Hf trealiueut and I cannot cure. Terms moderate fur a euro. < i CURES GUARANTEED I We lrt anl rnrer EMISSIONS. fAlUC'iCKI.K, Sil'llll STRUT! KK. IMl" 'TENCY, ST' KK' DI'.AINS. I'NNATl'lUl. MSi'll AK'i- S. KII>>iin>aM. ! < W l/rATI"N FHKK. INJOKS | KK! I'. If unable to call, write f" ULANK (vr Uuill Cor LM)piA*,tilMa|ft. ' --".IT, MICH, , l.l*3Gr.; Jl- MAltSIIM.I, M h .1. UI> H. LLlH oun I'rn.iito I'ulrotiltyaud Royal I t I ' '.ai - '" Mil LIU II . .. l< .n-la'k Frllai aftoruoou, lnr.tua.1 uf r'lonucrtua .\.r DR. K C. Ml'KIMV. '. H. S. l,,,ul urRenn: i ilver.ity and : - 1 tin- li t Wiolnuwlay . i uiuutL. .. an. I Duiulalk 1 3 Thuraday J. W. FliOHT. I, I. I' llarriitur, HolioU'.i > .... incur, eto flr.. Next to |." ' .in.-... sjri-iu'o'B I. lock .1 ton. vvury 'llmrxla ami court dayi N II .iw.-n Siiini.l ulUoa, Kuil* bluok I'nulftt it root uait. LUCAK. WUKillT A I \ Karrlitern Hullcltora Ci.ntayanevni, <l OfflciiK OWDU Hounrl, Out anUUarkiialx Out \V II XVuioiir, C A I. i I || l.i ( i N H I It.nhurtou ulUcu, tlltcbuir* llaak met) tiaturday. TUCKKIl A TATTKItSON llarrliloi.. Snlu -il.iri, to HAHHY O TUCkEH Hank, Owt'n Hound CII'.O W PATTKUSON KACKAV A 5AMI>SON. llarrlitoru. ()I-'K1( Ks .i,,, s.tiin I. Mor.iliiuit nk Illoek, N. irf I'alt.irKon UUUMI. Luu.lalk llaln Strtwt, every Kkturday. AGMXCKAV.M A . II I :.hAMr.SON.l,. !,.!>. Crown Attoruoy for drey. DB 1IUTTON M U C II. M C V & H Out rric.,lll. Ifloe next door to lir.iwn utoro ; resldf-n. I l.....r.. al tliu old |iiiit ollirn, nolilunca ol Ul ei llrowu. Offleo Jays 'l'> >n.l K aui ay. kK CAKTKIl M ' I' AH (Int. PI, y.lolan. KurMOO. ut Offloa Htralu'a block. Uu.lileme- HnUI JOHN A srurr, M li Moinlmr C.illK I'hulc. * Hllrj;. Oulii.. (iiiiliiKl.. In Mtvlli'lnn i. Tin, .in Uoldinltv. K.'ll.iW"lii|i l>l|.l..llln, l'ot I . i alK MHli.inl Ht-li.iiil m,il lliKiiital, Cliit DI*SSM< of eye, our, unm. an.) throat apeei lrl K.oldeuoe, Maxwell, tlilUKavoibl ThuiKlyaa I t Photos TAKEN -AT THE I Flesherton Photograph Gallery arc done in (irsl-chm* mylc and al lowt-it nitis. Si>ccial .111. nn. .n Ki\ rii In i ,i|iyni.... Itnluen' photos. :i Npocialty. I'll lures franu-d. MRS. BULHER i ! I H ew ll:ivill'.' |IMI .'li IMI'.I I In' Irligui iill lill^i ll.'.s fl.iln Ml L.ti.illl I Hlsll In .tlllli.llllfl. Itml till' Inumrn* will lltt i "lit lllllcil ill till- "I 1 |r|VI. I. '- -. \\ I' il.lXl 1 Illkd 11 l.llljt. i-ily -\|irrifiiiv miii lirlii-vo < can UIM- | i r. . i ;tisf i, I ion ill niir liiif. II. ni- l.ikt'ii over the nttuiiry for AN n And nil "ii!ern left ilh iiv will |rruin|rl llllll I' Ill-fill Illl. 'Ill .n /.'.t. Mr and J/iJ. t'i'ii 1>E*K FIIIK.MUM WB, uf Kuvuirt^aiu I'lunliyterian diun-li, fuel called UjHrll :it tllln time to AlkllO" thu arfjMworkandiiDwaTarngintdruai tli>> lni^ la-en xliuwn by yuu in our Itelulf ml in llio welfare uf our church. We would iu.leed lie very callouaud miU ind:lt'i rent to our apiritnaj iK-eJ if wo from time to I. mi' r. in.iiiiei', an,'., r y ur tuuchinfi . "f wiiruini; :<nd c..iitinued to l>e indif- 1. 1. lit lo .iur boula >Ml\itiioii. V. nrci-i .'ion at lliitt lime enteem it and .;:iiillojed pleiMUre to h iw the u| IHirtuiuty i.f thaiikin; y.'U in iifnun fui r|j" iiiien-st yi n II.IM eer fxpn sued for u an u\incrd l,y jour e;illie>t I .li .1 -. 11111011;^ us and we lutsurv ym fr.'iu tl d.|iili of nur In -iris that wu nccuriJ l>..tli you and Mis Kleiiiui); uu "\i r HOIII,< measure of eoi.ti'ii !, ltfl respect. \\L Would tlieiefon uoci-pt our otlVniii:. nor for us moi.i-y whieli i small Imt us a in irk o! in in -vliieh you are 1 "Mi h< ! i Ky -M..J >ou lie loii^ ^|llred to i.. our WiiiitMiiidalau fiiji.y n any nn Imiir o rent ln-lHeeii your la'.oin> ih tli dtwiiu and iiii of ymir lovinn <-.iu_ lion. Siyii.d in l-vli.'ilf of rhi; coii^n . Mii. .l;.n, : Mrs. F. <-'. I'i Mr. .1 uiiei I>i...,' .-. Mr .u .1 Mr--. A. InkJet then (rieseiiie.! Mr. and Mi . Kli'iiiin^ wi'li two Ime'.y wicker i 1 imp n:.ii \or I. .let. Mr. KK-irn. of Min|i:i!i \ .iii'l | .ll.-i!m/ ttl.i 'i hid >-\iiled in such .1 n nki o linn and h . |' |. e. and win!, he illd not Inliele 111 ^IM -IMllX -lid plttilllj .H llllll it itlkl.iiii, tliat ot l.iiii.l. in^ I nn. \. i i olli-lill.' -iii.l I'u-ll tl.'illkul tin n: toi tl.i-ir kinduuM. \, i^ in- thr 1 1 n Mi^-. M. ! ioii.i!>i ! ward anil iea I t!ie folloni|{ Jdte* fron: his engre|tauuii: III , 1' r'l t.MINi: \Ve, the iiiid milieu -i. i- ..t \. n. M li, 'tri- ll ..... e.intiol alto* I 1 ., j..i~- witlioiit 111 some MI.JI' i.i.inr.i-r _.> ni>!X- |,u >^i..ll lu the lil-h i:t. .em .n In li \ i: .in- In 11 l.y us. \\eailmire )niir Iruoiirss ofciiHI.-u'ter and e.u n. stlu .s in | r. .1, li in,; with lnldnttiH Jeius C'hrixt ami him crucltied. You Intei inle.-in dyouraelftoUB lr> the lltelj inlelest )nu e til..ll III 'I..- apifitual w.-lfare f \>.iir ><>nii^ [".,|ile and their aiK'ii ty, |. .lining them to tile 1 mill of (!'iil whi'.il lie laki t!i .in.iy MII. A- )oU have nltta\s I .iken an active inlii i'i nur Kourii of pleasure and enjoy- ment, so also in thu hourt of trial and julf.Tllli; you have nut been ne.-li;iii'. ipe.iking word ..f cheer tu the ill! and comforting tli. -s.: on n dyinu pillow \\ ' |IO|K' yuur stay may lj loiiu ann in; in and ttlthoiih a cloud in iv uruietimes ap- I <, yet li'-hilu! ;' tliete l I In- siltrr lin- ing ot Cliiinl'a n l*le:iH ac- . >-pt tins pulse a.s Niuall token of our lute for yon, and when your lil'.'is for tin. Montci are done may \ i hear the Tioi-dn pronounctsj, "\\ell done, u.. od ami fitithful mitunr, tntcr tli<4U into the joy uf thy l.i nl. Si4tii'-l lii K-hiif of tli , n.-r. llii|j;h Hobiils Alex Meli.rti.- Nell Mt-ri.Ul II 'I Mi '111.. IS. The scenery in Devon ii very gentle and :. uiiifnl. Fruin litre I cycld up near ittlh nd liris'ol, and vw \\ el s t.ithe- Iral (one uf En^lnnd'n liiust) nnd alto he rniiu irf (jhutonbury abbey, .-. dehtroyod by lire I 1 ! llie llnrtet lit .1. eii'iiry :>nd ne.ei rebuilt. I luxl Went 1'aiii vi New Haven, Diep|w and lloucn. Tho tiaiu 8tiippv<l lon^ uiiuu^h [or 111.; t., nee. Salisbury eathe Iral, whieli !ia> a very line stone spire .".HI t .-t hi({h. I itoppe.d in l'*Mi i-levei. 'Uy- and took nine iliys t'> ^i through th ex|>.*itioii, which M very _rand ami l>, auliful. It >imply h.i:Mc i'e- ilpiioii. 1 think 1 in afely verify .iio st-iinnen' that ihu French c-XL-el the wnld in tinle. The Ait building .i* i x- . . dinjly ^:aml and als i the French, (ierman, Auntrian and Italian i >.l.ii,its I . "I f^.'t hi^h. Tiii l.'.mada buildiiiL' is a cTedil .nrry. In r ' *-. .tn i ' ! i and nevi-ri.l of the lar_< : chin the U-uvi. . N - i. -. t. .nib, the pnuci- p.d Kardeim ai:d p*rki .;n 1 mai.y other ili'cresTin ], r I :u I' .. ' - I i . I. .iid'.ii. . .Ml nftor a t-tay of .1. h r >m .-!il -d.i-ti to'. : -I.I' n, -. ... inoth'-i waii I ii a beautiful . Kid-li i (i i ' i . I . i i the 1 i ... i . 'he I ' : . : ..n . Look ac your tongue. Is it coated ? Then you have a bad taste in your mouth every morning. Your appetite is poor, a;:d food dis- tresses you. You have frequent headaches and are often dizzy. Your stomach is weak and your bowels are ah. a-/ cons' 1 here's an old and re- liable cure: Fleskerton Shaving Pallors A. j i> OTTKWRI.L Veterinary HiirKon Uraitnate ol Ontario Vvtorltiary Colloie, BwliUuoe eroinl dunr aoutli went en Mar* etoaet Tills street ruos enutli Vreibyti-rlan thuroli. Jforso "Uail &oin Protector f And nt the pi' pi r monu nt 1'had iiiul Mclii-yie pn -.eiited M (1 \V. M A ' < K VaU-rli.ary Hum Hin anil HenlKt. Mai- well. RraJiii o Oninrio Veterinary Oallan. qnilalnil wltli Tor.intA thilvuriUv. VUlti Bny.iiilit W..,ln..,Uv (rum II n in. lo .t i m, awrffoyarnhaiu Tliiimdav from Bto6 |>. in. The Advance will lo Kent to new Nbtoriben for the balance of this yoar for only cash. Tull yuur friends. 111.- tul llle l-.ii..-. MSi II .S.' I' A full I, ui< oi -(Wi-ai i mln, diiMifi-H, wlii;.H, full. us, n\, ,it^sr, h.Mil ointment, ctiriy 1-IIII...H, trill. V*, VH'lM'S, l-l.-. S..e ilic S.iin'ary Hun.- for i;. nl'u nu n\ Hi-Mr onlj 4ilc I't-r pair. W UAKNk HAI MOORE H.l .-HI i.'l. ONTIUKI Came Astray of the uniiealnceil. l,.t ur.lay. June :n). one Came I. i'... prtrinl I, roii. 10, O| ov, on pay ei|N>naee ml I > .1., ma away Maiwell Jul> 1 IJQU Mr KK'tn- in^ with 'i urll lillnl punio. Thi< wiw an otlior urpi-iHt- I'm l.un UH l-.e i..'ui;i!y ctm- cliuled that the lirst pieseniiition W.M frmn lln- three . ..iiw'rogliou- .-is oiu 1 , ;ind tli. i ll.'.-t ..| link. n^ it ier\ ililheult for him t > Kpenk, Imi what hi- ilu! s^y I'l-ouehl the ti-ai.- to n.iny r\.s. ll/.S^ott tllen . nut I .11,1111 nil nlile in. in IUT a.sMiro.1 1. .til Mr. and Mix. Kli'iimu' of ilic successful ,'\;, I..MI i;.i icouapliaoex] in afkiwajl cungronatioa Mtd of lh o.l will and In. -i. .l!v i. ..|in.^ that -\ -st i In- Iwut-ii il.. -in as . n t |.io|,le. He Mill tllllt tllloll^ll U ll.i,ll.- I- 1st nul- inn they ha.) lit en nnnlilo to s!'...w their eiKKl fecliim M\e ni wordn only, Mr. llllfjll lti>lll'-U ol' .W^llltMi- :<!MI hp-.|.i< III ^lo llii; lei-ins ot ll.e frien.Uv lelallolls siMagaQ tanagh Ul fMah in >/.ln l\n-. Tliu pr..i.'Miii WIIH tllt-n l ll.lli^ed anil an al>uiul..iKf ol' ill. -.,... I tlm. this life Weiv ll:-,.i upon e\el\,.|li- |.ie< out, after win. Ii i. unes and spoils \i,ie eng.i^e.l ill until pm-tiiii; tune c.une, mid all went home feeling tlmt tin li.i.l Inen H c.'iu|'!.-:e siieeuis. Returned l : rom Paree Mr. Mtirvyn VHIIUUII, lu< lm l*eu viMtum Knglaiul and the farm expoiition VMIIS tin: ftilluwinii; short but interetini; xki ii ii of his iinvols : lii. MI Ki.noii, I have, from Kuiopo and thought ashoi-i, noli, for Tlie Aih alien ini^li; ,iot lio Ulliiei e(.trile. \\e l.ilnlt'.l in Kimi.iiiil nftwr a x el) .11 m .iml unevi-ntful joariiey. I tint went tn Sum- t'rael.lnie, near 'I .iiinloii, ii very iili.uiit, t.UHy and inte.osting city. Knmi here I IhocilieHof Kxi'ler, riyniuiith, Torquay, aDVVAUU UAM.KV T/QWii'iuth uliJ .*varal Suiallt-r placoe. . TV Ortnt KnyfuA KmtOy. ^nd recommended by all drnigrltu In Canada. Only ml- abli- medicine discovered. Six iJr> 'tugn gmxmtmf to cur* all ________ xual \v.-aknee. all effect* of abow ur.zrrea. Mental Worry. FXOW.IT.- owoflo- baaoo. Opinm or Stimulants. Mallt-don recrlpt ofcrloe.oDepaakaKrfl.fls. tft. OM viU pitaWi litWiUcurt. Vamphlrirt f liM \\oiHl Cwiu Don't take a c dose and then stop. r- icr taL a laxative dose each nijjhc, just enojjh to odfreemovc- t the day following. You fc<l better the . next day. Your . your ' Jy - cured, your < h;adav.hes pass away, !iue clears up, your liver atis well, and your bowels no longer ^ive you trouble. Price. 2$ ' I hav* . th.m h-." . to any iT Wi a.ldn. taken AveVn POIs for 31 . I.- . . ' ! i : Mn N. K. TVLBOT, March 3u, I -!'.'. Airttm:->u, Kaa*. I \'. . UO I The Market . <'nrctiillv Win-Hi, ted Gate lUrloy .............. liutUT .............. Ki/lpi freah .......... I'.'il, ............... l'.-i: ....... V.'.M.I ............... . ... ............. Tii'Li'T* ;..-r Hi ....... OMM |>or Ib Kl.nir ............... rliUct ............... (HI t<) 30 lo . CD o i :, 20 (JO :<5 IB C 00 to i,, :to ,, v t,, ."r i . ..... i :. : 40 > M 4d s i i J. B. Sloan & son <;K.TV<IH -15^ Doors. Flooriup;. bheetiug, BaJusters ;. < ' IMi.'-k^ i In- l>.'>! t.r I.ath.Ni).l aiil '_' Shingles Siiliiiu'-. hot to !r.Er, ~* .'i- > .1^. tctio . ii. all our hin.s ^liar.i:.- A Traveling GENERAL AGENT An expeoianoed or a \<-..\i\ Mrith ood and uddrt-ss, \vitli tin- inn-- ;!ity to travi 1 town and appoint aenta No jH-nsi's paid. Position pm td lIUM'it. town to S;l;.w .;ml .\ and promotion according THE MtADLBY-UARRETSON Ci'., Limited M. -nit. .11 tlil.~ |..ip.-i ::: \ i: WHY Ride a CLEVELAND " IS I .!. I r.iraiis l it is the lii.'i.!ui.t type in the ait of Ui.-yi-ii.- ...u -.iiiKtioa t.i-ila\ its |. .|iulaiity is world \ti.U-. It is,v\'ui adini .vlirol ina !, l,y i, ,ui idian inechaiiic.-i. M a t'a:i:ttii.ii> fHi-tury. liv CanauT ui in i. Inncry and viii;'!o\iii'.' (.'ati.idiali Oapit*] Tin' idi-iiM OIII!H dietl iu its i-onsiui.-tion a:. iiow:,.d_'f I i!.,. ln-st l>y Uadini; cycle iirtiiufvuivis, and -sum- of the new-iHt and import featnrtw for I'.HHI -.1, H i 1 i-ned l>lu. k and IDII which pivveiiti* the ch.un from wor- i'i^ OootbllMd lll and riiller hearinij --auli'iinitit.' oiling huhu dust proof skcK ^i-n- cae iln|'iot.-d lull I; i.l >.'one dust j.i,., | [,,,; vis iiM|iiovitl sprocki-la im]'t>.iid I u .'ie b*r Hiid siiat |n>.st adjust ineiit rombined ciMsu-r and luake, .uid its uiu' of the han(iHoniat and moat perfectly o [u pm-d on the market. MILK KKPKKitKMTATIVII i >VAPA Cvfioe AND MurvH Co., LIMITED, TOHO.XTO, CAHAKA. Ag c-nts Kvt,irywhr Write fm- : I I fl Jtftiratra. ril BEI-OUt: FAVOK. - PIlINCIl'LEb .V )T MEN. 1 VOL. XIX. SO 1001 Flcsherton, Out., Tl nn -( hvy. August 16 IQOO WR . n ; . _ .'And. Grey & Southgite \ OBEY COCNTY s BI.;U: ,r smwr TORONTO ' T!-. : a Coo! Restful Store These Hot Days. . X -I" . ' ' U ill. -< ' H .lays. . - ... i '.' . J uf ajcvss). if T - ' - -oarlt- . . it in every In > "(UsJUld <Mlt ai'l . MMfta. THJ*f> UB lineu orv!i ^1 Pr,nt ill . ! i - . i. . . *.1.7.~ L.t<iir' Wrapptr-.- I .'j - . - .Jl siztfx, J- t > 'Dress Sooets 25e - . ? . iii.ulc .( ^'. . I it. ,":ri-s sbw. pim Thesv !. . hut as thee are^uia'l ends . .iu^ t . X' tlieni i;o at : Snap in . w.tll DW of iinaiic ': i f 1. for Parasot' s Cdiis. r.iras.l< with fancy l -u- ur plain wool, . steel i .iraaoii fr-iiue mail* of i!k .-IIH! w. .'. iljica, they ' i- .! ill them like tliia; $1.2.". l'i - - so!* - 40c 7.x- $1 DO #i ::. rtraiU 81 '.") McFarlnna d Co McFnrland d Gc IQ&Q&&>^^ FIII1TIU T ~l~ i . 4 ~1~ . V arc carrying newest style uf SEASONABLE GOODS 111 aJl linen uf uL and ffitttroom tSuitos \,ounyes <S>'Ja- 3? .aids, Gxttn- tf'om and C fit re Uables, CA*4't, Itfindow iSAac'tfs itf Curt i.n I h*>e '.pencil out a full line of new gro:ene>s in WRIGHTS OLD STORE, oypoute .;' }wrllcry. keep in stock everything usually kept in in rill uicai Tl)*cvo<. Ciearx, Candier, Since*. C.iu ned (iooiia i f every diNcription, sinokwl tinan hnddie8.w apu. GIVE HE YOL'R CUSTOM - WlucM vie vnVr at Lowest Prices f ltu:e Framing and General Repairing' I'udertakin.: i'i >!' its Branches Satisfaction Guaranteed W H. BUNT, rtNTW taken sanu- is cs!i. BOAR for SERVICE Ttie reglitsfad Tamworth Bear I'vlKT LAW DAN f.<r M>rvice at IV it Law .Menu beoeeuby applilDB to ownv*. j"O. TP l'trl Law -. dry fa,t .11 - otunl \*rd mi'l ii.w we can M >y a M - M M I ' ' ben . .-k. *cre r<rr\ : !,y . , i h v r ui-i r ' - : ' , , - . Hill 1 l\<~ I ynu U) call iii.l get ;i baiting. ...y. ' ' i: ; - .-r we-k f. r .t few 20 pn- . i .. aiu now ;:vuiu I N,..;. , \i ^ i , . M ouuiia<.-iiU* ' ^ ' ' . wek. ( it aevnn 4 ! iiirr>w:!e and J%rveller Ocok'i C:t*.:a ?.::t Qfl*tf moo 1 1; . y clus. L - t Cna> TaK - . . . box ; . . 10 anr atranr. M ; I or S, mat. a.', .n > -* , tamp*. Tk Couk Compaay *.-.! . Ea*"S.>*. i and t told aad racommcudrxl by a.! DrocjriiM in Caoad*. M. i-: . t. inm Tery . ir ' ' Mr. C. ' 1JB f{ >!ivi thr 'tatt-ct in tli n . - . i.. f-!l : ^r.'iiu.i . s which wre s: iritt-i tn iiiako a furiuus ilash '.- ..f -i. h:u return. . ^ -, Mr nl ' ueii iii.l ihrf aiiuuiUn- r.: Saturday and - Uni- am_. wiiuMh.irt.' ' i -wveral bnild- vuuted .u Mr. '.. \I Mr. J.-t-:i '-It, wl... ha.1 bis hai l>y a xaw * ft- w M and wont r i.aiaaaontothar'i-hs'iiver for trtT,,n.r. return- d h,.m on Satut- ntly ti> tin- ^i. -uii.1. Mrn. Chsj-'l was . f ill -^IKHI f..r tli- . - ,j av n j,,ht u..i we .iru plrasvd to krmw .id f..r a cousin. The lire burn- the ve^uhle , wi) , rec ,, ve( . . llh ., ut !. n< any cf hi diifUiuw, ami wi- pi.-k-M up inswusrhlo. .-,'. tierv .md is -icc..-!!!.^!/ hard tu ex- . &? ,^1, W:IH , t rirt f.- . ilp w..und aud. miu- Mr Siiwart. M. A . Th. D.. and * n - 'wins** ;ik.iut tli body. It was li 1 *-il -in Sre no*. The 1 | cl.'iH) call, bat wa ara triad to rvpurt she is iiiipriKitij uicvly vn<Ur Dr.CHr'er"^ "th-.T <H.-cnpaotH of the rut Mr. ..-uloiwly .-cap^l with slight injurios. H^rvtMf.iu is *<lln Sre n.-s . - , . .. , pent Ili(- , t uf Ugt week ire polliiiK p^as anJ h.'iuin< in y, t th<J h .,, no ..,- Mr . Khu j, ,,.. uid other friou<U iiuar Iniif igt. Mr St.-Ti.-' adilrv<wd the Sunday Peiitiand f*it*ii fnend.s in Frvm Our Otcit Corrftpomknt b". T. I'IHT!,,LS cmnpleted cutting his large ti*k f ,hi;.p rwshiiujou i r iiuthe lumber to th^ lumtwrand is ;:.* hllinlw:' Kdiut T!iurton w rccurtfriuK fruia her rvcnit il!uss. >li.-s r'I<>Mitf Thursti u f KleshvrtcD U r. siting wt'.i H>-r ^ < -an.![iHr!nt!'. Mr. un 1 Mis. J. M. ThuiHi. n. K"!i*rt S.uart had v.\v uiiHfv>rtuoe u l.iJly cut. EnulaU'l ami the I'nited StaU-t. [ M4 a still I. E. Ru.orH, Cl.'irvioooT, ir.d litt'.e IM.U. f.regUCTts uf tli furaiur's pnr> | ont, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Carr. Mian Mabel Carr returned with her ' Msttr fr-'in a visit to Claivmunt. Miis -iuan Fifinn:^ "t Philadelphia U vuitinjj with hf UIK.-IC inl .-Mint. Mr , and Mrs. Javu 1 * V.'.^.dburn. Mr. Th.-iir f w-n \V;lson hs K-.n oaiK- wb f under the .fearhi-r fur stuiutr timo. Harveatii'K *tll MJOII bo orer in this r tartii-d it k telcoiuo. Mrs. Mackiu, Mi-i ami Miss Fife uf ' Toronto, ami M>s Annie McLean < f St. I Catherine*, h li.ive bwati g'ttsfs st the Kuy.-tna house, ruturuovl to tlieir on Tuesday. and n. u - ] du ,, rw .. eut | y t .> get ln>. hi |M| l'h >i.i-t. r dreb-W ihe wuuud. hut Rob we hope Ceylon. in an .ntervsting rnunnir - Fall Fairs , F!..vhT'oL. V.t. -Z au.l \\. :"D, T'inntii. An*. East Grey 27 to Sept. *, M J. Hill. Fi-'iin Oiir <'<< ' ' -irrr*j>fnJiHi. The garden |rty tha' t .k irl.n-i- m Yvi uay evening at the rvsidcncv of Mr . l **. McMullcn in bid of tbe India Vniuitt* Fuii'l * .< i >lfeide<l suo-o. A most enjoy.-i!>itf tune w.-ts ^;K-nt xJ we iK'liov* sone twenty twu .IdUm wre nutted. Miss Lauii-r . f Duiluuu is thu gueit of F. A. BUNT Wright's Old Stand. Flesherton m Cu.mrun Mr V M tiiiiun U Sbelburne, uid Mr. Maxwell uf DundAlk. wer the guesta of the Misses Cull-^ik'n but wevk. MIM Ellit Wi'.j;ock baa bvvn visiting fricii-Is near Berkley. Mrs. .VI >!!.* an.l Miss He:.ipluU uf DuuiUlk arv viaitiig at Mtwrs. J. and Sv Hellljril Mi*. Cr Fir, Loi.d- n. ''nr., Sf pt . to 15, J. A v - Owell Sond, Seut. 11 to 13, J. '.. UrfcKar. (.Jreat Northern. C- In j;wo..,l, St-pt. IS t 21. ;r*l A.-. vn.i, r.y, Walters F.1N K >iept. i6 So '.'^ I'.. J. \Vat*.n. Sullivan, LWouru, Sei.t -T to >. \Vnu Sm;th. St, Vincent, Me*f..rd. S|t. -'" Holland, Chatsw rh. (.Vt. '.' to 3. John McDonald. Ei p irasia, Rmklyn, Oct. 5. Western Fair. London. , f this vill^j. ' of Mini LV,:l,,,s.,n. Sep t ember Ctli to l^ih. I'M o CwSarlee Cloae eptekr 5th. Thu inat 4<ii:il U-tc exhiliiti frmn Forvitt iiid ftcivry. New uud startling ui Durham is the gu^t ^., wl fo . lute .. chillll . t ^. M:vs 1. lrin it Mu-Udule is the guest | Mi>.s Sinclair. M>s It. MiKcnzio is vi.itin^ friend* ha.) a very ueculmr a:ul unique eipen- ence week Hti^'i, who m work m for Angus McKeihnu-, w a very imlw- :tnou.s little and excecdinuly finiji.if horse*, hnce it is u.>t surprisji*^ that during his hoiu-s ,.f sl-p visiui.* of hir- \ isiliiiy her prvnt, Mr, nd Mrn. A. >e nkl!>, horse* ti<l wi^'i.s should Stcwiirt. r..-tiirnwl huuie last *n. ifiuat thnm^h hu uunl. !! ie>cr. uighl late!., tli, M- dtuanix ;usuLue<l a aud *.ia:*hat iKr.ouii a5pct, /ri/Mi (Mr CITH (.'urrr imnd-ht. .-ne for Hu^h gut ti ami wtut out tu the Mi- Niv-u of Cil. dun, who ban The v.ieu>.- heat has ri|ueU lh . r i 'r. i. i in. ni anil lidj braud liyuin.ists. Aerial s and Acrobats. Fi;c.ii*s each ein'i{. "The .irin mreJ I- ';' * iittack on thr I > r st-iuikilU'ld, " and Many lieuutifui . I Specul trail ; crtcr ail Inns tai-h i i -i- niK after the tirewurks. Send fur Pria.. Lms and Pn-ijrnii.ii.k*. Lt.-Cul.Win.A/ (.iartshon-, J. A N. -.