APRIL ADVANCE Cants M-OClil-OUOH * YOUXO tUiikrra. Marl Ul* l>o a geuvral baaknig bualuvaa. Monty loauoii *l a reasonable rain Call ou as. AS VANHU8KN. 1 P Clerk Mh Dlr Ooert, Co Orejr iu*r ol Marrlac* I.lcaaaet, Couraysucer Notary 1'yblio Auctioneer. atonay to loau svt *i l>r cent. Cbsr^M Diodarat*. KLK8HKBTON P DBUT8 COLLKCTRu The uu.ler.moed U pi spared to -dartake ihecollMtion ot all kiul of dabU Ol boatfht, accouuta col'.aeixl, ele. H N HKXUUKhuS. Fldbartuu TCHlSbKTT Klnahi-i ..! Htatlon Vmtiuntei , Commiaaiouer lu II C 1. 'oneT- ao r l)-i I". nnirt;ag. ! and willa rawa. Moo.) lo lead si &i r eiitnd uj>- wra. Debts eolleelod. Chargea moderate. R ' r. Pleaucrton CotumUtiouer in H.:.J., Au-ti..n- r Con Tyauc.r, \|i|.ri-ir an.l UoneT I I "" 1 r K,a! Kil4t an.l Inmiranco , tnortw-agiH ,i>a - ant will* eau-f.i '. 'liawn up MI I raluationa Blade oo ibortan 11- in M.)n IT to l"" t l.iwet rat -'f lOtSTSSl < <>l 1 , . .< low. HtMiiiui|> ' . to Ant tor (>taii liuuilalon A eall ollcltd. AO U W nitni>iory Buiaurt thirrt llon.tat in ea.-n ,,i..-itii. lu -n'ir lolK rooi". Oorl.t.u. l.l.-k Plli<irton, at H r in A V ., I I!*' A lii >aon, Hacordsr; W auiy Kiuanol.r. VUitm brethren H.TI-..-.I PUINOK AllTHTIl I^UUB, So >- * A 'J. m*sn in tba Maoolo hall. Strain tlock, Kiwbsrton. ry Friday on or Latoio tha full moon. J * Bojrd W | w ' fct.ll.ui,. 8-r.try. C.M'ur H.' -.IH.l.T -.S I. O. K. mrela III chruHf'" HI-X-S His laatKrl.la> ntoniiiK a ah month. Vnltln rortera lioariib .lcom.. C K..H.R. Uyaoa; . 8, K. ^au. BBJSM ilcuti&tiu JP MAKHIIAI.L. M DS. DD8, LD8 onor lira lualo Torouto L'ulvaratljr and Hoyal uf Dental Hurgsona. Vi.ita tha McCiilla H--USS, Dnn.la'k stary filday al'arnuun, luauad of rialiarton D. C KU *AV. I-. D. H.. d.nul aprg.on; honor railuat or Toronto Uultarally a'l Hoyal l'oll. <if llcnlal H.iinaom of Onlari" um- . -C.laytoira block. Kloharton WUIrtSt* K.iara-.am tha laa Ws.lniUva otaach inontl.. an.l Ltntidalk 1 aad I Tliui.Ja. ID arli luODth. J. W. rMlOHT. L t.. H. BarriaUr. Koltoiior Couvayanoor. rt OfBe.-Nsit to |Hj.tofBc. Sprpula'a block. ,-l^tl-rtou. .vcri Tl.nrs.la "V"..''/!**" N H Owen Houod oOkcs. >ruat block atraat saat. LUCAH. WKICHIT A HATSON Harrl.tT. bolloltora Oonvayancsra. st (Jglcoa-Owmi Houn.l. Onl and Markdala (Int W B Waiosvr. C A U*Ta I Lcc N II n.i.i....t-.n offlcs. llltauaira BaLk evary hur,ia- . TL( Kl U A I-ATTKKHON liai i i-ii Sollcllora, at.- Motion a lians. Uwcn Bouud hAllHV O TUCKKI* OHO W PATTKHdON MACKAV SAMPMN Ilarrt.tcri. A OKKK'KM i-tmon Stund, Merchant! nk Block, N -if l'Ujr..i! :toua. Lundalk. Main Ktreat.avary rtlui-laj A.O. M,.l'KAY. M \ . H K iAHr-MOa. I..I- D . Uruvro Atloruvy forOrf. U. U O P * Oul. Prllll. next d ..... to llrown'i atora ; rssUlvnas .t" at tl. 'M p.iat olBoa. ro.iil.nc. of ala U.own. OIBoaJsia-l'oaadayisudtiatur. **> _ ___ _ tPA 0- Flivslctsn, Rnrgaon. ate tush., tn : omoa-Htralo-s lok. Hlrt.uc.- Muotl.aw a ll-.i. I J OHS *M. W^^^'O^SiS 1 ^ 3 ^ SsTM^H^SSi^S Tuuradyaa l- Jp oi'TRWKI.L Vatoriuary Hurgaoa Gra4u.ua of O itarlo Vatarinary Colli.a. kaal-lo .ca ac.mrt door aouth w > Vl.rv strsst Tula araal rana , Fraabit.nmii C.li.iroli. Q \,,i,-.li.arv ^iirgaonand Pantlit. Mai- wall tiaiuulo of Oiilario VtarlnrT C'Ma. uSllai^l with Toronl.1 tJnlvaralt? Mall. HMama sfsJnatlaffroul II am to 3 p in., aal Kavraliin Thuraday from to S p. an. S I'.-opIn won't be deceived With Aiii'iiran Hiahincs nf ths war pul.lmln-.l ii"W, an ilia war is only r.>m incn.-oil Mm. 1 1.- .MH Iwd-volinno (itim.liii iiiHiuifsctutHil w<irk . Knit voltinia rva-lv " >n, ."inpl. ir to datu, lhu< yii K"' ''"'ii'iiiHiinn S<<iii(l vul- um publialiril wh--n ar i nvnr. \Vhy was)te tllllf Wlt'l llliMoipli-l" li-.-kn/ J*r>-.|i.-<'tu< free. TUK LIN8COTT PttUihii. K '... Toiuuto K&K KA.K K > Tbe Square Timber Trade. DM.&KJ The Leading Specialist! of Anenca I <0 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250.000 CURED. WECURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be more douioraliziug to .'ouog or uiiJilU aged men than the i.rca- It' I ie i.f thaia "nightly I. ,-..<.' 'Ihri-lfi I pr.nluro weakoaaa. nervouKi.-M, a fer Ii - ,'. I nf dirutaa<iawnola train of irrupt Thar unfit a man for huiiuMi, m.- lifa aii-i tooial haprinf*.. I>o uaa'lar i a.1 J whether caused br oil I-abitj In r^uth. y? natural WfiakuaM or munl C-V--F.*'.-. our 2M I New MplLud I'raMuienL will j .. I'ivvly IV eureycu. NO CURE- NO PAY xporur* inur hre (Hnt.m 707. ro i'l *3f) till (*UI*NI. *)'ir N'tw . fiUli-.-i TV i!l cur J ; .-u. 1 j'i r. ;. ', i ..iinn Man I * r > t liaitgarj; IIT* f.ur. IrrHabu ' .. *1 > ' i'-IK Yon b.-ua> f. . . fit uj dap)Kn(l*t: i.: --S.-* t.: 1 ;..'.. ' nLi-n JM, irrinhliyi fj<-. > i ' (, form aiij ilownat >iintetviiee m^ii t** Uiehlirhtcf ) MiraiUtcaM, No iiifctt'r huw *t-il- i. >-.). na* niajr I ... how I . t you iaay hava h-l it, tr.r NKW llKTIl'Jll TKEAiMKVr ,i, cure it. 7be "w>t::iy < in" r;-'ur i thHr normal cunUuim tn-l Imucr : I acKual orfaos ro''iti prt].r-r n<>-ir i meet. 'Ih-j i.rr'iii tcroios >i uilxeij. !l uuns'.Bral drum or l-.-t cee* auJ maohr Lowf.- rxturn. Xo teuipera.17 , out a ixfrmannnt cur* -Vi"r i. UKK. NO >AY. NO MI . . TION M.' F.~S \I-.V. NO MJTiiiJ- FKOM liL.-lNF..o. CURES GUARANTEED Vf* imt and ciin- s 1 ! I'll N. is. I OT.KKT, I-.MI.-SIONS. FM POTENCY I STKirrUHK. VAK1CUCKLK. BKMI- SAI. l..xSKS. lil.Alil'CK AND KID NKV diMaufi. CO.NHlLTATKlNl FREE. MioKH VKKK. CHAKOKS MOHKRATK. If onahlc to mil, writ for a Ut'KSTION ULANK /..r ilo | TUKATalENT. KENNEDYTkERGANl 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. & K K & K K & K K r I Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery I j are dona In first class style and st i lowest rate*. Special attention f given to copying. Babies' photos. a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULHER W. Barn-Touse 1 Wish.-s to di-a* the attention of ' 1 the bublie ; the fullnwiog : ' 1 1 Flour in I *ji of sll situs from ( | i... ili (' FORD'S A ri i:\vis IILLS .... ' and M cheap as the chesprst, aim 5 FEED OF ALL KINDS at all tiiiim. such as Viran, >i rt, I ' i li-i|i Sllil i ll-.ppril r.irn, IMlt* bar- Iry peas and wheat. also Fruits sml Confuctinnpry.Oro evrie* snd |ni.< H.I..MN DOK stir) Coon Mitts, Idiots and Slii>c4,niadn <' on shorteat n.'ticit. (' Mour ............ |3 /O te-8') THE FLESHERTON Qmfiorium Is the place lo buy jonr nianketn, Kobex, Milt*, Ktircii)glc8,i:aga wool, Hubber aud Oiled ; \Vhipn ami lailivi Currycombs and biushm, Hnapn nnd Hits. Ualtera all atylea and sizes ; Sleigli I'..HM of every description, 8wealpad, Collar pad*, Honainus. Now is tlie time to buy jurfr ll.n- neaa bofnro the price ailvauoM. We make all styles with the best materal at the loweat posaiblo living pilots. Wm. Moore FLtSHERTON. The Cat.aUn Lumberman for Apr 1 says: It is not a cause <' re-.;ri-t thM the N<|uart> timber trade l Canada in gradual lyp.kHsing into his'i/ry. While in 1804 ihu exports of n.jimru timbur w.-re twenty million cubic fret. taut year four million feel ii'i'r.-ii-iili-.l the total <|Umi'ity t>x p.iU-d. Tlin. in an it thould 1> . The him if every Canadian should be tn build up the manufacturing industries of this country, and it ia nnly by mtnufitc'uring the raw matrrial aft ur an u i-X|'dli-nt that thin i-an be dne. !.<>.. ki:<u at the i|Ui'nti..ii lr..iu all .iili-s, run. ni con- . v. nf jny Itwi, i-iilmr financial ur in iltiHitial. that IIHH rvnul'isi from tin- lusft.-in d exporU of *|uar* tiinbor. The IO-N wliir'i lu-n-ti.fore wuuld have been nia<li! iiito square timber re now furn- iKlni>f{ the raw nmteiial for nur aw inil.N, nnil tin- iitti il.fin all other wood wnrUiiK industries. It nmy i> tliai fh- I mi i, Ir in ln mi ininy of our hiu-l MiMxl mills obtain their au]>|j'y of I- g*. will vu-- mill K'lin* alarm tins.- ilm.- i-d C'.ndi'iona, but a litile conxidmation will show that his fi-ais are bawl ujx.ii erri-iiiM'iM id-ai. Ii ilrrd, the farmer i* a'ui"*' 1 1 it. mi t<> rualize more fur l.i- i.-_- t>y . HIIIK i In-ill to In- ninufcturt?il u. t" lull. tier than he would if <'!<! for timber, to My nothing of tlie hi-. that ccrui to the c. uti'ry at larue l.y the liuiMiiiK up of nrtnuftciiiriiii.' Industrie*. In the pant the f.irmur dan liet-u misled to lomu eitont by the remingly Uuuy pi irra i itfi-rcd by tin- si|iiar tiiiiU-r job- li.-i.s. V I l.i- ii.- f uniliar wnli timbnr iiii-iiNurvnu-iitH, th>- firmer is piunu to ac . |.t. it limit u v. Mention, tin- piii-i-M Mhi. h would M-t.-iii to Ifi-r him th- ur. HI ent return*. In Inany inxiancn tin-so |ni .shrive been an hallucination. Tin Mjiiarr linihrr joliber avlgcia only the Uitfi-at an. I l ' Ions ; t!n- are hewn ilown tin M. square, with a consvquet.t Ions of limber, for wl.ii-h tlie farimr i.s u.i|.-.l The mill owner, on the other hnml, i k en but onn slab off the Ing an 1 pa\N f-ir I he rciii.iii.iler. The next boaid 'n cicll hide of the lo^ will, of courir, ! a roui^h rd/e ii- ril, and a portion of each In)!. |.rnl...t K c |ul to tw.i boardit, will lie c.niver'ed mtn sawdust by the ac tion of the saw, but there will still rc- nia.M g<ui of about two U.anln over the in uitit> which the square timber job- ber will tfc. Another advantage in c-l- ling to tht> mill owner i that he will pur chaae lo-js uvni sa am til an aix inches in diameter. The agnate timber o|>erator rarrly accept* a luff Ira* than 14 inches in diameter. The mill owavr ii then asked to come to lh relief of the fanner and piiri-li.ise the mull lo-jn, nntwith- "landing that, an ia grnrislly admitted, the wide lumber it to a large extent the manufacturer'! chief source of pmlit. la t hm fair t Let u take for riamnls a log 30 feet in length and 20 inches in diam- eter. Hitch a log would make 38 cubic fret of square limber, equal to 450 super- bciil feet board mmtiure. This same !. according to Doyle's rule, would nivn 4flO uperficial f-rt. l.u*iiitr a nn in favor of the lalttr i f 24 feit board measure. Kipt-ru-nce haa shown tl.at th* board lueasuremeut of Urge loga ia about thir- teen tunen grraKr than the actual cubic content* . ( the v|u.ir timber ; huc, to give the farmer an equal revenue, the Bquare timber operst r should pajr thir- '. , n i mien aa much for i>ne thouaand cubic feet of timber ss the mill wner itayi for one thousand auperficul fert li--nl measure At the prtaeiit tnur elm logs are beimt purchaavd I y mill owners at eleven dollar* per thousand feet B M., the correapondinK quotation fi* one thousand cu'vio feet thus being tie hundred and fi.rty-Uiree dollars. This price. In our ouinioti, is ratery paid by square timlx-r operator*. Further, eonaideration is tlue the lumber uianu faclurers of tliin country, on the ground i hat they ar Ui|fe etnpUijcn of Ubor, with capital invented, and striving t.. pronv.lu the interests l the community in whicli ihey lire. If not accorded du. > oiihiileratioii. th* natural reult will be llui |mri-ha<Mj of timber limits outnht, which si-tn ni will in many instance* carry -ilh it i In- reuuiial of aawuulling eatab- lifilnneiita to older localitiea. The fore g-ing ramarka a'e mtendixl to ihow tbat, <ri*ving tlw queatioM fn>m a natio.ial standpoint, the d-.-vl.-me of the square tinihcr trade U aftur all but bo.n to the country. It means better /etutna to the nwnera of timber, an ineioam in manufucturrng indusrie, ami ni;-iit fur tli working Man. AGENTS: -Cansduna won't be hood- winked. Ojinwmion books o>ii>(>luWly anowod under. Our uiauimoth Two- Volume work on " lU>er-Uritiah Wsr" and genuine "life of Mo.Kly" swei-p ing everything from their |iath. Send yui adrma and get out til quick. LlXSCOTr Pnhliamng Company, Toronto. AUESTK:-Tho laiq ynir of the century handle our "Nintueiuh Century" book. Describe* all ihe rrat battles, groat men, ureat in? mt ons and Uincovi-it*, progress of nsti. n Full socoHlit of the Dreyfua tiUI, Iit-ti-ry .f South Af rica to date, war niili Spain, and every gieat event of the renlury. Hig t>ook, wrll illustrated. Snap for huntlera. BKADLBY UAKKKTHON Co., Limited, IJranlfottl Farm for Sale .v.u<~. ... -* Plstli. r.vu ,l'b,>, WOJ. BWLMH I! TVl If you have It, you know it. You know.- all bout the heavy feeling in the stomach, the formation of gas, the nausea, sick headache, and general weakness of the whole body. You can't have it a week without your blood being impure and your nerves all Exhausted. There's just one remedy for you The Markets. ( art- mil* 4 dri Wheat, wiii;* Wut-af, rtd OnU Pea* l!.rl*y j Butter. . _'{ fresh 1'ork i'o'atues ban Wool Chickens DiicU Tu.lceys per Ib \*n Ib Hour Hides Karb' Hrrk .H 'o C.5 t;;i i.-. o i;;> .'': SO W I' I tl! 'M to 16 -o 12 : e w to 7 CKJ 30 M *> 13 to 15 23 to ::j -.. 9 lo 5 to 00 36 15 H I 40 7 00 ro 8 Sale ; There's nothing new about it. Your grand- parents took it. 'T%as an old Sars; papilla be/ore other sarsaparillas were known. It made the word "Sarsaparilla " famous over the whole world. There's no other sarsa- parilla like it. In age and power to cure it's " The leader of them all." Ii ea . sstla. AO "nusai Ay*r' Pills cure conttipition. "Ar*sr soffsrtac t. rrlbly I wa* laduccd to try your Sara|>a/i!la. 1 look Uu-a* bntilaa and now fxl Ilka a D*W nan I would adru* all ny (aUnr enatnna to try this nMdlc lna>, f*r It tkM aloud ttM tawt of time and Ha esvatlT* pownr oannot b cx- ssosal. " L O. GOOD, Jaa. M. ISM. BrowntovB, Va. aar aiajato> wsaayrs* .. raaal**. wtSka UM aacto* T M wlU rr' . . a promt* 19- STB. t. C. ATU. l.V"aU. Haas. i.t l*fi-H7. mo N T ap -. Ii ;'-i arra* iaer^ <|.-re,! l.v... fiSimlio'nj n:..i ',, ,,. 1 1 :.-,;, r: r.i llio W a-.. - . - Mia*** ., il w-r.-.f i >v. i. i- 1 li^rtou Jan. r, \fjt. J. B. Sloan & Son P Doors, Hooriug. Meeting. Nwel Posts, Bilustw?, NOTICE to CREDITORS In tha niattor ..f tba Kitat* of WiElaiu Ilrnrr KUnhar. lat of Hi. Villa*!* of Pl.aliortou la thaC'ouftty of Oraf, <l*oaae.]. Notica ii bar*by ifvea panuanl tn tha i alwd itatutt-a of Ontario. I-V7. Conptar I-J. f<-'H.ti 38, tliatKllOra.lit.ira aa-l othara liavluc rUinii acainat tlm mat* of tha taM Willaiiu Ilrnrr FlMbcr. who ill ad on or atniu th n.~t ilayof Ancoat A. D. IM, ara rrquir*<l ou or Iwluratha 1Mb .lay of o AIM il mo to an I by l-iat pr.|.i,| to Hattb^w Hloltardauu. KUI . i - ton. mi of it... eiacuiura r th* l.i Will and TaitaiiMiil i.f tb ai.i .liH-t.a.l. hi. full naiu* an.l .l.lrr and prtlauk%rr of hit claim. If any hakl by him. and furtbur ti>k nettca vlit aftar urh I art niantlourd .!.- tba iatd svcutor will pmctrd to diuribut* tba aauts of tha ilrra*a<l among Ilia partlva aaiitlad thorato saviai ri;r.l onl. to tlia olainii of whlrh tbey hall than har notio. and tbat tl> said MHsN wt*l not bo Nabt* fi.r tha aald aaaata or of any pat tlivraof to a>ny IWTIOD or praona. of W|KM elaiini notic* aball nut hava beau rrctitad ay him of loeh illatributloa. Luraa. Wrlgi.t * Maiaou. Hi.lintora fur l.'ir K savuton D.td Iki. Ui. day uf March. IMD. .- " War in South Africa , Tw.i T,.!uinrs. Fir-ttcon- tsina cninplrie hialorv of ( u> try and war to date; telh alxmt our cmitin Krlll, gining IUIIIHS of i.flUvra aril ui.-n Srcnud voluuir to l> puliliahcd when wsr is over. Only CMiailian n anuf. t un-.l tiMik. Everybody caiicrl* tlirir ordrr for Aintiriran txinba wlirn sveitiij nuts. If a dustier, tttia U your gulJ ntftM. l'riw|H-ctu f re. BKADI KY OAURKTSON Co . Liiuiied, l(KA<TPoitr>, (.HIT, .Hand Hailing, Corner Ltlocks.the best of Spruce Lath, No. i and 2 hhingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. li| if all lids flee, ty lr.tr N"e rtni of fttmes fr Chopping - in all .>wr lrn,-a giurr-ea tVoprietoi 4 Having unr^ianed th trniori.) - new. fr.wn Mr Le(^,^ I wwh fo anno*. DC V that il> osmesa will he continues! in tlie IJ preiniar*. We have lia.1 a largv ciiy vspviioneo and believe we can give perfect aatUfact ion in our line. llavs taken over the "gam-y for n Laundry And all orders Uft uk a* will prompt and uarfnl attention. Ashrlii Skafiij tolirs A. Wilson . . Prop. BOAR for SERVICE Tba : Timwui th Boar - i.T L\W i tor saivioa at Port l.w Caitiaaata caa b* aa& by apphlu D. McTavish PL K SS H E KTO N KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL. XIX, NO 988 Fleaherton, Ont., Thursday, April 10 1QOO W. H THURSTON, DJcFarland III MlU.k IV&&&&^^ EQcBarland, Gray ^ Southgate MARKDALE We Le;tl THE TIME FOR CHANGE From jrnivt? to jjay is arhitmrily set by Dunu' Kashi>n. Eastt-r tinii' lianishos tlu- dark hues of winttM- and bring forth tbe bright rnlors uf Sprint;. The MilliiHTy Scasun has bct'ii t'anly lannchfl and there never has been such a collection of'ptvtty Millinery un exhibition Injfore in Markdule ;us wa.s shown hert^ on opening days is the ununiiuous verdict of all who attended. All over the store thert> is brisk sellin-/ these days and every department is bristling with bargains. Below we tell of some exceptionally good buying chances and Why Cash Buyers Should Trade Here Ut, Becaum- we are among the liiggeMt dealers iii <Jent)r*l ti.cids i.i C.j.uli. We awry a iitock .tf 40 0(10 wliich gives you a wider range of choice than you'll find elsewhere, -'u.l. We buy direct from the inak -n for spot caah nl ;ir- ni-uiufacturers and vhol*alu dealers in a great u..uiy of the line* we oarry. 3rl. W mrk all iroods in plain Bgure* st th loweat ,Hunllc price* and U. caah buyer* we give an extra diaoount and your inont-y back if you can buy a* good good.-, fur the same money elsewhere. We are second to no store in Uiiad*. JI.4KW.1/.V f.V r 1 111 i: L/.VU.V BtHiuht fiiHn tin- niakera in the Old l'.iun-y. mt inch hUachwi TabU LUM*>, beautiful .l.-mgn and uleM.evea make, alwaya ohl at 76c par yd. this week and nnt W HARGAIS l\ M KIT'S SHOES Hoiiiclit from the makers, brand new |(ooda thia neaa- ou's *t*l*. medium too* (mt the pointed UMM of three year* atnt) made of uood <|U*Jity leather, with UM cap, worth f 1.3u, while they last f 1 00 BAKGAIX I.V DKKSS GOODS 80 yda. only Kngliah CcMkUnu iwrge. strictly all pure wool in navy or lilack, 42 iiii-nea wide, will make good akirta regular from :<7 J, 40 Me SOO I'US. COLORED SEMGKS 4:i inuhea wide, nearly all wool in Brown Green, Gray, and Purple, a aplundid wearer and never innde for the money, per yd. . . . .' Ute BARGAINS f.V GROCERIES M Iba, Bswt Onuiulatod Sugar $1 00 Mixed tea, 2 Iba c Comfort Soap, ban 25c Cameo &>-p> 7 >>ara S6c riot lies I'iius d< f* Corn, 3 uasw -'" Toinatoe*, 3 can*. -"<: IV*,. 3 -na 26c (ioud SaJuioii, 3 cans 26c Twilut 8<Mp(Madani Koy'a) 3 cakea in pretty box 15e briefly referred to by a few selection*. Snug "Tell them I am gone, Tom," wa* well rendered byjthu Miwes Meda and Laura Whittakcr ; "The charge of tlie Light Hni(*.de" was recited in a mwtrly manner by Master Richie Stone. The O. 8. sani( "Joe m the <xipper" (comic) which was so vigorously uiicored that he (nolens voleii*) found it iieceaaary to re- spond with "Johnny SaiuU" (connu. ) George Cairn* gave a couple of aelectiotiH on the mouth organ in aplendid slylu. Part aonu-- "The Emigrant Ship," w-4, coiiHidt-rini; the absence of ft.atrumuntal c<-..iii|j,.iiiii,i-iii, well rendered by the MiaaeM Whittnker, Mik* McArthur and F. (ieo; but the inantor piuoe wan a couple of ii.ifliu SOIIUH, Hwuetly mnu by ( wa wee nina Usaieii (the MiiWfH McLttod) which fairly brought down the house and seem- ed to iniiuenaly ticklu those of the audi unco who ut.durHtood the words. The remamdr of the prograinine conHtHted of ilialogurs, reciiatioim, etc, which in uvury ram- wre well rendered. "Thu Maplu Leaf Forever," liy the achool, finished the program, a/ler which the chaiiman intro- duced the audience to Ooni Paul Kruger, | who was lyiiiic under the Linn's pnws, artistically drawn on the blackboard in colored cnalk. by MHter Frank Harrow. ; The schoolhoune was decorated with erer- ti'eeua and I'nion Jackn, The w-ird Welcome" neatly executed in evergreens by Mias Robina R-ibinaou, bore a con- spicuous part in the decoration . Tbe audience aa>ng "God Save the Quean," auil dispersed to their homes, highly pleasod with one of the beat entertain- ments which was over given in our Ncln Mil - house, thank* to Mis* BeaUty, our ami- able teacher. Three dollar* and seventy-live cent* ! ha* been collected by MHHU of the child- ren for the Indian famuie relief fund. Port Law You'll find ImrgaiiiH all over the store nxire thaa we can enuerto here but jud,<B the others by these Men's Suspenders per pair Men's made-up ties, new style. . . . Good Heavy Tweed in Brown, pin All-wool Serge* for boy's wear Heavy 1 'uttonadr head ckavk- iOc I 1 '. 2fie 14c Sik-ott.m, all kinds, pvr ball Pretty net tie*, lace end* Muslin handkerchiefs, 3 for M inch . bleached coton Pretty apron muslin, yd 32 inch Prints worth 12^e 6e 20c lOe 4c || 5c bargain IB Wall Papers, bought of tba Maker*. Bargain in Carpets, boiightof the makera. Bargain* in Clothing, bnukiht of the inakers. Bargains in La** Curtain*, bought of th* makers. Bargains in Men's Overall*, Smocks, Men's Clothing, made ia our uwn factory Doubters aend for Samples. CO. Sc CO. HABKDALB VltRbDU.E FLES1E1TII FI1I1TIIE We are carrying neweet style ol Merchants' Bank Oj CANADA CaplUI paid up 16,000.000 Ban Ovnci M JNTrUCAI HOARD Or DIRKCTOM -..-*<->< jnir- nrt/-r\/-i *">' AI.LAH. Baq, rroaldai.t SEA SON A BLE GOODS ; ^ggggrKr- & & - In all line* of Kir Massey-Harri*. Noxon, tl.nn ai.d Wilkinson fsitu ini, lenient* "Irnrj n I Verity plow* ou hand all tbe time also all kinds o leisure Kr the sain*. We manufacture Wsg.<n, Uuggics, Cutter*, Sleighs, etc., H ll'irseshoi-iiif Toinptly attended to. 8pcisl attuntion to tender ecu- footed faet. u.i -i(ini( and I'l-.w Chains c.-nstantly on hand. Consisting of mm* Curtmim 1}. : N T MELOTTE - - SEPARATORS Which have no cajual. It takes \ \OM power tkw any other. Doe* Bore wotk in leaav tiin^. i>upara:* B.if wiHoiently. All grsriHK iTutix-nml. fcVi f. i-t lul.pcali.-n. Mfi Tm t>.|w Milk and i-ii-mii piM uvr thickly enain. lied surfaues. ' Uo-Tin platos, but Krmu.iiiun, which never runts nnu U easily clesnod. Also sgpiil for the Ali-.in.li-r Cini St |)nratora - Which w* offer at - Lowest Prices Pfcture Fnu&ing tad 6ncnl Repaihog Uudertftklng In all it* Branches SatUfacttoa Ourantwd W H. BUNT, HtOPKMtTVC PLBMsWTWi B M<wtan AJIaii. *. _ Oa<a Bail Robart BtoekaT, Raq Thos Lona> Raq Owueral Mananm- - Joia* nan Managar - Snpt at HranobM BBAHOBBS IM OSTTaJtB) -il. quSBMSO. . On*. I^rul iiar.>D. Quaba*. Bajl.<rms. LOD^OB. [Oa ft.pf.w Tks. Pyafcl, K F. B.bdao. cHn stonirai No H*Cs rib* I Hhaibxxika.Uu Hhawrtlta SlraUonl HI John OS Xanajiaa Ottawa Okeslev, Chatham, ga>n villas alt BUtsMI. MTboeiaa ' TIlborT Oat Toronto, Walmarttm. WlodsOT. n, Wa*rer4, H _ " ^IJtaBdeo. iaa H, Assla. A Qyawal B.nBjBg Baatoes* T'. tjaJinver" BaaaiMoa "T,II..O.I Baapl*r. owaa Sesiasl, oil. aat Curr ant !U*a, s.Dco.iittl. ' Notas <U M Md . SBrmm.A W. A. BUtBOWS Maaag.r Tb n. armbrs H-k.bl.. boar Morgan." lor aarrloe an lo IIS. T. aa4 . B, Artaouaia Tanas 1 a* MOM of aarrla*. cwi ir on fcyplltaslaa. WBJ PATH frvm O*r fhc* Silenoe on the part nf your oorreviion- dent lu this section durinit the Isat thieo or four waika ia due to the scarcity of news. Neither births, deaths, surriaKea. or casualties of any description thai we know of have taken place. Of the arrival ur departure ( visitors no intimation ha* been received, and the DM! state of tbe weather i* well known to all. Mr. John Boyoe haa re engaged with his employer of last summer. near Braoip- ton, and left for thai place on Saturday, 7th inat. We are glad to state that Lucy 1 Vr . Ihe youngest uhild of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Stone, has nearly recovered from her recent illnees. Mi** Annie Harrow, a student of the Owen Sound Collemate, is spending the Buster vacation at home. Mr. George Boyce haw purchased a good team of horeva and iuteuds to ruah business this summer. More power to you, Oeonie. Mr. John Si, .11 ha* leased the McFhail farm for a term of Hvc wear*. So far as w* know, the MoPhail farm i* tvnantlea* this yn*r. Mr. I I nek Stone left here un Tuesday, tbe 10th mat. , for his imw lionie in Assin- ilxiia. Ulrick is aa exemplary ynuug man, steady and industrious, is highly repct- ed by all, and will In- grvatly uiiaaed by rhoae with whom he was aaxociated. We predict for him a procpemua fuiurr. < >ur public scli. M.I clovd for the Eneter holiday* on Thursday last. The after- noon wit* devoted to an entertainment by the children and immensely enjoyed i>v a number of their parents and friend*. The old soldier, though rather small to fill the .hair, pwffirmed the dutius chairmnn in a tomnwhat humorous man- in r. Th* program, which would occupy too much xpaoe in it* entirety, ma* be Fmtn Our Otnt Comtpondtut The sod doty devolve* upon u* of chronicling 'he death of Mrs. fiaruey, wid.iw of the late Mr. John Qainey, 4th line Osprey, which took place on Mon- day last, after a protracted illnee*. She leaves a large family of Nona and daugh- ters to incurii tin- IOSM of an affectiunato mother. She will be much ruiosed in i In- | community where she haw lived and been respectud for many yeaJs. Mrs. Gr|(ston, Eugnnia, is attending the sick bed of her sister, Mrs. Napier, wbo, we are pleased to ay, m now un the in MM I. Mr. Edward Jauiieaon lisa gone to Bramplon, where ee ha* aec-ured good place at good waves, for the summer. Miss Mary McLennen arrived home from Toronto lost woek, where she ha* been for some ynars pa*t, to cheer the old hear 'It. Mr. G. A. Moore. Public School teach- er, ia spending his Kaatvr holiday* with hi* parent* and friend* at Perth. Miss Mary J. Jamieeon scattered nun shine among her by arriving home from the ''queen city" nn 'Monday. Mr*. .Ino. Kurr, who was ill some time a*!<i liut recovered, ia, weareaorry to state, in * vry p<iur mate of liuallli Mr. K. T White ia at*o on I be siok list, Inn we hi. (H. u.. i In 114 serious nay re- sult The linnu tradei ha* "giittan a guid uut. tliia tune." Tha "Advance" must be a great faior ite in thie locality if the aiao of the bundle that omie* to thi* P. O. be ta>k*n us a critetian. Our mail nysteni is abxi a Miurce of great sal isfaotum tu re*idenls of this part, *itd iu thm connuction much credit is dur our energetui mail carrier, who ha* not missed a single trip. Thu rains oiay descend, the floods ourou, tbe windn blow and beat upon him, but Mr. Hai.ay get* through all tbe **tne. Prtcevllle fVum ".ii Own ''/ .<uiHf>ut. Never in the history of Pricevillo ha* thu SnngtM-n river been eo low an it i* at prfsi-nt at this time nf the year. The ice in the dam ha* nearly all melted away. The old brldue just below the pontl is till intact, although it wa* confidently eipcctd i hi- usual spring freslwt would demolish it thia year. Anaeoor Uellumy wa* sround taking t-K-k of our burg last week. We have heard no Crumbling so far. Our village has done nobly toward* the Patriotic Fund and alao equally a* well for the Indian Ksinine Kund, s* tho f..l lowing c>nilrihuti.>ns up to April 15how: A O.I W 910 ; St. Coluinha S.S.. 910 C K. |10 ; B. L. |3 ; Mi-thodis: S. S., $1. Our MackHini-hi are -.xceeditiKly bMy thru* day* re|iring harruws, plows, to. ( However, at the lints of writing (Monday) very few in thia vicinity hare COIIIIIM-UOM! using the foregoing implemei.ta this , season. Laat wevk Mr. J. McDowell's valuable hound dropfwd duad noar his Inuiae. Mac is certain the catiinc was |-o|noi|vd. J/0c/f of Jewel I er y Ontario My atook of watches - gold and silver has never been equalled in this section st least. My other linea are all ill propur tion . Hare just put in ttock an im- mense <|uantity of silverware, juweilary and gem rings at a low rale on the dollar, . and theae things must be Hold. You have an opportunity now nu-h aa yuii may nvver have again to purchase these uood* at .111 iticcedingly low price. Come in and look over my (limits wheth- er ready to purchase or not. You will then know where to place your older when you require them. W. A. Armstrong, JCWCLEft AND OPTICIAN, FLESHERTON. NOTE LOST Uwr-A notegivmi In faw of Win, rtnilips .r. by Jamva Mauuiteva, fur ili auu of *JTa dna In Kh. laat All pauttva ara liervliy eaa- tluuwt aaiuat nocollatiatlng tba ui Wkf. Maiwall. Uarab II. 180a He said he would rather lose h is be The following teacher* aiut etud.,.. D are home for their holidays, MM f. Jauiea of MutE. Miss Jenny Jawee, uf Cuinnoolc. Mr. Ilobt. Scott of ( >. 8. Col- Kiate Institute. Mr. Allen McDonald of Proton Ktac.uii spent Sunday with his parent*, MUMT*. Dan McArthur, Neil McLean and John McLean left for Moulaua laat Wmlnewlay. Mr. Charloa McKinnun returned tu Calgary last week after spending th* win- ter at Int parental home. Mi** Ma^K'c MathiMin. who haa beeu visiting her brother, the Rov. J. Math- eeon, left for Montana last week, where she will keep house for her brother. Mrs. Hogitina of Wlutby is viaitmg bar sister, Mrs. Hogarth at present. MtvkdaU* Ow Oion Cuntttfitnitnl. Good Friday wa* observed aa a publi holiday in town and puanud off vury ijuirU ly. There wa* service in the morning in the .Methodist church, in the Kn^livh rhui.il in thu evening, boffc of these mce* bring fsirly well a'tunded. A great many of our citisnna visitant frieiid out of town, while a great many who have l>en away from town for a while renewed atpjantmcen. The millinery opuuinga were held last week and no (Nuns waa spared to inaki- them wry attractive, and we do um. hesitate in saying that the milliner* were rewarded for their |NUU*. The ilia- play of hatH and iNiniu-t.H L.^i-Uu-r with the ducorations of Uut Hpoi-ial du|wrtinent w*re oxtremely attractivi- and thu most faMiiious t*Hte might )> satiatieil, f or thurn were i|. l for 11 complexiona and sha|iea. Mr Davide VV htU;. who formerly lived in KI.-.II..I t..n. but npw of TornnUi, i visiting friends in tjiis vicinity. The n|cial MrvioB in the Prtjehyturiai} church on Sabbath evening waa a satis- factory succem. The locturv given by Jno. Hunter, on the. lie. ' was ably bundled and very impress! vo. The free will offer- the het i. ing which wa* takun in behalf of faniinu '!>m,i auiounUxl to $18.00. Mr. <;.-... Hanbury of Dumlalk is Iriend* in town. Mrs J. W. Whitby i. visiting Mrs. U. K. Beaton, in Um. Mr. R. D. WatMin, blackamith, O a cellar prepHratory tai buildin M ing hoiim. Mr. .loMph IVelford m.,v..l to I'rotog. to-day ( TuiMday ), We wish JOB, aver* success in hie new home. Mr. William Buchanan, o( WillUua*>" ford, has resigned his position as IMS. maatorof Willi,,,aford. Mr. Buihanati , has tca a faithful and rfHcient .ifliciB,! for fully flfly year*. Mr. Root. Gillie- rf Williamaford, Rtl ,,,,,1^;.,^ f,, r (|) poMition niadu vacant l>, Mr. Hu< li.naa'a reaignation. Mr Gillirs would nmk air cio.llai.t pimtmaacer and we tiiml b - - I reovivo the appoint iijent.- Q. j|. > EXPOSED FOR LIGHT