Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1900, p. 2

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r . They are manufacturing lunaliu BOW for the greater honor of kingnhip, aa U that trsd* was) not naturally averburdemed with diaeasv. King Leopold, who made a reputation by keeping poor Car lot la in tbe ntruit- Jacket. all theae years, though ihe ia aa sound minded aa you or I, is at ths ksad of tbe enterprise; us headqutirt- aid are the private madhouse Liuden- b/of, near Urendeni There, in a ahsbby pavilion, at- tended by aaingle abigail, the untor- Lu-nats Priaoasa Louise of Coburg is kept Ui rloae confinement. Leg-ally eead, she is hut a number in lhe econo- tnioa ol the vast eattibliahmant ib.u aaakes a specialty ot morphine and upiuiu' fleada aud of vicuuoa of love a madness. It's a house for incurables, and those entering leave hope behind. With the except tun ul her doctor and ol r' von Debauer, her lady at honor in happier hays, whu refut- ed to leave her, thi* grand- daughter ol Lou la Philippe is not al- lowed to aee a vane person, and her days are apent ia endleas ennui, aa Hhe baa neither seciaiy. horses nor other taaaionabie luxuries to while away tke time. Instead of oonoerta and grand-opera the .far irks sod /ells ot madmen ma/chine in locket .p under her win- duw, aa did the guarda ul h.r un. la, the Kinperor ot Auniria, only two /ear* sgo. In place of the respectful siaringof auultitude and the flattering of cour- liera argtas-eyed keepvra. filled out with revolver* aud "briuelela' for em- ergency caaea, aud indelible com- nuuii* u/ physician, who know bow tu snfore obedience. Qrand dinner pariiea yta, tier Ruyal Ulghneaa osn still indulge in that privilege, say, mors, shs must. She baa s hundred raving females at table wilh bar every day. all af wboin, including hernelf, use spoons only, mi- lea* they prefer to employ things that were, made bufore knives iul forks weie thought of. The, LiMiine who used to sun with a lni|u*{ of King's ao>ns waa lb*> . hi. *-.t iresser ot i-.hic Vienna, in Lindenbof her allowanne for ir,s auiouula tu 3i) florina a month. Hhn was a devotee of Illarature. Th* foremost t'rench wr.i- 11 of the day were her friends. Shs ia allowed uo hooka now save Ueini'in milk-and-waAer alfmrn uf tha ua)lum 1'akn my word for it, ih>*> win yi tbe Uieaden oouri to me, whom. Queen Prinoesa we* given, how aha apent ker llinef ' painting and read- ing,' bo answered, 'there la nothing *!M lo do.' 'She HSIWI no aoolety!' I Inquired. 'No one is allowed to aee her except by order of Prince Philip, bar husband, and Hia llighneaa thinks ii lx*si lo complete!/ Uiolate the poor woman.' " My Dresden Irwnd added that Queen Caroline takes a deep interest in tbe affairs of ' Ii unfortunate Louise, but i bat will not imike any difierence in her fa-te. The unwritten law wh ch siys that "Kings cannot err," has a rider lo tbe effect that: "Royal wo- iii" n who forget the marriage vow hill b*) adjudged insane." and it goes wi'houl .taying that two crowned black M.-e*p MH-II aa the King of Bel- gium and I'll Lp of Coburg won't fore- go a ifttmdow of t be arbitrar/ power X- falb-rr and buaband respectively th<y bave a right ID avenge, the ecan- dal by which 1. -tn^" threatened to eclipse l bear w n reputation fnr pro- fligacy wh-ii she eliipel with Lif ,ini Colonel Count Meglevjlrh. mnce disgraced, a,nd incarceraiion in s in i I- li'-u- is cnrtainly tbe worst pun -h- mnt tbwt nan )>e dealt to a healthy person. Resides, criticism is bound to stop at eight nf tb* sir light-Jacket. If thit Prinoeaa wb" threw convent ion- to I be winds is a lunatic, the uae of inquiring into the i-!ut- Ibat i.l her astray f \Vby .-p . ul i . .in prenatal influences, on I tbo effect of the debavung association wilh th man whom she had profe-itaed jtu I >v', honor aud obey. i ui ly gusaip baa it that Louise will never again draw a free breath n' during the. life of Prinne> Philip ami King l/nopold. ai least. Her bus- band is ."jii. bar father 03 >irs of age; .-Iv karanU is paat )J. and Princes are I notoriously long-lived. Uoclora bs- jing Mire ol ample r.- ml sui-need m .r- > 1 .u-ly wall in prolonging ibeir life by keeping diaeaaea al a dialanre and l>) re>i rencluing tbear titalily hy means iib-il i-nly the mighty can aflnrd. If III huln'l b.-en fur her Bister Slephiny, the Austrian Crown Princfsa'a ileter- luinaiioii In ui.ii-y Ivr llungiriin C uut. Kmperor Kr.tucj-. Joseph m ght , bave inierceiled, but to-day it's an op- en ff-i- in c.ourt ciilc-s that hi ti.a wa-<bd bia h-in<<s of i be whole busi- ness. He i-* irporied lo hnve Bald that he hi had enuugh of Ii s liel^ian Coburg i'li iv*. snd so angry is His Majeaty MI b l brm I bit be snubbed tbe Pi-n- C4ua Kli ilie h Siepbuiy'a only dauKb- tei. uiirusrc4 fully when .she made her 'debut at i i. wiii c urt ball at the II i<uig Klizabeih. who is lull ind angular, wore a .-nnple mull dresa KI b .ut oriuntentation of any kind, ami ih>- KI in.lf.i i h.'i w is cruel en .ujh to routtrk t kit .-be m k'ht <1 1 for a m l- linei'.s nViugh er. liul n >i for in Arch- due, hmaa. L -uise'a fneno> Here likewise dis- app.inir.l wben they ipprileil to the King of S.nony. wlin, i, Plulip's li'Ke I i I .-..ill, I, if be, chose, coiiim-and bun In r-lei . his wife awl week tedreas in divoir.1* N'n one ma/ g-a*iii*>ay I bat King Allx-ri isn't jual. even huuvnne, biii Ib' fact remains in matter* of that km. I ill men -nek together. Only s il i v after my friend returned ft MI Liiiil'*nhof and re>|><iri.ed to their Ma- id I'ligtbt and her -'ii n 1 1 ui Piinoe whipped bin wife until the blood ran from her faoe and shoulders. "Subsequently I showed my scarred and bruiaed faoe to the King," the let- ter continued, " and mother and I itn- plou-ed Hia Majeaty on bended kneea to permit to aua for a divorce, but if. 1.1 uu i.i of atate again put in th*ir noo poaaumua and I wun dismissed with much good, advice." So it went on. kieka tui'l ruffs from tbo Prince, coM re.fusil . t<> |>i .tcct hla daughter from Lop"M. until finally Louise threatened to go before the Belgian Chambers unlrta a family council waa called to nit on her rase. The family council assembled at I.aek- en under the Presidency nt the King, all 4 'ill 11 1 g Princea and Princes*?* attending. But they were evidently dominated, by Leopold, and after long deliberations decided against a divorce. Louise waa told to return to her wife- beater liuabnnd without delay. From that fatal day the life of Princess Philip of Coburg changed. The sad and pious woman ,of yore be- order that King Leopold, h-'r bro her and administrator may continue in the enjoyment of her fortune. "Yet even in ihe-e matters (here ia a certain pn-greas noticeable." con- tinued the court ier, wiih :lua sanarm "I nctxl only remind you of the Uui h *?MW of Ahlilen, who w.s Sophie l b. - lotle of Hanover, wife of George I.. of England, mother of George II, and grandmother of Frederick ihe rent. "To revenge herself upon a pro- fligite liu-li.iii 1 '. ->h" touk a lover, as Louise did afterward. That lover Count KoniR-m .n-k. they uiuulcnti in void Mood, and then 'abolihc^l her alive' by 91) year/ inca re-mat ion in i ba mix>ry tolitu.le of l.une. u Heath, where sh" w-i made tu suiter alb the t en tur< of bell. "Agiin, I her. was Caroline of Bruns- wick wife of George IV If it hidn t ln for Parliament and the great Hrouglvim, who defended her -ha would b-ive umloubtedly h , .1 h - came the gayemt of the/ gay, appear- of Ahlrlena file As it wa. tiuni a iliatance. Her ludy-ib'p i un- lllM> ,1 "As if Ihe (bought 'nil father, mo- y monarch ui cbri.sten- luiii. buve abandoned bei. was not to uuiteltle the imuton ot a ung woini'ii crtilled in thn lap <kl luiury and gr indeur. and nat in il ly of a loving duiposii 1011, 'be . n I <'. <im d< mi* pliei e. nt l.ili'l.-liliot ite.lf bieathea a dnprt*ssin(, irrilHt- uig HUH u. |r a cheii house, anjd the un- foiluiialeit confmenl there, while not sxaflly |*uii|>era, ar* omall pe.iple, wli.xM Ink of is aggravalexl, ot oour*e, by their mental londition True Ihe PriiiiceMt lives m 'hi ee room gunleu collage, bul aha oannot helpneemg bar i omuanion> *m.l uf militia; wilh ibcm s.1 time. I lie. fsJ-e. tOO, 111 .o.lM', II. I he reiilrictiotui againm t be usn ol r '.n ary table uecea-sarles must be p<ni- Olllai ly o'liuu-i In LI w o in. i n of ia ul . ...I reJineanent MI. Ii BH l.omse is kn .w n to be In ehoil, it looks a* il ll"i HII{|III>-H'S relative* placed her in l.indenhof wilh lhe fixed intention of wiec.king her mielleci " Then you don't think nbi-i is act- ually iTIHanef" 1 nxkeil "Hhe la nx>'! inn briglu aa ever," replied my colleague, ol l<res>- deu. "While ii I be aoyluni I hut . - oasion foi s snntib of i.ilk with i be g.ivei nrxHit. Kraulein vnn ii, Inner, ami we npoke two 01 iliitt** minute.* wi'li'Mil wilneses The faithful wo- man Hwnrn by all the bolils holy ibit h"i mi.siress diiea nut , '"'I never did, aih'bil nyiiiptiiius of nn n-iili i I iiici'il mm. I 'I can truly nay s'--l lu-sei ne her wordtr 'for I lii>. li-fi ber IIIIM .iur teturn to Viniin i ' At that iii,nii'-i.i one of the. |ihy.-nims .iiii.i up. pieM-.iium fnrili.r 1-011(1 denr.A* " (Ju.e.i t'ii, une 1 - initiHSs .ilress des- iMih-l ihe. Pi iiiv-s us "i nil nit with h< ii h in.) u .ml look-. ibotiKh MM-III- ln,l> .1. |>ievsfd innpiii s." Uineiii'"-i - lug <l is.inily ia win to .sbui fruit lie. yes uf I h MIX *liuk.'ii. -lie li'k (itiinl;ir puns in nlitfitM L-iu.<e.'*j y*y>a. ' There wan 11"- ihinn unusual about Ib-uii." sh *aya M Kae wi,<) steady and kind. U ugh a-ftarohing at lime* aa if she w.i ir/ing to read in the faoe of her keepers, and wb would hUime her I Fra.nliin von liehauei Mays Her I lUgbne.s* la forever afraid that new Imligiii i<ks will lie h* ipod upon hmi. "I *iw her ider an aniinaled walk 10 DM unotw-covered park." onntinued the tmlutetaadieas. 'Her cheeks we.t* flu-iHwl. her cituiplexion ia nf thefair- eni Hhe l>a,ar*> JMraeU well, and waa die -Mil 'I till Iv III I IM i'lrihlnn of IM'W I acked i kai vhyatd in in vvbee Bare be II a a woinici w> iinln'i turn lig- ers." exrlumed Comie d' Aitoin, bro- ther uf I, u -. XVI.. npnaking of Ihe "retaiMina of state" luipl.intexl inyonng royal Mui don't ww f Here w have a royal womin in her best yars, beutu'lful, uniLible and :icc m- pli>b.*il. who wa iwn nnly more *in- ne. I iKunsi i b i u ninning. There mn'i n King in KUH-IN- but knows her i nn ma i .ly ; not one who bxtsn I dimo- ed in, I hunliul with h.-i . n.>i one who hi-n'i H! onetime 01 another, admired bei wii. ber pretly face, nnd. indeed, pined )M*I for Ix-ing in i tried to (hat blickuuinl Philip. Yet when lint Millie kinve. li.ickexi up by bis faibi-r- in I I'M . roiidtMiiiied IM- i wiiboul I ml, all i h>*- royal gentlemen. w!ih one ac- . i l I iv her to her sad f.ite, i hough a Woiil of pioinsi from I IK* most n- <Ugniliiint of 1)1 n, won). I xuffice to secure lu i jusiice. As .1 uiie- I HII c. mpl u-ently i. Kd- ininiiKli whli' his mo- her. Mary Stu- art, w . I, 'lu-iiled in Kngl ind, HO these I'linr^M <a one of ilu-n numliei im- muieid In a living i.iui. witlnui mis- itiR finger In oWense of ib<-ir friend and leliiive. I h-ive. rMd nevernl letters written hy I. .in-.- Ainne h*r :uru J in h"f. HuW -11 HlllUKgl' 1 ^ them bet "in I ill- will-i of her prison I ilon'l kiiow ; "' '' I llre-s.s of the e.xalled pel ainii-/" f ii whoin i b. v u*re iiitcn.led aaveul i heiu. Th- |Mor woman pi.iys to he illowed In forego bei link i nd .sulnui I hei to th*. oriliuary Ciiurt.s ol liw. al the. Mine lime pi.,m MM K nvei lo inler- feie with I'r.iiw Phiii|i's affairs nfier the illY'.ne ~h, cl-ives fill IS Krillll'll In "lie of i IH* c lei ( 1-1 - *hi* s . v -. ' ^ our M i ' i^ well IH my p.iienlN knew lell- of yen., I K> , | |, 1 1 my m i I I ie.1 life was lull." l.illllse W.M llllllc.t lol I lie gi.'ili.lsoli af Loots Ph.lipe when m-uo'ly 17 ).-us olil. in. I iliiio- I i I., i u..,| HillK '!> WHM fi.KX'll lo Wlllll-s*. . ili.iiiieleMS cimdiicl on lhe p:irl of In i hiisli in.l At IHH! she n.iil.1 IMM i no uiiiie ui. I I. .., I,.*, I ||^r mo' her lo ppiauade Ihe King lo allow bei to ob- tain a divorce, bul iji,. ,-u \r 1 1 1 self a leiiiblv .ibii-e.l noium in ,., niMl life c.oiil'l ilo n. ill. HIM for In i King I.etMiol'l woiil.ln i hen of ii .n.i look his soiMii-l iw s p n i Finally continued douiee.tic utiliippi new* led (o dia^i .n i-ful Hcenex. nn.l on une of these. nci .ISIOIIM Hie. I'tincn struck his ,nfe in ihu lace. "Son of a |ii|t -.tickei.' Louise is said lo have ieiorle>l, alluding to tin- Ooburg-Koli i> i ilesceni floin :i Hun garian luillle deal.-i iiune.l ( ..- , i, "you h i vc iliii >-.l i o m ni i i . i KIHU-. daughtei " The I'tincn iheieiip n . illi*.i nis linn 1. 1 1 m i, !> him i.-i Ii i . i.lnift hip. iii'l iMifmr* this KO'I in IP- i ing- on all public occasions ia the , moat risque toilets and seekinv the company of her buband's roue friends, I whom she bad once abhorred. Ail Vi- ennu noticed tbe changa and comment- ed on it. Only the huaband seemed not lo see it. He wanted no groutuls for divorce, for In that raae. he would have to give up th* Princeas's dowry, beaidea a considerable annuity, and, though Phi.ip is immensely wealthy, he takes good car* that no one but himself enjoys his money. Here la IXJUIM'S own version ol the scandal that led to ber disgrace. " De- termined to force my hualiaml to dis- solve our union," she writes to her royal friend. " I encouraged Count Keirlevirh in hie attention tome, and one fine day we>nt to his Apartment* In the palace, at thei-ame, time t.end- inK for the Prfnce. H">ni-sllreale't me then and there and challenged Kegle- vicli. but siM that my plan for divorce , bad again fai'ed. asherniuld prove that { it was all a put-up job. " After that I went to live with my sister Stephany. in Carlahnd. theCount attending un an master of the houae- bo!d We. StejihnnT and myself, both tiiHKi every poei.-Jhle way tofeet Philip to consent to a divorce., and when all hope of reei!iHnn my aln<-ersl wi^h failed I lost my head, snd 'n s moment of weakness t hrew mvse'f in K 's irmv " The. rent yon know. Yea. I, r Kinff's ilnittrliler, the Henrendant of a f.iinilv ihnt i.-innivl i>rer man fnr a 1 1 '>ii*nnd yearn ami more.; I n devout Cathollci and mother, herame the miit- treeis rf thit poor nnnv officer. Yet I iwenr hy all that I* holy. I nee.r lov- ed thnt m-in. if. after my fir-it false step. Phi'lp b-ad oonnentn.1 to dissolve. our un-Cliristian muriii^e. I would have willingly blotted out from iuy life K.'a very memory. But that ter- rible obstinacy, brnd by avarice, which Induced HIM Highness t,, c.iiiK t" an unloves! woman for ~ii yoare prevail- ed, and I *>auk lower and lower in con- aequenre. To niience Ihe voice of my iener I p uiiKeil into a whirlwind nf eic*Jtaes , p<-nnil*.-> is 1 was I Im- cam a apendt h rift, and to play Ihe spendthrift I bee i me. a cluat. If in aJI tins ad liu.siuess one rircumelance pks loudttr ttian the other it's the fact that I'hi ip louk no n m ire of tbe if fin with K until my ci.-.liiori brtgaii in bother Mm Then all of a sudden bis s-nse nf honor wna aiiitis."! he plMi-e I ni" IM'O in sslum for lunat o-i ; can' ol he ln-l : reap nsili e foi ilelii ' I'm-y liiv* no right '" '-- p.-e nf their fortune, or their body, t tie>y cannot auk fni divorce.'" The Pi inre-ta'a I en i uind-i up s f<l- ln\vn: " Ah. I wish K .-..u Id hive, ma'le k o M| his pr.itnii't tn ki I m the in n I was in ilan^ei i.f (i him inloinv l.u-- bund'n rlutchpsi again, lint they am- buslie<l him an. I I waa carried >i> the s ii-i ificiiiK block like in iiinnil ix>n- ili-nine.l In die " The fiiim.-i il questions] which ao I 1 rxely enter into lh unhappy Lou aa s lift* are rulieulousl) inaignificnut whan run-iiilereil from the Alandpoint of I he. iin.lein mull i millionaire In ruse of divorce, I'rinci* I'lii.ip would be nbliged In i'iy brick In l.ii wife her dul of J4W.OOO; hi- 1 appiinafpe. ..I $f. IMI ( .- i year, w liicb the Kintr 'f HelRiuiu (Tranls liis dauxbier, \\.tuld also revert to her. As lo I h<- Pi iiire-ia's debts, of h > h -o milch fus.s his been innbi. they -mi.. mil In le-n than :c.<i >00 |lelly n liH>k vei v mil' h n if ihe, ehir^K of m-.imty hid I en luouxht to ilefrsud Hei Hoyiil lliKhnesH'i creditoia. Tb**re i- in jta n iciiUr, a cert'iin IMr- isi in iliiiiiomt il^nler who sue.' fur h ilf n million francs nn notes made liy I<i>ui>' before Ii T nffi i il ilisgr u-e The, I'.ii-i.n HIIV-I Ii-- i^.v >' ' ihini.' fm lhe) imoiint, whiih ill uuoniN Her RlajhneM iKiwned to ^et money to pay in i n.' i in. MI- hotel bill in Mont ,< (' u 10 Th~se isseriion-i were proved correct, but I'hi!. p. m mil oiling i hit hii wife w i- ins.iiH* when nh M'lrtn'.l he nntei, I ries In shirk < hn nblignllon .if pivlnir; hi f i i u s IHKI r<1 . Tn hick til* his .Irmiii in, h- bn In i rii M.le.l In-hind trc l.n*-i-.l works of in\ il pi ei .u -ion- I'l.iniiitiK 'liit.n !in ic\ liw Court ^* have, no ;ui isiliclion Th<' civc is y-l unilei-ided. I ul even if il HIV* -K i nisi Philip, the crndlliir* cm *-c-ircel\- b >| e In iccover, seeing Ib-it he hi- it in his PIIW-T I o prevent )ii- wife from it'vifxinK, foi royalty III <li|lfs i,, i ),,. inl.iiio i i olitent i..n ill. 1 wi.min I . lie-re i h i ' "el ii 1 ie<-t in her lonl's |>'IMSIIIP viilh"ii' t be iitrhi of ipiw.l n\f li\ the ,,, ,.,M.|i- 'i.iii .if the hH- I'-in.l's simer nu in h p-i I ' i in. s .1 - |i'i or K ' ti kT \ lli. i ri . I .in n off u <T nf I his Com l llenn III it lhe foi 10 of in iirlv -hilKeil II illl-l l.oll.M* Is styll-d 'll'HS ,lf me- mnrv." ivri .'iul\ i ino-i .inv.-n .'ill IP fur 'left iniling i i Ii ..i- '..- I i'-u 1 11 l> i I h" 1 i!l"l h IV.* to I 'ke Philip's mi) his 'luetns' unrd for it I Ii III . Ul ' ' hut ...I I."UHe'.s in. . n ei ii ."ii f.n ih* I cm-fit of a rci t 'in ro\ il ixrh'-Lii-i would nn- iloiil ! ill\ Ii. IM i in inent, like ll'.nt if i )|.. h -;.l"- 1 Pnrlnlla of MJ . * b" ilnneh ie n\ I from het inenl >l le lens of yours i(fo is .si II I is a Inn ilio in. I prinour. in lived and d.e-d in oatcust, i houtfb nominally Queen of Englm.l. Her daughter, by t he wa/. became ihe wife of Leopold I., of Be gium and t h* grndmotn*nr of the \\ont a plethora of moral degener- uies thai poor wouian numbers among ber aucentoral "There ia still s mors recent csse. The flit her of Prince Aluercht of Pru.-- I sia, desirous of ol.'ainiug undUputeu control of hi* wife Marianne of the Netherl'inda a laige lortuue, and he- ing I k">vi-e e.igi r to marry his mis- tress, Fi.iuleiu von H'U'-b, conepired wilh bin mnater of the horse to ruin tbe Princess. "The wheme succeeded The family council not only decreed divorce), i ut imposed a penally to the effect that Marianne must marry her repuied lover. This awful eentsnre WHS car- ried out, all protests from tbe un- huppy Princaaa nowith<tn<ling. and her own people, the IOVH! fnmily of Ho 1 ind, looking on complacently. "Of i-oftr-<* the enlorcerl m.irriige be: ween Ihe Prineena and th* gentle- mm hostler wts a most unhippy .-nn M.irlinne. -c irne.d the c.-id h ' I etiay- ed her and he icnk hi-- rrfenge after the m inner nf bis kin. I. whip in hand In K-menti. Silenia, where Ihe ci>upl* r*>.-i'led, thwre nrei sl'll many people I v nu who remember seeing Her Rovul Iligbnesi run half n k -.1 ih'outrh Ihe pwrk and tbe ca -tie's corridors trying to ewepe her husband's best- ing- Msri.inne. finally drank herself to denth. but Prince Albert's succes- sor died full nf age and honors as s pensioner of tbe Crown of Prusais. "After -tich examples, what hope, is there for poor Louiaef' aaked the courtier. A n*o4 Tvteat. The parrot's determination to his net phraces nnder sll sorts of clr- camatiincas often prodncss strange sit- nations. Tba story U told of elelghl of band performer who kept parrot tbst be had trained to My. whenever one of his insider's tricks bad been Bo- itbed : "That's Kood trick I What i the oezt one?' On* day the juggler, being In s sec- port town, gave bia performance In a loft on one of the wlmrfi. which hap- pened to b jnst over tba place where larxe quantity of powder waa stored la kegs. The jtuIer was shoot to prrform 1 some fast which required tba lighting of candle Ha lighted It and thru* the match away without making sort that the blaze had gone out Tba match, still burning, fell thnm^h a crack in the floor, and dropped into ona of the kega of powder, which exploded with great force, throwing the bnilding into the air The parrot, who wsi blown np with tbo teat, did not stop nntll it reached 1 the pinnacle of tba topmast of a xraal I ship which liy off the wharf Tbere L , clang desperately, and looking down to the world below b* called oat In a sbrill voice That's a good trlckl What's the azt one?' BRITAIN'S GREAT BLACK ARMY Clearly Pr.v.4. Mrs. Bolivar heaved a deep aigh "Before ws wera married. " aba sail "yon promised uie that my elightesl wish wonld b* your law. ' "Did IT' aald Mr Bolivar, in a ton* of surprise. "Yon said. ' con tinned lira Bolivar, "that yoa wonld ><<* np the club and not play poker any more." "Did I. resllyr "Yon swors tkat yon would (Iv* ma wbutever I wanted and tbst I might ire (o the seasbor* every summer and *t*y a* long aa I liked." "Is it possible f "Yea And yoa said that yoa wonld never take another drink and never flirt the least little bit. and now ynn do all there things snd have not kept a (ingl* promise It prove* conclusively to me that yon never lured me ' "1 beg to differ from yoa tbvrs. ray dear.' said Mr Bolivar oratoricslly. "Yonr premise Is all wrong Yonr ma* onina; is woefully at fault. Yonr state- ments prove conclusively that I did lova yoa In fact. I most have adored yon madly if I told each whopping lies ta get yoa." And with this vindication Mr Bolt- Tar considered the argument *t aa i Kanaaa City Independent Tkree 1. la Ike Tkoaan*l I .. I l .ni'. The full strength of Great Britain's In i ui army Is 900. 000 men, of whom X3D.OOO are native and 70.0iX) British aiU.liera. In addition to this military force, there are about 0.000 enrolled European volunteers, and a native u..|.*e. i>ffictMd hy white men, nearly xniii atrona;. Kveiy legmieut is divided into ten nouipanieii, each of which is utiually in ile up of a different nationality- such as Ifoorkha*. -Vikhs. Uog-rns. Pa- thans and Punjaulvia. It IN owing- to this p:e lutioji that a romSin:it ion of forcea for the purpose of mutiny he- c-ouied almost linp.ismlile The Uoork- haa and Sikhs, whoce loyalty is t n,-.l Mie tv.ghfiat, ire,, in aome l.-h'ies, neniniMnd to constitute entire regi- iii. m'* by t hruvie.|vea. 'I tin pay oe* the. aepoy, or native s>J - iliei. is 18s p*ir mom h. with a gradual im-tetse after three vears' good con- duot service. The pension system is particularly lilwial, aud IH rnally the m ignei w hn-h draws tbe native re- c.init When a Sepoy aolilier fulls in aotion, bin wives and there are four of ' hem aie all peniuone,d, as well as their young i-hil.lreu As re-gild* th artillery branch of the Indian .irmy. white men only are employed, both as commissioned nffu-ei-i and in i he ranks, ind lhe gnat >f all forts ore entirely mnnnml hy Brit.ui-i Of the native s<iriliers the Uomkha in ihe bent, and mny Kngiish expeirls !..i;..v hs.1 he is the beit soldier in the world CLKANINii JKWBI.RY Old u iinuieni s ithoultl be cleaned with i-cutluil, iiihlit"! on .lit, -lUiiibi'ii pol- ' ihel wilh a IMI her Silver arnamenta are more difficult to! cleanse, .ml they luruish ag.un iu,>r.' rn.sily. They nhotild Im i in soap ! i n. I i'fi for fivn nunutns, m.l Ihen I put in a liisju witli I hn HHIIIH hot so.ip and water, and srriililx.l irently uiili i ^..|i liiiiHb whiln hot. .Kiime. in. I dry ! Mieiu witb ,t linen i i.,- HIVII i pipc of rolllllioll, lllinll^ml >*ii i hen A i re .11 a piiH-. of ririck. nni put th in u iiiiciin .n il so IH to dry I IKSIII IhoroUKhly in. I c.aus* eviy particle of m..isinrn i -\ ipoi ite. 1'fileM.t this i* done mv 1 'lie icm liniiiir <m Mm silver will cause it to lieroiuo c.'oiiily or to an- i KUine i Hieeiiuli hu. All jewelry, 'wh- t liei /. lil or silver, but eMpnol ally the litter, will litok iiiin-li hrightar if kept n !. i. l s.iwilust mil cuv.reid front the air to prevent iMinishing; it iUo driea il duller* than inythinn else nf- tr be.inn washed. I'. 'ills ire. stones with completion-!, in.) require, spp. ial I reiitinent . They should be w i r-irefully in warm s .up mil writer ind nxpowf.l .iM tntic.h i< ii.issililn to the HUH ind nr i ( Irv tbnm. nnd 'ils.i in pr*rve bloom HKHAI.DINi. \N Ilin n.\C.* V fl-ig of truce IM usually heraldmi liy a I ruinimt s..iindin({ to irrest ene- my's il lent ion Un |fi m -.ion to piss lieatiK tru "li Mi" P'r'y is blin.lf ,|l.t...| M to the -1111111 i inter >f i h .nil MtsV Tlrv*1 A corraspoudHnt of Popular Science News tells of pnrtyof Alpine climb- era who. hsvlnx spent Hvs hoars among the snows of the mountains, returned tu their homes after dark A great change bad to all sppesrance taken place sines the night before Instead ol being tlliiui natexl in tbe usual way. tbe place was supplied with grewi lighta. It took the travelers a little tints t realise that they were suffering from Daltonism, or color blladoeaa. superin- duced by sys fatigue The Intense light caused by tbe son abininn upoa the snow had for tbe time tendered them nnable to jndge of colors sod Kivnn rise to their carious mistake Three honri elapsed before the eyes regained th-ur normal condition C'hevreal explains that the eye can- not gase long upon a giv.n color with- out tending to become iasenaible to 11 When tha eye looks long upon a color. It shonld be rested by the complemen- tary color Thaa an eye taat baa grow* tired with green should be reeted by red. which is green's coupleiosutary color Laid. A lady who did not appear to be In a very good temper booaced into a cer- tain grocer's shop the other afternoon. "Is your father st home?" ahu naked of tbe small boy behind tbe counter. "No'm. " wan th reply "Anything I can do for yoa f" The lady hesitated before remarking "I've called to complain about Iba egg" I obtained from your father this morning. Us told me tbay were freak laid, and" "Did hegst -m from the window r sskd the youthful salesman "Yea." "Then It's all ri^nt. 'm they're frnab laid." "But I asy thny srx not." "You'll excuse me, "in," uald the yotinxntiir, endeavoring to b polite. "But I ought to know Thmy cam in a crate yesterday 1 unpuckrii every one on 'in an laid -m tbera in the window only this morning 80 I knowa they're friiib laid, and that settles it." Lon- don Auawrs lk Citqxelte. A coquette is H bein^ who wlsh<*s to pleane Alas I cvquetle* are too rare Tin a career that rei|tiire great abili- ties. iiilinup.niit, agsyand airy spirit Tis the coqnette that i.rovldex nil aiunseuients, aueta th riding |uity. plaps the plt-nli.'. K |VtM ami h" " oharadea, sets them Mli.i is the .stirring pl"ni"iit mni'l the heavy ti>ngcries nf NO- ciul Htoius: the sx>iil nf th.- boom*, the salt of tint hiu.ijn.'t. Let iiny . .ti" '-us a very xre>?iiblt* week, ir if way be ton days, tuiilcr uny r<">f, tie! HI* -ilv/." the caiiso of bigSHti.-fMi-tion. un.l nu iiitrlit safely niak'i n K. ntl" A i.j.-r tint ' lutuiu would piesent IMII witli tb,. , oito of * t v Women as Astronomers. A venerable lady vnho died at Pan, Frtuioe, eigii-i years ago, provided in b*r will for a prize of |^I),OOU to be given to tbe peraim who will find a anvind af communicating with a star, Mara, for example, and re<-eiving are- ply to the communication The |vi/e money ia held in Hut the quaint b-wiueat is 11 teminiler iiMHt tial, ot thr iutei-iwi A. .men of i thi> preoent diiy lake in -i-ii-niific ml- j VJinc.-ment Th- number if wi men who nntril'Ute out of Muiir priviitn mr-iu.- to tbe mainten.ince .if nb-ierva- lorit-ej :imi wlm <|uip poor hut /i*;il- IMIS MSI n>nomr* for inili vlilu;il invex- ligalion every year, aii.t it malted- what thrilling re.velation the aart ronomer may dim-over with hia g-laaa, bis work is alnumt valueleaa to wienru unteHH subjected to mathcn. i- tioal proof. Now b photograpbM tliuao view* verbatim and preserves the pluten, to IM ez.unined al leisure. Tl* uulhorillea at several obnerv;iioi i-s hiibi -.11.1 liy exchange the pholotri aplia 'alceji uf the aauui st .1 1 s nn<l planet a (a order 1 Init eomparicMinH may Im m.i'le it-gardiiin thwir a-spc.i fminilif- tereni l.uituilew. ThouwtmlH of Much plioi ugi Uili.s .-I r u'iisure<l and com- puted in uny .single obucrvatory dur- ing :i ye.-u -i ml women ilo the work, l.ilioii'iiis. p.i ieiic.*-takinK but as ne- cru-H-i'-v In the development of sr-ience sut to giuw nn .1 ciop The nnu-i unii|U' m:it bematic;il cnl- cul.itor if t ii' X'-nile .sex in Amric.-i ii^.l-iv Is M -- KHaBk-atk P. B Da via. who w.uli.i :il Iht* giivernment oh- SALADA CEYLON GREEN TEA will displace all Japan Tea the Mtme as Salada black ia displacing all other black teas. Western Assurance Company The annual im-n n uf iharebnidert waa held at the company ofnce* In Uila >*liy en V<liii-wUy. Uar-ti 7, 11WO. The l'r vol. Hon. U A. 'ui. oti-uiiled th* chair. The following annum report if tht <H revtora, wllb a.-t-o u.-i n -n.iii' < '<!- S>*nt, wa reau t>y the "'-r- arj KOHTt-MMH AlAl. MKI'OHI Tke dlreotor* twf lu iubsait b* nwttb ' ' annual .taiinni ol iu d.mimiiT '-, .'~siit tor ih year mllni .!ic Oeiaber Us-. TU rvnu ao.-uunt aUows a at.'Hr frowih lu premium iiu-oia, aud sfi pay- Bient of luaiua .ud .iiicaMi. th 'B t piw t balam. t $ll.4-io i* a re-lit ui tu ".r. truu.cuuaa. Two half rly dlvl- deii.1. Unf toeaa ptu'W'-'! *r at r ot 10 pr rent, ft-t uomin. aa *ll * muuni u< oof.r ueuiciuoB U SSBMl ua tlir rvir. raM ^M l> lu.Teaeed tu I1.1UU ^kO.M. Tk:ni IB arruojil U lai-t taat *'iraa the jr IMM the An tamtr lu tb. L ul ! aute. wn .aeepMoaallj sen r/. m* ) '- turn fel Uut time. nuli. BIUIB '< " a>ruvl ss *mUenuj Mtln/acior; Kor sou*. li "" "' "'"" T hail uuder cou*dr.tlua lhe queet'a r enraatnc tar aa<*. *I tn OTinya.f ' >ond tht ilJlia f ia N^th Aan-rto*. CIICBI. ami sunly Inrfort fu IM> ' va 7*t arrnofeuiaat. *' 'aja.nfa Ier c.|.|liiuirui of a braaxli <>nl<- .a LD>l>.a k>uland. umlcr wa*i appr i tai ablr 4tf.'^ Truatu. Mtk T- . UNO. U. A COM.. Piwaiont. or Aaaovlal Mai.iaeai : rJ.WI.Ml 6O e IB offering Rial .-ah Income lal kiM*.'lltur*. drr adjust * ... Balaar* Dt iil-tii i Jvclared . . . il.el4.wa iu tv ao lOU.fiw 04) Cut a I total iiabiiTtLee >.ciu4lag ep Hal) me*erv. Kuad |l.rai.-i* M Uauilai uai'l I.***. Capital jub--< i ri4 l.OOO.UOu uo eearltj to noU'T **""' .sAIOn.MO M w T. Pre*lu>Bt. 'a anu'lag tut? a<lu|>.ia at is. report tjaia it raaaot tall 10 graiU> oi in tb. * -ueauMern. u It I to U. tlrtctv** .ad oftUer* of tb. tjooipu>. to not. tb. e< MBI e* tbe ap*r- lull >a bjr ik* .Bear-ill pitbiw of take wrttrn/ e tri b/ tb. to it p. lerb"l*.rs w' Is 9or4..l la. growib is tbe vuiuB< of tii* tranced** iU total In. . .in for th. aa*4g aaMSSSBS, for tli* arii MOM la tfer hiatorr u< u- <> Raajr. two sad a. bilr anliloa dtllura It i it In mor* nt;ictory to *< 'hat witbutaudlns; ihr! ly > rtr. luwa which har* occarrra' ' tome f Hie chl.r title, la th. Hniird tme* wu.r* k. hneioew proT.d s..-rM7 BtftaftUkis to the <-ipul<f nii'l la It o" ii> to ahow a* a n'TCli ! tb y.a trtKMe- Hoaii a proai i,. ...... al ilia lit. Ik* ea erica", of th. 7-.* IIKH In <" -ati <f a .a (pltoaait) fawirnhle. Had the alialai<k<id Ir. wa<l* la tbli r..a4r; ta orrraial.T a suiter f.r **acr.rulailn> a<J fr* n .w llt.rtt. n the boai.eM f PI- la-lira.--.. It hi to >.- hoped that the Inirudueiht. of ,<t Si* prwitlon In onr gtUM *ad towns, and tk. adoption of oaert aii:ii4 tlal airtli'Hl. < th. eoatrnctln ol bu.14 Ings, will tend to a rnnber rtd.i^lna of th. huM*n whi.-h tb* m.t of *om v. mlllluB dollnr. per aaauaa h/ laaaratc. i-.jinpaul for Hr* I.VM* tat Taaada tna PIMH-. px>a th- '.MMqniii'i T for ararrely e*.T that thie hat to b* p tram ki pr*ialuBia *.! -d from tk* la luv.uf pu'iLr I Jir^rr t rBMhanta. watt I bene*. to b. a fact thai II W oaly *>7 aii'i|.i if anaaua 1 .. that will r*jr* tkla wrloni iitMisI want* thit HT ' i, r auction In tk. tat wk>-a tk* putoir pay la flr* lii.uranc* ppemlam. raai h* bf.ni1it about fr It alv aMaavy 'n rfw i th. fiovrriwaMM rapores. nkowi.1 ike la roane and .XDentUtsr. of compDle. il \ ed tn do bu* la tk. r>oml'il< to n tkat thMw ka* Wo. dnrfaf tb. whole i - pla<-* tu ri'fiT la the fact that dnrlnc fie paal ffur a of new eaaajaaasi linvf- . . me lulu in- tlrltl, .ifl. .'tin llrr ln>nraiic in in wer rate* tUan tho.* current wiia i be ..I.I Miial>ilNii.-ii ofu.rt It will IK liner. - lux to olj.rr :..! her rbe experliuenta will pron- iiHtii' iii-reaia'al iiu yn-vi. uu mieuipiK h eu iin'i- '.een inad* tu afford iniieiniiit \ :ig:iiuM iuMi liy fire "ii uioft* fa- vorable trrtu* rhnn coio^i.iiie^ wuirli nave IIK-U Ug i-ii^agetl .u ill' Im. IUCM 'e.-i -are vVhllv aa nu>^r--r- ir mu- 'i> y uiupaiHea ui.r lia .|,coT-r <1 thi> Mvrvi of I' . h.^imn. wllb Mtnrllr .iu..l oi.rtuok U, r fcl that 111* record at Ui* ttr- mrarnni-e l>ualnc a .n i au.da during tu* past tw.nljr yi-^r- xh .a a io>.> of |irarda .if two million U Unix ft caali.l, h .U lnr>teU u .vai|ianlv> urysa'uHt lo Lr.nirii't buainesv .t * ar. uruMKl 'rut rata." W. mar at Irnat fe*l ajimrMl ' ht i<uul|i.Bl.a working ii|KMl tBew llueo, woo> .'ailr. i-u>li .i*ta are limited to arty ar dxty tbmiMDil dullMra, are rrolj In a portion '<> 3aiime .iu .-viiiiW<Hblr -4i.r* of Ik. mil 07 uull'-n. of ilil),;it> waii'k Ar* la.uruin" ecu- pa m.. r rrr7'.ng (ar l h* ptte> tn.o "f n> T inl.- ad prop*>Tt> 1 -^ ID ' 'naailii.-iiH ua I it kaa u**a mkowu thnt. with due r*nr I fop tk. Mfclr of !- . <li'i and the .. i-jrlty of pnlli'Thaldev*. usj mier.i! rlun .> x 'aa b* mud. n Bft Imeanai-. ni I. tba f.natr7 jem elrerior. do not feH war- tan*** <a aJt.x-nf nj inr departur* 't..>u rkr peter w* ha\* toi'U following fur aa ly 7*.ra paat But lo ret.rn 'o th. cowttitenuoa .f our Liiahieaa diirl.c tb re.r uad<v renew. It will. a d.nTil D lulr^ilnr t. Anrr- wMera to learn that the aiai-tne brm<4i. Wh'rh h.* txroa ->ap<iaMi>i> n ouir for n^r f*ur< fnr I.MUT vMuut lnan. has akowa a profit HBO* th. hiitiniv f ,*.>. anil hat tb. graorai outK>k In ilo brin-h .pe'-nre t. b* more proiulrtug 'li.iu for aofDf* Ume asm la "Hr* from Inti^ent ttieri* uaa bn * falltit* off itirb - m^hi nmuril r be touted for "wlsf to tke reduced rat'-* ohta uali'e. |>rtii'ularl7 upun lh <!. uf .rurlMra whlrh ar* held 07 this onpnii7. TUT* I. one matter tn wk>t'h I wlh per- Umlarlr to n-f -r at tuto Um.. Il U now wi?h n a rear of oalf a oeaiorr the untMay ..uiuii-u.-wl bn< In Canaila Virao ('< ST* >ar* ago It <inip|.-i e.l M. artiB f *geB4li-< tkr.ugli ml i hr Itnit- <1 Si,i, HUJ I taiak I aai warraatMl la !uf tkat It I. nmw to>tjib.'.bei1 o\**r the kol* f ia Surtti A'aer<-an . oui'neiil < faroralil* fo<nl.| te aa rfflrlvnt forra at bran. .'i miaaa-r* .re<Hai ng'n'-. anil IMI J.M workUg ia l' t.ter^ia. fnrior thew "lTOariniMi rt:r*-'or ha e '' :.'.! thetr atteiitlna 10 Ui. -')n-.|ra Ion f ill* iiHoo. in* f ih* delrlillltr of fol UjKlag the eiampi* ot the Biuni7 of i he .,,''. Brlt'.h flrr -.'*. nJ ili.a a larger Hold of .pi-rallon. thaa we at i>re- ar.t *> pr ta r *w of tk* tfTor'. wMi-to ar* bvtiig Bind.- hnpp'lT "lh ao -.-all >*at*r* of iiic-'** t. .nliirf* tUe ImUx r"laHoM '" -r-ru tbe n-nther -luntef tint h.-r wlf Qoreralng coloBi*.. and ta :n . .." .irl-i".. COB ii-.-'kiaa. wo har* f. a tkat th* |.r>- at 'K ->a oimo Line Mut* f'.r wtaklnc a <i*itlar (T..n t . .< tr WBV aioa.ura ..f r*. II.-H 17 a the H ! of r 'wiara.i* At a prartic.1 M<-p ID tkia <rol.a 't waa J~.<U.I > *iai>;i.i a krax-t .fllro f tb* o*pnr la l^atdou KM <> '** f-"'-' > > i* * r>. <-m!.i l.0t ...I plane"! under Irie mian- ig*i..*.i of Mr w B U'lhl* i whu. we bvll.T*. pow>eoi>o- all tke inaM ! of "'~*B' l lu<MiriiBre ainr'T 4 KnaM *t ttare. ">, ka. >>o.a apsoln et a tcaaoa. *> n >Wrh w. kn** her. fortnn- at 'a BMlMrtaK H' followln* .Hi-ie.i la arr* aaaaolr 1 h Rlgkt Hon. th* Karl of Ak*rd**a. ; ( at.O th* Rlgkt NOB. 'tr Mu KenMw.y Bart. Mr. an4 Mr. Javtt Si -' of Me.wr< Crebaaa. A 'o Brl'tah l ( i u. u:*r^hanu nail t plea*e u. a tkat w. f*4 that we bsv* *\*r7 reaooa l. b. ea^^ouiafed at the whl.k w. har* iua4* ta the chief These Three fteparafions rlod nctmrfi la theer rn>a hut moderate m.tifln of prolli to ih. -.i;.^% nici at th. rate* .nd u.di-r th roedlMoi whlrh have r.'l<i Ii tJibt aoaatryh 'lie pint Ia tbut eeoowMoa It niaj aot h* **t a< >>er*pNa tt tk. *m!re -<ui al th* ig.-n vie. whlrh hoe tbna fur be*a et.hlliae<l ra roaset^toB wrt* thlo new branch Mr J J KMB7 the V ,< !* irt.-nt - OBil*0 ik- admiiiiB of Hie report wkle'i wag paertd aaalaranalr The elrvtloa of >ti r.-..'.ir. tor tk* Keening v**r wa. tar-a eo- .!>. I wltk. rwmlt'nc ta -h* naaaiaioiie r* *leHon of th* f'.llowlaig ent!'>ni*B fr. MOB rleo A P Mi, 4 r W"od M r-i Robert Rear* 0. R R. G*>. MrMurrlrk. U N lulrd. W B Brork. J. K Orln.rn* . nd J J K'-anj At a mei-tliif of i't* Hoar. I of Olr.'i-t r. held ptiHetiiif>B' IT II'. n O*o A foK w !-d I'..- .! n in<l Mr J J r J*r Via* r*oold*ni for Hi. *n.iiaf KBM yar. She U tin; wife of u noa'ailng mnn, who ui of leu detailed on govei nmrnt uiu>siimn, und the mother of two ehu lining children, who buve no n-a- 1.HII lo bewail their parent*' devotion to .science. M iuy women cumputora are employ- ed in tlut Harvard observatory, and amnng them four original workers en- g ig"il in nuikiug invest iuiitioim witli live Dr.iiwr tfltwi'upn umlur the direc- t-mi .!' Mi.s Willi;imirui K'euiinp. Mrs. Fleming U a native of Dundee. Sc.ot- l:ui I H-r re(ioiiHil.i Ii'. IHS IIUVH iiy inere>ued, and alie coiutucts much iinpmt.iut invttfctigiil ion. having din-' entered number uf variable stars and| ri'iif ineil l lie m.-i-overy of sever il newt Aims to he accredited to her assist ant N, - 1. el;. ni. M.iury, StHVeiiH iml \\.ll.- Nearly all nf Ibp daacun-u oj of phiringi.iplix lakMi ul I In* Harvard ob- .servvury .iri.l it it.i minor stations. M i ft r uerit> I'.iliiier han done much rntiipir inic in tin* Y ile ..I ,ser\toi y j bulletin of tranaclions. .-"lie ha.** COMI- pireil u definite orbit fi.i lie r <luicnvere<l hy M:IHJI Micnel I p lo a f.'.v inoniliH :IRO Hannah M i .* i as- SIHI.IIU .it tiii- I'nit'-'i "o it*'-. Na*alOb- .-.en j A woman, formerly r-huefl oiniputiir ni the C.ooil.-wll ehgtarvavteoy , I N.II t hfifld, Minn. \* on<- of the aaanat-l Hie "il'tiii.s ..f .in nsi ronomJcsl month I ly Among the amateur uatronomnrs who have ui'vatc "Imervatone* in .Miss Roue O Ualloian. of Sun l*'i nncivo. wjio uiiik'-s a siudy of twlipses. me- tex>rs, vnriahle stars nnd general as- pects. Minn lii.n.i .. , Kliiinpek. of tbo .s.-niie city, la one Aiiit*rimn woman who puia her eTiergie-t to foreign service.. Sue M now ill'ecior af the bureau for the rnnn-nt of the pls'en of the Ant rn-Phntographic Catalogue of i lie 1'iri.s ouiu*rv.-ii orv Of the six women eiuii|iiii or.s in the 'lepa ' ' men! Hhe is tbe nnly AmeHcJin, hiving bee.. me iilen'ified with the, obaervatory in 1H"7, when he entered It an a student Her advancement h been rupid ami lie r obaarvaf iims of the minor planets and, 'f 'he Temple-Swift .-..met have been j published In the French scientific' 11 n;il It was her remarkable the-, ma a.1 the. time nf her examin.i i ion in tffl 'lint first op-.nMl the wy for the i emipliiv men! of women in tbe Paris ory. REP ART KB He. aent iiui-ii. I wish I were a star. She I wish I were one. tool He May 1 dare to gueaa why f She H*H-iue It is known that every , ir is millions of miles away from tbe next one. POSITIVELY THE LAST CHANCE. i'ol.son A IV. Kingston. Out., will after the insertion of this noiioe with- draw tbe very liberal offers, they have lievn in. i king (n sen, I ., J. r i eut Mini size. KltKK. of their marvellous guar- anteed Catarrh -mil Lii "in hit IN reru- sdy, "Cetarrhoione ' If you are a sufferer from any form of Catarrh, Hi inn hit U, Asthm.i I'limni Irrita- tion, write at on t- ; it in the I 'i si time l his offer will IM- in.i.ln Kn- cluHe IO i-entM In p.iy posi.igt, billing, en-, \\IMKK.N A SSI HA NOB COMPANY". The fin ' y-iuii,h nnnual repwrl of the above) company will be found in another column of t bia issue. It will be seen by tbe financial statement the company baa had a auiisfactoiry ye M s business. After payment at losses and expunaea there ia a profit balance, of IIIH.BI:! 60 on the year's transmit ins. a reault which runs- be liiKnly gratifying to the friends .rf ihe insi ii utiou. Two half- yearly dividends will be paid at the in'e of 10 per uent per annum, and the reserve fund has been increaned to |1,1UO.,')K0.5U. We noiioe in the re|ior' of 'he directors that they have e.s .ililislu-.l a brunch ctf(ic In Lon- don, KnglHUd, under v r "ii |!| lnf( aua- pioes. \Ve c..iiri itMilnti* Ihe Preai- ,!,.. i; t ',, \ Cox. b>tq., and the board of director*! on the continued uioi.pi r ity nf the \VeHlrn Ansuranoe Com- pany I'hi* BMtiiiiate.d ODH! of Ihe urojncted nicniorial bridge .-ICIOBS Ihe 1'otoinac. .1 Wn.sbingiuu IB from $l,<KH),liOil to Lr. Slocum, the famous scientist, whoce lectures and in New York and London this wiute/r have aatonndrd medical cuttejs, haa at last perfected bia new system of treatment for the absolute cure al tuberculosis and all pulmonary diseases. Tin* triumphant victory over tbe deadly bacilli is far reaching ia Aa effect i. for their is no longer room for doubt that the gifted specialist baa given to the world a boon that will save millions of precious lives. Dr. Slocutn'g S -stem of Treatment U both scientific and progressive a;om< aa it does to the very source of the disease) and pei tunning the CBM step bv step. First Stp.~ Rilling the life-destroying frermaxTbirhlnTeal tbe Innjra. Second Step. Tuning the entire system and strengthening tha) nerve* filling the veins with tingling new life. Third SUp. Biaidiug healthy fle.U and fortifying again.* future attacks. The Plocum Treatment ii rev lutionary because it provides a new application for every stage of the disease. The failures of luocnlation by Paris scientists are overcome by Slocum through progressive drug fore*. The disease* leading to consumption are also mastered so that once, lie bacilli are removed from the lungs there irniaios no other gcrm-U'-e4 ng menace. -^^ The Blocusi System cures grip a/id its painful artsr-eflscts, da*.|srov eosgka, brosohilla, sad every known lorm of pulaionary dltssas. It makes weak lungs sonnd, strengthens them againat any ordeal, and fima andorance to those who have inherited hollow chests, with their lung train of ettentliiif dangers. To enable deepairiag snfferrra everywhere) to obtain speedy help before too late, Dr. ilocum offers. FULL FREE TREATHENT to every reader of this paper. simply write to Tna T A. Suem* CWBMICAI. Co.. I.laioa, i? KlaalLWrM. Tarmiio. gMg poet ofac. anJ nproae uAoa UUFTM. au4 ta. Ito. oi.taa (Tke mm Cnr) will b* promptly trnt. nffware aliould t.k. adventagc o this graeroa. propoeirlon. trnt whu Ing 'or them alwar. mrBilun thiapapcr. Peraun* la Cn>.U. MlBg s' ,c.- a Irm* oflar IB Aawrioaa v*ptn win PIMM end for Mtuploa to la* lah>raioritB. L-t ao rrrioM <M*coi>i<iiiii pieiH ror taking Jnit ol thai *yt.tiaid tvo* otrr hofer* to. IMC. A Fresh Touch. Al lioMer time you eee the need of a fr*.h tum h of paint on nearly all of your building. . Ramsay's Paints give a lrehue*s, a beauty, a tone, lo everything 'lirv loin n Guaran- tred tor lrrngtb, durability, and economy. Aak your dealer. A. RAMSAY A ION, [ nakera. MUNTKKAL / G>raig 4 a. New Jerwy has expen<1e<l $J. in umking 440 miles at tjmd rouds. MassHchuaotts ha> apenl $.! IJST.WO on 250 miles. \V P 1 1019 lo time ainra astronomy was hnvej 'bars been an m.uiv women oonalant- y engaged in tbe inatbematii'Hl pnrt af the work. Tihe improved tiuii i uinents now avail- ible and liie univra! application of ebo^ogrnphy to HAI ronnniy has oprneid tlii> door wide tor tb woman computor ind l ronomer's H.iitist:int at all th soiublv obHervAtorinH and thos more ir leas newly established in wruil unnil lo be considered remote JKHIS uf the Mirth India, Bfpxiro, at tbe 4,'iipe uf wood Hope, In far .iriiliii:ivi-i and up tn the K'ujt Ande> there are wmn-ii Mnk nn In thr laboratory dcparl- ai'-iii^ ol aatroiiuiuers. Some of thnnei women are able ID uiuku original In- nmtigalioaa, being in syt>i|>Mlhy with Uve si'fonri! :md having studied its pi in < llpltw. Oilt'.ts are purely i-nlrnlators iml iinut i ' " measurers, in.-.isui nig the photographs and couiputitiK ""' reduoi Big the u>< obtuinexl as dixpua- linfiAielv as any schoolgirl plods at I feei equ:ition. Both cluwwui o/ wiirkprit are valuable lor HI ri.oomy ns a vn'ii<-*> Is abunluU'- uj-. n in.ii hcui.ilic. No. aeuvatory at W.iHlimo;! on. She ban for a number of yeaw, I-H li-ulatel the pin- iiir-iid of : ii,. sun tor the Nautical Al- a pulilirniinn of first inlre>Ht lo navigtni nml oxplorers. There are voluroea and voluine-s i.f the Alumnae. In- i' :i le-siijiioiiy to I his woiiinir.s cak-ului ion-s. Th* a<lv>ince she.etH have to bw got ready three or four ynara aliwi.i of inn.. In foreMtnll Ihe ni-i-.U of ibiiae. shops' captaian who I'ssay long rv|HM-iini'iii ul voyngaa nii'l who m.-iy be :i.iy for yearn nod deprived of such ax>sis<atifl. They woman calculator hoiHns the formulae, mulcea expl.-in- atory nolex and doea an amount of work involving mm-h :IM! mnomical anil n.iuiical deduction, beniiles much proof muling lit hflll.l I iral text-book- O'KFEFE'S MALT The subucHption list of the Dewey Au-ii Fund shows that true sum nused so fat is leas iniui }:'ilO.OOO. CALVERTS ill- Ol.lnf.utat.nt. p.. Olntf en.nt. Tee>tH Fw*i.n, .te. a.v. beat award*! ion nitxtHli ii<l dlsleaua for aeperl-v zc.ileaoe. Th*lr regular u*.pr.vai ft^asaV OB* dlaruiea. Aak year dealer ta obrala > eapply I.UM mallwl r**. oa a-ppiloatloa. F. C. CAIVEUT A CO., gANOMBSTaai TS i i a B * i n 11 e>sjB] SMI . lAsaMve Brasao vlniBla. AB ! re/mati ia. taraey if i falli te o-ar*. a vf . QreT.'a nanatare la ea eaoa ML t How's This? W. offer One HundrM Dollar* Knwurd to* an/ ia> of r.ii .rrh ht caaaot be rured by lUI'a Catarrri c .r K ..I. i-HKNKV *00.. Tol*de, O. i Wa, Ih. tinil* r auiMl hv kn'.wn 9 J. Ch.ny for th. Inal 15 rer. ami be. lev. him perf*nflT hoaorsble In all bu'ln.'H traaiw^ol- : on-. and financially nhl* te < rr out any obll gallon in di h? ihlr firm. H'KIT.V TRI-AX. Whol.nKl. Drnirglali. Toieiio. 0. WAI.DINO KIN.NIM ft MARVIN. Whol.ale .-Nven louniiea in wealern New \,,,k r.-1-eivH.I nearly 96.000.1)011 for l hen ,ir-l>le crop Uat year. i Cnidinal Gibbon* will noon make hla Hfih vialt to Itoom. where h will be ij .m audien-e >viih the Pope. I'riiKiil-i*. TolMln. O. llal.' i ' kL.JOMCM.NC.C9 b p) (O 4UIIMIII >'W IOKUNTO Brass Band laatrna-Mal*. Draai*, U.ll.rei.. Btc. Ivory Town oan havo a land tr*l4.l tiifttTfr** wr. lu for tarlM** la HuslO ar Mueloal Inatrumenta. Whalfjy oyc A Co., Hlohlgan Land for Sale. Catarrh Cur. I* lAken ialernally. act- In* .111011 Uie blond and 'nuooim -ur- f T*I of the T-t. ii. Price., 7V. tier bottle. 1 Sold hv all drii.g KM Teolimnniala fr... I afalli KaawnK ar* th* boat. It i.s a source of regrA to nil onion ! that the John* Hopkins Tniveisity cx.iit inus to iix. 1'nlf womnn from ad- mission to Its (ji a. hi. ite couraea. lUMaiMa, -rni >v * Mil a MMklBM kJ IUIIM (I..IB Wtol I l l.r,IJI .i4i> ja h Notol CartloJko,*m AvtB.i Hoysi Couiin.indei Kgerlon, the young nu- vnl officer who lost his life at the. beginning of MJU waj- was an ardent onckeler "That puts an end losll mv rricket I" are said to have h.n hla last worda. OK ^Al.K 1411 AC T hin ml lriu* ho IMK! t<*lf nt onlMfc'io T*.,, .., M,,t If -ll OF l.AMD ft.-... K.'.* lih jo'i'ia eBSrai ln< If k V'> Vpi'li "..i * M .int. SHOlr DRE33INC COLORS

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