Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1900, p. 3

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v r JANUARY 4, 1900 THE FLESHERTON DVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE JANUARY 4, 1900 Merchants' Bank Oj CANADA Capital paid up $6,000,000 2,600,000 Ha-in OrriuE MONTKKAL HOARD OK DIKKCTOHS *m>BKW ALLAN, K<|. I'reeirteut . HBOToa Mu KKNZIK., Kaq. Vlss>Pr*saAs> Jonathan II., .If.,, i,. In, | Uine I'. l>avisKc| jOfcaOassUs, Kn Kobart Mackay, E| II Muiitailil AlltMi. Kaq Th<w LmiK, rt<l Oeorite r| ajfu, - Uneral Manager Thi PysleS, - Joint (Ian. Manager V.BaMsw. - Hupt of Hraucbaa BUINCHKH SSM. Ost. IM OMTiHIO AND yl'KHKC. i.-iM'ii.-i ront \li-k Ul.i M.M-trnal. M.nitroal No 2-3011 Hti'atha- rlne Stroot. M 'hell. <>ttwa UBsbss. Ktrnfew broo Hhawvtlle,' Stratford Ht Jonu's, Que Ht.Iercmio. Qua BtThouia* Tilbury Out Toronto, Walkerton, WniilMiir. Obt. Watford, Parkdals 1'roHoiitt , Pi toil. Out HH4N1-HKS is MANITOBA Winnipeg. VH.'iuwa, Hrandon, purl.. PiirtagH L>a Prairie Edmonton. Alta Mertlciuti Hat, Auln. a General Hankliiu Mimiii'm Transacted. lutoruBt on Ll.'iioiitHat Curr eut llate". nvsMrs 1 NotaHDiJttcourtted. Karuien ' Notes Osttsstsd. branch W. A. UUKUOWS Manager Ad vance ISIU.h WKVKLY AT TUB OFP1CB, 8YD NUAII STREET, rLKHHIKToN, OUT. , BY W. H. Till Rsl'i.s. per annual trlctly in advance Advertising Rates: s Column 1 year, S50 ; half col., 1 yar. 988 quarter col., one year, SU. larauaient advertisement cbarjted tthe rats S oeott per line for flrat inaertion aa 1 3 oent each nubnequeut lurtlon. flcTavish is Reeve Municipal ResulU of Monday's Elections. The election in tins towimliip >n Mon- day ri'Milird in s re' urn of tin- old Coun- cillorH, but Uoeve Mi' Arthur was turiu*d down by a small unijority. Lsnt year Mr. M. Arthur defeutud Mr. by 15 viilen; tliia year tilt) wlievl turn-. aud ii nisjoi ity of l.'t shows up fur Me- Tnvinh. Fiilinwing sre the tigures coniplete for Arioiiitjtiia: rOK KKRVB Uiv. 1 McArlhur 154. McTsrUh Div. i- l>iv. 3- Uiv 4 Div. 6 Div. 6- Div. 7- Div. 8 Totaln.. H 57 27 38 13 32 40 393 5 36 138 4 07 400 CouncillorH IJoyd 421. MuiroHtl, (I.m. IOII.PH..II 317. Kell- LM5, (iibson -Jn-. 136. The Th Shenidon loH, 8. Tli.uiipsou Urst four men are elnctud. 7/fcJ'artand / DIHECT IMPORTERS WHOLESALE MANUFK8 Dundalk, Markdale & Toronto CHRISTMAS I'.otli old mill young look forward to thetime of year, Xmaa. Happy reunions tlivn Uku place and preuentM are the order of the day. Our thoughts are upon wlmt wtt shall gut for Friends. We wish for something Huitahlu for it UMH .,'ift and thu wunu linn- Serviceablu. Cur Store alxmnds with st-nsilili), wrviculile and lovely presuntH. Space will not permit us to mention the long lint. Your inspection invited. MANTLES Hiiving bought a largo over-niaku of .I.-trkrt.s direct from Manufct- urorH, wu .-in- in a jKwition Ui givu big inducements to thone wanting Jackets. Sl'ECIALS childrens felt buttoned overshoes, sizes & to 10, regular price $1.25, special '>.">< ; Ladies' Rubbers - regular toe, only 2\, 3, ,'SJ, s|K'c-uil 25cts., Men* Corduroy VeHts, well made, well lined, fancy rolors, n-Kular price $J{.()0, special $1.75. Men's Tweed pants, gHid weight, itOctH. and '.IH.-IS |-i |>air. Men's heavy weight bUck shirU, regular price 75cts. Sjieciiil f><)ctA. Ladies Fancy felt alippeni, warm and durable, prices 75et, 11.01), fl.2Oand 1.50 IH.-I pr. CM KXILK TABLE COVERKS -regular price 85ct. , special (>5 ct. GROCERIES Choice raisins, 31bs for 25cU ; Choice currant* Itllw for 25cU ; Choice Figs II is. for 26ct; 2000 tba. mixed ran. ho* at Sets per It). No X m.-is dinner completed without a cup of our 25ct. Tea. Agents : Christian Endeavor, Epworth League and B. V P. U. Momhera, "Liaht of Life' in a treasure house of information. Wo ueed Christian men and women and other* who desire to do good and luake money, to circulate this bonk. BRADLEY -UAKRETSON Co.. Limited, ISrantforcl. Wedding Bells A very iiitrrcstint: event took place at the home of Mr Richard Smith on Wed ne, l.-iy of lait weok, when tin 2nd young- est daughter, I.yda, was married to Herbert .1 . While of Toronto, by the Rev. Mr. Ward. The bride looked very pretty in n travelling drmN of ^r.iy. trimmed with wliite satin MIM Bertha Smith asai.sted her siHter and wnre ureun. trimmed with while sitin. Mi Harry Nixon of Tor- onto supported the L,>room. Mnw Keinee MniiHliaw played the Weddini; March very niculy just before the ceremony, and after it WUH over dinner was served to about Hfty guoKts. The happy couple left for their home in Toronto on thi< live tritiii necoin|>aiiii > d by thu lirideHmsid and groomnman. Tho hnde received recipient many handsome prenenta. MIM Maud Smith entertained a number of her fiiendg in the evening. FLESBEBTOl (DOI1TOBE W AREROOMS ! We are carrying newest style uf SEASONABLE GOODS In all Hues of Elections Elsewhere K. IKI- HI. V| fin X. M Reeve Dnkumi. Counoillora Me- <Juri n, ll.i-itie. .M,- 1 n lyre. HI', I., aci'HR.isi v col \, i: Ueevo John M. l>vi, mai. _''', ('oniieillom .1 Richard.Hon, John Latoii, II. Heard, K. Ward. OSPRKT .H M II. li.eve .W..ii'iiili:ui. Councillors Ir- win AforriHon ,'t'.7, \\ II. (Juy SI4, John UtidMiii ?!.), K W. Norintii ^57. I'HOT )N roHNi'lL lo-i ve .). Cnliet. Coiineillont--D. Wilwm, J. Cooper, Jos. McAtdle, Guo. S. S. Anniversary The Hnnivoriwry of Flodliertun Metho- dist Snlituith ni'liiMil was hi'lil mi Moiidity rvi-niii^ lat. AH is :ih\,-tvs till) CAHe, H large .(uixntity of excellent uatitbleH w:is l sii[i|ilied anil full jlistico W.-IH dnni' thrill by childron nnd visitors The program wiut ditli'rrnt fluin that ^n.-n in tin- pnt, nil-Indium H I' uln.-li ro- .jiun-.l mi hour nnd -. ininutcs to dflivor. 'I'lif iiHiiitl linst uf rt'citntions was di- |.i-nsi-il witli, only two nr threo IMMII^'il ti> tin' singing tu j;iru it >|n.i' Tlio piwi'i'il* wi'i-f st-Hi-n-ly up to List yi'i\r. From tho oth'rors' n-jMirts wo nkwui it MuiiiU-r of inti-ri'stin^ ti^iiirs linh i;n to .sliovv tin- sliiniliiiL.' of tlii> -rlii. nl to lir i,n n tlii.ii. uglily Hound li.-i.-i- Tli.-ii .Hi' I Ml iiHtni's on tin- roll with in IIVI'I'JIHI" Httl'Il.lalU-l' of llll. MllllllHT of vi'i'scs coininitti'it to ini'ini'iy, 10, till. I'll.- library consistx of l,">0 liook.H, and noiii' liiiM' Hri-ii li,.-t diiriii)' tin' M .11 1'ivi' ditliMviil |pci-s an' ilistriliutcd in tin' M'hiMil. 'I hi' tl'l's report ;is encouraging nnd sliowtsl totalreoeipta \i'nr of Jf!l| '.!."> mid ilislnirscnu'iitri f74 Consisting uf ^Par/or and SSedroom jCounyes, id- Boards, Sxlan- aion and Contra "Cables. Chairs, Window Shades and Curtain tPotfs, Pictures, Castts, etc. - Which we offer at - Lowest Prices Picture Framing and General Repairing I'lidortHkitiK in all its Branches Satisfaction Guaranteed W H. BUNT, PROPRIETOR LB6r1tiHTON AHUirls No Boys The collections iivi during the year. stRMsJ Csasa |wrl tin- Impost anionnt Tin- ii^rd ti'-V |ior Suinliiy Mrs. \V. A. Am JTi.IlO in collection*, liy any to 40. of Monday evening aiiiount- aW*ia*stwl w-mmnif 1 .!<teil in hi- |inr,oH oll,!] ( .d for tbo Imsl KsHy on M' I- ,o , in.l A i '! , new storu. Follow- ing .on till! ll.ll IH-S of nnilliTl : MlHM .fomiie Hunter won ili dainty Hilvi-rwati li and . iiiin Mi.t .lenniu ia H nupil of MaikduU public iclnxd and IIITN was ,nl juilnwl tliti liimt Miiis Minnio Henry, a!nn of MHikdnlo nchool, won itccoiiil |'ii/..', a l.iutniiiiil dreM Mian Kv.i Small, of KluHliorlon nchool, nciiii'il I bird m i/i', n lovuly KI-.-V liunli rnll , and Mini Katu ho. -N of IVitvi'Mtoii woi f'Kirtli plaoe, it handHomu silk unibrellit with silver iiiuniiiiiigii. Tin- juiiKcH, K.'a New. -II, Km luiiitn and Hunter, after awarding the nltovu prizni highly rtHioinmeiiilnd the essays of th followini(: Maittir Willie Irwin, Mirkdaln ; ktn l>*vin, Viindidnur, and Min< Carrie Hutludgo, KlnaliiM ion, and wo iindiTstand that prices alan act to In- given to tliom rwoniniKiidi'd. It mint Im (gratify- ing to MoKarlnnd l!oni|Miiy. thtt innniior in win. ih the school rhildren aetpitted ilicnitelves, and evan who did n.>l w>n a priae will )> !>unfuted Ity the I'lfort and practice in oomnotiiiion. 1'huy weru liriirht. i-l^vnr and origmnl, most uf Uiem taken alii gather they botoknn a lrg degree of om faulty in the bright of the rising geiu-ration. AIIFNTH WANTKII For "Story of South Afnrn " l>y John Clark Hidpath, L. L. D., Edward 8. Kllm, M. A., .1. A. c.,.. pel, M:uiairiii hJlitor of the " Canad win Mngaxinti," T'.ront.i, at.d J. II Aiken, of l.on. Ion. i ti.i , whohaa return in! tins ni'i'k from I2yoaia* tntvi'lling n .South Afrien Inr u. Wo are the o> ly CitnailiHii I'lililislicr wlin l.nio had . t'iniii'li in South AfricA for ninet.-ei yearn, givinu un an iiiiiiii'iiH<lvnntnk'** (n.-.uiii'u: pliotogrnplu mid nititonal. Our ,1111 li nliip, lot tiTpri'M mid figrnv HICK 'ire snpeiior, and Canitdiaii i' ntin ^eiitn lieitor illiiRtrntiMl than in Hi<y ri'itl work Siniireitri- wu i.f this that we will mail tivo for couipunion our pros- |,i'.-t'i-i lo anyoiii* possi'.iMini; n rival pros BOAR FOR SERVICE TboronRhbrrd Heraahire Hoar (or orTloe oo lot 30, con. 4, Arteiusaia T>rnn T5 c*nt. \\. J KRNSKY.l>ro|<rwtor. irrUTf Liu.htofLife." TheNew AULR 1 J -Testament eiplained Mid the Lives .-f thu Apostles : two books m un. Kn.l"is,,l by all clergymen . lt'>iiania fur canvmuer*. AgrntH tnkini; orders from thr'i'-f"urtli calla made. If you want a aliuru in thin u.ild iiiino. luiHtle. UKADLKY-GAIUIKTSON ('.. , Limited, Hraiitfonl, Out. Farm for Sale Lota 18 and 14 Con. 98. P. K_ Townhl>> uf Viu-iiiMla. 100 aoren more or l*i, lint brn. rouKli cat .lwt*llin(. ThU valuable farm in ofTttrml for aalu on favortl le ternia of jua> intuit 11 utimtwi in a goivl KH'tion s'"'Ut 1 uiilea from rrirmillK anil 4 nill |.1lierton nation. (V r. K. About Hi) rrti t'loared aji.l cultivate-!. balance in nnn'.l timber. For terum atui rmr- ticulara a|i|il> to Oauial Motr or \V .1. IWO.HklY leeh eitoa. J. B. Sloan & Son World PubliahiliK Ontario. in*. AI>|,I; Sash, Doors, Kloorinfj. Sheeting, Boar for Service ('heater w'.illi. an.l imi> ovttil Varkublro CIVM. n iii:ri<.l ' mr Kir eil'eon I INT) and IT7, T. AH. II., A-tumuati. Triu t mat! J.STlKHOS, l'r.)i>, Boar lor HctviCe Tho fln ,'ired lliklili- t i boar 'Miiriian." m mn vire mi lot MS. T. au4 r* I , Arti-m-la, ' nm l at liiu of rvloa. 1V.I. grss ou ay 'lleatlou. WM. Hand Railing, Corner Hlocks.thebest of Spruce Lath, No. i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. timls line to Order run of Slontis far Chopping. H afrstacsioo in H our linos . Richardson & Co. 3lesherton - 'Dundalk FOR 19OO We take this opportunity of wishinjj our many customers A VERY HAPPY AND ProsperousEW YEAR Sorrje Seasonable Lilies Special Price* We commence the New Year's business by offering some exceptional values in very seasonable lines. A recent special c.ish purchase places our values in the lines mentioned below, be>ond com- parison am' you'll s:iy 3 o too when you see them. TJweeds and bulled Cloths. 27 inch L'nion Tweed, good patterns in light medium and dark grey 27 inch All wool Halifax Tweed, wear i/uaranteed, light and dark grey, fawn, brown and brunze green 27 inch wool Etoffe, fawn and brown eitrt heavy and clone- special job line 27 inch all wix>l Fulled Cloth. Heavy weight, checks and stripes dark colon* splendidly adapted for ; 1.11111114 27 inch All wool Twilled Fulled Cloth. Eitra heavy nd smooth finish Dark (ireys and fawns. Makes a splendid winter .suit. . 25c. 35c. 4.V. Grey Blankets Urey t'nion Blankets, 48-tW weight 5 tu. Urey Wool Blankets 56-76 weights G ftx. Ime !t[>ecial ooc. Stnpe.1 honK-ra, special *L25 Fancj Borders. Job ' 5769 yds. Grey Cotton Iu face > f ilie material aJvauce in prices of Grey Cottons, a special of enn 6 'liese staple goods atiracts tuoie tiiau ordinary interest a-jd atteu.. ju. \Ve anticipated the advance that has ukin place aud placed contracts accordiugly-securing our Cottotw at old prices. They're just delivered and we offer thetn at tigureg regard - lss of the present values giving our customers the benefit of our foresight and clus cash buying. 5 Bale* 4, 5. 6, 7. Sets, per yard. Heavy clod* cloth well tiimlit-J smooth and free from knots width from 84 to 36 inches Every one Special ! , White English Cotton Some special lines of our owu importation deserve special mention the cloth is singularly close and even entirely free from dressing finished soft for the needle and delightful to work upon Tbtee prices. 8cU. lOcts, aud l^cts. January sees us with a Lost of short ends of all kinds left on our shelves' tiie result of December's busy weeks we waul to clear them out quickly and mark mem Jowu without reference to their original cost. These are genuine bonanzas lo the cartful housekeeper. Ki-tunauts iu Corsets, OilclotUs. Dress Goods. Tweeds, Coat- ings. Silks, Flanuebttes, SKii tings, Giughaias, Flauutls. Sheet- ings etc, etc. etc, Hardware Depart. A New Years Offering in Window Shades. We're offering a lot of sample window shades at special I'nces this week they're all good colors ou heavy cloth regulation width and length some plain some with borders some fringed we sell them from complete with spring roller brackets aud pulls. Oneida Game Traps. All sizes in stock. Cheap- est and most reliable. Skates Skates Skates Acme Patternall siz2> PUin or NickelLvl. Boys Hockey skates from 50 cts. Men's Hockey skates irom $1.25,, Skate straps and repairs. CROSSCUT SAWSAND.AXES Notwithstanding our heavy sales of the past month we can still offer you as good an assortment as at the commencement of the season. Our ff^ri'Tfj and iratu+a art riptt and wa carry tk moit popular and nltabt* lines or tk market. . Richardson & Co. r Wicte- term begins Jan. 2, 190U <' 7?&rthern Siusimess Cotieye Oufen innn-1 Out . This institution ban unsurpassed {abilities for giving thorough in- stru.-Mm in 11 buitiru-xH tuhjecU. Kstahlt-tii..!. 1H.M Eighteen years f HoIiJ prograM. It tun the moat complete r.(iupmrU m Canada and l ie only hiuunew cullegv m Canada owning the r.uiklini* it Write Caul, (true and '"ll<a;e (which are sent f re- C. A. FLFMlNi;. IMncipaL tu w Vicinity Chips C MVMtavMta of the Pa*4 Week CarrfiiM) (tilled for the Important to Subscribers We hve recently en'ered into h"avj liii.-tuci.i <ili.'it:i.-Ba, and have done * fuliy rely in j f'.r wi>it>ee upon thus* who are indebted in Huhacrtptions and job printing. A K lance at <>ur lubscrip- tiuu Uitr w.xjld probably anuuesny reader. Th-re are actually hundred* of dollars owin^ on back snbHcripi>"na. The re- quntt u> rmpvet fully iiuidH that ur naV crtDurt who are in arieart will make an ndeavor 'o olvar <>ff the Ute and ^.4j in adrnnc* for nrx: Tear. Material* MV tip m price and we have nw t<> pay a good many dollars in pot.if * per aonua. which makei it all the more urgent that rene 'U and reiuittancen shall b prompt. Anticipumu an early ci>naidenou of tbu matter, and wuhintf ur reden one and all a very uerry Christ maa and * tuappy N* \ar, THE PUBLISHER. Write it 1900. Dominion ParlUxrnt will Feb. 1, The thrnj>>aiter r>xnterl wro Saturday nirnini{ lat. Chi pping 3cU. per ba<i at VViU m'i mill* Eugenia. "Copy" baa crowded u this week and we are obliged to huU < * *>iue corm- Money to l>n on farm five per cent. fm >( coals. Twenty-Ore ream* wanted to haul *- log* fri'in our loBiber nunp8 to R^ckvale Bro*. property at Bellamy A To extreme C*K! of the pact wefc kaa trooe far toward* uiaking up kjt tune for the mild fall. At the annual school meeting held lait wrek Mr. \V n t. D*vio. the re'initf tmsitee, waa re-ele:ced for another term. The annual movtiiu of the L O. D. L. . Artvni'siA, will !> held at >lrkdale at ^ cVvk "ii Tuenday, the 9tfa of January, l'.*. O. Mathew^on. Krc. Sec G< ovl girl wanttvl for Keaentl h->ue- vork. Good wa^eo paid. Fur particu- Un etiijuire at this otnce immediately. 4i percent prite Money leaned on <MKT terun of repnyiuent hy Ovo Kuther- fi>rd, Shelbarne. Expenes low. Com- inunicatioiii receive promiX attention. FOKSALEOR RENT.-Hou*. and two lots for ale .r rent in Klenherti.n. good house and cheap rent. For infor- mation apply at this tbce. WarK'ti Uortlon of Owen S'-und hio Wen iioiiiinated .is the *tamUrvJ bearer in the Conservative interest* fur the House .>f Cuuii'ii*. "The F.-urth Line L. O L. will h!d t heir annual concert on Wednesday e- enitu;. 10'h nwt., when a choice v>rorraio <*i I be rvii'lereil. Large bills have been issued givmx fall particular*. Anv person havingbush or timber fr H| within ei^ht miles of ur mill* will do e 1 to aee UK before sellioK M we can do better fi>r you than anyone ele \rmtf IIL; Bnw., Markdale and Rock- rale Mr. Alfred Warilrobe, who ha4 his leg broken .tt Mtrkdale recenriy. hud to have the wounded member removed below :h kuee. The operation waa perfonneil by two M rk i.ilt) doctors and another frow en Sound. TESTERS CANTED -For 30 oorua UHl gre*u maple toe wood, 22 ti> '.'4 inches. 'IV idlers for jiart or the whole, t be Hit in in writing bfore the oO daj nf this iH.'iuh. \V. E. Kicharilst>n. Mr. James Oenne lost eleven hagt nf roiled pv and oats by a thief on Thurs- day D'l-hc f last week. The nt* were taken from a Ssu in Mr. IteM.*'* ta-n. It will t<e well for farmer* in this t i.-mity tu keep s sharp Ux.>kout. An suotutn *mle f farm stock and im- plements will be held on (he rear of lot 11, C"0. 8, (Viprey, <>.i Thundsy, Jan. 18. the- pr -patty of Mrs. J. Kr<wnritli;f. st 1 p. m. See UUs. L J. Bproulr, awotnmerr. The ltnd has Mcurtd ths drill ahed fsr * skariiift riuk and on Satnnlsy starred to form their ice. Th* rink will be in full blast this week and ths baud will spare no ifcrt to give the young folks s g<vd *t skating, they eipsct to Vu.ld or tkrs* cavrniTsls. An etiter'ainmeu' by the people of the town line Osprsy and Arremeaia will be Kivi-n in what is known tu rtkhill church on Friday, Jan. It, The arisois- si. in is .,iily lOcu. , and Uve aftair is being arrni{*d simply tu give rbey<,uni;p4>ple a K ,i time. Th* Merchant* Bank <>f Canada, Mark dale, will isu money orders payable at nv point in Canada where there is an office nf s ch^rtcrMl nk C excepting tbe Yuk'Ki Dutrict ) at the follow n^ rate*: under flO. 8 oenti ; $10 nd nnder ** '. 10 cents ; 920 %ud under 93O, 12 crBU ; 930 to foU, 14 cents. Rev. J. C. Buchanan nf Markdale prmtched twice in the Methndist Church on Sunday in the morning t tbe chil- dren 1 4 the Sabbath sen >! and in the evening an el-siuent and unpreasive atr- mon to the older people, taking as his text the buildiru; f the ark and onunwllina his hfurvra to enter tha ark ' wfrtr. Mr. Buchanan i duKuuracs were much appreciated. The Adranc* is ettremelr unrrf u aiiuiice the death of Mrs. (Dr ) R. H. Herkl-noo at Toronto, which sad event curred "n Sunday last. It was ixily in .1 oie lut thst The Advance inot'unced Mr and Mr*. Hendersons wedding. Deceased suffered an attack nf plueriay, fr.-m which she neer reO'erd Err. Henderson's many friend* iu this vicinity were shi.cksd tu hear the news and -x '-Mi deepest sympathy. Deceased wis >lua Clara E. Tyson of Brantford. Rev. J. C. Buchanan of Markdale, who preached here on Sunday, was also to prvachat tbe Meaf. rJ R<Madsppointment, hut did not iret there owing to 'he fact that his Jfsrkdale driver was not a Stand- ard authority on our townahip roads and took him a merrj chsa* of three hoars' dunt'iou around the sidelines and cuo- awasoos, returniun to Flesherton without having amred st the appointment. There was much diaappointmjot, as both past, r and people desired to msec and form each other's acquaintance. As mentionea last week, the fmnrs>l uf the bt'e Dr. R'sebnroogh took piace t., Fleaheroii cemetery on Wednesday, 2?th irut. The funeral *aa conducted by the Masonic < >nl#r. deceased beinii member of rt>at b.-dy, W. M , J. Boyd. roading the impressive funeral service at the grave. Th* doctor's death wai cauned by intUmir*; ry rheumatism aixl he was unly ill one week, tie leave* a wife and one little tou to mourn hi* dav p \rture. The annual election of I. O. F. officer* was held on Friday evening list 29th inst., when the toll-, wing were elected : C. R . W Buskin ; V C. R.. W. Meads; Rec. > .-.. W SUughter . Fm. Sec., J F VanDtiMn ; Trvaa., M. Wilson ; Chsplsi:-, Rev. Jos. Wsrd ; S. W. , F. Bunt J. VV . Thos. Henry ; ^'. B., C. Muimhaw . J. B.. W. Uarnhouse. Thl* *-ciety has uow s membxrshipnf 71 mem- bT, the second largest Court m this county, Owen S>un<l beutg tine. W. A. Fraser, whi-se short story, "The Home Cominx of the Nsk uinitM, is pub luhvd in the January Lathes' Home Juni.t. is known s "the Rudyanl Kipling of Canada.' 1 The parallel is found in the vigor ,'f his ty!e snd the scene* of his t'nra. tae American wiliU a luotli- deU ludia jungle. At a dinner durinx rii(.'hnvj t visit t.' America a few months agi Mr. Fnuer t..ll :he story of " The Home I'oniing of tbe Naktnnie*. wlucii oo impressed ihe crea'.T. t' " Tom- my Atkins " that he insisted upon Mr. r'ntser's wri' the sti ry just a-s it wajt told. "And d'n't forget what the engineer said," he sddetl, emphasizinit hut demand thatao-^ood % story of ludian life aud tribal cuatoms be given to the public. A tittile Kiuiberley boy fire years of age write to Santa Claua u> bring him a box of piuuts, aud v< he was not awsre -;'i;a exact address he asked an adult frieinl to send it to the Toronto N ',i M, an hi' thouuhr the editor of that paper ought to know *he whereabouts of the chidren's fat friend. On Chrvtc- m.ts J iy parcel srrivvd all riuht with "Froui Santa Clau.s ' written ',n the cover, aud upon opening a very tine box of painto was diao.>-vred. Tlie little lad, is prouder than an oyster of the box of piuts. Mr. W. f. McLean f the Toronto Wi.rld is eridently in close touch with the boys' friend, aud appears to tw quite willing to use his influence At head- quarters. Fireat Dundalk M Richardson & Co's Large Store Burned to the Ground M. Richardson <fc Co's large store at D'n.dilk wa* burned bo the zrund early \\ntiiesdayrnonnnt;. Ths Sre *as tint seen at 12 15 and appears tu have started | upstairs. AC 11 4o pM>pl who passed | HH itore saw n..uhiu^ wn-n-/. W- en ' tint teen thn on had attained such band- way that no aitempt was nude to save anything and the di.r were not even opened. The cause of tire is not known There was sonu) >:<iur&i)ce. but Jfr. Rich- ardson'i loss will b heavy. He will, Lovever, immcdiare'y secun other prm- ues. Tbe *urr uudiug buikiinus wera tared through the heroic efforts uf the Promotion Examination Tha f.>llowini( promotions were mad in Fla-berton pu'.lic school at the rcent naaiination : Pt. II to 2nd Claas F. Be.,aniy, W. i' r .sley. M. Blakely. 8. ll>.i. E. Legftrd. S. Datris. E Lever. .> Micchell G O. Whitten FALL & WINTER We hae a good supply of all kinds of F wtwr fur the Season tha will keep yoor feet comfortable. Alsu fall lines of Overshoes, Rubbers and heavy SOCKS J>irst qoaiity and at /trices ta suit. TRUNKS and VALISES Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended To Win. CLAYTON Agent for Dominion Money order EjtprA. E+ + +.4M ' Pt. I to Me, I: .Ir rred Pt. II O. Minnie sc McTaviab. R Raatoo. ro Sr. Ill blakely, Jfartha Ruhy Tnm- Rcoauuended III ro Sr. Ill Ch. Thompson. L-u.s TeUr, Cmcrsun Wickvns, E.lui Pedlar. Stella McCalason. Stanley Tbur- Won. Reo.mmended Ellie Lever. Jr. II to Sr II A. Thuncou, I. Levsr. K. Loxard, E. Spence. E BUkely. C. VanDiuien, Rcommeudcd V True- Executors' Notice To Creditors In tb maMsr ot th *r at Bobn Par-1. lax* -it lb< Villa** ot of Ontario, 1WT. chapter IS. iissfcaa . that all creditors aad Jtne- nenosu ha*in claim* eaiaet tna ea*ate> it iiobeit McLean Party. UaM of tba Villaje of Bssjaaia la County of Gre. nentleoiaa assassw. who died oo or about the Sfth lay of March. ISlaXan required So aaad bvpos* pre- Eaud or deliver to lln nsilanniml n Iteaherlnn or i)waSoun.J solicitor far Jaaus at Tnontoo E*u . an<l 1. K. H-.toi Et . executor of U> iaat will and tasssmeot of to* tba ttn dy of Jenuari ail.treaeee Jpl ivKnpuoo aad a tall ataf- OMOt of peBttulan ,-f -.hlr clslsn saw perl T venfieJ. ansTO* nature o* toe eerantr if a--iT hei'l b? tbetn. a.-i-l -.ha* after tba at. I th ia ofJenoarv IDM. tit laid eieeotoiswill proewsd to (HstribuM to. MIISI f Mis md tanns tb partiM atttled hrto. ba*in ratal? to UM culms of which U> ahall Itb.a ssTOBoUaw. sadihat sse sob* ttabte for Iks sas so autriboasd or aav part tbvrvof to ant panoa or pcnoes of wbo* Mb** or cia-uj tn* tna.l O<M tb.:: bavs aotiea 1 iatl as riMQirtaa h 4tb lai tf D- Ittaw. J. W rrowt. Ow*n So.J Executors' Sale of R. HcLean Punly Estate Cadsr inatmetioD* fi^-oi tb* KuenSon of da BatsM of tb law BulMrt McLaan Party aba** will b* offrwi for aal at pubUc auewon by H, J sprout'*. K*[uir. Aactionr. jat M-jcafcaw' HoMl m tan Ml I Vt.t Or Mi.lMl :s THlstSViY. J15II 1RT II. l00 At half p*al oa* o crock in tb< sfWraooa tha ig propartiM, euoalaun of tuwn lou ( foilowl farui<. aad Personals Mr and Mrs. Jacob Clemen* of Forest are vmitinx their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Slauxhter Mr John Stewart is spending a mouth with fnnds m Gulph. Mra. Mirk Stewart is visiting her sist- er, Mr* Swift, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gibson ate their N.w Years turkey with Rv. J. O. Buch.* slid guid wife of Dundalk. Mr Buchanan and Mr. i!-.hson hail from the aaui town- fai>ley, ScotlajU and the visit was hiwhly enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. G. Se the rev. gentleman'* clever auid quaint invitation elsewbvre in this i*sue. Mr and Mrs. r*. L-kler. Mrs. John Thaler and Mr. L-.n Knrateo;t,all of Elm- wood, pnt New Year* day with rvlativra in town. Mi* M.ry Strain of Great F\lls,Jfor- tana, arrived on Saturday (or a visit t the parvutal home. Mr*. Charles F. Lewi* and little no uf JfUwaukve, are guests at. Afunsoaw's. T0> M.OT OF H iJEMA N v 1-Lot M Zooar* St. haJlaer*. Mtvnud. l'ar<:l So *-Lou and B* BoaqiM* atissa. .n* hal(aerach. pMoli. Parcel No. -U)l M Siuiptoo tr. one hal cr. patented. Parcel V- * Lot '.+ comer P4lialer an I ETana - tt .. lue half a*-rwacb. pss*asl. well fencwl. ha (rn aad tbexi* >. food land ami elovlUot lov Parcel No. 3 Ld*T V> IS CoUriaatoo Ssreet. Soutb. o'ard andgooii !jJ Parcel L*-e 4-Lot CnroberSw^. 9uah. one aal( acre, pauNuted. teuoaxl, <uod i*ad and aituattoo Parrel No. -ota 10 o 3S Haslaa StreeC. goutb. one half aorteacb. pe,Mn!>J. Parcel N. . - ! t JD rta^iau Street, N'orth. one half aero, paunw-l. Parcel No * Lou 30 to 38 Napcleoa vrvt. N'.Ttb.un* half acre oa:b. pe,inCe.t. Panel No 10-Lol 18 Napulwa Sins*, Soatb. , . Paruvl N N apoleon Slrset. South. two atrv. pacn:<x1 Parti*! No. IJ-Lot 19 South lide of NOTWJ f4ie>. three aa.i on* half acne, pasaiitod. .Tr.jnio ralla. g ood Mill IU*rT So. i. paMQti. buiMiu Iota, about one acr*. carv'T No. H-lota o n Nortb ODO baif acr *a>. h patent applied for Parcel No. lj I'art of Mill Kewrre Nc v.-acaract and Punly street* upon which is tbe mitleuce aud ttonof tb late Mr K. Mol^eaa Purd, alao a (ootl frauie stable and ha*n and email frame ll!iiw.)oD* rialf acre. patexiMd. HUT LA.ND5. Panel No. lA-Lot . Coo. [. in the TVwn- Inuof \rteui<Mia. '.UUaoree. .lauaWntvd. subject toUo'eroidut claim to be) uia>le known at time of tale end tubjuct to an agreement for tbe rni.'al of timber tberaon. an. I road ailowe^ice. Tni> lot ie aituated in l<ee>rr Kivnr Vai'o and tbe bearer Kiver is aai.l to run tbrvu^n or narth weet part of aaud lot. It ta . t to have aeveral spriu^ au.l auiail streaiiia ' \ cellelit water afFonliuay -i.<a!i -f irrigation Tbetartu ;* liatant troai Kliuberley i uj.lee, rroia Mark.laleT inline au 1 trou Kleabertou 5 Parcel No. iT-Part of east half i>f U<t No, T, Cjmmi i i. in ttteTowuslJuj jf Buplnaeia. 17 aerea, pejteccvtl, subject to a rtwervatioo of t moer to beuiaUe knowo at timeof Mae. Thu lot it oa tbo valie* read aljoi:nn< ibe vtlaawe of Kluiberley TUe sae. r\vt runs thrv>u*& Parcel No. IS Mill R*eere No. X W acre*, unpatent*.). nubjwl to %n ar*8i:iul mexle be t***a the late K. McLean Purdv and Jacob Sloaue aa to water power %o be n:aki aaowa at tbe tiuie of tale. At tbe cioeeot taidaal* there will be offered the pernoiial etfecuof tb* deeeamd OOD:I . of abop Bxturee. Uatioovrr. atcTr a ale%n. a lot of curioeitiea, lar quantity of very otd newepauere ao I uthor. article*. CeailiUoM of Sale . -Ail peraoaal pn>rer%Y will be ioi. I for oa*B. In the aal* >f real eotvte M pereeut will De require.! to be paid down, the balance wi&Din ft mootb wittiout iutereea All of Parcel No. It will b owere.1 9r*t aad if not Mid will be uui up in ee>yrs*e parcels. K.i' turtbei [varticulara of ealeapplv to J. R. Keq.. Guiceuia. Jmuiee Tnnraioo. Ksq , rley. or to tbe uo.iaraicne.1 J, W. PROT. Owes *.eJ iealctttr ter Dated at neebertoa, Osw. U, MK. *T ,^ * * J. SHEPPARD $ . . m .^. m m f I BSSSsi BSsB ttv We desire to wish our * * many customers one and all a U very happy and prosperous New Year. Your attention is directed to the announcement of a big * remnant sale which will ap- * pear in this space next week. m m m m m * * TJ, The - New - Store ! Christmas is fast ^^t , , v ._ an. ta. amount of Busuws. we are doang makes itapUarto come more ^uickly. W .- IM aV ing a Cash and daw BUSHWSB. and wh->n you get BuMnew done this way it it, certain that you are getting your goods at s nlf' P*alw- apon us again MEN'S BOOTS To Pairs m*ns Felt, four buckle ary htNTy stock, the regular pricw 2.30 selling fur 2. 15 pr. Brown. DRESS QOOD5 5 Press lengths Tweed a regular seventy cents) goods wiling for 65 Straw' -n Blavk. Blue Orven. Kel. Christmas Presents Books. Perfumes, GloTesv. Childs Bs Cape, Tauw. Fancy Handker- chiefs. Just inhand a car%cf Wmdaor &DS and coarse salt which will be sold eloaw. Fresh LSMMI. Oran. and Citron Ptl : Raiaios. Otrrants, Figs : Sn Set Bar* swkp for lOcta. GIT IM a imil ami geC or Pncs. Torx-nto pnc pajd fw Fowl snd Prod ace J. E. DOWDLE X STATION I ; E I

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