Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1900, p. 4

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THREE BATTLES RAGING. The British Slowly Fighting Their Way East to Wepener. London Mon.Ny. April 2J.-Fighting proceeding south and east of We- pener, while the l>in n liarilmrnt of the man Owing to tb. fact that it was < unfuii to exart tin ontli of sulimiiwion unless tha British fur- * with renewed vigour. ;HU. llund- la's column is gr.nlually presaing its way east against a stubborn resis- tance by the Bourn, who hold strong Notes of Proceedings In the Nation- al Legislature. St. poaiiiona. Gen. _. and i ln> ciiuniry divided into sections, each of wbirh will be admin- istered by a , ,.iniiiH-,i,Mifi PreKident Steyn bus ianund aprocla- MI i ion urainff tbe burghers to main- n , '" u'uniK inn ourgiiern lo in mi- >ant, advancing lain their at ruKgle against the Hi ii until the report of" the Uoer 'iiinuiissioners arrives from Kurope" He says that this will be only a short *". ," nd H"'" foreign intervention be curtain. The British corres- mierpret thin proclamation the r re Stuie, |kM)r>rr thai as ever. They even say ibat from the aouih. is now .t Bosnian's His advance guard is in touch *tb the Boers about fifteen mile* south of Wopner. after takin R a week to cover ihe forty mile, from Bouivill.. The delay was caused by 'd weather that his been pre- "' li "' j"' 1 ^' 1 lhl therwU" no" other" sign "of despatch from Maseru, Basuto- I ' tt * '^ er fi nl witn descrilM,* th., B-isutos a. orderly. ' Invasion of the country by the Boers, omm.mded by three British com- mission, n. The Standard's correap on deut at Hoemfontein, in a despatch dated jast Friday, aya il U still uucertai re .?" ! 1 L, nger Gener ' ^ .1 n at Blnenifontem He draws at turn to the imp-uwiliiliiy ,,f .n a( |I vnr oy rlis* **,..; i __ 1 . Its QUESTIONS ANSWEKEI). Mr. Clarke was informed by Dr. B*or- den that the Government bus no in- formation with regard to the re.. i,t nnounrejiieut in the British House of i hat the Australian cavalry way to the Caps are be allowed, in addition to the Imperial I ceaafu I attempt rale of pay, certain ior-al allowances, up one of iflWAMEBAI WORK. Partially Successful Attempt to Blow Up nea, Out., thrown on 24 at 22.-Thi state bad bis valise let down with a rope. Ud to the railing of tha n La- live t wh c. Wll , glr . thBjn Pquivll , Bt to flve , and lings a day, for privates. Neither reports i , . Government aware that baa written . the new Wei- Two distinct were ia. written to local commit- & ken while in th lee. in tu K land. asking for supplie. Ualhouai, the of C 'th." of cardigan sock., flan- Uas diatinct.v "plowo. diatinctly heard. of cardigan waistcoata i . '"" -* j ... ..M.IIJ uearti. Twr t. etc. Certain societies, such dynataite were exploded by / h * Ited Cross, have asked the War one at eaoh of the be suitable | lock 24, but as was hewird through- dim net, and brought every- --, . - Thbrold to the door. Along tbe street leading away fium the lor* learly every building buffered and tbe 6-Ias* in every house m far away as ibe I resbyterian i-hurch wan desiroy- The lock tender. Mr. Parr, was ia he shanty along wiib Kicbard Hoover luis line be> Seen on tbe western Jvltr >" t The Daily Telegraph prints a de- spatch, d*td Boabof. Orang. Free at-. Sunday wvening. which state. Hat a Boer euuimando is in that im- I mediate neighbouihood, and that it i. - everything thit can be carried t " cnarge-i Had been many eniiuine. tied cloM to the wall, very little dam- been answered by K wa. don. except to shatter the Militia. The Gov- I ir "nwork and i a bou t underclothing as pieaents P*. where the in noutb Af- "'irred, ia a Af Dr. Borden further slated that Ibe Government, has nu knowledge aa furnished by to lo * number of meu of the colonies. hor. e l herV "" i l*"55 "a i The rumour .hit Genernl W.rren shout to becoiu,, Governor of Orange Free SU view of the news it manner of nuinHainjf -"'-> wa..rr.n,(.d were Th deapatch add. that the weather f lujock thst. feel, and that the British troops ***** re in fine rondition. A . lajaialion re.r.,,nly issued <y President Sieyn IMS U. en r e<-eived "\ ,""'"' If fl '-' l( .' that the Free will have their property ro,,fi,cale.d n,l the- " Air. Caagrain was informed by Mr. of telegraph 31 miles constructed un the nurtb .- ,. win ne HIIOI when I**'?:* .:::"' ur r Th. P rori. ni ,,.,, n shore of ibe St. Lawrence, east of PoiniB aux lisquam*u. during, the auumer i,f 189. Mr. Clarke was informed by Mr. Pat- . arson mat, the amount i>f rebate paid on bicycles exported from Canada in the fiscal year ending June *>tb, IJW8, . ---^. luc* <auif npi>t tbe attack of an enemy. Under ' lt * e bon k runs tbe Welland rail- y line for half . mile, a narrow aoind of eartli cnly su,,H)rting the reat volume f water. The Thorold depot, liea in the hollow, and the de- truclion of lock 24 would have meant Two pmrce of J ^ r rafl ut in tatu> to th f fuse of the charge for thn upper gate- way burning. U slnnued to i he tele- tie, making the remark. " The, , r* owing jj|> the, oanal." an, I ,'< h* grasped tbe receiver the second rharg. exploded with ten times more violence ian th first. The door of the shanty was blown in. the telephone shattered. 1 glasa flew in all directions. A. uuiB at ihfl ujiper gate was ap- parently alow In aetiing off the fuse fete r<niwnlon callexl from the road) Hurry up Jnrk. drop it and coiu. COOL SCOUXDREI^ The strangest part of it all was the coolness wiih, which tbe dynajnilsr* AH their work. Pei-ple were about, and many saw them: rum from th* lock and take lh. ,, J .' _ i. . i - the town. Ibe n the entire Lave overrun and carried car and several house* dow n a couple of miles. This i . ae a road in the ilii.-.-i i, )n of Niagara Falls, aoout eight mile, distant. They were on foot, but got quite a atari befors borold people followed. One ri during ibe fiacal MARKETS OF THE WORLD Prices of Grain. Cattle. Cheese, &c. in the Leading Markeu. 2 white., 29 8-1 to -'!' 1-j.V; N,,. 4 hit' No. wss I7.8W15. and year igyy ~~^ " ^~ ^ > a v . a w. J0; No. S whit.. | Hendeison wa. told by Mr Pat- Tson ihjl tbe aatual average rale of Bo. Klour ...'. April !. Flnraeed Cloned ronto. April 24Tbe receipt, her, ~^" r{ I|-W..t and S,uih-\Vest. ra.h.' li'tie changed from it. condi- I " H l.'l .H t TlIMalHa V k i T ** l| *7 'DIM IDorDintf u hi demund and weaker price, were har.eleri.tics of the cattle trade at ibe western yard.. The export demand U light, and rues are nominal; 4 Vlo per pound wa the outside price. Bui cber cattle ia .low and price. "Mr, wub 4o aa quits tha top figure. Stoxker. were t..a,ly. wanted, and la .mall supply. Milk cows, export, and li K bt bulls, and feeder, are practically unchanged. Hh*-I and lambs are firm .t recent 'ions; .bout 190 came in. Good veal calve, are wanted. year ended sugar* uot abut* Jii jj W *- cent*. l>e, rolt/ApririV-Wheat-HCIwed:- f,^.', o. 1 white.. rb. 7H-4c; No. * red. f.^ 1 <sh. 71 l-4o; M iv. 71 l-4r Julv 71 V4c Milwaukee. A.-ril ,9-\V n ^ t l'^. '' i ' ^" ' " " ^ Nortbera, 6ltl--'i \,, i\ n ..,h.. * oatiou of iu ... 631*. Rye-No ,;.^.. rlh ^ r i" l "" d ^ ' - HO. *, 491 lo i3 l-^ij; *nuii>li* 581-2- to 4- l-2c. MinneapolU, April U.-C|CMM: Wheat r' n i or "-JJ;- ' Northern. April. 84 ]> May. 6S7-Ho; July, 65 -8r; to 5 -*; 8eple n ,lr. fiT, 1-^r; , I;1 ,. k N IharirWIVBc; N,,. I Nor, hern. 64 7*- ,.N". 2 Northern. 8(1 J8... K |,,ur and at m I'ni fe',n<t<l *** \F il I - W ~-N >h.rd ; May. HI-4c; July, 89|-:'o; c.nh. 86r: May, (Ui l-4c; July. rMe; SeKemher. no i-.,, Nr , / North ; rn ; Mr- No. 1 spring, flic. Onta :>4 \-> to u veai cnives are wanted. '' """ *TJrj2SNM BCSMAN-S KOP. collected in the 'Milt June, ItM, oo all eJaeu here specified, not (f.. in uoiour, nita nearly I-,.!. iwipie oi miles. This . , i 'he next but one to the waters J Mr t is thought by nviny mek. near .Mamford. a tne dastardly attempt was aimed "' "ul of the rig to -?", Oe "-''"way, and tbat ihe >ad lock was tbe objective. . - . - , , , I T he lte *I> 1 waa in broad day- ^SS^fflaSRsSC L^l. 1 lh J b J ri<lge fro ^">g the cinal. id Mayor Wilson. . . Thief O t Police. Clarke, .u. Martin. Theyi overtook the tw. near Stamford, and one of them ml of the rig to remain behind > men while the other three pn- "eedeJ to the Kails f or assistance. Of- r Mama, of the Ontario police foree (o'ned Ihe Thorold people, and aa noon > .trano-era reached town they ARRKST OK Till: .\fE.V ne hand to wa. informed by Mr. ' J^''', f "' m ""' v - c R - brulge '' Canadian building Th*y were seen in ibe vicinity of i for the aixomiuo-, 1nal M house, .here, they went to sh colonies, to be ' n ?V D ? '"* "* 'hB about 7 ion to in umouni ' rl ''^ . l>otn IIM>I > "-t .ml to carry out I heir design. "" - 1 to blow tbe lowr paid for xx:upie<l by eacb colony. . . share, according lothe.late- .H l^./7, -, T' ''' t - < n"'wn.r. I bt M.7M. There is alsoa buil.L- itigat \ iiu-funus for the iiccoinuioda- sgriovlttuml implements. Can- ihe three to blow up lork 'J4 on I h* ' irie^l 1 here by - .... u i Ji ' i, n p,, ice. The prisoners: Walah, John, Washington. D.C, ged at. smiill-sixed. clean shaven Nolm John. Philadelphm. aged 60, u '- to . *eiht -Jli pounda. illmnn. Karl, aged JO, stout set. - a i i i i t Illj - Ing. but as yet prices .r. unchanged., f*f prune hog., acallng from 160 to fiors Kl llii* i U_ a . * e*wt ^ & i^w'f ^uniry willaUo p .,, build n , ^ - 1<ldUH>U lo lle'olou, a l Aiding io provide room for cold -*' Plant, au.l | U , M ,, u,.,!.,.,,,,, ,, OU | , -. -- j itaiit ,f |jn < *3 _ the Imperial exhibilii. wbirh Mill coot ai.'.IM'J or air, ll i. GETS THE VICTORIA CROSS An Army Medical Corps Offlcer'i Bravery Acknowledged, London. April 30. The official O.- Queen i 4 75 i n SOU 31)0 20 Iba.. tbe fop price i H l-8c; light h-K are bringing 6!Mte per Ib. following U the range of quota- tions: Oatlle. uicber,' choices, ,1,, , s'tio ber, med. to good. SJ5 Btock.ra, per owt. J7;, Sheep ,, n ,l Lamb,, hheep, p cr CMt> J00 I..inb.i. per cwt. . 450 Spring t iintj 1 * AJic'h l! r .l) Bucks, per cwt. Milkers and Calves. f,~, -t --'!> . . C'M. each. . <oJ H,>ga. Are Trying to Leave the but this was lined for of i j 650 i.'K) 1IMI !.' on II) 1)0 Heavy Sows. Stags. . bogs, pe r cwt. per cwt. 5(10 JUKI 1^ I :! . r ) 37 1 t 3J-, Country By Way of Ladybrand Hl^mfunlmn. April 20. 4 10 p.ra.-The n,.nb.-rn circuit ,.f British (lulpnst. his , Oeen to u< b.i by the llo,v , f,,, *vral days. H i now Ue.|j,.vd (hat the enemy "> o nitexl lioAni.i n'x ko|i last evening It ia reported they are seeking to leiive the count i-y below Ijtiilybnind ml i I, ,,i ih,.y will m ,,ke their next t defence aoross from ihere north ward. The llriiish re t i,,.unt. continue to nr- rlve. The iinlmaN ure healthy, de-j,,i,, 'he fuel thai tlw journey was n, , i,- I hi- hnuviext rain*. The horses es n, .n , ut< ,, , (, bu .'! <il " 1! lo all exhibit. Mr a> how rnui-h complete uuii the C.ina.l, i U to Contingent that Dr. that :r l.iiiirinir to 'he fi Idl IllHO hllffn,| P'cleil f| M11 | ). ,;,,. er.' bbl. bran AsrirsJ&L+s"** *u~ ' weat, nnd a-miin.!!,, No . 2 if . u (f( . . w '* <.'"".->'lrnir; No. 2 yelTo^ tt f the eoaMiaadera at Sp.on kop ha, hen b, ,-fiy ,,ul,lishe.| h,e The anu MorSM ihe leiiHuieit of the roinni mil -in-chief, Hnd l,el,ee, , h.,1 I l,i kn,,wle,e th.1 such p,,l,|,e cri.icis,, "Ii fall up',,, uff.rer* who re dere ul 11 ;,;,';;:;;,: 111 ' in '-'' '- TheiH i, c,,,,!!,, | ,, lirrs , ,,, iiiiiHid in i| lr dlatrloU dlataalt from i in- nulway. I'll.- in. ul uli,,|, ns despaiclied f,,,,, ondon Mnrd, .W :ls d,.|ivere,l heir ' m,,rnin i-|,is is ihr ,|ui,k.-si de- 'ery that li.-,s,,-i |,-en made ,,f !:,, ih in ul in III, i-iiifont<-in. APPEAL TO AFRIKANDERS. Boer Government Circulating a Manifesto In Cape Colony. t'*P- Town. April 17-Th,. || (( ,. r ,; ,_ "iiineul i.s i-irculiiiing (he fol li.w in,, manifesto to l he Af rikauders 1 1,, ,,,, M |, "Ut l'a|MV t'ldnny; \V feel lhal our fate. arid the fats 't Ihe whole <,f aUrikundeidom. i- ar .J uppunl to you to si in, | fight shoulder to shoulder w it I Yon cannot, you ,.,, not, )) ,\* f J* to ulinguinb fornrer onr WlS 1 tra ' Uof 'haraot.r ,. a ni,,,n ,Mth you on our ,! Ihe issue .-nn not be doubtful. W. must ,,,,-, mg are |uo.uie. the I'ovvriun.'iit in public lor liy connection with hir Milfnd Uurier. answering Col. Kuulhach. aaid the Government was always ready to receive any overture* from Newfoundland on Ihe .ubject of the rolony's joining the Canadian *'!r'i 'I t IOD. Nu I'TuUilHSlB h.ld tt**>Mn ~ --- -^M' . u<ai niiule rerenily to the island for reci- " onffrr * d the Victoria Cross on Mi or jM-ocal trade relntions, the reaaon be- "'"'"m- Daptie, of 'the Army i n if t Jiut it > - , , . . .L ,. situation in present time proposal*. Major Baptie went to Ihe aseiatanoe IMHAN K -\MINK HKI.IKP. of the wounded gunners in the face ot unp-ropitious for .uch '' I'lMiicy J ' told Mr. Ulnir ..\72iTL!!! r drr<l in -i' '"..'' Mr* M":' ?I"r' " 8 lh " ^'ner of "'"nnc-e of T *r \Vilfr,d Laurier told Mr 1'uttee the Government bad not come to ny conclusion in regard to extending aid to tbe /amiur-ati icken diHtricta o India. It waa thouRht adu.sable to couiiiiunicate with the Home author- ities on the subject Mr tiiluiour. Con.servative. Ea.t leaex. aaid Ibat he was in receipt rf commun, rations from a nuiulier of his const,, u.-nts. bi> were ,-inxinu-i ID contril.uti- l,, i he relief of the unf.-r- ' mines in India. Kffort^ were >einrf made, to i ,,,e i substant ial sum I money, ,n,.| he rose for tbe purpose of ask,,, K ,h,t thnGovrrumenl would Nogni/c i he niovenieiit and transmit utwcript u.iis ih it iiu^h! lvr,i-ii-d '" ''..nada in i | u . PI ,,,H.,- aulh,, r ilieM ID I 'i. In. II,. naked also uheilun it v be advisable to offer rout ribiilio i i!"'.."'' re "' ""' "'"luiion> adopt- by his consli i uenta t a meeting at Pnrk, and counm-nded theinove- ment to off 11 1, 1 l^0( called a; lent ion to lh in'Bnn^h V-ohimlna'Ti'''/.'?. 1 ''" *""" f ' 'i>.inese, an-l asked the II mem to ascertain whether they wer >UB*d for tbe Uniied Sin ten orCan i hey were going to remain! ^minion thny would (, anaiiou ",'..!" wh "> labour If i id I. i im., ,,,,,) ii .IM not to restrict Japan** graUom, and he l,el,,, v ,d Hie I'V-ni a policy in i I, , n-sped was a 'o^d even in |;,,i,,h (Vl,,,,,,,^. T jJ; i mnt of i h- Interior would look UtO the que.slion of their destination ' V**W lulil Mr. Mi-Mullen l ha IVnt. the Isjtsjertal I,-M,. i,,n I Uol repoiled DIM I I,,- n ( rin.nla i , pui i-h i.n< hoisea f,,r ni|i.-i i il mniy. Mi l''iel,lin' K infumu'd Ihe l|,, u <e hal I.e was ,,,., yet able ,,!, the ' , i, -., |,,,. h ,. hntpromiMmlwIlh I i" I lie neiroi ial iixis f,<r a trad* ' itj betwMaOaiMMU ,,,,i , nw (,,.,,, liinidiid l'-,n of M,- correspond, nee wa.s ronfMlmlial, and he vv,,,,M v to wait f,,r,,,, f,,,,,, , . * * v ui (in i r o n <| 1 1 1 r Ood gr.ol^ that lova for y,,ur,o.,,,.,y nd your liberty and Ibe noble vlrlnM I men truly free, may mdura ,,, 'lied n i lenl ,<>,, ,,, ( m Hie papers relntinR to 'he exi.slen.e ,,f f,,,,i , 1M ,| lnollth div , amonB knerioaa cmilp Hrwnnl- ed In know if prerHUt iims w e i e l, e i n [_":'" l " ( ' Vl ''. 11 . . lh " !ntrortn<-li,,,, ,,f aiMflSt in 'ibis onuntry. Mr^ Ki.sher rrplied that I,,. !M,| heard nf ihe .xUteOCS of , |,e ,,1^,,, but would ,,,,,,. H. was sure that , th move (ioverume-nt, so that by the efforts of t he ,. lls( . full(N , ai(J l .asdlan p -oiiie ,. *m " "" "*" MMMI1 ID Tiratd' n in Inau B " ht saaajao tu I IIP 1 'i< Q OK a heavy rifle fire during tbe fighting I>e.-enir>er 15, and later in the day s- isted in bringing in Lieutenant Rob- rts, .on of Lord Roberts, who loat his life while attempting, to reaoue t b. (run*, for which, after his death he was a warded the Victoria Cross Th. tier feat of Major Haptle was ala looomplished under a severe fusillad. Mi. Ki.-I.Ung admitted wan nrfd f l( . that there k-i .. "oi mf none to ihe unfortunate in India but he p.niexl out ihat there, were many oh- jec-tiona 1o the nending of grain or proTiaiona. Pending , he decision of he (,,,vernui,,nt on the matter of aid the unfo, tunnies, be MI seated tbat ny ( anadian subscriptions should he forwarded to Mr J. W. Courtney IV- Hinister of Finnnce. whi> would they i-Mrhed tho pr,,perquar- rourtney was treasurer ot the Canadian Indian Famine fun.l an organuation which waa in exint- eno. some years ago. PLENTY OF WATER. Rains Have Removed One of Gen Roberts' Chief Difficulties. Bloemfonteln. April, 19. During (he astten day* there have been constant alns, and an enormous quantity of water has fallen. These conditions, al. bough extremely uncomfortable a. ar as the soldier* are concerned, hav. ud their advantages, for every ,|.io> in the country round about is filled, and the question of water, which hit h- ,"1* l u ' iB . lh ' m '.' rrl ? i'f tb " "r - difficulty, is now The troops w,l| -s*> . 114,1 | been one of great practically .olved. mlBB lroop> W|| Iwable to move in any direction with a rtainty of finding a sufficient sup, ply of water. The whole regular and volunteet ilr lifts hive arrived, and the Highland brigade is oow at its full strength Lady Roberta and her daughter, bave arrived at Bloemfontein. BOERS' LAST DITCH. Swaziland Said to be Chosen For Re- ireat ir Pretoria la Taken. London, April 19-Mr. Prevo.t-A.t- wires to Ihe Morning Poat from loemfontein under date of April IT "Observation might profitably lie k-er,i on the intention, of the Boer* ..spermiK Kw,,/il nni , rh ,, n |,,,, lllt i e n of ope, m inns following on defeat t Crowns, include* the employ mnt i .*< a/Hand for the retirement of If of the H.M-I f,,r,es. while the oth- falls back to Xoutimaxherg. Itoer emisnaries are already in ihat ' ry endeavoring to imrchnse H- '' nifoiiimt Jon concernin ihe cn~ i m (he prryslonr ,-! IT -hrewsbur> u-day is Ii irb are known only to the mines Cem-i-,1 i; ,'t acre i* Itn tile l,li|t-i-t of a ...i.l..i I fc .b.:- i_ . ion* and' GEN. WARREN RECALLED to Order Said to Have Been Cabled South Africa. London, April 18.-U i. said that . I'lnpiory order for the return of Lieut .-Genera I Sir fhirles \V lr ren the roinin inder of the fifth division of tbe South Africa field force*, was War Office declined to givn ,,, ormntion in reg.i r ,l to the rumour. ne.1 Crofton. ho wua in c>m- ai Spurn kop from the ti,,, leiieral \\ iK>.lgate wan wounded until >lnel Ttiornevcroft .,s .,,,,,, he position, and wl,os beli,,, ,,,. messages ( tienrral WurriMi r,usJ Qeneral Buller to appi>im n, r , 1B .. c.oft , the command, was pi -.- I '> naif pay to-day. Private information received fri... i In- ,-ffec.i ih n ng South Afri I local disiViot." * COU "^ lnd ^ i About the House DISINFECT SEWERS. This ia good time to disinfect ewers and cesspool*. Do tfavia by pour- in a iil of billing water in which ..bout five cents' worth of copperas IM di.i.t^ved down tbe ceaapools aad Ih* ttajiie amuuut down tbe generaJ teeeo ,er for ten minutes, add it to the warm muds, and wash as d. reeled above. Rinse in tbree waters, all warm, aad dry qu Icly. l>r> KOa CELERY. Minced Celery with Egg Dressing. Scrape, wash and cut tbe celery in amill hits. Bub the yolks of two bard- boil *d eggs to a paste with one ta- Mi-ion salad oil. add salt and a lit- : le vinegar or Irmon juice to mix four over the celery and serve at once. Celery and Potatu Hash. Chop fin sewer ot the If there ia any; sign that tbe waste pipe ot the kitch- en sink ia partly fillwd with greaae, wash it ou' with a boiling solution of Ml soda, and water, and scrub out tbe edges of tbe sink wilh an Aid ,_ UUIIJ ' l ' J JJ I d d<l Marriage ia not tbe chief end of life. >oms girla think it n They misquote ! hereby tbe Westminster eateehiiui H image is only an inciden', or, with >uuie people, an Decide ui. liui- it is tbe chief accident or inci'Unt, and shapes bum in destiny more largely than any y her single occurrence if a marriage home's uplift ing ire th -y b leased with- al. M.rriageiare pul!d 'f later to life b^n formerly. Now a in in wait* uatf] be ia 10. :md a w. mm -.vans until she ge'B a chance. Tbe old way waa the best. It save* many wild oats, tbe devil's crop It givee tb girl an oppor- tunity to shire in the buiidiug up of 'be borne. Homes cm not U- bnugbt ready mrd->. They grow. \Vben a home stop* growing i is deid. Mir-* are sometime* deferred until 'he man can get his home all prepared. Then 'he couple, irru*n old, more into a ready-made home. It ia like one cup c nuked rclery, finely cut. Put in a ;iur.-pan with one small cup cream or rich oulk, season to taste, cook until thoroughly heated, add a lamp of butter and serve. Stewed Celery on Toast. Stew the may be called single-between the transition into a morgue as compared aink whisk dipped in the tune mix- celery as directed in preceding recipes, tire, Repeat the di.-inferting "' Jut - n j drain seasoi ot copperas at least three timesdur-, , 'j, u ' Ing the spring. | buttered Whitewash i one of tbe best dis- cndla and tbe grira. It is but , .to the happy famishing of a cottage 1 u ~ r ,,i \ .r \ . i . .1 i. _ t. [fl , o^Tt a' difference of a letter from marrying to marring. The wedding means one or tbe otbi-r. It is strange that girls who aet much store by getting married should not make large preparations there. or fall of life hope. It ia a good InaVctanta we hare. Apply it to tbe walls i.t the cellar and to various out- buildings around tbe premises Tbe t -I low ing white wh is especially de- surable tor outdoor work: Take half a bushel of nice unslak- ed lime. Slake it with boiling wa- tt- r. covering it during the process to keep in tbe steam Strain the liquid __ ^ through a fine kiere or strainer and . wa jie.. Bake .td to it a peck of salt previously j tMQ dissolved in warm water, three pound. ot ground rice boiled to a thin paste, half a p und ofcl.-an glue, which baa been previously dissolved by soaking it well in warm water, and then put- ting it over the fire in a double glue pot. Add five gallona of hot water to the mixture given. Stir it well and let it stand covered for a few days. It should be applied bot. and fur tbia purpose it can be kept on a portable furnace It ia Mid one pint of 'his mixture will rover aaquare yard ot I auifaca. little cream sauce. TU< is a nice break- fast dish. Celery Ramequins. Boil two ounces - . -ber.y. steadily, seriously for tb* duties and re^ponsibi lilies of wedded .ife. There is thing to have a sweetheart early in n<T~it is better to have a wife Bu' tbe auperl.irive is to have early a swee' heart who is also a wife. Matches are made in" heaven, 'tis aaid not brimstone matches, but the ojher kind, in which no brimstone - ll-sssorred ones down Giants wed pigmies, the living skeleton woo* the fat wo- min, intellectual chaps marry brain- not here considered the preparations I less babies. The long procession of bread in one gill f milk. When smooth involved in a hurried trip for clothes i( > ue * r couples wind down to the hori- add four tablespoons grated celery and ihe baking of the bride's cake. Bui ' londe lves b run- two tar>le0iM^on9 butter \Vrien heat- t.e, ine apple^f clings to the ed, remove from fir., add the beaten . yolks of two eggs, season to taste and; m * alia u> sttendant retiposibi U t ie. I se. the doctor of divinity to the stir in gently tbe .tiffly whipped!^ means, .t least it may nwan, "*''' "*sip. Th-- world does not in a hot oven for fif- motherhood, the highest, noblest mis- Celi -Tat th. r.l.rv in 1 "' 011 "' *""*"* in lh world ' Are our the '"* ** marr,..gee are not 1- n girls trained for theae duties which ! w y '" assorted save outwardly. The small niece*. Mason to taste, pour over; , ollow u the wejjd n , r^ misiii mirriage is a sad affair" N olir. oil and- lemon juir-e. in .he pro-| our scho<jlj portion of two tablespoons lemon juice toone of oil. They moat he thorough- Marrying ia like juimny Better yottng than later wut bettei U'<> ihan not at all. Ke.orma'.ton by marriage i. never t success If he. won': give up drink for her when she is bis sweetheart hi won't give it up for her when she u his wue. This is a truism but oni hat evury girl should paate in bei mirror, where she will see it oftenest There U no happiness greater tba. ihii wb.cb true marriage brings. It ui not transient or illusive like tb* will o' tbe wisp, but shine, on wuk added radiance unto tbe perfect day Cluuds nit) : e.-k the sky and storm* 01 ij A. ii,,ut the borne, but wuh- in is peace and aweet content. The paaeing years but add lo the joy. u fades, but noi the spring of love. Heads grow tfny and lurrow. rhase the dimplea from the cheeka. But the love->.ght is in tha> eye*, tea- dernesa in the voice and love in tbe very footstep down to the day wheat 'le i h doea them part yea, more, un- ne day w he. dtMtih doea t uu. e ig-i.n. DOLLY AT Col'Hr In the 'Letters of Mar * Joseph* Lidy Stanley." wr.iten in her early married li.. ibere is one dated Jane 6. 1797, watch (luamtly tali, of the ia- pearanc. of JLstreas Dullj stamfort. at Court on tb* k ng'a UrtL M - i.a Li"i,y was ihstinguiat 1 by her Ittd :.ul L.i.-k ji.bed eyebrows, greater pum.-hinent could be inflicted , , thin this. Better the Isle du Diable ' "* ' he tin* bloom of her u.-eiis. md th* LI r head. Ibut "* * r barbarously termed, put thin a brawling woman in a loveless ly beaten together before pouring on: ( beae into their curriculum^ We hear n ' m e Mis.'it clothing is sold by city tbe salad. Only the moat tender and of mothers' m*un-i but by the way ; tallori ' bargain. The ' i crisp eatery should be used in a salad WASH I NT. FLANNELS. So mucb baa been said as to the TOOTHSOMK SANDWICHES. One of tba< newest and daintiest of there are no lathers' meetings, and why nouf m image is dear at any price. It ia not tbe duty of every one to get mimed. Some should stay ling!* Ibe most dangerous thing a man can '" bornble examples. W'omea form- do is to fall in love. If he falls into sandwiches is mad. with tiny wda bls-. ditch b, ma, break a le. or a neck, These biscuita are specutlly or- but when be falls in lore be sometimes anything else. d*red from the baker or confectionery breaks bis heart, and tbat is worse. , ' ' st ri dealer. They are tbree inchM in di- How mysterious is this busmeaa of T , 1 h , er 1 erly got mimed because there do Now they get mir- they do nut care io do Marriage ia now the List resort. It was once the only on*. is room abundant . n the world proper method of washing flannels. | . m t . r and "w ben baked are not more falling 'in ,ov"e""anywa"y~ "the yout'b b7cheior. U ' d - Th "' " n Q * ' r ' d tbat the subject may perhaps be con- sidered slight 1* worn, fh-re are, how- ever, alwaya inexperienced ooes anxi- than a half inch in thickness. These.'goes soberly along the path of every- much aa the year's living of some good aa received from the baker, are split day sxistenoe. Be baa no thought save ""m-m would requ r. in two, with a iharp knife. Butter is bl , Wurk , no , Ja for naugnL MTe tn . I " c "". e ' * u . mttt * "' ' s r which college towns bear ever Do ducks swim there be- . to learn, and other, who have fail- , spread over each suggestion of but- dul , at bu door . huUdenly a look . sd in performing the taak eatiafacton- , ter only. Two crisp leaves of lettuce VOIC ^ . Uce> an< i ^ ia ia loTe . No in(f Hiter c[om , mt hin<lf ly- sre then patted down upon the but- more , pa:hay undisturbed. The * jucat 'n doea not drive matrimonial To begn witb. diwbuse your mind tered biscuit aad tne edges trimmed worM hai cnaailed A B( . w ldeai h a s C5?" 1 ** " <t -f the * th.t th.,. i. an, method down to tbe ^. of the hilt. A tbi.i, ri-M of washing flannels whicb will pre- layer of mayonnaise dreeaing is then, bju . , clotld . fwto mto a mlte and be blacka twic- tbe alumna* of tbe school.. The col- lt vent shrinkage altogether. Woolen spread upon th lettuce and afterward. . H.. \Vh, ud bv '*'* a" 11 '*- *''*> tn*"' truned minds goods must and will shrink, and the Pn one of the halve- a thin dress- . ma; of minred hum the two halvea are eieciriciiy or micru process I. a purely mechanical one It jjj",^ g( . n ,|, I. neither helped nor hindered by the wirb is ready addnion to the water of any chemical. Slice black bread In piece, not more If we call to mind tbe fact that wool- ( ^*. one-tenth of an inch wi . ui ike :hL- best of wives. They are c- certaimy customed to obedience Some philo- pressed gently tugetber and tbe sand- comes unbidden. Reason bis little to sopber . rum tbe seclusion of bis study : do with it. Imagination is it* helper ' suggested tbat marriages among sen: iinent Us twin. ( working women are infrequent ._ - , -. *imp.y college educi'imi but slight IT " tb j! crust ev lT "" aruund - Butl " * h "" kee * 0>il "' debt and Ut ' !" n * the slices and spread thickly with love will never wetted and preaaed between two roll- Neufchatel cheese and place twoilii-es never hippy. Not be miserable, and to lead away trum the altar so. Work thit make* woman (Masculine does perhaps tnghten lovers era. we have in a nuiahell the whole together. A mere *U(rge*tiun of cay- Lov. is a creator of ideals. In " iy. not ihat in which women pre. principle of .brinkdge. Properly enne sprinkled on the cheese adds pi- couri*hip the swrcihe.irt lorui^t and *erve the gentle ominhneH* which washed, howecver, the shrinkage need quancy to the sandwich. a a creation and calls it Her He '" her cbieiest cb irui. Indeed, say hn be but trilling. pi ices this L-reation upon a pedestal 7u will, men like ino: of all too wa- it is simply ruinous to wear flan- TO CLEAN KIBBOXS. ' ini1 worsn 'pa as tb* Farsee* did tbe W^B ho works. They 'l.rt with the nets until much s.Hied. 5<u<-b heroio 'sun. No girl n ever quite so good as dainty butterily of fashion, with her measures ar necessary to make them ! " pereon ues proper car. and is her sweetheart thinks she is. HOW unsoiled b.nds. tut ihe largesa ol clean, that they can by no posaib.lity in tbe open air when cleaning ribbons 'lonely in his world would be her lif./heir heart's dcvu'um it poured be oiade soft and attractive again. Be- . or n with gasoline there will be nc ' lf tni * ware nut tDe truth. Sometimea *' ( ne feet of b> r who labors. fore the winter ia over such garment. I _ : the girl comes down troui tbe pedestal, "bether in office, stir- or home A< wilt be badly shrunken and discolored. ' ' cllvely Tberi , u , oeo a mistake of seriu-n im- f 1 "" 1 W ' V M " the world holds come and so h.iitth aa to be almost, if not ''" fruit jur about half with the port. The ideal is di.tipaltd, tbe utu 'he places intn h ,-h stern nee- nurely. unwearable. guaoline, and put into it ribbons that "'"' found to be but common cl iy, *>''. v bis driven tbe girls to work. Si>iue houMkeepers advise washing ,, not mu 8e4 j White ribbons should' W '" 1S il (or lne * irl ** sha comes noi Tbe ' arran^-U" m irrKnte* ar flaunelsin veiy hot watt r. whilst nth- . down. The sweetheart will bold her V always failures. It matters not er. alfirui thut teiid water only separately. Aside from tots in hjg oer eateein for her refusal to re- * be her in inn-l by King or n. . should be used. Th* inexperienced toe jar may be filled with any ribbons pond to his beckoning. U il itr-.i m ,nn<- '*f ire u*uily contnry to the de- 1 1 undress is frequently at a loss to de- of any coloring Cl Cide between the l*o. Uot water, not ! ; |, too hot to keep tbe ia comfort- ' ably, is quite Kite, and better than it her extreme Flannels should always be washed by to remain closed, from two to i, and shake occasionally Then " take oot the ribbooe, hang them to ' dry in tb* open sir. and. if potwibl the bottle allow- * r beloved thm tbe frail and fickle | ilre * of tn - young Pbjrne. I a dismal duappom i , n i hence Th- old folks give them a sun bath, to remove Ui??^rs 'p 4 7,' " uir .f d '^ough tbe obj , ctiooable odor , th . with tbe usual weekly washing. One , T h ^^K^.. __j .. ;, in ean b is the open door to lie*- ' Tt ' no l'Uiuesa ru.irnagee The big blue sky mirrors itself lt)r ; bir \ t. while ibis is suiilleat pool upon the thirsty lru<f - 'he children d,, well to take tbe Thus dom Heaven drill down "."' ** mio confident ion and c,>n should hive plenty oi tiuie to treat them pr.'perljr. and a warm, bright ay should tw chosen. In cold weatber it is better not to w.ish theui' nut 1 ia time to have them, on tbe line during tbe warm hours at u*.<l-d..i>. These gouda should never be boiled. i The ribbons need no presing and are neither should they left ly be snaked, nor d and soothed out as they dry. FASHION'S IM MTI'ATIOX. i enc,- fh-r woul I be i. wer mi^ ,ke- Ahen- : his tbe genenl rule. In tbe old country the youn mm gets ac- w i ti man or woman or both. Marrmge P-' r<>n - -' '>' in the parlor The is never a failure. Someiiuies the >"""; j'eople tu ,ke love m ^tunie.i into tbe tiniest household to be reflect. e<1 b.ick in the lives of wedded folk. When home is not synonymous with married are. ' IV '" fu " of the family Here .llt'li/Md. which' 8ir * in '* tler writln ll strik " us have been used fur other clothes, nor . 'hat the fi at is much more unneces- . ot mimed l,h : '> ll ' 'erenl. The boy in-ltje If there wa. another wor-l *' rl "' '" ' Dl * P'rlor alone. Th* old The latest fud of fashion, it ia .aid, 'hi meant what this burrow, d Krench |' apologue if they accident illy decree, that punctuation i* unneces- " r "' ''w 'hi' *ord would be the ,>ne ' employed Bui ennui alone express. 'I e^ in i bill dozen letters the tired which destroy* miny i surprise goes wi<b him to tbe dince .nd returns in a 4 i m. It is noi 'hit the peach lose* its In dirty water of any kind. Clean soft j sary loan the on. The litt.r I - cured by no sarsaparilla. Knnui bloulu "omeumett In England th,- _ water is indispensable. If tbe water is hard it must be , softened before washing ia attempted.' 1 never been indulged in to any worn in. A dash or ui,ke< in.-n read newspapers nd wo- P"*" 1 know evor -. the court- men ioin clubs. It drivea huslumis to * Dlp lttf * iri * aJ-'>nied with the l, ne an j worse . v,, U iig fellow, bin s ot water, will ac- condesienaions her epistles hue made uipne h ,s gone froui married life {T . f ' h ' m "">-r os^very .atislactor- u>w lr j ,_.,, ,,, (>f rhetor,, Thit , hen ennui comwt in The bride is n,, lh * . St longer adorned for her husband She s . ht( ><> to A t il'lrspoonful of borax or ammonia ; to e,ch two gallons i his purp i i v " *a i sau > J-MH^^- \4 HTJ w> I << - a U.t L ' The uds b >u!d I.e pt. -pared by di- : sh * ""auld be enjoined. up<,n p.iin of ke-ps her -idorment for ifternoon solving some good oip iu the water. ' Pl'e-i ri ng unfashionable, to forego ail : - The mm of tin- i never be rubbeU dr--ct'v the commas and semicolons and inter- . forge's the kissew nf the hon.-. h lose* interest in tbe other Thus - "the rift within the lute." K.w married folks h i : > ,ch other t,re.l H>inen'4 bon.I It only wearies. In- n ih"" " *"' ' ., ,|m- and plenty o( italics are the only cross md querulous. The element of tion m '' "' "uunents. In this c t ,un- ,[ these eiu pped.' 1 as ihs< sligbily satirical f* pen puts .1 md dresaed will mure ;hm her usual spiruaor. she ca- tered tbe royal apart went. Tn.ther alau hid cutne the lull, rluite the Prince of =, daughi.r who cou.d just speak, aad wbo is dwcribed aa a r- inirkably sensible little chiid." The irt object that iruck ber eye. was the "beauteous M. stress ^t ,,m,.r c. ' ue expreaeed Her del ght at so fin* a aigbt by souiiiitf ind nodding t. her and : Ooliy, pretty Dolly." ark 01 dial met. on waa so flat- <-i-ng and the ch.M^ <unghi was so tail. Mistreos 2iuiniurta> proper io make .1 luw courts- ay uoud.u< iwr head wnb a* l*li lea. 'hers all the lone, whereupon tbe h.ld. who ws "very at out on ber repeated tbe movemeut. m a- Ciing l J.el.r. M. stress Dolly siaried to rexura bank*, cut no eounar u.d ibe .-ii..d hear the Sound of ber vmce lu.m she Oegun tu cry and roar tu .-HicJi ueuree W . _. . . L. _ ^* hit nutu.u^ cuulU pjcij her \\Hat: .p.ik! A hat! Dolly >peak! " Ue ci Ihe pi.uceaaea. who knew what the bild iuaui. were ...u. , tu,- Fr.i,ce j.' \\ aies. wno. yus- JUi ot a apirit ot contraUiclion. ooked grave. "I ba? not beird." conclude* tbe sprightly letter-xvnler. "wh* M.> uLortb penetrated the HU^M? of he scene, w a that the queeei kid the d iy Oe:or; aide tbr I tt.e ir n * i PM.-II- ol j luge d. I dr s U io esu.iy ibe same sort ot i ,c- olured gon. aud shak ng its bead IB -*lj ibe a,ui... wjj r r u tbe - r king reseiint Uno betwreu >. * jrlh 's eyvLruwa ,u,i cheek, and he oi the doll, ihe ch.ld uiiuru :ied a a she WB. looking doll, seni irotu Car i ou U ouso, , until it frightened her ,. . AXU I v WejssjH sre notorio,. < >ir* abou tlieir own fuotl One cou.d wish bat tuoee who ne^ , , luty and eifuicu iv uounsbing own bodies would study the heu- statistic* of insanity and us increas. among u.v 1'u* old. Latin proverb us ihai. our should be to keep a sound mund in a sound body. "Drink and hurry and worry send most of the meu to an" says dovior, "while lo. ,. combin- ed wiih lack al food, throw most of be women off iheir balance " Ui. affairs. ou ,i hate but litile influence ver them .f they were |-rop,iy fed; but among tbe illusions in whu-bgirl. and women iu . Ii n . as they l| " 1 ""' 1 f '" ch ipernn. 1)., not use the the Manuel, with "' much as g ven ranee has she tb.-n upon tbe g washboard tut - the hands. S.I,M? g,.od houseki-epers i!f nil that flmnels must never be put through the wringer, but ihu idea is a uiisiTk- "' B ' '"- ' hese r " nrH en one. il folded smooihly. and run through tbe wringer with light pres- sure, the result .s minutely than twisting the , I ,; lies \>,ih the hmds. liiiuicise uly .MI.- n u-ie in Ihe suds at a tiioe. rub it genlly between the . hands, and stir it thoroughly about in 'if h ' r P Pn . in nin '' f " r ' h> able note. . tell hiai H.-IHM-. the i modern tn ike-believe, A ui in -lues not amount to much at i "e.l.luirf II t . ,,, second iiddle un-ll Ihe !,,,( l.iliy c.'lue* plivs -bird Kui uhen he 15 c -nsult- ed he never w m's t,, K et naarneil in < church. Church - . |. couipatihility o! temper menus gener- . * '- v> ' lrr "HT'' he mot h- t uh>T kn >\vs bit r are little about their food, so tne ' They only 1 ,|. .-< not " ally only indn'fe Paul ..u.! of er-m-li\*. 1'he man i- usually so , . :* ' J \'ill lU'llll^irilVTT. I. -I U I -*.llll Ul . ^S^rsSBSBBI I I J &U * ne love, -hit it did many thing*, but he ""' ' ' ! '"' ""hamed h u h, """ na8 1 never and ihv it di',1 not itet lo bive ll " " Ter mconspicuousl v iioiug from Hrt WIS , o|d i,.., cn elor. l>ui he knew x 'ertheless. there is _ . *aaaioB bas 5l , nl e hing of love. Xothinii d-i- "" n ce;i Hnin* reported, su-h :h g* p , , e> ^J ..,.,. ,, , (1 "J^J ding nV,^rr'^:", h :! i ::..:. h ':,::: l .. i> . i . u ; "' "> * ^ ^^ < ** ^ "-d ' u " e stniri ep'*t,>l,ry coniuiua, ;ii been go rel gioasly punctuation f Perh tbe water, until it it quite i-lein and free from si iins. Then light- ly and pass it through the rinse w it- er until ir>v- from suds water must be s nearly the temper- IH the suds .is PI>KS i<lt>. When dashes and lt . to her who ' T h'e dead ~im,-ness in marrie.1 lie spoils in-my homes. In such I, little dodge of Uj l.ut a neat b,,,,,, ev , n!be irrivii ,, f , to put us ,, ,!,., , Rtir ,,,,,,,. rs ,. ;ll!v n. Ii ug more awful thin i home wed. ll is usually as sti.'f ,, , The parlor i.- , , ,,\\ .|.-d w i; h , pimtent ind i-ro.spective The t'ti, 1,1 piny much in A bahy .Iu i.vs orie. *> \n. A|, i.- .,, h, ,,,,ii. (round. Why do b.ihies i 1 1 ii ^ ) .1 i. .. ^ ' I I, _ . . i. tl w r ,ldin w f Then th. ,-ereiuonv . K- _.;_u . _ L. * A . J ^ ""* Bl Ir IIir ' ' I*T K re ;n l y, I t\t* ' " v " IJ< i^triiiuu.r is 2aa.s*lL ' ^ : * f . U Luf^r "?>- '"" '--,. of ch ingelea. "* ,.'' '"' . dishes, her next tx.,ninen,l ihe punc'uiiioo t , wuks for cilr " : Th ",,n,l plans A, : - .; , h e orr-usly, and hinu up tn drv tely. mm,-, I. h ,s ii* h,l . t , eSs wuks for ,, , u - prise, for the wife nor she for " M '" '''owe-l u,- hy > h.-iu md e educiled wo- hltn AD(| eich W(i , es ,. .. " he solemnity l.y the long !.t,v, If hltn AD(| eich W(in ,, ers , n . v ,.. ir , ' ^- *mmm J |>'c.n,irn-. " urn . K. u f ,.w wi , r.n-u nunuer-* is I ne years r,,,,,-,i. r; ,,g ou, -., , ,*- - 1 ; 1 ' 7,*tJ ":.:: , ible or .. olh " w k ^ > '',"-""% \v h " r - * s<> lin ' B f ' th - IflanM of affect ioi in their hearts and usel r-p. rte,l Fishou in , ._, finish eicb i-ie<- before beginning. 1 ! 1 ' <'"* '""f"unded it with that iv>ther. There ?b.>uld U- no cool, . " lh ?' ''"'' un l kn " wn to >" >>' I'unc- noi betwteo the wuten, prix-ess f,,r *ich puce should be brief as possible. If this method is fiithfully followed. the flannels will be oft. mcooth and f ! ir. \Vheo 'here are bright colors apt to fade the fallowing plan will preserve Ihe tints vtuiratil, U,.ii t,, table- and the enti"5 i "^J' 01 * ">'** ">" n^r appear up- ag , on the engraved ooiaawaie.tion, be it 1 or mii or of visit, and in >i>nfuls of flour n une <|Uari of w.t- , . whatever lettering But this his nothing to do with lh miuuscript note. inl it will tike more thsu Fash- ion tu convince s ,,' hei ise Kven .o great ,u autbnr ty unist remember tbit -. ahuemaktr should stick to hi. la.t." homes. In the "' bonie-rentered uiirrinl Ii'. 'here is no need to run abroad for h ,p- ' '"' piness. Wh-n m,n or worn in goes I lher ' > '" s " ni1 ' J "'' < I ihe threshold it is u, bring i . '* (foln * ' "^P'^k ^up I hack for the enrH-hment of t br home- ' r " k * n li'e i>f the things nhoiit I r|ri up., n 'he world in t h-- honi * be- hil,. n, upon the home in the behalf of the outer w orl.l .lust h -I for cliOis in,) c uh-f.ilks; In ibit re- ft , rd which cliihs (or men or women se' upon foot movements for la* the wtiter ever gels inni.eil :i k - whicb the Lord forl'i.l pieference is here expressed for a tuirnige by tele- phone or in i <! < m town who the proverbial they w,, u l,l tbeir -iDibitious them, and hue got married i, nun - x w, a tbe II, > s ll'le' .. lufi . in. ui 1 to escape the dr. il miidhood there will h. a ice aad aubn.-^uent * , , iai-k oX it cannot have mucb efteci up- ' i ,'iem for b ng Th"jr i c.iirtfui U U.IM- men ii-(fulat . meat., wheibei t u- ;,ess presses c/i no>t, and are un-lm ... theit own superiori;y in suc.h i,-,ne.-s But ti this disregard at : he natural in- stincts 01 iiunger le i is us in , li^ same path as 'drink and hurry and worry" iea I men. ind if we are o tv buuiiliat- e>l by hyper-si ~-> m love af- fn r. how pre-emmeir iy >j,>es male common sens.- stand cut .n tbe mat- ter \\'e soi'f'en exalt i-ui weakness in. to something to be proud of! And .C we go wi'buut lunch , . IO avenging hea.tache snuopn down and makes us irrral'le Surely, that is uoi hing to i. i' Or if the men of tbe family are dining out. tbe ', have ,isi and n i n,\ :: .ining wonder why they feel so l-mp in.l as if everything to >'e .lone \\eie dreid- fll 1\ ! tiMll'lesom- Illd llll->r.- GOBi.i-rr on n MISI KKS In I'sria tbe gtiblet still holds it* own in l,oth |> table*, hut in Knid-tinl t lie dinner -,l un.l the tuinl duty for everything, everywhere,'t jtri^t to i-ol.l water TSiewe l un however, nre now very tall an<l thin. It is Mid that at Qbeer ' - , (,! she ha* .ilwivs ,-!un to higb tlss, whatever the v.i^'i, - f fashion. nn4 many of hw glaeses ar of great

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