Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Apr 1900, p. 2

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HOUSEHOLD. TKOUBLR.S THAT DO NOT COMB. Of the bird and weary load* ( 'Neatb which w* beod and fall. The trouble* ibit do not come, Are (be heavieat onea of all. ' gr ef thiit out* Ilk* a knife Tbr*'s ml of comtort and our*. Arid ihe Hind which bind* th* weight Bring* strength and gr ice to endure. But 1 1. pbuiitouia of pain and wo* I i.' I. pn 01 i'lty ire dumb. Au.l tbeie'n never al of wine KOI troubles that do not com*. There 1 ! a song to lighten tb* toil. And i iliff for climbing t b>< height, Bui i.ev.r an Alpine *tock For the h Hi that are out of sight. Jniee and glycerine in equal propor- tion*, or with a peat* of coroaUroh nd glycerin*. AN OUTDOOR tO.ST UilE. Outing skirta ar* mor* in fivor than ever and Ii .ve proved a blessing to womankind, as they are invaluable for rainy days or long walking expedi- \ions. Tho** most In favor reach nearly to Ihe. ankle*, and are mad* of firm, double-faced material. The plain, tight-fitting skin back* ar* _ ire bitter herbs enough In the brimming cup of in-day, Wnhout the sprig of rue Krotn to-morrow's unknown way. Then tke the meal that is spread. And go with a song on thy way, A nl let not the morrow shad* The luoabnne and joy of to-day ^^^^^ PRETTY RUG3. Very handsome rugs are mad* by rawing narrow it rips of soft wool- len good* through burlap with a it*el erochet hook *nd trimming off tb* loops evenly on the top. Cut tbe tuil.ip on* inch larger all around than on wiah the rug to be; turn th* raw edg* ovt: one inch ind hem It. Then *w- It in fr -. juat a* you would a for quilling. If you think you eaiinot afford to b-.y atauiped pat- terns, gel plain burlap and sketch tb* 4*>,gu on it. Ueometrloal designs are pretty sod are uot hard to draw. Flor- al pat tarns may be stamped with com* of ihe large perforated stamping pat- lei us or coped Irom picture*. Light ground* are yr*itiei ,or floweri Soli woollen underwear i* *xc*ll*nt foi filling ihe design*. A very pretty rug ha* a landscape with a d*er in tbe foreground. It was mad* of old wooll*u underwear dyed the colon re- qu.ied with diamond dye. and looks very natural. Ivy leave* on a black background nuke a pretty border for a rug. Cut tn pattern out of paat*- bimrd and mark them on the bull .|. nh a pointed tick dipped in bluing. An old oaa'le with a river snd bridg* in front would be pretty for the centre irf the rug. rSuiall* or br ck-Hhaped piece* "f Hiusaels cari-etlng. bound with rlolh or .Ire** lir.ud. and *ew*d togeth- er in tbe proper snap* make* pretty rugi. A pl.nn border may be put -r.-uud it, ind a heavy crocheted Iring* ewed aero** the ends if y ou like. T* rusk* a malting rug. out a pi*c* closely woven malting any length THE (OURTW. Cod mike* *erb night*, all whit* in atUI Kurz' you can look or lleten, Moonshine so' enow on field Ml' hill, All eilcnoe ao' all glisten '/ule cr*p up quit* unbeknown Aa peeked m thru' the winder. An ther* aot Huldy all alone, lib DO on* nigh to bender. A fireplace filled the room* oue aid* With half a cord o' wood In Theie warn't no *tove*, tell comfort died To bake y* ( o . puddin'. Th* wa'uut iogs shot sparkle** out Toward* ibe pcolLeal, bless her, An' le-ilt. flajuen danced nil about The chioy on the dreaser. AK n the chiinbley crook-ueck bung, An in* Kiiougii 'em i ueled Tle. ol* queen'* arm tbil gran'ther Youug baek from Concord bunted. The v*ry room, coz ah* wa in, deemed warm from floor 10 ueilm , An be looked full *z ro-sy agin t<* the s|>ple* ah* wia peelu.'. 'T wa* kui' o' kiogcknji-couie to look On aech a blessed creetur, A tlogruate NiMbio 1 to a brook Ain't modeater nor wvet*r. He waa six fool o' man. A 1, Clean gri- an' huiu.m u*tur'; None could n't quicker pitch a toa Nor dror a furrer atraighier. He'd Kparked it wilh full twenty JOTTINGS ABOUT THE WAH. Had^ quir*d >in, dinced em. druv r'ust this on*, an then thet, by *|**lla All M, he could n't lo\c >m. lui long o' her hui vein* ould. run The aide ahe breshad fell full o' *un, Kz a aouih Alopa in Ap'il. She thought ou v'uw he..l *ech swing Ei In the choir; Myl when, h* ma .lu Ole Huudied ring Iie k oo wed ihe Lord WIM ! I k i Will i.irrni al Ihe rr**** Tlase. Twenty-five additional buahmea ar* froiu to tbe front from Tasmania, ao that the full contingent consists of 1, SIS men. ord Salisbury ia about to loa* an- other private aecratary, Viscount Newport being ordered to the front with bis regiment, tbe Koyal Scots Militia. New Souih Wales ha* expressed, through Lord Beaucbamp, it* wisL to fuj.ply transport waggons for siouih. Vfrica, and is trying to ascertain from Lord Roberts what class of waggon* he requires. Private N Da Verdon, now aerving with tbe Uueeoalander. in South Af- rioa. I* a son of th* late Sir George I*> Verdon. tbe first agent-general for *'' ri - d a nephew of Mr. Edward D* Verdon, Q O. Tbe New S'h Wile* Minl*i*r of Education, nddreeiag a number of teacher* who had volunteered, advised them if they come acroaa a spy or a traitor not to shoot htm, but to tie a rope round his neck and drown him like a dog. President Kruger s pip,- has been th* ubject of a judicial nonce in Ihiblin Student* of Trinity College broke th* window* of firm of tobacconist* b*- sauae " **id. they had once pre- sented a pipe to the President of the Tran*T*al Kfpublic. At Holy Trinity church, London i h* flr*t Sunday n/tir the relief of I...H- BmJth, ll wa. given out that Lady White and her daughter, desire to THE SEXTON Of THi 8EA. Toe *o*H*r flower* OD Ihe tr*s*y monnd That mirki toe ipol wl>r* jor loved be; Ton bring them emblems will .* s thotuh* For the dead beneath th* eta. Tor every ship that th* hisdi of mea Have ballded with ehart ind wheel The bone, of men In a hundredfold AT. laid beneath It* ke*L A C*DVII ihrond and sa Iron bar Al tbe weary heed and the waited fee\ And, lo. from the deck th*y away From the hnru thai throb end ball Moldlere end lallori nd eaplslos (riud. B*bea with mother', breirt Wit with th. lipa that will touch ao mor* Coin* down In my arm. I* net. And I lay them gently alone to nlerp Where the bed if Ihe land Is clear. And none may wander and none shall stray or I keep them. GO, so dewl And hark! Woes th* bellbnoy toll* *l night Above tb* wive where th* flahe* nvtra, Tou nisj know that I keep my F.thr'i wit, For tb* day I ihall KIT. them baek to biml -Joan Jimee Meenan in L*sll*'s Weakly. DRUMSTICKS FOR BASS DRUMS. I air George White and bis force. Heuter's correapondent *ay* there 1* reason to believe that many skilled Belgin and Dutch artillerists hav* no longer considered good form and all the n*w model* hav* two small box pleat* instead. Shirt waist* till follow tbe same lines a* I boa* worn for 'he |ia*t few seasons, with f*w *xcpiion*. Yoke* r* no long- er in favor lor the back and are re- garded a* quit* out of dat*. Th* back BfcotiU b* Isid i n pleat* from houlder seam* to belt line. Tbe ile*v**, of course, continue to grow ii mailer each season, and there i* very UI* fullness *e*n iu Ihe new shirt wBlsi .leev*. The acoom-panying >ign wa* drawn expressly for onr rii liri; [wttrrn cannot b* furni*b*d. An ah*'d blush a.-i in, right ID pr*y*r, When her new meet in -bonnet tell Miiuebow ihiu' it* crown Oblu* *ye* aoi upon it. I lie t aigbi. 1 tell y., ..h* looked aomel Sh* e*ine.d to 'v* gut new soul, KOI ahe fell aurun-surs he'd come, Down t her very boe-sole. She beered * fool, an' knowed u tu, A-iapui on tit* scraper, All w.y to one* h*l flew Lik* aparta ui burm-up paper. lie k u o' I i ne i on th* mm, tjouie doublfle o tue nekle, Uw hean key' goiu pay-pal Bui i.ern weui pity Xkie. SPRING SMILES r - , Lua I'liu* lib taaael* unde of frayed rope. UJ cloth mats may be mad* of old Biussel* carpet. Cut ,t the lze you Isb. lack it down loosely to sn attic or other floor thit i* not used much Ihe,, paint it wuh brown house p,,,,i The wrong side of ih carpet should te uj,|,rmo*t. Let it dry in tbor- wighly and add a good coat of var- At. yu ah* gui her cheer a jerk i-< lhi>ugb *he wiefaed huu furd*r, An ou her applet) kep to work, _ Psrm' iway like muruer. Dy*p*pHoUoclor. do you think that ' You wacl to "* "*f P". 1 ' posef in the ountr ..r"* 1 -" - 1 COB1 **'*n.n ' To are my maf Sben *priaJtUn To ay why gl act* so or so. Or don't ould be prrumin', Mrbby to y*. .n Hny no t'tiiuea n.niial to womnn. U* i.ood a apell on one fooi f.ui. Then *iood spell on l' other. An un. which one h* fell the wuat He couldn't ha' told ye nuth.r. ran lir wled like oiher oil,l,,ih r\h*n ihe varnish aud punt wear ..if renew hem. and it will ).( fmir or t mi** s. long as common oil- dot b. A sofl , U g to lay beaide (he bed, in ,v l us follows : _Kor the founds- of burlap J*ll I understand Uayboy Is one of 'r^l '^ I - kn n "" in your town r VVhy, be i .u well known that h* ban to go out at lotvu to borrow money I Mr* lisdd You do not ithow your a* *l III. Mr.. Gabb, u>lighl*d- l>n't I / Mr. U.dd No; I ee you'v* *'raic.hed It out of your family Bi- Why slsnd y* id!* heie .|| thcdayf skeil the l*xp*yi, uln. ,, fond of quotation* Because, replied the pa r- y of the *e.ond prt, I am a oil, PU |- " ' wwa <*r (> ri'l ii nil u PHI n<l heleot , ou*t-orf men'. cloih.n of iiy Mlor, cut the good* into .tnpi thiee in, bun wide, and alaib ill .|.,u >i. *dg two inches deep and on." rf/K. 4 r inrh "" le ^ w :i "fp of ibe terkaat muter, , I all around th. found;,lion. allow,n I h fringe to ,. ' .'K i^'u' l ' r "< : 'l i bi manner 'h,. .the, pae.-ej., t iking ,-ar. to h-ve each strip overlap ih- onn b*. fore it ..t |.,. t an inch ,. be , * !L r '"i .V"'' 1 . Wi " Ootn<i in t ' "'''". h.^jld i,.. ,l.,.hed on both edae, ,, ld ' made souiewh ii full. he. "I'd better call agin;' . ae, "Thin* likely. Mister." Tbfi lst word pru ked him lik* a pin An' Wul. he wp in' kUt her. When ma biuicby upon >m xhipa. Mill. !)_ Mil' iwle e/ i.shrM All kin'o" BiHy'roun' Ihe Iiu* An leeij roun' (he ' piece of burUp and dye il bin the edge* and w,>rk * design in each comer and Ibe centre in cross .,i t ,. b Ming t,n K h. color, I..,,.,. lbwlll ,", rug,e. l,, H,,rk l hem ^,. *ry Imuseke,,,^, ,, ,,,,., ,,, ,, a( I'oloied woolx ih.H cm be used, or one Ciin UMu.illy buy sephyr for a inl , ...... . hadn't aeen for i year*. We bad a nice loug chat. I 1 cannot sing the old long*, She sang in mournful c.hant. | Hei hraieiH rose and loudly cried: Well, we should ray you can't. How did your weather prediction turn out f The |>re.di,tion was all right HiiKMo.0,1 i h,. |>io|ilii.| a bllln teinly. But lomehow or other the,. ( weni w i oiig HK.III, oarrying mil a cUndeHtine corrrviuond- enoB with souie young nisn. llow do you know t nakeil ih.- uiighbor-v.oiiian .sh* never us (x^ul .ji,l a anymore] ^he-vSuiumei is my favorite heasou. Its sn del.glnful to ml under thvtre* and l>si*u lo the couci i by nature's femhe.ed songmers He, enthuaiasti- uilly Isn't it, though I And it dwann't c<*it a cent, miner. Byles thd you ever OODIM serous a Kui Hbe wan J*s' ib* quiet kind \\luwe natuie* never vary. Like Mtreatnii that keep H summer min<i bnowhid in Jruooary, The blood clout roun' bar heart glued Too light for all eiprenMi,'. 1>ll moi her aee how metterx .tood. An' gin 'eoi both her ble.Nhtn'. Then h*r red romti ba. k ihe tide Down in i |i, Hn , -aal from April, law, in regu- lar batches up to th* ev* of war. They i received A'aOiu caah. th* .am. .mount *> arrival at Pretoria. 10*. a day py, d grants of bind. Skiecialist* also accompanied the new gun*. Th* Law I jives calle* utuatioa lo the fact that tha operation of th* Wills Aot Is suspended in the case of oldiara aerving on the field. In conse- quenoe ol this u i* open to coldier to make hi* ill on the battlefield by word of n,outh. til* will i* also valid even though he be a minor whan h* uiak** it, and **ubequ*nt marriage does not annul a will *o mad*. a* would ordinarily b* the oaae. Th* Mayor of Ma/eking. Mr. Frank Whitely, i* a Yorkahireman, who baa I*d a moat adventurous life. He left Bradford when s youth an. I roam*d ul..iu' tbe ibeu unknown regions of !> Iiu in li.tud, hunting big game and trading in ivory. Ii was he who for years wath olUf adviser of Kbama, th- chief of liaraiong. and who waa responsible lor the conversion of tbe uvage, into oue uf the moat enlight- ened at the native ruler*. Un* of tbe officer* of the Salvation Army *eut to South Africa writ**: "I ipent th* whole of yesterday aft*r- noou with the soldier* at Fort Nspi*r. The *eigeani of the gueeu wa* telling me bow the (Jordon Highlanders act*d ai the *tormini of Dundee. Just a* they were neanng the Bo*r* a num- ber of men in the Boer lines held up their gun* and yelled. 'For God'* *ak*. don't aboot, Uaj I W* a r* Scotch, baven'i furd a shot at you!' It a|> they stayed too long in Ihe commandeered OI4 Btrl* Wlta BlasTe ll,.d. Wlla Ha of r*lt. The old style, familiar drumnlok foe is* drum* 1* made with the head of sheep. kin or chamois, stuffed with yarn. Years ago the head of this sort of baa* drum*! : a, was mad* egg shaped; It Is now common- ly mad* pear shaped and soured to the tick, which Is Incited Into ib. head Iiy winding around th* neck of th* head, with ws.iedor.rd That part of tfc* handlo thai 1s thus wound around t* turned with a light Oar* la lie vhapa, *o that th* head cannot poaalbly Mp off. Thl* sort of drumiMck 1* usually mad* with a hioknry huidl*. though aoiuetlme* with a handle of roerwoud Th* modern <rurost1ck for baa* drums Ii made of felt Thres piece, of very thick felt of a sic. aufflclen* to form th. drumatlek head ar* preseed together Into a compact body that 1* firm and solid and y*t hat aom* d*gre* of elasticity. Thli block of felt la borwl rramvenely of IU layer* to receive the handle, and th* bead Is turned down to ihap* In a lathe, the felt druraallok being made with aa appie chaped bead Al tb* baa* of th* head and also it tb* top ther* 1* a menal ap. th* cap at the top being held with a anew running through It Into th* end of th* *ttok, la* head being tba* held be. tweea two metal cap* The haudl* U of rosuwood. Th* fait drumstick b** been In tin* bout four years. It o*ts about thro* time* a* much a* the old fashioned drum- stick, but It U much more durable and mor* satisfactory In operation. Th* yarn Muffed head with lung continued use flat* down mor* or Ice* when .truck, *nd in* stitching of th* suam* I. liable In th* course of tiuie to drw out Th* felt hend prwMirve* Ic* shape and glv** greata* our- taluty of *x*cutlon. There I. also mad* for bass drum, a tick called a double header, having a head at each end. It 1* In appearance ouiething Ilk* a dumbbell, *xcpt tba* Ihe handle 1s longer than the handle of * dumbbell would be, and th* h*a4* ar* mad* with on* a lull, larger than th* other. Thl* 1* a felt beaded stick. It i. naed In ruffling the drum, a* I. don* also with th* old fa*hlon*d stick, In that mu th* bend snd tbe end of th* stick b*lng brought alternately Into play. Th* donbl* header Is used not lo marching, but In orchestral playing only. Baa* drumsticks ar* eoraettmee made lo ord.r, with head or handle of anm* spe- cial dlmenalon. to rail th* plavura. N Turk gun ' Sundiy. .I.I1III'.- I(U***II l.OW.II. HKIUVAIION OK BOEK It Is curious to noie. in connection wiih lu.) national designation of our present f .-, , n South Africa, the sur- *i*r. DC *i '!L * icott ' 8h le * al "nd *gri- i Ii.' cliMiely K .1 n TARK OK HANIH. nay be removed by uee of pumice alone, and stains l, r lemon, borax or *mmonia, arcordinn How farmeu can do hard work with- out stimulants was unawered one way by the *Hliciior-t;en*ral, who presided recently over th<- anuual social meet- ing of ihe lUiyul Courts of Juitio* Temperanoe Ji.iety Sir Robert Fin- lay aaid they could leflect with feel- lug ot giaiiiu.l. and pride (bat KM lull BoidiarB were commanded by one oi i hii greatest leaders of the day, and one who had done so much for the moral well-being uf tbe ILritiah army It had been found, Sir Robert assert- ed. that tbe soldier* did their work much oeitei under a system of toial a b* line tic* than under any other. A vi*itor to liroote Srhuur, Mr Rhodes' t'Hpe, Town residence, say* i 'In a cage there w*r* a lion and ' liouesa, aud in another a leopard Tbe foimer, it will be remembered.! were cent a* a present to Mr. Kruger, ' bui were reiurneu. iuen il was that t hey had been Tae Deearla. Bpreae ef Orj M . When growing In open iltuatlon*. ih* ougln* ipruo* duvulopa large, .preadlng crown, which give* th* tre* a broad, con- loal aap* t Such tr*** are ouioueretlvuly I and grow rupldly In UUiuewr la dens* atands, on the hand the ir. -i arevery tall, shed their lower branch,* early and form loug clear bolus with nar- row compact cruwni. Th* Dougla* aprii.-* ornee It* diameter well up Into lta.oruwn and In *** of v*ry eld tree* the iteA thea tupurs within few (*et abruptly to a point, tali portion being uaually beat i. Uie dlr**tl*a of th* prevailing wind Ih. largest tree measured by Ihe write*. wa. ll feel in diameter and had an st|. muted height of nearly 3(10 fcwl. Oue ob- server (tat** thai he meiuurud a tre* in Washington 83ft feet high and It feet In diameter. Th* oldest tree, who*, ag* wa* d-tennlned during th* present study wa* aoont 400 year* old, but i.dclin.n.'huT. been found with Too annual rings on the tump. Tti* bark of the young trees Is light gray or whit, and Is smooth, thin and covered with resin Ulster*. When lo - old, the bark become* J* Is. Boutor I wouldn't like lor or principal tenant of a farm i' f l A *r ' bat ' '"" '''" know "" irk " f row " ll "" wi h '" r'fcThi of dfwBnt m.^m/e the exist- grazing them on cerlain fields The "'." "* * *"'ior ' Howe, nuke., in return a money pay- \isjlr>r-~I suppusu ilmi plaie on the """" "* " njunb per cow, and trust* mail.,. I I. ft par. piece of china of 'J ,T k 'V K h '* """'?" oul ' the "' IH-icel,.*, value f .I. JL -?\lL$*J$&- V** The precise r**ot or iny other emollient re** with the skin H ip off all HU- H rea*e and wear old large ....... .. . , ,,,, , wln miaway between that ' "-ver so much of a mere muimgvi and that of a. I oy any of our * Aw, say, MagiB. ,, Town wa. . toobu.ty in connection with th* war to make proper provision foi I heir shiu- nient. Now that Mr. Hhode* is able loretuin tofaiwlown. it may be that the raJaatod of Kiu^ei "ill in du. coin-.,- beOOBM the accepted of Ih* Zoo." A aerie* uf extraordinary scenes ui*- of Ih* Belfast Board of Guardian* ; recently. A I'nim move a reaoluauu - the haiirla in very hot or veiy I water, aa excessive heal find ex- cold ar* as desiiuciive to th* illy of the hand* an lo Ibe beauty "' ih fo*. Moist hands am unpl*aa- . , i'im , mx> i*. wniv h gray, and often on old tre** It 1* red- dish or light brown tinged with yellow \t about S<> year* of age tb* bark la *U- tenthi to nine tenths ef aa Inoh Ihi -k aud on old tre*-. three to six tnub*iorv*a aiore. Korwster. Hew i* Make a reeetala r. If you wl*l, io mak* a fountain pea. take two ordinary *t*l p*u* of tb* niu* pattern and Insert them In th* common lu.l.le, Tb* Inner pen will b* the writing pen. Hetwreo lh* and th* outr p ( n will he held i^upply ef Ink when ihe.v are once dipped Into 1 lukvnnd that will lait to write *vi>rnl |>UK<-* of manuscript. It I* not i(vemary tliat tn , po | ot , or th . tw , If the flow of Ink I. uot r.i.ld enmich .luniine'H father on numnr<iu.i Sulur- day night*. I couldn't nevei marry a man w'u. I couldn't letipnck his fad- d*r. ke|i them dry waah (hem orcaHionally i w*i* r in wliirl, . lucnp of alum has I M-n dissolved Sunburn an.) Mn 1 1 le I me ui x loss ,nH* ,,f you know. jeol <" Judicial consideration in 1894 Th* Word "Lower" is allU-d lo the (iielic "hi.," a cow, aad among its ciHtnates in Ihe Arrsn Un- i* iwluded tb Dutch term The flrl 'mores lo reach Kim her ley after us relief were, l| caNes Sent by Town. Th-s- were a iwiceleH* boon. ' agenda Uuller on the success of .h*ir uiili- tary movnments, an.l i Jeneral \\hii* on his gallant defence of Udyamiih A RatloaalUl member objecting the Unionist* (.iuardian*, n>* in a bodv and san (jod Save (be Queen," th* Nationalist* meanwhile bisslm, grcmning and hooting. Several chal- fight followed, but harmony ' J t ''Your billhead n**d* aid th* d. M i,, r " I know It !" cht fn l M ln ly 'I'v* told u lo hint 40 Ilinei a dny for ' last two inuntka If I have told it te him one*. I'v* ju.i h*pt toll!**. It to hlia all tbe Hi... John, koW many Mine* bav* I told you that yon a**d r**tr "Oa **rond thoaght." Interrupted the doer*,*, "nrh*p. tt would be bettor >f yoa muted. " Jet is Coming in Again. On the old principle that it ia an ill wind w hi< h blow* no on* any good, this s*a*on. w* are told, is likely to beneiit tho jet industry. The mater- ial had) uever quite gun* out of wear, though (or some time it haa been out of fashion. Brightly tinted drese* ire little in demand at preaent. *o that the corresponding gejmJ hav* been relegated, t-> the jewel box. In- deed, a mourning garb will admit of lurdly any urnament but jet. At one time, jet, r some imitation, bad so far decliued in pi>pul.iriiy as to be a yiiibol of th* faded respectability wliuh ha* "known better days." Now It is to hove its turn again Though it t-ikoa a bright pi..-.h. it cannot be ailed beaumul; but that u nut the aim o>( mourning few things w*n> ug- lier than the old-U.suioued widow's Cup. wh ch among Australian native* is iepre.-ieuie.ll Uy a nun* o." plaster of pr s mi.lded on b bead aud lelt there till it drops olf through lapse of liuie. Jet is no moderu material. The Rouvaus wore, acquainted with it, an 1'liny tell* us that >ls naone, ga- gales, was derved from the Haver (ia- gus. in Syria, where me material wa* found. That was sliorleaed to, the German* st 11 call it. and lin- ally 10 jet. But it was koowu in tbi* country before ever tb Houuins land- ad in Kent ; jet beads, rings, buttons, and other ornauie.nt.s hue been (ound in barrows ot the Bro-n* Age, a* may be **n in . mu- eeuius. In theau inat.inces the mitnr- ial probably was obtained iroui the c.j.i-1 near Wtrtfoy, thin and the ;i,lja- eeul district being still the. principal source 4 or jet ui Britain. It is oc- casionally washed up on the aea.sli'n* lik amber in the Crumber coast, but i* only got ia any quantity by mm n* Some o<i tbj* best, an IJriyion wrote long ago. bws Ij.-ein (ound on th Mul- gr.ive astute. U ncount at twn horu- xims. one n the Katuunue l>e<ls <i.' the L'>^*r O hi*. which, h..w,v*r, is gener- ally too soil to De ofl in) coniinerc, :il v.ilue. .tint the oih-r in tha lias, i iih- r a In we i be tuuidle division H.TO the best or ' hird jet" is ulit lined, but the ao.ter W tid is al*n associated with It. Toe *xcavit:ons :ire opened soine- iiriM"i in the cli I*. oiuetime mlmd; and t h m . t-r .il h cb commonly ><o- in bandi < i in- i or less l.-n icu- lar t..rm ifter lining dug out. is cut or ground TI'.I sb ipe i ml polihe.d on HSI-TI.V -ie ! v. h-els. Wh t may or:gin 01 jet I.H not so cert iiu , jiroin alily ii bis >it >r thin one: but all vur eiies are likely to hive nnji h In c.imnioii. It is a nruiinnous sub- st nice, for it burn* with i dense, >t rng-iraelling smoke,; while an in- fl.inmilile gas an<l sui-ill drop* of I- quid biiutnen oroaidon illy show them- sel.tvt in the mine*. Thus it m y ouietimea be closely related to such sub* liners as smber or Kauri unm : Indeed, it satuetim** piiwes by the name of bin-It ninber. The shale i- sel . when h hiy bituminous, may furnish some varieties of jet. becsuM It is ^r -..Miilly found to con' nil oslm of fish) and o'bnr fossils. Thnt would, mi donht, be the case with muny n( tljn inferior larietin*. mil then it would hue some relationship to can ne I . ti rh js the most in- flammable of fuel, getting its name snnel or eitndU "ml. frc-in Ltfl v ignition ind bright ilame. Th. limy be <leonbd as petrified fegetable pulp. m<l very likely scene Jet 'bias had a rather similnr origin. But a good deal, at an) rate, of M hat has been examined under the mi<Tov sc< p.- r-how* d : iinct truces m T HI nic- ture charactenstio uf wood Jet would thereiufe, lake , !. pi ice aiuuiiK I he lignites, or "bruwu ix>.il.s,' which re- pieseni an inti niMOUale stuga in the conversion of vegetable ui.itler into SUM!, ri i.ninit much more of tbo orig- inal oxygen thao the latter. Lignite I* column! in more ihtin one geologi- oal depoeit, and often, in those later than the lias, in Germany, and ottn-r countries. Is worked for fuel, is, for xaniple. it H.<vey Tracey, in Devon- shire Uui the Yorkshire owner*, if jet oumes into fashion will hardly be able to make a "corner" in it. for a very good quality can be got in -piin trout the Province of Asturias. and from Kruire in t be Department of the Aude. n,i to mention other places Kb- oiuie bis sometimes served as a sub- it iiute lor jet, Art having stepped! in once tnor* to supply the dafiolenoiea of Nature. SALADA C6YLON GREEN TEA will displace all Japan Tea the jam* a* Salada black is displacing all other black teaa. Lamp* vs. (U.<, A significant him in behalf of the use of lampa i* found in tha fact that in florists' greenhouses they are used exclusive!/. Gaa ia deadly to plant life, while burning kerosene is nut. Where one ia boarding and must sleep in tha aame room in whioh one sits during the evening, a lamp should in- variably be used. The aame rule bold* good for uhe family sitting-room and for the rooma in which children are studying. An experiment involun- tarily tried by a mother recently dem- onstrated the effect o( the ordinary Illuminating Ras on the air of an apartment. In a hall bedroom a sin- gin jet waa left buruing unnoticed, for an hour or more, the door and window brim: shut. When the roum was en- tered suddenly, the air, or w:int of it, is so overpowering that the person r> coiled and could not cross tha room. i-i'h-i to ot,en the window or pat the gaa out, until the door hud been left open for a minute or two. ESSENCE OF BREVITY Tba Shortest and Most Concise Story Ever Written About Dodo's Kidney Pills. t WBCral. law * Tell* ibe Tale In ilr..-n w.r.l. - % oMVlBelna; Tribal* i.. i...i.r k 1.1 ii>- nil.. Montreal. April 16 It ui seldom Mit th*' man wh > speaks i be MH.-.I weird* m il^fs th gr^.iiest -peech. In the Ottawa House of Parliament it is proved every day that the, mein'.-r ttuit can nay \\li.u h- Ii . uioxt coociwtly curries most weight in de- Ij.ii.. In the same way the letter of Mrs. Kennedy will not liiva the less ui miiig becaum of its brevity. Mr-. C. Kennedy residm n -t. Philip St., City of Montreal. Ou her own ini- liutue sh wrote t h I'ol.owiiiK letter rouivi mug th' el known remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Janiriry Sth, I--OU. I>lds Medicine Co., Lnini>-d : ' ntlcmen, Hiving used I>>dd's Kidney Pills, I find t lu-m u great sue. C. KKNMCOT. .TJ M. Philip St., Montreal, Canada. Mrs. Kennedy says m>t a word of cletnil, but th une great fact of im- pori:mn to other sufferers lien in the expression "great success." I'll it contain* all the comforting assurance that could us expreooad by a column ol detail. As is well-known. Dodd's ;;;.:n-y Pills in. rluirned ti> cum iny form o( Kidm>y Uisensn that preys on man- kind Bright's Diseaae, Lhahetes, Kui-nni iti.-in, Unpsy, Heart Disease, Women's WeiUiifs, Bladder and Urinary CVmplaints and Blond Dis. orilers. It i* used with equally "great HU< ce*s" in all. Whatever wns tba ciiune of Mm. Kennody'n neressity for Hold's Kidmy Pi 'I*, the result waa tba ante as exporiunt'ed Ijy everybiMiy. What is Your Favorite Color. Women are learning ito develop ' tbemaelve* and their virtues and Hi. -n talents by means of colors. Tbe v;iri- OUH colors are said to hava a on.lrir- | ful influouiv over enioiioni! natures. r'or ins i IIHII, the timid sjirl will bow you hr room ill dr-jvdm liri({ht o.ulet. Sh' will have I he In 'iglncsl sh idefl o. led initHin ililit ill il.oir, l|. r, her gowns will he re<l, -mil Ii. i M.I.I ing lamp, even, sh.i,lw<l with il. \Vh.-n you .-k her > h I.M-<OII lor this she will 1*11 you t h 1 1 il it* because n- I is the cour ig.- color. I'hi- hypersen.sil ive iieiiur* with great, I.H teeing eye.s and a collection 0*1 books on .spirniam .nd p->. h r>. Mill always munage .to suirouml h-'i-'-M with hues ot violet and purple. I'liuj i* the psychic color, and hi .Id.-r- mines to develop her psychic families by having a great dttl of it about hr Th* liti-rnry maid baa alao her color. She \vill trll you ,t hat. she cannot write with piop.-i mil busiasiu without being HUI round. 'd by yellow, ind plenty of it. Crexii is i he color for hope, blue for truth, white purity. The up-to-dit.i in n.l ban the .symbolic list 'it: her fing- ers' ends, and her own ap.'irl meet is sure to ili.spl.v the r-su'i of her recent diving* into color lore. .S IN TWKMV KNOTS. Them are over twenty mpe knot* used in mllit&ry engin^nrmg, in i.l- dliion to which for poniooning and H|Mir bridging there are several differ- ent forms of lashing and bracing. TIM Raw Cutting Winds Bring to the Nuif..- every latent l>..iii Ithvuinaiisiii. neurilKia, liim- btign. and complaints oi n similar char- acter hold revel at. Ibm svason uf the y.'ir amongnt human se.iviw and hu- Hi n uiusi le*. The, bntl. the mo*t l"ierlul. and nioMI ceila.n pain cur* i* Nvrvilme. NoibiuK equds Nervi- hn for penetrntinif i>uwer. Nerviline I* beyond comparison the nin.|eni> discovery for the relief of unia of- fered 1.0 the public.. SUSPICIOUS ACTIONS You know .lai-k (n't /-Jacknon mar- ried n wealthy girl W!K>* fnml.s nave her 700 brutal preu<ntsf Yea; wli.ii / il. He'B si a i led a deunrtment stnra. DERNIEK RKHORT The wolf LJI at our door at last.oned the poet's wife In deapair. What shall we dot I'll fix him, replied the jovial bard. I'll read one of my poems to him. A DELICIOUS CUP OP TEA LUDELLA A STEADY WORiQlAN. Housekeeper. I don't believe you ever did a stroke of work in yoor life. ' Trump. I was HIX yar* m on* plane muni Indeedl How did you happen to lea vet I waa pardoned out. muml l>itt ( u..u ta*a*AB***M*Blti LBAU PMXAQBa tS, 3S, 4*\ SS and Ma, Agonizing Suspense! The Terrible Situation of a St. Vincent Lady. St. Vincent. Out.. Deo. 22nd. No other man in Canndn hss gon* through a period of HUCD extrnine anxiety, al- ' ternating with denpiiir, aa Mr. Joseph MoCullough, n highly-respecied retir- ed farmer of thi* place, experienced during tbe past iumm>-i Last npnng his faaiiily physician pro- nouncerl Mrs. MoCullough to b* suffer, ing from an incurable can* of Neuri.i- ibenia, or Nerve Kxh.msiion She was exir*mely nervous, hystemuil, .ind de- spondent. She had wr-re rbeiunatio pains, palpitation, hud sharp pains in her left aide, and over Ihe kidneys, her feet were perpetually cold, her fac* ghostly pale, urina hiKh-colored, scalding, and leaving a bi i. k-<luMt de- I poj-it; *our stomach, splitting hi- id | ache*, and pain after eating oppreiued her Sb" had no appetite, could not alevp, aud loel flesh ilarlingly. It -*cuiil lu br friends thai shti was "going into decline." The pby-<i<iin .said her only hope of relief \uy\ in thu Weir-Milchell lieatment. Thin lenig tio costly, was out of the que.ttioU] aud her hunhand belive<l there w.i- no hope Ue ii-iul a new paper article highly recommending Or Arnold's EnglUh Toxin rills, about ibi* time, I and dec.di'd lo try them Soon i cbaiiK* for Ibe, lielter .'nine, and day by day the put tent improved, till now, she is us well, .lining irrd t porous as she ever waa. tier rt^overv is due entire- i ly to Dr. Arnold's Knulisl, I'oxin I'ill. tb only remedy that rurun .llxnuit* by killing the germs thut ciuse it KMMV other medicine Hb used fsiled. Dr Arnold' Toxin Pills are sold by all diuKifitti M. it 7 r ><- a box; snjuple ai/a, J, r x-., or sent post-paid on recwpt of price, by The. Arnold I'hem- icsl Co., Limit Mi, Canada, Life Ikiild- uig, 42 Ring street west. Toronto. Shine While You Paint The *un may hurt you a littl* while you paint, bat it can't hurt the paint The bou*e will sbins too, and keep on chining for years, making it better, brighter, new- er by the us* of Ramsay's Paints, The oldest and most popular paint in Canada. Best for color best for wear. For aala at best paint ind hardwire stores. s, % HOTEL TRAYMORE ON TUB MACM. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Tbe Wovid Pwned All t* Veer HeaUtb stud Flesisntpe Beeeje. Ourlne- the pt vteur month* he* b*n *tonivi v*l. Ovor SO Pelxmt* *h Slew Dining MootT <n*le unsurpimeevd on i prv l*otr.f th oc nd (s;anc nlr*je ms>a im rt In !**. Mftlf pimeevd on ih Atlantic On^ot for J< ormtlen <! Sun Prlor dou told In !>. O*i*eny 9OO . > WHITH, in , Owner and Prop'r MUtMl KASIKR. Oi wish Ol'd nivvxr learned ly use ly-btnky. an id Mr Dnlnn. Kur wbal raymin' aiked Mr Haf- ' frty. Becnufte 'twould he HO swier ly breilt' of the habit now. How's This f W. offer On.. Hundred Pollan Keward re* nr rM of i'<i irrh ht .-annul be rured bf HA! it l 'irrh Uuro. r-. J. CHUNKY ft CO.. Toledo. O. We, the nnitnr.ii-nod. have kaown *. J. Cheney for the last 15 roar-. n.l belluv* him |.rf"oily honor. bio la all bnln.w 'nuiMuit- lon-. and flnn. Ully bl* te dairy oul any obll- KNI ion m 'd. hy their flrm . Wnn .v I'nt <T. Wholik! Ilruiflt. Toledo. O. WAI.UINO. KiifKAN ft MABVIX. Whol***l* IUKNTUY AOVIt'K. S..rti<igli Wr.ily l aw hava a noii. m 'u i w blow me bwains out, ilnDchcr icuow. Mi*ntui:ng. Imlee.l! Well, in ouae yuu> do IM .olvie* you not to say any- Iblng about ii afterward and no one will aver know tho diffarnnca. Th* " Not.. Cantata, T B Dyeing I Cleaning ) If UM taM Ma4 fn Kk tu la* " IRITHH AMIRIC AH DniM OO.* LM* for |M M row ton. slim. UontreaJ. Toronto. Ottawa. Quebe* LAW Mill*. Mill, a Male tO tV.mi.T jilllM mund flu w fiiromio. I'munl-n. O. Hull's Ctr'h fare ! tJiknn InterniJIy. ct- Ing directly ii|n the blood anil unonue mir- ficM nt the syt*rn. I'rice. 7V. per bottla. foi. I by ixll driu *'< T-'imonili free. Ull Family Pills are the . THO6B LOVINd (URLS. Chra, dressed for the ball. How do I l.iok in this drwfta. M UI.IH I M.ud. V . i .-|v h illume. Why. I lurdly reoogmzeii you. w p <: 10-50 POULTRY, BUTTER, ECC8, APPLE!, Md Mhw PRilDt'CB. to BMN *M> ravilu oaM> M The Dawson, Commitsion Co.. Lin\ild, ,, T a.Tner*- llv* Sleek ear, II. M per nun. r\ni up. Myoril.i.f to tb uuoi- Iw. ul Utrwi i '1 HriiM iiil Nii>ts' U) invert s%m. s*i,4 f*f .-lfi-nlr *..! prlr* IMI Tick lb t J . Ul ..11 M you will fcovw l.ri bo wrtl. .r. rft v*Mt llbrl^ h. IAMW* Q n 1 1 M C **> * M * ul Worko. I\ *" i n w itoortNii SLA re, jn siua, HTSTKRIK9 Ol' L1KB. Dibbe A man 'mghvl to know when he's K" 1 '''ii'Utfh. Jihiwi Well, 1 know when 1'vn got eikiifh work. Inn 1 in>v>-i know' when I've girt enough recreation. fgfcMAaV? Lonlo! llSf BBAL AO OT1LL WOt-r.l) SAVK IT. M.rt.lm I'oor Hjones has dyspepsia so badly ; hat he *ys Ida life i*n't woiih living. SloliiM Km Mr-* Hjnites snys h< in- [ siats up. -n i-.illiiiK in i .'ii .li-tor w o><n. i i s an i ! or pain. CALVERTS Oaebello Dl*ln*ata\nte. aeape. oint went. To>oth Pewelore, ate., heve h** wardeil lot) meditli nd dlplomu for toperlor en-elleno*. Their recnlar UM> i ririai Infectl mi. dlmina. Ak yonr dealnr to obtala apply mnili.l frae nn mpplln*tlee. P. C. CALVERT A CO., MANOMISTM MOLAND. Michigan Land for Sale. M* . QOflB FARMIMC UUiai- AHJC2* AO Uew, O.OTMW tad Ot.wt.rtl i^wUM. flu. pw. lokiiM OMMl. Detnil k l& llMMUea M. piBBi-i. A(MI. WMI Btroar, me*. Or J W OUBflB. WkMMwn, Alea, TIM III* MfJIHU INOU*ATO- Beet In* O. Rolltn.l, *.! M,I. fur th< Doioinloo SHU! IM. lUi>< roc *ulon* 1 M rul Srfl Mtr**l - Pharaoh 100.** KUSIIliO. You seem to be very buy. l)or- alhy ' I iiti-'iild thmk so. I'm doing KO iii.uiy h IIM for HO many people that I ca'n'i .1" any'liintt far anybody. i < i im A .win IN *>AV Tke Laxative Bromo Qnlnln* Takl***. All Incclso refuod the money If It folli te **T*I Mo. >. W. Orove'i i*;natar* Ii ea **oh bo* ANOTHKH I.IK N.MI.KD. TNH -Uo you really Iwlievo hor i*on- ].l.-\,oll is gl'IIIHUH t .(HMO'N no doubt of it. 1 aaw i ho liox ; the label on it said; "None genuine without our signal urn," and I here was the signature riglit enough. i UOOriNl . 1LA 1 E,jU II Ml, UKMH HLATB BLACKBOARDStWr. iiippij ruialCMiJ SkiHiU,fm.iol tuuBnt rlus 0*3 TM. M. HO'iriSlI TII.B ,*. Xrw . 'ir, Bui.4. .wlrmL U>tel 1'i.llui. OM> milkW fr wnrk < u,rlU or fei " .IM] 4 WMII .Ma(tlwMuilry. P Hi. *rf*ial***ii*nier (t... rr "T Pho T*rante Mica MK .^Covering KllckMi BotUrt. .W. >U Ui MILU eonmMC co., CANADA IM IPI VMM Loan and Savings Company. --.*. 1N0 TIM OMMt ami Lar*at Cannutun Mar1> <{ ili* Corpor-itio . Paid-up Capital, $j,6oo,oo Recerve Fund - - - 1,100,00* m.d am** Tereet* M., Tcreirta. aj*|ss Blentnei. Man., Vaew*r, .4 Brass Band InitrumMiU. Druais, Unlfersii, Btc. Every Town can have a Band U0wt prl^l rtff ounl^d Kiln- "it ill *u 1O9 Ulu^ tnultor .n.ilt"! fra> ui lot 4nrlhln| in MuslO Of Mustoal Instrumsnt*. Wha.y Royce A Co., ^'"wi'nnJp.i.'iil, DBPoarrs BBOBIT BD. i .-> ui..i DBBBNTVRKS IMMtrBD (w I, i. a, et I MONBT UBNT o >Murlt| of ml <.. i tat t (waM pectlovlw* J. HBHBBHT MA5ON. NiB*cla( Director. Tareele. AGENTS WANTED. Wi WH covd. Hill/LSI. a, msRonia nm it "i ar*pi*witd duulou thn.u|bi.ut 'Iw Uammlo u Ml) our aiock for in*ioiin. Thu *tock i.iirniiliM fO.)J llfKlmi.U p*>bl h,l rrlr. orl<lin| 'u mi MI , < (u llbml ooBiniwiuu. \m>i>. un caving* and Loan Company, Toronto. Catholic Prayer The Canadian Heine Safety BOILER . Toronto , , ?ork. MMI orrtwni r* * pruruni <st *. A ^ 1AOLII* A 00., Montreal. POWOH INIi JULl ... a... Bel U **, Ba*t **Mlo, Bold b. UI ' Ml Qseee W. Teririe. Vvoou A PHOto ENGRAVING I L.IONtbtNCC' e fO ADIUIIII >>W 1URONIO Blfth CtaM Watar Tub* St M m Beltort, for All PrMturw, OutlM and fuel. POM DB5CRIPTIVE CAI4I.OIIIB. | Tnranio Unelrlfl Light Co., I T T K>io. O . Mnltod Tk M M.* p Harrl* Oo , l,irvtl. I n . tu i !'-.. Kubter * Mfl O*w >T - >T>. |AB*f1 r-.il4itlrx Co LIuiM*.

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