Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jan 1900, p. 2

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MBScrlbcn wn do ni rixciv* thr r will |ilu notify u at ue. 'Jail i thin >(< far flvrllin rau*. 11IK ADVANCi; M.f -liKK'Id.N. <'M FOREIGN NEWS NOTES. Sweden hap $170,540, 1)00 invested railroads. London i* to spend $15,000,000 new drainage works. Americans buy $7,000,000 worth ol millinery in Paris yearly. Tho new gla*s roof on the Syden ham Crystal Palace in Kngland cost $60,000. Trees and shrulm are being planted alone the Suez canal to keep the sand from di if ting. The nucleus of a fund has been col- lected to transfer the body of Chopin from Paris to Cracow. Tarantulas are being raised in Ann- trail u for their \vel>s, which are noed In making threads for balloons. Publishers in Finland lose from $fi,000 to $10,000 a year dne to sup- pression of books by tho government. Parisian authorities are trying tode- riae retaliations for automobile traffic which will be fair to all parties con- cerned. The (ierman Government has bought Bchliemann's place in Athens, atfso, - 000, for the use of the (ierman Arch- aeological society. China ho just received a cargo of sewing machines from America, and Chinese women are Mid to be taking kindly to the innovation. Neiir Tangier a native, who stole a donkey worth $12f>, was taken be- fore tho Chief of the lumr, and as punishment he was tiixl to a tree while his eyes were burned ont with a redhot iron. Russia is devising more liberal in- ducements for European Russian peasants to settle in various parts of the empire in Asia. Approved parties of peasants possessing a capital of from $100 to $300 are to receive trans- portation free and grants of laud, tax free, for twenty years. There never was, and never will be, a universal panacea. In one remedy, for all Ills to which flesh ia heir the very nature of many curatives beini; MI. li that wen the germa of other and differently aealed diaeanea rooted In the syiitimi of Urn paiteut what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. U e have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable In a aoutid una<>-<l late, a remedy for many and iirevious ills. I!) its gradual and judicloUH uw. the fraileat ayBtem* are led into cunvaleiw-cnre and strength, by the influence which (Qui- nine exeru on Nature's own remorai i vet It relieves the drooping spirits of tle.- with whom s chronic mate of morliM <le-- fwudency and lack of Intereat in III. diea<e, and, by traiiquillziiifc the nerves diaponea to aound anil refreshinu sle, |, - iinpHrtK vigor to the action of the blixnl, which, being stimulated. SMWMS tfcrouarb- out the vein*, BUwwtkeniM 'he liemihy animal functiona of the ayatein, thereby makitiL* activity a necessary rsauU, strrngthcniiig the franu, and giving life to the digestive organ*, which naturally demand imreaaed nulwtance result, Im- Drovexl appetite. Nnrthrop A l.ymaii of Toronto, have {riven to the pulilic their uperior Quinine \S'iue at the usual rttt, ami. irnugeit hy the opinion of aclentUta. thin wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market All druuuiaU aell it. How It ftaparatra l.ovra. "Rkejaw, what is the trouble be- tween yon and Miss Pye?" "The trouble is this: We derided two or thn-e years ago to be married at tho IM ginning of the twentieth cntnry She takes the absurd ground that it iN'gniN Jan. 1, 1900. I want to marrv, <>t runrKe, as much as she does, bnt 1 Nimplv won't yield to any ridiruliiiis mnleution!" My <lnii|/htT lias ImpniM-il -.> much that yon wen hi Innily I, now her Miller's ( '.im- pound Irun I 1 , 1I-. ili.l 11 < i .. i fni. "Is there any way, " said thn mother of the. finnilv tlmi hod jiivl moved in _to the in-ii.'lnir mi Ihn other siiln of the 'back vnnl fen,-o, "by which we enn get rid of the cockroaches in I his hnu "Well." rrjilii-d the neiL-hhor, "all the .ither fnlUs Unit's live,! in that honwi has got reil of 'em by mm in' wny." They Cleanse the SyBtem Thoroughly. PartnaleVi Vsge,lal)le I'lllielearthustom- Mh and bowels of bilious nmller. muse the excretory vessels to throw ofl ini|iiiri- tles frinn the blo(xl Into the Ixiwils and zpel the deleterious mm* from tbe body. They do this without pain or inconven- ience to the patient, who Hpaedlly realise* their good unices a soon a* they begin to take sffisst, They have strong recom- mendation! from all klmlaof people. < mnliil Rxjioaure. "I wish I knew," said Mr. Tucker, "how I canght this cold." "Didn't Ton fret a bnd cold when yon changed your n ml ere lot lies last spring, paw?" asked Tommy. "Yes, I believe I did." "This cold's in your bead, ain't it, paw?" "Ten." "I guess yon got it by changing your mi d. " DOING JS_ DUTY. One Man's Idea of What is Right. Durham llrown.orKenmnre. waaCnred Of Uiii mid liarkiii-llo S;M i It l UlM Illlty to I t-i .MM In,- nil tbe .Mt-cllcl net lull I or. il Him n.i.l.rp. K liiney 1*1 1 ladoevvn II.. i. 'I him I. i. ,,,...-. I for Them." Keutnore, Jan. 8 For Mime time past I have coutern plated writing concerning the merits Health for the of tho well-known mill wonderful i Worm Powders, medicine, Dodd's Kiilney pills, Imt thiiiiiL-h neglect have failed to ac- complish what I now term my dnty. During the last winter I was fre- quently troubled With Iniin, luick. SO much 80 t hut I WHO unable at tuned to stoop without a great deal of pain and exertion. I experiencei! other well- know symptoms peculiar to kidney trouble. I also wan afflicted with Rheumatism in my riurlit leg and hip to an extent that I wan constantly (while at my work) snffcrini; agoniz- ing pains in thn parts affected. My work during the summer months en- sists of cheese-box making and this required me to be seated driving nails. F'revions to taking Dudd's Kidney Pills I was forced to look to tbe invention of a machine to nail covers on, which I named Jack in a Pinch. After taking one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills I found nu imurovement in my con. lit ion and before 1 had finished six boxes I found myself nailing in the natural way aud Jack in a 1'iin-li \\as <liM ur<ld. I was ablo to sit np in my chair as of old and drive five hundred onn-and-a-quurler- ineh nails in eighteen iiiiiiii'- <. My brother nnd I worked together, nnd if necessary he can testify to the I have received through Dodd's UCV 1'lllH. In ciuu-hmion I would say Doild's Kidney Pills are nil and mure than is claimed for them. If this is of any 1.. m hi to the proprie- tors in any way they are at liberty to make nun of it KH they may deem ad- visable. Wishing them continued sucxwss, I remain, Very siucerely, Durham Krown. Krpitki of I'.x ploclon*. Gnnpowil. r expIoMims hnv one re- mnrkabie feature. Tho bo..n-s of per- Mins kilied in sndi an acciuent are alwnjr found without clothing, but frwjnenlly oue foot will have the shoe on. This is true of horses also. If one of the 1'eet is in the air a. id another on the ground, the shoo will be found torn from the foot that was on the ground, and not from the other. When men aro killed in powder ex- plosions tho foot that happened to be in the air when the /-hock came will be found wearing the shoe, while the other foot will !' Imre. children. Miller's I > .1.1 He Shrlln In Afrlea. The terrible devastation caused by lyddite shells fire<l by the Knirlinh among the Boerx marks the introduc- tion of a new and formidable engine of destruction. The lyddite is packed in a shell and flnxl by a pen-nsxion fusi'. It is obtained by the fusion of nitric acid n)K>n phenol. Its explosion creates an area of havoc far wider than that dne to the ordinary shell rlmri:ed with powder and snot. The resulting deaths are for the most part dne to the terrible concuwiion of air, which has Jieen known to kill a man ' * dUtance of cure Kul- that f\i n dull! of Men ami Women. An article on "\Yumcn and the Emotions. " by l*rof. Mmitegazza. in the Humanitarian. says that man bears falxe witness 1(X) times to a wo- man's 17: mail for forgery and couii- terteit coining wan convicted 1(10 times t.i a woman's 11; in pictures, Kriini e women aro tiuiiiincued IN fure is said to the tribunals four times less than men. TnkiiiL- llu> whole of Kuro|M>, Women lire live time.- ! guilty than men. imxl to lie . mimu illy nrml. m.w I i\m int! anil wll Miller's (oni|N.uiid Irun 1'llUilld 11 Tho M'oinrn of India. Many nf the women of India, and e]>ccinlly those o'C'awh mere, ure IN-HU- titnl. In a typical Hindoo beauty the si. in is jnst dark enough to give a rich, Mifi apiM<arance to tin- coin- [ilexion, tho I. atnn-s are regular, the eyes mild ami black, anil shadM by IK'. silken lashes, the hands and fei t are small and elegantly formed. ih. watth or POM i..o xill. Pope Leo XIII. has amassed enough valuable presents to AH a mnsenm and his jewels aro famous for their worth and beauty. He is the owner of the largest diamond in the world, and this, oddlr enongh, was given him by that stanm h Protestant, President Kroger. It is valued at 4,000,000. Among tlm Pope's treasures are thirty tiaras set in diamonds, em-r- alds, rabies, and p-virN, and om> of gold, thickly studded with diamonds and topazns, which shoot out rays of white an orange light. Then be has 100 rings, one of the most magnificent being a present from the Sultan. This ring contains a marvellously lieautifnl blue diamond, and is valued at $100,- 000. Of gold crosses the Pope has no less than 318, set with all kinds of precious stones. Besides 1,300 chaiices and UOU osteu.sorli for the exposition of the host, he possesses 18 pastoral staves, all of these things being of richly chased silver or gold and adorn- ed with diamonds, emeralds, rubies and other precious tones. The Pope also possesses a number of statues of gold and silver, those representing the Blessed Virgin hav- ing crowns of the richest jewels Be- sides all these jewels, there are a thousand other valuables statues, porcelain, etc. The l'oi> liavs amoss-d f3O.ow.oOO, the greater part of which is m the Bank of Kngland and the rest m vari- ous state bunks. He is .-..n-;,:. ,.,| by Romans to be an excellent Unancinr and an accomplished diplomatist. Not only has he entirely freed the Holy See from debt, but every year there is a good surplus. There nrr cane* of ooniumptlmi MI far advniiei-i ' IIHI (tickle'* Anli ('on-nmptive Syrup will not cure, hut minr HO luwl chat It will uoi give relief. For coughs, colds and all Hffectionx of the thmnl, iMfJi and cheat, It U a upecillc which ha<i m-ver been kuowu to fall. U IT. mi. .ir- n free and any expectoration, thereby romovint; tbs phlegm, ami gireo the diHeiued p.irts a chuuce lo heal. They Advertise Themselves. Immed- iately they were offered to the public, l':ir-iielee' Vi'Ki-l lllile PilU beCHHle pop uliir liecaime of the KIKM! report they made For themselves. That reputation has en. HII, mul they now rank ainoiiK the Irst medicines for uss in atlaeks of dy- jM'p-ni 111 "I iiiiiousiiess. somplalnts of the Inrriiiiil kidne.vH,, fever anil tgusandtbe Innnmarabls cuinplicatioui to wh-.ih these ailniei.t.s nive ri-r llorkt-ra and lovu.ln The rocking chiiir causes insanity, so it is Mini. In fact, the physicians are cliiiiiiiyi; thai tho in. chairs ire tin- i-niise of mo>t of the nervous rouliles from which women Miller, mil ant advising tln-ir relegation lo I any place \vheie they \vill uot be Usetl. Cl Envious Foreigner "Yon Ameri- cans are making a groat ado over the loss of the ( 'Inn lesion She was only a second -class cruiser, anyhow." Patriotic American -"She, makes a first -cliLss wreck, all the same." Miller's Worm I'owdern are the b.-Bt mum. iiiiiiii me fur children; as nloe as nigur. I \ I'urte. "Do yon know," said the man in lie gray nisi er, "that police statistics lum a total of nearly .'II.IKHI pei sous v IHI aro repuried missing every rmtl" 'I'll bet more than half of them aren't missed at all. They only think hey are. " resp.mdod the pessimistic man with the boil on his nook. Miller's Worm Powder* cura fever In "1 Valuation. am afrnld >mi dnn't appreciate al Its full value." "I ought to be aide to." rejoined emii.ii 8orehuin. "I have paid fur nuugb of It." Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, M mtrvm will inrelT dnlr.iy Hi. .<HM of irnnll and f in ! t ly derangt t1i< li..|e xttem w rn f>iit.<rinr II tiir"Uh:li HH- mucoui urfacee. rb (rtlelvS Shovld n< vrr IM imi- 1 ni-t>pt on ).!> rlhti MB Mom rfli'iit .!.! iihytn'lam, &1 lh d>iu .!> iliry will do ll ten loM lo lint k-<i>'d yon rn !- M v denr.' fr in ilifiu. ll.ili'i I'tUrrb Ciirf, innnufaelnrud by F. J. Cheney 4 OOL, T"lfi|.>. f)., funitini no mercury, >nil In t>kn InttTiml y , A. llni; .hi iM'tl v UIKID llir 111 > >il and mu.'oun urfai-Mof (h >nU'in. la buvlugHall't Caiarrh Curt be sure y\>u gvt the v?"ulnu. lilt U'rn intci nallr, anil mail.' in T.>lr.|.., (.Duo, by V. J a. Testimonials tr*. li > Drugifisti, j.rii'e Tic. per beltl*. i.e. i.l I m U at luu. Fannie, aged five, was visiting in the country, and, seeing a lot ol sheep and lambs for the first time, she ex- claimed : "Oh mamma, just look at the OUte little lambs, and they'r* such good imitations, too. They squeak just like my toy lamb and have got the name kiud of hair on." THE. Ale^Porter OF JOHN LABATT, London, Ara undoubtedly TUB IIKST. Testlmonlala from 4 rhemlitt, 10 medals, U dlnliimaii The mi*t whuleaoma of beverage*. K . inn. uilad bjr I'hyalolaaa. For aat* avarj A Danger Signal. Just as the lightbuoy is a signal of danger to sailors, and the red Eght to railway men, so has nature equip- ped individuals with danger signals of one kind or another when their physical condition is not quite right. It may simply be a tired feeling, a slight cold, weakness of the muscles, tickle appetite or some other sign slight at first which indicates that your condition is not a healthy one. If the danger signal is not heeded, serious re- sults will follow and a complete collapse may occur. In nine cases out of ten the direct cause of the trouble is impoverished blood, or weak nerves. You need something to brace you iip to make your blood rich and vour nerves strong. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills is the only medicine that can do this promptly and effectively. They strengthen from tirst dose to last. Mr. John Siddon*. London. Ont.. say*: "I can speak moat favorably of the virtue of Dr. William*' Pink PilU They prove Invaluable in strengthening and toning np the system when debilitated. Having MC< them for ome time n*t I ran apeak moat favorably of their Iwnerlcial r- tr Mi's. A an Invigorator of the countltuilou tney are all that they claum V>be." Sold by all dealers or post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockviUe. Hpldera Hutu Ills A |>|>-tlte. Commenting on tb amount which ' a H>iuer actually consumed during 2-4 hoi::-.- Sir J. Lubhock says: "At a similar rate of eun.-ninption a man. weighing 160 pounds, will Tti\ a whole fat ilt . . iikfast, a itoer i anil five sheep fur dinner, and for per two bullocks, eight shtt-p and four hi.-s, anil just iK-t'on- retiring nearly four barrels of f n-sh tish. ' ' Tell the Deaf.-Mr. J. F. Kellock, Druggist, Perth, writes: "A customer u( mine Having l*-en cured of deafness by tht u~.- uf Dr. Thoma' Kt-ieclric till, wrote to Ireland, telling hi.* frirmN there of ho curt-. In consequence I received an unler to send half a dozen liv expreas to \\cx- furti. livlitud. tub week " A Female < r > . The town of Lewis, England, ban woman gravtMliKger, who ban attended to all the work in the cemetery for K years. I Jira- \|ij.i. .Shipments. It is estimate! that 40,000 barrels of apples wervbhippod out of liuruu county, Ont., taut rear. Yi'ii think I look i much better: ve. anil 1 feel better Miller'* Compound I:-*,:, HIM, .l-.l >. THE MILL RUNS ITSELF. H:mkrlt Kpir Htti.ktt. A proposal Is belli;; ventilated ansoiiK scholar! of Hindoo Literature for the formation of a Sanskrit eple texts society, with the object of 10- sututltiK a systematic collection ol manuscript* of the Uahabharat* nnd other texts rol.itinir to Hindoo epie poetry from all purls of India, say* Ths Pitlaburg Disputed. The society would also provide fi r and superin- tend the publication of texts, trans- lations or any treaties tending te throw li-ht on tha history, religion, philosophy, the laws and custom* and the civilization of ancient India. Th proposal fur the formation ol the society ill be hroujf ht before the Indian seciion ol the forthcom- ing International cnnyreM of orteab- alists at Home with i\ view to the appointment of a commit tee whtcta hall enlist the support of vtjrlova governments and ar:t<liniss sad learned societies IB Kurope and America. War o am a < .... n. . i .<., c i ,, r .. Joe McVoruiIck of the lultrnatlonnl I'lllp c-onipilliy tells a .1, -Ill-Mills Ktory of paper mnkini; In < 'oiuieetlcut. wblob hows that openiiini; a mill Is not suet) a serious matter us these big proprie- tors would II.IM- us lielifve. StrullinK along the countryside In haymaking time. Mr. McCoriinek happened on a little pa|<er mill which buzzed merrily In a shady dell, with everything clt-nii and sweet around It. A look In the office showed no oue t here, and the vis- itor then wandered over the mill, bop Ing to tiii'l some one to whom he could talk tiiiKint'Hs. The machine was bum wing along, and It st-eim-d ImposMilily that there tihoulil be no oue in attend ance. Itut even shouting failed to brlug forth signs of life, and Mr. MrConnii k wan 11 IK. lit to ltvivt> when he spied ! some men in a h:iyl)eld some disunite away. "I say." he called out to the nearest one when he trot wiililu hearing, "who ] nms thin inlllV" "I do." was the rvply. "Well, who'll the owner?" "Why. I am, to U' sure." "IH> yon menu to say that the mill runs Itself/" Vert. We sl.-irt IHT up at In the morning, ntxl si,.- runs till 8 In the evening. Tills mill's U en \\vniic.l il'Hi't need a n \\ hile I'm Keiting in hay she puts lia:t a ton of I'.-iper i i lie roll, (ipe u|i I'.." s!" I'H per Tni.le .Imirnal. A naturalist found that black aata wers devourinx the sUinu ol som bird specimens on a ta'ile. so h nmd tar circles on four piece* of pstpsr. and put one under each leg of U>* table. Ants will not crow tar J'retty soon h found the an la bOBtlv at work afram. and. looking at lit* tar circle, found each one was bridg- ed by bits of siitiil \\hicb th* stavur ants hud brought In from th strmt. Pdtienuy Ucrc I .^, U i.c lor tear*. "T bad for years patiently bora* til* dls> rice, sufferluif. misery and in-l.utlons due to my hiiih in. I's drinking h-min. Ileartax of your uiarvvluni reueily fi>r the cure of uninkennras, wbl.-h I ivuld glre my hue- band secretly. I decided t.> try IL 1 pro- cured a pucka and im> <! It In hit food sad coffee, and, M the remedy wan odor- less and tasteleea, he dl<! not know what It wa* that no qulckl.r relieved bin orarluj for It'luor. He aoon hetnn ' pick up fleah. hit appetite for *<.llil f. -..1 returned, h* atuck to his work rcKulnrl.v, and w* now hare a happy home. After he wa com- ?lelely cured 1 told him .-f the deceptloD hnd practised on Mm. \\hen h* acknowl- edged that It hn.l '..-.. n his --living, a h* hid not the rraolutt.Mi to tireuk off of bU OWQ accord. 1 li.-Hiii!v a.lvNi* all women afflicted aa I wa* to give your remedy a trial." A pamphlet In plain, sealed envelope. l In- "\\liy don't ihev lellows clap then- hands when thev \MIIII to applaud ':" said the man in the back seat. "They do nothing but slump. " "'I'ln.sisa ciuikeatiou of philatel- ists," explained tho man sitting next to him. New life (or a quarter, pound Iron Pills. aliller'i Com- Hoom There. "Those people in the nest flat had one of the prettiest OhrUtmas trees I ever saw." "A Christmas tree I Where on earth did they set it upf" "On the roof." , frp. irlvlng tpstlm.<nl:ils nnd full foraMrioa, with dlrvtl..iit bow to take o* idm1nlt<T amsris Pr...-rlptlon. Corre- nondeneo ron>l.lerl conlldeo- till AchlrrM Tbe Kemeily Co, 3> Jordan xtrut. ToruULo. Out. PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS 1 he ll..^i 'lull... snl for t - COCKSIUTT? PLOW tl . IUCAS. STEELE & IttSTM, * mromtmmtf mxKDiiik irola T I..-.. * It. i I..S. * H. KltrMl l..s. H H. hploe* WrlUua. HAMILTON. BINDER TWINE AND MANILA ROPE O.MTAKIO I \\1>K CO., lit Puluil Station Are. >.(,., I'urouto. CH ABKOI.I I I I V KKK.F. WBT- w ranted perfect tima-kpar. TH and OiKi.8 f..r ,litrlbuilng, idTar- Matter. Won't ..... I > on a cant. Seod for particulars. Sui.u B'un., LosiXM. A new back for 60 eaats. i. > I'ilU aad Plaster. Miller's F (* UTuI'l'Kl* r KICK Herman eat I I ^ ly Cured, mi. kLiMi's URSA* | I U IIVK SKKI...IMI. I'iMlUv* cure for all Nerv ..a I>iuea, Flla, BpiUfS*, tpasgas and St. Vima'liano*. No Flu or Nrvui]hen fi,.r that day'a aa*. Treatle* >n.. j trial bottl* aea* through Caiiaillan Aniicy KHHK to Kit uatlaala, Uaypaylaa;uaeaatoharcx*ouJ) whoreelT* Head k> Ur KUiu.Mi Arch si . Philadelphia.^ V

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