Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1900, p. 4

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GEN. METHUEN'S_ VICTORY Captures An Entire Boer Commando, North-East of Kimberley. A deapatrh from London, April 6, says: The War Office has received the following despatch from Lord H..UTIS. dated l>.-iiif..iiieni, Thurs- day, April 5: "Metbueii telegraphs from Uli"f in tbe Urange Free Mate, a In tie n"ithasi of Kiinberleyi a follows: ">urr' iin.U-d Uen \'ilieboi.s M.ueuil nd s body of Ikwtra to-day. None es- caped. Villebow and seven Boers kill- d, eight wounded, fifty pii oners. "Th attack lasted four hours. The orps U h.ived very well. Our force was comported of Veomuniy 'be Kun I. i iej .M uiitfl Corps, and i In l-'onith Battery of Artillery. "Our lottw-R were: Killed, Cspts. B '.vie and \Villiiinis, both of Ihn \ . . in. . my. and Iw.i men of the Yrotaanry. Woumird, about seven men." DETAILS OFTHE FIQH T Volunteers Surrounded the Enemy, and all Surrendered A il'sji., teb fri'in London April 7. syn: There are. two or tbiee reports regarding General, Metbuen's succes*. (ul little action about nine miles iiuUi-.'<M of Boshof. ia which tbe volunteer mounted, troop* won null I t irr H|'|II id iiiii'ii A (Vuiril News correspondent l*le- grapbs f i tn B i-linf. under date cif Krid.iy, thai Ibe Hoer force, number- ing eeventy men, and commanded by Col De Vilboia Maruil. were mov- ing sffing the Jiicobsdal road, thie't euing the Uritisb flank They were discovered Thutsday. but Ixlore ih.'y coul.l IM iiltacked they had taken a i rung position on u kopje. (leu. Me liuen sent a (lying column, un.ler Col. 1'eakman, lo attempt to c..|. ure the poxitiuii The Kimherley l.inh' Horse, outflanked tbe lioers. irM wen- soon >ui rounded Then the Kimberley,, covered by the s|,"ll fire of the liritish artillery, ad- .mee,l U|n 'be ko| je under u heavy fiie from the B.*r. which compelled la slov* advance. Tb Yeomanry sup- i ported the attack. After (hire hours aiul a half of heavy flglniug. i lie Birs raised a white flag. The lliltish moved for- ard to receive their surrender, wben 1 u nuiiibei <il ibr Uonrs fired s volley al (he Kimlwilcy tn*s.>s. A few others I fired independeuily They all event- ually yielded They used soft-nosod and spltt-nos- l*d bullets. A niaj 'rity of the prison- 'eri are B'ers, but there are r'lench- in n ii. Mm uu, and Hollanders among I I lie 111. Ladies and Other Civilians Order- ed to Leave Bloemfontein. MARKETS OF THE WOULD ii I Prices ot Grain. Cattle, Cheese, Ate , in the Leading Mar.teu. Toronto, April 10. W beat Both corn and wheat developed a verjri i rong lone iu Iba v>est lo-uay The 1 local market wa .stronger all round. I The quotations me a> follows. On- auo, red and wuila. 66c bid, wuai ; f7c bid ea*l ; goose wheat. 71 lo 71 1-Jic. low fieigbls lo New York; >pring, ON , Manitoba. No 1 hard, HI 1-ic N. i ih bay ; and Ki.', g i.l. i i.ui I'irui OMIMW ilsin offer ki 1. 1 .gin i oller, in buyers bags, mid- dle I .-rights .it $i70 p-r bbl . aud ux- ii.ii ogenls, b'J filfi'l. special biands. .n wood, for local account. s*ll from 93 lo 9810, H'.oidn.g to biund. Millfeed Scaice Bran is quoted al tie to |IGU), and sborls, al 917 to 91760. al the through \Vcsl- ro Untsrlo. Coru Very a.ioi.g No. 2 American . yellow, quo ed al 17, track, Toronto;; nd m i.l at. ifll-w, Canadian corn acaice. 1'eik Steady. Cat lots. OUc, north snd west, and Oh-, east Bailey Ki i m Cur lute, No. t. mid- dle freights, iJl-J'. snd east, al4*c;i N<. I . quoted at U 1-2 to 44>, out- I side. Itye -Quiei. far lots. Me w.sst.aud 6tV. Oat a Fitm Export demand Improv- ing, while nit", north and west. 2H . to lift I--, ui. M fieights, M l-.i to ., and sast J9 1-2. Hiirkwheat Juirl Offering light Cai lots, outside are quoted at 51 to receipts. Loot! demand good. Values I iln.iii Deal is liei" aril lo I tlie tride as fol lows: Dairy. tubs, medium, none in, iirge rolls. 15 to 16V; sin ill dairy. Ib pi in s. 10 .u 17c. cream- , ery, tubs n.l boxes, Jlc. pound*, . to '& Cheese Males are being iu the ordinary way ai lit to 18 l--c. Toronto. April IU. Agam we bad a most unsatisfactory market here to- day, wiih heny receipts snd little 1 1 n liu;. except for tbe best butcher caitle, uhicb was in fair dninaod al ui.i ii-iiiged prices. .-i'.|f|"'iaT cattle sold a little more freely hu' there is no improvement In quotation*. >li."l' and Inmbs sre steady and unchsnged. The Mink* 1 all i.-und was a dull nnd unimportant une. with no <|Uot- abls change lu pi ices. Should ihe supply of cattle be heavy to-day. pit rs u, i) lake serious tumble. 11. V" >r * s'esdy and unchanged Kor prime bog 1 *, scaling ftumlflO to M> Iba., tbe tup price la l-4c ; light snd fat Itnga are bringing up to 5S-lo per pound. Ki I low Ing ia the range of quota* lions: Cat I la. t.l.d Th.l Ih. tVlr.. In,. Hlo..r..i.,ln Hu* tire.. ,, Been ful -The Ha*r, at I.. ih II. u. r of the Koi. I Irl.k Kin. a, ar* Said to b* M ll( -Ol*i s.i.i 10 M... Mad ria-hllac-rrlvute W.ll.r. ,.,,..., HI. IxMidon, April U. (4. SO a. m.) Tliere Is little In t-du.\'H news to bring satisfaction Assurance* that nothing need be tea red. even If th* railways and telegraphs are cut. and Bloemfontein isolated, together with the ne\\H 'i ,.t the Indies und other cl\ iliuns are being ordered away, do not uneei well. There are rumors from Cape Town thut ihe tcl'-uruph v ire* were al- en<ly cut yesterday iSundu.v ). nnd uU s-i tbat tl.e Hu uirs. who uere Sent t< i -ic iii'f Hi' i: i. .11 i i'b Killen. are also 'nisslnK. although pro- bably these are the outcome of Boer exagKerutlons, designed l<> encimruKO tlie biiruhcr.- 'Ite ulteuipt nt On Collide to ci, ti.-n the Boer h-adors in conference at Hieilonteln failed, probably be- cause of the luck of e.,..ilr.\ Mufukin^ WUH HI 111 besieged on April 1. 'Pie Ka'Tison wufc suffering severely from the luck of bread, nnd a mixture of l.r m. outs mid mealies wns d..m tlui v for that urilcle. which Is detK-rll.ed as ' conrse in of the color of ginu.-r- hr.-tid. and of the consistency of Nor- ^ .... pine." FORCED ^SURRENDER. Five Companies of British Troops Captured South of Bloemfortein. A despatcih from London says: The following i* the text of Lord Roberts' despatch to tbe War Office announc- ing the capture of five companies of his troops: lilnemfonlein, Thursday. April 6. Another unfortunate occurrence ba* occurred, resulting I fear, In the cap- ture of a party of infantry, consist- Ing of three companies of tbe Hoyal Irish Fusiliers aud two companies of the Ninth Regiment of Mounted In- fantry, near Heddersburg. a little eastward of Bethany railway station, within a few miles of this pi. re "They were surrounded by a strong- er foroa of tbe enemy w. b four or flvt guns. I "The detachment held out from S before noon April 3 until 9 a.m., April 4, and then apparently surrendered, f.n it is reported that the firing censed at t hat time. "Immediately after I heard the news, during tbe afternoon of April 3,1 r- dered Galacre to proceed from Sprinaj- fonlein, hia present headquarters, U Reddersburg, with nil possible speed, and 1 despatched Die Cameron High- landers hence to Bethany. "Ue arrived at Hedderaburg at 10.36 yesterday morning, without opi>os>l- tmn, but could get no news of to* missing detachment. ; "There can be no douht the whol* part/ has been made prisoners." ALL FOH LACK OF tiuibui^.l I* it.,- London. April 8. - - The Htoemfon- lein 14 irres|Kiiiil<-nt <.r Tin- l>aily Tele- graph. m u despatch duted Kriday. snys "All TK ,|in.-i I. ere Kemounts and reinfon -ninriiih are nrrl\ ing and |'ie- |ia,nt Inns are being made to deal \\ilb tbe enemy. Last Tuewda> many of the hihtoric reKiments, the tkots Cre.v., tbe Innis.iiHinK lirac.nons and the lancers, could not muster a hun- dred in. uinted m. n. while artillery horsen wet* very scurce The Ta|>e Town rorreMpondent of The lhill> Xews. tel<rapbing Fniiiay. ays "Owing t a lack of horsea and to the sufferlnKs of the men from Jinaumonln. due to thin clothing, ord Koberts has derided not to make u I,IK move until the troops are provided with thicker uniforma." BRITISH ANXIODSTU AUT AMOK. i threutenlnK the lines to the smith. (ien (.ati.cre's force has returned here \\ithout having found any trnce of the 111 fitted Brit ml, column captured 1. the i:. dl.-rbi,nr commando. It IH Impossible to oatlaiatc the British loHsen, but as the, men fought stiibbi.rnh It is probable that they were large. n. . - . i -i KIVM nun*. I'r.-torin. Wednesday, April 4 -It In ' ofl'cliilly announced hero that m tne Bloemfontein waterworks the Hi-p ,h- lican forn* captured eleven ofllcer* and :tr,2 men, with It guns, two am- munition wugons, ulher wagons and mules. i. ., .rr Hart a nht. [tl.ienifi.nti in. April 4. (Wednes- day afi.-i ii"on. ) (ien. Oatacre bad an eni..i|jenient with th* enemy at Itcdd. Tkburg to-day Details of Nhe affair have not yet been received h*i. CaMAUIAN AMTII.LBKV MOTBD. H.I i.. Cmrmmrvmm. WaltlB* Sluppers. per cwt. . 9 4 2A 9 Butcher, choice, do. . * 75 Ilutchsr nied. good. > . Butcher, inferior. Siockers. p*r rwl Sheep and Lambs Sheep, per owt. . I. n, I. s. |T CWt. llii'ks per cwt. S It.-) 2 7S '.' W BOO < M > M raooocB. Egg-Ueliv*riea are very >' tl1 gain, and the market U firmer. Ue- maud good. N lai.i are the only ac- tive line selling, and bring 14 to 14 1-Cc Potatoes I'leiiiy coining in. Local Demand is light, und prices easy. far Int.-. are sold, on track, at about S*c. prr bag, and at farmers' waggons at an .ui 15 lo SOc. per bag Oul of slore I ch'.n.' stock, bung abmil 4j to Me. per bag. IU .us- Choice bind picked beans ate -voitb from 91 70 lo l.76, delivered' berr, and resell al |1.B5. liii.d upples Unchanged. Dealers pay .".I-., for diied slock, dulivered > here, .nil in small lots resell at 6c, amputated, 7 to 7 I-Jr. in small lots. I HoneyDealers quote from Vto lOu, ' per Ib., for 6, IU, or 1,0 ib. tins, and in e.mb around J to IV J pur dozen ret ions. buy Nothing much in The ' n...ik. t in quirt. .S'.. 1 timothy, w ill bring |l< 76 l 9'J, delivered b- it, No. 2 9 to |f Jj iJHalcis beie irsell at sbnul | to 9'.i .' foi choice. H.l.'l hi, . ',, luls ,," quoled at 94.50 lo 96, on track. II ps U- . I. i - bere quota choic* Can- adu, Wo. at IS to 15c. Poultry <iood local demand, but laceipts are very ligbl. Values firmer. fin. k<-ns job .t 7U lo 'KJ. , per pmr; g*f>ae, 7lo He, and tin keys, IS lo 15c. per Ib. M.I pli' syrup lie-in mug lo com in lu small quant it ie. ii..>\ und there, is H good diii.ind llmlers bere sell tins nf, 101-2 Iba, .1 II. DHKSHKU HOiirt AM) I'I(O\ ISIUNS, Mi.rket very Inm .unl pi n eg i.f pork pi... lu. IK likely to po bigbel. Ilicss- td bogs cnnung in slow Iy Select weight dressed hogs, c.n |.i<s. delover- d, 97, heivy HI 9(1 7,"i, sows at .Vdi to 91 off these juiies On (be sticel. in furrueiB loads, chui. c biiugi fiom 7 to 97.2S, according to quality. yui.l.itions lor pioviuiona ale n* follow*: IJry s.'iltcd slmuldris. HS4 to 7c; long clear bacon, cur lots. H; ton lots fc. case lola, 8 l-4< ; backs, !); sbnrt , ,ii pork. 917 lo |I7.4. mess. Klj.50 to 910 Smoked meutB Iliiiiis, heavy, 11 to 111 Je medium. 11! to I-' I ^c. light. 12 1-2 to I*, brenkfsst hncon. I'J to lit 1-2, ; i ici.n Bun - * tot l.2o. roll b"00n c. smoked bucks, lie to 1 1 I _c All n 1 1* out of I.L klc Ic less than prices uu ted for smoked meat*. Ixi rd Tierces. 7J-4c, tuba, r; pnl- 91-4o 'AU.1 MAMUVn. liuiier-Had roads ire ki-t-ning buck , Milkers sud Calves. Cows, e.irb. . . . M 00 Calves, each ... 2 00 Hog*. Choice hog per cwt. (KI Light hogs, prr cwt. 6 JO Hi- ivy hogs, prr cwt. A M 8 in I i *fS V! 00 6 00 '.'.1 H 5') a on 9 50 875 4 7 2 7R 4is on 10 00 <:, s r, 6 T> B :.'. 2 L; Uulfalo, April 10. Spring wheat No. I Northern, carloads. BO.VHo . No. 2 Nortnern, carload*. .'7 .VN- No. 1 b. i .I. carloads Ii3c. Winter wheat .S.uuiii illy. No. 2 red, 74 l-.c . mixed. 7lc, No. 1 while, 781-2o Corn Un- settled; No, J >ellnA. s:> -(.-. asked. No. :i yellow, 15 l-> naked ; No 2 corn 45 i -> asked ; No. 9 corn, l.'ic, a.sked. Uals-Stronger ; No. II whits, ) l-Jc, No t white, *-.; No. 4 white. 20 l-2c, No. 2 mixed, M-. No. S mi ted, J7 1 -Jc Rye No. 1, in si ore, 64 1-iic,. Hour - Klrm Chicago, April 10 r'laxseed Closed Nortb-West and ,x>ut Ii-Wssl, cash. 9i/ bid; May. f I IM bid; spot, 91.^1 bid; (Viober. 91151 .' to |: It) asked Uuluth. April 1C -Wheat -N,,. 1 hard cash, itU l-4o. May, 7<)l-lo, No. I Nor- I bern, 67 l-tc, May. fiK l-4c; July, li!i:t-8<; Septemlwr. tl-'> No J Nor- thern, B51-4c; Nu. S spring, &! l-4c, Oats-2Sl-2 lo Ulc. Corn-Mo. Minneapolis. April 10. - W beat I No. 1 Northern. April (151-Jc. May, (Wl-tto; July. Ii7 1-8 to 07 1-lf ; tSopleimher. 6.*> l-4c; No. 1 bard, tV l-8o ; No. I Northern, No ii Northern, (!I.VH,. MAFEKING CASUALTIES. Another Small List of Twenty-Nine Reported. A despatch from l.i ndon, aaya: The \V,,r Office, publishes the following .. list of casualties at Mufek- ing up 1 to Kebruiry U8: Killed 8 U ,,nn.l,"l 17 (MisaliiR 4 He, ibs from enteric fever 6. K -n, ,,|. Hat l M., r. la Sll*k spirit*. Hloeinfonteln. Saturday. April 7. Tbe ftoers are reported in force to tbe ftnutli, tbrentwdng the ruilroud. which, however. Is urointlv protect- ed. liritish pickets at Sprmglicdd. slgbt miles distant, were uttacked to- day by Boers advancing from the waterworks Hi-mounts are rapidly advancing I hi- Urillsh are ia high spirits, and anxious to advance. ,...! IrUh i. .M.. .... ...4. .... Illoenifontrlh. Tbursduy, April .V (Delayed In transmission).- The Hoy- al Irlsb Klllot. hud benn marching In tha eastern part of the Free Stale, collecting urins. and were returnini; to Uetliany Tuesday when they were In- tercepted b.v a lloer coinmHiido. winch hud placed three guns In position Tbe Irish entrenched themselves, while the mounted Infantry scouted alDng both banks, only to find rscu|H- im- poMlble The Boers opened with K'H. and rill.- fire the British replied sparing- ly with i ill- lire. liiislMindlng tbeir carlndgeH In 1 be hope Urn I relief would arrue Cr.iduully the Boers draw Into i loser (quarters. They lired Intermittently during TueHdny night, but did sot attempt to ru>b th* British pohltlon until Wednei.ii.iv. when the Irishmen, l " had fought t*nactniisl.v, were suflering severely from want of food and water. At this tluie also the Hitlen hail expend- il their Inst i ul, nines finding that there was no *iKn of succor, they ur- rendered. buMnK fought for nearly thirty hours They lost ten killetl nnd iiuint wounded the cnpturcd IS Ciipt. 'lennalit. l.en I iu t.ure s chief iiitelliencs officer. ROBERTS' BULLETIN Curn.irvon, Cape CoUm.x , April 6. Ii Is reported thst UOO Insurgent*. who were not aware that Klr Chart** I'urtons had occupied Kenhardt. and Mho rode Into tbat place, have beta captured by th* British troop*. ." .!.- .ll .,' . I . u.., The Canadian Artillery has return- ed here from Van Wyksvlel. A i kpitar* l Wp*r. Aliwal North. Csp/ Colony, April 6. The colonial division at Wepeu- er has captured five prisoners and four hundrvd rifles. 'His Boers are re- ported to "lie moving euet und west of Kouxville. and a number of them i .-puiied sixteen mile* down th* Orange Uivw. K.r.i Iriih Ri.. a.iir.d Alial North. (Saturday. April 7. Ihe Ko>al Irish Rifles, which hav* !> ei, ; .. fi . uu Houxville, ar- SENT TO THE FRONT. Toronto Men of the Mounted Rifles Leave Cape Town. A dcspiitcli from ( HIH Ton. dated \\ednendny, iiniioiincesi Ihe de|>nrt- n i. to the front of i lie se. olid ronlin- grnt of the Canadian Mounted I n- l*lB* ll> l-lit I ..a.m." -.1 !>' -. M k.l . .... .1 '!. >' ... London. April 9. Lord Roberts reports to the War tMlice as follows: "lUoemfontcin. I iiiln>. April i; The casualties at Itedd. islmrg were: Olhcejs killed Cuptuin ! Ii I'asMon. nd I. lent (' It li.ii'i.i.v, both of the Northoinbe. b.ods W ouiivlcd, -. < Ul' 1 tin. -.I. 8 Nn commissioned otiicers ml men kill.. I. H. u. .,,,,. nil H3 Hie rest were captureil Our slreiigth was 107 niotmtud mf.iiiir.v und 4^4 Infantry. Ihe eiiem.v "us said to b* 3,UO(> strong, with live guiui " II ur II . Hew.. Ik .1 < rtl. II. liu.ii.v , Oruii|;e I'ree Stute, TburB- duy, April S. - The five companies of British Infant rv which were sur- priaed b.v the Heddernbiirjf com mm, do while, m.trchlng acroHS the country via l)e Wet H Dorp, made a plucny itund, but. a* the H...-.S bad thro* liel.l nun' snd the Hiiti-.h none. th latter w.-re lonijie.llisl In nii.iiil.i I. .11 .illl'.sl Inn late Ited- demburg was alr*e.l> re occupied by tin lli>*rn and th* eutuny are ni.w ri.eil Mulu... last nigbt Thn retire- ment covered by a detachment sent by Own. Brabant frustrating the Bourn und interrupting the move- ment of the enemy from Kouxville. l.i.iut Hoi. nay and two man of Hia'. ma s detachment of the Border Horse are nuaalng. Two Doers were killed In the rear guard action A strong Boer commando is report- ed to be at Walikop, 14 miles west of Kotixv ill*. A* ii. i -...i ..t ( n . ...... I ,. ,d.. n. April 0. A despatch to a n.-s agency from Uoahof Mates that I ..ul Vlathuen's meu carried the |.i \\hicl, was held !> Cvl. do \ i.iei.ois Mareull s mei, at the point ol the ba\ oiirt Tho dettpatck also coniiruis the story that the Boers tir- vl on the Hi mb und \vouiuii<d .in of- ncer alter having raised tbe white dug No in. i, n. n is m. in. lu the iles patch of th* killing of Col de Ville- bols Mi. n- .11 lien Koburtn reports the caNiialtieH am. .UK the men ut lloshof. where II Is reported that ...n de VllleboU Mareull vvus killed us one killed und ten wounded The War OMim prints a list of 37 sold, uts who hnvs ''led in various honplUils. > ,,^....| ii .10.1 I..,. I, i.. K'. I mid. m. \ 9. Tha Hight n,<n .sir J.ibn i.oidni, SprinK. former I'rime Minister ol Cuj>e Colony in speaking at a meeting at i't|. lon i. n Ki ldu\ . said thai a mtiiil.ei of the Afrikander BonsJ, Mho hud riHently leiorne.l lion. I'li'toim. hail inloi inc.! him the authorities of the lloer Hepublics expected that 4A.(XH> Uiit.h- nn'ii in Cap* Colon) wuutd rtvult against the Government I K. l >...!. I. ..1.1. London, A|irl) b. . The War Office huii p.ii e.i Uie lint of casualties at I'olei sloiilein, near on April O. Only vine is rejiorlisl klllotl, Seij,t I'.mi.k ( amjibell. of tlie Imperial \ i-.. m.., n \ husband of thr well- known act rest) Nine noii-coininissioiied ollicers and uin aie report tKl woumlod. H,ir. < laiu* 4 t ...... r. I 'i el o, iu. I'Yidav. April d. It Is reported that lien Dewet attacked and defeated a large force of llntish ctl\all> at IJeWet H ||. HlHll et. ,1 of Bloemfontein, CKptnrmx oU pri- oners and a lar^e ip,. unity of ain- niunltion und camp stores, and in dieting heuvy IOSK I lie loss, II is elated, vvus two lulled und four wounded All IH quiet with the other commandos 1 In canals 4'f New York State will probably open on April 21*t WAS OLIVIER'S COMMANDO. British Were Hemmed In by Somn Thousands of Boers. A despatch from London, Saturday, April 7, nays: -Vrry little can be ad- ded U. Oca. Robert*' despatches re- porting resiMjc lively disaster and *u<y c^.s on April 5 A telegram from Norval's pont utat** ill M thr British troops csptared at Keddmiburg were herotned n by acme thousands of Burrs, who are believed to belong U> Commandant Olivier a commando, but there is nothing 1 further concerning the affair. Another despatch, from Norval* pm. dated April 6, says: "A detachment, of HuHBars ho were proceeding hence to Hlornifoniein, r reported to hiivcbern detained at Kd- enburg. about fifteen miles oui h-east, of lt*dders%>urg. in ihe Orange Free State, and despatched to the assist anoe) Of the/ Irish r'ualhsr* oaptured near Reddarofcui g " Tb* icnvity of tbe Boer* in various diirectioBa in the neighbourhood of Bloemfontein is evidently going to cauae the British a ff r " <lealof trou- ble oniil or unless General Robert* IS i able to deliver some telling blow. A considerable force of Iburs \vere reported Thursday as un>ving South ward throutfb Tb&ba Nchu I'robably they were the victorsjit Heddersburnr. O'hers are reported on various side* of the city, which it is supposed, they sre aiming i o recapture. Men n while. General Roberts is ra- nrgnm/ing pxjts of his army aud ac- cumulating nu|iplie, but, says tberur- reaptiadent uf the Morning Post, re- mounts for the cavalry are anxiously awaited, and herein anmrenily is the main cause of the liritish Immobility. Tnegeneral ac'lvity of tha prepara- tion* mny. h.iwever, be gauged by the statement that the troopn ar bavins; n somewhat uneaiy time, owing to r- jn'.i'e.l muvemnnts and the nnise of the trnns|n>ris going through almoat every night. Lord Roberts' despatch describing the disaster at Reddersburg was print- ed in the Ihiblin evening pnpers, and created general consternation. It brought the populace, with a quirk turn from the rejoicing over th* Queen's visit to Ihe great issue of th* war. and cast a sudden gloom over the gayety of th* party at th* castle. HAVE LOST 23 GUNS. iin.i h Have n. .N rarlteatarljr ir ! ihi. War. To lose guns has always been con aidered in military circle* a disgrace, in tbe preaent war the British hav*> been particularly unfortunate in this respect, their losses in guns having been heavier than In any similar j>er- .I..I of their military In N lory. Tb losses up lu date ar*: Nicholson's nek. . . . 4 Htormberg 2 (Vlenso 10 Near Hlormfontrin. . , . 7 Total 23 In exchange) they have captured only seven guns, five taken with Cronje at I'aanlebeig. and two buried in a uiin* in the. Free State. REGIMENT OF IRISH GUARDS. * < n. ii t .u " . in MI Thai our |, i,, K. I .......I I. n. loii April 5. The army order* to-day contain the following: "Tbe. Queen having deemed it desir- able to commemorate the bravery vh >wn by i b" Irish regiments in the leceni pei 1 1 ions in South Africa, has (en giacii.usly pleased to command tbat mi In.-b K'gnnent ot foot guardf lie formed under the designation oj 1, i->h (iu irds." THE MANITOBA WHEAT CROP. i i>. . f .' ! I .... .1 i i., t>ar' in Twi sail a Hall Him,... Hanhrl.. A despiiich fiom Winnipeg says:- It ia calculated that I bere are now ifc ti.UKl u 'ei prepared for crop in Man itoba in e\ s o! (hat which wss lead; for seeding this time last It ii thul this year's wheat . ,.>| will exceed that it '99 by over iw. and a lull' million bushels, and tneoa cii (H i will show an increase of six bun dred thousand ImslieK I'bo Intr fil Is parity accountable for this, .iswel ss the increased number uf rstller*. About toe Douse. A LUIXABY sweet, bird. km, In the nest, moib.-r s breast, bilk-soft for b.rdikin, With wind in the east. Hush, Oh, bud. kin. p away another day, Much too cold for birdikin Is east-wind day. Slenp -of i, leafikin. Softly curl not unfurl. 61 k -he.nh for leafikin Of pink snd pearl, Uu h. Oh. leafik.n Nor unclose, baby ros*. Much too huh for leafikin, Knot wind blows. Creep close, lambik.n. Nestle, hide by mother's aid* Till upsprmg. for Umlukin, Daisies pied. Huh, Ob, l.imkikin, Safe in fold from the cold Till south wind for lanbikia Her wings unfold. Hu>h, Ob. babykm. Mother's joy, father's boy. Pearl of price is babykin And winds ar* keen. Dream, sweat babykin. Golden head in rosy bud, Over sleepy babykin. Angels, lean! A DIET ITRJS. It is a deplorable fart that many (hildrsn of the praaanl day suffer is Buch as do their elders from stom.ich troubles. A weak stomach and indi- gestion are by no means confined to frown person*. Sometimes iba symptoms -ire such a* to maka il easy to locate tbe trou- ble, aa in th* ca*e of sick b*udachc*. nausea and the like, but often tbe ymoioui.s are ot aucb a nature a* lo leave a mother quit* in doubt as to their origin, (iornetimee there ar* sev- er* uiuus in the back and iiuibs, weuk- nesa und pain in the eye*, and general liatlesane** and debility, all arising friMn ibis tiu.'fuf source of trouble- In such caaea, wheiner of occasional local distress, or of more chronic aud laiiuu-. disorder, a slrict diet HI 1 work greater wonders luiiu medicine. It is only reasonable to suppose that the siuuurb wh.-n OUl of order needs resi, jual as we when sick or over- woikcd, need iet. A child uf our acquaintance, who had occasional and sKgbt disorders i.f the siotnach, became, une winter, fcUierly li-iles.s and 1 felaas .-ba coui- plained of i n in the back aud limbs, her eyas wer* not as strong as they bad been, then he began baring in- tense puins in her head The f.-imily physician was consulted sguin and different uiedicinei were given, all without ftiect. The patents b*oum* worried inJ then alarmed. At 1 i -i friend said to Ihe moiner thai she believed ihe trouble all a rone from 'he child s slum ich, and ud^is. d a ii..' diet. It was tried ss a last resort, and tbe child soon began to improve. .Mi.' kepi on improving, and al th* end of ia weeks was well. She has had, leas tr.mble wiih her stomach smoe thut time Ihun ever before, and has been , strong and hearty. Her diet for the first two or three week-, was nothing lul broths und fresh milk. There are some stomachs that inilk does not agree with- but not many. Durin% that time be took no solid food ot an> kind Afier Ihe third week ci ackers snd bread, not fresh were criiojl>ed Into the broth, and inilk, and (mm that time on a greater variety of foods was gradually, very y. n*rmii ted. These were all of a na- be eiisily digested, nnd not un- til tbe end of the six weeks \vns th* oidinary diet fully returned to. Of course it was hard for t hn child, for be did not I k- broths, snd for the mother too. Il tnkes tim* to m ike broths, and when (hey are the sol* diet, there muni be variety. Sn she made mutton, veal, beef, oyster and chicken in turn, seasoned i hem well with snlt and pepper, hut no butter, nd tried to make the lime of --elf denial as easy fur the child as, she oould. Of course In a less sever* . ,s. than this It would not be necessai i in p. uu inii" the treatment for so longs time, but a day at n time, three or four days, or a week the case iiiny be. will accomplish wonders, and . ei tainlv a experimenting with elnes d drain, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and serve at once. Celery with Tomato Sauce.. Cut the c-elery into inch, pjrcns and oook in boiling water until tender. Drain in i colander. For tbree c.up* stewed cel- i>r\ in ike a sauce with a pint of stew- mi or canned tomatoea. heated lo boil- ing and thickened with a tablespoon i.f fl .u rubbed smooth in a little cold water. Add half cup hot cream or milk, season to taste, pour over the celery and serve. Celery Vinegar. Cut a bunch of cel- ery very fine, and ponr over it one i|U.ici. hot. seasoned vinegar. Cover and lt it stand two nioe with oyster A PAIR OP BULLIES. AND HOW THEY WERE WELL SETTLED BY A TENDERFOOT. TB.e Hlee Fv,d Took I h.-lr In It* I nlll They W.-nl ln.t ),, ftp Too Far, < Thru rmmtf ih* Trnitlo I limn . u J II .- I r . I. u I I . , n "The bad men down my way haven't been fooling with tendcrfeet much of 1st* yeara," said George Craig, an Arl/nna man. "Tonderfeet have a way of coming to life once In awhile, and the wolf eaters weeks. This is very | have found this out. I remember the case stew or with cold of a tenderfoot who arrived at himself In Phenlx buck In 18X7 He was a towhead, with white eyebrows, a peachy skin and a (light lisp, but he mnde good Ho had struck Arizona straight from a mining school somewhere back east Ho hadn't to the tenderfoot for baring wiped two hard clttasna out of the town population When Joe Hurdeaty came back the next day and heard how hli piano thumper had lined up to meet an occasion, be gave Al- gernon Moncclalr $300 m>l a ticket up to thf Colorado mining country. where the tenderfoot wanted to go lcn.iei-i.iet huveii c ts-en toyed with much dnwn hero In Phenlx linos that thing happened ' The only artiaan burled In Ablwy ' (ieiirgfl Orahaiu. the InHtriiroenl mnker who Invent**! an improvud dook work In the rear 1TUO POETRY WHICH BURNED. Rhraaa- Jaoket of biacuit cloth, double- breasted, trimmed with bios folds. Numerous rows of stitching ornament the bottom, pockets, sleeves md in- vars. Storm collar with turner-over corner. Material rnquired. cloth. SO inches wide, i yards Cut in M. 96 and W inches, bus' measure l'i-.,- 10 cent*. * PERSONAL MENTION. lalere*llB( llrw. tlmu. -omr ,,r . l,r rr.. niiiiea !>,.,,lr of Ike H..I I.I. Dr. Ontliiig. the inventor n the "liatling gun.'' which is eMlim.itnd to have killed a quarter of u million men, ia alive and, well at the .ige of eighty-one, lie is hard al work in Chi- cago arranging for the manufucmm of one of bj* inventions, an automobile plough, which, he says, will do the work at eight men and a dozen horses. Lj*ulenanl-Gene,al French is the ninda the 'mining enxlneer' stick, and within a month after hu landed In Arizona he found hlniMilf hroke In Plientx. So he not a |t a day job pound- Ing the piano In the back room of Joe H'trdsty'ii Palx Is saloon He wits a pretty fair plnnn iharp and earned his wafies. His name was Altternon Muntrlalr. und he looked the name, with hu girly kln, big blueiiyes and mild. Inquiring expres- sion The bnys ot to guying him a good deal, nailing him 'mainma'a angel child' and that sort nf thing, and they trlud prwtty hard to get a rise out of the key puncher, hut ba stood for the whole thing and never stopped playing when they were guying | ihape. him the hardost Joe Hardunty omllud the gang down once In awhile fur ridiculing the piano player, but when Jua wnmi t arouail they poured It Into Mm tenderfoot pretty hard His two ohlef tormentors 1 ware Buck Freeman, a genuinely bad ; man, and Chop Suey Pollock, a Ind proposition from Han Franclsoo 0m h Were killers with rwonN They had b<ith been warned to oensa their ploklng on the tenderfoot piano playar by Joe Hardesty. who was pretty quick with a gun hiniaelf. but ono Sunday the pair, who were thick friends for same mason or other, went down to th Palais. They knaw that Hardeaty won out of town, and they want- ed to have some fun with the piano whack r Thu tenderfoot was thrumming away, when Freeman and Pollock lurched Inta the hark room of the saloon " 'liny, sin:' *aul Krueiiinn to the ten- dxrfont us sooo as he got Into the room. 'You thump tbat thing purly well, don't your But there's ona thing I never seen you do, an that play tlie piano an walti at one an th wina time Never r<-m-heil you to do that, did they' You ever seen him do It, Chupr hv asked hi* pal, turn- ing to Pollock. " N t any, ' ld Pullook. ' but It soiinns as If It ought to work pretty u nl. " '1 Jun't know linw It 'ud work.' said Frei'iimii. 'bwaumi I ntivnr wen It ilid, but I got a powerful hankorln to nee It. Sit, I'PIHW you lieavu us one of them itiiublln up ntuiits I'm a talk I n alxmt I've hoarn you do the ky punchln end of It; now I want aomo ballay with It iloahnad!" " I ilon t iliuith. niplicil t.lie tenderfoot ' 'Oh, ynth, you do!' chimed In Polliwk, Imitating the tundnrfnot < lisp 'You can dauth all right You t i.. Iain b " 'I t nay. you fellowth,' Iwgnutha piano I'm not TeulliiK wall fourteenth officer now on the uciive playing tenderfoot, r ,\ > tonight, anil ilnih 1th no tlmiito' list of the Army who ban Iwen uiouiot- Duntb. hoiiuid ixith FnwinnD and ed from the rauJc of Major-General Pollock together, suddenly pulling their guus, and both of the bullies plant -il Uilli within on Inub of the tenderfoot ' heels. for distinguishatl service, in the fiald. The olbetH are Liird Wulseley. Lord Roberts. Sir R*uver Duller. Sir Wil- ^bullots boring tbrougb the ,ft pins Uam Loc.hart. Sir Heury Hra.-ken- "Alrnon Montclalr struck up 'On the bury Sr MHM H hue, Sir b'ranoiH B,*utlful Blue' on tha piano, st tha sains .ranfell. Lord K hener. .-i Arch,- time .huffllng his feet aboul olimi.lly lu Hun-IU.. >,r tilu . wlth thtt ,,, His gyrations tlo X. O Lyttla- k)H th- two ,,. b4lhlm ,'" him to , nB Lord K , 3in.l*n Blood . lh ion .u.l -,, Uerb Hi. Ihomus W hit taker, the well- when Uia tenderfoot's movements seined known emi>Tn < advox^ate, who re- to slsckan from weariness thy put anoth- CKI.KRY 8ewed Celery .fu I the celery ialo Ineli pieces, covet with boiling w.ier, and cook in .t covered sicnpan unl'l teiulfi. It xliould simmer slowly un- til done. When cooked. i.H a pint of rU'b milk or cnvim, sivisnn to i .-t... ami when lioilirig, hi k"ii with i i i bleMpoon of flour, rubhi^l tmoot h in a lilt It- milk H iil uj> mi"-, -iiMiinir con- st iutlv. and serve Stewed Celery No .' r.,,,k the .- e l ry HH directed above uid dr.un II. -i: one and a half cups milk <o dolli In a stewpan, thin st 1 1 into it the beaten yulki uf two . ^ uid hiltrup eresm Cook until it thickens, p.iur H o\r the celery an1 -torve A little nil' m. .^ is nia to lull lo I he sea- soning CJe.ry Fritters Mix oue cupful fine- ly oho|,|>vl - "|.-ry. with one cup hnttsr tf'<f- tihe mixture, a rableepoou st s Unix. In Soiling (at; whan well bruwn- ceirly died, wit* born two yvirs before Waterloo, snd had a terribly burd time in bis boyhood IVfore he was seven, he was obliged to ge.t up at five winter nnd summer, to go to a cotton mill ne. 1 1 his home, and Ue .lid not re- turn from, work until eight o "lock at n. gin Kor i Ins n* re -eivod half a crown a .vaek, and lived with bis fam- ily " in a cellar six fe.t below the level of t h" street, where the SUM never uhone and the birds never sang " A good story o/ tbe Duke of Uavun- shne is goin^ ihe round uf society it this very moment Some inipjisinve and in.hsvieei fiiend calmly asked the Lord I' n i of the Council what hud be.-n done ii the Cabinet Coun- cil thut day. The Duke, kept bulb bis com,' en nice .ind his t.-inpi and re I'l "d "Well the iiiith is. l.ind Sul- Ubury U gelling old and so in, t. and as he -|H'.iks in liiiber :i low lone of . n I as I .111, ii he, h.iid of hearing I cjm'i tell you. my den r fel- low, any! h ng about it I" Lord Koheits is H striking HIM imc of "hit an setftH l.i,. in Ihe 'i|>eii in will do foi a mm ^s . \oiiih he was exiiemely deli.tite. ,nd had to lake far more than his share of gruel ,ml |iii>s'. > ei in-Ja). afler 'lorl.v-one ye-ais in India,'' he is , -, hale . |HIS- s.nle. and has lew .-.(uals ill i be At my al I. -in. MI-. in i ng I cnl-pvKKinir. und oilier kindred spoils Someone point- I d out the ol he i day tltal if piesenl VMO.V uiemuiemeni s had been enforc- ed iu His early J.iys. Lord Holier s. ho is u veiy sm.ili man, would I, ,\ e been debtiired from en'ering the! Aitnuy Ii is not ofien i w., m in ,.ille lo array her-elf it, any>- which 300 years ugn was the pr<iperly of' a Queen of Knglind. The Coiiniess of I I'embioke had, however. h.-. proud |ni\ilege HI n i.-.eiii Drn-AiiiK H'l.'in when hei nagn;ficent white, and HI|- v*r gown, und light -peach velvet train were trimmed nh '1,1 point de Klun- drs hn-h hod once belonged tn and had been .v.u n by Queen Eli/.iibetb. It was in udmii ible pre-servntlun, and consist ad of deep flounces, p.mly of H-K gn. md xlso displaying n iHiia... .<lk, with bit. in on pedestals and curious. pair of bullet* through thu iloor oloxito his fuel, and he went on with runewod en- ergy There wore n number if rnon In the front part of tbe saloon who didn't llkuthn thing a llttl* bit, hut they kept out of It from motives of prudence. The tenderfoot playod tha witlti through nnd danced t.o It twice befor<i hla tormnnton Krvw w.viry of the fun und lot up nn him by walking up to tho pinrio and bringing their pnws down on the keys logntunr They had put away thalr guna. "'That'll do you, sis, ' Mid Kraemnn 'I knowed you could damn, an you've pmvnd it You mmth likuyou werw born to It. Your mother must have been u bal luy danthur, or else' ' FreiMiiun was walking Inward the front r.Him with Pnllix-k an hn said t.hls " ' I thuy. you, .'/.lied Alt<*.r Don Montcluii ufter him In a quiet tono of VI. ... in id KroHinnn turnexl itroniid to Nee what the key puncher vt .-tired. As ho did so h* saw the tvnderfool sMnding vit 1, Ins bnck to thu piano and a> gun tunnel, band There were two almoHt, s re- ports, and both of Unok Knsiman's inna were broken clone to tho shoulders. ''Imp Suey wits quick on the t.rlgKr, and bn had his two guim otit bulor thu tomler foot'i pttlr forth H oouplrt mop. flash.w. then Pollock's twin guns foil tn thu door like so m neb junk Both of his arms \\.sc.* broken too ' Von dirty dogtb,' said the tendnrfoot to thu two h.-lples. bullies its thoy stood and lixikod nt him savagely with tholr I,., it .ire. 1 urins at. tholr sides, and thoii h walked ovnr to them and spat in their fiuva one nfter the other r'reeniun Kv a nuildun ronuh out with bis right boot as If U) trip the tenderfoot, his idea probably being to get the plnno player down nnd fbtnip the life out. if him, hut tho tender foot. whi.Mi mild blue eyos were n..w bin/ ln wan t..oi|,ilck He hop|ns) bnck on' of reach Ilkuaboxor. nnd with his right hiin.l gun be bored a hole fair and plump through Muck Kreeumn's fon-heml I'ol lo. k bugge<l for hli life. Ilka a our, and the tenderfoot, after looking him over doubt fully for a full minute, gnve It to him Thu plnno playor surrendered himself to the night marshal and wan locked upo.-ei night In the oalulioiisa A s jury Wai gut together nt. 10 o'clock the nexl uiorniug. and inil.l* of c\n. '! el|(bt uiin nt. lk verdict, wan rtuu-hed that ' MM. k r r. "in. in bad met a justifiable duaMi al tlie h. .'.'! <>f a tenilerliMit, who Is hereby at'iun'ml The jury havmy hnen dls ulvud, lh iiu-inlMis of it. rupuired tio a foi uiulateU rasolutlonsuf t.hanks ('fal SeKrn or a li-r lo Malt* |..U-T A very wealtliy. unlat* anil enter- prising uiauiifiK-tuivr lu PuuuHylvaula m brother who is trilling, disslpmt- d aud of coursf a ipfuiluirift But tbe fellow uow uud tlieu .liHpiays re marluiblv lugfuuity 10 "uiuklug a t-a,K. All ui life be lius indulged, aiuoiig oilier liaU liubits, that of writ- lug eiecrubW verm*, much of winch. however, ha uaa managed to get printed. I-ately be coucKlvvd the monstrous of having all bis stuff printed io book and with (he aid of HU unseni- pulous printer succeeded in bringing out tbe "work" lu qultt* liamlsoiue But In the most affect lotuiin tarina he "dtHllcalml" the book to hi* WHiiithy brother, who recur. Is his near aud dissolute klnuinau's "poetry" as really the moHt reprehensible thing that the Incorrigible fellow .loes. But the rhymester sad bis "black art" ac. ompllee ktiaw their busiuens They printed large edition of tha book aad sent a copy to tbe wealthy mm. who liiiiiiMllately purrhasml tbr entire edi- tion and tbe platt>n and uin.le "wordi I (hat burn" of tha "poems" by means of I a bonfire. He also sent to his cruel I brother and Induced him to accept a salary to do nothing but throttle Uis vet -, dead. Tha wicked printer obtained capital enough to go to Chicago ami carry on a reputable printing aatahllHbuient, and tha had brother Is earning more neoney by keeping his vernp fiend si- lent than better pm-ts do by keeping tholr muses constantly at work. Wo- man's Home Companion. A Hawaiian T*l of Hrna. K\vaihae' one rpnialning nolut of lineri-Mt Is tbe ruins, buck on the i,!l. of a temple of refuge built by Kama- liaiii.-lin the (}rtat. It Is tbe very last of tha lielatia, where In the old days, during strife, the peaceful sought snd obtained Immunity from linrm for Into tbese temples man might uot pursue an enemy. This ruin Indicates a very substantial structure, la paral- lelogram form, about 220 feet long by UN) wlile. lintrniK-a is gaiiKil through a narrow pasaugx between two hlijh walla, and tbe Interior Is laid off In terraces and paved with smooth, flat toiii-*. The wall up hill ) H feet high, ami 011 the down bill side 2U rvt high, und l>otb are 12 foet thick at Caapar Whitney In Harper'* Weekly. i.una oa Will LI**. There I* a very simple rule for find- Ing the average number of v-ui H which persons of any nge may expert to live. If the preseut age be deducted from *>, two-thirds of the muniutler Is Hi* answer required. This result Is not absolutely accurate, but It I* near enough. For instance, n nuin aged 20 might by tills rule expect to live 40 year* longer, wblt-h Is just what th* latest actuarial table* give. At 40 th* uzpectntlon of life works out at nearly 27 y.-uis. while the tables give It n* more 'bun J.^ yearn. At 'Mi the above rule allows just over 13 year*, and th* table shows a little less. THE BOERS' PHYSIQUE. ..i Bleaaitl r scuaiiaaallj aVvelape* - Url rkcrr" la:nllBM. Tbe Couutaas .ID Bremonl contrU but an article on phyaioal oultur* among the Oosrs. Tha ftoer, aha aaya, ia u sturdy son of thm soil. lie ia brave and he is athletic, but he oaraa not a jot for physical culture in tb* iconpted .sense; still, be is an interest- ing study f physical culture "au nu- lurel." Of ne scientific side of il b* is supremely ignoraul. The Boer is uu adept al climlnug. lie is .1 skilled ri.ugh rider, a marvelous shol, and capable uf aslomtihiug feats in Ih* i of lifting heavy weights. H* in f.ini heavy stream of rutihiiig water with un oas* born of conntaut in .ei, ,-- und -'iniui jnc.e In a word, i lie II ei is a formidable opponent bore the c.huuoiui ur* in favor uf pur* Igra anil uaiural athletic ability; but where iba aoiencs <>f physical oultur* i* demanded b would fail utterly. r resh in m uu important essential til ill. prfeolii>u ol ptiyMioal cu.tura; of thin ilie U.ier baa it sufficiency. A* a set-off to this, ha inhabits close, uiuffy dualliug.-, whr window* are al it premium, and ihe door opening un i in- i mii.y .stoop is lb principal source of veuuiuuou. Al night be nl-epa VMIU Hvury opening securely clotted. 1'lieu, .4 un, ue tit au invelar- lle sllli.kei. tu ilio.lin.Ie ellBI, 4 lid iU-epl>, U 'pel. -.-.I) .a^y. He idkao no xaici.ia but hul i.s uusululniy uafau- sury; ilio ..>n>.|Ufiice follow* that he m rarely uu nxauipin uf perfeot physical oi/nditiou, tieiiig KiTUKit rou fcAi oit roy LKAM. I'll, b m, i.jNvomi. bus one gieul point m Ui fuvor ue . si i .1 , iy teuiuurala iu th ui.H t.,i uf drink, taking llttl* or no si luiuiains, drinking uiuin.y pure c.ofiee. Diunkeuiiasa is lix-iai ic 'in- ovci'piion. nol ihe rule, auiiiug i he Uuers. "Moi loug ago 1 bad in interesting oliJt.,' uint.iiu.-s ilia wilier uu the suiijecl it physic >j e.u.iura lumug i be Unei.i viin ..lie who has kuowii I tie Uuar under uiuny i>pc.ia. The uoar* us a p, ; ,,ple, he uid, 'are totally iguoidui ui ihti law of physical .-ul- i ura; in Uct. they ignore u . They uriil* tk*VJM|e*j| "ii i nun riding md . , iino- ing. In 'his uay i uy arquirn i pro- digious lui.'iiin ii |ih,si Lu training lln , i'iu tic mi i , i esii, i s ia no pnrfeciiou 1'bey ue .ui'uinv '.ory fine lnlli.ivs. , nil jl'ou uf' ^i.iut stature I'lmy bavo en.n nioii.s unnia and fei, the .limbing of kopjaa is certainly g-iod for In, development 'f the liuiua. Mien fi.ii-.iu.l-mm/ wuy 'rf c.uryiug i gun .iavnlopn , tain rud skil. n i- x ,y ,f siiouiiiig 1 reuieuiljHi ,ue ...I U,mr who ..,u,U iini ^hiint slrfiigln it , t.u^-t la avt his lifa, bui put him ,, n , home und Int Inm li.iv.. , ,-,, t ^ fr 4,11,,, be would bring IIIH doer . .,, ,, y -II 1 Uf CO,,, S.1. bll "Illl 1C ,ly| ,,{ m ai ksni ui.sliip -in,.. :,,, ir.jiu i. mg pi ml ic*. t bun through uny special skill. Their riding ,s ikewtse |, of an> sci.'iiKH. I'ha Uoer is P B,S,,II- ally the laxiast and lacking in muscular energy .if all the diffeiant sorts and coiiditions of men it |, .a Ih-. a my lot to m-eet He'll not work. n foi- money Me lots t be natives doth* working, und. barring thu. iinpnvs it upon his 'Womenfolk Xn ,,,,,.,,. ' ui. with the sciencn .,f ph> eullure 'v.ii ,1 plainly mak.i i be B.r more buuiane and teach bun III* I rtn- vilun ,f un, power. An it in now, the Boar understands only the power of brute force." ,ud inns- i spa>n.- unless tbe ui it ia moonipn, forests the North. The forest area of all tbe British pus- session* In America Is estimated at bout HOO.,HM>.i)OU acre*. The settler has cut hla way luto tbe fringe of the vast woodland, but Ins depredations sr nothing as compared with tbe ternilc scourge of lire which has rampaged tbrougll It at iilTer.-iit time*. Did you ever notice how th* man who Is too lazy to knock the ashes from hla cigar will have to spend ser- erul mnuicnis later In hniHhliig thnin off hi* clotbus?- Cambridge Prea*. We appreiieird that black cat*, tnk* them rough ami running, bave brought ior M.iaa tLaa goud luck. Detroit JouiuaL a HsktBrnl. One of the surest ways to ne awk- ward 'in company " U to trv to act dlf- f>-r"iitly from ouo's acciitomed man- iier. If one's evi?ryday tiiiiiincr In not good enough for company, then It should be chati^'cit, hut the most de- llghlful company uiaunor I* the nat- ural iinimivr Alien it I* nntural to be charming. One of the cliarm* of an agreeable nianiier m to seem to l)e un- afffcteil. Another la to listen appre- ciatively when i>tbra speak. The t;n- tlewomiin. The clock at th* houses of parlia- ment IH tho largest In the world. The dials are 32 feet In diameter The pen- dulum I* 18 feat long I lie hour >H>|| I* S fe.-f high and t* feet In dl-ime .cr nd weighs nenily ID tons. Tbe bum- mer v.i k U* oioi* tliaa 400 lltllj I.SV LONC. STKMMKD The Ins in iMiilnng stems re long ; then able IMhlias bear he I.U.IM bunding fully on ourx-ing, t.he full-blown flowers ,nd rmh dark grnn leaves ill on one long ataui l.i. IBS, Itoscm *nd Carnations ire al- so <iiig-si>-.iuiud flowers tmva substance ennugJi to fill ,t v^se, mch ui- ilons 'le,ar crystal i-nses, tall >itd simple in itwUfii, fillad wnh clenr i eaoh with a queenly liose. a stalk of ststnly l.dtea or a limiiml number of t|*cy Carnations toi MI n very prellj flower cmnbin n mi, Inch, 'o the, lover of n.- loniannn. will Innd i he ruind i u 'he M-niimenl .if 1 ll< |mepl ,>| K-i.s'.iin .-..inn i,,,s \li, i fivike water then "inbl,.,n ,,i ; , 1M iy whan 'he loiiK-nieiumc.l II,.-... ',\ H it slim,j, |,,M tie -<e.ei pet ,'s ipurl uid se I them idnft ;n ,, ihallow bamn uf ,vii,i, |i ,s beautiful in in iiunsnrv ilion of pnrfert bemlv 'hei will ba, til ,lnls ilia' ui i bo iialyx seamed f mil dull. Ne.rly ill K'Mle le.,vs ue i-oloin.j ^nM ( i lien buses. Mid some blend from lich- -iM.uuy whiiK. 'hit ,,. see n en I be, .1 nlsn -ia us ' , >,. -i ,i \V ,.,h nui 111. 4iid C'ai'.ir M M"iiiiua. u- ii inly ,uifi i tiled sniitf items in tli.i i 'ii'... I .V <l es S,-n Ki (< -i.lie.1 -i Inner '. vlio h irt bfien -liMiig si|,*n biilli.uiu voik ' "my M'.i 'Ii -. In . has forty-five > 1 1 - . n iv- i'g ni.iie.l i ha Jnl )) by M is it.lj'n ill iS.Vi |{e ;>i . -ie I > , Hid ., i.:us,l i,. 'Ill :>O hn letite.i from tlie (Mien, n.) i. ic I ml m-iitbei il 1 o 'he. Port of K-III l.nnilon. i:id ipi i' nil Kield (in, ,-n :i i ui ..ii il '.I wa made itVMil n 1SM u. i bfMMi i V.jdinieei .mi husii i.t' Jiu 4 lux "iiasr tl the

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