Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 May 1900, p. 2

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BOY SHOOTS HIS FATHER Peter Mclntyre, of Toronto, Killed by His Sort. fHIHTRKV-YKAR-OM) LAI) yi'AR- Police Constable Johnson and Detec- tive* r'orrest and Veruey went KKLLKD WITH HIS FAT1IKR AN |down and arrested the boy. who was DHBW A RKVOLVKIl AKTKK- taken lo number one police station WARDS SAID IT V> .V-> v\ AOCi- and questioned by Inspector Stark. He was then tukn down at.tir-, nnd DKNT. A despatch from Arthur Mclntyrw. of _ Notes o. Proceeding's In the Nation- al Legislature. NOW LAW The following U the lite of bill* to which the Hoyal assent ha* beea given ; Respecting La. Bauqu. Ja<-que* Car- tier, and to change its name to La lianque Provincials du Canada. ' searched. B-*i'le* th revolver be hd ___-. ; the usual c.nteuts of a boy's pockete , . Toronto say*:- , !|(ld five Oartridge8> but no money. H* Duncan Railway Co. ing the Kalso aud Larde- M nklniii cried oontinuall) at the station an< treet, the IS-year-old *on of Peter w hen arraigned in the court. Wrlntvre, freight manager for the Ont.-irlo Richelieu Navigation ('14111- any, ib"t mi 1 instantly killed hi* father at the latter 1 * office ar Milloy'* THE BOY SHOOTER "Heie us a lad ag*iu*t whom I lay a charge of murder." said >h< Crown Attorney. "I didn't muider him,'' *aid I hi wharf, on Thursday morning. The (,,, v MBO naB v , lotl uy ( mended til boy wanted to go to St. Catharines to ' to-morrow. tee bis uncle and Mr. Mclntyre object- I Arthur Mclntyre i a bright-look *d. The bo," then. a. he .ay. to J. '- ^^g^ "^ frighten bis father, drew a revolver ' ,j reMeil , , ^ T ^ ,;,_ brown peak nd pointed it. Mr. Mclntyre sprang j cap und tan boot*. H is the olde* from hi* chair and the revolver went | * tour children, there being two boys and ""> irU ' >*? fa - mi !'' ?* eff. th. bullet enters Mr. Mclntyre'. ^'J^ ^J^r foT The ' ' -i inches above the p:ul , (aw months, and it la said that their relation* have alwaya been amicable, Mr. Mclntjre being an ex left breast, heart. KILLING HIM INSTANTLY. r , DUonill , T goori UtB . r . p^pU who Two clerks, bdward Nevin and C. I/, know the boy say that h hi* never Watson, who wer. in tbe outer office, nbown an ungovernable temper. He heard the *hot *nd ran out of the w very obliging and was aluay* on building. Then discovering that iba the beat of term* with hi* brother shooting waa inside they went back I and ister*. He is known to b* an ei and found Mr. Mclntyre dead Th* boy I tensiv* reader svnd to be a deei told the oaea that be hud shot hi* thinker. It U believed by a numb.! ... father, und to go for a doctor and hi> acquaintance* that his mind ha* a policeman. This was done, hot no been temporarily unbalanced from il aid oould help the victim, too much reading and thinking. MARKETS OF THE WORLD Prices of Grain. Cattle, Cheese, Ac.. In the Leading Market*. em. raab, 87e; May, 67c; July. ft? V2c September, 67i>-fc. No. 1! Northern 65 it.-. No. S *prmg. 01 &-4o. Oat* -'J I -' to 23o. Corn 36 1-2.-. MmnenpolU, May 16, \Vh*at "dose, In (tore. No. 1 Northern. May, 06V i July. ftM-4 to 86 Me; September, 66 Toronto. May li.-The receipt* at 1-t to 65ft-8o; on track. No 1 hard the western cattle yards to-day were No Norlh " B ' Ko> ' . , Northern. 04 l-*c. Flour Un bng*.l ....loads of liv* stock, including Hran-Un'change.'l 1.200 hogs, OU catllo, UK) sheep, year- Huff, In May. 15 Spring wheat and a No. 1 hard, spot, car loads, 73 7-*-; No ling-, and lambs. 30 calve*, 4oieii milker*. 1 hard lot*, 75 5-*te; No. 1 Northern c.'ir loads. 71 7-ric; No. 1 Northern M, ppmg cattle w.,a in fair demand roun d lots', 71 5-8c. ' Winter wbueat- 4 ft. no 94. til) to 94.R.'>, and 9.0 per No .S led. 79>- bid. No. 1 white and mii- cwt. for heavy atuff. and occasional- "'. 7J 1 -.',-. Corn fit runger. V, - ly ten cents more was paid for prime : ',.,,,' jsjj IT-' Nn"'l corn "is 1 I- No elections; light ah.pperm sold from |l.J3 to 94. 50 per owt. Butcher oatlle was quotably un- changed at flora |l to M4.25 per J white, through billed. He. No. Jyel 1 iw, in store, HS-4 to, 4_v Oats iron*- .No. 2 white. 29 l-4c nsked; No. 3 whne. 'X to 28 l-4o; No. 4 whit*. 27 -Jc. No. 2 mixed, Jft 1-i. , No J mix ewt. fur tbe best o.iltle ; from 93.60 ed. JBc Rye Nominally 61 1-ir; No. J to f-j.w fur medium oatlle. and from nn 'nek, OOr. Flour Good demand, aa to t:i.:iO for iufri-ir stuff. 'I be re was a fair demand for feed- era al steady prices II.. m was no ehangn in en her light or he. ivy bull*; a fair enquiry. iteady. Keiroit, May l.V->\"hs t Closed No. 1 white, TV; No. U red, TSo; May. TV: July, TI 5-8c. Good milk cow. ar. in request, and BOER GENERALS HOPELESS. Doubtful If they Can Get the Burghera to Again Fight. A despatch from I<niidon, Monday, The correspondents at Kroon. will sell up to 9 >U each , prices to-day rantred fr.nn 9-.I to 947 each. liuud c.iU.-s ne m steady demand; rough stuff slow ; pnoes, iroui t- " to 910 each. Sb-.-|i yeulingt. and spring lambs B i.,,| tt j,i, ,;,. u,,be r t* send the most are steady, and unchanged. ponitiv* assurance* concerning the Ihere is t.ndencv to.. n.U weak- rteninraliiatlon of the Free State emgn i* the price of hogm, but no , ,..,. One ascribes to Generals change a* yel. lint hi .ml I).- \\ el the assertion that Fur pi line hogs, scaling frt.m l0 lo they ar hopelena of ever getting the XU ilw, the top pnoe is 6 l-4c ; light Imrnher* to face the British again hog-, are bringing i l-'c per pound. AH .re convinced that there will i.e m. f the YII| a stand even be. made there. They *ay thit very few Statu lioei * went north 4.26 with the Irinsv i.ilers. A majority of a8-l-J t bem disperse. I and urn no\v trying to following i* tbe range of quota- further fighting south river, ami some doiiln Ihal I.7& Cattle. tihippeis, per cwt Hut In-, , . boic., do. . . But' her. med to go. id. . llni.liri, inferior Sin. keis, per cwt. . . i UO .-I.e.-ji ,ii.. i l.auib*. Mif.-p, pel . wt . , 35O Yearliuws, p-i i wi. .. 4.7ft lambs eai h. .. 2.6O Bui ks. per cvi . . . KM) Milkers and Calves. Cows each . . . . J .HI Calves, each. . . . J UO Hog* * b" ' a hogs. | . r cwi- . 6UO I. .Mb bogs, prr cwt. . .YIN) Heavy hogs, p<i cwt . !><) bows. . .... i .11 Blags -JiK) Toronto. May 1ft. \\ 3 IMJ r" uh 'heir hoiiws un.. I. served. 3.75 I'bei-e seems i.. ). H m inclination in the llnlish i-.imp lo predi. I the npexdy 4.7S end of the war. On tbe <her hand, 650 I'resi.leni Meyn. who is t.moiisly be~ & &0 |, , -\.-.t to hive KM lie to I'l.-i.iiii. land 8.00 ley. and lleilliron. is repi e-enf ,| us de. leiiuiiie.i to continue the struggle, 4:1.011 even if he treks n h i he I'r.i nsvHulet s 10.110 I.. I.i ,,i|,.i|H. ruer, the no, t hern Uinnd- ii t of Ibe >.>utb \li , in Kepublic. One or to of I he , ..rt espomlenls f> .iO s;i> I hut I'resuleni -ie\u. nfier te^ir- r i .'ilt fully i|i|ei!ui K i,, ins , ,,ii.:' , > 1,,,-n ,i :(-'." K r, .oust. i, I not i.i irlieii. ,. -^oileil lo force, sj.niibokiii^i in. I ki. k UK indlii- One duals who refusnd to lot of 20.000 tthile when sold, all d i r st ones em in il'e "from we*l, to u miller l U5c, gu..t .lions dents uf DIM town. re as follow*: Onliuio, i.-.i md white, Ilk 1-2 to I..M- n., r h and west; I.. I J In n><. east; wbeut, V.'c, und 7lc, we t, sprin Respecting the llritisb Columbia Southern Railway Co. Respecting the Montreal and Ot- tawa Railway 'Jo. To amend the Dominion Land* Act. Respecting tbe t'iuid and Michi- gan Bridge and Tunnel Co. Respect mg tbe Hereford Railway Co. Respecting the Niagara lirand Island Uridge Co. Respecting the River St. CUir Rail- way Bridge, and Tuonel Co. Respecting the Canadian Southern Bridge Co, Respecting tbe I'ontiac Pacific Junction Railway Co. To incorporate tbe Port Uover, Branrford. Berlin, and Uodrrich Rail- way Co. Res[iecting tbe Suprnne Court of the North- West Territories. To incorporate tbe Canada Steel Co. Respecting the members of tbe North- West Mounted Police Force on active service- in Son- b Africa. Respect ing the Ontario aud Rainy River Railway Uo~ Respecling the Montreal. Ottawa and lieorgmn Bay Canal Co. To amend an Act to provide for the conditional liberation of penitentiary convicts. ANSWLRKI). Sir Hiboort Tupper was inforoied that Mr. Ogilvie. .he C/unuuii<mer of the \ukon di.Miioi, received fn.tKKI a ROBERTS AT KROONSTAD. His Entry Into the Free State Cap- ital Was Unopposed. A despatch from London say* ; The War Office publishes the follow- ing despatch fr..m (;,-n k ..tiert-s detail- ing the entry into ; "Kriiiiustad. May 12, 2 p. m. I en- tered Kroonn id at 1.30 without op- position to-day, whan tbe Uuion Jack was hoisted amidst cheers frum tbe few Uritish t.-s, l.-n' s. "i'resideut Steyn fled lait evening, after vainly endeavouring to per- suade the burghers to continue op- posing us. The Transvualera sid they would no longer fight on tbe Orunge Free Stnte soil, and made off for the Vaal River. 'The free Staters accused t lie i of companied the Trausvaalert." London, May 13 Lord Roberts cap. tured KrooiutM.l, the new Orange Kre Mite capital, yesterday, and thus ,,ally end* the war in the Free Slate. It also practically wipe* out of existence that Republic, for. barring a few scattered commandoes along the mountain range* in th. north-east corner, the entire Orange Free State rt ^ i* now under Rritiah rule. Tbe ntry of Ixird Robert*' army into the Free State stronghold wa* like tbe march of a triumphant con- queror, his own body guard leading the through the street* from which the Free Slaiers fled .lur- ing tbe previous night. There i* also compassion in Bngland for tbetw, the first conquered pouple. They had no quarrel of their nwn wirh England. They but took up the quar- rel of their Transvaal brothers, and have bad to bear the brunt of the Transvaalers of bavin" m ide them aud then desarting. Many ot the Free Staler, have gone lo their fifnting. Hundreds of their burgh- . ers have been slain, and their country devastated and rulne-l by marching "Th proce.ssion entering the town armies Finally, their eiisr- was headed by my bod> -guard, all of . enc* i* ended. Roberts' campaign has certainly '"* heen a magnificent aucces*. proving were Colonials. his military genius, and to-day be can have almost any honour England ha* to give. Wb6 be takes Pretoria bo will have, the nation at hi* fent. and tak* rank with Wellington and Xel- son is on* of the country's grea'eat t hero**. Meantime the final campaign i* staff and foreign officers cam* th. -North Some i MI Impel i,| Yeomanry. followed by Pole-Carew's division, consisting of tbe Guards and the Eighteenth Brigade. Navals. the Eighty- third. Eight) -Fourth, and L- .k. L- I. " IHI5 IlIIBl '-III|MHU fcigbty-tifth Batteries, two five-inch moving like clockwork. Each srrny guns, manued by thn Ro>l Artillery its pl*.c* is marching on towird the Company, and ibe Twelfth Engin- , ''"' R 1 ' 8 ' Half aorosn Afrii-. from tfrt tbe east , o the west, the Br,tish army eitend* Roberts piercing the reu'ie rest of the force <*n<- imped Buller forcing his wsy through the around the town. | mountain passes from Natal. Hunter "Before KroonMad Hresi- , n""?'"? 1? /'r' 1 *'"*.. h " U 1 "" 1 relief ot Mafeklng. whence he can a procl.imation turn and march dut cast acrost the nuking l.indl,-> .lie sen i.i govern- , Transvaal toward Pretoria. Ju*t a* mem of the Kre B Si tU Rol>eris marched scr!" the Free i> "Ueuerals Hoi hi and l Wet ar- from K uiberley to Bloemfontein major {.ortion of the exhibit.* beiug In the genenl 1'Uildmg*. He did not SURPRISE GERMANY. I know whether the cunciw.sion bid been' 9u per uiouib for h..useke"e,wr. and I * r * Bt *l, t f,HS ltnittd St*le*. Robertj' Advance as Brilliant as th : i w-Ji^d if; SulV a.wu*r2 ! " reh to K ndah " msier's announcement He thought -I despatohi frum Berlin, says. Th* from the ex- i.c<-uv>'w>n of Kiuoiu>t.l by Lord Rob- yi-ur alary..'.lWt) for a month for lent. Mi. \\ . I lenient, as Ugtl advi^nr fir th' k.m district. r<ce,v M J 9i',r>ilO a year f" prior to June Mih. I-.H. and $..11110 ^MM um June inill. IO-.IS, sna l.inw LI. ,. .1. . . . . ' "/ m^^m *'*r- a ye.r s.nce that dat. i,,g wl Uer with together and bring her .1- er( . wiebowt rewlM ,,.. ^, caus< ,,, , fc . * ,io . ...i. _._ i omirs iiome. 9 ,'! a m. mi h for Mr Monk wi told by~Mr Him that il i* not the intention ot th* Govern- ment to iocreaa* tbe salaries of lock- men employed on the I.achtne Caual, nor is ii the intention to give thaoi any extra uay than they now re- ceive when their *eivirn ar* required for Sunday work. There i* no regula- tion obliging Umkmaatera to attend on th* canal* on Suud.iya, but such at- tendance i* optional. Tbe lockuieu are paud *i ttwi rate of 9.> per month. Hibl.ert Tuppvr was told by Mr. Sutherland that the Department of h*. Iritci.oi ha.t not yet rweived any eply to the telegram sent to Mi Ogilvi. asking fur his report on the Yukon territories Mr. iMvui wilt told by Mr Suther- land Ihal ttic Oiiier-in-i'ouncil provid- ed that claim* in the Yukon when al. m. tone.! hhill revert to the Crown ta dated October 7th. 18W). The order provide* that after having reverted b.-> shall tie dispute. I of as may seem right to tbe Minister of th. Interior I he) records of the depot itinent do not bow that any of ibe.nt* clum.t huye een disposed of except such of them s have beeu included ill by.lraulic pro- Vmsiitions. Mr Caagrain was told by Mr >fu ix- k that the system of receinnu and lelivering mail by means of hooks or iracketa while the train is running 'ull speed bis been in operation for ilxmt a veit at stations on the nt er.-oli., u i. At first some of the mail bags were injuresl throiiKb defec- ite count i mi Ion of the brackets, but his has since been remedied Mr I'uttee was toi.l liy Mr MuWk but for the week ending "th April :K. i here weie 87,170 letters handled n tbe Winnipeg post-office At this Tbe subject dn>pped. THF. MANITOBA SCHOOLS. gieatMt surprise here The military expert of th* Lokal Anseiger find an eipl inaii.ui in the fact that many of In answer to Mr Dugta question "a* the Prime Minister aware th.t ' U " B 6 " btv< lie >r - d - the Board of Publtc School Commis- sioner* ot the Catbnlios to set ug> lehgious pic- ture*, Vfitues or other pious em- blems in view of the chil.lren in their He say* Roberts' advaave waa splen- does not Jermit did1 ' *** It w worthy to h. noes not permit _,.,! i.-,,.!- , u. tr *- A . w^ r ^A.. Th " r '" Kandahar enpedi- 1* novi r hinged of th* Staters." delegates of the Catholic l.,,i, ,.f BOBK LO5SlS HEAVY ich. ...I houses, and thit the bo;ird b ^* . , refuses to illow religious women en- * Mttled President Stsyn s move- niKed in tsaching lo wear their re- """"' tWBrd ' Interpreted * con- ligiuua costumeaud insignia in teach- '""""K ' he rumour* af bickerings be. mg the chil.lren in M, bouls nuhsulu- l* f * a lh * Tran*valers and th* Free ed by the State, a* wa* stated by the CbHiiman of the said board t.> the delegates of the Catholic laity of Winnipeg tt un interview during 'he month of April la*tf Under these cm umst mres. does the I 1 , m- seventy Were Killed In One En- Minuiter consider that th* statement f N,.\eiiiber. 1WN). and the subsequent Provincial legislation of 1K97. in iel.i- lion to the school*. ienrtr full ui.l i-..m|iie -e ju-,tics to the Cstholica of all point* recently. "Tbe'^emior said- "The Premier /' '"* passed Fourtee. tu. i i ware irf any uch regulatK>n hav- s "< v lu . 'ter a fight in which .". mg I. een passed by the Board of Pub- twenty Uoer*. including two command In S< hoi.l CommiMaioners of Manitub i. rs wer* In lied Lt^'r.'!."", 11 ?..'','?",".'".' 1 . hi %\ 1 : . A. b. Vet river ,h. Gordon High- ffagement. A despatch fr.n Smaldeel say*: 1'h Bnt tab have been successful at enii.m was not culled to it. The | Bu dra a large commando t* mg which took place be, ween .,, of , h . r . lre ., lng .. nmn Cath..ltc rateiwyers of A |, hough lien. Un Hamilton - fi the I'ublio man and members Scbo.d Ikmrd for that city, in, I he if- f^ alt.e-t were only about on. hundred. ne^Tr re reported to frm tlw /.and river. Many Boer* in t , him by the hon Ktor" ife ha," ' Urn ' n8 '" th * ir hor " 8 " d Mau " r * change the I hit number handled during the ear would lie 4.44VJI-..'. rOI.U STOIIAKK I'uMIl VCTS. the House went into i niuinii tee on no ies.Hii to cange the op'inon ulttch he bis always held anil eipresa- ed of the statement of November. SHOT AT 5T. HELENA. I-'"- in. I of the ubaequent legisla- lion of 1897" IN-IM iTION 1'he Hoiife then eiit into couimit- VI r T i she i !.n eminent air b ! to it-new w u h the ' fee on ilmbill lo |n..mle for the mark- Boer Prisoner Detected Sealing Witt IT PACKAiiKS. Fence of the Enclosure. A despatch from Jamestown, St alll||IJC'. I v sj t *m- i 1>L Mess, s ing >iKI inspection of packages con- ' Ihursday one of th (or export. Uoi-r prisoners confined at the Dead- md 7lc, we>t; spring, eiisl, Mi I 'Ji . .M.imiol..i No I h.ird, 77 1-Jo. To- ronto ami west; and 7H I -'<-, g.i.t., Iske and rail. I I, ..r -- Mull. Si r. mlit i.diei, ,, buyers bags, nnd. II.. freights, |j .41 . per I. l>l bid. ii nd f.'Ki .iske.l. tp... ul I.I . i, . Ill .> ood, $.' !HI lo (iAVF RrtTHA A HIIARANTPP ** * *- ii iii/ t\ vjn/\i\/\i'iCL \ : in .mil Itedford Compuiy the cild- ' nmng ipples uid coiilia.-ls foi lb,s se.ison in. I -Mi I isber explained se>ei il clauses woml c imp w it d ^covered scaling t h* f amount not to excee.l 9:.'C.7;iO of t tie bill it tome length, .tint e\- wir fence which encloses the grounds pressed the h .|M> that some met boil here the burghers ire detained, would be found of inspecting ipples The guard who saw bun challenged ami nc.irs pack.-. I t"i hoim 1 n-iimp him three times, but th- lt.ieruia.le uc lion, st ell is those lacked for e\- reply, hereupon Ta\ gunrd shot and i i II. 1 thought ihit [icihips this killed him. That the Johnnneibiirir Mines Would Not Be Destroyed A despatch to I be Cologne lin/eite Nl '...I to II I. " west. in Pretoria: s.iyt (;.-n i.ou w h.. MI. cee.led lien Joiiberl .lenniid. llran, lit m.ui.ler of t hit iirui), infoim,.,) I next, tin* per annum. Mr r i*\|,l lined tbit the orig- iii, coiiirai-t for three years wasen- Ici.-.l into four veirs .i". and thill ii |.\|ii|-.<d last M' isoll 1) wing to th. 1 South Adiciu -ir md tb- contenuenl ri,, 1 deui iti'ltt.l for -.teaiiithipt, there wan a danger f t be .-,.l.i storige ves- sels being luotiopoliied by Americans, and it was therefore ue,.-ssii> io r- 1 *uni|,i .,,n lie c.iui.i not at present Free Staters Decline to Defend th ne\\ i he i out net lie regiette.l, how ee In . i \ . Ic . r i o ti.n ing < he c aine* ever, h hid not be>n ihle toget regir.ling inspection apply tin object ..|il,i be ill imed b> making tlie pen. ill \ i|<plv t.> ' hoe tin- il\ Li md ng tbe barrels in which sucb fruit, u.-ie [licked fir home co DECIDtD NOI TO CROSS. md shorts, 9111 to 9lii, r iO, t be ti'ivitr.imeni in-i I..- \\ould rtm his '! and if n wern ml ended (0 C.'rn Quiet. No, 2 Ami'iicitii yel- de.tiroy Ibe Joha nne-.liui g mines. '" . .' K. 'ii trick licie, and mi \ed hud no grievan.e .itiainsi |.iiv.u.< 11 . a' I |Tly, he said. ,md I. I', in un i ,i;lil l'ir lots. n,. i i|i sml HI-SI, file, and east, at 68e. II i r ley No. *, 4ir. west, nnd 4.Vi, anal, ami No l,43c, wont, and 4lc, nst. lt)i Qulel. Car lot*, went. We. iind Me, east. Oiiis-Sleady. and fair demand, white mtU. north and went, J7 I Je- an. I i-aat, .'8 l-lo. Mil. k ht Uu.ded al 60o, west, u.l kin ! IHilu'b M*| 16-Wliaut-No. 1 hard cash *-* May. 6H-4o; July, 60 (' as f i vuiirai.i" t ri m . in i he mntract \\hi.h bail lapsed laat year. Thn resolution wits reported. I \IIIIIIIOIt - .-HDfl.H \\ lITHHt \\V Mr. I'h. ill, ,n called at'eni, ,n to Mr. - only fight Tsrle'* de-pa tdi reg. iriliiig t h.t refusal . ho-tll* army. t. en. lU.tha as off,,, ,,f , hl . |.. ir ,', ,., to permit ,lly Informed tint n 4 not ,,,teniie,|* clo-ung uf tb. C , i. ..t, , n ex. to d.atroy the m. nes. hil.its He wauled to kin ihe ihir H.-ter of t he pi .lest \\ h . Ii C n id u ul m .<le, an, I why it was that it had been ineffectual, while tin- United Mites PRBPARINQ TO FLEE. Krujrer and Steyn Booked for the Mountains. li i I lie,.,, tit int. 'd the concession The Minister of Anii ult uri> replied (hit t be Itnlish .-11111111 but ill.' ex|i n truly.. A despatch from Aliwal North s I > s On i be suK'""n>" of Mr Mills, the -It is reported fiotn t h.- di,ii K -.. i Dill is left over f ( ,r lb- present, State tht meetings ere held re.ent sever, I ,..,,, wl ,o ,,..,.,, ,., ,, v I, , , ht> ,, ,er ,.Ug, sometlun,, .,b,,,,, I, , , ht> ,, ,er ,.Ug,r. .t h,ch h ( were ltwnt . Kree State l-urghers decided not te '' '" "T f 1 1 il - |IlrkiB l ' r>1S!1 lh V:i ' 1 ' riv ' r - "'"' h ""','' ..... '''> '- " lvwn th:lt '"> "ill "ot aid the Tr.nsva rk m ....... " h '- r - 1'iuv vi i: itu.i.-j g the I'm-. ini.i l|...... l\, m . Mo nicnrp>iMie the M.iiii,,,, , North Shuie lU.lwn Co. a> ^. ALL MUST r-l(iH nn, In every effort to secure thaltlie London Tunes correspondent at , Canadian evhn.ts should be doted .11 i>cmld s^ys it is rtpatted IhM Sund.iv. bin Ihev had failed, and the I riwldeni Kruger will remove t .. I > ,1 ,,nlv portion of the exhibit whi-h mrg .M soon a* President Strvn w oiild be m> closed tt i he bu Mm,; in '"'' | "'"'I "k' lh.t Ni|i,t.tuig <nt .l.,uie* joins jhnh the ulli.-.-s tM-re, the I! i) Ha u > \ Co The bill 1,1 ., | ,he I m, I Ti les Vet. I(W4, W:IH r^|,| H It, id IrUM >nd ,' I ~ -.- I >| ilto w is ibe >ei, He bill t,. n,,,.,, | ' Act, CanncU. ,, i Pretoria Government Commandeer. Men of All Nat OM;. A .If.tpHi.-h fiom I..ieii4 . my.s n is miM"iiiel there .'hi* th* Ti in.tviii \' . lkt i aid . at i tecret se * .-i.ii ies,.i\el . order sll rrsidenta :itivq-e ne >'f II > t Ion i ill y . tu aSSt* m the ,le(eiu-e of the ie4>ubli

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