Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Dec 1899, p. 5

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DECEMBER 2i 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Card* MTUI.LOUOH * YOUNO llankori. Markilala Dot K.-neral banking buiiueea. Monr loaoeo +i a rt-aaoaablu ralu Call on u A8 VANDI-HKN. J P Clerk .'.tti OlT Court, Co Ore; tuer of Uarrlatf. I.lceuaa*. Conveyauaer Notary, l-uuiii- .Auutlooeer. Money to loaned from i to & per cent. Charge, moderate. PL.EHHBHTON P U DEBT* COLI.KCTKI, Tbo uiiil.nlKavd I. prepared to B-lertaka tin- collactloa ul all kind- of dobU. oti i bouKbt, accouDti ool'.ecte.l, etc K N HENDKItBON. ri.ih.rtoD TCHISLKTT KlMherton Button foetmaiitor. fu.umlMlouer In H C J, Convey- auc*-r li.-.-.l*. luortxaifet, leaaea anil will* rawn. UIMII-I to li-n.l at '.{ per cent ami ii|-- War.u. |)ubt> collected. Charges RJ 8PKO1 I.K Pontiuaater, Pleiherton ' nn'iii-iioniir In H. >'. I.. Am-tloneer. Con vyi|i---r. A|.|>rU<.T an I Money I.i'o.lrr Iteal K-ittn an 1 Intiirancn Agent. Dm*)* 4llfl. lt*ai*e airl wIlU carefully drawn valuati<>nn made ou *horteie m ti.-.- I i to 1. 1 in at lowent raton of Intoront <'<il I i.i witli prompter** . Aiieot for Ocean Dominion thlp Cni|iaiiy. A call solicited. AO I' \V tnoetn every Dint an I third Monday In ititch mouth, In .a ir lo-lRe r..iiT. Cliri.t .. - l.!,.-k. Kl.--.m-rt. m. at N p in A. N liUr<l, MA V M <>i i-nii. UBCorJer; W. ltll:ii> Kiuaac-iir. Viiitiuu bretbrca ( PKINI-P: \uriiTK LDDOK. No. XW.A. f \ I .,o i . 111 tho Mai'Miic hall. Strain'* block K.Kiln-rliMi, evnry Krl-lay on or Ix.fiir* tl-. full in....!!. J l lloy.l W II; W J llellam v . *> 1 1 turv. C. r i 1.1 MII itT'iv i d K. inlets lii .'....- Illork the laHt Krnlai -\. IIM._- In --ti-n in- >nili Vitltim: K.iri-tr* litarnlv . K II K LI). MIII . U.S. V. Va:i. DK I I II II I !>.,., li-t. Oiai-itt I ui> IMU .if T.ii..Mto ami Iloyal . ..I Dontal Hur^. .N.. Kl li.'ii.n - Monday an I 1 u< >.lay of eacli Dun . i -Tliurtj'lay. Krl lay and Saturday ut acii . alatHxIl Lat \Vu Incsday lu each lunnili Jl' M \K-ill M.I. t DM D us, I,D H II i ..... TII. i r.nt. t-it u i.l < < 'iital hurKeont. ,\ II MIS.-. liiiii.U k every Fli'litv ' ...... HI. tlintea I uf Klenlit*! t.>li DR. I: C Ml.'HR \ V, I.. I). H.. .lntal kiirm- .11 ,. ...... i graduate of Toronto t'nlv*TKlty an. I HOVHI Coll I ..... f I I. '111*1 S.II^.M.IIK Of OlltHII". Ki.'l.^ Will vim KfMi.iiaiu tliu lit We<lntday, of ea. i. iii'.utn : U I- III 1ST. L I.. H. llaiiii-tei. Hollcltor ('nnvr)ancer. .to Offlci- Ni *i to poMofllon, Hproule's block Kleli , i-nii .ri\ Tlii.r<iy aid o urt day N H iiMi-n Miund on.ce, {.'rust's block Poulell vast. Lf( AH. WIIIOHT A llAThON Miin int-r Solicitor* Convnyancera. et .::- -Owen Boun.l. Ont anil Mark. lali'i'nt W 11 WUI..HT. C A BATMN I II I>.\ N II I l.-ihertou office, MitclmU'i Itank very s.i' n<la\. TLTKKK * PATTERSON l.:niii.T". H<illcltora, ete Molaou i Hank. Owt>n Nonnd NARIIY O TUCK'r.h <iKO \V I'ATTKR.HOS 1ICKAV 4 ** >l HarrUUn, *< ill nKKICKS : -On. .11 Honii.l, Mcrctint' Hank Block. N -f l'.itt M-.II Hume, liundalk. Mai., it i. . l.overy Hkturilay .(I. MM ,\V.MA. II K.HAUl'HOX.UL.D.. i ii Att. III-T fur (trey. DK HI'TTOX MU>!M, M r P 4 8 Ont. Prleerlll. OnV" imti .I.Mir to llrnwo'i (tore . rniiMenee nii|i..-n>- at tli "LI |i"t nlM, reelitence of late A I ox Hi.iwn. Offloe Jayt I'ueaday* and Hatur- day* DH i illTKK M C P A B Hi, i I'liT. Irian. Hurseon, .to Fle)i"it. I'tcK stiitln'i block. Hoalilence Munnliaw i Hotel JOHN A SCOTT. M II Mi'iiilii-i Collean Phrale. t Onrnfonn Ontrtri" (Ira.luatn In Mp^lclnn of Tomiito I'niv.. .-. Pallowahlp Diploma. Poal iomiu mo MI. n. | Srhnnl and HnimUal . i')u..iu.. IHwaaet fif eve, >.ar. noun ami throat n|ii!liilly trout. I,Mai*ell,> Kvviimli.ii TUurn I 1 JP oi-TUWKl.f. \ ctiTi inarv lirn-l'i*-" nf Ontario Veterinary llrile..ce eoonil door .oath WMI in Harv utreet Thli itreet mn> Mull Preiilntrriau Clinrcli. 0\V NfA< K I K \ '...i-.a, Rorfleon and Oentlit. Ma> well L'I . i. int.- of Ontario Vntnrinarv rnllrtf* , ni 1 .in-. i wi'li T it. i I'nirordlt VlilU KUA " ^'...l'"-* lav fi'..n 11 a in t.. 3 p. in .IK) Ke>Mliaiii riiiir.l from f to * p. ni. Two sheep, ma- ! 'II on l.'l, | n l . ..i f Tin i wln..c*l.aU will I ,li ,. I Vf % *fw i Photos *** * TAKEN AT THE M i Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in fim-claiia style and ni I l.iwent rate*. Special attention ivpn to copying. Habiea' photos, jfe specialty. I'ictuies fraineil. MRS. Ill I -II k' 'A? i ?f$'9tt t '4f?'')if t ^9v{ t <7tf*<Vi$ t '4$''1nfc'7t? W. BARNHOUSE W . Dili's t i dr.-m 1 tile attention of the I'ulilic to tin- following : FLOUR IN BAGS Of all ni/.ex anil ;n ( 'In ,i|i as the rln-;i]i Ht. Special l>itt}>:ti!i.-. in 3 and 6 lUi r. 1 (it*. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in season . , . Groceries and Provisions. IN )O and C<>nX MITTS ,,,d I.Kcr:. NliS to order ud on Slmrti-s' Notice. WH. QARNHOUSE, Flesherton THE FLESHERTON Is tlip place to btiy your Ulanli. -t<. lii *. Mitts. Surcinj,'l s.ltups wool. Uubbir iunl Oilnl ; Wl|in and Inslies Cnmi-ombs and brushes, ^imp* mid liitH. Haiti TH all styles and ni/.rs ; Hells of every description. vuipiitls, t'ollur pa(ln, Honsiiioa. Now is the ti'nr to buy your lUi- iies before tli<- price itilvanccs. We make all styles with the best mnteral at the lowest possible living price H. Wm. Moore FLESHERTON. BOAR for SERVICE The i , T.-I . .1 Tamworth Bear I'c.HTI.VW HAN f,,r acrvlce at Port Law Cartillcute i-an beaew. by am>lylnE to owner. '.i"O. THOMI'ISi'N. jSlew II IVIIIK |inr -liNHiMl I lie I.IKI. nil lillsi -is from Mr !,<.( n.l 1 wish to annoinuv tliat tlii- liiiMiK-Nt will Im ooiitiinicil in till' .ll'i |HI-llll1l N. \\ I llavi- I. ,1,1 n lall(H city fxperii'iico and Iwliero wit can KIVU |., if,.i latiifactiou in nur lino. lluve taken over the RKenry fur Laundry ANl> - 'Dya - Worka And all ordera left with ua will racuive |Ti'omut and can-fill attention. Stiavio Pallors A. \Vilson . . Prop. Clubbing List For tlm liet-.efit of our auliacribert we aictm thin yttar nulunit th following clutiliihg rntcK for I|IM niiniii'i year. Aa MHwt |iaiii'r uivc l<alance of 1809 free to in w iulmcril>i*ra it mil Im wiio to hand in your iulMcri|itioni af> early aa poaxiUu Uiori'l.y rccei\ in({ creator value for your money Advancn and Montreal Star $1.80 Weekly MN A Kui|-ir 1 7ft 11 W..nkly <!l')l>e 1.55 " iKily World : IHily N.wa l.wi Daily 8Ur 1.76 aid Lot for Sale Soli, I i.tiok honae and |r.l aore lot In lo.lmr- ton, home oontaloi tefta Mona, Rood M.>HK oe.lar, nrft an.l liar. t wtrr. Will ve volil flinnp and ou aa.yti-MiiH to ^Tlirn WTVILUK. - 4rteu.elu Council The Municipal Council <-f the Town- iipof .-IIIVIIII-HU met in the Town H ill, iton in. Knday.Dt-ceiiiber !.">, IK'.i'.i Mrn.t i i nil preiuiit, t In- H.-ovu lu tho M iiuteN of the laataexaion were n ud and ruiitim a.1. KupiTt of Mr A. Muir, coiiiiiiiMioiifr of i)ivii<iiin No. 1, on -x | fll lllurB 18!MI ; report of O. Thuiiiptuiii on H|ii-cial i-X|irii. limn- n hill in i .i.. i-i.iii 10, 30 vidi-roml ; report if Jotui Hmil on -|ciul exnt-nditure on bri'L-e lot 180. Toronto line ; report i, f I i. Tli. .10, ,n ni stnlu'u UiNir, Town line A. and E , m d report of A. Muir on new il. viHtion, I'riceville, were |>mteiit- ed and 'eail. liy law No. 567, to open d vKtali ih a iluviniii'ii of road on L.,- 4, inn. 1 8. D R, wan u, rod uved and reii-i a hr i linn-. Muir -.! That Bylaw N,,. 67. to n|>rii -MM! e-tnl'li^li ili-v i tti'Hi of road i. n Lot 4 ('.in 1. S !> It., U now read a aecond 'ini.-. c-i'riHil. B.,yd-Muir-That Hylaw No. 5C7, !>r now i, a, I a nec"iid time, nirind. Boyd Muir-Tlut Hylaw N... 567 b now red third time, nii;iieil. xc-aled and i i.tcn-d in l!yl l.ok Carried Muir Koyd Tli i' .l.-fpli McD >nald n-fu <|.-<l on.- dollar -' t ixi-s of 1HW ccouiit nf of hin village It-, H|iuearmg twice on ('. Ili-ct .r* r-.ll Cur K.IN MII r 'lli.t ,1... HlHcklmrn U- i-fui df.1 M Till of hi. laxes ..f I Vi .M in mil of I, is pr..ticted illnias C*r r i .1 Th. i, up-. ,n Royd That .laiiirx Arm- sir- ii-.- l>- paid f^". ( Kl iM-int' Township IIP. |>ort ion of voinract on Roy'* hill Car nod. Ho) 1 1 Mini The account of D. M Taviuli for IducltHn.itlis work and n-|-uirs to p-.rl i'i;i.|,-r. *.> ll.'i, I"- | u'-l < '.IT ned l!-mi Tlioin|iH..|i Tli it John W.i-son - IMI.I >'i;ini, Imii.' pa\nii-i.t for repairs t a liridtte and two cu'ver'a in Ii is road diii-i.ii- >t- r>'.' "i. nil-lull'. I liy coamiiaaion er. Carried. Tlioin|u<on Muir Tli-t -lohn \Vel, i p. ml titty centH for iniiix-r used in r>-- irin.' hrnls{ on VHlley road. Carried. Tli, inpion -Muir That JanieH Ann r-Mi^ U- |mid 91 50 for repairing bridge I '.,11. In i- I. .t _'!' ('.iriied. Muir l!-.)d-Tliat thr ncooiint of U. cliottell C. K. for mirvey Mid |ilan of I.M.I leviat'on, b.t 4, t 'on. I S. D. H. ,,o, I,,- paid. Carried, '.yd Tlioiiiiison That D. (J. Mc- l.t-an ace.. tint .'t.V-ts foi- n-| to tcra|>er i aid, al" that \V, J. Smyth Iw paid (KJ for Livery rii{ for committee re A-lidnwn l^twauit ''arried. Tlioin|>!'-n Mull Hu^li Walton In- paid 85 00 fi.r Iniililmj culvert n M. i-nrd, Lii -.';. ('.. n. 14 ('arried. Itoyd Muir 1' .Mary Martin Iw rt-fu-i'led inn- d' <>f t.ixue of iKlC.t ul) oiiiiti'f error in aHHenauieut. Carried. Muir --Hoyd That tin- nieiniiera of the local hoard of health for 18!M ) |>anl 84 e;ich for their s. rvicne. Carrie 1 Kells -Muir- -That the |wroiit naineil lie paid for gravel for road* an certified by ..v.-i-.-i r~ viz. Jaiiiefi Hill 91.40, W. Ki-hi-r 91.&0--C'ar>ied. Tliniii|ion IViyd That Robert C->op er lie). !.! ' for re|>airiiii! wathout on 35 ndroiid. Con 14. aaordered l-y i.vrrvcr ai d teci.imnendeil by conunia sinner. Carri> d. Kiln .Muir Tint W. ISuyd lie paid H- I- na per account rendered for lumber supplied c-intni'teo and uaed in c.niiplctioii of hutae iihou hill job Car- ru-<l. Thompon- Ki-l!a- That collector Me- Cnrmaek, Hlair and l..i<iin>-i, havinit completed the collection of taxea in the luvernl dmiionv th-y tx> paid their sal- ry, $25 oach, nnd $1 allowed them for p,-.ii;i' 11 \n-r liyUw. Carrieil. Hoyd Thi.|ii|,aoii- That the account nf S. Shenr.lowu tor ili^uinK ditch bit not entertained, aa the aaiuu in not in accord- ance with bylaw. Carried. KeIN Thoni|n"ii Tint Mr. Thtiraton hai'in; complete. I Ins priming contract for IMi i, he Im paid Ilic Imlancedue him, $15. - Carried . H-iyl Muir- That (Jeo. Moore Le pad fd.^0 for gruel U-A.! on townline A. ami I'., ami tliAt Proton council be v-ln-il to |iiy to our tniKiirer one half of the am ,11111 --Citriod. Kells Muir That (Ji-o. Moor* Itopaid 8,'t 55 fur gravel uae.l mi roiul a cortltied to by nvurxeer Carried. Boyd Muir -That Wm. Cawell he piiul 830 for repiin s to bruWe at lot 180, Toronto line. Ha |wr report of cummitti<. Carried. Hoyd- Thomjwon That Oeo. Ludlnw bo paid 94. 12. being Irilt coat of repairs to bruluu on townline A. and P Carried. Itoyd Thoui|won That John Madill he paid 97-W), *>eina half cost of rupiirs to bridgu on townline A. and P. on gravol road nouth of Iniitic^u Carrind. Muir -Thompson That John A. Boyd bo paid 92 for letting and iiupectiiiK work nf repairing bridge on Toronto lino at lot 180 Carried. Muir Kells- -That (1. Thompson b<> paid ICi.lM coniniini>ion on Siio uxpendi*d on i-o.nU nnd Lruli-rs Onrneil. Itoyd Thoni|Hiin Tlut Mutwra. l.u.-iw it A' Mnt-i>ii, jiolicitont, be puul Jlt>7 their fees and dialiiiraeinvntM in tho auit A-hdown v, and that the i. i-iri action in paying thu ainotint of ilioiiiij.'rB awarded, I'J(HI, nnd the pltm litl ' s. .In-ill. rt' fees ami wtlnetw rhiiryeH, S"7.'l.'.'i!, bo and in huroliy ratihed and eonhrined Carried. Mm- I'd., n- pi ,11 Tint R. McGowan bn |wnl 9 1-'"'. Ix-i'irf purvbaae moil- y for l.-Mitioii through lot II, con. 1 S l> K . and ili 't the Cluik |>re|wro deeil ,,f the (nine i n 1 |ire<i'ii' ( Mr. Mc(! >wan foi . \ iiiioi Cam.- 1 K.-1U 'I h, imp- it Tltut th tefxirt of A. Muir "n Ho ! i M ; of|o-i ai '.' 4 - I PI. rilrl that the cost thereof, viz. $.'12.45, be paid Carried. Koyd Kclli That A. Muir l>e | -li.l 97- U<> for overaeoinK work auJ m:rvicca ..n n.nnnittee re McGowan'. devuition Cartied. Hoyd Tliompex>n-Tht the Reeve I* paid ffli.SO fur service* on c.-inniitiev r deviation of n.iul throu^ii Mr. .Mr'i--n larida. Carried. Kulia Thompson- -That Mrs. Bcroft C',iiiTiiuiiiinli..n a'l<lrvNi<--d to Mr. Itoyd be lau* over for future connidt-raiion the council not Iwing in poxtt<-ssi<-n of all the road HOI! fenceM inenti -ntl.- ( '.in u .1 Thompson- !{<iyd That in accordance with the ofler of John Weher t i pay -x- |MMMm in connectiun with re Kerveyin^' n-Jiilrtiiy opprxite IHN property on c.-mli 'li.<t IIIH funce in in it< proper plc<> the council to pay the ex;., -i. i-i, IM- ao- . epti-d and ih.-x* thi council pr o-e-l t - have surveying doi,c ac.-oriiiiiK.j. t'tr- Tied. Ifciyil Tlioni| - Th.-it the applica- tion of Mr. Jolui Wei er, in lutve iil,struc- lionn removed fr--in VilU-y roul n- L -t '-'-!. <-.-. 14. Iw refeareil t , Mr. K- II. aitli a view of having tame reiii'-v-il. tin- s-i o- t.i !>- let by pulilic c .in - -lii .o C^irieti. 'I 'In-nipKoii Ku!h - -That tho '-ffi - (J-... I. Uit-iii. r for the iiinlii r on K*-t Str.-ot, Eugenia, be HJ.-CI -[i-.i <l, h- .,r.iii;-_' to pty ?.") (Ml .ind to clear 'In- tim'.-r - tf two ro.Uof c--iitro of aaid mrtet.- -Carried Muir That the r^-p- a QEHSKIU We know of \ nothing better than couching '] to tear the lin- j ing of your throat and ilungs. It is I better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep ir up and you will succeed in reducing your weight, losing your appetite, Drir.Rln.i on a slow fever, end making every- thing exactly right for the germs of consumption. Better kill your cou^h before it kills you. the Police Trustee of Flwli^rt<>n bo T<" Ceivod.- I'inri' 'I. Tliompdon Bojrd--That the n-jr-rt of coiiinnttrf r>n contrac' "ii Roy'i* nill b uilo|)ted and piililiHheil wltli the minute* of council. --Carried. Muir -Hoj-d That Mr Thom[O!i wait n|>on Mr I. >ve v.i'.'i vi^w ..f ae'- tlin/ tlic claim of J. B. iaii fordiimaja. tn nif on pMil. 'Jarrii-rl. Koyd Muir -That the Clerk acl >w ledge rrci'ipi of c<>niijiiica'i >nn fiou P. McCullooh ami J. li. K^tn .-'d utata that Council m t(i\ ini$ the Matters Mtioov R.yd -Muir That CMInctor John Wright'H tune for r-uiru of h c Roll i* .\t.-n.l.-.l t.. the 8ih d.y -4 .latmurv I tx . rnt notliinj; herein >hll alt. r -r M. c liia dutii-t to rt-'urn Im roll i.r in my way ln\;.ii.i .t. ill., liabilities of his HU- Kei' |{.iyd -That tliiroun:.l l-ruby teno>r tli^ U'evr. Jolui MoVilhnr, Eq., ihnr aincrre tLankx fi.r tlif nn|)itrtutl in .-iiiin r in hi. h hi> ha diac)i.>r!>'-d hi iliiiii-< i I' -i-ve of thi^. Munici,.sliiy for In- \nr . alx.ut clo-inj. Tuii le ilo- M-iti wn put liy (.'ouiifil!o Tlioifi|ionaii'l I \ H siai.iniu Tha Couin-il adiournel. The Markets. t arrfullv t">rrM-U-d Karh W $] kills coughs of every kind. A 25 cent bottle is just right for an ordi- nary cough; for the harder coughs of bron- chitis you will need a 50 cent bottle; and for the coughs of consumption the one dollar size is most economical. " My roof h rtdurrit me to a met* akrloton T trml m*ny rmr<lie, but they all fallmt. Af^>r imn^ttia Cherry PfToral I InmedtawlJ !- Ifan to hproT t an.l thre hortle 1 ** rtrl mo to health. 1 bcllere 1 owe my life toll." HABAB F. MDROA*. Oct. ", 18PX. Bmwntoitn, Va. Wiic. * -e -> . ii. i " I'.trl.-y i Ti li I'orlt. . K&K K&K K&K K DI&K.&K. Tht Leading Specialists of America "0 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. WE CURE EMISSIONS! N-. inf ntn be Bar* daraora: ' < Touu(<-r mi.t llo-a^l men tha.i T - I i eooe (.f lbr>e "nitfiillr Imesr ." 1 h <-y ' I pfoowoe weakn'^4. nrnrt>ufne^. a fesHK I of <- i. j >r bo>ia*. iuan-io-1 I life sut KX. .1 ' I whether ran>l l.v . -i jrnulh. I nato- Iwfmkneeaor Miunl eici mm. sea . tthoj InatEtni will pcaUi*eJy NO CURE- NO PAY Header, you Dev-t help. K.irly aKae or I Intrr tireM* mr-ir have weakecoil . u. j I Expoture roar bav . I I are not safe till rare-!. - nrV >!- I will cure you. You r JD : 250, 000 CURED Ynun* Man y fta w |*I . I an i hnb>*rd; c**riu*. irritable ftt>l fli- eitablV Vou become l-.rrt f l, morn**. aiul d et) undent ; l> un',."i i>j-r, wHnklod f c, ituotfinc form an I iioimcnt c --i ittiu-uicc r?vcl the bhybicf y<>u.~ e vistoLCd* WE CURE \ARSCOCELE Ko m.-ittvr h-jw verio-.i. your case ina/ 1 I be, orh.iw l..i yuu roav l-..ire ha.| it. oar I i NEW ilETHul) TKK .TMfcM will' ore it. The "wonnjr <-nn" return t. I their normal ct-tiJition ac 1 hence thuj teiual ontaos rrceive i p-i-*r nourUl; I ueot. The orvsui bveMM vtaalMM, .Ul unnatural draws or lu;te* ooaaei aadl manly powers r> turn. No temi-omjtl hrnrflt. nut a Derioanrnt rurv a.ureo. I I NO i;''KK. SO PAY. NO OFKKA-I ?liv >KY. No I'! ION rnoxBi'si.NEss. I CURES GUARANTEED I II W.. treat and core KYFH1LJ8.I GLKKT, KMI-S.1N-*. TVT- '1 KNCY.I ,-TKIi II'KK. VAKir'VKI.K. SKM1-I ' NAI. IJ>SSES. m..\i'i>i:ti A NO kii. | NKY disa*es. CO N SI LT A T t ON 1 HtKK. H'T'iKS FUKE. CUAKUESl . MUDKH \TK. If unahlo to rail, write! for a Ui:i-sriO.\ ULA.NK fur r " | TREATMENT. KENNEDYTkERGANl 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT. MICH. K KlrK K&K D. McTavish FLESH KTOX REPAIRS... Fir Massey- Harris. \i>\i>n. Klt-ury snd \\ilknn.n fat in tni| lements . li-ury ami Yerit>- pluwx on liaml all thr time a'an all kiniU n irfuin Fr the same. W inamifacture \Vag.-ns, Biiu'K"'"- ''uttrtn, Sl-n;hs. etc., Hi'rseshiwint/ "ri'iiiptly nttonilril in. Sjn-cipl attentinn to ti-iult-r i. u ,racted fet-t. **> n-ini; and l'l.,w C'huina cmistuntly on hand. FOR G001D Sleighs and Cutters. II Goto John H. Heaid & Son, who li^ve ^ number of Sleighs and Cutters on hand ready to ;: run. Also two cows anil a number of Plymouthrock Cockerels fi : 1( !c. . * i < * r.' ....... J. H. Heard & Son ......... . ...... 1 2 1 1 1*77 * *'*, *>l.v"*******-fl9* - . M, - * **** >**> ... . . % . | -! "

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