Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1900, p. 5

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APRIL 26, 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE M t'l'l !.',!( A YOl'NO * luuk.r.. Mark'UI. De KHutirol bauain*. buiui. Mow*)? loeueo l ra*ouakle retn Cll on at. AH VASIIUSKN. J P rleik Mb I)i Y Court, Co Or*? nor of yarrte# I.ieeuwi, Conreyeucer Wntary. Publlt Auctioneer. Hooey to loan It <t P" cent. Ciierga* moderate. FLKSHKUTOX P D:nr- OOLLECTKLi The uu.leriicned U piep.r.d to nilertake the collection at all kind* ol debt* ote. bought, accouatt ool'octvd, etc. I. S iiKNDKKHON. Fle.ilieitou TCHISLKTT Kleibertoii Station fo*t-ne*ter,Cu.niuiii*ioiicr In H C J, Coney- anear., uiortlfatfe*. laM and Will! rawu. Mon*\ to lead at S| ner cent and up- L>jtK collected. Cbar^iM moderate. R l .iivt in K i;oui-nl*i3ner fira-nir. M r. rlMbertoo M.C.J., Auctionewr. Con and Money Lender iii.--n-o Agent. Deed* .,<. leave* au-1 will* carefully drawn ii|i a>-i I vinli >'it ma .|c oil rnortem- nrtice. - to Imn i I >*il rate nfloterui.' i K' to with prom i"n : '.. A^ont for Oeeno Dominion Ml. k . i, up i' iiu;.ny. A call >uliolte<l. t> O U * meeti every tin'.*url third Monday A IQ .tch uio-ith. ID -oilr lortge room, Cbriit >u' bl.ii-k. Klrilierton. at 8 p m. A. S lrl. MW; A M loon, Kecorder; \\ rV.llamr.PiaaocUr. Vuiting brethrejo loTited BKINCU AlirHTK LODQK. No. SS3.A. i A U. meat* lu tin. Maeunleball. Htram Mock. Kiekht-rtou, erery Pri'lay oo or befon kba full moon. J A tioyd W M ; W J Bellamy, Hocretary. ODUKT KI.KSHKKTOS. I. O. r. meet* In U .'hruto.'. Hlnckthe lait Prtda) eTenin D each m.iotb. Vitltine; Pore*tr heartil) Welcome. C.H.. II. K. Dy*on ; K. 8., F D Van- JP M\K8HAI,1. MUM. DDB. LD8 onor flr luate Toronto UulTenlty and Boyal Collei{ of Uotal htiUMoui. Vi.u.lho McCiilla ll'iau. Dnada'k erery /ildav af>ni.Kiu. luiteexl of Fleeberton C. MURRAY, L. D. S., dental aorueon i,. ,,,,,, <r..lut uf Toroolo L'nler*lt) il l College of l>rntal Harxona of Ontario - < Uvtoii'n i.loi. rieaUartM Will Hall fvei<li*iii Hie la*t Ofeacu niMiiti.. an.t Duiulalk I aad J Thandey in each inuulh. D R ,, R Hove OBtr. J w. FIUIHT, L I.. B. Rarrlitor, Hulioilor Cooteyaneer. o<fl,... Srit to |>nloBlce, Mpronle'* Fleeh . u. '-er Thiirla and. cj M il--i)*.'U Houn'l olttoe, foulfti -trwi; eaet. block- rt Jay* block LUCAS. WBIOHT * b.VTHON llarriiUr. :-U>licitor* Conveyancer*, 1 1 Offlc- -Ow.u Houn.l.0n andUaradal.Ont W H Wanmr, C A IUTM* N l -Mwherton office. MlUbell'a HaLk ever) Halunlay. TUCKKK ft PATTKRKOH llarriatera. Hollcllor*. t Moleon'* IJank. Owen Bound HAHKY O TUCKKU OEO W PATTBRSON SACKAV * SAMPSON -"''{?".*?, OKKiCl.rt :-')weo Hrund. Merchaut - nk HIiKk, N. -^f I'alKMOu llouae. l.audalk alal'. htinut. uvury rtulurrlay A U. Ml)KAY. M A . II. B HAUPBOX. L.L l> Cruw.i Attorney for Grey. D u K & K K & K K <S Til Ludlif Spiclillitt of Aiirlci '0 YEARS IN DETROIT, 250.000 CURED. WE CURE EMISSIONS I Nothing can be more d.moraliim. to) oaag or nriddle aged uu I eooe W UMM "ilghUr produce weakoeea. emaaoeae, a teaiing I of diagMt and a whol* train of ay mptonu. I The? unit a man for badoeee. married 1 life and aooial bappteae*. No matter wbethw eaaaed by aril habiU in youth, natural met nee* or Miual exoeeee*. our I Now Method Treatment will poaiUrel* [ oureyou. ! NO CURE* NO PAY nee or T?-| You | Rad*r, you need help. Karly abum or I I later eiceaeee may bare weakened you. | Bzpoiure may hare dteea*d you. You are not ufe till cured. Our New Mi -li . I I will cure 700. Yon run nor'"'" 250,000 CURED foane; Man- You are pale, feeble and bagiard; aerreiu, irritable and ei citable. You become forgetful, morov. aod deipondeot; blotobel and pimpl'i. ninken eye*, wrinkled face, etooping form and duwncart roemtaoaoee rereal the blight of your eiiftenee. WECURtVARICOCELE No matter bow *eriou* your eaae may be, or bow long rou m*r hare had it, our NfeW MKTIIOl) TKKATME.NT will cure 1C Tbe "wonaf rein*" return t.i their normal eondition aod brace the eexual organ* reeeire proper noorUh menL The organ* become nialiied, all unnatural drmio* or loteaf npali) an 1 manly yowerl return. 5 tcmpor.try manl/ oowerl return. e temprnr ] UnrBt. but a permanent cur* aamred. I NO cl'RK. NO PAY. NO OPRRA-I TION SKrEKSARY. 1O UKTJSM TION FROM BU81SKS8. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure BYPU1L1H. IGLKKT, KMISSIflSS. r*fPi>TKN( V .1 PTKirfl KE. VAKlCOCtLK. hWll NAL UlBefS. m.AlilKR AND KM' NKY duaaaea. CONSULTATION! FKKE. HOOKS FKEK. CUARGKril MODERATB. If uubU to oall^wriUl for a OI'KST ION BLANK tr . TRKATMLNT. KENNEDYTkERGANl 148 SHELBY STREET, OCTROIT, MICH. K&K K&K K from Our "10. Cvrretj^ntltttt. The Eaater holidayn are over, haa re-opened, aud firmer* arc aettling down tu their unual routine of rpiin^ work. Fall wheat in (hi* section ha* a sickly appaiKiioe at preaent. Hop H of even an avenge crop are not at prrnent anliui- Annie Hat row returned lo Owen Sound oh Monday. Mr. Oeo. Itoyce ha* leased the NcPliail fai in f'.r a term of live yrafw. The farm leaaed hy Mr. J. Snell in thu McPhee, i. ot the M r'hail property, an alaled in IMK! week's mauc. It ia, however, part uf t in- origioitl McPhail f,.rm Mr. Ed. S .-1, uf the IrUh Lake let i. .INI ul IIRH lean d. Mr Hugh McFnyden' f.ii'ii f..r ilnee years and will tuke inmiedi- t.- |. KHrrt-ioi). We are ni'.iiinwl tlmt Mr. M.-K.ijilypu and hi* mother mtvinl in > \ in u i < I. ,-jp n. U.S. The nli! log acliooll.ou which wan I n. t Klirn thia B.-i-'ion waa f. rinnl nuar y half H century ao, ami which, until about t. n M-arx ago nerved * a nni-tin^ KUUHI- IM i.. IM- leplaced thin MIIIIIIH i by a in-nt fritinu MII ill i g for the ue ot tliv iSalibHtli acliool mill E|'Worth League, low^rdit winch, the len.u-nnt of ihui line havo lit>- e ,;ly ulcribed. The aitc ia not yet .i<i. I.. I U|H,II, but it IN >aid that Mr*. K. Sionr ha <>tt red lo ){ive the ground, in aduitnm tu In r already lil>rral sulworip 1 1. -11. A siilis-ant in pul-lic acln>>lhiiuit wa-> Imili tiftfen )Cni *>, the old liuild in liviiig left fur cliuich and Sunday -. I. ..I |.urpo-i-H, but much to th* inoni- \ en i- in i- ol Koine of the old p- ..p r. the clitiicl. i'["i|ii'ineiit WIM cut off and an- 1.1 -je I to I'nceville alc.ut Iru yi-irn a){o, r.ii>< f ulncli tune II haa liuell UMM| as a ahichool. With the old liuildinx 1 1, en- rv aaeociattid re-collection* Uith . f n gret and plt-aiiurr, reyrrt, tin; HO many of the dear o d frieuda ami relatm-n wh<> wontliipped within na ,.;!.- in the old pioiieer d.iy-H have (uaurd away to theh- everUatiiij" home, litre, we hope, and fe.-l auuied, they enjoy eternal reat; il -un-, thit, who aM children heuiaelvea, received their early education i<n:-r ita ruof, iiae hired to aee thrir iiildren leciiTe a auperior education in a n .i.Mil -tHi.ti.J. lot tn memory, not mil an .It- ir all rdificr, ai "the uld lot Hchoolhuuae." Photos -TAKEN AT THE Flesberton Photograph Gallery are done in tir*l-cla** alyle and at lowest rate*. Special attention given to cojiyine. Bahiea' photni. a ipecialty. Picturea fiainet). MRS. BULHER VV. Barn ou \Vi-thiH the l.u 1 . !.- t a >- i the f,,ll. l.i.-n .f .11 both . ntion . f I SI i r i R Ont, 1'rleeviile door to Hrowu'* *tore ; residence tun ul.l i>"i orKci>, roelftenc. of ll* K. own. Office ,la>*-l'ueaaay* and Batur- AIM ieWjra. D" ' A M T (' "* H Out. Phy.lclan. Knrfunn. etc I-ORD'S i PLEWIS' HILLS and an cheap as tlio chcapi-t, a'm ' .... FEED OF * ' ALL KINDS .ilUct" S Uuuh*w i-i bl.>ck. Bo*td*nce- * Hurt-roil* In Mnllclne of Toronto .iteriin f ,lo-hl|. |i,|,l..n,a, r.,.t llradu- ' ' -Behooland Ho,,'llal. ( l.l.'.i- ftl all tinioH, anch aa liran, nh'-rtH, chop and choppul corn, oatN i ar h y pt-iui and wheat. ,il'i Krinl and ConfrctioiH'ry.Oro c-.-ru-i and iiriiiiaionn. llo^ mid Coon Mills, IJooln and Shue^.inailr oil shone-t ll'>tice. Mour $3 <0 lo f4.80 l M, , Bohool,,,! Ho.l.l, W-evliaofeye, -ar. . au.l throat .pecl.lly ,r-ItV.I it ." idii o Man Tnur.i1/a. l-S eTeralian. THE FLESHERTON Jp oiTr.'.vr.l.l. Vntxiliiary Hur*oa u-li'- <>' Ontario Veterinary lle.t le c* - econrt o....r aooth VaV* itreel. Till* ilreet rreabyterlau Ctn.icli. Collef., wet on reu* *outh \.V. MA'K IK Vi.txrn.arv H'lrueon am) Dentlil. MX ll m* iii*t-i of Ontario Vntorlnaiv rH'ir- <*nntol with Toronto Unlerelty. MfMala Wednaaxter from U m to I r ami rev*riliain Tlinnday from H to I p MI Vlli Tenders Wanted Kor llir.'tlon ot Html. binent,e>nl eerlug nl W.l . l.nn-i , lnfi>nl H.M.I, in. i May 16. IMWI. HyajblAeatioa* to b*i *N.n at i ri-ai.lencn ..( Win Hn. l.iimi 1>ii.|n od f or wliuW or lu parv rim lowent nr . teli'i'i nt n< FHHBI il , m-cri.t-,1 C'ointlilttiHf VI in HII. i, man, J. I (I.. I, am, \\ m UDUU. Qmporium IB tin- placo to lni> jnnr Dlankots ihos, Mitta, Hiirciiiglrn.HugB wool Huliber and Oiled , Wliipx und laslica I'lirryvntuba itnil liriiNlir-H, SIIHI-H anil A Wolf in dheep's ClothinK- MimA. M. ABtmi, the young, bcauti ul ami aci-ninpliohiil rliloet lUu'.'lii. r of Mr nnii Mrf. Wliitniuru Anton, who ar way i- d Halters all Hlylcs ami i Hells ,if t-vi-ry (Icscriplioii, padu, Coil. u- pada, Honainga. Now is the lime to bliy your Mm iii'gH bcfor.' tliu piic* advances. \Vi< nnl.i- all si\ Irs witli tin- beat materal t tlie lowest ix)iBible liviiiK priori). Wm, Moore FLtSHERTON. -.! oinuiii, mid a f uuily In evrrjr tlion- rvpriMtch, waa umtvd in in Wrdpe.-iiay, April 4'h. t" a MI call miii named Datid 8tadlbauro, of H.-rlin. with m-r> Impv of a loi>K and li; py inairind lift*. Unhappily th iiinn a vi-riUblo wolf ii. ahp'a clothing, and tl.B fair bride of a wrk now liei at the In me of her | aifiiu, alui.n' at tin- ptni.f uf ili-iili, the reauliof hercrDelexprrii-nct) It <|i|ii-;ii'N that Ihia Stadelliaure ia n iint coimuiiiit'f liar and ronianovr, tnd on the OOCKMOII of hiR frequent vuita rrp rt-M llt.-ll llllllKulf U) bo a III. to "flll-.-M.- it!- a tl >urisliiiii.' liiisint-mi in iht* (own Bt-rlin, and tbitt lir had a (..-mitiful nml di<iu ii-siiU-nre, liantlai> furnilu-ci. rcadyforiho recepln.n of llu-lirulu \Vliat waa tl.i- \oi n^ girl'* dimiay, on ln-ran.v al at her deatuintion, Ui lii.d al>e hail U-i-> iii-. i-iv.ll 111 the ni"-t hi'artli-Ha iiiiniifr Thi r^ waa neither home, friend* or inuana of Hon|'ort, and shu wa.t taken to a shairy, .li-\"iiliif furnituruoracc. 'iinnixI'iK'nofitny kind. (In tin- facii IIOIIIK ctuniiiunicatHi to her paiontH, Mi Antun at onci' pr ceeded to Her in uud Irouglit In r dau);h i-r li.-iiii, and her inveHH^atioii |ir..M-il thu man to In- without mean*, credit m n -..p. rt in Itcrlin. The familiy hiive th sMn|.itliy of it.t- t,,An in tlteir trouble nml Sudellmuri' will likely m-t a wurn reception aliould he ever i-.-uo- to wood.- Collint(woud Enterpr:f. A Tory and death uocured in tho family f Mr. nnil Mm. Canon Fiice, HolUiu itr-, on last Friday, whon th-ir four*! Mny. w:i hUtlilvnly taken fron i IIKIII by an atUck of hi-art lailur of lit 1 1 n -i. than an In HIT'S duration. For tw ucrkn atic had burn ill with U<ri|ipi- am wa* prd^rvxHiiiK favorably until hrart fn.l ure net in. She wat a bright, hearty, youni< jnrl of mjlitoiMi yiat* and ni IIH, boloTed by ln-r *-.<n, mt.-s and the life and joy of her home. Now*. On WfilnuMlay . n mnu. 1 I'h in>t-, the people of I tu nuooii and HUrroimdmg country witnwMF.1 the dpntruction of the old tn*llhip hall. The hlazf WDH ilis,-,.\ - en-d ih.irtly after nine o'clock and within an hour the buiMing .\ a hep of i inn- AH tin-re ia no tire pruiectioD in the vil- lK<i the rtpcutoiii could do nothing t . tiii|(uiali the tl.niii's, Imii-eil, it i* a qnraiion whether they wanted 'o. Tins (milling win erected a) out forty five jt-arx nun by a -ai|M nlt-r nainod J. Mc- \uslnn.l, a well Ln.ivrni-liaiHctiT llirouuh- ont ihp Northern rnd i.f tlio townihip. Sin, -i- tiii-n it haw IKTII coiiHtantly in UKO, and inRiiy tinicn hn Veen the >c-n of hot Mimiiripal meplin|(. At thr time of tho lire it contaiiuHlvrr Iii tb'ofvalui-,lh nioni important dooumeuto beliiiiuiog to the tuwimhip uciiiK in oliarue of the Irrna- un-r Mid clerk. The oiigin <-f the hlxso IN a n.>.irry but it m grnorally credited to the hand of an inovndiary. Thuro U $40(1 ii.Miinii.-i-. Hullutin. Favm for Sale oim liun-lred acre*, aa In ayxHl ttate of rultUallon.Kooil unli.l brlk until,., good out, orchard. w*ll watered, two nillee from Klmliurton. tot furtliur partii ulare terwi, ote. i'i'ly u> A.\C HIM'J. V1K Plertierlon ,Keb. !>, UO), Ever have t!iem? Then we can't about You how dark s looks d how ycu are about reaJy to ive up. Some- < liow, ynu can't throw off 1 Arc (!:in23 really so 'i MHC? ITI'J it your nerves, j ef;sr a!!? Tiiat's where :!ic r-.oubls (s. Your ricrvcs ; clcfn.'jpoiconed fi\ T. '. 'i ir purities In yo'ir L!:cd. ' ~ r-) .- . .- -". ':{ L -V * . Yv^PJIfl |^ S1&* r -> the bleed and /over s.-d cubility . lh nerves. It r.iaics : i a-. j street!-., actlv- ThJ It wfcat " Aycr*$ M i'l o' i for you. I:'s the oU-sf Sarsjparilh in the lend, i'.\s kind thst was cIJ before other Sarsa- pariH^s vere known. Th!:j cho cccounts for ihe spying, "One bottle of Aycr's is worth three bo:tlcs of the ordinary tir.d." bcnu. AH \fe-Ka rector. If Tf i b:Tt ny csiipla'i : wh*MT* n<l t. tra the but raoJloml edrtee * caa poaultiy rfflr.. writ. tl. dorter Irely. y ,u will r-elTe a preBpt re- nkOTtcu." AdUrrii. Du. J. C. Lowell, Mail. The Markets. Carefallr f.rrrrled I.:., i. Week Wheat, white Whi-at, nd Oat* Pea* Barler lintler. ,,..,,,, Kdg freah Pork f'o ati.ea bat; Wo,,] ChicUriis Duck* Turkeya JUT ll>. ...... Gut-m. per H) Flour Hide* CO ro Ml to 26 to *> u, 30 to 14 JO .o 6 00 to 30 -.0 13 to 25 tf. 30 to to 3 to OG5 ; 30 10 00 40 * 40 fl 7 00 to 8 60 for Sale Lot 116- 147, Coo. *X.;l 8. n., 1C4) J acree cl.-re<l, balance hardwood. Goal frame house aod baru, U mlkx from Floaber lor. Alto 35 acre* with good fiaue Wn. H aerw acr* lirdwx>t Duil/ao-J balance rough and cB wti.-d -_-_ . '-V. \. ARMSTRONG. Klwberton Jan. li, 100Q. J. B. Sloan & Son Fash, Doors, Flooring. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balustei?, HanJ Railing, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath, No. i and 2 Shingles Veranda and 1'ittings, Sidings, etc. iii) tf all Hiris Done to *~N'e run of,., f,, r Chopping. Satisfaction in all our linn guar>->e<l In thr aialltr ol the itata <>t J.ihn Oeburn late ol Klrshcrton roweihlp of Arlcmeala In the County ol Urey. Fare* <r Dcceaeed te hereby (Iron, pursuant to the He rleerl HtMutitP uf uulari , IN', chapter 1*8, thai >U crivlitoo tud other* baring claim* unit tho . tnCi- of the >-! John Otliurn.wlio died on ore, out theMcond day of| February. 19fl.*rr require.!, on or before the Brat day of Ma<.ln. to tcii.l h. |NMt vii.'vut.l or daliTer to W. J. Httllmiiy. (Hie of tlin t-.iciltor* o' the nut.- of Hi.' -MI .:>.- anv.l. ihi-ir chriilien and Miii.ainri. it<>-> "i an I iU-criptlon. the full partlcl'larn of til. ir clainm. tlla laleinvtit of iliuir ircoai>l< an. I the nature of t*e MKuritiee. if an; hol.i^l> thrm. And further take notice that after auuli lam m .utioii.d date lh execnt- on willnruc<t v dittrlbuto the -*-t of the d*i*a*ed aiuons in* |Mrtl entitled thereto. liatt'iB retard i'iil> lo the claim* of which he ball tiixii have notion, aui! that tl *ald a.l Hiil.vralor will ,iot !.<> I a>hl for the *aid a* tet* or at* irr tli^ri-"f to auv person or per* mill of who-u- rUlm n U. < nliall not have hoeu ruceired by him at the time . I *och Jlnlrlbut. Ion. Uit.-.l tin* Aril day of Auril igoa \V J. HKLUtUY. " 8<iuth . . Two volume* Fimtcon- uirw complete hit< v .-f e< iintry u' I war to iUtr; lfl!s nhoiit iMir ci'iiiin criif., pi% in iMiiifn <>/ I'tlkvrii ai'H m-n. S.'C"iid voliuni' t.i In- p I|I.H|U-I| M heii Wat IHIIVLT. Duly (Vinch.m mauuftvl- un-.l 1-tKik. Everybody cancoli Ihfir i ril.-r for AIIICIIINII boki when i'iir-4. If a huxtler, thu i.i y.iur iiuii. l'n|i''ctu!i free. BHAU1 EY-OARKFTSON Limited. HKAVTKUHI>, OST, JM'ew 'Proprietor; Having pur:ln.aed the tcnaorial fcnul- neMfrom Mr LeOard I wish fo annouicu that the hunim-iM will bo continued in the old preinixen. We hare had a laigo city experience and believe we can give perfect aatwfictioo in our line. Hitve taken over the agency for Rolston. Laundry - AND - Ami all order* Mi with un will receive prompt and onreful attention. inn Parlors A. Wilson . . Prop. BOAR for 5FRVICE The rrniler*<l Tam^orti Boar T.\W PAS for frvicn at Port fj.W OrtiBcatr cun beieei bv i>nl>l-'K tn . >. I). McTavish P:KTON KEEPS ON HAND t REPAIRS... K>r Mawpy-Harria. Nxn, Fleurj and Wilkinaon faim ini| leruentu liMirv and Verity pK-wii on hand all the time aW all kituli o repair* Kr tho lame. \V mantifaoture Wg,.n*. Huggiei, Cuttfio, Slemha, lc., llornrmhiieine- "runiptly attended to. Special attention to tender ccn- " M i i ' I feet. .... -ymi; and Plow Chain* constantly on hand. B'h.--^=B=zsi AOKNT FOH CREAM - SEPARATORS

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