Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1900, p. 5

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SUMMER BEVERAGES. During the summer the system de- scends cold and refreshing drink*, and tbe housewife who appruciatea this and regularly uu[>lia a variety of good ones, doea much to preserve, or re/More, the health of the family, as well as to increase their immediate eumfurt. Jf OHM bos an ice-cheat, or refrigerator, and plenty of ico, only (ore>t.bougbl is needed to keep a con- ttan.1 supply of culd water. Lucking :he.te, water or aay other beverage, :ao be kept refreshingly cold by wrap- ping the pitcher or other vessel cun- .dimng it in several Lhickneaaes of iewspap*r, placing on the floor of the xildesx part of the crllar and cover- jig closely wiuh a heavy woolen blan- [ L.F carpel. Cold tea and ooffe can be served ei h.-i plain or flavored. Lemon ia the u. -i agreeable and p"pular flavor, hut out) soon acquires a liking for a light one of ginger, and when drunk at in- tevals as tine (works, t". latter is more desirable, because it tones up hr sti tnacn and goes far to counteract Lhe coldness of the beverage. Use f i <-ou ginger root, and slice a little Into the. pot when ready to mike. \ cereal coffee is a belter warm- s/father drink than the genuine arti- cle, for, although rii-h, uil finely flav- ored, it is less timulning than the latter, sod also lighter and more eas- ily digested. Treat in the. saui- muu- Dr as coffee, only boiling slowly for fifteen minute*. Coul as above di- rer.ted. Cocoa has everything to recommend It. and u deserving of more recogni- tion than it receives. Cocoa shells the thin uutgr covering of the beaos, they r mi- in one-oo.ind pickigrs are milder than oocoa, and also less ex- pensive. Knher oiikes a refreshing warm-wf I'her drink Use plain r flavored with raoilla or cinnamon. Chicolate Syrup u> ths khuiis of a Seliglvtful beverage. I'ui six table- poouful* of grated chocolate over ths fire in two cupful* of boiling water; uniii-r slowly, stirring occasionally until dissolved ; add four cupfuls of granulated sugar, stir until dissolved, remove the spoon, simmer for seven minutes lunger, strain, idd two table- pooofuls of vanilla extract, and seal In glass fruit jar filled to overflowing. When ready to serve, allow one ind a half gills of ice-cold milk and two tablespooafuls of syrup for every glissful. put them la a cold gl.tss fruit jar, shake well for three min- ute*, pour into chilled tumblers, and put a tablespouoful of whipped cream In each. Strawberry, raspberry, and other fruit syrubs and shrubs are delight- fully attractive and refreshing. b>-n imply served in !-< iild wner, the proportioo varying from two to four tableopoonfuls of the syrup to each glassful of water ; they also make a pleasing oh a age from plain lemonade, and are a decided addition to oatmenl, flaiaed tea, tons,! -water, ind various other drinks for the in- .i.J No other easily made summer drinks are so wholesome nod nourishing, and at the same time inexpeusive. as the eld stand-bys, oatmeal water and-gin- ger-ade, and by giving the former a flavour of lemon, or any one of the various fruit syrups, and making gin- ger-ade. of ginger, lemon juice and simple syrup. Instead of ginger, vine- gar and molassn, as formerly, both are decidedly improved. (.linger Fop is not a particularly plea.ting OIIIKI, but when well mid* Is indeed invigorating on i hot sultry day in midnuintuer. Add twn cupfuls of granulated sugar to four quarts of tepid water and stir until dissolved. SOMBTHINQ QUITE NEW- SALADA CEYLON QREEN TEA s\.m,i Savor as Japan, only more delicious. Put oo ounoe of finely sliced white ginger root and the grated yellow rin-1 of one lemon and one orange or one large lemon over the fire in a cupful of water, and simmer for fifteen min- utes; squeeze the juice from the lem- ons, remove the pulp from the rind, strain out the seeds, add all to the b- i in* !i<|iiiit let aland fivv minutes strain, add two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, and pour into the sweetne.i water. When lukewarm pour into a stone jar, add half a oupful of soft yeast, set in a warm place for J4 b' urs, thn bottle m I wire down the curks ; lay buttles on the side in a cool place and in i4 hours lunger they will " pop." TffE THREAD TOOTH. "Some day I'm going to get up i Ifiture ami advertise it to >M <le- livred before women only." said i .i-nt nt. "In that way I'll be sure to dnw & big crowd, and when I get a whole of femininity within h- . r ing distance I'm going to prenoh at them for all I'm worth. My tit will be "The Thread Tooth." Why you wmunn will persist in doing such senseless things when you know the result is ft>ing to be more or less hirmfu) Is som*i bmg I can't for the life of me uitder.1t and, lt it is a fact that nine out of ton of you who u*e ton needle, be it murh or lit Me, will go on biting as if nothing h-iter thin t**th had ever been invente.t fur th- purpose of severing thread. I ver- ily beliere that If a woman had a do/en p-urs of shears within reach nhe would bite her thread Instead of .-lip. ping It, which really doesn't take a second longer. "Hut I dim't bite hard," my callers always protest when I expostulate with them. Great Scott, what in argument! Jnst as if a person had to bite clear through .1 millstonn to break ths enamel on i tooth. A thresd is a fine, delicate thing, to be .iur-. but so are some saws and files, and all are sure to cut their wsy through almnst any substance if inplied per- sistently. When I get my lecture ready, I'm going to say all this and a good deal more, an<l I'm going to wind up with the advice that I'm giv- ing now to every woman who handles a needle. Don't lute your th; Cut it or break st. but don't, if you value your utrisnrs and your cuspid* und your biruMpids, saw it off wi'b your teeth pointed feodicea of which there are il- rendy advance mudeU. One of the fenturen fn the detail of finish on (the nefw gowns ia a wide twllar of heavy lace applied in baiiate and edged with s finely tucked band >f t he dress ma- terial, providing it ia veiling, thin silk, or crepe de chine. . OLD CKHKMuMKS Every now and t_hn an elderly mar- ried ooupUi will o mt who addrnas eaea other with the statelLoese that wa- ouatcmiry thirty years ago. The husband ui ' Mr Smi"ti." u> the wife and the wife is usually ' '.il ' ti-r." to the husband, nothing Leas cimveniion- al is ev*r heard from them, unlf-'l. nesthor might have a first tiim f >r all th use hit hut o-tt-r hilf ovtk-t of it. "1 juat couldn't call )uur [in CliirUe." a qutet little w. man laid the other day, in answer to hnr daugh- ter's gibiiig.t, " why it wouldn't be re- spectful. I iivnr did in my lite., and I oertainly wouldn't, n >w wun you axe al. grown." " But what did you call him when you were engaged." per.-nateil her in- qiuMtor, ." You surely didn't go around then, culling each other Mr. Jones and Mixw Smsth." " We didn't always,' replied the lit- tle >ai in, evasively, " uut I lik-- ! give hnu hi- till- >-VMD hen. it'a m re ! remppotful. much mi* i expect ful. " I'd raitber hav aa >re affeotion ajid less reapw>i." si. 'I the daughter, rebelliously. " It doesn't sound as f you had anything but a bowing ac- quaintance with him wuvn you say Milter all lh i ,uj- I ui f 'ing to call my busband Frit/. uli'ili^r it's his uume or nut, it has such a jolly air." And the ivcri^e m i : T ^.1 r.inipje of thi,< da> and age with i fine dinre- go.rd for rospeot and old-fashioned rourteay usually call e-ch oiner by a ruckname of varying degrees of beau- ty, and which has often! inine a re* mate connection with the one gt.-i-n thm ui Ixiui u in. . i all one likes thjo way bsllnr than iU stiff uxifentionality whirb !.! i woman a 1 through a marred life of thirty or f !> years to address her liege loril an Mister Smith, or .louci, or Brown. ju as Lbou;u he were veril) h-i master, and h wern Uving in inedic- m<v * bn exaggerated ( >l.trne.- marked th interc <urse between mu and women. is Rheumatlsni ofthe face. Uric Acid left In (tie blood by disordered kidneys lodges alone; the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, and across the cherlc to the side of the note. The cause Is the same as in all Rheumatism disordered Kidneys. The cure is like- wise the asms Dodd's Kidney Pills DRUNK WITH COLD The usual results of ,-\|>o.Hure o ex- treme cold are lois of snergy. both pthyaical and mental, folluued by drowsiness ind dismciin n in ;o mme; the mentil fsrulties become torpid and senses numbed, while 'he vicuna U seized with in irreisiible dem lie dr>w ind sle>(. If >hii desire is yielded to the leifairgy parses into ttujx.r ind de.nh followe. Oci^ion- aHy these symptui-< it.- preceded by others which refteniM- t bose, of in- toiicition. and <lun t<> a peculiar condition of. the blood, which at a vsry low temper i tura t.iltfi up in in- ouffiuient quurry of oxygen, ind so an injttrinus eft'i<-t on i he nervous sjrsiem. It was observed during I he, te:pe<it of th h u Moscow that those who wej> HIM' ^evnre.y iffex-t- ed by tie. cold afttui reeled iboui as if in iiicated; t.h-y also rompl nn-d of giddiness mil indit: me' nesi of I i nil .fink gradually into a sta.e of If Ititgir tut>r. from uh.cto it was imjp.xwilile 'o t h-m O'h'-r m- atuni-es are recorded iu H h ch |-r- MOIH be- mi' I- rriou-t in. I died through i short ex|i*nr>> to luiensn cold. Uold and silver t issue enriched wi'h embroidery snil jieU ind used as a wido belt is one uf the iiiiny toinn, of ele^mt-e In decoration bicii i|> p*ur. puncipilly on i hv i-ning guM'tis of lace or chiffon. UoM g-il- luoii combined with colored i>uin>> or bl ick velvi-' is a ili.m inci ivt> feat urn of blls Mi i|i" <>s'uni>'S i nd ifo I ind w bite silk braid are efi vely used in von to decorate 1 clolhi levers and finidh 'be nl,-"-, >f bund* T silks. Tbo wide bells hi-h are so> uiuob in evidence on the now gawna nre seen at lhi*ir beat on the full hoiitcA wVirh (ojuchi's a lilllo-at tlis tin' i vi vvtJl as h* front. , Gold i nil -uver embroideries revived from tho I wtij XVI. period ap a u fet'ure i>fi|r--s I r tmniing'* nd vei y of giihcred whirls and lung SMLWLLKK CALLING CARD8. Tbe big iNirlcetbook been repl u-- ed by the purse u( gold mesh, netted silk and be ids. suede and jewels, and the very long and unhandy hroid ise bus given way to 'be u r ed case i>f convenient sue and weight. The change Ii is nei. ,*! it ed a cbnnge in the f visiting cards, and these are smaller than they have besn for nviny yturs. A fe years ego misses ur>> yet 'out' use. I 4 the sixe of those now correct for theipT mothera. >ome '>f the new i irils are nlmont square, others just a trifle longer tbnn they ire bro.i.1 \\nb an address in one corner in>I in al homei day in mui btor there L% n.>t much fair white space left upon bidi tbe indolent woovin oan scriwl a message instenl .f writing a note. but these Hjiidll caril.t are very handy for the little reticules and fuiill card- i.-rtl. I UK HWJ K VII Those bugs of su-de. wi'h >t mounting*, which very w >man in I'arii en ri"i| hung on her wrtnt last fall, are now dna > become .-qu illy p. pulir on this side of thu ,\> I'li.-y are no end f a convenience, i- they bold all a worn in * .sin>li b> ]!!>{ and i<ll niac.ii t > her comfort. At many of i lie jew.-ler* .u tfl '> een ban* >f k'"i'l neiuork. en<-i mith jewrU. Mir ii *. (,. with clasps f.irm-t of two *nikes jeweled eye* i :i of fl'i through which t'i slip nn-'s h .mil. will be the m >*t favored of f.i.shinii. ~.i IN i KRKSTIM; A rvirtly iMinh-ihi'd h,ik us i-n*it- U-.l " II ilf- H.MH r h ln.-,i'ds." \\bn a livclv It tlC h. MII in* oau liavo wrb a be! Large increase in Sales. Wnat ***** * an ? wb y , it m r *, on i, on* thing - that the quality of LUDELLA lS4aiUaUietliiofibap<M>ple. M M, 4S, M UM I OR. HAHMONO-HAU'S p,J English Teething Syrup L, Comforts Crying Children. POSITIVELY PIIVi CURES CNOLIRA INMNTUM. ~OLIC. DIARftH(XA, OYfNTCRY. HIVCS ens' sjll TEETHING TROUBLCst. IMsBT Mil IN TNI WORLD. - BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY. B5-W LONDON. NCW VOMN. TONONTO. -'D-V*- !--- Hits of all kind*, shapes aod <x>n- di'ions H re in fmtbion hu' the latest I hi tig f roui P i ru is a uodqrni/wi poke, trimmed wiht a large bo of nhbon II k or velvet and OHM. <* > or^bree -ui i I hu' ans of ronpe well for^Hnl on i he brim. The crown \ medium high. ' i pa ring a li: tie t ou ird >he i p ud the brim, drooping in the back, is muiiLimla'ed in curves to uf 'he fi.eiaud rui.>ed a uttle uodornua ' b at oue aidu with a short band and *maU bow Worry Your Fritndd with This. \V|i ii (n it that is round and xuun<l. and just i pound, and /si does not MH ounce/ No remedy in the world equals N-r- vilnw nrv-pain cure. Neuralgia and rhuma'.m are relieved almost int.iu;ly. und the minor achs and p*:.'is are cured by a single applicj- | Nervihnw nerve-palo cure is sure to cure. Ths latest thing in bandlcinhicN As a very tiny square of cobweblike iwn edged with lac. Thx absence if a pocket in gown;* is the incentive for this change in size, which makes it possible to wear the twudkerilbief inside of the g ove. WHAT IS .NKEUED. By every nun and \v >in in If they l- sire to secure oumfort in this . is a corn aheller I'u'iiam's Corn Ex- tractor aJiclls corns in two or three daya and without discomfort or i A hundred im:t.iti.'ii pr.we ' Ii m-'iit i>f 1'u' '> Piinleos t'l-rn Kxtriotor. which is always sure, safe ui'l p.un- less. Stw signaturu of Poison & Co. on each IjottlM. Sold by medicine denier*. "I saw a man to-tiny uho had no h inds p'sy the pi in "Thit's uflhnitf! \Vt V- i girl in our flat ho bis no vuics and w ho MOTH omacronv The oldest banknote in the posses- sion of the Bink of England Is dated December I9th. IHM, and ia for A6e. f* OVIH PIPTY VBAM MHO W1MHI.OWS aooTUISO STRO^M MM ,4 Ma tm ' Ian. WlaA.0*'* SooLhiM Srr*. ' Fichus a la Marie Antoinette and s la Pnmpadour are very much IB fivur and qui< t ha ball mark of .-miriness on the latest thm gowns Tb draping can be arranged to suit be ffg'ire. snl in any H --ivus the effert icniHH 'h" "boulders no becoming to slender women The m tinted batiste h-ind em- broidered m-ikaa 'ha very prettiest fi<-bus. W P C 1 033 CALVERTS Oarallc Disinfectant* meftt. Teetn PowvSers, i awarded 100 medai* n4 dlplonu (or rap n Icow. rurJ.w tss >! a> dlsMMa. A jour !. rr la cbti apply LliU mal'.M 'r n> pflirilsa. F. 0. CALVERT A CO., MANOMISTIH It LAW MILLS, MILLS A HA US, ' Rm'"l V . , I . n<, * Tin.utd. Catholic Prayer *SS Kii|fcMU Picture*. 8t*l IMJ kill ' )Mjfcin itM U> . it.i.r. ronp . A J. IAOL.1H 00 . MdHlr POULTRY, BUTTER, ECCS, APPLE!, ud ,11. .r PBODfCB. M rnaftn bMt rvulu ..MH > Ths Dawioq Oommitalon Co., limited, er WeM-atarlMi A t*ikenM it-, Ttrmte, Avooo * PHOTO E NGU 4VINC ^B I t JONFMfNG ( T to Awuuotirw IOKJ^IO Brass Band In-trumrnt - Drunm. LnlforniA. Btc Every Town oan have a Band LawitA priOM a*r au.ll Floe 1 ' WrT u> fur M>r> Musio or Musical Instruments. Wha!ey Royc* A. Co., ' > ~" W ;J,L. Dyeing ! Cleaning 1 it. u w r, I tb IAN OYIIM6 00." Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec For rh ( '-tt 1 if w r to 'lit "BRITISH AMERICAN DYflNfi CO." Look lot I How fr-.inkly tbe girl of <iz f *en ad- i i hi' sbi 11 n '-I uii. I Swar of Olntmsnts for Catarrh that contain Mercury. iT mercur/ will -urtly U-troy tbe triue of { -ml! AB<1 iMiip il) 1 dernntf* th who.tHjrtm wh*a mkiiriBt it throuKh the ocssssatrsMSS, , BMh articles 'heeM nr bo UMNI mpi on < i -i r'p MB- from rvpiitahlti i>h)i>lc1ani. * ' hi- 4* mage tto< y wiil do lateo fnlii Ui th* tfoed you na piMolbly lierlvefrom tbem. al'tCatarrs Care, Busafaorere^ '>r f J i'hna> * i o . To- ' lado, U.. cm toiu* no mercu-y inl in .n in tmll/. a<-iui| directly upon tn blnu<! <nd rncoa> urfc> of the ilin. In buring Hall'K Catarrh Care be ewe ysja sst th,i grn i Ine. I> i t* kea luteraal 7, and tnt In rokxlo, II>HI. by F. J. C'honvy & t <> Tedimoniult fPM. Mild by Drnitginlx. prico 7.V: iir boill*. Ha... *m o PlUsaresBSSSsI, HI i -k I * very f i^hi in-vbl I hi* KOn . n I b nios popu ami : 1 elude figured vel>ui. I' vul'i" |> e.l i-i.-|i'in. figured mil ! i v iil.-n- c 'i i|- ed poulin. novel! y Iviy idera sinped valour* und rrei>oiia. TON*NIP NUIISIIIV n Fit t' IT TKKKs fnr ilnn.n u "ii. iii.i APPI.t- TRKEs. I'lfMIKKH. PP.AR TBf K> 10 will Bin. Hi r* flrt-ji* >r*r !nn< *nd , > i* . lew pHo* Dr.lrr .hrrol from it ll 'lit* OI*B you Will M* ik pr flu ( *tfnU -nil ini-'ch&nta. P>.p>nl MuMr.tnl oi>li|i>r <r 41 DM**, wllk 4irwclti>n f'f , r-jifcr-ui r'nrdt*. f .r bt Iftiruclion if irtMtu jo fruit ir*, rotw-l>iiMi*, ' , -fO' un r>o<ipl of It MOU. Tun RKTIR.N T<wBir Nuanaaf. HfcQuw. PACKARD'S Shot D r e*s' n fl n A V B n U OFTEN V AHINBA U H O B U ALL COLORS ALL LEATHERS. F M ..r ">y H rtr*t-olsa >M"K DEALERS L. H. Packard A Co. MONTREAL. make To! No cnittrr who von r*. ' y o<t rr, ..i *T4l ci- VJ\t hfX, y J Cln nte rnonrv Ihtu v m'rt m*kin(r, now. i*.. ing our 'Oilb- cosninj t>. , I h CnJI- an Trowp* In th ftotjlb Africa* War.** It *'.:-^IL i f^^/*Vf*AVF h furr.ltk4uoo r toftlM lllUllw y n " rr ** r Att ha * tria - t/ ';.*- or ln-i-j| tnu-nc the bf* bov figfi'inj cn*)rr tlir? B, iii-A iift on ttic " Drt| Cofain-inl." All are inten.df ln(*retea In tr> girtl ' U' -here, AM will want 'hi* book. Only nr I|M k '. Written by a rnebi ai'<i m. :u;y 4iin><rttv Att- (hrntic n.i rljrtl u* to dale. Fl.icly print r an.) i> us lit 4. Sii4 (ocnii -.., handtom* Pro*ctu.i. .. r you cn NM tnneia or coaiplcte fcwok tit '< t > jkr o) to Uke orders with. Prope<tu> rviti u. ft ^-, tn we wM lo ffij it only to thoe ho mean feuiltiew. Can rctum Proipertu* whenever yu wuh tuj irt atoncr ba> k, or mount will tie iffj.tfd on ftrtt ororr bn>o T HAT* fi. t. RtUDY A CO. FrMhvttf Uidg . loronto. Cft.

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