Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Aug 1900, p. 5

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HIS QUEEN. Miytxn, somewhere about for middle of '.he long line, found hiiu- lf. suddenly drawn, dancing, into i high, arched doorway, and along a mp-lit corridor with raftered ceil- ag. stone pHvements and itucc-jed To tbe stranger, fresh from h - lJ*uic matter-of-fact existence in i artant State, the experience was be- rildering. Hurried out of tne hotel laing-room h.lf an hour earlier by us old eollege-chum. Giatan Lorio. b* lad been plunged without a moment's rarateg Into a new aad trange rorld. "Ye*." Gawton had remarked, stser- Dg him rapidly along the narrow treet under the shadow of overhang- Dg galleries, ihn is indeed that old loirter of New Orleans about which ron other* are so curious. Myself, prefer Paris. Or even New York!" e added gayly. "But yon may not op to sniff the moat and mould of k now, Kenneth. Dome on, old mm, They are waiting for us." "They: Who f" demmded Kenneth. anaing to stare up at the twin tow- Mr* of the Cathedral outlined against a tendnr ky. A* he spoke, the expectant group. umbering some twenty-five or thir- ty young people of both exes, .tit.on- ed la tbeslithke alley ot St. Antoine, opened with a noisy welcome, and tVosed around the newcomers. May- bin'* h .If -comprehending ears drank a eagerly the eoft babble of foreign P""h wh.eb a***iled his guide, while he bowed right ind left in response to rapid Introduction*. A moment later, marahalled by Lorio hitnsel', they went sweeping down Royil Street. \Vb- i* it. may 1 ask. Madsnvi- selle f \Vhe-re are we going r He put the question awkwardly, trying to frame the French syllable, with grammatical exactness. "My brother. Gaaton. then, has not inft.rmod you r" smiled hi* companion. "U if the Epiphany-Twelfth Night. yon know. And we go to ru' i King's cake at my cousin. Miss Le Breton's." The tlight twtst of her Cre> le tongue added a piquant flavor to h*r "Oh!" Kenne4b breathed more freely, hi* Olleodorf slipping, like Chrur.iio'i burden from in-, sbuld*rs. aa th-y sped on in the wake uf the other*. And su it was that at length a high, arched door had swung open, hand had caught band, the human line had uncoiled it* swaying length, a gay thorus bad burt upm the night air, and Lorio waa leading the breathleu* teruidole along the flagged corridor, ter ! tbe mivnjit court, up a crooked stair, aad into the vast salon above. ' The *t ranger, having been pawed ceremoniously i round the circle of elders, was brought at length tj the orpbined chatelaine of the honee. ' Mies Le Breton. Mr Maybin. Od- M'.t. thw U my old friend, Kenneth Mtybtn. Mtke bim welcome." Krorveth'!. eyt were still denied by he sudden blase of gaslight: bis future depended upon some deciafcm which a girl, barely known to him by name, was about to make. Tome, l.ttl* cousin, obooee me '.' shouted Ga*tan, darting around tb table to joggle ber elbow. "Look at me, Odette. I am the mm." liughed another tentb ortwen- oo 03 in. .. I .Von! Mm! Moil" "1 : I '." A chorus of gay voieea, young and old, caught up the cry with i-iiuV'"4i "f bauds and sootping of lMt Kenneth grew absoIoiMy pule. Hi* aostriU dilated; his. blue eye* fla*hed a defiant look around and fixed them- selves upon the flower-like facs before h.m. 'Choose me, Oiatte." he beard biavtelf murmur with unocnsi. u-* lips. you," added deliberately. "M no bettau* th.ia- ,1-1 n " Th-n. Mi** Odette La Breton, let me aay good-by f'frrrt'." Ha flying fooKatrps Bounded along the tunnel-like corridor. Ihe next lu men* the atret door opened, and cloned with a rererberiting bang. at the milkawtn. 'he long-draws cry of tale w T > Maybin it waa simply aotse , bru- tal, insistent, outrageous. He bad neve*- liked mocking-bird*, siace but ao> matter 1 He ar>M with an angry ejacu.ation and looked out of to* window Tbe ' Moo ch-r Cb -t. Tiv r de mon ! offender, aa h had .nstintly divined. Mrs. Baxter etood op. resting the. age upon bar hip , Ue uoki*g-t<ir4 within, thus haled to tbe bar of jus- tice maintained a ducreec uleeje " l-o at Uiwd. Jdge. I am' guilty I* aiil Jlri ilnilr. \L-I: . f -:;. I been rai**' in Copiao County, M.*-ippi, mongi de qua.ity, .11 I' elar' tar goodness I'll ar.iy in uiy tracks ef I coeur," murmur,-.! Odette, hfiing i 1 * "winging in a buge cage -Miy- haer go to jail. You ain' gwia* ter pill.'l face toward the bidden ea te -e and bin could aee the outline* of it tli.n- .**" IDe ler *'' * *** Jlge I preesiag wbi'e hand again. r her slender throat. "It i* I who am 'De Queen's Fool," ly in li- dormer-window opposite He slammed a-i own bi;nl? oetentatious- ly ami *-a; to bed. work fur that laughed Kenneth bitterly. a* he sped) nigh: being impouible. northward in tbe nilwiy trim at thej Work i'. aay time wa out of tke very huur eet fur the yueen'j fete. CHAPTKR II. Five year* later Keone'b Maybin queeuoo. or eo. at least, tbe irritated yer muckin'-biril ain my prupitty, no- >ide>. *cf aay jinted. ntaateria' kigh- c<nt a wither. ug gLinre at Majbin "doan* lak moJic. A by n't be cbinge hia bo'd- m -bouM J \VUy. Jedge, honey," Mr*. lawyer decided, durjg the days wbicn Baxter', rich vo,ce becuuM. let followed, the fir.t on 0-'*iiv.. 'diso y.r mockin -b.rd kin .trolled once more down tb. quaint * " "'"I, there to j "> '"" '' '* * T\ """ .hM rt b, which hem fir*t entered .tay-and to conqu^ H- exasperat- ^ ^ - <" "" rw -' Odelte fluAhed to the root* of her the French Quarter la.s u vu ">* pea-furmanc* began w.-o unfad- -be. too, glanced defiantly -n broad daylight, and tbi* time, by Jg regularity a nnle before n. from one to anoth-< in the shnekinu. reason of many journeying* about tbe eacu ^J n<1 e " ;n '"' J throughout t*a4ng circle; then she, to,* the tre- world and much prying into t range ' lhe "*<* n ' nt DOW nlop*l >n phy u heart-* ha ped. wine-dark sea- place*, hi* interest in the dim corn- th- -ffuigent glory of a waxing moon; beai-V*we*n a dainty thumb and ; dor. with their gump*e* of Edem.ka wnita Maybia'* hard-sought notes tt- ., u . t . f ^^ t , r eu t , .. forefinger and dropped it lightly in garden* bey^d -h^ mystrriou* jesl- eu-"^ 1 ** u 1 e P K i:h "Why T demanded the Judge grava> 'The on 1 . L : juarsi" interrupted Recorder Nolan. "No. mh. Hit b longs tar one o' my I nppresent her ia diah yer ,-irjeen. she ain' beea outstretched pulm. "I make yoa my K> Monai-ur," he said with a swiping curtsy When their boisterous subjects. euoied gaUerie*. and th. many-colored du-t * nd du * t Oni3r ' ^ lts peaked roof*, wa* somewhat abated. P"* 1 ' aad hi alway.-unpetuous le- om; four ur ( > ,. A cau ii inquiry bad put him .n pos- ! * r t * tMl1 of the information tuac hi* I At Ien 8' b breathleM with muck cumpiimeAt and sotueume friend. Uastoo Lorio. had <Uy * "* constant feeding, the temper- eT<j- gul . Si Becazs, in de fust pUce, she'e a eie uoeuev An he's tame in bofe ber she's bim' In bets her _ _ bawa. dat's c.rcling finally left them in been living for a couple of years in r * lp ned * hA* heat. Move f N Ter : ; wn . t she is, an she aui 'gwiau ter be pe.iee. the newly made King-f How. ow beiuved Paj-^ , and that the Le U * ukr<t hl * <i u * rt r - n n * d n"* 1 drug t.r oo te by nu common, low- ed hi.- QUMI -treading on air I down Breton family bad suffered financial- Jnjwtant brief to write, he needed down (J trm _- mcu , 1B - 7<JU Jeg*, the century-old stair and int.. the per- ly from the failure of a local bank. at lej-t " r<iu >*''y quiet-that infernal j^,,., r fumed courtyard. They at on a Concerning h aomeume sweetheart bird ahould he buahed : In< onioo^or, ro..rsd. Maybia faUa- fr'.uie bench t her* liateuing. ontensi- be needed no information. A aewspa- j Ricn .ucceaful. uapea-iou*. j /nnel .n the -aogh t his ura ex- ; Wy to Chicot. Odette'* mocking-bird, per received withuj su month* aftsr Kenneth Mcybtn waa unused t . being p,,,,, u ls tur , was f , t m< , ^ ^ singiag in hi* c^ige upon one of tbe that absurd parting in tbe dusky Le balked m hi* de*>ires. One tn< nauxx . gf tB . * 1 iation- He step- '- re it bed bo Iconic*. "And I am roally your King f" w pereri Knnoeth. longing yet not daring Breton'* marriage to Monsieur Henri * lke<1 d"' r - O Q mormng th< buino( . Bieton courtyard had contained the * d* c <le<1 n- '" >= r '<l ' peu forward to withdraw the . karge ; announcement of Mademoiselle Le treet. and rang at the enemy s door. bu'. bf Ju.ig wa.tdi hua back aad y was m prweeoed *uiemn.y m tb expoaitwo of far be kn w tn - to like into his own the little white Uensreau ; and the n.-t.ce of the de- *** PO"****' 00 ; ne b* 4 * T r e* u ot the ordinance fb* h aeo^ired. ai4 hind on ber knee. paj-lure of Mon*ieur aad Madam* *** much * * * k * < **! olo ' r nothing about -icept But you piy f.r your royalty, Ke- Uenn Danaereau for their aew nom , inmate of tb* doi m-r- la-lowed room, a* might or might out be coastruetive- neh. my boy." crie-1 Giston. who hid ui France. | or t the houae ly construed. Hi* ring wa answsrtd by a fat i To fle Contiaud. tolea upon them Ibe wound inflicted by -bia aa- The universe itself ' began Jtay- nouncement, be aaaared h.mself. bad bin fervently . ^ BlQCV healed. Neverthele^ he felt 1 Oh. the price U not so costly ! YOB a diatiact pang. hen paasing th^ tine simply plm fcr y ur Queen, wi'hin old Le Breton mention be *aw swing- the month, acme littl for your Roy* I honor* " negreas itb a shrewd, goud-huiuured IRHCBITEO DISEASES. Tbe qiifwion of heredity, or the traudaiiMon of certain mental '.raita or phy-jcu cbarac'er.s'ica from par- ems to caiidreo, ia one taut ha* oeca m.. tu .^ vnch u yet - .".le i* known. Fomerly the m- do you do. Auntie t ' t wiib ea*y familiarity. "1 tbe lady of the huusv ' He hand- ing from the wrought-iron of ,j ner aL , vw.ting-iiird a* he H- the veranda a square carboard bear- -Ye*, suii. ' Uve bobbed an uid-lime But. I may keep the" de- j,,, the legend: ' plantation c-urcby,"fm de .ady of Banded Kenneth, turning to his ' th-i mores garn.e* a lower ' j, bvuse Ms Juy Anna Baxter, .uh " white-robed companion. i F'.irnabed Rooma n. Rent.) ^ ne ^^ tni ncn . un ctuvu* v She nodded aaaant, blushing agiin He hurried on with one furtive (Q< , plantation darky, andnr hi* direot gne gUnc* down the familiar corridor, for , oh ' ' Maybin gasped for breath. "1 shall kevp my Queen ilv I" b* the arched dour st, n>d wide open. The'-'Xben I *uppoe, Mrs. eh Baiter, n -' rl ' 1 a* du*ea*e wa. beUeved in prophesied exultantly under his greenery in the court was du*ty and tn- , the bird on the top Toor J np. ci Ij *jy phyaiciaj a a. ^U aa breath. This, indeed, seemed likely forlorn, a slatternly woman vuu r*l" eout(h. Hi* wooing, so boldly begun, with * pan of vegetable* on her knee "No, sub I keeps roomer*. Oat ' ' * -^poerd pc weeded thenceforw ird with a dash wa* aitting on to* stone bench wbnre mockm'-bird is de piopitty o' OD o' luo * ; 't*Titafely con<Kmaed by tb* and a persietency which took hi* own bt had eat that fast, n.ght with Od- m y ruonurs. ' **' * * r > ou < breath away whenever be paused to ttte The paths whore be bad walked "Very el. Mrs B-nter. Please pre- thlnk of it. The month sped like i thai lo*t night with bis tjueen were sent my compliment-. the roomer-a *-moug h- hereditary disease* lightning strewn with uasighily debris [ f 1 th. ught *o and tell her * - "* d consumption and (le b.s tbe ardor of hi* twenty- " What an idiotic youiigstM I wa*:' that tbe birds noise is extremely an- " -prosy, gou two yean, this young Amerio in." C"tn- h muttored om.ungly, yet strangely noying to me. I shall b* infiaitely meu-tedone of the gray-bearded unc lea stirred. " Dear little Odette. 1 hop* obliged if *be -M.: remove bird and to Grande Cousin*, the stately m*lden she la happy And I sincerely trust cage to another pan of the bouse " lire, cancer, insanity, rpi.ep* ^ . TIV o ber nrTuu affec A- .eat r. 11.- .- atoul these uia.a- lady who preeided over Le Brot.o that Monoiear Henri Uaasereau has Mrs JUT Ann Baiter ojwned n r d^< however, our iion. And be sighed, a little ac- proper reapec: for Cbic.n Up* to speak, but Mavbtn was already - b>lu " rim< ^ <?<J A He waa useo.ich of lodgings himself rec .- omi ng t be t ree he '.vked after ' upac.dau.oug come South lo study the in* b.u.. shaking ber head indignau " J <* - and out* of complex will ca*e wb.cb Hump be ej-. - . -< di*ea*a are real- 'She has the heart of her eighteen naponded Grande L'ous- sun. uw me \: h ituu. a soft, fluttotluj suspim- had it* root* in New Orleans. But he mighty high jin'ed pusson Mek uk inavri'.ed. cut their number ainly not larg- . Many viiacasrs run n families. u that ac- OtC"-*-i ' . .. teievir ir) .o V.M.. - . Mjaoulv .- -i.e o: -he bie bis buff e.i f,^. >uir \ Lb- , , ind a aliil and ru.ire.1 in vain for a day be.wurd ty ttauy lo be so. : . two longer, tb.-n the Uwv.r rnt Do * f uv * ' " " J ' sr *** wbicb. h . nv eatehun*; in tbe uind was ooiifuaed by the variety at K-vel imprvecuons crowded into it. tut tbe mere night of the young girl fore him restored him with ome- ning like a physical sb k to b mc!f. (he was so different, be naively de- Kded, from all other wometn in the vorld ' A slender, dainty figure, robed ill D puirvM white; gray eye* with Ion*.' rk lashes, dusky hair falling over, >r forehead, and giving her. *ome- . K>w, tbe innocent. tirtied look of! he blooded colts ia his father's pus- utv at h" me i bit. is as far as Keu- K4b ever got in a deM-ri|i.>n of CM- Itte Le Breton. He guided her hind boldly ho it her turn to cut a slice from the brown, shining, hollow ring of . King cake on tbe diuing-tuble. Here I" he queat ionvd. with i side- uug glance at him from ber luminous ft*. "No, here," be replied, moving bes thile an. I nucule wrist ever .> slight-* y with bis browu fingers. Truth u tell, bis ke*u eyes bad detecbed i suspicU'Us bulge in the porous tiiif.-. Si*> heart was beating painfully, he o'Ul'i not haw told why. as she press- id the knife downward, catching ber indea- lip bntwweai hvr white teeth aid 'ruwulng portentou*ly. 8ure enough, there waa the beaul he held it In the ro*y pulm of ber and, letting heir gai* travel slowly around the laughing circle which about hr KeuMieth did not and the pretty i' me. but be vwibl/, tseliug that all his . half are stored Tber. tht> ""'"- U watched tbe i-ourt-yard oelow. half "*" b '"'I < bis t v -, bere f. m.v i-i,t- ;u and a ram- and ** tn * "' rtl - T forul ot th4t h ' b - shackle beach, and a pleasant outlook ' dame di*-, lV *ar with uy i m* of (lowering geran .mv ' ice of ber er- m a dormer-window which jutted like r.i n . I had no m>nd lo lodge with tbe mem- be de tuarster Bu' he am ' c Twenty-two and eighteen were at my of a lost love vague and shadowy in' Ju y Ann B-ixter An' 1 .un'tg-Ame that moment pucmg tbe prim walks though it had uvcoeae , our with some ter tell her uo'h.o ' Buinp '." of tb court blow in tbe falling du-ik. d rDu ded. shabby genteel L* Ureton ! And so it befell tout the mockmg- The supreme hour hid struck They purhips. he sbuddeled. Grande t'ou- bird sung , unmolested in his ger- wrv d<cuaing the final arrange- sine be<ielf I an.u meats for the little return fete which, u< found precioely tbr place bs ih-- -ime eveuwig. was nominally to wanted, tb* u>pfloor of a tall houae en.1 tb* King's brief reign. Royal Street, a etones throw from avtr to lt " - "'" J "' oiuuiaiy >, usr oi ni^ord s r.^ii 1 But I shall keep the bein, y a ibi- Cathedral and the anc mt building 'oucbed in th ---i-u*. lu; in.<u tj>,- J.CK to th^ ."l know." he said. beside it the court record* of a *""ng fcrtb plainly the gnev au.-e of w U, u u- .11-- . - J i_hi* "Yes." .She returned, faintly, tbe century significant pmwure f bis lim ' R j km- in their hurts b* would {M v d \\ i !j aUo k*<p bis Quee-u. Aiis! the Cup .nl the t..p ' Chicot, kii.'wn is the Queen's Fool, w is sin^uig m h. >>{ on the roee-w re irhe.l rtilixiny His song have been .<n epttbaUmium. I i knell '. "I wish " s-vi I Kon-ie'h piusing abruptly 'I i wnul.l hi-i n'ne ! Ic.tnuot bear myself talk." "But. Kenneth.' murmured O<lei'e, a gray hood from Ibe roof of a house just acroas the street, lie I..K-* rapturously exult. nt. rn.*ht ^^^ _,, ,.. A< - u on the p,if of tbe roomer, wuh v l xo ubility on Ibe part of the bird. I shall got on capitally here, he A *econ i n- t as rrgai aloe aoiuorvd more i*di i ty bom* of dei.caie coui'ilur ion li in ' oat. Thv ibi drn ot coi.-Liup :* - lorn rot u- . ui'l s poaed '-a any ui 'U- germ aud ii ag u a bou** wh"n tit geiui< of co: .re > abuuda very ik-ly lo become i c in- o: tut di*- in decided, l.-okng over at ', h- Cathedral f children'* voices in the con- vent achoul near l>y. ' I shall look up tMKteil* reproachful. Cli.c,-, i, my ^^ Uurmg tb) . ,.,., ,,,., wril , my brief > n.gbto." Hut b<- calculated without that un- Mi rnu is te . fng.d. stiff, peremp- lf lcn ,, ., tory, threatening Result, tbe wirne: tb- wbirb L to say. no result at all. pTTri; hiiu.eit into a freajy which amounted luiooi'.ioi laci It as i ru e. uuiy m o i be fimi.y dia- md no 1 tbe disease of bird" "I do not c-ire." returned Kenne'. b, h.lf in fun. yt half uettl^l. too, "I would like to tie his he id up in towel, or choke him with on* of my gui. it strings I" "Mr. Maybin '. Hov be*Hl "' gulped tivss, re-loasing ber b K ver's cli.p inJ rooving away from him. almost to madness A fel low -lawyer, ,,,,,, ning |(> (h- r-cil| , ,, f fa , m U.ughed- ' behind all huuim reckoning The ntg-ht he eated court 1" id u*ed are very great. Thv biuig ng up '/ a child in a uiu'ive > -houM be 01 a p- c. ' iv hyg.'-'ii c 'h> c fb* b* 1 *' of food f .ood> of tre*h .^r md sunligb . not too much study .oiig hours of s!trp i i -,! ven' Uted room and - ia a> po>>* io* of eijjo-*ure * t h*- ooutigou of the f i in y BWlady- -the at a table, epread 0*11 before him the , b .. . , tr ... f '"' ^ ^ - fair page* ,f leg cap ,ed M. **, ^*^5?. r' 'r t^ &?' ^^r in tbe inkstand. -and pushed hi L -hir OD ,, tllue , n ^ uf( , ^ r Kennplh Ml , , overcome and m.ny preciou-- IT , r buck vMth a fn.wn of annoyance. bin 1(Wt blg heaj. saxd. -b.-re in Ibe moc king-bird aeigbbui hood bad be fc -un to *iug Needld** to set down tbe exli.ivi- To othe^o Usteiiing in holiday mood, giut steps by which the ft*>lib quit- ( M t ^ e time waa hard upon Christ- rl climbed to its explosive conclu* , bin Uv- n "Madam, you are charged here with violating aa ordinance prohibiting tbe keeping of a mocking-bird, " s.i,d Hwoxder Nolan day or two latrr WM m flood of melody He looked from the affidavit in hi. vs IRISHM W" WKIi;H An Irisbm^ta. en we. *bing bis ltd. It doe* n<" weigb so n "Do you tender, wooing, joyou*. aad a cap- hand to tbe colored lady dreaaed in n to tell me. Mndemoi- tiv's aoug of 'be green wood. and guiue-bltt* calico, with i wh.te mn. ae I eipected. and I never though' it ." demanded Kenneth t length, of hi* forgotten mat* calling from her ^'l* * rtl > unaccustomed wr.;h. "that Dra t ,n the d*w^n-ented magm4u> tree; T " u P t * fer T '' ur rot ' 1 ' ' <-'h"--ot to a paocionate love-lilt, varied by mus- " '" ical and imitations, of a "I certainly do, Mr. Kennb M.y- dog's Uirk :be tbumi> i.f the police- apj-on. and a plaid chignon Mr*. July Ann Baxter, in short. b> sat on a bench in tbe crowded o-u '-room, balancing t large bird cage on ber BKTfKU rH\N MARRIAGE Married yet. o'.d awn I No: but 1m engaged, and thai'* bin," revolted Odette, 'aa4 1 regard , aan staff DO the banquette, thecalllthe ch-irget' knee "What have you to plead to gv.-.l oj> j It . tetter, if you only kaew it.

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